The best board word games for a party or holiday. Alias ​​Party compact version

The game "Say Different" is played in teams. You need to explain words and pictures to your team members in other words and expressions, using, for example, synonyms, antonyms, clues, sounds, etc. The main thing is not to pronounce the word itself. Your team must guess as many words as possible before the sand in the hourglass is completely overflowing! For each guessed word, the team crosses out one move. The team that reaches the finish line first is the winner!

How to play

  • Shuffle the cards and place the pack face down. Make teams - at least two players per team. Each team takes a piece of paper from the game notebook.
  • The youngest member of the team starts the game by choosing one member from the team - the leader - who will explain the words first. The rest of the team tries to guess the word given to them.
  • The facilitator takes approximately 10-15 cards, and the rest of the teams call out a number from 1 to 8, for example, 4 The facilitator turns over hourglass and begins explaining the fourth word or picture on the first card (see rules regarding explanations). Having heard the correct answer, the facilitator immediately puts aside the card with the guessed word and quickly takes the next one and also describes the fourth word or picture on this card.
  • When all the sand is poured into the hourglass, the rest of the teams shout “Stop”! If the word remains unguessed, the other teams can participate in guessing this word. The fastest team, having answered correctly, can cross out one move on their notepad sheet.
  • The number of guessed cards on the table determines how many moves a team can cross out.
  • The explain queue is passed to the next command. The previous presenter puts his cards at the bottom of the pack.
  • When a team has crossed out at least one move on a sheet of notebook, then the number of the circle on which it is now determines which number on the card will be explained.
  • The leader of the team changes every time.
  • The team that reaches the finish line first is the winner.
  • Explanations

    You can use allusions, synonyms or antonyms to explain. The main thing is not to say aloud the written word or part of it. The guessed word must be accurate. The facilitator will help the team find the correct form of the word. If the phrase consists of two words and one of the team members guesses the first part of the phrase, then the facilitator can say this first part of the phrase aloud. The facilitator describes, explains the word and can supplement his explanations until the sand in the hourglass is completely poured.

    minus steps

    If the facilitator makes a mistake in explaining the word and pronounces the word being explained or part of it, then the card is immediately postponed and the team is penalized with one point. Minus steps are marked with small circles at the bottom of the notepad sheet. The team cannot continue the game and move forward on the playing field until all minus steps have been crossed out. If the word turns out to be difficult and difficult to explain, then the team has the right to put this playing card aside and take the next one. But remember that the team will be penalized with a minus step!

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    Alias ​​Party game

    The Alias ​​Party game is a fun entertainment for people who love excitement. The game has won the hearts of people from all over the world. You can play it at home, in nature or even in a cafe. Such entertainment will not incur many costs, but it will give a lot of impressions. There are plenty of others interesting entertainment for organizing leisure activities, the rules of which can be found in the category "Board games for adults".

    Getting ready for the game

    The Alias ​​Party game begins with the fact that you need to place a spinning top on the work surface and lay out special cards. Saying the text, the cards are distributed among groups of players and laid out face down on the game table. Among these cards there are photos for everyone famous people. An empty blank is placed in the set of celebrity cards, on which the names of some participants and mutual friends are applied. In this scenario, the process of guessing becomes more spectacular and emotional.

    Everyone who wants to play is grouped into teams, in each of which the number varies from 2 people. Having shared, they decide which chip to take and put it on the start sector. The playing field consists of sections numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. On each of the game cards there are 8 different words. Further, the following happens: when the chip of one of the teams falls on a particular number, the player explains the word corresponding to the number of the number. At the initial move, the numbers for the words are chosen by the opponents.

    First round in the game Alias ​​Party

    The rules of the game in the "Alias ​​Party" state that the one whom the lot chose to explain first takes about 15 cards with words. The minute is recorded using a stopwatch. And, during the minute allotted by the rules, it is necessary to skillfully show the maximum number of words under one or another number. Players of other teams are called upon to watch the time and, in case of violation of time limits, say stop. During the process of guessing, the whole team is involved, if the correct answer is given, then there is a move forward on the playground. The more words the team guessed, the more steps it can take with its chips. Errors are also possible that contribute to the return of the chip in the opposite direction.

    What mistakes can be made?

    The most common mistake is when, when directly explaining a hidden word, the player repeatedly names words with a similar root. As an example, use the word tea with the hidden word teapot. In such cases, it is better to use synonyms, this helps to quickly guess the riddle word.

    Another mistake is the omission of words. Words are skipped when they cannot explain them, so that later they can be returned to when explaining, but, as a rule, they forget about it.

    Now let's get acquainted with the fields in the game

    The Alias ​​Party game is played on certain fields, each of which has its own specifics.

    So, fields like "party". On a similar field and on certain cards, teams of players will see how tasks are indicated. These peculiar designations are intended to make the gaming party even more exciting and fun. When success catches up with one of the teams, the players will be able to rotate the spinning top, receive prizes and points.

    The book-type field encourages players to tell stories of various incredible stories. Based on the cards and words received, the team player must come up with and skillfully tell a fascinating story. The trick is that the time is too short, just a minute. You need to use other cards for new stories. If words are skipped, then negative points are earned and the participant loses the right to spin the top.

    The rules of the game "Alias ​​Party" say that the meaning of the "position" field is to make an explanation in a certain position. The player takes two cards, on one the word is guessed, and on the second - the position necessary for display. A map with a position must be provided to everyone for consideration. Take the right posture and explain. We did it - it's great, rotate the top.

    IN next field called "smile" players will have to show the makings acting skills. Again, the game process takes place with the help of two cards, on one of which a smiley will be indicated, that is, the player will have to show a word with a certain emotion. It is necessary not only to guess the word, but also convincingly show the hidden emoticon.

    And, the most interesting field is called "camera". Instead of cards with words, the player receives a card with celebrities, which were mentioned above. He must skillfully and captivatingly show them.

    As a result, the victory belongs to the team whose chip reached the finish line first.

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    Board games are not only interesting, but also useful. For example, many of them help to expand vocabulary, develop imagination and improve ingenuity. One of these games is the game Alias ! Perhaps not everyone is familiar with this title, but we are sure that everyone knows this game! Some used to call her "Say Different". The second name lifts the veil of secrecy and allows you to guess what the essence of the game is. The main task of the players is to explain the guessed word in other words. At the same time, participants can use synonyms or antonyms, help themselves with gestures and facial expressions. A game Alias very useful, because it helps to expand vocabulary and learn how to express your thoughts. In addition, thanks to Alias you can learn a good foreign language, because you can play not only in your native language!

    Board game Alias ​​includes:

    • folding field;
    • chips;
    • hourglass;
    • cards;

    First of all, the participants need to be divided into teams. Each team must have at least 2 people. Each team gets their own pawn and places it in the starting position. Next, you need to select the language in which you will play. When the choice is made, you can begin!

    Each move, one of the team members will explain the words to others, the task of the rest is to guess. Turn the hourglass over and one of the players reveals the first card! He needs to explain to his colleagues the word under the number on which the team chip stands. The player explains the word associatively, without naming it and without using cognate words. If colleagues guess the word, the explainer puts the card aside and takes the next one. As soon as the time is up, all guessed cards are recounted and the team takes steps forward, the number of which is equal to the number of guessed cards.

    When a team makes a mistake, it receives a penalty minus point. In addition, the player may receive a minus on his own decision if he does not know how to explain the word. If, as a result of the movement, the team’s chip stands on a black cell or crosses it, on the next move, the representative of this team explains the words to everyone, and not just to the members of his group. In this case, the hourglass is not used, the player's task is to explain 5 words.

    The first team to complete one circle on the playing field wins.

    A game Alias easy and very exciting. There are many modifications of this game. For example, there is a family version, even a small number of people can play it. For this, a special roulette was created, with the help of which each participant finds a partner and explains the word to him. In addition, the cards in such a game are divided, depending on the level of difficulty, so both adults and children can play it. For the smallest, the creators came up with a special version called "Junior". Children who have reached the age of five can play it. Drawn cards were created for the little ones, so even if the child cannot read yet, he will be able to play Alias ! Among other things, there is a genius version of the game, a crazy version, and a party version!

    Alias - check how rich your vocabulary is!

    Danchishina Tatiana, 04/06/2015

    In this review, you will learn about the most interesting word games that will come in handy more than once: at a party, at a party, with a group of friends. Stormy laughter, a tense train of thought and general excitement are guaranteed to you. In addition, these games have a number of their advantages:

    • The number of participants in them, as a rule, is easily replicated from 2-3 to very large group participants, which means you can play it with your family and friends.
    • They expand their horizons, vocabulary, teach them to think, fantasize, invent and create.
    • Many games of this direction are suitable for those who study a foreign language, remember words and remove the language barrier. For beginners, you can take games where words need to be explained with gestures or drawing, and for advanced ones, where you need to explain with words. Extension vocabulary on the foreign language guaranteed)).
    • and of course this is a great leisure activity with bright positive emotions!


    The simplest and prop-free game, although there is "Crocodile" and in the printed version with already ready-made tasks. You can play as a team for a team, and for one player to explain the word to all players.

    • In the team version, the first team thinks of a word and tells it to the representative of the opponents. He must portray the word with the help of gestures and facial expressions to his team, it is impossible to use words and sounds. But you can nod or shake your head in response to the versions of your team. As a rule, the team that made up the word rolls with laughter at this time, seeing the futile efforts of opponents. If the word is guessed, the teams switch roles. Each time a new player comes out to demonstrate.
    • In the case of a "single game", the previous driver guesses the word, and the next one explains it. Who guessed - comes out to drive.

    Secret Keeper

    Another game that does not require props, but is designed for an older age. Carefully! Very addictive and extremely brain-bearing game! The host thinks of a well-known phrase, slogan or quote. Indicates the number of words in the phrase, after which the players ask the "keeper" any questions. Each answer must contain a word from the hidden phrase. The answer must fit in one sentence. Analyzing the facilitator's answers, the players give out their own version of the "secret".


    Alias ​​is a classic! In the game "Alias" or "Say otherwise" you need to explain the hidden word in other words. The game goes against the clock, during the explanation of the word, you can use synonyms and antonyms, but you cannot use single-root words. IN classic game there is where to swing - 2400 words and phrases for solving.

    In addition to the classic, Alias ​​is available in several versions:

    • Alias ​​for parties - here you need not only to explain the words, but also to compose stories, depict emotions, and also parody famous people.
    • An alias for toddlers with drawings on cards for children who can't read yet.
    • Alias ​​for the whole family - players of any age can participate: for this, the cards are divided into "family" and "adults". This is not a team version of the game, everyone plays for himself.
    • Alias ​​is a brilliant version - before you start explaining a word, you need to come up with it.
    • Alias ​​on cubes - interesting option game in which words are formed from letters on cubes.


    This is a similar series of board games for explaining words and phrases. Depending on the version of the game, you need to explain in other words, show in pantomime or draw. The classic version of the game has more than 2500 words, recommended from 12 years of age.

    But you can also take a special series for children: "Activity for children" from 8 years old and "Activity for kids". The latter differs from the classic version of Activity in its "baby" design (two cute wooden elephants on a winding path) and simple rules. Guessed the word - the elephant goes forward. The game has both cards with words and pictures for those who can't read yet. Words can be explained with words, drawing, pantomime.


    Several talented authors from Japan came up with exciting game Imagine, in which you have to explain words to each other. And you will have to explain in an unusual way: with the help of transparent cards, without a single sound and gesture. The set contains 60 transparent cards with drawings. Cards can be combined, rotated, overlapped. It looks very unusual and, on the one hand, it seems quite simple, but on the other hand, it requires good imagination in order to explain the word as clearly as possible.

    The game is recommended from the age of 10, but in our opinion, it is also suitable for younger children. The words on the cards are quite simple, but if they still seem difficult for the child, you can come up with your own. So even 5-year-olds can play the game! You can even play it with two people, so we would highly recommend having it in your arsenal of games.


    The task in this game remains the same: to explain the words, but it is already much more difficult to do this: when explaining, you cannot pronounce the taboo words indicated on the card, as well as the words with the same root. It is not so easy to do this!

    The number of players can be from 4 to 16. In our experience, you can play with children from about 8-9 years old (by default, it is recommended from 13 years old) and if you come across an incomprehensible word, then skip it and take the next one. The game goes against the clock, so dynamism and a wide range of stormy experiences are guaranteed to you :). And here are some examples of assignments:


    In our opinion, one of the most interesting games in this direction, however, it will not work with small children to play it. The game is recommended from 10 years old. On the card with words and phrases, there are three levels of difficulty: from easy to very difficult. Children can explain the words of the first level, adults - the second and third. Not only the explainer, but also the rest of the participants will have to rack their brains. The word must be explained using a set of pictograms depicted on the playing field.

    The leader places general field games plastic markers of concepts, trying to imply a hidden word or phrase with hints. Each pictogram can mean several similar meanings, the decoding of which is given on additional cards. There are 4 of them (and in our opinion it is not enough if there are many participants), but this does not detract from the pleasure of the game. The game is very dynamic, bright, with violent emotions, laughter and non-trivial solutions, which perfectly develops imagination and ingenuity!


    In the game, you must be the first to reach the finish line on the playing field by drawing cards from the deck and explaining the words written on them. There are some different ways explain the words: you need to sing, compose poetry, draw .. Than harder way explanations are chosen by the players, so large quantity moves they move their pawn. The explanation of the word is also limited in time (an hourglass is attached), if the team guessed the word correctly, they move forward. There are also special places on the playing field that allow you to move forward or get a special task. The game is released in two versions: from 11 years old and children from 7 years old. In the nursery, the words are very simple and you can try to play with children and younger ones.


    The game technique is very similar to "Pozitivium": the teams also move along the playing field by guessing words. Explanation methods will also require the use of a wide variety of skills: you will have to not only explain with words, but also play danetki, sculpt a word from plasticine (included), draw it, or even sing a song where there is a hidden word. The way of explaining the word is chosen by the die. If the team has guessed correctly, it advances on the dropped number of points forward on the playing field.

    It must be said that the game is extremely peculiar in terms of the choice of words for explanation, therefore it is not suitable for children, except perhaps from adolescence, and even then it is a very big question. If you are thinking about buying, look on the Internet for sample cards to get started. As a suggestion women's words for explanations ethere are many names of dishes, isto characters, singers and actresses, movie titles, TV shows, and if you are not a fan of TV and do not know popular TV programs, the game may be "past", as it happened with us. In addition, there is vocabulary of a non-childish nature (zombie apocalypse, black demobilization, starfish), which we also did not like, but ... "felt-tip pens are different in taste and color."


    If you draw a hedgehog and it looks like a saw with eyes, it means that you draw well enough to play Pictomania! All players draw at the same time, I try to explain the hidden word, but at the same time trying to understand before others what the others are drawing. Once you've guessed what one of the "pictomaniac artists" is drawing, use your guess card. Bonus points are given for the speed of the task and the correct guesses.

    But if you think that you will get off with a schematic drawing "so that no one guesses", this is completely in vain)). It is unprofitable for players to draw badly. The fewer opponents guess what you drew, the fewer points you earn. The game offers four levels of difficulty, the easiest ones can be handled by children, and adults will have to think about the most difficult ones. How, for example, to draw "distrust"? Or not to confuse "prince", "prince" and "king" when guessing? The game has 99 double-sided cards with 1386 tasks. The game is very cute and arouses great interest among children up to 99 years old inclusive).


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