Card index “Game therapy. Solopanova O.Yu., Patyukova R.V. Formation of the value experience of children in the context of the integration of modern education: Educational and methodological manual - file n1.doc Folk signs of May

  • Mudrik A.V. Social education in institutions of additional education for children (Document)
  • Egorova T.V. Social inclusion of children with disabilities (Document)
  • Belousova A.K. Developing educational environment for gifted children (Document)
  • Zaitsev D.V. Social Integration of Disabled Children in Modern Russia (Document)
  • Textbook Educational and methodological support for the development, education and upbringing of hyperactive children of senior preschool age in a family (features p (Lecture)
  • Vetrov A.P. Econometrics: a teaching aid (Document)
  • Glinsky A.A. Methodological work in a general educational institution (Document)
  • Buylova L.N., Klenova N.V. Experimental site in an institution of additional education for children (Methodological guide) (Document)
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  • n1.doc

    Lily of the valley

    E. Serova

    A lily of the valley was born on a May day,

    And the forest keeps it.

    It seems to me: his back -

    It will ring softly.

    And this ringing will hear the meadow,

    Birds and flowers...

    Let's listen, what if

    Let's hear - me and you?

      * * *

    The sun is laughing again

    English folk song

    The sun is laughing again

    Under the roof, a finch curls:

    Fall, fall and freeze!
    The king sent two daughters

    For brushwood in the woods:

    Fall, fall and freeze!
    Blooming in my pocket

    Cloves and chamomile:

    Fall, fall and freeze!


    Swallow, swallow,

    Dear killer whale,

    Where were you,

    What did you come with?

    - Been across the sea

    I got the spring

    I carry, I carry spring - red.

      * * *

    Rain, rain, more fun

    Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

    Just don't get us wet!

    Don't knock on the window in vain -

    Spray into the field more:

    The grass will get thicker!

      * * *

    Christ is risen

    M. Rosenheim

    Everywhere the blessing is buzzing;

    Of all the churches, the people bring down;

    The dawn is already looking from heaven ...

    The cover of snow has already been removed from the fields,

    And the rivers are torn from the shackles,

    And the nearby forest turns green ...

    Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
    The earth is waking up

    And the fields are dressing ...

    Spring is coming full of wonders!

    Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

      * * *

    V. Stepanov

    Snowfall -

    They're flying head over heels!


    The sun was


    We went for a walk

    In April,

    And returned

    In February.

    * * *
    V. Stepanov

    - Where are you from,

    - From the country of rains.

    - Where are you from,

    I am the sister of the seas.

    - Where are you from,

    - From the steppe country.

    - Where are you from,

    I am from silence.

    * * *
    V. Stepanov

    Oh what a cloud

    cloud deep,

    Right above me.

    Oh what a cloud

    cloud high,

    Cloud far away

    Do not reach by hand.

    Float and hide

    In the field outside

    Will wash in the lake

    Fresh water.

      * * *

    This month was named after the ancient Roman goddess of the fields Maia. May is the month of blooming fruit trees, late spring flowers and birdsong.

    IN Old Russian calendar May is known as "grass"; "Leafbunch" - due to the fact that young leaves appeared on the trees in a bunch; "poppy" - because of the flowering of poppies; "rosenik" - because of the frequent growth in May. This is the time when nature comes to life, the earth is covered with grass, and the birds chirp provocatively.

    In May, people expect cherry blossoms to bloom. With the flowering of the bird cherry, a cold snap sets in. It becomes especially cold when young shoots appear on the oak. But the May frosts should not be afraid.

    People say about May: white winter behind, and the green summer is ahead "" May is cold - the year is grain-bearing."

    The month of May is associated with one of the main Christian holidaysTrinity. On this day, they say goodbye to spring and welcome summer. This holiday is equally solemnly celebrated by Catholics, Protestants, and Orthodox, although in different time. vernacular name Trinity is a green holiday.

    In the old days in Russia they were loved and celebrated widely and cheerfully. Most holidays fall at the junction of the seasons. For example: Ascension, Trinity and Spirits Day, which are celebrated in the second half of May.

    The main event of the Slavic Trinity is the curling of a birch. For this purpose, they chose a young birch, bent its branches to the ground, wove them and decorated them with flowers and ribbons. And after that they arranged round dances around the birch.

    The birch has become a symbol of the Trinity because it is the first to be covered with green leaves. And according to legend, the birch should give its strength to the field that is beginning to turn green, to contribute to the harvest. Sometimes, instead of curling the entire birch, its branches were cut off and they decorated the doors and windows of houses with them.

    In France and Scandinavia, there was a custom of consecration with Trinity water. It was believed that she, like baptismal, has healing properties and helps with all diseases. She irrigated gardens and orchards - for a bountiful harvest. In Germany and Austria, a stuffed water bird was made from straw, capable of popular belief, make it rain, and wear it around the village or town, now and then pouring water.

    Folk omens May
    There are two cold weather in May - the bird cherry blossoms, and the oak blossoms.

    Wild geese scream - spring has come, and you are a crow, no matter how much you croak - you will not call spring.

    The nightingale sings when it can drink water from a birch leaf. This means that the leaf is so developed that a dew drop can fit on it.

    Beetles are worried, fly in the evening or the next day it will get colder, it will rain.

    A wide leaf of a white lily appeared on the surface of the reservoirs - there will be no more frosts.

    The cuckoo calls regularly - the weather will be warm and the frosts will stop.

    After the rain, a rainbow formed - the rain would stop.

    They fly low - to rain, high in the sky - to sunny weather. It is raining for a long time and suddenly birds sang in the sky - sunny weather will come.

    May signs are conventionally divided into two types: those related to the weather and those affecting a person's life.

    If in May the geese fly high, then the oats will be high; if low, the oats will be low. If there is a lot of rain in May, then there is little of it in September (and vice versa). If the beginning of May is warm, it will be cold at the end (and vice versa). Fogs in May promise fertility, thunderstorms - abundance, Hail - hail summer.

    To be born in May is to suffer all the time. In May kind people do not get married (this is due to the fact that in May there is a lot of work, and it’s not about weddings). Live - have fun, but what will be in May. And the people said: "Ay, ah, the month of May is warm, but hungry."

    Invocation - sentence

    rainbow arc,

    Don't let it rain

    Come on sunshine

    Bell tower.


    white basket,

    golden bottom,

      There is a dewdrop in it
    And the sun is shining.


      * * *

    Only the rain has gone

    A bridge appeared in the sky

    Brightly arched,

    Like a golden belt.


      * * *

    A ship with twelve paws is running.

    Four fours and two spreaders.

    Two horns, not a bull, six legs without hooves.

    The legs are many, the mustache is long, and the tail kicks, kicks.

    According to the scissors, the seam, not the bristles of the chebotary.

    Not a blacksmith, but with tongs.

      * * *

      Green, not a meadow, white, not snow, curly, but without hair.

      * * *

    There is a beauty - green braids

    The dress is white, the bark is combustible,

    Weeping branch, flying seed.

    * * *
    Green, not a meadow,

    Bela, not snow,

    Curly, not a head.

    * * *
    It gets fat


    * * *
    round dance

    To the green to the meadow

    Let's gather in a circle

    Oh, okay, okay, Lel!
    I will find a flower in the grass

    In a braid in a girl's weave.

    Oh, okay, okay, Lel!
    Let's lead a round dance,

    Calls songs output.

    Oh, okay, okay, Lel!
    I am an azure flower

    I curl on a wreath

    Oh, okay, okay, Lel!

    * * *
    In children's games, various counting rhymes, jokes, and fairy tales were used.

    Alive, alive, without looking back

    run away at full speed.

    Run away, whoever

    the game starts.

      * * *

    I'll go buy a pipe

    I will go to the street

    louder, pipe, pipe,

    we play, you drive.

      * * *

    Knocking, strumming down the street,

    Thomas rides a chicken

    Timoshka on a cat

    there along the path.

      * * *

    I am a fox, a red tail,

    I'll sit closer to the bunny.

    I'll look at the rabbit

    and outsmart him.

      * * *

    Palms, palms,

    loud crackers,

    where have you been?

    Did you work a lot? Yes!

      * * *

    At our Grishenka

    under the cherry window.

    Semyon has maples in the garden,

    Alena has a green oak,

    Marina has a raspberry bush,

    Arina has two mountain ash,

    Tarasca has a bunch of bast.

    Is my story good?

      * * *

    The more we get together

    The more we get together, together, together,

    For your friends are my friends

    And my friends are your friends;

    The more we get together, the happier we'll be.
    Oh, how's for getting friendly, quite friendly, real friendly?

    Oh, how's for getting friendly, both your friends and mine?

    If your friends like my friends

    And my friends like your friends;

    We'll all be friends together, now won't that be fine!


    about summer

    for the middle group

    "It's all winter..."

    All winter...

    Where is summer ?

    Animals, birds!

    Waiting for an answer!

    Summer, -

    Swallow thinks -

    Coming very soon.

    Visiting Grandma

    To grandmother Ulyana

    On the horse Buyan

    Through the collective farm fields

    Our Tanya is coming.

    Goodbye city

    goodbye train!

    And towards the river

    like a blue belt.

    Bridge over the water

    narrow board.

    But the river Buyan is knee-deep.

    He wades boldly

    and pulling a cart

    Like riding in a boat

    little Tanya.

    Fun and shaky

    to go to her in a cart!

    Here it runs towards

    colt piebald.

    The kids are watching

    standing on a low bridge, -

    Maybe to them in the village

    Tanya is coming to visit?

    To grandmother Ulyana

    On the horse Buyan

    Collective farm street

    Our Tanya is coming.

    Wave branches to her

    apple trees from the garden.

    Grandmother Ulyana

    granddaughter will be happy.


    In the meadow by that path

    What runs to us right into the house,

    White with a yellow eye.

    I wanted to pick a flower

    Raised her hand to him

    And the bee flew off the flower


    What will you give mesummer ?

    Lots of sunshine!

    Rainbows in the sky!

    And daisies in the meadow!

    What else will you give me?

    The key that rings in silence

    Pines, maples and oaks,

    Strawberries and mushrooms!

    I will give you a cuckoo

    So that, going out to the edge,

    You shouted louder to her:

    "Guess me quickly!"

    And she answers you

    Foretold a lot years !

    "Summer evening is quiet and clear..."

    The summer evening is quiet and clear;

    See how the willows doze;

    The west of the sky is pale red,

    And the rivers shine meanders.

    Happy summer

    Finally hurries to our house.

    Fresh smell of juicy herbs,

    Ripe ears in the field

    And mushrooms in the shade of oak forests.

    How many delicious sweet berries

    In a clearing in the woods!

    Here I am hired for a year

    It was a whole year with me!


    The sun shines brightly in the sky

    But in dense shade it is not hot.

    Here and there chicks sing -

    Forests new tenants.

    V. Stepanova.


    In golden flowers edge,

    The bees dance.

    A frog screams in the reeds:

    It's raining from the river.

    V. Stepanova.


    Warm in the forest until morning

    From resinous pines.

    A squirrel carries a mushroom in a hollow ...

    Autumn is coming.

    V. Stepanova.


    Straw summer ,

    Straw sand.

    straw hat

    Sliding to the temple.

    straw gave,

    Straw days.

    straw horses

    Visible in the sun.

    straw sky,

    Straw hut.

    I draw with a straw

    Forget about the pencil.

    V. Stepanova.


    It's raining from the sky,

    Rustles in the leaves of the garden.

    Wet garden-garden,

    Wet ball at the gate.

    What are you, scarecrow, standing,

    What are you, stupid, sad?

    One is a hand

    Two is a hand

    Disperse the clouds!

    Get up on one leg -

    Get a rainbow from the sky.

    V. Stepanova.


    On every blade of grass

    Hanging on a dewdrop.

    On every dewdrop -

    Drop by dawn.

    The colored ones are burning

    Lanterns on the grass.

    Lanterns in the meadows

    ignite in summer

    Not late in the evening

    And in the morning, at dawn.

    Not afraid of insects

    And fun midges

    Jump on the ravines

    Run along the tracks.

    V. Stepanova.


    The meadow laughs, the meadow laughs

    Cheerful flowers.

    And for the seas and for the forests

    Dispersed by the winds.

    He laughs all day to tears

    To loud tears -

    Evening growth.

    V. Stepanova.


    I bent over the river

    He scooped up water with his hand,

    Suddenly I look, but in the palm of my hand

    The horses run restlessly.

    Breathe white sides...

    How fast is it driving

    Wind in the sky clouds.

    * * *

    The wind flew through the field -

    The bell rang.

    I don't understand where he comes from

    Is there a ringing in the field?

    I looked through all my eyes

    In the field, the wind and the goat.

    V. Stepanova.


    Oh what a cloud

    cloud deep,

    White and light

    Right above me.

    Oh what a cloud

    cloud high,

    Cloud far away

    Do not reach by hand.

    Float and hide

    In the field outside

    Will wash in the lake

    Fresh water.

    V. Stepanova.


    crooked street,

    Half-shade, half-sleep.

    Lopush inhabitants

    They look from different angles.

    Lop-ears babble

    Burdling with a shovel,

    No one bothers

    They don't rush anywhere.

    Lop-ear lives

    Burdocks in the burdock

    And don't talk about the jungle

    They tell me.

    Let them not know

    On native shores

    which are a bit similar

    On distant elephants.

    V. Stepanova.


    The wind ran away

    Summer wind at an early hour.

    And when the evening fell

    He came back and hugged us.

    And it smelled like mint

    Unminted mint.

    V. Stepanova.


    I'm with my grandmother in the village,

    Where burdocks rage

    The birds are jumping in the trees

    The roosters are crowing.

    Adults and children go

    On the paths barefoot

    Girdles the wind

    Us air belt.

    From log wells

    With cranes in the air

    The mistresses get the sun,

    They carry along the street.

    Mowing began in the meadows,

    And, as if by chance,

    In striped T-shirts wasps

    They come to us for tea...

    Do you want - no -

    And meet!

    V. Stepanova.


    Where are you from, cloud?

    From the land of rain.

    Where are you from, river?

    I am the sister of the seas.

    Where are you from, wind?

    From the steppe country.

    Where are you from, song?

    I am from silence.

    V. Stepanova.


    Non-flying weather,

    Drops of bells.

    Sitting and waiting for the flight

    Quiet starlings.

    Sitting and waiting for light

    In the rainy sky

    Swinging on the branches

    Their home is the airport.

    V. Stepanova.


    Above the village

    The clouds were falling.

    Went down slowly

    Rustling white foam.

    Went down and then

    Got drunk with milk

    All cows!

    V. Stepanova.

    Why is summer short

    Why for all the guys

    In an open window

    And the sun and the light

    Full, full, full!

    Again panties and T-shirts

    They lie on the shore

    And the lawns bask

    In chamomile snow!

    Morning on the lawn

    Morning on the lawn

    I run with the ball

    I run, I sing

    I don't know what...

    And the ball is like the sun

    Burning over me

    Then it will turn

    the other side

    And turn green

    Like grass in spring.


    Heat stands in the middle of the yard,

    Stands and roasts in the morning.

    Climb into the depths of the yard -

    And in the depths stands the Heat.

    It's time for the heat to leave

    But all out of spite is the Heat.

    Today, tomorrow and yesterday

    Everywhere Heat, Heat, Heat...

    Well, isn't she lazy?

    Stand in the sun all day?


    Walking along the path

    Golden summer .

    Crossing the river,

    A bird is whistling somewhere.

    Walks-wanders in the dew,

    Through the colorful meadow

    Wears a rainbow in her braid

    Braided tight.


    The meadow is buttoned up for all the dewdrops.

    Inaudibly a beam made its way to them,

    Collected dewdrops in a cobweb

    And hid somewhere between the clouds.


    Whitewashed the mist


    And whitened the daisies.

    In the morning

    lay down on the flat shore,

    Apparently he was exhausted.

    Rested during the night

    The Department

    And flew off somewhere!

    Bold Brook

    He raced across the plain...

    And suddenly...



    But he rings, sings:

    I am pleased to,

    what turned into




    A good day

    What a good day:

    A light breeze blows

    Summer sun rays

    So nice hot!

    And it is not necessary

    No shirt

    Not a stocking

    No jacket,

    No galoshes...

    What a good day!


    Where are you hiding, snails?

    In the wet grass at the gate.

    In the morning we drink dew from phlox,

    At noon we doze by the well,

    In the evening when it's not hot

    We crawl around the park.

    Under the birches without haste

    We eat cheese.

    * * *

    golden honey bee

    collected, flying , in a clay pot.

    Collected, flying through the fields, meadows,

    Tired of not knowing, a priceless gift to us.

    Collected, I will not hide, summer heat,

    So that it can warm us in winter.


    August is not tired

    Looking into all the gardens

    He collects in baskets

    Golden fruits.

    Pears, apples, raspberries,

    Tilting the branches, tearing,

    And in kegs and jugs

    Pouring thick fragrant honey.

    how we spent time

    We walked, sunbathed,

    They played near the lake.

    They sat on the bench,

    Ate two meatballs.

    frog brought

    And they grew up a little.


    If the wind blows

    Warm, though from the north,

    If the meadow is in daisies

    And lumps of clover

    Butterflies and bees

    circling over the flowers,

    And a shard of the sky

    blue puddle,

    And baby skin

    Like chocolate...

    If from strawberries

    The garden bed turned red -

    True omen:

    It has come summer


    In the meadow by that path

    What runs to us right into the house,

    A flower grew on a long stem -

    White with a yellow eye.

    I wanted to pick a flower

    Raised her hand to him

    And the bee flew off the flower

    And buzzing, buzzing: "Do not touch!"


    What will you give mesummer ?

    Lots of sunshine!

    Rainbows in the sky!

    And daisies in the meadow!

    What else will you give me?

    The key that rings in silence

    Pines, maples and oaks,

    Strawberries and mushrooms!

    I will give you a cuckoo

    So that, going out to the edge,

    You shouted louder to her:

    "Guess me quickly!"

    And she answers you

    Foretold a lot years !


    about summer

    for older children

    morning song

    FROM Good morning! Will sleep!

    You see the sun is up...

    And it's time for you to get up!

    Look in the window:

    Flowers are washed

    Light dew...

    Like flowers, so are you

    Refresh yourself with water!

    You see, the bee pulls the juice

    From honey porridge...

    Get drunk, my son

    Milk from a cup!

    Vaughn dressed all foliage

    Our garden is green...

    Get dressed my boy

    Also, hurry up!

    And run, run, play

    On free will

    And grow and flourish

    Like a flower in a field!

    “Summer is red; cold dew..."


    brook, brook,

    You, like a thread, go.

    The sand is under you.

    Cheerful you, though shallow.

    brook, brook,

    You go and eat.

    Bees curl among the stems,

    A shaggy bumblebee hums.

    You run faster, faster.

    Suddenly bondage among the stones -

    Foaming louder, more fun,

    You will murmur: "Standed, stranded, stranded!"

    You are not wide, brook,

    You are shallow, so what!

    brook, brook,

    You run and you eat!

    What were the day

    River Sounds!

    Drinking water loudly

    Chavkaya, bulls.

    The angler was walking important

    clinking bucket,

    And hummed for a long time

    Loaded ferry.

    And also boys

    Like three swifts

    From a wooden tower

    They jumped, screaming.

    Evening is coming.

    The clouds are fading.

    Resting silently

    Strong river.

    Only pike splashes -

    And again, no sound.

    Green horses

    To the blue river

    Evening sometimes

    Green horses

    They came to the waterhole.

    They bowed

    Over cool


    And for many years

    They can't get drunk.

    They want

    To the open field

    run away

    Yes, but you can't

    Break away from the water

    They want a whirlwind

    Fly down the road

    Yes, they have grown into the ground

    Unruly feet...

    Green horses -

    weeping willows,

    Bent over the river

    Green manes.

    * * *

    Clear morning. Silently breathes

    Warm breeze;

    The meadow, like velvet, turns green,

    In the glow of the east.

    bordered by bushes

    young willows,

    colorful lights

    The lake is sparkling.

    Silence and the sun are happy

    On the plain of waters

    swans tame flock

    Floats slowly;

    Here's one waved lazily

    Wings - and suddenly

    Moisture splashed playfully

    Pearls around.


    Breathes over the sleeping field

    light wind;

    He caresses, he sways

    wild flower.

    And a flower from tender caress

    the wind is trembling,

    And deep, serene

    Resting a flower is gratifying

    in the stillness of the night:

    During the day he burned mercilessly

    sweltering summer heat.

    The goats were disturbing

    swarming noisily;

    And now, to fragrant grass

    bowing with a whisk,

    He fell asleep. Lit with stars

    blue vault heaven ,

    Beyond the dormant fields

    the forest silently slumbers;

    Both grass and grass are sleeping

    and from the wind

    Slightly shining, dewdrop trembles

    in a flower cup.


    The sun is yellow

    Laid down on the bench.

    I'm barefoot today

    She ran on the grass.

    I saw how they grow

    sharp blades of grass,

    I saw how they bloom

    Blue periwinkles.

    I heard how in the pond

    frog croaked,

    I heard how in the garden

    The cuckoo was crying.

    I saw a goose

    At the flower bed.

    He is a big worm

    Pecked at the tub.

    I heard the nightingale -

    Here's a good singer!

    I saw an ant

    Under a heavy burden.

    I am so strong

    I wondered for two hours...

    And now I want to sleep

    Well, you're tired...

    * * *

    Grandpa Fog

    Forest - in your pocket,

    Fields - in your pocket

    Grandfather Fog hid.

    Hid mop and haystacks

    And lawns and meadows.

    Even the sun in your pocket

    Grandfather Fog hid.

    He just forgot

    That the pocket was full of holes.

    Climbing uphill across the river -

    Lost fields and woods.

    Lost then the meadows,

    Heaps of hay and stacks.

    At the high mound

    Where dozed

    Bonfire smoke,

    From a holey pocket

    The sun just came out.

    K. Balmont


    dewdrop trembled

    On a thin sheet.

    The river breathed

    Rustle in the reeds.

    I look into the dew

    And I see that in her

    Plays rejoicing

    So many lights.

    You barely notice them

    They are so small.

    But where will you meet

    Such lights?

    I. Bunin

    On a clear morning on a quiet pond

    Swallows soar briskly around,

    Down to the water,

    Slightly touch the moisture with the wing.

    On the fly they sing loudly

    And around green meadows,

    And stands like a mirror pond

    reflecting their shores.

    I. Surikov


    The sun is shining brightly

    It's warm in the air

    And wherever you look

    Everything around is light.

    They dazzle in the meadow

    bright flowers,

    covered in gold

    Dark sheets.


    "Gold, gold is falling from the sky!" -

    Children scream and run after the rain...

    - Come on, children, we'll take it,

    Just collect the golden grain

    In full barns of fragrant bread!

    brothers months

    The brothers were friends for months,

    They came to visit in the summer.

    Brother brought with him

    What has always been rich:

    He carried amber grapes.

    (Elena Erato)

    Hot time

    Summer is a hot time

    The sun shines in the morning

    Even if it rains -

    Everything around shines, sings.

    In summer - blue river

    And the clouds float in it

    Ruby berries burn

    Vacation time for the kids.

    (Elena Erato)

    mushroom rain

    Summer rain lived in a cloud,

    And he was friends with everyone.

    In the morning he looked into the garden -

    And everyone is happy there

    I hurried when he went to the forest -

    It's full of wonders.

    The leaves are rising

    Mushrooms are visible from under them.

    (Elena Erato)


    Summer is a ray of sunshine

    Warm rain from under the clouds

    Summer - bright flowers

    unusual beauty,

    Summer is a warm river

    A flock of clouds in the sky.

    Summer! summer is coming to us!

    Everything rejoices and sings.

    (Elena Erato)

    Summer day

    How good it is, a summer day,

    The shadow plays merrily

    Butterfly flutters in the garden

    The finch is humming something

    At the bush of blooming roses

    A flock of dancing dragonflies

    And the bee buzzes all day -

    She brought fragrant honey.

    (Elena Erato)


    In summer the sun laughs

    And the path winds like a snake

    The forest invites everyone to visit,

    He treats with berries.

    You will go along the path into the forest -

    You will pick up a lot of berries.

    The path runs far

    Basket full of berries.

    (Elena Erato)

    All year round. August

    We collect in August

    Fruit harvest.

    Lots of joy for people

    After all the hard work.

    The sun over the spacious

    Niwami is worth it.

    And sunflower seeds



    (Samuel Marshak)

    summer downpour

    Summer downpour poured puddles -

    Whole seas!

    The dacha stood at the pier,

    Dropping the anchor.

    Only my ship is brave

    Struggling with the wave

    And no matter what paper

    Papys above me.

    (Irina Tokmakova)

    Come visit us

    Come visit us

    Out of town, to the country.

    We will show you miracles

    My sister Dasha and I:

    How do we grow an onion

    And the potatoes bloom

    How the worm dances

    On my palm.

    (Valentina Minkova)


    Walking along the path

    Golden summer.

    Crossing the river,

    A bird is whistling somewhere.

    Walks-wanders in the dew,

    Through the colorful meadow

    Wears a rainbow in her braid

    Braided tight.

    (Nikolai Zidorov)

    A good day

    What a good day:

    A light breeze blows

    Summer sun rays

    So nice hot!

    And it is not necessary

    No boots

    No shirt

    Not a stocking

    No jacket,

    No galoshes...

    What a good day!

    (A. Shibaev)

    summer song

    Summer laughs again

    In an open window

    And the sun and the light

    Full, full, full!

    Again panties and t-shirts

    They lie on the shore

    And the lawns bask

    In chamomile snow!

    (T Belozerov)

    In the great world

    Many wonders:

    Isn't it a miracle brooding forest

    With green grass and wild berries?

    Glitter emerald

    beetle wings,

    Cloak of blue moths -

    Isn't it a miracle?

    (G. Galina)


    Sunflower in the garden during the day

    smiles at the weather.

    In a circular orbit

    shakes his red head.

    - I, - he boasted of the wheatgrass, -

    together with the sun I warm the earth!

    (M. Pronko)

    On a hot day

    It's sunny and quiet in the field

    A hot day dries the earth.

    Buckwheat thought,

    Barley hung his head.

    And they don't see what's over the forest

    The cloud rose up like a mountain,

    That their sadness is soon, soon

    The rain will dispel the mischievous.

    (G. Ladonshchikov)

    elegant summer

    Today the sun in a lace shirt

    Snow-white thin clouds,

    In lace meadow of daisies,

    And the earth is like an alcove.

    Summer nature triumphs

    In colorful marching outfits,

    Gives us good weather

    Reward for longsuffering.

    (L. Kuzminskaya)

    Why is there so much light?

    Why is there so much light?

    Why is it suddenly so warm?

    Because it's summer

    For the whole summer came to us.

    That's why every day

    It's getting longer every day.

    Well, the nights

    Night from night

    Everything is shorter and shorter.

    (I. Maznin)

    Let the thunder roar stronger

    Lightning flashes.

    They say that in the rain

    Grow big...

    But outside in the rain

    Mom doesn't let me.

    It can be seen that he wants his daughter

    Remained small.

    Shuvalova Irina
    File cabinet " play therapy»

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

    "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 45"



    Prepared by:

    Defectologist teacher

    Shuvalova Irina Leonidovna

    Bratsk, 2016


    1. Game "Ducklings"

    The right palm moves in waves from right to left and "disappears" under the armpit and "floats" back. Fingers right hand denote ducklings - first there are 5 of them, then 4, 3, 2, 1. When all the ducklings hid, the song is sung without movement. Mom and Dad are left hand and a palm curved like a duck's head. Beak ( thumb) opens during duck speech.

    Five ducklings swam on a clear day,

    Mom says: "Quack-quack-quack-quack!"

    So they disappeared behind the island.

    But only four come back!

    Ducklings do not swim on a clear day,

    And no one hid behind the island.

    Dad says: "Quack-quack-quack-quack!" Five ducklings are coming back!

    2. The game "Hide and Seek"

    Used for sedation. Alternating moments of wakefulness and peace, when the eyes are closed with palms on the text "let's play hide and seek." The remaining gestures illustrate the text of the poem.

    Let's play hide and seek, said the moon,

    Rolling down from the sky into the forest.

    Let's play hide and seek - said the breeze

    And disappeared over the hill.

    Let's play hide and seek - seeing a star,

    The clouds told her.

    Let's play hide and seek, said the wave

    Pier at the lighthouse.

    Let's play hide and seek, said the clock,

    Tick-tock, ding-ding, digi-dong.

    Let's play hide and seek, I said to myself.

    And fell into a dream.

    (Walter de la Mer, translated by V. Lunin)

    And in the morning the eyes woke up

    And saw the world around

    And in the morning the ears woke up

    3. The game "Day and night"

    Used to calm and focus attention. Hand gestures alternate from bottom to top (cheerfulness) and top to bottom (calming).

    The sun is rising

    The sun is setting.

    The moon rises

    The moon is coming. The stars are shining, the stars are falling asleep. And the guys stood up, "Hello!" - they said.

    The end of the poem is an active alternation of an open gesture (A) and a closing gesture (E). You can use jumps.

    4. The game "I see the world - the world sees me"

    Alternation of an open gesture and a gesture directed towards oneself (E, - an appeal to the outside world and inner world person.

    I see the sun

    The sun sees me.

    I see the stars

    The stars see me.

    I see herbs

    The herbs see me.

    I see people

    5. The game "Calm"

    Gestures are built on a principle similar to the previous game.

    Where are you from, cloud?

    From the land of rain!

    Where are you from, river?

    I am the sister of the seas!

    Where are you from, wind?

    From the steppe country!

    Where are you from, river?

    I am from silence.

    (V. Stepanov)

    6. Friendly greeting

    Hands through the sides rise up above the head and form a rounded gesture - the sun. Interlock the fingers, stick the middle ones down - this is the tongue of the bell, the fingers rhythmically tap on each other. Hands sway slightly from side to side. Then, with a free open gesture, they go down.

    In the morning the sun will rise

    Take your bell.

    Ringing the bell

    And Masha is here, And Sasha is here.


    1. "Butterfly"

    Finger game for older preschoolers. Fold the hands with the back side to each other, interlock the little fingers, ring, middle and index fingers. Turn it “inside out”, moving the clasped hands down and to the chest - a “cocoon” has formed, inside which the “caterpillar lives” - the thumb. We wake up the "caterpillar" with the thumb of the other hand. Then reverse movement the hands unhook and turn into a butterfly - the palms become the wings of a butterfly.

    This strange house without windows

    People call it a cocoon.

    Twisting this house on a branch,

    A caterpillar slumbers in it.

    Sleeps without waking up all winter,

    But she rushed past:

    March, April, drops, spring!

    Wake up, don't sleep! Spread your wings. Now fly like a butterfly.

    (V. Egorov)

    2. "Rain"

    The index finger imitates the fall of a drop, and the palm is a leaf of a tree. The drop rolls down the leaf. Turkeys and chickens - connect the thumb and forefinger, and spread the other three like a tail. We depict the poppy head with folded palms, shake them.

    Is not it? Is not it? Is not it? - Ask drops, Washing cleanly

    There are leaves on the trees. Turkeys and chickens Are dissatisfied, gloomy, And, crouching on the ground, Dozing under the bench.

    Is not it? Is not it? Is not it? - They ask for drops. Cheerfully nods

    There is a poppy in the garden, As if he answers: “So, so, so!”

    (V. Bardadysh)

    3. "First birds"

    The movement of the palms near the ground, then over the naked. Then connect the thumb and middle fingers - these are birds, they “fly” high and chirp.

    The ground is still dirty, The ground is still wet, But the sky is fine, It has already dried out! And the guests were already in the afternoon, And songs were already sung in it!

    4. "Centipedes"

    Centipedes are the fingers of both hands, and they move along the knees towards each other.

    Two centipedes were running along the path. We ran, we ran, and we met each other. So they hugged each other, Barely separated them.

    (M. Pinskaya)

    5. "Spider"

    Connect the thumb of the right hand and the index finger of the left, as well as the thumb of the left hand and the index of the right. With a twisting movement, change fingers, gradually raising your hands up. Moth - crossed palms.

    The spider is crawling up, he is weaving a cobweb. The web is so thin, Holds the moth tightly. The web breaks, the Moth laughs!

    (M. Pinskaya)

    6. "Fish"

    Virli-Tirli is the index finger of the right hand, Tirli-Virli is the left. Wirley-Tirli "floats" first in waves up and down, and then impulsively forward. And Virli-Virli is the opposite.

    They lived in a merry stream

    Two small goldfish.

    One was called Virli-Tirli, and the other Tirli-Virli.

    And so they looked alike

    That when they saw Virli-Tirli,

    They thought it was Tirli-Virli. And when they saw Tirli-Virli, They thought it was Virli-Tirli. Here they are Golden Fish!


    1. Musical-motor improvisation "The sea worries once"

    One child improvises on the xylophone, the rest of the children move freely in the space of the room, like waves in the sea:

    The sea is worried - once,

    The sea is worried - two,

    The sea is worried - three -

    Marine figure, freeze in place!

    The child finishes musical improvisation and chooses the most beautiful figure. A new improviser sits down at a musical instrument.

    2. Musical and motor improvisation "In the forest"

    Children stand in a circle, one child improvises on the xylophone. Children are in the form different trees. The legs are the roots, the arms are the branches, the body is the trunk of the tree:

    There are trees in the forest

    Roots rest on the ground,

    Stretching to the sky with their branches.

    And between them the breeze flies,

    Three or four children become breezes and move in a circle in the course of the sun, skirting the trees. Then another group becomes a breeze. To change the position of standing children, you can use jumps:

    There are trees in the forest

    Are growing up.

    Stomping jump to feel the feet.

    And between them the breeze flies,

    Plays with branches.

    Can be used different images for movement - snowflakes, chanterelles or bunnies, birds, autumn leaves.

    3. Musical and motor improvisation "In the clearing"

    It is built similarly to the previous one and is used in spring and summer time. Standing children transform into flowers, their hands are petals. Moving children become different insects or gentle rays of the sun.

    4. Musical and motor improvisation"Brook"

    It is built similarly to the previous one. Children sit on the floor - they turn into pebbles shining in the sun or drifts of melting snow. Moving children are a fun trickle.

    5. Musical-motor spatial improvisation "Wind"

    The movement of a group of children is carried out first in a circle, and then the children follow the teacher in the form of a figure eight (lemniscate). The shape of the lemniscate is one of the most harmonious spatial forms and is widely used in movement therapy. It is possible to designate the midpoints of both loops of the lemniscate. For example, these will be rocks, two children will stand confidently and motionless (you can choose children with hyperactive behavior).

    6. Musical-motor spatial improvisation "Flowers"

    The shape of the movement of groups of children who have become bees around a static group of children who have become flowers is a smooth curve. Children are arranged in groups in the space of the room, forming a quadrangle and its center (flowers). In turn, each group flies around the flowers and returns to its place. The center can accommodate children with difficulties in social communication(children with autistic behavior).

    7. Game "Circuit of the Year"

    Children squat in a circle, the movement starts from the bottom up - awakening, then from top to bottom - falling asleep. The movements personify the seasonal processes of nature, the rhythmic repetition of the cycle of the year. (The poem was created by the author to illustrate the passage of the Sun along Zodiac circle. Each line is one sign, starting with the constellation Capricorn.)

    Immersed in a deep sleep, In anticipation is concealed. Wakes up in spring, Dressed in grass, Blooms in summer, Warmed by the sun. From the radiant distance Light pours to the hands of the Earth. He will gather ears of corn from the fields, In autumn he will throw off his outfits, And in winter the Earth sleeps, The fields are wrapped in snow.


    1. Atmosphere of kindness

    Used on the eve of Christmas. For every quatrain, one child leaves the circle.

    All seas and rivers

    Horses and sheep

    My son is dearer to me

    Native man.

    Pebbles and a stick

    Rose and violet -

    I'll give everything - it's not a pity

    To this baby.

    Goat in the barn

    crust on bread,

    A star in the sky

    To this baby.

    Warm clothes.

    foot shoes,

    delicious cakes

    To this baby.

    ducklings quacked,

    foals neighing,

    Nightingale sang

    To this baby.

    kind eyes,

    new fairy tales

    Songs and caresses

    To this baby.

    (G. Lagzdyn)

    2. Cheerful mood

    Can be used for Shrovetide.

    Dove, goose and jackdaw -

    3. Cheerful autumn mood

    An apple rolled in the garden

    And fell right into the water - Bulk!

    4. Alliteration with the sound "B"

    The sound "B" creates a shell, a sense of security.

    little white lamb

    Whiter than white porridge,

    Whiter than the white moon

    Whiter mess.

    (G. Lagzdyn)

    5. Bright Easter mood

    lentil bird,

    Show me an egg!

    dotted blue,

    6. Riddles

    The sun bakes

    linden blossoms,

    The day is coming.

    When does it happen?

    Snow on the fields

    Ice on the rivers

    The blizzard is walking.

    When does it happen?

    7. Winter rhyme

    The child comes out of the circle spinning like snow.

    Fluff, fluff, fluff, fluff

    Snowdrift there, snowdrift here! Wow!

    The wind ran away
    Summer wind at an early hour.
    And when the evening fell
    He came back and hugged us.
    And it smelled like mint
    Unminted mint.

    I'm with my grandmother in the village,
    Where burdocks rage
    The birds are jumping in the trees
    The roosters are crowing.

    Adults and children go
    On the paths barefoot
    Girdles the wind
    Us air belt.

    From log wells
    With cranes in the air
    The mistresses get the sun,
    They carry along the street.

    Mowing began in the meadows,
    And, as if by chance,
    Wasps in striped T-shirts
    They come to us for tea...

    Do you want - no -
    And meet!
    Where are you from, cloud?
    - From the country of rains.

    Where are you from, river?
    - I am the sister of the seas.

    Where are you from, wind?
    - From the steppe country.

    Where are you from, song?
    - I'm from silence.

    Non-flying weather,
    Drops of bells.

    Sitting and waiting for the flight
    Quiet starlings.

    Sitting and waiting for light
    In the rainy sky
    Swinging on the branches
    Their home is the airport.

    Above the village
    The clouds were falling.
    Went down slowly
    Rustling white foam.

    Went down and then
    Got drunk with milk
    All cows!

    The holiday is bright and cheerful
    Crept up to us in December,
    In towns, villages, villages
    Have everything ready.

    New Year's fairy tale - time
    And we believe in miracles!
    New Year is at the door
    And until happiness half an hour.

    Santa Claus I go north
    I am writing the letter diligently.
    It will come - I believe in it,
    I will get something in return.

    I brag to mom and dad,
    And also to all my friends,
    What a rich Santa Claus
    How much he loves me.

    I forgot one thing:
    Touch the staff just like that
    It won't work anyway.
    Just touch it with your hand
    Become a block of snow

    And you can't hide from the cold
    For a scarf and a mitten.
    Know that you will have to fly in dreams
    On magical horses.

    And while I sit, I dream
    I read different books
    I'm waiting for when it will come to us
    Santa Claus and New Year.

    It was quiet in the house in the morning,
    I wrote on the palm
    Mother's name.
    Not in a notebook, on a piece of paper,
    Not on a stone wall -
    I wrote on my hand
    Mother's name.
    It was quiet in the house in the morning,
    It got noisy during the day.
    What are you hiding in your palm? -
    They started asking me.
    I opened my hand:
    I kept happiness

    Oh what a good
    Good Santa Claus!
    Christmas tree for our holiday
    Brought from the forest.

    The lights are sparkling
    Red, blue!
    Good for us, Yolka,
    Have fun with you!

    So that the little earth winters without hassle,
    Autumn sews a patchwork quilt for her.
    The leaf is neatly sewn to the leaf,
    The stitch adjusts with a pine needle.

    Leaves to choose from - any will come in handy.
    Here next to the crimson lilac lies down,
    Although very golden to the taste of the seamstress,
    Will fit and brown, and even spotted.

    The thread of the web fastens them carefully.
    More beautiful than this, you will not find pictures.

    You are seven years old today
    Happy birthday son
    You are quite a man
    A piece of my heart.

    Let happiness, like a shadow,
    Always follows you.
    So that in life every day
    Was filled with caresses soul.

    I'm with you my son
    I will be day and night.
    You are my scarlet flower
    What makes mom happy.

    My child has grown up
    And you are seven today.
    Happy Birthday,
    I'm sending a big wagon of fun.

    Sea of ​​happiness, laughter caress
    The embodiment of a wonderful fairy tale.
    Know, dear, I will be there,
    I will forgive everything. I console with a glance.

    Only you grow healthy
    Always be so cheerful
    Rejoice in the gift of life
    Sow your warmth with fire.

    Lived in Moscow Stepan Stepanov
    Renowned policeman.
    And now Stepan Stepanov -
    Ordinary pensioner. …

    Who was sitting on the bench
    Who looked at the street
    Tolya sang,
    Boris was silent, ... uh

    Like horses in sailor suits
    In white, black stripes
    Zebras jump, frolic,
    And not at all afraid
    The lion who is on the hunt
    Went out to work!
    Jumping, running playfully
    Stripes - legs, manes!
    The lion looked, said in his hearts:
    - From the stripes ripples in the eyes!
    How to catch prey here?
    And he went under the bush - to sleep.

    What else to read