How to make a wish for Christmas so that it certainly comes true. Making wishes come true for Christmas. Effective rites and rituals


Ideal option will wish for something in the Temple, but if you do not have the opportunity to attend the service, do not be discouraged. At home you can also ask heaven for your cherished wish. Because Christmas Christ is light, think before you wish for anything. Under no circumstances yours wish should not harm anyone. Yes and oh material goods ah, better not guess, especially if it's something you can live without. Focus on spiritual desires and family relationships. You can ask about, after all Christmas best suited for this.

The most important time on Christmas- It's Christmas Eve. That is night from 6 to 7. It was at this time that Jesus Christ. This night magical. If you have something to ask for, go outside and make a wish wish looking at the sky. Pray to the Father, ask him to help you. It is best to make wishes that concern you personally. However, you can also ask someone close to you to heal.

Visualize your desire often. For example, imagine in all colors that you have already lost weight. You catch admiring glances on the streets, try on tight trousers, and they turn out to be just right for you. You can fantasize about how yours will improve after you lose weight.

Make a plan - this will make it easier for fate to help you. Indicate what steps you will take to achieve your goal and how much time you will need to do this.

To figure out the ideal way to make a wish, focus on your sign and its element. If you are Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, then the element of fire corresponds to you. At dusk, light a candle and write your dream on a piece of paper. Periodically re-read what you wrote by the light of the same candle. After the plan has been fulfilled, the note should be burned.

For Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios, water is the main assistant. You can make a wish on the bank of a river or lake, looking into water surface. Or write a wish on a piece of paper, make it and float it on the water.

Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo will be helped by food and money. When making a wish, eat a few grapes or chewing marmalade. Until the wish is fulfilled, you should not lend.

For Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, clouds will become helpers. Being in fun company, raise your head up and make a wish. After this it will certainly come true.

Incredible facts

Despite the fact that we live in the 21st century, each of us believes in miracles and magic. Well, in any case, I want to believe in miracles at Christmas.

It is Christmas Eve that is considered the traditional time for fortune telling, as well as for making and fulfilling your most cherished desires.

After all, in order for them to come true, you need to be able to make them correctly.

Here are some of the most popular ways to make a wish at Christmas:

How to make a wish for Christmas

Method No. 1:

On the night of January 6-7, you need to go outside and try to move away from houses, people, noisy places in order to concentrate.

It is advisable to be in absolute solitude and complete darkness.

If due to some circumstances it is not possible to go outside, you can reproduce the entire ritual while sitting in your room and turning off the lights. You need to stand by the window so that the light comes only from the stars and the moon.

So, look at the sky, merge with it and mentally connect with the entire Universe. Then also mentally formulate all the desires and goals that you would like to realize in the coming year.

Remember that Christmas is the best time to make the right wishes.

Also focus your thoughts on what you want to get rid of. Close your eyes with your hands, whisper in a whisper everything that you don’t need in life and that you want to get rid of, then throw it away from you with your hand far into the sky.

And the last but most important step:

Upon returning home (if you performed the ritual on the street), light a red candle, after writing down your main desires and goals on it.

Formulate your wishes briefly so that they fit on the candle.

Then the candle must be placed in a place where it can easily burn out to the end. It will become a kind of beacon that will attract the realization of your goals.

Method number 2:

Another cute ritual of making wishes will be especially appreciated by children. After all, the cooking process itself is quite interesting and creative.

So, you need to draw an angel on thick paper or cardboard. Then you need to cut it out and make a wish.

In order not to waste time, think over your desire in advance.

When making a wish to yourself, draw one eye on the angel.

Then this image of the angel needs to be hidden or placed in a place where no one will find it. When your wish comes true, draw the missing second eye for the angel.

After fulfilling a wish, it is best to keep the angel at home. The ritual is very effective. The main thing is to sincerely believe in the fulfillment of your desire.

Method number 3:

Starting on the morning of January 7, as soon as you wake up, say to yourself the most cherished wish. Thus, you attract its fulfillment.

The wish must be spoken every morning for 40 days.

Guardian angels and the bright forces of the Universe contribute to the fulfillment of our most cherished and correct desires.

On the 40th day, you need to go outside and feed the birds bread crumbs. And then just wait for the wish to be fulfilled.

Method number 4:

The next way to make wishes for Christmas is considered the most effective. Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers also claimed that the wish will definitely come true if you follow some simple recommendations.

So, for this ritual the following things are needed:

-items symbolizing all 4 elements;

-candles of the desired color;

-white candles;


- aromatic oil.

Objects symbolizing the elements can be completely different, the main thing is that they really fit the symbols of fire, water, air and earth.

For example, a symbol of water can be a shell, a vase with water, a symbol of earth can be an ordinary stone, a blade of grass, a spikelet or a handful of earth.

White candles are used as a symbol of fire. Please note that their number must be even. Candles must be placed in a square shape.

Let the symbol of the element of air be, for example, a feather, paper airplane, star or bird photo.

Prepare all this in advance so as not to waste time.

But the colors of the candles must be carefully selected.

Remember that Blue colour this is wisdom, purple is happiness and joy, red is ardent feelings and love, pink is interesting acquaintances and meetings, green is money, material wealth. Yellow candles usually symbolize parting with something bad and unwanted.

So, you need to prepare all the equipment in advance. At exactly midnight on Christmas night, go to the window. It is important that the room is completely dark.

Before making a wish, wash your hands so they are clean and sprinkle a couple of drops of aromatic oil on them.

Then place all the above-mentioned items on the table in the following order: there should be white candles in the corner of the table, symbols of the elements at the edges of the table, and place colored candles in the center.

Also don't forget about paper and pen.

After you have placed all the items in in the right order, you need to write down your deepest desire on paper. It must be stated clearly, clearly and in detail.

Remember, the more detailed you write your wish on paper, the more accurately you describe it, the more likely it is that it will come true. After you write down your wish, whisper in a few words and ask for help from each of the four elements.

There are no specific rules or norms for what needs to be spoken. Say what your heart tells you.

What is important here is sincerity and, indeed, enormous faith that the wish will certainly come true.

Then you need to place colored candles on this piece of paper with your wish written on it. Light them with a match rather than a lighter and watch the flames. Mentally picture to yourself how your wish comes true.

After some time, you should have the feeling that everything you planned has come true.

At the end of the ritual, all objects that took part in the ritual must be cleaned with water to which ordinary salt has been added.

After that, hide all the items somewhere in the closet, and a sheet of paper with blots from colored wax should be placed in a secluded place away from prying eyes.

Method number 5:

This is perhaps the simplest, but no less effective way making wishes for Christmas.

It is believed that it is on Christmas night that the heavens are especially active, and that same information portal opens.

Each of us can simply go to church, make a wish and light a candle. This wish will definitely come true if it is correct, kind and pure.

Wishes for Christmas

As mentioned earlier, there are no clear rules and regulations on how to make a wish. However, there are some guidelines that are best followed.

This way you increase the possibility that your wish will certainly come true.


Your requests should not be mercantile. This means that it is best to refuse material requests.

But you can, for example, ask Good work. Financial stability and prosperity will flow from this.

If a person lives in humility, works hard and honestly, it is certain that he deserves all the best, including material well-being.

Request for new iPhone will look inappropriate, but you can, of course, ask for housing for your family.

Many people agree that you need to formulate your dream or desire in advance. But at what exact time is it best to ask heaven to fulfill your desire? Many find it difficult to answer here.

At midnight? At sunset or dawn? Or maybe at 4 o'clock in the morning? In fact, the best time to make wishes is between 12 am and 4 am.

According to biblical history, it was at this time that the stars lit up on the night of the birth of Jesus Christ.

You can't think of something bad. Therefore, if you have plans for revenge or other bad deeds, it is best to forget about it. After all, the Universe will immediately reject such requests. She accepts only good wishes.

How to correctly formulate your thoughts so that your wish will certainly come true? Try to confidently voice your request, as if your desire is an event that will certainly happen in the coming year.

After you voice your request, be sure to thank God for making your wish come true.

For example, if a woman wants to become a mother in the near future, her desire should be formulated as follows: “I will soon give birth to a wonderful healthy child! Thank you for this, Lord."

Express your thoughts with verbs in the indicative mood - Christmas Eve does not like subjunctive moods.

And the last rule: you can wish for something good only for yourself and those you love.

Please note that when you talk about your loved ones, be extremely careful. After all, you can’t just control someone else’s fate.

Of course, if you wish for someone happiness, love and health, then this is allowed. For example, it would be quite appropriate to ask for the healing of your loved one from illness.

By adhering to these simple rules, you will be able to make a wish correctly, and it will certainly come true in the very near future. After all, the main thing is to sincerely believe in it.

From time immemorial, people have dreamed and wished for their dreams to come true.

On the eve of Christmas, it is important to remember the ancient tradition of making wishes on this magical night. So, we provide you with the top 7 rituals to choose from that will help you make the right wishes and bring your dreams closer to fruition.

1. For the first ritual, you will need a candle and the opportunity to find a quiet, deserted place on Christmas night to be alone with your thoughts. Focus and remember your most cherished desires and goals that you would like to achieve in the coming year. Ideally, this is best done under open air looking at the stars and the moon. But if this is not possible, then you can retire to a room in complete darkness. Then everything you wished must be said in a whisper, covering your eyes with your hands. At the end of the ritual, you will need to return home (if you were outside) and light a candle, on which you must briefly write your dreams in advance. Leave the lit candle in a safe place so that it burns out completely.

2. This ritual can be done with children in game form, since the process will be associated with creativity. You will need a thick sheet of paper, scissors and drawing supplies (pencils, paints or markers). On clean slate draw an angel, leaving space for the eyes, cut it out and think in advance about what you want to wish for. Then, slowly, while drawing one eye, think about your deepest desire and hide the angel in a secluded place. After your wish comes true, you need to take your angel and finish drawing his second eye.

3. Third ritual. It is the longest on our list, but this is exactly what will test the strength of your desire. Waking up on the morning of January 7, you need to think about your goal in detail. This must be done in the morning for 40 days. On the fortieth day, you need to take bread crumbs and feed the birds on the street.

4. For the fourth ritual we will need paper, pen and candles. The color and number of candles depends on your goals. Write your wish on a small piece of paper and take a candle. Its color depends on your request. For example, to fulfill desires related to love relationships, you will need a red candle. A green candle will help improve your health and financial condition. Blue will help you make dreams of vacation and travel. Violet promotes joy and happiness. So let's get started. You need to light a candle and drip all the wax onto a piece of paper with a description of your desire. After this, you need to tie a note with a thread of the same color as the candle. The tied envelope must be worn for a year until the dream comes true.

5. The fifth ritual is very simple, but very powerful. To do this, you need to go to church on Christmas night and, having made your wish, light a candle. Christmas is a time of real miracles, and if your wish comes from the heart, is filled with goodness, love and joy, it will certainly come true.

6. The sixth option is to make a wish and even immediately find out whether your dream will come true or not. For this we need seeds, beans or large beads. With your eyes closed, take a handful of seeds and clearly say your wish. Then scatter the seeds on the table and count the quantity. If you counted even number– then the wish will come true, if it’s odd, then don’t expect it in the near future.

7. And for the last fortune-telling you will need to take several cups and put one item from the list into each. Ring, bread, coin, sugar, onion, salt and pour water into one cup. Then, with your eyes closed, choose one of the cups. And find out what can await you in the near future. A ring means marriage, bread means prosperity in the house, a coin means financial well-being, sugar - for joy and fun, onions - for tears and sadness, salt - for unhappiness, but if you choose water - no changes in life.

But no matter what method you choose, it is important to remember that on the path to making your dreams come true, the main thing is not only to guess, but also to strive to realize your goals. Merry Christmas and may your wishes come true.

News on Notepad-Volzhsky

  • A wish made on Christmas Eve on January 7, 2019 will certainly come true

There is a theory that on Christmas night from January 6 to 7, an information portal opens and a direct connection between a person and the Universe occurs. This moment is considered the best to make a cherished wish. But the main thing is to make the right wish and put in a lot of effort to bring all your plans to life. If you take all this into account, your wish will certainly come true.

So, on the eve of Christmas Eve in 2019, it is worth finding out exactly what folk rituals will help you correctly voice what you want and make sure that your request comes true.

There are several ancient ways to make wishes. Each of them has its own characteristics. It is very important to clearly formulate your thought so that higher powers cannot interpret it incorrectly and bring into life something completely different from what a person wanted.

The night sky will help make your wishes come true on Christmas night in 2019

One of the most popular ways to make a wish on Christmas night is related to the sky. To implement it, you need to go outside after sunset. It is advisable to go to an area where nothing will interfere and will give you the opportunity to be a little alone and think carefully about what you want to wish for. If it is not possible to leave the house, then you can go through this ritual in a dark room without the light on, so that the reflections from the Moon and stars are clearly visible.

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You need to look carefully at the sky and visualize a picture of what you really want to get in 2019. You can completely create a kind of execution plan for yourself own desire the points. After this it is necessary right hand close your eyes and start saying out loud all the things you want to bring to life. After the stream of thoughts ends, you need to use the same hand to direct all visualized images towards the sky.

For the result to be final and irrevocable, upon arriving home, you need to take a red candle and carefully write on it in a couple of sentences everything that was previously directed to heaven. Then you need to light it and let it burn to the end.

Making your wish come true with a Christmas angel figurine

Among Christmas rituals, there is another most popular method. You will need to take a sheet of paper or cardboard and then draw on it big image angel. It should be cut out and picked up in order to make a wish.

It is important to describe in detail everything you want to achieve. The best option It will be possible - if you manage to make a kind of list of things that you want to bring to life in advance. After all this has been said out loud, you need to take a pen or pencil and draw only one eye on the angel figure.

Once everything is ready, you need to hide the angel in a secluded place. Over time, fate will begin to show signs indicating that the desire is gradually beginning to come true. After they become most obvious to perception, then you need to take out the angel and add a second eye to him. It is important to keep the figurine even after the wish is fulfilled. This way you can consolidate the resulting effect.

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What you should not wish for yourself and your loved ones on Christmas night

It is very important to understand that not all wishes made during Christmas have the right to be realized in reality. You should not ask higher powers for material benefits if a person himself is not ready to work for them. After all, an expensive foreign car or a million dollars will not just fall from the sky, because fate only gives a person ways to realize his desires, pushing him on the right path.

Under no circumstances should you wish harm for other people. It is worth throwing away all grievances and not remembering them on Christmas night, no matter how strong they may be. Moreover, you cannot ask higher powers to punish people who caused inconvenience or pain. On a festive night this would be completely inappropriate.

The formulation of your thoughts has great importance so that higher powers can accept the desire and do everything possible to fulfill it. It is important not to talk about what you would like, but to express your thoughts as if the desire has already come true. This way the energy of the words will become stronger. It is worth remembering to thank heaven for listening to the person and taking into account his request.

Useful information on making wishes on Christmas Eve

You need to make a Christmas wish at 12 am on the night of January 6-7. And most importantly, the formulation of the desire should be in the present tense. Don't think in the future tense. State it in the present as if you already have what you want, and at the end - gratitude.

Here is an example of a wish: “This year I am meeting a man, love is breaking out between us, and we are thinking about getting married, thank you God for this.” “This year, my beloved and I find compromises in our relationship and live in happiness and harmony, thank you God.” That is, the desire must be formulated in the present tense and in a positive form, without negative statements. For example, “we don’t quarrel” should be replaced with the statement “our relationship is full of mutual understanding and harmony.”

Attributes that will help fulfill wishes made on Christmas night

To perform the ritual you will need a candle, the color of which should be chosen according to your need.

  1. Peace and harmony in the family - red.
  2. Well-being and health – green.
  3. The embodiment of romantic fantasies is pink.
  4. Rest, recuperation - blue.
  5. The solution to material problems is brown.
  6. Success in business – yellow.

It is almost impossible to find a person who would argue that Christmas is a unique and magical time when people become kinder to each other, and all dreams come true! On this blissful night from the sixth to the seventh of January, angels descend from heaven to earth to listen to people and help them make their innermost desires come true!

Although the Universe is ready at any moment to listen to our requests and help us achieve what we want, still on Christmas the chances of making our dreams come true increase several dozen times! Why is this happening? Many esotericists and simply wise people claim that on this night the heavens open so that people can establish a direct connection with the Universe.

But in order for your cherished dream to come true, you need to formulate it correctly and perform certain actions! How to make a wish for Christmas so that it comes true? There are several effective ways! Now let's try to figure them out!

How to correctly formulate your wish for Christmas: some practical tips

The night from the sixth to the seventh of January is a bright and clear time of day, therefore, when making a wish, you must adhere to the following rules:

your desire should not carry a negative message. You shouldn't wish anyone harm! Forgive your enemies and offenders, wish them all the best, no matter how much bad they have done to you. Cleanse your soul of negative emotions and remember that evil intentions will sooner or later return like a boomerang. The law of karma has not been canceled, and the Universe will definitely reward each person what he deserves! Therefore, you should not spend money on the bright and magical Christmas holidays. great opportunity to achieve what you want through anger, resentment and hatred;

You should not make a wish that is of a material nature. Christmas is not a time for selfish and materialistic desires. If you make a material wish on this night, it simply will not come true. It’s better not to think about a newer and more expensive car, a three-room apartment and another piece of jewelry at Christmas. Ask for what you really need! If you have problems finding a job and you have nothing to feed your family, then you can ask for a new or higher paying job;

desire should not influence the free choice of other people. If you are madly in love with someone, but the object of your passion does not reciprocate your feelings, then there is no point in asking the Universe on the night from the sixth to the seventh of January that this person will fall in love with you and cannot live without you;

do not forget to thank the Universe (Heaven, God, Destiny) for everything that it has already done for you. Remember all the good things that happened in your life and feel sincere gratitude!

Formulate your desire as precisely as possible. Don't use the particle "not". “I don’t want to be sick or feel bad next year” is the wrong wording of a Christmas wish. "I'm healthy and happy man" is the correct wording.

Christmas ritual No. 1. Write a wish list

This ritual is suitable for those people who want to make not one, but several wishes for Christmas. On the night from the sixth to the seventh of January you need to prepare in advance:

  • candle;
  • handle;
  • paper;
  • favorite angel figurine.

Find a quiet and secluded place where you will not be disturbed. Calm your thoughts, find spiritual harmony, think only about the good. You can meditate a little in silence or with quiet and calm music. Then take a piece of paper and write a list of your cherished desires, but no more than twelve. Formulate your desires in the present tense and do not use the particle “not”.

Once the list is complete, light the candle. Then close your eyes and try to revive the angel figurine in your imagination. Feel his presence, try to see the light coming from the angel. Thank him for all the good things that have happened in your life, tell him about the wishes you have made. Open your eyes and once again sincerely thank the Universe!

Use the angel figurine as a Christmas tree decoration, and place the list under the tree. Put out the candle and hide it in a secluded place. Place your January 9th wish list in the same place where the candle is hidden.

When you get this list a year later, you will be surprised to notice that all or almost all of your wishes have come true.

Christmas ritual number 2. Talking to the Universe

This method will appeal to those individuals who do not like making lists and performing many different actions. All you need to do is go outside on Christmas night. This must be done from twelve o'clock at night to three o'clock in the morning.

When you go outside, stand in silence for a few minutes, think about what good things have happened in your life, thank the Universe for everything it has done for you. Then look up at the sky and make one or more wishes. Remember that you can make no more than three wishes. Say them out loud or say them in your mind. Tell the Universe why you want what you have planned to come true.

Don't be embarrassed and think that you are being stupid because you are talking to yourself. Don’t forget that you are conducting a dialogue with the Universe, and for it there is nothing secondary or trivial.

When you finish telling the Universe about your deepest desires, thank it again for listening to you. Stay in silence for a few more minutes, feel the presence mysterious forces, who descended from heaven that night to make people happier and more joyful.

Christmas ritual number 3. Draw a magical angel

This Christmas ritual is one of the most common and popular among girls. It's very easy to do.

On the night from the sixth to the seventh of January, take a thick sheet of paper or cardboard.

Draw an angel on paper.

Make one innermost wish, formulate it correctly and accurately.

Draw the angel's right eye.

Hide the angel with one drawn eye in a secluded place.

As soon as you see that your wish is starting to come true, take out the angel and draw his left eye.

When your wish comes true, you can carry the angel with you in your wallet or bag as a talisman and amulet against evil forces.

Christmas ritual No. 4. Light the candles

If you don’t have any specific desires or don’t have time to carry out various rituals, then you can simply light candles on Christmas night to not only demonstrate higher powers respect and gratitude, but also ask them for help and protection for the whole next year.

To show the higher powers in which area you need their help and protection, you need to choose the right color of candles:

  • red– for harmony and peace in the family;
  • yellow– for business success;
  • green– for health and well-being;
  • pink– for new love acquaintances;
  • blue– to restore internal strength and relax from worries;
  • brown– to solve material problems.

Think about what specific area of ​​life you need support in, and don’t forget to purchase candles in advance in a color that matches that area to light for Christmas.

Christmas ritual No. 5. We ask the elements for help

Our great-grandmothers performed this ritual at Christmas. Since then, it has not lost its relevance, but has become even more popular. To carry out this ritual, you will need to put in a little effort, but it will be worth it, because your cherished wish will definitely come true!

You need to prepare in advance:

  • white and colored candles;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • favorite aromatic oil;
  • symbols of the four elements.

Symbols of the four elements- these are objects or things that symbolize earth, water, fire and air. A symbol of water can be a bowl or small cup filled with water and shells. A stone, a handful of earth, sand are symbols of the earth. Candles white symbolize fire element. Their number must be even! A bird feather, a paper airplane and many other objects that we associate with flight and air are suitable as a symbol of this element.

Colored candles should be selected depending on life sphere, which your Christmas wish has a lot to do with. Look at the section “Ritual No. 4. Let’s light the candles” and choose the appropriate color.

From the sixth to the seventh of January, at exactly midnight, you need to do the following:

place a table near the darkest window in your home;

place lit white candles in the corners of the table, and place unlit colored candles in the center of the table;

symbols of the four elements are placed along the edges of the table;

Place a piece of paper and a pen near the colored candles;

Wash your hands thoroughly with running water, apply a few drops of your favorite aromatic oil to them;

take a sheet of paper and write down on it your cherished desire that you have formulated in advance. The more accurately and specifically you formulate your desire, the faster and more correctly it will come true;

thank each of the four elements out loud for all the good that was, is and will be in your life;

out loud and sincerely ask for help from each of the four elements. There are no standard phrases, so speak as your heart tells you;

place colored candles on a piece of paper with a written wish;

light colored candles;

look at the candle flames and imagine that your wish is coming true exactly the way you want it;

continue to look at the flames of the candles until you feel that it is time to complete the ritual;

clean all items that you used for the ritual with salt water;

hide the cleaned items in a secluded place where no one can find them;

fold the sheet with the written wish on which droplets of colored wax remain, folded into four and put away away from prying eyes.

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