When is the best time to go to Thailand on vacation: reviews. Seasons in Thailand What months are good in Thailand?

When choosing the best time to vacation in Thailand, it is important to understand that Thailand is quite big country and in different parts of it the climate varies significantly. If in the northern mountainous regions it is relatively cool in January, then at the same time the most favorable conditions for recreation are established in the southern part of the country. So you can relax in the land of smiles all year round, you just need to choose the right resorts. But let's take a closer look at when is the best time to go to Thailand.

Best months for vacation

Thailand has three seasons: cool, hot and rainy. The main resorts of the country are located in the south, and The coolest season, which lasts from December to mid-March, is considered the most favorable for relaxation.. But despite the fact that the season is called cool, this does not mean that it is cold during this period. Not at all, it’s just that the daytime temperature drops to an acceptable for Europeans 27-30 0 C and they don’t bother people on the beaches big waves. The largest flow of tourists occurs in December and January; if you are planning to vacation in one of these two months, then do it in advance or.

Hottest months

The hot season lasts from the second half of March to May. During these months, the air temperature rises to 35-38 0 C. This creates certain difficulties for comfortable rest: if you walk around the city for a long time, you quickly get tired; you can quickly “burn out”; hotels without air conditioning get hot even at night; there is a lot of plankton in the sea, which creates great difficulties for swimming (on some beaches there is no plankton, so you just need to carefully choose a place and your vacation will be comfortable). But if this is not a problem for you, then you can safely go on vacation to Thailand during these months. By the way, the heat has its advantages, for example, in Bangkok during the hot season there are big discounts on almost everything: from fruit to equipment.

Rain season

Rainy season in Thailand starts in June and ends in October. Contrary to popular belief, during these months it does not rain around the clock every day. It can rain 2-3 times a week, and then they usually last a couple of hours, and then sunny weather immediately sets in. You just feel a strong humidity, but this is not critical. But the biggest disadvantage is that large waves rise in the sea, which make it difficult to swim safely (a person who swims poorly can be carried away into the open sea), and it is washed out onto the beaches. a large number of garbage. But there is a way out of this situation: some beaches in Thailand are protected by reefs (mostly those beaches that are located in bays, this is especially true), which means there are no waves or debris there, so if you choose the right beach, you can relax and during the rainy season. Moreover, during the rainy season, hotel rooms can be booked several times cheaper than in the cool (popular) season, in addition, prices for all goods are significantly reduced - this best time for shopping and budget travel.


So, when is the best time to go to Thailand on vacation? The most favorable conditions for a beach holiday are from December to mid-March, but you can relax in Thailand at any time, the main thing is to choose the right place. For example, on the same island there may be different conditions for relaxation: in the east of the island it rains, the waves are raging, and on the west side the weather is sunny with calm in the bay. Especially for visitors, I compiled a table that general outline shows which months in which places in Thailand have the most favorable weather for holidays. And here, in fact, is the table itself.

In order for your cherished vacation in Thailand to go well, you need to know when is the best time to go to this country. In general, everyone will find weather to their liking in this country, but one can say for sure that the suffocating heat and overcast- not the best best companions tourist

When is the best time to go to holiday in Thailand ? Conventionally, we can divide the year here into high and low tourist season. Guaranteed for the high season good weather, which will be accompanied by many tourists and maximum hotel prices for the resort. In the low season the weather is unpredictable, high humidity and low tides at some resorts.


Thailand in summer.By April, temperatures throughout Thailand rise and humidity increases. Even at the resorts it gets stuffy. There is probably no person who loves the sun so much as to sunbathe on the beaches at extremely above-zero temperatures. There is no need to be afraid of tropical rains, they are short-lived, but high humidity is not so beneficial for health.

Thailand in autumn.The weather in Thailand in autumn is completely unpredictable. You can come to the resort and it will be cloudy and raining for two weeks. The island of Koh Samui especially likes to “please” this. But during this period it is low season and you can buy a cheap tour to Thailand. In any case, remember that no one can guarantee you anything regarding the weather from September to October.

Thailand in winter.From November to March in Thailand " the Velvet season", the weather becomes good, the rains stop, there are no low tides. But at the same time, it is winter that is considered the highest tourist season with all that it implies. We recommend traveling to Thailand in February. In the period after all European New Year holidays and before Chinese New Year.


For a classic beach holiday with swimming, sunbathing and excursions, it is better to choose the end of November, winter months and March. The tourist peak in terms of prices and number of travelers in Thailand is new year holidays(many Europeans) and Chinese New Year(lots of Chinese tourists).


Tourists visiting the country for the first time should start with classic options holidays in Pattaya, Samui or Phuket. There is a well-established tourist infrastructure here, it is quite easy to get to your holiday destination and there are many options for excursions around Thailand.

IN PattayaThe best time to go is from November to February. At this time it is installed perfect weather, no precipitation, air and water temperatures are very comfortable for tourists.

On PhuketThe official tourist season opens in November, but in principle, you can relax here all year round. The conventional rainy season, when the weather can change, is September, October and November. But again, the rain will be short-lived.

Resort Samuidiffers from the rest of Thailand in its weather and seasons. From October to mid-December, the weather here is completely unpredictable, and, for example, in 2014, it rained throughout November, although the rest of Thailand was cloudless.

To make your holiday in Thailand as comfortable as possible, you should know exactly what weather is expected at its resorts during your trip. Many travelers follow a certain stereotype - a trip to Thailand will be successful at a time when it is winter, because in the summer there is a rainy season, so in principle there will be no normal holiday. However, this is not at all true. The popularity of Thailand among travelers, especially from Europe and Australia, does not depend on the season. After all, on the territory of this country it is not as hot as in the Mediterranean resorts, and there are no prolonged rains that would pour for weeks. It’s high time to dispel all these fictions. Thus, almost none of our tourists realize that the high season on Samui covers the period from July to early September, and the height of the rainy season falls in mid-October or early November. That the maximum rainfall in Pattaya usually falls in September, and in Phuket stormy weather is observed in the summer from early June to early September. And about many other features of this climate.

So choosing the best time to vacation in this country depends on the region.

In winter, that is, from about mid-October to mid-April, it is better to travel to the mountainous regions of mainland Thailand, the southeast of the country and the adjacent islands - Pattaya, Koh Samet, Koh Chang and others, as well as along the western coast of the Malay Peninsula.

According to tradition, the most optimal period for holidays on Phuket and the neighboring islands of Phi Phi (Phi Phi), Yaoyai, Siboya, Pu (Luang), Yung and others, the period from the end of October to April is considered, at this time the sea is calm, the air temperature is relatively low (night average + 20°C, and daytime - about +26°C) and it rarely rains. Weather conditions in late April and early May are associated with the southwest monsoons, bringing tropical downpours and serious sea disturbances. However, this is the time that is considered most suitable for active rest, especially for those who windsurf, best months for which – June and August. In addition, Phuket is characterized by the same distribution of precipitation as in all maritime subtropical regions: it begins to rain in the evening, pours without interruption the entire next day, and only on the third day does dry weather set in during the day. It may rain again in the evening, or maybe not. On the fourth day the sky is already completely clear and the weather remains sunny for a couple of days until the next rain begins. So accurate forecasts It is almost impossible to compose at this time. The maximum amount of precipitation occurs in May and September, and the minimum from early December to March.

In the period from mid-April to mid-October, the most favorable conditions are created on the territory of those islands that are located near east coast Malacca (Koh Tao, Samui, Koh Phangan and Nan Yuan). The best time to travel to Samui and its neighboring islands is considered to be August-September; December and March-June are also good times for travel. At this time, sunny and relatively dry weather sets in, despite the fact that due to the maritime climate weather changes even during this period can be quite noticeable. Largest quantity precipitation is observed in October-November, but short-term, but heavy rains can happen throughout the year. The period October-January can bring storms that are associated with strong winds from the southeast, but the rest of the time, for the most part, the sea remains calm. After all, the waters of the Gulf of Thailand are quite closed, which prevents strong waves.

Pattaya can be visited almost all year round without any problems. Even in September, when the maximum amount of precipitation is observed, showers occur mainly at night, and the day is usually sunny or partly cloudy.

On the magnificent Samed Island, due to its proximity to Pattaya, the climate is practically no different from the weather conditions of Pattaya. And in summer time When the flow of tourists is not so busy, a holiday on this truly paradise island will bring a lot of unforgettable wonderful impressions.

Located on the border with Cambodia, Koh Chang has the maximum amount of rainfall in the summer, so in the period June-September it is better to transfer your vacation to Samed Island.

When is the best time to go on holiday to Thailand?

Do you want to visit Thailand, but don’t know when is the best time to go to this country? It is a real art to guess when the country will have ideal conditions, weather that is perfect for a particular tourist. To someone best vacation there will be a visit to Thai resorts during the hot season, and for some, the rainy season will not be an obstacle to entertainment. Of course, for the majority of tourists, Thailand is more interesting in the “cool” period, but there are no strict criteria for the seasons.

When should heat lovers go to Thailand?

The hot season at the resorts of this country usually begins in March and ends in May, reaching its peak in April. If tourists are not afraid of the generous sun and the weather, which is quite difficult for an unprepared body, it is better for them to go to Bangkok (where it is especially hot, but there is an opportunity to get discounts on shopping) or to the islands (measured beach holiday will be perfect). It is not very good to go diving during this period of time, since in March-May a lot of plankton appears in the seas, but you can have fun with surfing.

Rest for those who are not afraid of rain

In the period from June to October (peak - September), the weather prevailing at the resorts can safely be called humid and rainy. But this is not a reason to refuse a trip here - the rains, although different in intensity, pass in a few minutes, cooling the air and saturating it with freshness. Those who are not afraid of humidity should visit the resorts in the southern part of the country - it is always warm here even if it is cloudy. Perhaps beach holidays will not be so successful at this time, but fishing, excursions, shopping and similar entertainment will go well. Moreover, the rainy season has good influence on prices - discounts can be obtained on both vouchers and hotel accommodations.

Time for connoisseurs of coolness at Thai resorts

If you want to relax in comfortable weather, not too hot and not too humid, you should go to Thailand during the “dry” season, which lasts from November to February. Minimum precipitation, pleasant sun, optimal temperature air and water give guests of Thai resorts an even tan on the islands of Koh Samui and Phuket, as well as great pleasure from staying in the country without stuffiness and other similar troubles. However, such a pleasant vacation can also be accompanied by troubles - high prices for service and lack of free seats in hotels.

Holiday season from November to February

In Thailand you can relax all year round - there is a division into seasons, but it is so arbitrary that only Russian tour operators adhere to it. If our compatriots decide to go to this country on vacation, they will have to remember the following information. The “high” season in Thai resorts runs from November to February, when the weather can be said to be “cool and dry.” “Low season” is the rainy season from June to October and the hot season from March to May.

When is it cheaper to go to Thailand?

Russian tourists can relax in Thailand without spending too much money during the so-called “low” seasons - the period tropical rains and excessively dry heat. The criteria for seasons are blurred, since this country has many tourists at any time of the year, and service remains consistently high both in rain and in cool weather.

Before deciding to travel to, we must consider many issues, one of them, and probably the most important, is choosing the season in which it is best to travel to this country. There is a lot of conflicting information on the Internet and sometimes the query “When to go to Thailand?” You get directly contradictory answers. The fact is that many recommendations on the Internet are written by travel agency employees who have never been to Thailand.

The choice of time of year is related to weather conditions and the peak season, which accounts for the massive influx of tourists from all over the world. Oddly enough, but weather and the tourist season in Thailand are in no way connected with each other. The issue of choosing a travel time is sometimes complicated by the fact that Thailand is located in different climatic zones, and therefore different weather conditions throughout the country in different periods. Everything that is true for Pattaya will not be suitable for Phuket, so focus on this when you are planning to visit Thailand.

Thailand is located in two climatic zones: a tropical-monsoon climate in most of the country and an equatorial climate in the Malay Peninsula. This leads to differences in temperature and humidity levels in individual regions. Thailand is very big, in Bangkok it can rain, it will be hot and stuffy, and on the Andaman Sea coast it is clear, sunny and dry.

Thus, the best time to travel to Thailand is from November to February, if you adhere to weather criteria and comfortable temperature. This is the time when you can attend historical and sea excursions, study culture and customs without stress, and relax on the beach will be accompanied by good weather. As some say, every season is good, and its choice depends entirely on the purpose of our trip, and if we summarize all the information, it turns out that the question “When is the best time to go to Thailand” is not critical - it’s always good here!

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