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Special search judicial practice will help:

  • analyze judicial practice in your situation,
  • select wording for statements of claim,
  • assess the prospects of the trial,
  • formulate a legal position,
  • simplify preparation for trials.

How the service works

Finds case law based on a fragment of a document or description of a problem. Copy text or fragment statement of claim, response to a claim, court decision, etc. or state the circumstances of the case in your own words. Smart technologies will find court decisions based on the model.

The more detailed the situation is presented, the more accurately the service will select solutions. You can choose which decisions to seek: arbitration courts or courts of general jurisdiction.

The service is built on the principles of machine learning. Intelligence improves with each search query, refining the parameters for selecting solutions. You can evaluate whether the solutions found are suitable or not.

Opportunities for working with court decisions

Found court decisions can be studied in the service itself or, if they are included in the user’s kit, opened in the ConsultantPlus system. All popular tools for working with judicial practice- you can study the history of the case, get a selection of similar judicial acts, follow the links to the mentioned legal acts and other court decisions. It is possible to send a document by mail, save it in Word, or add it to “Favorites.”

Benefits of the service

  • At the expert level, he selects decisions from an array of judicial acts (decisions, rulings, decrees, etc.).
  • Searches based on decisions of arbitration courts and courts of general jurisdiction.
  • Extremely easy to use.
  • Works fast.

You can go to the online service in the ConsultantPlus system from the start page of the “Lawyer” and “Universal” profiles.

An Internet connection is required to use the service.

Let's highlight one of the key points of the statement of claim, for example, a claim, and enter it into the search window. You can also copy the entire text of the application.

The search works quickly and finds solutions to your request.

Open a document in the ConsultantPlus system, and you will have access to tools for working with judicial practice. Evaluate the accuracy of the search: this will help improve its performance in the future.

Who is the service addressed to?

A special search for judicial practice will be useful to all specialists participating in trials(lawyers, attorneys, judges, financial specialists, chief accountants, auditors, tax consultants, etc.).

How to access

For questions regarding access to the online service "Special Search for Judicial Practice", please contact

Google is the world's largest and most popular search engine. More than 50 million searches are made every day on Google sites, available in approximately 200 languages, with the main site being the most popular site on the Internet, according to Alexa. However, despite its worldwide recognition and undoubted success, Google is not nearly as good a search engine as it might seem.

It's all about versatility: it's impossible to search equally well in blogs and scientific articles, in digital images and culinary recipes. That is why there are many not so well-known specialized search engines, which work exclusively with one category of data, but do it on the highest level. Moreover, much of what such search engines find cannot be found using Google and other universal systems: they simply do not see such information, which is also often deliberately closed to such “web spiders.” Let's talk about several of these “narrow professionals” who can perhaps open up for you a side of the Internet that you never knew existed.

1. Search among pages removed from Google and blocked

It's no secret that the governments of many countries are trying to influence what network content available in their countries. This can be explained both by purely political considerations and by the requirements of legislation on countering terrorism and child pornography and, of course, the influence of lobbyists of large rights holders. The criteria for prohibitions can be either completely reasonable or completely arbitrary: it all depends on general condition legal consciousness in the country, and on the sanity of the law enforcement officers themselves.

The Google search engine in most cases meets the motivated demands of national governments and removes from the search results sites and pages that should be prohibited from access through localized versions of the search engine. Meanwhile, removing an address from Google search results and even blocking a URL and IP address at the local provider level does not mean that such a resource has disappeared from the Internet or is no longer available.

A classic way to bypass such restrictions is the Tor browser, which is based on an alternative to conventional onion routing system. One of the newest packages, which includes the Tor client (Vidalia) and the Firefox Portable browser with the foxyproxy extension, has the quite self-explanatory name PirateBrowser.

It differs from other similar packages in that it is not intended for completely anonymous surfing: PirateBrowser uses the Tor network exclusively to bypass local blocking of certain pages and sites, substituting arbitrary IP addresses instead of real ones. With its help, you can go to a blocked page if you already know its address, or search for it, for example, through the main site or some of its other local versions.

PirateBrowser already has built-in settings for some countries, including Iran, North Korea, as well as (surprise!) the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, Finland, Denmark, Italy and Ireland. Of course, nothing prevents you from adding your own settings to the system. Unfortunately, unlike the “full” Tor, PirateBrowser is only available in a Windows version.

2. Search among non-existent page versions

Many of us have used Google or Yandex cache to view a recently changed or deleted page as it was originally published on the Internet. Usually such a cache is available in search results quite a short time, because the search robot is configured to track and take into account all changes in order to provide the most current version Internet resource.

Therefore, if you want to know what this or that site looked like a month, a year, and even more so several years ago, you will have to use another tool, namely the Internet Archive web service, which is called Wayback Machine, that is, something something like "Time Machine". Non-profit organization Since 1997, the Internet Archive has been collecting copies of web pages, multimedia content, and software, posted on the Internet, and makes these copies available free of charge to everyone. Using the Wayback Machine, you can find not only a version of a site you are familiar with many years ago, but also even those pages that have not existed for a long time and that have simply been removed from the “regular” Internet. Today there are about 366 billion pages in the archive, and there is a very high probability that among them there will be one that you need.

Here, for example, is what the Computerra portal looked like to visitors on August 18, 2000 - more than thirteen years ago, when the Internet was slow and 14-inch CRT monitors took up half the table.

3. Image Search

The most common way to find a picture is, of course, to use Google Images. But what if you still couldn’t find a suitable image using the usual means? You can, for example, try the specialized service Picsearch, in which, according to its creators, more than three billion digital images have been indexed.

Picsearch not only has a multilingual user interface, but also a full multilingual search, as well as several useful filters, including search for black and white or color images only, pictures with a predominance of a particular color, search for desktop “wallpapers”, and faces or animated images.

The search engine Everystockphoto boasts a much smaller volume of the stated indexed database: it contains more than 20 million images stored on online photo sites, including Flickr, Fotolia and Wikimedia Commons. Nevertheless, the results of her work are very impressive. Most of the images found can be used for free, but with the condition that the name of the photographer or copyright holder is indicated.

4. Computing and retrieval system

As you know, the Google search engine can carry out simple calculations, convert from one unit to another, and do some other useful things not directly related to search. However, if you really need answers difficult questions in the field of mathematics, physics, medicine, statistics, history, linguistics and other fields of science, then you cannot do without the “computational and search engine” WolframAlpha, capable of offering the user almost encyclopedic answers to the most unusual questions.

In fact, this is not even quite a search engine, but a huge database, part of which is converted into computational algorithms, which allows you to obtain ready-made information about how many grams of protein are contained in a dozen M&M’s candies, what is the expected average duration life in the USA, Sweden and Japan this year or how an algebraic equation is solved.

Instead of describing the functionality of WolframAlpha at length, we suggest going to the examples page, which contains examples, sorted by area of ​​knowledge, of what types of questions this system can answer and what the results will look like.

Unfortunately, WolframAlpha only works with English language, and its use will require fairly confident knowledge of it. In addition, you should not blindly trust the results that the system calculates based on your requests, since the slightest error in the database leads to complete unreliability of the results, and this happens periodically (just search on the Internet).

5. Search for people

It would seem that finding a person on the Internet, knowing his first and last name, is as easy as shelling pears. Yes, if it is some celebrity, movie star, athlete or regular user of social networks. Then the very first page of Google search results will give you almost exhaustive information about who he is and what he did in Lately. If the person you are looking for does not crave wide popularity and is not into online exhibitionism, finding information about him on the Internet will not be so easy.

In this case, you can try the Pipl search engine, which searches for people in a number of public registries, online databases, services and, indeed, social networks, including professional ones. Unlike most similar services, Pipl also works with the Cyrillic alphabet, so it is quite workable with Russian-language surnames.

The domestic service SpravkaRU.NET will help you find the address and home phone residents of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Latvia and Moldova. This site is an electronic telephone directory of some major cities listed countries, but, alas, far from complete. There are more chances to find residents of Moscow or St. Petersburg, and only those for whom the home number is registered. Unlike alternative services, SpravkaRU.NET contains completely up-to-date databases, and if you have at least some information about the relatives or approximate place of residence of the wanted person, then it can help you establish his phone number and address.

6. Search for scientific information

If you are engaged in science and want to find the latest scientific publications on your topic on Google, then you urgently need to forget about discoveries and do something less intellectual. On Google, you can only find links to individual works published on some public sites like Wikipedia. In fact, almost everything science articles are stored on web servers belonging to the category of the so-called deep web, which for various reasons is inaccessible to universal search engines.

It's all about a forced ban on indexing any data that, although not classified, constitutes some kind of proprietary information or is not of interest to the general public. These include library catalogues, medical or transport databases, and catalogs of all kinds of industrial products. Spiders cannot bypass mandatory registration or access restrictions, so you will rarely see scientific materials in Google results that are simply incomprehensible to people who are not involved in similar research.

The specialized search engine CompletePlanet, which has access to more than 70,000 scientific databases and highly targeted search engines, can open the door to the scientific “deep web”.

Another excellent scientific search engine Scirus, unfortunately, is dying out last weeks: at the beginning of 2014 it will cease to exist, and regular users are invited to find an alternative in the remaining time (which one, alas, is unclear). In the meantime, Scirus has access to many archives scientific articles and allows you to search for information on 575 million issues, including publications in highly specialized and popular science journals, patent texts and information from digital archives.

The existence of specialized search engines does not in any way negate the advantages of Google, Yandex and other universal search engines: we still cannot do without them. But a true professional does not use a hammer where a screwdriver or a knife is needed, where a scalpel is appropriate. Special systems allow for more refined searches and are therefore able to provide more accurate and reliable answers. Let's take, for example, the most popular type of special search engines - trading and search systems like Yandex.Market and Price.Ru. Yes, we can find the same products in the universal Yandex or Google, but here we immediately receive structured and systematized information about the availability and price of the product, sellers and their location, payment and delivery methods. We not only save time: we have more accurate and complete data at our disposal, which can be sorted in a certain order and compared with each other. This simple example is a clear indication of how valuable specialized search engines are and why, in many cases, they are much better than Google.

What are search engines and how do they work?

A search system is a software and hardware complex that is designed to search the Internet. It helps users quickly find the information they need by responding to the user's request by providing a list of links to information sources. Just type the question or phrase you are interested in in the search bar, click on the “Search” or “Search” button, and after a few seconds the search engine will provide the necessary information.

Search engines are classified according to the way they work and the area of ​​use. According to, in 2012, 53.8% of Russian users preferred Yandex, 34.2% preferred Google, 9.4% preferred Search Mail. ru and 1.2% – Rambler.

Each search engine has its own search algorithm, which analyzes the relevance of sites in a certain way in order to produce the result that best matches the user's request.

Types of search engines by method of operation

Index search engines collect information on the Internet automatically, using special robot programs that visit web pages. They perform comprehensive keyword searches. Examples of such search engines are Google, AltaVista, HotBot, Yandex.

An index search engine consists of three main components:

Agent (spider or crawler)

An agent is a special program that runs on the search engine server to visit web pages. When the agent finds new page, satisfying the search engine algorithm, he indexes it, that is, adds it to the search engine database. A system of hyperlinks helps the agent visit pages, thanks to which the program can endlessly move from one page to another.

Search engine database

It stores all found and processed documents (indexes). The index allows you to quickly search and usually consists of a list of keywords and information about them (position in the text, weight, etc.). The database is regularly updated, and it is from its latest update that the results for the query are returned. The frequency of database updates is a critical parameter of any search engine. The more often it is updated, the better the search engine.

Search engine

The search engine is an interface for interaction between the user and the database, that is, the very program with which we directly deal.

Key features of the Google and Yandex search engine query language

If you need to find a word or phrase exactly as you type it, without any changes in form or word order, then enclose your search query in quotation marks. This is often convenient for searching for a movie by its title, song lyrics by line, or an excerpt from a book.

If you need to exclude all pages containing a certain word from Google search results, then put a minus sign in front of that word in your query ( ). For example, if you enter “ computer virus”, then the system will produce documents in which the keyword “computer” does not appear. In Yandex, a similar operation is performed using the tilde symbol ( ~ ), placed in the query before the word that needs to be excluded from the search.

Operator site: Google allows you to search a specific site. For example, if you type in the Google search bar “ admission", then the system will look for information about admission specifically on the MSU website. In Yandex, a similar operation is carried out using the operator host:

Star symbol (*) You can replace unknown words in a query. For example, " storm * the sky covers».

Operator define: in Google allows you to search for definitions of the word specified in the query.

In normal mode, Google tries to find pages that contain all the specified words. If you insert the operator between words OR(in capital letters), the system will show pages that include at least one of these words. For example, buy an apartment in Moscow OR Moscow region. In Yandex, a similar operation is performed using the forward slash symbol (|) , placed between the query words, for example; London tickets | Paris;.

To get a range of numbers “from and to” in Google results, you need to put two dots between them, for example, “ rent an apartment $1000..$1500».

The query language is supported by many search engines. Before using them, it is recommended to look at the description in the help section of the website of the specific search engine that you plan to use.

Features of working with search engines

Using search engines can lead to malware entering the user's computer. By providing results based on user requests, search engines can provide addresses of infected sites.

You also need to keep in mind that search engines only provide links to relevant sites, but are not responsible for the accuracy of the information contained on these sites. The task of search engines is to answer the request as quickly and accurately as possible, so you should not unconditionally trust all the information found on the links provided. Sites obtained during searches may contain incorrect or outright false information that can mislead the user, because not all sources, rather a minority of them, are written and verified by truly competent people. For example, everyone can post information on such a popular resource as Wikipedia, which results in high percent errors in articles. It is recommended that you select sources with extreme caution for school, student, and scientific works, and in general, double-check any information, especially from a completely unfamiliar area.

Recommendations for safe use of search engines

  • Try to be careful about sites returned by search engines, as they may contain viruses. Take precautions: do not go to dubious sites, especially if the antivirus warns that such an action is undesirable.
  • Be sure to use and regularly update antivirus protection tools - programs that allow you to detect and remove malware, restore infected files, and also prevent viruses from entering the device.
  • Check the accuracy of information obtained from the Internet. The easiest way is to compare at least several sources that do not duplicate each other.
  • From time to time, check what information search engines return when you try to find information about yourself in them. This will help you find out if there is any personal information about you on the Internet that you would prefer not to make publicly known, and, if necessary, file a complaint in a timely manner with the management of the relevant sites.

A search engine is a database of specific information on the Internet. Many users believe that as soon as they enter a query into a search engine, the entire Internet is immediately crawled, but this is not at all true. The Internet is scanned constantly, by many programs, data about sites is entered into a database, where, according to certain criteria, all sites and all their pages are distributed into various types of lists and databases. That is, it is a kind of file cabinet of data, and the search takes place not on the Internet, but on this file cabinet.

Google is the most popular search engine in the world.

In addition to the search engine, Google offers many additional services, programs and hardware, including an email service, Google Chrome browser, the largest YouTube video library and many other projects. Google is confidently buying up many projects that bring large profits. Most of the services are not aimed at the direct user, but at making money on the Internet and are integrated with a focus on the interests of European and American users.

Mail is a search engine that is popular mainly because of its email service.

There are many additional services, the key of which is Mail, on this moment Mail company owns the social network Odnoklassniki, its own network “My World”, the Money-mail service, many online games, three almost identical browsers with different names. All applications and services contain a lot of advertising content. The social network VKonatkte blocks direct transitions to Mail services, giving reasons big amount viruses.


Wikipedia is a search reference system.

The non-profit search engine, which operates on private donations, therefore does not fill its pages with advertising. A multilingual project whose goal is to create a complete reference encyclopedia in all languages ​​of the world. It has no specific authors and is populated and run by volunteers from all over the world. Each user can both write and edit an article.

Official page-

Youtube is the largest library of video files.

Video hosting with elements social network, where each user can add a video. Since their acquisition by Google Ink, separate registration for YouTube is not required, just register in the Google email service.

Official page -

Yahoo! is the second most important search engine in the world.

There are additional services, the most famous of which is Yahoo mail. As part of improving the quality of the search engine, Yahoo transfers data about users and their queries to Microsoft company. From this data, an idea of ​​the interests of users is formed, and a market for advertising content is formed. The Yahoo search engine, like , is engaged in the acquisition of other companies, for example, Yahoo owns the Altavista search service and the e-commerce site Alibaba.

Official page -

WDL is a digital library.

The library collects books that provide cultural value in digital form. The main goal is to increase the level of cultural content of the Internet. Access to the library is free.

Official page -

Bing is a search engine from Microsoft.

Official page -

Search engines in Russia

Rambler is a “pro-American” search engine.

Initially it was created as an Internet media portal. Like many other search engines, it has search services for images, video files, maps, weather forecasts, a news section and much more. Publishers also offer a free browser, Rambler-Nichrome.

Official page -

Nigma is an intelligent search engine.

A more convenient search engine due to the presence of many filters and settings. The interface allows you to include or exclude suggested similar values ​​in the search to obtain better results. Also, when receiving a search result, it allows you to use information from other major search engines.

Official page -

Aport - online product catalog.

In the past, a search engine, but after development and innovation were stopped, it quickly lost ground and . Currently, Aport is a trading platform where the products of more than 1,500 companies are presented.

Official page -

Sputnik is a national search engine and Internet portal.

Created by Rostelecom. Currently in testing stage.

Official page -

Metabot is a growing search engine.

Metabot's tasks are to create a search engine for all other search engines, creating results positions taking into account data from the entire list of search engines. That is, it is a search engine for search engines.

Official page -

The search engine has been suspended.

Official page -

KM is a multiportal.

Initially, the site was a multiportal with the subsequent introduction of a search engine. The search can be carried out both within the site and across all monitored RuNet sites.

Official page -

Gogo - does not work, redirects to a search engine.

Official page -

The Russian multiportal, not very popular, requires improvement. The search engine includes news, television, games, and a map.

Official page -

The search engine does not work, the developers suggest using the search engine.

Search engines help Internet users find the information they need. In the search bar, a person enters his request: a keyword for a search or a collection of keywords. And selects the site he likes from the list, the one that best reflects the essence the question asked search engine. Internet search servers are convenient and modern.

Search Servers Overview

It processes hundreds of gigabytes of information and provides the user with the necessary sites in a convenient format for a list of found pages. This list could be hundreds of thousands of pages long where these words appear. From all this you can already find the information you need, this can be problematic at times. And sometimes you immediately find the right site with the relevant information.

The AltaVista search server is the least known search engine on the RuNet. It was popular among the English-speaking audience during the launch of the Vista system from Microsoft. Its database contains only five hundred and fifty million pages. Four million articles from 15,000 news groups inside the Usenet aggregator. And you can search for images and other media files, such as videos and sounds. The images are displayed in a slightly inconvenient format. They are all displayed with a description of the size when you hover the mouse over the image.

Open Directory Project - this service is more about directories than search engines. But through it, the search is carried out only on high-quality Internet resources. For the convenience of users, the work is carried out by about 38 thousand editors who select sites for their catalog every day.

WebCrawler search server - the number of search service indexes is about 1.6 million indexed materials. The project directory has about 100,000 categories, where you can define almost any site. From the search engine common base data with another Internet project called Excite, but this project specializes in entertainment traffic, indexing chats and horoscopes.

Lycos - this server has information about 50 million pages. You are presented with queries to the search server. You can write, for example: “How to write an article for a website,” and the search engine will provide the necessary information. They are sorted according to your request. Perhaps you will find what you need among them. Search engine queries for each search engine are listed below.

HotBot - contains information about 55 million pages from all over the Internet. Among them you can find the information you need. For convenience, you can specify the desired geo-location. For example, you are looking for a cafe in a certain city and ask the corresponding request. The search engine also searches for sounds, graphics, site scripts, and other non-trivial things that you may need. The server has recently connected to Usenet, and searches can also be performed there.

Google and Yahoo are search giants

Search server "Google" (Google) - over the entire period of its operation, about 2 billion pages have already been indexed, which are used to search for content of interest to the user. "Runet" is indexed well, but Google is no better than "Yandex", since it takes into account the individual characteristics of the Russian language, spelling and spelling of words when searching.

Search server Yahoo (Yahoo!) - has a developed news service, collected from the media around the world. It has about 3,000,000 links indexed. The service is quite well structured. It is one of the first in the world. But it did not become as popular as Google.


In addition to classical search engines, there are metasystems that search all systems at once. The results will be presented in a format convenient for you. The Yandex service is the largest in RuNet and the first of its kind. Afterwards, the search engine spread throughout the CIS countries, since it takes into account the morphology of the language. The Copernic 2001 program has been running for a long time and constantly updates its database from various services. The search can be carried out by categories or by geodata. The issue can be tied to the area from which the request comes.

There is a free and paid version of the service, which is already used by more than fourteen million people. The server uses Google, Yandex, and others to search.

Rambler and Yandex are the largest website directories

Rambler is a Russian site that provides search services necessary information in the Internet. The search engine is quite young, but has already gained popularity in Russia and the CIS, it has its own catalog and news aggregator, which presents a huge number of Russian-language sites. It is the largest in the CIS, followed by Yandex, which surpasses it in quality. Getting into Yandex is quite difficult for little-known sites. In Rambler, registration is free for all portals that meet the conditions for accepting a project into the catalog.

Search files

"FTP index". It contains information about FTP servers that are used to store and distribute information. But the information is in the form of files.

Filez - with its help you can browse more than 100 million files that are in the file search engine's index.

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