How to check there is a curse. Generic curse: how it manifests itself, types and signs

To check if there is damage or a curse on you, you need to pour water into a transparent glass and gently break it there. a raw egg without damaging the yolk.

Move this glass over your head for one to two minutes. If white threads of a boiled egg go from the protein to the surface of the water, then your fears are not in vain, damage has been brought on you or a curse lies.

If you are still convinced that a curse lies on you or your family, and you don’t have the opportunity to immediately turn to people who understand this issue, you can use old folk conspiracies to remove damage, curses.

A conspiracy is a kind of spell. Each nation has a great variety of them, for almost any occasion. The mechanism of action of conspiracies is unknown, but some believe that it is similar to the principle of operation of mantras. The mantra is a combination of transcendental sounds used by Buddhists to address the Lord, believing that this ritual frees the mind from anxiety. But, whatever conspiracies actually are, practice shows that their use often has a positive effect.

Before any conspiracy, it is necessary to read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

An example of a generational curse

Several decades ago, a girl from Tatar family fell in love with a Russian guy and was going to marry him. The girl's parents, of course, are against it - they want to see only a purebred Tatar as a son-in-law. The girl is stubborn and still marries without parental blessing. Her mother was so angry and offended that she cursed her own daughter, and at the same time her new husband.

Some time passed, the girl had children: two daughters and a pet son. By that time, the Tatar grandmother had already come to terms with her bitter fate and was nursing her grandchildren with might and main. But, as one well-known mystic writer said, a curse is like a born child, it cannot simply be canceled, it can only be passed on, and this, in turn, is a process that is practically uncontrollable.

However, back to our story. Youngest daughter turned out to be mentally handicapped - the first blow. A plump and healthy three-year-old boy suddenly died of bowel cancer. The father began to drink from grief. Some time passed and eldest daughter married after many failures. Unee was born long-awaited son. After some time without visible reasons her husband also began to drink too much. The eldest daughter herself died under the wheels of a car, leaving her fourteen-year-old son in the care of an alcoholic father. A year later, he died of bowel cancer. The boy was left alone, not counting the sick grandmother of the drinking grandfather. The continuation of this story will most likely be as sad as its beginning.

Before you begin to remove the spell, it is very important to find clear evidence that confirms that you have indeed been cursed. By constantly thinking that the curse exists, when in fact there is none, you yourself can create a negative effect with your suspicions, and the countermeasures you have taken can further increase its effect. It turns out that you can curse yourself therefore, any signs of a curse should be treated with skepticism and caution. When considering these signs, first of all connect your logic, since you must understand that a real curse is quite rare. Below I will give examples of indestructible evidence that can unambiguously point to a curse. If you have only one piece of evidence, then it may be a coincidence or a mistake, but if you have revealed several facts, then your suspicions may turn out to be reality.

You were told that you were damned for real an existing person - your detractor. If you are sure that trouble can happen to you, your subconscious mind will act as effectively as magic. This placebo effect means that your enemy does not lose, but only gains when he says that he cast a spell on you. If he or she is a strong magician, these people can make you lose your peace and thereby harm your health.

Remember, even if someone tells you that you are cursed, this does not mean that a spell has actually been cast on you. If someone knows that you have a fear of the occult, or someone has become aware of your interest in black magic, he can do a lot to throw you off balance.

You recently traveled to a country where curses are common and studied its culture. As mentioned earlier, they resort to relatively rarely. However, if you have recently traveled to a country where magic is a religious tradition or integral part, or it is used in medicine, then you may have disturbed a person who practices black magic and is able to cast spells.

You found your ruined photos, a bound or mutilated doll, or a dead animal, bird or insect . Mages often use the similitude effect when casting a curse. They can pierce a photograph of a person with needles, tie a rope or mutilate a doll, torment creature for a person to experience such suffering in reality. However, more likely, an abandoned lover or husband will break old photo, and will not store it, and, in addition, we should not forget that animals often die of completely natural causes.

Your cheap jewelry was stolen . Sorcerers and witches also use to apply a curse - for this they need items that are emotionally or physically connected to you. If a thief broke into your house, turned everything upside down and stole only a comb, nail scissors, a pillowcase or a hat that you wear every day, but left an expensive TV and jewelry, then it really looks very suspicious.

Your ill-wisher is struck by misfortunes like yours, or he suddenly achieves success in life, and you only lose everything . There are several magical laws, according to which every magical action taken by a person causes a similar reaction in his life. It is called karma. So, if you fall ill with an unknown and rare disease, then your enemy or his child can expect the same suffering, i.e. he will experience the consequences of his bad karma.

The action of other magical systems is based on "pulling out" the energy and strength of other people, which is called energy or mental vampirism.

When I use the term " energy”, I mean spiritual energy, not physical. spiritual energy, which is sometimes called qi, is the life force that feeds the entire universe and all living beings. It is an inexhaustible source of magic. If you start to lose all sources of income in your life while your enemy continues to get rich, this will be consistent and indicate a magical connection. But such coincidences can occur in physical world for quite natural reasons, and such evidence is not so convincing. However, when considering such indications, other supporting facts and evidence should be taken into account.

Curse- as if chronic illness, which surprises the human energy field and attracts negative energy to it. The specificity of the curse is that it does not deplete with the death of the damned, but can destroy each of his kind.

You will need

  • Bowl or glass of water
  • thin church candle
  • Matches
  • Egg
  • Wax, better than any bee.


1. Checking with a church candle: If everything goes wrong and it seems that someone’s unfriendly freedom controls life, if a person catches himself doing things that are unusual for him or something sincerely destructive, as if contrary to his freedom, then before dealing with clairvoyant of all types, it makes sense to perform the following actions: Buy a thin wax candle in the church, light it and move it around the body. Observantly look at the behavior of the spark. If he suddenly crackles, smokes, the wax will flow as if in large drops - “tears” - it is permissible, there really is an evil eye, damage or a curse. It also makes sense to walk with a candle through each house, only if it is removable. Maybe the fire will indicate that the curse lies precisely on the dwelling, and the person falls under the negative primitively because he lives in the wrong place.

2. Check with matches: Fire is a cleansing element that can reveal the hidden, and its interaction with water reveals many secrets. Associated with this interaction is an old, nineteenth-century pagan method to find out if there is a curse - to burn three matches to the very end, completely, and throw the burnt one into a glass of water. If there is a curse or a strong evil eye, the matches will sink; if not, they will remain floating on the surface.

3. Egg check: An egg is a symbol of the universe, with its help “roll out” diseases, it can also help determine whether a person is under a curse or a streak of bad luck pursues him primitively. Take a glass of water and diligently release a raw egg there, trying not to damage the yolk. Raise the glass above your head and move it as if drawing circles around your head for several minutes. If the egg white seems to curl up and stretch with white threads, then there is a curse, if everything remains calm, as it is, the person is clean.

4. Wax Casting: The most common method to find out about a curse is a wax casting. In order to try this method, you need to melt the wax, approximately 150 grams, put a cup of water in front of you and, concentrating, pour the wax into the water. Observe the casting observantly. If it is smooth, then everything is in order, but it happens that the casting forms circles - this is an indication of damage or a ring of failures. Cones or a wavy surface at the bottom of the casting indicate a slight damage or evil eye, but the most alarming sign is wax frozen in icicles, and the longer and sharper the icicles, the more dangerous the curse imposed.

The evil eye is a superstition, the meaning of which is to violate the human energy field through divination or unkind thoughts. People exposed to such a negative influence may feel spontaneous weakness and apathy, their sleep is disturbed, and diseases arise. To verify the presence of the evil eye is allowed by some signs.

You will need

  • - matches;
  • - cup;
  • – water;
  • - gold;
  • - church candle;
  • - saucer;
  • - wheat;
  • - egg.


1. Pour water into a glass and read the prayer "Our Father" in order to clear the space around. After that, burn three matches one by one and throw them into a glass of water. If they remained on the surface - there is no evil eye, if they stood vertically in the water - a small evil eye, and if they sank to the bottom - they made an evil eye or even damage on you.

2. Swipe pure consecrated gold over your face. If later on the metal arose dark streak, you, most likely everyone, were jinxed. Use only pure gold for this, without additives, the sample of which is not lower than 585.

3. Place a glass of water on top of your head and break a raw egg into it. After this, lower the dishes and observe its contents observantly. If the yolk calmly sank to the bottom without coloring the water, there is no evil eye. And if there are stains or silver balls in the glass, someone has broken your energy.

4. Find out about the presence of the evil eye with help church candle. Let a relative or a person close to you light a candle and slowly wrap it around you from head to toe. If the candle smokes hard or crackles at the same time, the evil eye has been imposed on you or bad luck has been wished for.

5. At the dawn of every day except Friday, take a saucer and carefully wipe it with a clean white cloth. After that, pour a little wheat into it and say the following: “What I am, such is wheat. As they looked at me, so the birds look at the wheat. Amen". After that, put the saucer outside and cross three times. When the luminary sets, look at the saucer. If each wheat is left, someone has jinxed you.

6. Listen to your feelings. If, after meeting or communicating with some person, you suddenly start to feel unwell, or your state of health changes dramatically for no special reasons, most likely, it negatively affects your energy. Better to stay away from such people.

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Today, it may seem obscurantism to someone that one person is trying to bring damage to another. Unfortunately, black magic still exists, moreover, it is a fairly common phenomenon. Is it allowed to independently determine that a person has been damaged, and if so, how to do this?

Sometimes it happens that all sorts of misfortunes begin to fall on a person or an entire family. Brings health, and heavily seriously, snags begin at work - right up to dismissal or the institution of a criminal case, pipes break through at home, equipment breaks down, a fire may even occur. Of course, it is possible to attribute all these phenomena to the onset of the so-called "black streak", but it is possible that in fact a person was damaged.

How to independently find out if there is damage on a person?

Corruption is a very solid negative influence directed to the detriment of the subtle bodies of a person. If no measures are taken in a timely manner, then powerful damage can literally bring a person to the grave. Consequently, if there is any doubt that you have been damaged, it is necessary to diagnose and remove it as soon as possible, on the contrary, everything may end badly. In order to independently determine whether there is damage to you, it is allowed to use a church wax candle. It is necessary to light it and baptize yourself with a burning candle from top to bottom. If it crackles, smokes and flares up, scattering sparks around it, this is the right sign that a negative has been directed at you. Black streaks on a candle say the same thing.

Find out about the presence of spoilage - a method using an egg

Another hefty effective method for determining whether damage has been directed at a person is using fresh chicken egg, cooler than anyone - right from under the chicken. For this method, a glass of water is taken, an egg is broken into it neatly - so as not to damage the yolk. A glass of water and an egg is placed on the head of the person being checked for the presence of spoilage, and held on it for five minutes. Later, the contents of the glass are observed observantly. If transparent threads stretch upward from the protein, then damage has been directed at you, but not very serious - for tears, for lack of money. The thicker these threads, the more serious damage was induced. If there are bubbles on the threads, then the specialist obviously acted. In the event that, in addition to the bubbles, there are also black dots, then the damage is done to death and it must be urgently removed. If each yolk turns black, then the person is actually not a tenant, and only the urgent involvement of the magician will save him.

What to do if, according to the results of the diagnosis, damage is on a person?

If you conducted a self-diagnosis and found that you were still damaged, then as soon as possible, look for a practicing expert in the field of magic. It is virtually unthinkable to remove damage on your own, and it can cause irreparable damage. There are not many really powerful magicians, but there are such people, and their contacts are not difficult to find.

Blessings and curses are verbal programs that people "impose" on someone else's life. Wish scenarios for being angry or kind-hearted “work” not only in the lives of the recipients, but also in the lives of those who are the author of such scenarios. How does this happen?

With the influence of the word, the work of the mechanism of cursing or blessing in the life of an individual, a family clan, and even an entire nation is connected. Consequently, knowledgeable and intelligent people warn: "Watch what you say and how you say it."

Curse- this is an angry wish, pronounced and imprinted in verbal form. By combining the energy of an angry wish with words, a person can harm another person, “set” a negative life program. It is extremely unsafe if the curse "falls" on the prepared soil in the form of negative emotions, angry in disposition, misconduct in deeds. A curse sent from outside gradually compels a person to do ruinous work in his own life, in the lives of those close to him. The picture is completed by the miserable cases and fatal circumstances that line up around the life of such a damned person. The result of such a process is loneliness, illness, physical and moral damage, misfortune and even death. The curse does not bring happiness to anyone, and the sent "black" energy, having done its ruinous work, intensifies and returns to the one who sent the curse, like a boomerang. Consequently, wishing misfortune to others, a person falls under his own curse, and retribution occurs - the correction of honesty in accordance with the universal law. It is the curse, “in the hearts” sent to the hated person, upon returning, that can provoke a whole chain of misfortunes and serve as a reason for the curser’s life accident.

Blessing"works" on a similar thesis. What is a blessing? This wish is good-natured, also pronounced, imprinted in words that can be perceived and realized. The energy of wishes is good-natured, connecting with words, sets a positive life program. Such a program works productively on "fertile" soil, in the life of a person with positive qualities morality and creative deeds. But the matter is not limited to this. Blessing is able to “correct” mistakes on a thin tier, in other words, to have a healing effect on negative processes in the life of a person. In other words - to make it more excellent, cleaner, good-natured. Like a curse, a blessing sooner or later, intensifying, returns to the “author” of the blessing, bringing creative metamorphoses and positive events into his life. Frankly wishing good-natured others, a person improves own life.

Relationships in people's lives are difficult, occasionally confusing, and invariably interdependent. Bad wishes return, as well as good wishes. Consequently, following easy logic and healthy sense, it is worth considering: to curse or bless? Wishing kind-hearted even to an enemy, we are able to make him cooler, reduce evil. At the same time, by wanting to be angry, we multiply this evil and attract it into our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. This is the wisdom - to keep your tongue from trashy wishes addressed to other people. Bless each other.

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Wax casting and candle cleansing can remove a minor curse. If you remove a curse on someone with this method, then read the prayer “To the Life-Giving Cross” and “Jesus Christ from Corruption” in the process, and after the ritual, wash your hands up to the elbow with cold water.

Useful advice
Before any action, you need to read the prayer "Our Father" three times.

We inherit good or bad genes, responsible for our appearance, character, beliefs, tendency to be overweight or problematic skin, and much, much more. We often hear about the similarity of the eyes with the mother or the gait with the father. Some of the comments make us happy, others make us sad. Ancestral Curse- this, one might say, is the same inherited gene, passed down from generation to generation. The negative action of your ancestors can cause big damage of your life. How to determine if you are under the influence of a generational curse and find out the possibilities for removing it?

The concept of generational curse

Ancestral curse is one of the strongest and most powerful effects of black magic. If ordinary damage pursues only one person, then this spell affects his entire family. You have to pay for the misdeeds of your ancestors, and then your descendants will have to pay the same.

It is sent to offenders out of intense anger and hatred, with the aim of causing significant harm. This curse has a special power when it is sent to a person in the last minutes of his life.

Signs of a generational curse

Indicators, thanks to which it is possible to identify the current generic damage, are diverse. There are the following main signs, read them to find out the truth:

  • Negative events haunt you and your family for a long time. It could be financial ruin severe illness and even the death of relatives. If you find out this situation, you should immediately contact the healers, otherwise the gloomy chain of tragedies will continue.
  • In your family, relations are tense to the limit, you constantly quarrel and break ties with your closest relatives. Such conflicts can lead to the complete disappearance of your kind.
  • Among relatives there are many representatives with drug or alcohol addiction. Often, addiction to alcohol is attributed to stress and problems at work, but a very likely cause is a birth curse.
  • Serious diseases are passed down from generation to generation. These include cancer, infertility, mental disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Maybe it's not just bad genetics?
  • Young family members, including young children, die in early age or suffer from serious illnesses since childhood.
  • strong and friendly families break up for stupid reasons.

Family curse on the female line

Such curses are popular for many reasons. Women see it a little differently. the world, their feelings have strong influence on actions and sometimes cloud the mind. elevated emotional background often leads to turning to black magic in order to get even with ill-wishers. Here characteristics curses on the female line:

  • They're in to a large extent affects children regardless of gender. They are born weak, suffer from serious illnesses, sometimes there are deviations. Infant mortality is common. Some children escape the curse so that the lineage continues.
  • A woman gives birth to a child without a husband, she has to raise him alone.
  • Financial instability, manifested in the constant lack of funds for the maintenance of children.
  • Diseases in the female part, leading to infertility.
  • Addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs. The consequences of these bad habits may lead to death.
  • A woman becomes pregnant not from her husband, but from other men.

A mother can impose an incredibly strong curse on her child, which will be passed on to the next generations (most often this happens through the female line). When this happens, a person faces a huge number of problems, serious health problems and even premature death. To remove such a curse, it is not enough to carry out a simple conspiracy.

Removal of maternal spoilage occurs within three years. A person is obliged to regularly attend church, attend services, give alms to the poor and destitute, sincerely read prayers. This curse has no expiration date, which means it will continue until it is removed.

Family curse in the male line

The curse of the male line is less common, but very strong. A man, unlike a woman, does not take the signs of a birth curse seriously, and for a long time deceives himself with excuses. If he continues to close his eyes for a long time to all the unfortunate combinations of circumstances and troubles, then the consequences can be fatal, up to the disappearance of the family. There are a number of signs, thanks to which you can learn about the birth curse and avoid an unwanted fate:

  • A man is not able to successfully complete any of his undertakings. He becomes a failure, changing job after job, losing his masculinity and self-confidence. He ceases to control his emotions, loses self-control and the respect of others.
  • Man is susceptible chronic diseases, serious illness threatened with death at an early age.
  • Because of the curse, a man abandons his family for no apparent reason and dooms himself to a life of loneliness until the end of his days.
  • Passion for alcoholic beverages, regular drinking, which will lead to death - from cirrhosis of the liver, drunken brawl or drowning. Not having the willpower to resist the drug craving, he drowns out the problems in alcohol.
  • At an early age, a man can lose his mind - due to severe stress or a difficult life situation.
  • High probability of death in a car accident.
  • Suicide is a strong consequence of a curse when full of energy and the energies of a man who is successful at work and in his personal life are killing themselves.

How to remove a family curse

Rite number 1

To determine the relative who caused the birth curse, you need to conduct a ceremony in the church. Order a prayer service in the church for the removal of generic damage. Prepare in advance a list of all dead relatives you know up to the third or fourth generation and light candles for each of them. When lighting a candle, mentally address it to a relative, try to remember each of them and keep it in your mind.

When one of the candles begins to crackle, this indicates the person from whom misfortunes and troubles went in your family. If all of them continue to burn smoothly, then you yourself are the object of a curse, and a living person brought it on you. Read a prayer and do not stop until all the candles have burned down to a third of their length.

Get another candle and place it in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When reading the text of the prayer, think about deliverance from the curse, ask him for healing. When finished, say the following words:

“Let my sins be burned! Give them, Lord, peace! Thank you, Lord!

After that, it is recommended to order a prayer service for all deceased relatives for a whole year. If the culprit is declared, and it is not you, you need to do the following. Go to his grave, take a memorial in the form of vodka, black bread and boiled eggs and read this text:

“You (name) have bread, take your curse!”

If this method helps you and the birth curse disappears, then you will feel a surge of strength and relief, things begin to improve, and problem situations disappear.

Rite number 2

This ritual is performed on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday, at 12 o'clock. In advance, you need to prepare candles and holy water. Stand in front of a mirror, place another mirror behind you. You must wear underwear that you have worn for at least two days. It is desirable that it be a T-shirt or a combination.
Light three candles, and, looking into your eyes, read the text of the prayer from memory, while trying not to blink (or blink as little as possible). Speak in a confident, even voice, without stammering or peeking.

“I look into clear eyes, I’m not afraid of anyone. No demon, no enemy, no evil man. The Lord is with me, the Holy Spirit is with me, Mother is with me Holy Mother of God. That is not a mirror in front of me, then the shield of God is before me. That is not a mirror behind my back, then the shield of God is behind me. I will defend myself with a shield, I will defend myself with a shield, I am not afraid of anyone. God the Lord is with me, an angel behind me, the Mother of God in front. Amen."

Take a container of pre-prepared holy water, dry your face with a T-shirt without removing it from yourself. Stand at the mirror exactly as long as you want. Do not extinguish candles until they burn out.

Rite number 3

Sometimes relatives are the worst enemies. Various disputes, in particular regarding the division of property, can lead to a family curse when the disgruntled party finds a way to take revenge. In this case it will help church prayer. The person who caused the damage must repent of his sins and give alms. At dawn, you need to read these words:

“There was a simple-haired girl, the holy elder Simeon met her. "Where are you going, simple-haired wench?" - "I'm going to dry swamps, to collect rotten moss." - "Why do you need rotten moss?" - “Twist ropes.” - “Why do you need ropes?” - “Catch wild ducks.” - “Why do you need ducks?” - "Milk to milk." How not to twist ropes out of rotten moss, how not to catch them with these ropes wild ducks, how not to milk ducks with milk, so not to spoil, not to curse the servant of God (name), baptized, born, born into the world by God's will, by the Lord's mercy. The Lord creates, the Lord gives birth, the Lord protects. Depart, cursed word, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Sometimes parents doom their child to corruption without any ritual. This happens when a mother and father constantly scold and humiliate their child, calling them "back-biter" or "parental misfortune." The curse itself will stick to the child and doom him to an unhappy life. Therefore, parents should keep their mouths shut and never insult. Of course, you can scold, but without malice.

How to understand if you have damage, evil eye or curse?

  1. check or make diagnostics and if; and there is remove and put protection
  2. How to determine the evil eye or damage on your own ...
    Take an ordinary glass cup, pour water from the tap (cold) into it, put the glass on your head. Here you need a little help from the side - someone takes an ordinary egg (it must be fresh), carefully break it over a glass of water, and the egg falls into the water. The most important thing is not to cut the egg in half with a knife, but only crack it and, breaking it, pour it into the water.
    Hold the glass with the egg on your head for half a minute, preferably 2 minutes, and look at the glass, at the light. Damage or evil eye are immediately visible. If they are not there, then the water is completely transparent, and the yolk lies at the bottom covered with protein. If, however, from the protein (the yolk lies on its own) threads go to the surface, similar to the tentacles of a jellyfish and the appearance of them milky, as if the protein is cooked - something is wrong with you. It all depends on what the thread pattern is. There can be several types, some end in bubbles, which means serious damage. If the threads are thin or even one, then this is the evil eye. Sometimes it happens that after a while the threads sink to the bottom of the glass - this means that your enemy does not want you to know about nm, that is, he is afraid of being exposed.

    You found out that you have damage. No need to panic, no need to cry. What was in the first, defining glass, you need to pour into the toilet and say: Let them return to the one who does this ... Then get 8 fresh eggs. Every night before going to bed for eight days in a row, pour water into a glass, but do not put it on your head, but gently break an egg into a glass. Then place this glass of egg at the head of the bed, so that the egg is in front of your head. The headboard of a bed or sofa should not be between your head and an egg in a glass. If this does not work out, then it is better to sleep on the floor or across the bed.

    All 8 days the egg will clean you out. There may be nausea, vomiting, fever, dizziness - do not be afraid, this will pass. Pills and doctors won't help you, so don't take anything. Every morning the picture in the glass will change. Pour the contents into the toilet with the words: Let them return to the one who does this ....

    Depending on how strong the impact on you was, the result will be visible. This operation must be done all 8 nights.

    If even after 8 a.m. the threads are still visible in the glass, then the damage to you is strong. In this case, it is better to contact a specialist.

    However, before you go to someone, make yourself a special water, it also helps in removing damage.

    Pour into a glass of water, throw a pinch of salt into it. Light a match and cross the water three times. Thrice at the same time saying: In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. The burnt match must be broken into three parts and thrown into the water. If at least one of the three parts drowned, then this is very bad. Then you need to read 9 times over this water. The glass must be held in the left hand and read so that the breath touches the water (there were ripples in the water during reading).

    In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Pure blood and heavenly! Save and save the servant (of) God (God) from every evil eye, from the bad hour, from the female, from the male, from the child, from the joyful, from the hated, from the slanderous, from the negotiation!

    Then sprinkle this water on the person you are helping, or on yourself. The rest of the water should be drunk within the next three days. Drink on an empty stomach and in the morning.

    This is one of the ways to determine the evil eye and damage on your own, as well as one of the ways to help yourself in this situation if you cannot immediately find someone who can help you.

  3. Damage can be recognized by several signs:
    1. Suddenly, troubles washed over you. Everything that used to be brilliant in your life (career, family) is suddenly lost in just a few days.
    2. Previously, animals that loved you avoid you, and maybe even growl.
    3. You feel unwell, a painful condition.
    4. Suddenly your health is broken for no apparent reason.
    5. People no longer understand you, and you no longer trust them.
    6. Very recently you offended someone.
    7. Household items behave strangely in your hands (break, sparkle).
    8. Buttons fly off your clothes, and the zipper breaks at the crucial moment.

    from the evil eye is simple: before each exit from the house, clasp your hands in the castle and say: "not a stone, not a tongue, not me and not my eyes. amen!"
    and against damage it is necessary to put protection. preferably from a specialist. good luck)))!

  4. Seer - SEE
  5. Many people treat stories of corruption, evil eye or curse with a great deal of distrust. And only when faced with this problem face to face, they understand how naive and short-sighted they were, that they allowed their enemies or envious people to ruin their lives.
    It is especially easy to damage with a photograph, since a photograph is not just a piece of paper with an image, but a source of information. Photography is a source of human energy imprint. The impact on the image of a person is transferred to the person himself.
    To damage a photograph, you need to have certain skills and abilities, since this is not an easy task. However, any person who looks at your photo with hatred or envy can jinx you. Of course, this will not cause you big troubles, but it will not add health either.
    Take good care of your photos. Take care that they do not fall into the hands of your enemies or envious people. To avoid jinxing, sign your photos. An inscription of the type for a long memory or as a sign of friendship will protect you from the evil eye, but such a measure will not be enough to induce damage.
    To find out exactly how the evil eye can affect the object depicted in the photograph, a simple experiment was conducted. For the experiment, photographs of three healthy kittens were taken. Two photos were not shown to anyone, and a photo of the third kitten was shown a large number people who admired and touched, looking at his image. After some time, the kitten, whose photo was put on public display, began to get sick, wither and soon disappeared.
    Thus, we can assume what colossal harm to a living creature can be caused by damage or the evil eye from a photo. There is a connection between a photograph and a person at the energy level, so the negative directed at the photo passes to the person. In case of damage according to the photograph, damage to the aura occurs, through which vitality man, his energy. have questions, write
  6. Farting - FUCKING

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