Which region of Russia to choose for moving. Places with the best climate on earth Resorts with a dry climate abroad

Ask any passerby on the street - would he or she like to live in a warm and sunny climate, such as the Mediterranean? Most of us will answer yes, and this is far from accidental.

British doctor David Grimes, medical director of the Department of Health Trust in Blackburn, Lancashire, studies the causes of cardiovascular disease. Dr. Grimes and his colleagues studied the blood of 36,000 patients over two years and found that their cholesterol levels were much higher in winter than in summer. In addition, those in the study who had gardens and spent more time in the sun in the summer had the lowest cholesterol levels and the highest vitamin D levels.

The results of this experiment explain why the incidence of cardiovascular disease in the UK is higher in the north of England and lower in Scotland. sunny days.

Dr. Grimes says cholesterol levels are mistakenly linked to diet. “Mediterranean people have less heart disease, not because they eat a lot of olive oil and fresh produce, but because they eat more sunlight“, he says and advises his patients, first of all, not to change the diet, but to stay in the sun.

Overall, Grimes argues, positive influence The impact of sun on our body is underestimated. There is a lot of talk about the danger of malignant melanoma (it develops under the influence solar radiation), however, according to the scientist, the benefits of the sun are approximately 25,000 times greater than its harm.

The more sun, the less sclerosis

Back in 1922, it was proven that a lack of sunlight contributes to the development of multiple sclerosis. For example, residents of the United States whose childhood (up to 15 years) was spent in southern states, suffer from this severe neurodegenerative disease almost half as often as those who grew up in the northern states. Scientists analyzed mortality rates from multiple sclerosis at different latitudes and found a direct correlation between them: the further from the equator, the higher the mortality rate.

Notably, the exception was in areas where fish consumption is significantly higher than average, meaning that their residents increase their vitamin D levels through food.

However, there is a difference between vitamin D taken as a dietary supplement and that which is formed in the skin tissue under the influence of sunlight. The second has the form of sulfate (a salt of sulfuric acid), dissolves in water and moves freely, penetrating tissues and organs and participating in metabolism, so taking vitamin D is an inferior substitute for sun exposure.

But let's get back to heart disease. Everyone knows that abnormal heat is difficult for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases and, as a rule, during such periods the mortality rate from them increases. However, in general, in the warm season in European countries and in America many die less people than in winter (as evidenced, for example, by one Irish study).

Many critics of the fight against global warming, in particular Sr. Researcher Stanford University (USA) Thomas Moore believes that if the average temperature in these parts of the world increases by 2-3 degrees, this will save tens of thousands of lives.

The warm and dry climate is good for those with arthritis and asthma. The role of the sun is also important in preventing cancer: a decrease in the level of the immunomodulator vitamin D in the body is associated with an increased risk of the disease. But here is relatively new data: the development of cancer is influenced not only by sunlight, but also by heat, as evidenced by this interesting study by American scientists.

A team of researchers at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute (New York) compared the growth of tumors and the spread of metastases in mice at temperatures of 22 degrees C and 30 degrees C. It turned out that several types of cancer, including pancreatic, intestinal, skin and breast cancer, developed faster and began to spread earlier and more aggressively in cooler environments. Interestingly, tumors grew faster at lower temperatures, even in mice that were cold-adapted from birth.

In both mice and humans, the immune response to the appearance of a malignant tumor is carried out by T cells, which “compete” with cancer cells. Once attacked by T cells, cancer cells signal the body to suppress their production, and this fight continues until the immune system defeats the cancer or vice versa. A number of anti-cancer therapies are aimed specifically at helping the immune system win.

In an experiment by American scientists, all mice had the same number of T cells before they developed cancer, but T cells from mice in a warm environment were faster, more actively penetrated into the tumor and destroyed it, releasing more anti-carcinogenic substances than T -mouse cells in cool conditions. In addition, mice in the cold were found to have significantly more cells that suppress the antitumor activity of the immune system.

Another interesting discovery by scientists. If ordinary mice are given a choice of rooms with a temperature range from 22 to 38 degrees C, then the majority will choose 30 degrees. If such a choice is given to mice with cancerous tumors, then they will tend to the warmest room - with 38 degrees. This is consistent with observations of people with cancer: they become more sensitive to cold and experience discomfort even when normal temperatures, especially during treatment.

A couple more advantages of a mild climate

In sunny, warm weather we are drawn to spend more time on fresh air, which is good for the brain and other tissues and organs. Our favorite sofa, TV and computer don’t look so attractive when it’s a nice day outside – we go outside and start moving more actively. People in countries with warm climate We spend much more time on our feet all year round, and this also affects our health, perhaps even more than the Mediterranean diet.

So if you're wondering where to go on holiday, go on a date with the sun - you won't go wrong.

To answer the question “Which places with the most best climate in the world?" First we need to clarify what we mean by “better climate”, because most people would probably give different answers. Some prefer warmer weather, others prefer cooler climates.

In essence, the best should be the one that is more easily tolerated by the body and does not require any serious adaptation to extreme temperatures. The best climate is not too humid or too cold or warm.

Places must be unaffected by extreme weather phenomena like regular floods, hurricanes, heat, snowstorms and others. We must also be completely objective. Places that travel magazines tout as slices of paradise are indeed fabulously beautiful, but very often the climate there is too hot or humid.

We tried to choose places in such a way that their climate was the healthiest. Very often, when it comes to the best climate, everyone thinks first of all about the Caribbean. Yes, the weather there is really wonderful, but the summer half of the year is too rainy and the region often becomes a victim of hurricanes.

During the summer months, Caribbean holidays can be hit hard by rain and tropical storms. In general, the most popular tourist destinations do not always have the best weather conditions. You'll probably notice that most of these places are either extremely densely populated or a popular tourist destination.

And it cannot be otherwise - after all, the weather is of paramount importance. You may also notice that almost all the places that claim to have the most pleasant climate are located near a large body of water (sea or ocean). This is no coincidence. Around large bodies of water the weather is usually the mildest and most pleasant.

1. Canary Islands. They are located near the coast of Africa, the Canary Islands are a Spanish possession. They enjoy probably the best climate you can imagine. It's eternal summer, or rather eternal spring. Typically, places that are located south of the 30th parallel have a very hot tropical climate, but these islands are no exception.

The cold Canary Current cools the islands as ocean temperatures range between 19-25 degrees throughout the year and prevent air temperatures from getting too hot or cold. In summer the daytime temperature is about 26°C, and in winter about 21. The weather is very easily tolerated even by the most pretentious people.

In most places it is generally not rainy, so at any time of the year if you go there it is unlikely that rain will ruin your holiday. The exception is Northern part the island of Tenerife, which experiences quite heavy rains, and sometimes rainy days reach up to 15 per month.

There are no hurricanes because they form in water basins that are too warm, but here ocean water with moderate temperature. Annual temperature amplitudes are quite small, and the islands know neither cold nor heat. And in addition, it’s good to know that the Canary Islands are among the places with the cleanest air and lowest dust levels on the planet.

2. Located near the equator, Kenya's second largest city and neighboring resorts enjoy luxurious weather throughout the year. Here from January to December it is always about 25-30°C. No more, no less.

It's almost always partly cloudy here, which reminds you that you're on the equator and should always be prepared for a little rain.

Light clouds make the weather feel a little cooler - around 24-26°C throughout the year, as we know it's the sun that makes the heat unbearable. In addition, near the equator the weather is usually almost never windy. IN general conditions ideal for tourism and recreation throughout the year.

3. Hawaiian Islands. Hawaii is the sunniest and warmest American state, but without extreme high temperatures in summer. There is no rainy season, no hurricanes and generally no adverse weather conditions. Dust levels in Hawaii are very low, similar to the Canary Islands.

The location of the islands in the very center contributes mainly to the mild climate. Pacific Ocean. This justifies Hawaii's fame as one of the best tourist destinations. Temperatures here range from 26 to 30°C throughout the year. Precipitation increases slightly in winter, but is generally normal throughout the year.

4. Costa Rica. Similar to Kenya, Costa Rica is also very nice warm subequatorial climate. The temperature is constant - all year round between 24 and 26°C, which makes the country extremely popular for people looking for tropical paradise for purchasing real estate.

The climate is humid, but precipitation is usually short. There are almost rarely days when there is no sun. You will feel comfortable without feeling the weather too warm or cold.

5. Located near the equator in the Pacific Ocean, the Galapago Islands enjoy magnificent equatorial climate. Temperatures range from 21 to 28°C. Usually the weather is relatively dry. The first 6 months of the year are warmer and slightly wetter.

Beautiful climatic conditions are one of the reasons why exceptional wildlife thrives here and vegetable world. The climate of Galapagos is very easily tolerated by tourists, since there are no extreme costs. In addition, there are no hurricanes here, and the water of the Pacific Ocean has very pleasant moderate temperatures.

6. Bermuda. Bermuda is one of the places in the world with the best climate. They are located quite north in the subtropics, but have a mild and not very hot tropical climate. The reason is the warm Gulf Stream, which brings warm waters far to Europe.

Temperatures here range from 21°C in January to 30°C in August. The ocean acts as a natural air conditioner and the temperatures are at a pleasant level.

7. The capital of Mexico has a cool tropical mountain climate. High altitude above sea level saves the city from the unbearable heat typical of the tropics. Temperatures here range from 21 to a maximum of 27°C with heavy rainfall during the summer months.

The warmest weather is in May and the coldest in December. The mild climate is one of the reasons for the huge population of the Mexican capital.

8. Sao Paulo. The largest Brazilian city is located in the tropics South America. It is located on a high plateau, near the shores of the ocean. Although Rio de Janeiro is in almost the same geographic latitude, Sao Paulo has a much cooler and milder climate.

Temperatures here range from 22 to 27°C throughout the year. Both Mexico City and Sao Paulo have such large populations, to some extent due to their mild climate.

9. Costa del Sol. The southernmost coast of Spain is a popular winter destination for millions of Europeans, as well as people visiting from colder countries around the world.

The Mediterranean coast of Andalusia is the warmest and sunniest place in Europe. Unlike the Caribbean, there is short winter, but in fact, 2-3 months with daytime temperatures of about 17-18 degrees are easier to endure than 6 months of the rainy season.

The Mediterranean Sea has a strong influence, maintaining pleasant and healthy temperatures throughout the year. Even according to some scientists, the coast itself on the Costa del Sole has a tropical microclimate, the temperatures of which are abnormally high for Europe. Summers are very warm with temperatures around 29°C. The climate is generally quite dry and sunshine is plentiful 12 months a year.

10. San Diego. The southernmost of all the Pacific cities of the United States, San Diego, has an excellent climate, formed under the influence of the Rocky Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. The cold streams that pass near California make summers pleasant without much heat. In the same time constant temperature The ocean maintains winter values ​​relatively high.

Temperatures in the city range from 19 to 25°C, and the weather is sunny and dry throughout the year. The local climate bears striking similarities to that of the southern Spanish province of Andalusia.

The pleasant climate in San Diego is repeatedly mentioned in many Hollywood movies and is the reason that many wealthy Americans live here.

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“AiF” decided to figure out where in Russia it is comfortable to live from a climate point of view, and where it is almost impossible.

According to scientists, the health and well-being of people, in addition to temperature, is influenced by a lot of factors: air humidity, and the amount solar radiation, and atmospheric pressure, and speed, and frequency of winds, etc. So, according to the data that was provided to us by the Phobos company, from the point of view of human bioclimatology in our country, the foothills are the most favorable for living North Caucasus. Here, throughout the year, there is a fairly stable weather regime, low day-to-day variability (in other words, there are no sharp jumps) in temperature and atmospheric pressure. On Black Sea coast Russia's highest in the country average annual temperature(+14.1°), the warmest winter (+4.7° in the traditionally coldest month - January). At the same time, the summer temperature thanks to the protection Caucasus Mountains and the breeze blowing from the sea is not as high as, for example, in the steppe regions of the North Caucasus, in Southern Siberia or in Far East. After Gelendzhik, Sochi, Anapa in the ranking of the very best - Kaliningrad region, characterized by mild European weather. And the climate is worst on the Northern coast Arctic Ocean. Uncomfortable conditions are created by the incredibly long winter (the number of days with air temperatures below -25° exceeds 100), the presence polar night And high speeds winds.

Who is guilty? Or rather - what?

In general, let's say this: almost throughout the entire territory of Russia the climate is harsh. average temperature the coldest month is below -5°, and in most areas it approaches -10-15°. In the most densely populated regions of the Russian Federation - in the center and south European territory countries - the number of days with temperatures below zero ranges from 60 to 150. Think about it: sub-zero temperatures last for six months! And in the northern regions of the country there are no more than 30-40 frost-free days throughout the year. By the way, the pole of cold in the European part of the country is located in the Pechora River basin, where temperatures down to -55° were recorded.

Not everything is good in the summer months either. Russia has the coldest place this season - New Earth, peaks of Elbrus and other mountains Caucasian ridge. There, even in July the air is below 0 degrees. Such temperatures in summer can only be found on the coast of Antarctica! Absolute record heat - +45° in the Lower Volga region, on the shores of the salt lakes Elton and Baskunchak - comparable to the indicators in the Sahara.

As we said above, the “climate severity” also depends on the winds (unfavorable where in winter they blow frequently and at a speed of more than 10 m/s). In this regard, everything is not so bad here: winter winds blow in the coastal regions and the Caspian zones. And in continental regions, of which there is an absolute majority on our territory (more than 80%), this figure decreases sharply. True, this, unfortunately, leads to smog in cities.

As the Hydrometeorological Center explained to us, almost all the cold waves that regularly sweep across the territory of our country come from the Arctic. The significance of the coast of the Arctic Ocean and the absence of mountain ranges bring constant frosts. Fortunately, on the other hand, almost half of the country is simultaneously influenced by the Atlantic. It softens the cold in winter and the heat in summer.

And what to do with it?

It turns out that we have a climate that is, to put it mildly, unsuitable for life - harsher than in any other state. This, naturally, sharply increases energy consumption, production costs, complicates construction, and makes it difficult economic activity. But it’s unlikely that anyone will exchange territory with us, so we need to look for ways to reduce negative influence weather.

The experience of Canada is most suitable for this - a country in which, like ours, most of The territory, let's say, is not a resort. It turns out that here, historically, enterprises were built in areas with a high population density, with better transport infrastructure, as close as possible to trade routes, that is, in other words, where the climate is milder. Since tsarist times, we have traditionally rushed to the East - the population in the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East has always grown much faster than in the country as a whole. As Ivan Stepanov, candidate of economic sciences, told AiF, if in 1910 10% of the country’s population lived beyond the Urals, then in the early 90s there were already 24. Wow, growth! For comparison: in Canada, for example, in regions climatically close to our Siberia, only 1% of people live!

Of course, skeptics may object: Canada has nothing important in its cold regions, while we have mineral resources. And if we leave our East, it will immediately be populated by the Chinese. The arguments are compelling. The only pity is that we have never learned how to correctly use other people’s experience and always pay for our mistakes in full. What price? According to calculations by experts, only the costs of additional electricity and reduced labor productivity result in a loss of 1 to 3% of GDP.

Which country has the best climatic conditions? Everyone would probably answer this question differently. The microclimate preference depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. A habitat that is considered good for life is moderately humid and not too hot or cold. In places with a favorable climate there are no constant storms or floods. Sea air is favorable for the human body; it usually contains fewer harmful impurities.

There are many beautiful places on our planet that will appeal to every person. For lovers of sunny weather and relaxing on the beach, countries with a warm climate are suitable:

Clean mountain air and magnificent landscapes prevail in the following countries:

To decide on the option for yourself, check out the rating of countries with favorable climatic conditions for living.

Countries with the best climate:

Malta is one of the first countries with the best climate. She's different warm summer, big amount sunny days. Winter is very mild and not cold. In summer, the average temperature is from +26 to +28 degrees, and in winter from +9 to +16. The hottest months are from July to September. Thanks to the fresh sea breeze, the heat is not felt, and the summer months pass unnoticed. Malta is amazing for those who love beach holiday, clean sand, warm sea.

The climate of Malta is subtropical-Mediterranean. The weather in Malta is fairly stable, with mild winters and warm to hot summer temperatures.


Portugal is one of the sunniest territories and is characterized by a Mediterranean climate. In the southern part of Portugal, people swim in the sea until October, and you can sunbathe even in January. Always in the country stable temperature There are practically no sudden changes. In summer, the average temperature ranges from +25 to +29, and in winter from +13 to +19. The Portuguese winter is similar to our autumn, it is characterized by rain.

Costa Rica is a tropical paradise that... weather conditions similar to Kenya. Throughout the year the temperature varies from +24 to +26 degrees. The climate is moderately humid, precipitation is rare and most often short-lived. All year round Costa Rica is filled with sunny days.

Climate of Costa Rica The climate in the country is subequatorial. There are two seasons: dry - from December to April and rainy - from May to November


Kenya is located near the equator, all its resorts are popular. From the beginning to the end of the year, the temperature ranges from +25 to +30 degrees. Kenya is characterized by partly cloudy weather and periodic rains. You can go to Kenya on holiday throughout the year.


Mexico has a mountainous tropical climate with a slight coolness. For tropical climate usually characterized by unbearably hot weather. Due to the fact that Mexico is located high above sea level, there is no such intense heat. The average temperature in the country is from +21 to +27 degrees. Summer is accompanied by heavy rainfall. The warmest and most pleasant weather is observed in May, and the coolest in December. Mexico's mild climate attracts tourists and expats.

You will learn about what earthquakes occurred in Mexico from the video.

Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, has a large population, this is due to its comfortable climate. The warmest weather occurs from May, and the coldest in December.

The mountainous central part of Mexico has a temperate and dry climate with virtually no humidity and large quantity sunlight. Due to the fact that the area is located on a hill, the temperature rarely reaches high performance. During the coldest time of the year, in December and January, slight frosts are possible. But they are so insignificant that local residents rarely use means of heating the air.

Most of the coastal areas of central and southern Mexico, the Pacific Ocean and the Caribbean have a semi-tropical climate. This means that summers are hot and humid at the same time.

The Hawaiian Islands are the warmest and sunniest state in America. But the climate here is hot and moderate, with no abnormally high temperatures observed. On average in Hawaii from +26 to +30 degrees throughout the year. Heavy rains or there are no hurricanes on the islands. Precipitation is always insignificant; it increases only in winter.

The Hawaiian Islands are located in a climatically extremely comfortable region of the Pacific Ocean. The climate is tropical, maritime.

Canary Islands

Up close African continent The Canary Islands are located. Their climate is one of the best. The Canaries are an endless summer, or rather spring. Usually the tropics are characterized by intense heat, but this is not typical for the Canaries. The reason for this is the cold current, which somewhat neutralizes the heat. The water in the ocean is warmed up to +19 – +25 degrees. Thanks to this, the air temperature in summer is +26 degrees, and in winter – 21. The climate of these islands is suitable for almost everyone. It rains moderately here and there are no hurricanes at all. It is important that the Canaries have clean air and low dust levels.

The Canary Islands are a picturesque archipelago in Atlantic Ocean, the land of eternal summer with an ideal climate, emerald valleys, bizarre rocks and sandy beaches.


The climate on the island will have a beneficial effect on your relaxation and health. The indigenous population of Cyprus can boast of its life expectancy; its indicators on the island are higher than in Western countries. Cyprus is located in the subtropics. In summer, temperatures vary from +25 to +40 degrees, the weather is hot and dry. Winter is quite warm, with average temperatures ranging from +10 to +20 degrees. There is snow in Cyprus only in certain places; winter is usually characterized by rain. The highest humidity is observed in December and January. Summer or September is mainly suitable for holidays in Cyprus. In September there is usually no longer any intense heat, but the sea is warm and gentle.


In Europe, Spain is one of the warmest and most pleasant countries. Summer and winter are quite moderate, there is no severe cold or unbearable heat. The end of summer is the most favorable time for a holiday in Spain. The heat subsides, and by this time the sea is quite warm, the water temperature reaches +26 degrees. In general, the climate is mild and comfortable; in summer the air temperature is 25–30 degrees Celsius, and in winter 10–15.

On south coast Spain is located on the Costa del Sol. This place is one of the most attractive for tourists, even in winter time. Throughout the year, the Mediterranean Sea is warm and suitable for swimming. Humidity levels are very low. Stable hot temperature– one of the main reasons why the coast is popular among tourists.

Northwestern Spain, also called “green Spain,” is characterized by cool summers and mild winters. This region also has a lot of greenery due to the amount of rainfall it receives. In fact, the climate is quite similar to the Pacific Northwest.

Spain – geographically diverse country, which can satisfy any climatic desires. This includes both mild coolness and warm beaches. On the northern border, between France and Spain, there are snow slopes that are popular with skiers in winter. What’s noteworthy is that in the south of the country there are also snowy areas that are located close to the beaches Mediterranean Sea. This allows you to relax and swim in the sea during the day, and ski in the evening.


Climatic conditions in Turkey are the most favorable compared to other Eastern countries. In summer the weather is warm and dry, and in winter it is very mild, rains are moderate and do not interfere with rest. Snow is a rarity for Turkey.

Turkey climate map

In summer, temperatures range from 21 to 26 degrees, and in winter, on average, they range from 0 to 6 degrees. In resort areas the weather is sunny both in summer and winter. The water warms up quite well in June. These indicators are very different from our area, which is characterized by continental climate.

New Zealand

One of the countries with a comfortable climate is New Zealand. In addition to the beautiful scenery, the summers here are warm, but not hot. Winter is not cold, but mild and pleasant. There are no sudden changes in temperature, each season imperceptibly and gradually replaces the next. The temperature in summer is from +16 to +27 degrees, and in winter from +10 to +16 degrees. It is characteristic that summer months here December, January and February are considered. And winter lasts from June to August inclusive.

Highlands of New Zealand

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