When does the holy month of Ramadan end? Ramadan and Eid al-Fitr - what kind of holiday? Celebration traditions, schedule, calendar, what is prohibited

In the Muslim faith, as well as in Catholicism and Orthodoxy, there are a sufficient number of significant dates throughout the year. Muslims celebrate solemn events with joy, mourn and read prayers on days of remembrance, and also adhere to strict fasts. Traditions different faiths are also similar in many ways, for example, restrictions on human passions ( Lent) among Catholic and Orthodox believers in the Muslim faith is identical to the holiday - Ramadan. When Ramadan occurs in 2019, a period of joy, holiness, tolerance and kindness will begin for the entire Muslim people.

Ramadan is usually called the holy month in the Muslim faith. According to the belief of the Holy Quran, Ramadan is one of the five pillars of great Islam on which the Muslim faith in Allah is strengthened. Muslims also call this festive month the month of Lent, which is obligatory for all believers.

The month of Ramadan in 2019 and its calculation directly depends on the phases lunar calendar. Every year this event occurs at completely different times. As a rule, the difference in the dates of the holy month is within 10-11 days from year to year. In the coming year, the holy month will begin in the month of May, or more precisely, on the 5th. The end of the sacred period in the Muslim faith is marked on June 4. From time immemorial, Ramadan has been considered a summer period; it almost always falls in the warm season. Even the name of the sacred holiday is translated as “sultry” or “hot”. But many Muslims associate the translation of the word Ramadan not with hot summer season, but with strict rules that are mandatory for all Muslims.

To determine exactly what date Ramadan is in 2019, you need to turn to the teachings of theologians. It is theologians who annually indicate the beginning of the holy month in each year. When determining the beginning of Ramadan, it is always based on the phases of the moon. In the Muslim faith, the sacred period falls on the 9th month of the calendar, but the starting date of the holiday depends on the position of the night star.

The history of the holiday says that on this sacred day the Prophet Muhammad received “revealed words”, which indicated the mission of the prophet. During this same period, Allah gave the Koran to his believers. According to legend, on the day of the beginning of the holy month, Allah tries to fulfill all the requests of believers; He is also open to resolving people’s destinies in the most successful way.

During the month of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslims to observe strict fasting and honor strict rules. The fast that lasts during the holy month is called Uraza. When Ramadan begins, a schedule of basic rules helps Muslims determine the basic principles and prohibitions of fasting.

  • Complete refusal to eat and drink water. The initial meal must be taken before dawn. During the rest of the day, it is forbidden to eat; in addition, you should not indulge in snacking, or drink any liquid (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea, etc.);
  • Strict abstinence from intimacy. Even Muslim spouses are required to comply with this provision. In addition to intimacy, it is prohibited to engage in caresses and other actions that excite a person.
  • Smoking, using drugs, and drinking alcoholic beverages is strictly prohibited. It is very important that during the duration of Uraza, Muslims cleanse both their body and their soul in every possible way, therefore the smell of tobacco smoke, poison from drugs and alcohol should not penetrate the believer’s body.
  • It is forbidden to deceive and use foul language. It is especially forbidden to engage in deception and at the same time mention the name of Allah.
  • You cannot chew during Uraz. chewing gum, give cleansing enemas, physically induce the feeling of vomiting. That is, all those actions that can “cleanse” the body in an unnatural way are prohibited.

If we compare the fast of the Orthodox and the holy fast of Muslims, the latter seems very strict and practically impossible to fulfill. But this opinion is deeply erroneous. Muslim believers do not consider restrictions on human goods to be something supernatural; they are happy to adhere to the strict and strict rules of this restriction, because it helps believers learn tolerance and understand the real power of their body.

Who can fail to fast?

As mentioned above, the date of Ramadan 2019 is designated May 27th. In this hot month, all Muslims should begin to fulfill the strict principles of an important fast.

  • aged people;
  • Muslims in whose body a serious illness is progressing;
  • people who are sick;
  • pregnant women;
  • breastfeeding young mothers;
  • travelers.

Most believers themselves wish to adhere to the strict rules of fasting, even despite the most important circumstance that they are exempt from observing this restriction. In this case, adherence to the basic rules can be transferred to another time, and not to the period of Ramadan.

But all elderly people, as well as those Muslims who are seriously ill, are allowed not to adhere to the strict principles of fasting, but instead they need to feed begging people or the poor. It is important to remember that feeding people in need can be replaced by giving alms.


As of today, the beginning and end of Ramadan 2019 have already been precisely determined; this event, sacred to the Muslim faith, will happen between May 5 and June 4. But most people are sure that the festive month of Ramadan is associated only with observing strict principles and restrictions in many human benefits. This is absolutely not true. The main symbol of Ramadan is its final part; as a rule, this happens the day before the end of the holy holiday.

At the very last date Ramadan, at the moment of sunset, begins a great holiday for Muslims, which continues for the next 2 days. In the Muslim faith, such festive events are called Ramadan Bayram. First in Muslim mosques prayers are read, and after that all believers go to eat the sacred meal. The tradition of the holiday is that at the festive meal it is customary to eat and feast on delicious dishes not only within the circle of one’s own family, but also to treat all the poor with prepared delicacies.

Fasting for Ramadan is not the main condition of the Muslim faith, and the main part of the celebration itself is that at the end of Ramadan, Muslims need to go out and give alms. In faith, such distribution of alms is called “firtah”. At the same time, firta can be performed in a variety of variations: it can be monetary alms, or alms in the form of food or household items. It is not forbidden to give alms in the form of clothing.

Muslim holiday in 2019 - Ramadan - is a revered and an important event for all believers. It is very important to observe the traditions of the faith that honors most of population of the whole world.

It is well known among Muslims that Fasting during the month of Ramadan is a great observance and duty of believers. Allah Almighty has endowed this month with special honor. And determining the beginning of the month of Ramadan is one of the important religious rituals that needs to be given due attention.

The beginning of the lunar month according to the Muslim calendar is determined solely by observing the new moon, therefore it is impossible to know in advance the onset of the month, and calculations are used only approximately for preliminary preparation. The lunar month has 29 or 30 days.

The method of determining the beginning of the month of Ramadan was taught by the Prophet Muhammad himself, peace be upon him, which is still used by Muslims all over the world.

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

«صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْ فَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِينَ يَوْماً»

رَوَاهُ البُخَارِي وَمُسْلِم وَغَيْرُهُمَا

This means: “Keep the Fast when you see the new month (Ramadan), and if you were unable to see it, then calculate the end of the month of Sha’ban on the 30th day, and stop it (Fasting) when you see the new month of Shawwal.”

About whether it has begun new month, you can find out in the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month by watching new moon: if a new moon appears in the sky, it means that a new moon has arrived calendar month, and if it does not appear, then the next day will be the 30th day of the current month. And, since there is no 31st day in the lunar calendar, accordingly, the 30th will necessarily be the last day of the month. In all lunar calendars compiled for the whole year, the start dates of months and Muslim holidays indicated approximately. It is not correct to rely solely on calendars.

From the time of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, to this day, Muslims have followed this rule, passing on knowledge to each other. Everyone who lived in the world knows how to correctly determine the beginning and end of the month. Muslim countries and saw the traditions and customs of Muslims. For example, the way Muslims gather in open places, where it is more convenient to conduct night surveillance. After Muslims see the new moon, they fire cannons or light a large fire on the top of the mountain, thereby announcing the beginning of the blessed month of Ramadan or the onset of the holiday of breaking the fast.

These wonderful customs have deep roots that go back to the times when the companions of the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, lived, spreading knowledge throughout the earth.

Moreover, this was spoken about by the scholars of four madhhabs, who confirmed that the determination of the first day of the month of Ramadan is made by observing the new moon after sunset on the 29th of the month of Sha'ban. And the calculations of astronomers and stargazers are not taken as a basis, and the calculations of astronomers and stargazers are not the basis for this.

Imam An-Nawawiy said in his book Al-Majmu':

وَمَنْ قَالَ بِحِسَابِ الْمَنَازِلِ فَقَوْلُهُ مَرْدُودٌ بِقَوْلِهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم فِي الصَّحِيحَيْنِ

This means: “Whoever relies on calculation to determine the position of the moon, his calculations are rejected and not taken into account . Since the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said:

إنَّا أُمَّةٌ أُمِّيَّةٌ لاَ نَحْسِبُ وَلاَ نَكْتُبُ، الشَّهْرُ هَكَذَا وَهَكَذَا، صُومُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ وَأَفْطِرُوا لِرُؤْيَتِهِ، فَإِنْ غُمَّ عَلَيْكُمْفَأَكْمِلُوا عِدَّةَ شَعْبَانَ ثَلاثِين يَوْماً

This means: “We are a people who do not live by calculations and calculations, assumptions and guesses. We don't record or count. A month can be either like this (that is, 29 days) or like that (that is, 30 days). Start fasting when you see the new moon (Ramadan) and end your fast when you see the new moon (Shauwal). And if the sky was closed, then add the 30th day to the month of Sha’ban.”

This Hadith was transmitted by imams Al-Bukhariy, Muslim and others.

Anyone who has seen the new month of Ramadan must fast. Anyone who did not see it himself, but learned about it from a reliable Muslim, is obliged to observe the Ramadan Fast. Abu-Dauud said that the son of ‘Umar (II Khalifa), may Allah bless them, told the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, that he saw the new month of Ramadan, after which the Prophet himself observed the Fast and ordered other believers to observe it.

If the beginning of the Fast is confirmed in any locality, then all residents of this locality, as well as those neighboring it, located in the same time zone (i.e., the sun in their territories rises and sets at the same time) are obliged to observe it. , according to the madhhab of Imam Al-Shafi'iy. According to the madhhab of Imam Abu Hanifa, all believers located anywhere in the world who learn about the beginning of the month of Ramadan are required to fast, regardless of distance. According to this opinion, residents of the East are obliged to observe the Fast of Ramadan, even if they were informed about its beginning by residents of the West, and vice versa.

Allah has ordered us to observe His Laws, transmitted to the last Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, after which there will be no new law of God until the Day of Judgment. And these Laws are suitable for all centuries, times and eras; they do not become obsolete until the very End of the World. And with the help of Allah we will steadfastly observe the teaching last prophet, peace be upon Him. Therefore, we remind you that it is unacceptable to distort the Shari'ah and make any changes to it, and the one who does this under the pretext of civilization and technological progress seems to be saying that there is a flaw in the Laws of God and he has come to correct it, or as if someone after the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, receives Revelation, which in both cases is absurd and fundamentally contradicts the teachings of Islam.
The true followers of the Prophet, peace be upon Him, know, believe and acknowledge that He is truthful in everything that He proclaimed and that He conveyed from Allah, and do not ignore what He taught. At the same time, we must know that Islam is not against all-round development and scientific progress, but only prohibits distortions of Shari’ah.

Therefore, according to the above, you can find out whether a new month has begun in the evening after sunset on the 29th of the current month by observing the new moon. On the website of the Central Spiritual Administration of Muslims of Crimea - the Tauride Muftiate, Muslims established the observation that the 1st day of the month of Shaban (the month preceding the month of Ramadan) corresponds to April 28, 2017, respectively The 29th day of the month of Shaban corresponds to May 26, 2017, the observation of the new moon of the month of Ramadan will take place. If Muslims, by observation in the evening, see the new month, then the 1st day of the month of Ramadan 2017 is May 27, 2017, and if they do not see it, then the 1st day of the month of Ramadan 2017 is May 28, 2017.

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Evidence for the Existence of God

Praise be to Allah, Who created us with intelligence. The theologians of Islam said that reason is a tool that helps us distinguish between what is beneficial and what is harmful, giving us the ability to recognize good and evil, and undoubtedly, all this on the basis of knowledge obtained in accordance with Sharia. After all, it is based on the knowledge of Sharia that we can judge what is good for us and what is harmful. Verily Allah in the name of God in Arabic “Allah”, the letter “x” is pronounced like ه Arabic The Almighty commanded us to use the gifted mind, so we should not neglect this benefit, but should use it to benefit ourselves.

Observing the world around us, reflecting on how it appeared and is structured, a person is able to come to the realization that:

- undoubtedly, there is a Creator who created this whole world,

- and the Creator of this world is not like His creatures.

We are convinced without a doubt that the existence of the Universe is proof of the existence of its Creator. After all, our mind does not perceive the existence of an action without an agent, just as there cannot be something written without the writer, or a building without the one who built it. Moreover, our mind cannot recognize the existence of this entire world without its Creator.

One has only to look around, and numerous creatures of our Lord will appear before our eyes. All surrounding objects, air, sun, sky, clouds, the grandiose space of the Universe, as well as our actions, thoughts, feelings, and even time itself, are all creations of Allah. There is great benefit in reflecting on how amazing the world. How delightful is the change of day and night, how the moon moves, how beautiful the firmament and stars are, how the sun rises at sunrise and sets at sunset, how the winds rage... And despite the fact that we admire the structure of this universe, the harmony of alternating events, the beauty of nature and by the multitude of benefits which we may receive, we in no way attribute Divinity to any or anything of these creatures.

Some people mistakenly attribute Divinity to nature and falsely claim that nature created something, giving existence after non-existence. In fact, nature has neither will, nor choice, nor knowledge, and accordingly cannot create and determine for every existing thing the possibility of its existence or non-existence. In Russian, as is known, the word “nature” has two most commonly used meanings. One of them is “the world around us”, the other is “the qualities inherent in objects”.

For example, the nature of fire is burning, blazing, heat, light, etc. The nature of water is fluidity, a liquid state. The nature of ice is cold, hard, brittle. And it is obvious that the qualities of this or that body do not exist until the appearance of the body itself, to which this quality is inherent. For example, the coldness and fragility of ice exist from the moment ice appears, and without ice there is no fragility and other qualities inherent in it. Nature exists from the moment when that which is inherent in it appears. The nature of fire exists from the moment of the appearance of fire, just as the nature of water exists from the moment of the appearance of water itself. The Creator of what has appeared cannot be something that once did not exist at all!

If we talk about nature as the environment around us, then we should understand that it also has its own qualities and is part of this world. And part of this world is not capable of being a creator for the whole world. It is obvious that nature is not the Creator of the universe.

Likewise, common sense rejects the false belief that this world supposedly created itself. After all, it is absurd for something to be both the creator and the created. Those. Based on this false judgment, the universe had to already exist in order to give being to something, but at the same time not exist in order to be created and appear, and this contradicts common sense.

Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon Him, said meaning: “Allah was Eternal, and there was nothing besides Him,”

those. there was no light, darkness, water, air, earth, heaven, Al-Kursiyya, Al-'Arsha, people, jinn, Angels, time, place, there was no top, bottom and other directions... There was absolutely nothing created, but Allah was Eternal without beginning. And if He had not been Eternal without a beginning, He would have been created, and a created one cannot be God. Allah existed forever before the creation of the universe and there was no such concept in relation to Him as “in the universe” or “outside the universe.” Verily, Allah is the Creator of image, place, direction, and neither image, nor location, nor direction are inherent in Him.

Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced like ح in Arabic, peace and blessings be upon Him, said meaning: “The Lord cannot be grasped by the mind.” And also Ibn ‘Abbas, the cousin of the Prophet, said meaning: “Reflect on the creatures of Allah and refrain from thinking about His Essence.” That is, knowledge about Allah is not achieved through imagination, ideas and illusions. While careful observation and thoughtful study of the created ones allows us to learn about the Power and Greatness of their Creator, to conclude that the Creator is above all the qualities of the created ones and is not similar to His creatures.

To know about Allah and believe in Him, you cannot try to imagine Him, because the imaginary needs the one who created this image and appearance for it. The creator of everything is Allah, and He is not imagined by the mind. Thoughts, images, reflections - all this is created. All images and imaginations that arise in a person’s heart, whether he has seen them or not, are created.

It is impossible to reach in the imagination the One Who does not have an image, form or appearance. As Imam ‘Ali said, it means: “He who created the image does not have it himself.” And it is also said in the Koran which means: “God cannot be reached in illusions.” We need to follow Sharia and not illusions, since Sharia confirms that Allah is not comprehended by imagination, because He is not created and does not have an image.

And also it is said in the Koran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن meaning: “There is nothing like Him.” And the great scientist known as Zun-Nun Al-Misriy said this meaning: “Whatever you imagine, Allah is not like it.” In other words, Allah is unlike anything we can imagine. Because everything we imagine is created. We, created, once non-existent, need to admit our weakness in the fact that it is impossible to comprehend with our imagination the Essence of One Who is not created and has no beginning of His existence. And in following this path for a person there is salvation from falling into the mistakes in which those who abandoned reason and blindly followed the imagination “drowned”.

Allah commanded us to reflect on His creations so that we would know that the Creator is not like them. Also, thinking about created things is necessary because it strengthens faith in the existence of Allah, His Omnipotence and Omniscience. Allah has given us great blessings in this world. Truly Allah is the Almighty Creator of everything, and there are no limits to His Omnipotence. Verily, Allah is not a body (not an object) or a quality of bodies; He has no boundaries. No one can resist Him, and there is no one equal or similar to Him.

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Paradoxically, it was the advent of electronic books that helped realize the importance and value of the traditional paper book. And the importance of book design has also become even more obvious: the design of the cover and pages, the texture and color of the paper, the format of the book, the drawings - all this is not a new “excess”, but is directly related to the perception and memorization of information.

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It is advisable to read electronically what you do not need to remember - news, as well as electronic reference books, which are convenient to always have at hand. But if we're talking about about educational, fiction, children's literature or books that are important to you, then the best option the paper version remains.

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Facts about the benefits of reading:

  • Reading is a habit successful people. It develops thinking, imagination, and involves those thought processes that do not arise during other types of activity. Researchers say being well-read is also associated with financial well-being- in our time, the majority of wealthy people read regularly, gain knowledge and develop, while the rest of the population prefers watching TV and reading different videos in the Internet.
  • Just before the End of the World, people will be mired in unbelief and sins. By that time there will no longer be a single Muslim left on earth.

    Prophet Muhammad in the name of the Prophet "Muhammad" the letter "x" is pronounced like ح in Arabic said meaning:

    “The End of the World will not come as long as there are those on earth who say: “Allah, Allah in the name of God in Arabic “Allah”, the letter “x” is pronounced like ه Arabic

    Explaining these words, the scientists said that the End of the World will not come as long as there are those on earth who mention Allah and worship Him. In another hadith transmission, instead of the words “Allah, Allah!”, it is said: “La ilaha illallah there is no creator but God!».

    Talking about the signs of the End of the World, the Prophet Muhammad listed them and said: “And then the worst of people will remain. And men will copulate with women [in the presence of other people] - just as donkeys do. It is they who will be overtaken by the End of the World.”

    And the Prophet also said meaning: “And [only] those who have no good will remain, and they will return to the religion of their ancestors [paganism].”

    ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As said that the End of the World will not come until the worst of creatures remain [on earth] - they [even] worse than people[times] of jahiliyya! Whatever they ask from the Creator, it does not come true.

    Another hadith says the meaning: “Then the worst of people will remain on earth, who will strive for evil as quickly as a bird flies, and their morals will be similar to the morals of wild animals [- they will oppress and be at enmity with each other]. They do not recognize good and do not prohibit evil. And the Shaitan will appear [to them] and say to them: “Will you obey me?” And they will say to him: “What do you order us?” And he orders them to worship idols. And they [will obey him] in this and will receive rizq and a pleasant life, and then the Horn will sound and everyone who hears will [listen] to stretch their neck and bow their head. The first person to hear this sound will be the man who was repairing, by coating with clay, the tank from which his camels drink. This sound will kill him and all other people."

    When the angel Israfil blows the Horn, the hearts of people will break from this piercing sound. Then people, jinn, and animals will die. And angels will also die some scientists said that the guardian angels of Paradise, hell and the angels who hold the Arsh, as well as the houris, the servants of Paradise (uildan) and hellish snakes and scorpions will not die, and the last of them to die is the angel of death ‘Azrael.

    The end of the world will come unexpectedly. At this moment, people will not suspect that the end of life in this world has come.

    Imam Al-Bukhariy transmitted from Abu Hurairah the hadith of the Prophet meaning:

    “And the End of the World will come [so unexpectedly that] two (seller and buyer) will unroll the cloth and will not have time to either complete the transaction or roll up the cloth. And the one who milked camel milk will not have time to drink it, and the person who coats the reservoir with clay will not have time to drink from it [his livestock], and the one who brought a piece of food to his mouth will not have time to eat it.”

    Said in Holy Quran this word must be read in Arabic as - الْقُـرْآن(Sura 47 “Muh ammad”, verse 18) meaning:

    “Do they really expect anything other than the End of the World, which will overtake them suddenly?! After all, his signs have already come true! But why do they need a reminder of it when it’s already here?!”

    Perhaps we or our children will witness major Signs of the End of the World. But whenever it comes, we must prepare diligently for Judgment Day, because the end of our own life it will come faster.

Eid al Adha - sacred holiday Muslims celebrate the end of fasting in the month of Ramadan. The celebration dates back to 624. Since the month during which fasting is carried out falls on different time year, depending on the lunar calendar. Many people are wondering when does Uraza begin in 2017 for Muslims? To be more precise, the month of Ramadan, during which fasting lasts, begins on May 26 and lasts 30 days. After this time, the holiday of Uraza Bayram begins - June 26, 2017.

Fasting or what not to do during the month of Ramadan?

  • Eat and drink in daytime before sunset
  • Smoking
  • Drink alcohol
  • Sex is also prohibited

You can eat and drink after sunset and before sunrise. Food should not be fatty; it is advisable to include dairy products, fruits and vegetables in the diet. While eating, bread should not be cut with a knife; it should be carefully broken with your hands.

Who is allowed not to fast?

  • Pregnant
  • For children
  • Old people
  • Sick
  • Warriors and Travelers

Also during the month of Ramadan, in addition to observing the rules of food intake, prayers from the Holy Quran should be said.

I would also like to note that the month of Ramadan falls on summer time, the most difficult. Since the sun rises very early and sunset occurs late, the day length is more than 17 hours. That is, you are not allowed to drink or eat for more than 17 hours, which is most difficult in hot weather. For example: in January, the length of the day is only 7.20 minutes.

When does Eid al-Fitr begin for Muslims?

After the end of the fast, one of the brightest holidays, Eid al-Fitr, begins. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated in 2017 on June 26!

  • Buy new dishes
  • Clean and tidy up the home
  • Change bed linen
  • Decorate your home
  • Buy gifts

The holiday of Uraza must be celebrated in calm, for this you should ask for forgiveness to those who are to blame and forgive yourself. It is also worth visiting the graves of the dead and reading prayers so that their souls remain in peace.

Festive table and treats

As we wrote above, the holiday of Uraza, the most significant among Muslims and during the celebration, is covered festive table consisting of dishes such as:

  • Shurpa or soup, a traditional dish lamb
  • All kinds of salads from vegetables and meat
  • Sweets
  • Fruits
  • Nuts

During the feast, sweets are distributed to neighbors and children in the form of alms.

Eid al-Fitr means a holiday of goodness and mercy, as well as love for one’s neighbor and the Almighty. And the month of Ramadan allows you to cleanse yourself, both spiritually and physically, and also strengthen your faith in God. After 70 days, the festival of sacrifice begins.

A revered event, one of the five pillars of Islam, a holiday of faith and human purification - it all fits into itself greatest period time for devout Muslims, the month of Ramadan (Arabic), or Ramadan (Turkish). Its annual date is variable, as it depends on the Muslim calendar (lunar) and falls on the ninth month. In 2019 this event will start on 5 May and will continue until 3 June, because, as you know, holy Ramadan lasts 29-30 days.

About a billion people - this is how many Muslims from all over the world begin the practice of spiritual and physical cleansing during this period. This is done by observing strict fasting, reading prayers, doing good deeds. It is at this time that a Muslim can express humility and love for Allah, because limiting oneself in physical pleasures on the hottest and most grueling days can only testify to the strength of faith. However, according to Islam, no food restrictions can cleanse a person from sinfulness if he holds evil, lies and bad thoughts in his soul. Therefore, during this month, Muslim believers take special responsibility for reading the Koran, the practice of obligatory and voluntary donations to those in need, and performing selfless acts.

In terms of the scale and prevalence of Ramadan among the world's population, it can only be compared with Lent in the Christian faith. Its observance allows believers to rethink their life path, rank your values ​​and priorities, achieve more high level spiritual development. As practice shows, those who observe all the requirements of fasting for the first time may experience difficulties, but in overcoming these difficulties lies the whole point of developing one’s spiritual fortitude and faith. In addition, cleansing the body is often accompanied by its improvement.

From the history of the holiday

Islamic traditions say that the beginning of the observance of the holiday is the transmission of the very first divine revelations to the Prophet Muhammad in 610. This was done by the angel Jibril (Archangel Gabriel in the Bible) while the prophet was near Mecca in the cave of Hira, where he often retired for religious practices. These revelations later formed the basis for the creation holy book Muslims - the Koran. It, sent down to people in the month of Ramadan, was supposed to serve as a guide to what a person’s godly path of life should be, how to distinguish between good and evil, how to honor the five main foundations of Islam - the absence of another God except Allah, the need for five times prayer, zakat (giving alms to the poor ), hajj to Mecca (pilgrimage), and also indicated the obligatory observance of holy fasting.

This injunction had its own conditions: only a Muslim is obligated to fast (a non-Muslim may not do this) and takleef, or the presence of a person with the basic requirements for fasting - adulthood and puberty, as well as a clear mind (lack of mental illness) and other reasons that prevent fasting. These include:

  • Old age and diseases that cannot be expected to disappear in the near future;
  • Pregnancy and mother feeding the child, the presence of menstruation or postpartum cleansing;
  • Travel for those who are further than 90 kilometers from home.

After the expiration of reasons that prevent one from observing the fast, a person must make up for it, and during the fast itself, feed and serve the needy, the poor. Those who may not observe the fast are prohibited from demonstratively performing prohibited acts in front of others.

Traditions of Ramadan

The beginning of the fast comes at dawn of the designated day, and the end, accordingly, at sunset last day month of Ramadan. A mandatory part of the beginning of fasting for Muslims is the pronouncement of niyat - intention, that is, voicing a person’s readiness to undergo purification throughout the Holy month. The intention is pronounced with soul on any known to man language between night and morning obligatory prayer, prayer.

It is customary to stop eating food during fasting half an hour before dawn, and break the fast with water or milk on a specially designated day. Thus, during Ramadan it is forbidden to consume food and water during the daytime.

There is also such a thing as debt, that is, a certain religious “debt” of a person to the Almighty, if for some reason he cannot follow the fast. Completing the period of fasting, paying the poor (zakat) is the atonement for this debt.

Doing good deeds is the main occupation and at the same time a requirement for to a devout Muslim observing fasting. According to Islamic traditions, such actions are 700 times more important during Ramadan than on other days, and they are also much easier to perform because the influence of the shaitan is reduced. Prayers, almsgiving, forgiveness and other good deeds are part of spiritual cleansing person per month of Ramadan.

In addition to the mandatory evening and morning prayers, Muslims also have a voluntary prayer - tarawih, which translated from Arabic means “rest”, “break”. It is held before dawn after night prayer, individually or in a group, and in the intervals between its parts believers rest, glorifying the Almighty at this time.

The last 10 days of Ramadan are the strictest. At this time, most worship is carried out, solitude in mosques is encouraged, following the example of Muhammad, as well as pronouncing intentions before and after entering the mosque. These actions precede one of the most significant dates in the fast - the Night of Power, or Night of al-Qadr, which falls on the 27th night of the Holy Fast. At this time, it is customary to pray a lot, asking for forgiveness from the Lord for sins committed. In 2019 it falls on May 31st.

Features of fasting

Fasting involves restricting not only food, but also some habitual behaviors that are aimed at delivering physical pleasure to a person. Thus, it is prohibited during Ramadan:

  • take food at any time at will, except at night;
  • smoke;
  • starting a fast without a spoken intention;
  • perform sexual intercourse (prohibited also include ejaculation and masturbation caused by caresses);
  • penetration medicines rectal and vaginal use;
  • ingestion of sputum and intentional vomiting (self-induced).

Besides the fact that you can only eat in dark time days, you need to limit yourself in foods. Fats should be excluded, and light dairy products, fruits and vegetables should be the basis of the diet. The morning meal is called “suhoor” (before dawn before prayer), and the evening meal is called “iftar” (after sunset and evening prayer). In order to make it easier to endure fasting, you need to know which actions are not prohibited:

  • Bathing, kissing, brushing teeth, if foreign liquids do not enter the throat;
  • Swallowing saliva and vomiting that happened unintentionally;
  • Administering medications by injection and donating blood;
  • Loving touches that do not lead to ejaculation;
  • Lack of prayers.

The greatest Muslim fast, Ramadan, ends with the holiday of breaking the fast - Eid al-Fitr, which will take place on June 4, 2019. Already on this day, believers cannot fast, because it is customary to rethink the spiritual and physical experience acquired during fasting, learn to appreciate daily food, and thank the Lord for the blessings that a person has. Eid al-Fitr is a holiday of sharing a meal with one’s neighbor, which is why believers go to visit relatives, bring alms to the poor, and also remember the dead.

Holy month Ramadan is a huge opportunity for a Muslim believer to get closer to God, express his submission to Him, and also cleanse his soul of accumulated sins.

    In 2017, the Great Strict Muslim Fasting Ramadan (Ramadan or Eid al-Fitr) will come May 27 and will last until June 25.

    During Lent you must abstain from water, food and intimate relationships during daylight hours.

    Great Lent lasts about 30 days, then immediately after Lent the holiday of Uraza Bayram (Feast of Breaking the Fast) begins.

    The month of Ramadan is the ninth moon month in the Muslim calendar, its date is not constant and in 2017 the holiday begins on May 27, the holiday will last until July 25, on this day the entire Muslim world will celebrate the holiday of Uraza Bayram.

    This wonderful holiday Ramadan, or as Muslims also call it, Ramadan will not come soon. After all, it’s only 2015 now. The fast lasts for almost a month. During this time, you should abstain from food, water and sex. It will begin on May 27, 2017, and end on June 25, 2017.

    In the Muslim calendar, the month of Ramadan in 2017 falls on May 27, and the celebration ends on June 25. During this month, all believers should abstain from sexual intercourse, will need to fast and will not be allowed to drink during the day. Indeed, this is a serious fast for Muslims.

    This holiday is called Ramadan in Turkish, and Ramadan in Arabic.

    In 2017 it starts on May 27, and this Holy month ends on June 25th.

    Muslims are not allowed to eat or drink anything during the day these days, and it is very difficult for believers to strictly observe this fast in hot countries, where the temperature outside during the day rises to 50 degrees, and yet you also have to work in the sun.

    This month, which will be next year, namely in 2017, will fall on the twenty-seventh of May. And it will end only on the twenty-fifth of June. This is a very important month for Muslims, which is also accompanied by fasting.

    Ramadan falls on the ninth month from the beginning of the year and is a very revered event among Muslims. Its meaning can be compared with the Orthodox Lent, since during Ramadan one should also adhere to food restrictions. During this entire time, Muslims pray, and the celebration lasts one month.

    Ramadan 2017 will begin on May 27, and the end of the Holy month will come June 25. In the Muslim world, at the end of this month the great Eid al-Fitr will be celebrated.

    The month of Ramadan in 2017 will begin closer to the beginning of summer.

    Muslims also call this period the month of Ramadan.

    Anyone who does not fast will incur the wrath of Allah

    In addition, you should abstain from sexual intercourse during this month.

    You can’t eat or drink during the day - and a summer day is usually very hot

    The month of Ramadan is considered (is) a holy month for all Muslims from all over the world.

    During this month, every Muslim (if his health allows it, or if he is not burdened with anything beyond his strength) must fast (this fast is called Uraza).

    And for a whole month, from morning until evening, the fasting person must neither eat nor drink (there is a special calendar that says what time in the morning and what time in the evening you can eat).

    This holy month for Muslims in 2017 will begin on May 27th and will last until June 25th.

    According to the Muslim calendar in 2017, the holy month of Ramadan falls on May 27. It should be noted that specified date not constant and changes from year to year. The holiday itself in 2017 will last until June 25 - the day of celebration of Uraza Bayram. Ramadan encourages you to love the canons of Allah and demonstrate your good qualities even more.

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