How animals in the forest prepare for winter. How animals prepare for winter: experiments, stories, poems, speech logic tasks, pictures for children How mammals prepare for winter

We will briefly describe how animals prepare for winter. Winter time is hard time for animals. It is cold and difficult for them to find food, so the animals make supplies for this period.

Who is the first to prepare for winter

Some of the animals begin training in the summer. The first to prepare are rodents, mice, chipmunks, marmots (babaks).

In the summer, they collect and lay nuts and seeds in minks. Having supplies, they sit all winter in their "dwellings", most time the rodents sleep. Animals wake up to eat.

Bears in winter

Bears are preparing a den for winter. They find ditches, caves and insulate them. To make the "bed" soft, they collect leaves, moss, spruce branches. When snow appears, the animal masks its housing and saves heat in it.

hibernation bear photo

Bears do not prepare food supplies for the winter. In autumn, they actively eat nuts, fish to accumulate a large fat reserve for wintering. Predator in cold period does not sleep, but is in a state of drowsiness. When needed, he leaves the lair. It is in the winter that the bear bears offspring.

Preparing squirrels for winter

In autumn, squirrels stock up on seeds, nuts, and acorns for the winter. In the diet of this species of animals there are mushrooms. Their squirrels are hung between the branches of trees. dried mushrooms rarely have larvae and nematodes.

The red-haired inhabitant of the forest does not hibernate in winter, most of the cold time she is in a hollow, which suits high on a tree. Squirrel red skin changes to grayish fur. Such disguise is needed to protect against predators.

How do hedgehogs prepare for winter?

The active cycle of hedgehogs lasts 4-7 months, the duration depends on climatic conditions. The period is conditionally divided into 3 parts: awakening, reproductive time, preparation for winter. In the summer, hedgehogs do without a home, in the fall they begin to build it to prepare for hibernation. The awakening of animals in the spring depends on how effectively this period passes.

They settle in deep holes (about 1.5m). Hedgehogs do not cook food; before the onset of winter, animals live off the accumulated fat reserve. Fat accumulates under the skin and internal organs. In autumn they eat a lot and become round in appearance, unlike spring period when they become flat from hunger. In winter, they also molt and change their hairline.

Since common (European) hedgehogs live near people, it is worth leaving leaves along the fence to make it easier for the animals to find soft material.


White hares molt by winter and change into winter coats. Gray summer ones are changed to white fluffy ones. This is an excellent disguise from predators in the forest.

hare hare winter photo

Funny rodents do not hibernate, they spend the whole winter actively, eating tree bark, seeds and withered grass covered with snow.

  • Researchers have not established what burrows hedgehogs use - they dig themselves or find strangers. Hedgehogs living in captivity willingly winter in artificial burrows.
  • Squirrels help trees spread over long distances. Gathering acorns, they hide them in the ground, carry them away from the oaks. They just forget about their "treasures" and cannot find them. Animals also harm trees. For red squirrels North America seeds are the main food pine cone. Rodents immediately eat them or hide them in hollows of trees. Such "storages" are very damp, and the seeds cannot germinate. Squirrels are full in winter, and the trees have little opportunity to reproduce. The pines have developed a way to deal with this behavior of animals. They are covered large quantity resin, which creates obstacles for red squirrels. The squirrel understands what it eats. For example, she stores the acorns of red and white oaks differently. The fruits of white oaks are eaten by rodents without delay, due to their rapid germination. Such a stomach does not have nutritional value. And the fruits of red oak do not have the ability to germinate before winter, proteins store them.

Winter is a difficult period in the life of the entire animal world. Preparing for winter is different. Take care of the food and shelter of the animals in advance.

They are especially diligently preparing for the winter - mice, voles, make supplies.

Many of them dig their winter holes right in the stacks, under the stacks of bread, and steal grain every night. Underground, as in a large apartment, the mouse has a bedroom and several storage rooms. In winter, the vole will sleep only in the most severe frosts.

But, many animals do not suit any pantries. They are their own pantries. Just eat well for the autumn months. Fat is also a food supply. Yes, and warm: he does not miss the cold. The bear is one of them.

Bears stock up for winter more fat. He begins to fatten when the berry ripens. He still has time to gain weight before hibernation. Bears very carefully choose the place of the den, insulate it with moss and branches.

Badgers also store fat for the winter. It is easiest for them to build a hole - they skillfully cope with this - and they can prepare for winter in one day. Since their burrows often turn out to be large, they can “invite” a neighbor, a raccoon, to spend the winter. And the two animals spend the winter together.

In the hole in which the badger settles on hibernation maintained exemplary cleanliness.

Beavers harvest a lot of branches, carry them under water and put them in a pile near their homes.

How does a hedgehog prepare for winter? Usually hedgehogs look for deep holes, which are located at a distance of about one and a half meters from the surface layer of the earth. They, like bears, sleep all winter. But before going into hibernation, the hedgehog must have a good meal, become a well-fed fat man.

A skinny, thin hedgehog will not live until spring. So the hedgehog runs in the fall, trying to eat more.

Hedgehog feed at night. And what does the hedgehog eat? Worms, beetles, frogs, lizards, snails, mice, bird eggs. If a hedgehog meets a snake, he will certainly overcome it. Frogs, toads, snakes, lizards also hibernate. Some frogs hibernate at the bottom of water bodies and breathe with their skin.

accumulate fat and the bats, mosquitoes. In the cold, they fall into a state of sleep, in which the body temperature drops to a temperature environment. In winter, they can freeze to the state of icicles.

And in the body of ordinary black ants, tree beetles, caterpillars and other insects, in autumn a special frost-resistant substance appears - glycerin - a liquid that does not freeze even in the most severe cold.

In autumn, many animals change their summer coats for others.

This is very important to them. In winter, they will be invisible in the snow.

Hares that do not stockpile simply change their coats to white, so as not to catch the eye of a wolf and a fox because of their gray attire. They say about him: "Gray in summer and white in winter."

Foxes and wolves, which also do not hibernate in winter and are actively looking for food, they also molt - the hairline is completely or partially replaced, but the color of the coat does not change.

The squirrel also does not hibernate, but all autumn it gathers mushrooms and nuts so as not to be hungry in winter and equips its hollow to be warm. In the pantry stacked hazelnuts and cones.

In addition, the squirrel collected mushrooms. She puts them on broken branches of pines and dries them for future use. In winter, the animal will wander through the branches of trees, and be supported by dried mushrooms.

And further. The squirrel changes his red summer coat for a gray winter one.

Ermine fur is red-brown in summer, and pure white in winter, only the tip of the tail remains black.

Capercaillie roams along the roadsides, he needs to swallow small pebbles in order to grind coarse food with them in winter.

If you pay attention to insects, you will definitely notice that with the onset of autumn cold weather, they disappear.

Watching insects, you can find out what the winter will be like. Ants, for example, before the offensive harsh winter build a big anthill. And if you see mosquitoes in autumn, then a warm winter is coming.

Bees, for example, cover the notch more tightly with wax, leaving only small holes. Yes, and how else? However, if the winter is expected to be warm, the bees do not close it at all.

Some birds fly away to warmer climes only to return in the spring.

But the fate of city birds, in winter time, largely depends on the kindness, generosity and mercy of a person. With the advent of cold weather, sparrows huddle in numerous noisy flocks and try to stay closer to human habitation.

It is especially hard for the birds when white fluffy snow falls, covering the whole earth with an elegant blanket. It is at this difficult time that feathered singers need our help.

Help the birds in the winter, then in the summer they will dedicate their best songs to you, eat all the pests in your gardens and make sure that mosquitoes and flies are as few as possible next season!

With the onset of cold animals, birds and insects are preparing to meet the winter. And everyone in their own way - this is what nature taught them. Hares, squirrels, roe deer molt and put on warmer coats, ground squirrels, jerboas, marmots climb into deep holes and fall asleep. Frogs, toads, newts, lizards, snakes plunge into winter sleep. The shellfish freeze.

Do you know where crayfish hibernate? In deep niches or dug minks. However, they are not in a hurry to winter.

Insects complete the cycle of their development, hide in shelters, become numb and so survive the winter. ladybugs- fighters of harmful aphids - crawl into cracks, crevices, under the bark of trees, into moss, under fallen leaves. Often they fly into houses, cellars, sheds, attics. Many insects climb into the hollow stems of plants and spend the winter in them. Some insect pests hide under fallen leaves at the edges of forests.

AT middle lane countries at the end of September, the defenders of the forest - ants - stopped working. It is very important to protect anthills so that beneficial insects do not die.

For the winter many animals and birds prepare stern. Hamsters carry grains of wheat, oats, lentils, sunflowers, and flax into their pantries. They do not refuse potatoes either. In old animals, stocks are located in three pantries, in careless young ones - in one. A hamster needs supplies not so much in winter (he rarely wakes up) as in spring, after waking up from hibernation. Sometimes he climbs into houses.

Badgers and chipmunks store food for the winter. Squirrels sometimes raid other people's goods. So, nimble squirrels can even drag nuts from the attic of a residential building into their hollow.

In the taiga, a lot of pine nuts are harvested by the nut tree. Jays stock up on acorns, and do not disdain small potatoes.

Ferret, ermine, weasel, mink, marten, weasel, wolverine, fox, arctic fox arrange small meat warehouses - "refrigerators". Of course, such a warehouse is a very insignificant help: the animals have to hunt all winter.

In contrast to the friendly spring arrival of birds hurrying to nesting places, the autumn departure lasts much longer. Before all, insectivorous birds leave our region: swifts, orioles, nightingales, then granivorous, waterfowl. In their native places, only those who can produce norms in winter remain.

A beautiful short-tailed kingfisher, an emerald bird, is not in a hurry to go to warmer climes. Sits on the beach and waits. But then he fell like a stone into the water and immediately took off with prey in his beak - a small fish or some kind of insect. Such anglers can be observed near the rivers even after the first frost. Kingfishers fish until late autumn, sometimes before snow appears. Cold water they are not afraid - there would be food!

Autumn is a time of worries, worries, joys and sorrows for hunting lovers. It is only important that every hunter be an athlete, a diligent owner: do not shoot at the wrong time and in protected areas thinking about tomorrow native nature, did not allow the predatory extermination of birds and animals by poachers.

From the magazine "Peasant Woman", 1968

This is the body's reaction to temperature changes, in other words, it is a way of survival, characterized by a decrease in body temperature and a reduction in heart rate.

In preparation for sleep, animals stock up on fat and prepare a shelter that is well protected from predators. During hibernation, the body temperature of an animal can drop 10 times its normal temperature. So, for example, in a dormouse - a regiment (this is a small rodent), the temperature drops from 38 degrees to 3.7. The heart slows down to 3 - 5 beats per minute, and in California ground squirrels it can even drop to one beat. Breathing is reduced by 10 times. In general, all body activity is reduced to a minimum.

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Hibernation in cold-blooded animals (snakes, frogs, lizards)

The most striking preparation for hibernation occurs in cold-blooded animals. When the body cools, ice forms in their organs. This is very strange, because the animal can die from dehydration, or burst from the ice penetrating them. However, the American wood frog does an excellent job of this: it fills its body with glycogen, which ensures the safety of organs. In the spring, the frog simply thaws and consumes glucose (which is obtained from glycogen) for energy. But some amphibians survive the winter at the bottom of water bodies, burrowing into or breathing with their skin.

Interesting fact : snakes, turtles, lizards and frogs can be hibernated on their own. You just need to lower the temperature and change the light regime.

Hibernation of arctic ground squirrel, prairie dog and bear

arctic green squirrel

And here's hibernation ground squirrel, prairie dog and the bear is not considered hibernating. You can call it "snoozing" as they can be easily awoken. Yes, the entire vital activity of their body also slows down, but at the level of ordinary sleep. It is clear that fat and food supplies are the key to the survival of these animals during hibernation. A bear can consume up to 20,000 calories in one day and accumulate about 15 cm of fat over the summer. It would seem that it can disturb him in the winter?

Autumn in the forest. No bird songs are heard. Fieldfare thrushes gather in flocks and feed before moving to warmer climes.

The crake was the first to set off, because it either flies south or walks on foot.

Jay buries acorns in reserve. He chooses the most ripe acorns, only often forgets about them, and in the spring young oak trees grow from these acorns ...

The hedgehog found a hole in a rotten stump, dragged leaves there - that's the housing for the winter.

The squirrel will soon turn gray, put on a winter coat, but for now it stores nuts and acorns. Folds them into a hollow. And he hangs mushrooms on prickly knots - to dry.

The she-bear dug a lair under the roots of an old spruce, covered it with branches, dragged moss. In winter, cubs will appear in her den.

The fox silently sneaks on autumn forest. The leaves in the forest are red, and the fur of the fox is red. It is easy for a fox to sneak up on prey unnoticed.

Fallen hares hid. They don't jump, they don't leave marks. And then the fox will find them and eat them. A hare will run past, feed him milk and then jump into the aspen forest.

Flocks of cranes stretched high in the sky. With sad cries they say goodbye to their homeland. Cranes will winter in warm Africa. But as soon as the streams ring in the spring, the grass turns green on the hillocks, the cranes return home to their homeland.

The first snowflakes swirled in the air, and the flocks of geese also flew south.

Questions to discuss reading with children

Do you know how birds and animals prepare for winter in autumn? Listen to how G. Snegiryov tells us about this. What are you listening to now - a story, a fairy tale or a poem? Why do you think so? Does this work talk about any miracles? Is it possible to say that this work is melodic, melodious, that there is a rhyme in it? What new did you learn from this story? What birds are going to fly to warmer climes? How do hedgehogs, squirrels and bears prepare for winter? What does the author say about the fox? Why do you think hares are called "falling leaves"? How did you guess that they were recently born? Where do cranes and geese fly to for the winter? When will they return to us?

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