What atmospheric pressure is best for a person. The influence of atmospheric pressure on a person, what atmospheric pressure is considered normal

It is known that Atmosphere pressure when jumping affects the well-being and health of a person. Every third inhabitant of the Earth is affected by the attraction of air to the surface.

Let's see what this concept is and why it negatively affects well-being.

What is atmospheric pressure and how is it measured?

The definition of atmospheric (barometric) pressure is the air pressure on the objects present in it and on the surface. It is measured with barometers or thermohygrometers.

The following units are used:

  • bars (1 Ba = 100 thousand Pa);
  • Pascals (kPa, hPa, mPa);
  • mm mercury column(1 mm Hg = 133.3 Pa);
  • atmosphere (1 at = 98066 Pa);
  • kg force per cm 2 (1 kgf / cm 2 \u003d 98066 Pa).

Assuming that the air temperature is constant, the pressure decreases exponentially as it rises. For altitudes up to approximately 100 km, it is calculated by the formula:

p h - pressure at a certain height, Pa;

p 0 is the pressure on the surface, Pa;

ρ 0 is the density of air masses at zero altitude;

h is the height, m;

g is a constant equal to 9.80665;

e - base natural logarithm, a constant equal to 2.71828.

It is interesting: the maximum pressure at sea level was recorded on December 31, 1968 in the village of Agata Krasnoyarsk Territory and reached 812 mm. rt. Art. Lowest value took place on September 24, 1958 in the center of a typhoon near the Philippines and did not exceed 654.8 mm. rt. Art.

Normal atmospheric pressure

Normal pressure is 760 mm Hg. Art. At the same time, people feel comfortable or feel good.

The pressure is not stable and fluctuates daily. However, the body is able to safely withstand the widest range of values. So, in Mexico City average value no more than 570 mm Hg. Art. (due to being at a considerable height).

Changes are not felt by people. Let's say at night the column of mercury rises by 1-2 units. Jumps of 5-10 or more points can cause pain, and sudden strong fluctuations can even lead to death. For example, loss of consciousness occurs when the pressure drops by 30 points, i.e., at an altitude of 1000 meters.

The mainland or a certain country can be divided into zones with different norms of the indicator. The optimal value is determined by the zone of permanent residence. The human body is able to make adjustments to the unusual conditions of nature.

Banal acclimatization in the resorts is an example of this. Sometimes a person can't change. Thus, those living in the mountains experience poor health in lowland areas, no matter how long they live there.

The value of the standard pressure is thus clearly set. And comfort value has a wide range. It is individual and determined by the familiar environment. With prolonged acclimatization, the negative impact is minimized.

High and low atmospheric pressure

Low values ​​cause symptoms similar to climbing uphill. The lack of oxygen volume causes shortness of breath, the pulse becomes more frequent, pain occurs in the temples and squeezes the head.

All this poses a threat to those suffering from hypertension and atherosclerosis, as it causes thickening of the blood, lack of oxygen and an increase in the number of blood cells. The heart and blood vessels function in an enhanced mode, which contributes to an increase in blood pressure, tachycardia and arrhythmia. Very dangerous for the elderly.

Dizziness and migraines are also common, and those with allergies and asthma are more at risk of attacks. Unreceptive, healthy and young people feel the desire to sleep and a breakdown.

In zones of high values, the weather is calm, there are almost no clouds in the sky, and wind gusts are not strong. Dry and hot weather is observed.

In zones low pressure lots of clouds, rainy and windy. Due to such areas, coolness comes with rains in summer, there are a lot of clouds in the sky, and snowfalls in winter.

A large difference in the two zones serves as a factor causing hurricanes and storms.

Elevated values ​​are detrimental to those suffering from reduced pressure blood, negatively affect digestion, heart and blood vessels.

Atmospheric pressure - the norm for a person

People can get used to change. Do not be upset if it turned out that you live in a region of low pressure. For example, the inhabitants of skyscrapers do not feel the decrease, although a quick rise of 100 m is a lot of stress.

In the Central Asian zone, the norm is slightly reduced (715-730 mm Hg). For middle lane RF norm will be 730-770 mm Hg. Art.

The body can adapt to different heights. According to doctors, if pressure does not have an extremely dangerous effect on people, then this is a variant of the norm. It all depends on adaptation. Doctors often refer to the norm as values ​​​​from 750 to 765 mm Hg. Art.

In Moscow, the norm is 747-749 mm Hg. Art.

Since Novosibirsk is located at an altitude of 120-130 m, the norm is 750 mm Hg. Art.

In Samara - 752-753, in St. Petersburg - 753-755 mm Hg. Art.

The norm in Nizhny Novgorod in the river zone is 754 mm Hg. Art., in the upland - 747.

Its useful to note: there is no overall best score. There are local rules. People are able to tolerate jumps in values ​​painlessly if they pass gradually.

The healthier the lifestyle and the more often you manage to follow the daily routine (getting up, having a long sleep at night, following a normal diet), the less a person is exposed to meteorological dependence.

Many suffer from weather changes: what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person, and how to avoid feeling unwell, you will learn in this article. At normal atmospheric pressure, an air mass weighing 10,500 kilograms presses on a person! We do not feel this natural load, since oxygen is present in the body in a dissolved state.

Atmospheric pressure norm

Range in 750-760 mmHg. considered normal. Doctors know that many people quickly adapt to any conditions. Even long-distance flights and changing climatic zones do not affect their well-being in any way.

However, most are weather dependent, and are sensitive to changes in weather conditions. Severe migraines and weakness, dizziness can occur during jumps in atmospheric pressure. Often patients suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. A violent reaction to weather changes is due to the fast pace of life, overcrowding in cities and environmental degradation. Help overcome addiction healthy lifestyle life:

  • running and walking fresh air;
  • weight loss;
  • elimination of bad habits;
  • hardening and swimming;
  • balanced diet.

A person's well-being is usually affected abrupt change atmospheric pressure - more than 1 mm Hg. st./3 hours. The world standard for measuring blood pressure is pascals. The norm is 101.3 kPa, which is equal to 760 mm Hg.

Natural "barometers" are patients who suffer from pressure drops, allergies, asthmatics. In addition, changes in weather conditions affect the well-being of people with atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatic ailments, and diseases of the central nervous system. According to statistics, 30% of men and 50% of women in our country suffer from weather "dependence".

Too high blood pressure leads to a decrease in heart rate and a decrease in systole. Breathing becomes deep and rare. Hearing and smell may be slightly reduced, and the voice sounds muffled. There may be a feeling of dry mucous membranes and numbness of the skin.

Low blood pressure is characterized by deep and rapid breathing, a drop in blood pressure. The number of red cells in the blood increases. Lungs may be difficult to fill due to less oxygen air mass. It will be easy to get through a hard day. The less panic and stress, the better. Patients with chronic diseases exacerbated during periods of blood pressure fluctuations should consult a doctor about taking medications.

The normal value is 760 mm Hg. happens rarely. Clear weather is characterized by increased rates, the absence of temperature and humidity drops. Hypertensive patients and allergy sufferers react to such changes.

Windless weather, during which gas pollution in cities increases, suffers from patients with breathing problems. The higher the blood pressure, the fewer white blood cells in the blood. Accordingly, the risk of infections increases. Correct Mode days will help to cope with weather changes:

  1. Start your morning with gymnastics.
  2. Take a contrast shower.
  3. Don't overeat.
  4. Eat foods rich in potassium (banana, dried apricots, cottage cheese).
  5. Go to bed no later than 22:00.

In addition, you can take a tincture of hawthorn or motherwort to calm down. Mustard plasters on calves will help improve the condition.

A decrease in blood pressure is felt by cores suffering from intracranial pressure. They may feel a lack of oxygen, pain in the intestines, general weakness is felt. Reducing mental and physical stress during the weather "crisis" will help to normalize well-being.

Drink throughout the day green tea with honey. To be in good shape during the day, take a tonic cocktail in the form of natural energy drinks. Lemongrass, echinacea, ginseng and eleutherococcus take 30 drops three times a day before meals.

Weather "ailments" are expressed in the "wadding" of the legs, joint pain, the appearance of swelling. Increased heart rate and reduced blood flow can lead to blood clots.

The main complaint on days of changing weather factors is migraine. "Hoop compression" of the head, blurred vision, nausea interfere with fruitful work and generally make any decisions. Periocular cluster pain or spasm concentration in the area of ​​the nose or eyebrows can be unsettling.

Changes in humidity also affect human health. Low humidity leads to irritation of the nasal mucosa, which is quickly felt by allergy sufferers and asthmatics. To avoid discomfort, additionally moisten the nasopharynx with saline. An increase in humidity to 90% leads to an exacerbation of joint and kidney ailments.

If you do not feel well in dampness, then you should minimize your time outside. The warmer you dress, the better you will feel. Vitamins will help overcome high humidity and not catch a cold.

Recovery of the body occurs during sleep. If the air temperature in the bedroom exceeds +17 degrees, then you will wake up, and rest will not give vivacity. Too cold or hot temperature regime in the sleeping room is harmful. If blood pressure is lowered, and the air temperature, on the contrary, is increased, then patients with cardiovascular and respiratory diseases do not feel very well.

When blood pressure is elevated and the temperature is lowered, asthmatics, hypertensive patients and people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the genitourinary system suffer. Sudden temperature changes lead to a large number histamine in the body, which provokes allergy attacks. We have no influence on weather changes, but it is possible to help the body. Give up junk food and negative habits, go in for sports - and it will be much easier to survive weather dependence.

The Earth's atmosphere can be compared to an air blanket that envelops the planet and with a certain force presses on everything that is on it. It has been estimated that a person constantly experiences air pressure, weighing more than ten tons. Yes, yes, it is precisely such a colossal load that does not have any effect on us due to the fact that dissolved in the washing fabrics human body liquids, gases balance the load. But here everything is also not so simple, because this pattern is valid only when a person is on a flat surface, and does not dive deep into the water or rises into the mountains.

So, what is atmospheric pressure, and on what conditions does this indicator depend? As already mentioned, this is the force with which a column of air exerts pressure on a certain unit area. The norm of atmospheric pressure is 760 mm Hg. in an area at sea level. However, this value is largely influenced by the relief and the change in altitude - the higher the territory is above sea level, the lower the atmospheric pressure there.

The time of day and air temperature also matter: since it is usually colder at night than in daytime, the atmospheric pressure is slightly higher. True, the increase in pressure is so small that it does not cause negative changes in well-being. In addition, the values ​​of this indicator fluctuate significantly at the poles of the Earth, while on the equatorial plains they are barely noticeable.

How do changes in barometric pressure affect health?

As you know, each person individually reacts to pressure drops and weather changes. Some do not notice any changes at all and are able to fly to different countries without any problems. climatic zones. And others, and most of them, by their well-being can predict weather changes without even leaving home. Painful symptoms that appear in response to changes in atmospheric pressure, humidity, and other weather conditions are called meteorological dependence. This condition has been identified in approximately four billion people around the globe.

The question is often asked, what atmospheric pressure is considered normal for a person? Considering the fact that people are adapted to life in different climatic conditions, in areas located at different heights, it is impossible to clearly answer it. For a person, atmospheric pressure is normal, which does not worsen his well-being. This indicator ranges from 750 to 765 mm Hg.

With changes in atmospheric pressure, weather-dependent people experience:

  • Headache.
  • Vascular spasms.
  • Circulatory disorders.
  • Increased fatigue and weakness.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Joint pains.
  • Numbness of hands and feet.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Psycho-emotional disorders and irritability.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Intestinal disorders.
  • Nausea.
  • Decreased visual acuity and clarity.

Deterioration of well-being is associated with the work of baroreceptors that respond to changes in pressure. In the human body, they are located in the pleural and abdominal cavities, joints, blood vessels. Therefore, in anticipation of weather changes, such people feel pain in the joints, disruption of the heart, heaviness in the chest. If a person has digestive problems, he suffers from flatulence and intestinal disorders. Those who have previously suffered a traumatic brain injury, or people with vascular aneurysms, experience unbearable migraines. With a significant decrease in pressure, the headache is due to a lack of oxygen in the brain cells.

Emotionally unstable people react very sharply to changes in atmospheric pressure, feeling causeless anxiety, irritability, and sleep disturbances. It is noted that during pressure fluctuations, large quantity offenses, accidents on highways and high-risk industries.

Of particular note is the influence of atmospheric pressure on arterial pressure person. In hypertensive patients, an increase in atmospheric pressure, at which sunny, clear weather is established, causes narrowing and spasms of blood vessels, excruciating headache, nausea, and hypertensive crises. Also these weather cause a significant decrease in the activity of the immune system.

On a decrease in atmospheric pressure, at which there is high humidity, rains, cloudiness, hypotension reacts especially painfully. With such pressure in the air, the concentration of oxygen decreases, there is an insufficient supply of oxygen to the brain, which causes circulatory disorders. People with reduced blood pressure suffer from migraine, shortness of breath, tachycardia, shortness of breath, weakness.

How to become less weather sensitive?

Conducted studies have shown that the development of various health disorders in response to weather changes is based on the following factors:

  • Insufficient physical activity.
  • Improper nutrition, leading to a set of extra pounds.
  • Instability nervous system caused by constant stress and nervous tension.
  • Lack of oxygen and poor ecology.

  • Eat foods rich in vitamin B6, magnesium and potassium, vegetables, fruits, lactic acid products, honey.
  • Eat less meat, fried and salty foods, sweets, spices.

It is necessary to limit the use of alcoholic beverages and stop smoking. You should make it a rule to do exercises every day, take walks in the fresh air, sleep at least seven to eight hours. It is also useful to use natural adaptogens, such as tinctures of Eleutherococcus, ginseng, preparations based on antlers. reindeer. But, since these drugs have some contraindications and can have side effects, it is worth consulting with your doctor about the advisability of taking them.

If the weather changes, patients with hypertension also feel bad. Consider how atmospheric pressure affects hypertensive patients and meteorologically dependent people.

Weather dependent and healthy people

Healthy people do not feel any changes in the weather. Weather dependent people experience the following symptoms:

  • Dizziness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Apathy, lethargy;
  • joint pain;
  • Anxiety, fear;
  • Violations of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • fluctuations in blood pressure.

Often, health worsens in the fall, when there is an exacerbation of colds and chronic diseases. In the absence of any pathologies, meteosensitivity is manifested by malaise.

Unlike healthy people, weather-dependent people react not only to fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, but also to increased humidity, sudden cooling or warming. The reason for this is often:

  • low physical activity;
  • The presence of diseases;
  • Fall of immunity;
  • Deterioration of the state of the central nervous system;
  • Weak blood vessels;
  • Age;
  • Ecological situation;
  • Climate.

As a result, the body's ability to quickly adapt to changes in weather conditions deteriorates.

If the atmospheric pressure is elevated (above 760 mm Hg), there is no wind and precipitation, they speak of the onset of an anticyclone. During this period, there are no sudden changes in temperature. The amount of harmful impurities in the air increases.

The anticyclone has a negative effect on hypertensive patients. An increase in atmospheric pressure leads to an increase in blood pressure. Working capacity decreases, pulsation and pains in the head, heart pains appear. Other symptoms of the negative influence of the anticyclone:

  • Increased heart rate;
  • Weakness;
  • Noise in ears;
  • redness of the face;
  • Flashing "flies" before the eyes.

The number of white blood cells in the blood decreases, which increases the risk of infections.

Elderly people with chronic cardiovascular diseases are especially susceptible to the effects of the anticyclone.. With an increase in atmospheric pressure, the likelihood of a complication of hypertension increases - a crisis, especially if blood pressure rises to 220/120 mm Hg. Art. It is possible to develop other dangerous complications (embolism, thrombosis, coma).

Poor effect on patients with hypertension and low atmospheric pressure - a cyclone. It is characterized cloudy weather, precipitation, high humidity. The air pressure drops below 750 mm Hg. Art. The cyclone has the following effect on the body: breathing becomes more frequent, the pulse quickens, however, the strength of heart beats is reduced. Some people experience shortness of breath.

With low air pressure, blood pressure also drops. Taking into account the fact that hypertensive patients take drugs to reduce pressure, the cyclone has a bad effect on well-being. The following symptoms appear:

  • Dizziness;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Headache;
  • Prostration.

In some cases, there is a deterioration in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

With an increase in atmospheric pressure, patients with hypertension and weather-dependent people should avoid active physical exertion. Need more rest. A low calorie diet is recommended increased amount fruits.

Even "neglected" hypertension can be cured at home, without surgery and hospitals. Just don't forget once a day...

If the anticyclone is accompanied by heat, it is also necessary to exclude physical activity. If possible, stay in an air-conditioned room. A low-calorie diet will be relevant. Increase the amount of foods rich in potassium in your diet.

Read also: What are the complications of hypertension?

To normalize blood pressure at low atmospheric pressure, doctors recommend increasing the amount of fluid consumed. Drink water, infusions medicinal herbs. Need to reduce physical activity, more rest.

Good sleep helps. In the morning, you can allow a cup of a drink containing caffeine. During the day, you need to measure the pressure several times.

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Influence of pressure and temperature change

A lot of health problems can be delivered to hypertensive patients and changes in air temperature. During the anticyclone period, combined with heat, the risk of cerebral hemorrhages and heart damage increases significantly.

Due to the high temperature and high humidity the oxygen content in the air decreases. This weather is especially bad for the elderly.

The dependence of blood pressure on atmospheric pressure is not so strong when the heat is combined with low humidity and normal or slightly elevated air pressure.

However, in some cases, such weather conditions cause blood clotting. This increases the risk of blood clots and the development of heart attacks, strokes.

The well-being of hypertensive patients will worsen if atmospheric pressure rises simultaneously with a sharp drop in temperature. environment. With high humidity, strong wind hypothermia (hypothermia) develops. Excitation of the sympathetic division of the nervous system causes a decrease in heat transfer and an increase in heat production.

The reduction in heat transfer is caused by a decrease in body temperature due to vasospasm. The process contributes to an increase in the thermal resistance of the body. To protect against hypothermia of the extremities, the skin of the face constricts the vessels that are in these parts of the body.

If the cooling of the body is very sharp, a persistent vascular spasm develops. This can cause an increase in blood pressure. In addition, a sharp cold snap changes the composition of the blood, in particular, the amount of protective proteins decreases.

Above sea level

As you know, the higher from sea level, the lower the air density and the lower the atmospheric pressure. At an altitude of 5 km, it decreases by about 2 r. The influence of air pressure on the blood pressure of a person located high above sea level (for example, in the mountains) is manifested by such signs:

  • Increased breathing;
  • Acceleration of heart rate;
  • Headache;
  • Asphyxiation attack;
  • Nosebleeds.

Read also: What causes high eye pressure

At the core negative impact reduced air pressure lies oxygen starvation, when the body receives less oxygen. In the future, adaptation occurs, and well-being becomes normal.

A person who permanently lives in such an area does not feel the effect of low atmospheric pressure in any way. You should know that in hypertensive patients, when climbing to a height (for example, during flights), blood pressure can change dramatically, which threatens with loss of consciousness.


Under ground and water, air pressure is increased. Its effect on blood pressure is directly proportional to the distance one has to descend.

The following symptoms appear: breathing becomes deep and rare, heart rate decreases, but only slightly. The skin becomes slightly numb, the mucous membranes become dry.

The body is hypertensive, as well as ordinary person, adapts better to changes in atmospheric pressure if they occur slowly.

Much more severe symptoms develop due to a sharp drop: increase (compression) and decrease (decompression). In conditions high blood pressure atmosphere miners, divers work.

They descend and rise underground (under water) through locks, where the pressure rises / falls gradually. At elevated atmospheric pressure, the gases contained in the air dissolve in the blood. This process is called "saturation". When decompressed, they come out of the blood (desaturation).

If a person descends to a great depth underground or under water in violation of the sluice regime, the body will be oversaturated with nitrogen. Decompression sickness will develop, in which gas bubbles penetrate the vessels, causing multiple embolisms.

The first symptoms of the pathology of the disease are muscle and joint pain. In severe cases, eardrums burst, dizziness, labyrinthine nystagmus develops. Decompression sickness sometimes ends in death.


Meteopathy is a negative reaction of the body to changes in the weather. Symptoms range from mild malaise to severe myocardial dysfunction that can cause permanent tissue damage.

The intensity and duration of manifestations of meteopathy depend on age, build, and the presence of chronic diseases. Some ailments last up to 7 days. According to medical statistics meteopathy is present in 70% of people with chronic ailments and in 20% of healthy people.

The reaction to a change in the weather depends on the degree of sensitivity of the organism. The first (initial) stage (or meteosensitivity) is characterized by a slight deterioration in well-being, not confirmed by clinical studies.

The second degree is called meteorological dependence, it is accompanied by changes in blood pressure and heart rate. Meteopathy is the most severe third degree.

With hypertension, combined with meteorological dependence, the cause of deterioration of health can be not only fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, but also other environmental changes. Such patients need to pay attention to weather conditions and weather forecasts. This will allow you to take the measures recommended by the doctor in time.

About what atmospheric pressure is, we are told at school in the lessons of natural history and geography. We get acquainted with this information and safely throw it out of our heads, rightly believing that we will never be able to use it.

But over the years, the stress and environmental conditions of the environment will have enough impact on us. And the concept of “geodependence” will no longer seem like nonsense, because pressure surges and headaches will begin to poison life. At this point, you will have to remember what it is like in Moscow, for example, in order to adapt to new conditions. And live on.

School basics

The atmosphere that surrounds our planet, unfortunately, literally puts pressure on all living and non-living things. To define this phenomenon, there is a term - atmospheric pressure. This is the force of the impact of the air column on the area. In the SI system, we talk about kilograms per 1 square centimeter. Normal atmospheric pressure (for Moscow, optimal indicators have long been known) affects the human body with the same force as a weight weighing 1.033 kg. But most of us don't notice it. Enough gases are dissolved in body fluids to neutralize all unpleasant sensations.

Atmospheric pressure standards in different regions different. But 760 mm Hg is considered ideal. Art. Experiments with mercury were most revealing at a time when scientists were proving that air has weight. Mercury barometers are the most common instruments for measuring pressure. It should also be remembered that the ideal conditions for which the named 760 mm Hg are relevant. Art., is a temperature of 0 ° C and the 45th parallel.

AT international system Units are used to define pressure in Pascals. But for us it is more familiar and understandable to use the fluctuations of the mercury column.

Relief features

Of course, many factors influence the value of atmospheric pressure. The most significant are the relief and proximity to magnetic poles planets. The norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow is fundamentally different from the indicators of the same St. Petersburg; and for the inhabitants of some remote village in the mountains, this figure may seem completely anomalous. Already at the level of 1 km above sea level It corresponds to 734 mm Hg. Art.

As already noted, in the region of the Earth's poles, the amplitude of pressure changes is much higher than in equatorial zone. Even during the day, atmospheric pressure changes somewhat. Slightly, however, only 1-2 mm. This is due to the difference between day and night temperatures. The nights are usually cooler, which means the pressure is higher.

pressure and man

For a person, in essence, it does not matter what atmospheric pressure is: normal, low and high. These are very arbitrary definitions. People tend to get used to everything and adapt. Much more important is the dynamics and magnitude of changes in atmospheric pressure. On the territory of the CIS countries, in particular in Russia, there are quite a few zones locals and they don't know about it.

The norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow, for example, may well be considered as a non-constant value. After all, every skyscraper is a kind of mountain, and the higher and faster you go up (go down), the more noticeable the drop will be. Some people may well pass out while riding a high-speed elevator.


Doctors almost unanimously agree that the question "what atmospheric pressure is considered normal" (Moscow or any locality planets - it doesn't matter) is incorrect in itself. Our body adapts perfectly to life above or below sea level. And if the pressure does not have a detrimental effect on a person, it can be considered normal for a given area. Doctors say that the norm of atmospheric pressure in Moscow and other major cities is in the range from 750 to 765 mm Hg. pillar.

A completely different matter is the pressure drop. If within a few hours it rises (falls) by 5-6 mm, people begin to experience discomfort and pain. This is especially dangerous for the heart. Its beat becomes more frequent, and a change in the frequency of breaths leads to a change in the rhythm of oxygen supply to the body. The most common ailments in such a situation are weakness, etc.

Meteorological dependence

Normal atmospheric pressure for Moscow may seem like a nightmare to a visitor from the North or from the Urals. After all, each region has its own norm and, accordingly, its own understanding of the stable state of the body. And since in life we ​​do not concentrate on exact pressure indicators, weather forecasters always focus on what kind of pressure it is for a given region - increased or decreased.

After all, not every person can boast that he does not notice the corresponding changes. Anyone who cannot call himself lucky in this matter must systematize his feelings during pressure drops and find acceptable countermeasures. Often a cup of strong coffee or tea is enough, but sometimes more serious help in the form of medicines is also needed.

pressure in the metropolis

The most meteorologically dependent are residents of megacities. It is here that a person experiences more stress, lives life at a high pace and experiences environmental degradation. Therefore, to know what is the norm of atmospheric pressure for Moscow is vital.

The capital of the Russian Federation is located on Central Russian Upland, which means that here is a priori a zone of low pressure. Why? It's very simple: the higher above sea level, the lower the atmospheric pressure. For example, on the banks of the Moskva River, this figure will be 168 m. And the maximum value in the city was recorded in Teply Stan - 255 m above sea level.

It can be assumed that Muscovites expect abnormally low atmospheric pressure much less frequently than residents of other regions, which, of course, cannot but rejoice them. And yet, what atmospheric pressure is considered the norm in Moscow? Meteorologists say that usually its indicator does not exceed 748 mm Hg. pillar. This means little, because we already know that even a quick rise in an elevator can have a significant effect on a person's heart.

On the other hand, Muscovites do not feel uncomfortable if the pressure fluctuates between 745-755 mm Hg. Art.


But from the point of view of doctors, not everything is so optimistic for the residents of the metropolis. Many experts rightly believe that working on the upper floors of business centers, people endanger themselves. Indeed, in addition to the fact that they live in a zone of low pressure, they also spend almost a third of the day in places with

If we add to this fact violations of the ventilation system of the building and permanent job air conditioners, it becomes obvious that the employees of such offices are the most inefficient, sleepy and sick.


Actually, it is worth remembering a few points. First, there is no single ideal value for normal atmospheric pressure. There are regional norms that can differ significantly in absolute terms. Secondly, the characteristics of the human body make it easy to experience pressure drops if this happens rather slowly. Thirdly, the healthier lifestyle we lead and the more often we manage to observe the daily routine (getting up at the same time, long night sleep, adherence to an elementary diet, etc.), the less we are subject to weather dependence. So, more energetic and cheerful.

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