Matilda Shnurova: “For eleven years I lived in the best group in the country. Sergey and Matilda Shnurov are getting divorced: what is known about the musician's wife Matilda considers Sergey very smart, but strict

They have been together for more than ten years, and five of them are legally married. It's hard to believe that this beautiful couple is getting divorced.

The other day Sergey Shnurov announced a divorce from his wife on his Instagram:

“With great regret, but love and gratitude to each other, preventing all sorts of speculation and rumors, Matilda and I announce that we have decided to divorce. Request to all media not to violate our personal space. Thanks".

the site raised the archives, studied Instagram and re-read all the most candid interviews star family to remember how it all began.

Cord loves trinity

2016: Matilda + Sergey = love

Matilda - the third wife scandalously famous musician and motherfucker. Cord met his first wife, Maria Ismagilova, when he studied at the religious and philosophical institute at the Theological Academy. In 1993, the couple had a daughter, Serafima. But this marriage did not last long.

In the second marriage, with Svetlana Kostitsyna, Sergei had a son, Apollo, in 2000. But Shnurov did not stay in this family either. Actress Oksana Akinshina had a hand in discord in the family.

2005: with the young and quivering Oksana Akinshina, Cord never reached the registry office

A fatal acquaintance happened during the filming of the film "Games of the Moths", when Akinshina was not even 16 years old. But, having lived together for several years, the musician and actress never reached the registry office.

And then a girl from Voronezh, Elena Mozgovaya, appeared ...

2007: everything is just beginning. One of the first photos of future spouses

Yes, yes, it was Elena, because that was the name of Matilda in the birth certificate. Before meeting the leader of Leningrad, Elena managed to be in a relationship with the leader of the Voronezh group 7B Ivan Demyan, photographer Dmitry Mikheev, and even, according to rumors, met with actor Yevgeny Tsyganov. By the way, it was Dmitry Mikheev who invented for his adored passion at that time her very original name. And then, as they say, grew together. It has been on her passport for several years now.

Vrubel is “to blame” for everything

Or rather, his famous painting "The Swan Princess". Even in his youth, in the future leader of the Leningrad group, by his own admission, the beauty depicted in the picture aroused unchildish interest. And then he meets the beauty from the picture in real life. Well, how can you stand here?

Matilda and the Swan Princess by Vrubel

A mutual friend acted as a "matchmaker". This young lady lived in New York, flew to Moscow on some business and took a friend with her to one event.

“She went in, I was stunned. He asked: "Hey! What's your name?" She replied: "Matilda." I said: “go crazy,” recalls the first meeting with Matilda Shnurov. Despite all the changes, the musician did not leave obscene language in the lexicon. But love-carrots, it seems, happened at first sight.

First date ended in bed

Are you still wrestling with the question: is it okay to have sex on a first date? Then the experience of Matilda and Shnurov will definitely come in handy for you. At least, both assure that everything came to bed on the very first day of their acquaintance.

On the same day, when Cord first saw Matilda, the couple walked along the night Durasovsky Lane in Moscow. Seeing the sign of the hotel, Shnurov immediately invited his companion to look there for a light. Matilda pretended to be a fool, they say, why? Shnurov answered as is. Matilda, at that time no longer a resident of Voronezh, but a freshly baked Muscovite, did not refuse such a tempting offer. She, of course, did not think that in the future she would have to change the prestigious and desirable Moscow for life in a cultural, but still a second capital.

However, there was one romantic date after all. In any case, Shnurov and Matilda prefer to consider him as such. Having left for St. Petersburg to think about the eternal topic "how to live on", Sergei disappeared from Matilda's life for a week. No calls, no SMS, no emails e-mail. (Social networks at that time, consider that it didn’t exist!) But one fine day, or rather, early morning resounded in Matilda's apartment phone call: “I'm in Vnukovo. Get me out of here."

“I happily went there. Vnukovo, on January 2 or 3, an absolutely empty hall, the only working cafe with plastic tables and chairs, and Sergey is sitting in the very corner - with such a head, a bottle of champagne and a glass. And I realized: I ... something special began in my life. This blue champagne head is mine. In general, it was very romantic, ”the married Matilda later shared with reporters.

In the registry office from the refrigerator

You can’t call a marriage proposal either mi-mi-bear. Sergey was looking for sausage in the refrigerator, he could not find it, Matilda helped him. And he made an offer during this search. “Of course, it’s time already,” she answered without a moment’s hesitation.

Photo: Lyubov Popova / archive "Antennas - Telesem"

To the famous St. Petersburg Wedding Palace on the English Embankment (it was here that Alla Pugacheva and Philip Kirkorov signed) the young people drove up in a black Subaru 10 minutes before registration.

The bride was, as expected, in white. Many were surprised by the modest cut of the dress: no lace inserts for you or, God forbid, ruffles. The groom was a match: a white shirt and steel-gray trousers, plus very showy black and white oxford shoes.

Among the few guests were seen sports commentator Vasily Utkin, Finnish actor Willy Haapsalo with his then girlfriend, actress Tina Barclay.

Opera director Vasily Barkhatov became a witness at the wedding. Two years earlier, he staged the opera Benvenuto Cellini with Shnurov at the world-famous Mariinsky Theater. leading role. The respectable audience was in a state of shock, Cord did not succeed in a long romance with the theater, but Sergei remained on friendly terms with Barkhatov.

Manhood as a gift

The wedding "sang and danced" in the backyard of the Russian Museum. In the premises of the former public toilet, where at that time, and even now, there is a quite decent restaurant "Park Giuseppe" by St. Petersburg standards. Cord with his wife and guests were treated to melon with Parma ham, Piedmontese beef and Caesar salad with king prawns. Matilda drank champagne, Sergey - Mojito cocktail.

Hints of replenishment of the family was more than enough. At some point, Cord even picked up a baby - Vasily Barkhatov came to the wedding with his wife and newborn son. With a child in his arms, Cord began to pose for the photographers invited to the celebration - for the wedding album. They hinted at the imminent replenishment in the family and gifts. Friends gave the newlyweds ... a huge bright pink bouquet in the shape of a man's dignity. But for some reason, the Shnurovs still have no children. Although Matilda sacrificed a lot for the sake of her family and husband.

You may be surprised, but for the sake of the Cord, Matilda threw ... scientific activity. After moving to St. Petersburg, she entered the Institute of Technology. genetic engineering, physics, different types chemistry, in the last year - work in a scientific laboratory.

“We went to bed in the morning, and after a few hours we had to get up and go to the institute. But I felt happy, because my life was more than eventful, ”Matilda recalls that period.

But at some point, she realized that life with Shnur and exams in colloidal chemistry are quite difficult to combine. And she decided to completely immerse herself in her husband and the growing family business before our eyes.

At first, Matilda helped Sergei in the Blue Pushkin bar, where he was a co-owner, then, having met the brilliant chef Igor Grishechkin, she threatened to open her own restaurant CoCoCo. Having become a gastronomic landmark of St. Petersburg, the restaurant has recently closed, but only then to open at a new, even more prestigious address.

And Matilda opened the Isadora ballet school in St. Petersburg, and absolutely for the sake of her own fantasies and ambitions, her star husband I didn't even touch on this story.

Hat against sweatpants

Changes in appearance Shnurov for last years everyone noticed. No stretched sweatpants and old T-shirts! Now Cord wears elegant coats, hats and suits, because Matilda has become her husband's personal stylist.

Restaurateur, owner of a ballet school in St. Petersburg, ex-wife singer.

Matilda Shnurova (Elena Mozgovaya). Biography

Matilda Shnurova(real name and surname - Elena Mozgovaya) was born in Voronezh in 1990. Matilda does not name the exact date of birth. It is known that she grew up in an incomplete family: Elena (Matilda) was raised by her mother. From the age of 16, Elena (Matilda) has been fond of ballet.

After school, the girl left for Moscow: she wanted to enter VGIK, dreaming of studying with Sergei Solovyov, but she failed to get into a prestigious university. The girl re-registered all the documents in the name "Matilda", because, in her words, "a new name is a new destiny." In 2004 she was in the producer's artel Ivan Shapovalov. During this period, the girl met Eduard Limonov, Anastasia Volochkova, Natalia Vodianova.

Matilda Shnurova graduated from the St. Petersburg State Technological Institute (Technical University).

Some media wrote that for some time Matilda lived in Moscow with a famous paparazzi Dmitry Mikheev. Matilda was also credited with an affair with famous actor Evgeny Tsyganov, but she categorically denied these rumors, reminding reporters that, in fact, Tsyganov is married, and she really hopes that the fiction about their alleged romance in no way affected the actor's family.

Sergey Shnurov and Matilda Shnurova

In 2007, at one of the parties in Moscow, Matilda met the leader of the Leningrad group, Sergei Shnurov. According to Cord, they were introduced to each other by a mutual friend, who flew to Moscow from New York for a couple of days. Before meeting with Matilda, Sergei Shnur was in a civil marriage with actress Oksana Akinshina.

Already in 2008, a year after meeting with Cord, Matilda worked as assistant director Sergei Solovyov on the film " 2-Assa-2", The music for which was written by Cord.

In 2010, Sergei Shnur and Matilda officially registered their relationship. For Sergei Shnurov, this was the third official marriage.

In June 2016, Sergei Shnurov first introduced his wife on domestic TV: the most fashionable couple in St. Petersburg came to the show "Evening Urgant ". Basically, Ivan Urgant discussed with Matilda and Sergey the work of the group " Leningrad"And how the appearance of Matilda in the life of the singer influenced him and his work. But not without details of the personal life of the spouses. It turns out that Sergei Shnurov walks around the house naked and indulges his wife in many ways.

“Our whole life is solid romance. Let's say I'm walking around the apartment naked. It's practically life with a monkey - sometimes I make strange sounds, and not only with my mouth, so there is a lot of romance, of course. A lot of wildlife, like Kipling, ”said Sergey Shnurov.

May 2018 for fans star couple it was a big surprise when Sergei Shnur announced that he and Matilda had decided to leave.

Sergey Shnurov asked journalists not to bother him with questions, leaving a message on his Instagram world blog: “With great regret, but love and gratitude to each other, preventing all kinds of speculation and rumors, Matilda and I announce that we have decided to divorce. Request to all media not to violate our personal space. Thanks".

Matilda Shnurova, following her husband, also left a message on social networks, asking not to offend Cord, as he is a gentle and vulnerable person. Many representatives of the domestic show business, such as the producer, publicly accused the couple of divorce being a PR stunt. However, Matilda denied these speculations.

Besides, close girlfriend the Shnurov family tried to reconcile the couple by going on stage during Shnur's performance in St. Petersburg, but the musician tactfully asked Sobchak not to interfere in his personal life.

Ballet school and restaurant Matilda Shnurova

In 2010 Matilda Shnurova opened a ballet school in St. Petersburg " Isadora", whose slogan is " Ballet for everyone!". As Matilda's husband explained in an interview, she opened a school because she loves ballet very much, she studied dancing when she lived in Moscow, but she did not find a school suitable for herself in St. Petersburg. In " Isadora"Taught by former soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre, the Mikhailovsky Theater and the London Ballet Company.

In addition to the ballet school, Matilda tried her hand at managing a restaurant " Blue Pushkin", which was owned by Sergei Shnurov. And in 2012 she opened her own restaurant " CoCoCo", which later became a popular institution in northern capital. The restaurant has a tough concept: new Russian cuisine, dishes from seasonal regional products.

Matilda Shnurova: “There is still nothing tastier than banal potatoes with herring. What Russian person does not love them? Or halva, for example. The whole point is that we take absolutely recognizable tastes, but give them a new form.

At the end of 2016, the chef of the restaurant " CoCoCo" Igor Grishechkin was named the best in St. Petersburg according to the Where To Eat award, and the restaurant itself took 4th place in St. Petersburg.

Matilda Shnurova is friends with the famous blogger Nika Belotserkovskaya and admits that she cooks only according to Belonika's recipes. They spend a lot of time together. So, friends learned to photograph together.

Can a sane person beautiful girl dream of linking your fate with an incorrigible reveler, rowdy, foul language and the eternal prisoner of the green serpent? I think no. And if the first daredevil of Russia, a musician with a stormy personal life, Sergey Shnurov, offers her a hand and heart? Yes, there will be a whole line of contenders for the role of Cord's wife! That's just the heart of an eccentric artist has long been occupied. For the last nine years, Shnur's wife has invariably inspired her hero to work, to exploits, and to make important changes in life.

Sergei Shnurov with his wife Matilda

Cord's first wife did not swear and did not listen to the Leningrad group

A master of eccentric antics and a lover of a strong word Cord met his first wife in student years. An artist with a reputation as a "tough guy" was educated at the religious and philosophical institute at the theological academy. Cord fell in love with his future wife Maria Ismagilova so much that he decided to ring with her without hesitation, despite his unfinished studies and complete uncertainty in life. At the age of 20, Cord was already washing diapers and boiling bottles with might and main.

Sergei Shnurov with his little daughter Seraphim

The upbringing of the daughter of Seraphim took Sergei a lot of time - the singer's creative plans faded into the background. And only when the baby grew up, the young father seriously took up music. Maria Ismagilova did not support her husband's hobbies. From the songs of the Leningrad group, the impressionable wife of Sergei Shnurov folded his ears into a tube! Misunderstanding in the family led to a divorce. Offended by Pope Seraphim long time claimed that she had absolutely nothing to do with the performer Shnurov.

Sergey Shnurov and his daughter from Seraphim's first marriage

Cord's bright biography: wives, children, concerts and notoriety

The second chosen one of an extraordinary musician was Svetlana Kostitsina. new wife Cord tried her hand at the position of manager of "Leningrad". She managed to promote "indecent" songs one hundred percent. Inspired by love, the woman was able to do the impossible - to organize Shnur's concerts in the capital, despite the discontent of the then mayor Yuri Luzhkov.

Sergey Shnurov on stage

Kostitsina helped her husband become a star and gave him a wonderful heir - the son of Apollo. Harmonious Union two active personalities could exist long years, if the fickle Cord had not once “looked to the left”.

Cord's civil wife actress Oksana Akinshina

The singer, to whom the law is not written, terribly liked the fifteen-year-old actress Oksana Akinshina. Sergei Shnurov, the young lady was ideally suited in spirit. A talented girl listened with delight to the tales of an adult gentleman about the benefits of bad habits, indecent drunkenness and sex in in public places. Cord's reckless behavior seemed to Oksana a role model. Sergei lived with a movie star for five years in a civil marriage, and then unexpectedly told reporters that he had met Akinshina "on a drunken bench." Shnur dismissed his young girlfriend and, without suffering for a minute because of the departed love, quickly found a replacement for her.

Cord with civil wife Oksana Akinshina

Cord's wife Matilda: a provincial girl from a dysfunctional family turned into a metropolitan socialite

The biography of Cord's wife Matilda resembles the tale of the lucky Cinderella. Perseverance and determination helped the impudent young lady to win a position in society and become famous. Elena Mozgovaya - that's the real name of Cord's wife - was born in the village. The girl's parents divorced when she was one and a half years old.

Matilda Shnurova (Elena Mozgovaya) in childhood

Mother was carried away by a new man, father was addicted to alcohol. After a divorce and an unsuccessful romance with another admirer, Lena's mother decided to move with her daughter to Voronezh. Unsuccessful attempts to establish a personal life led to the fact that a desperate woman found an outlet in religion - she became interested in Sahaja Yoga. Even now, the lady is more interested in the chakras and kundalini energy than the fate of the famous daughter.

Mother of Elena Mozgovaya Tatyana Nagornaya

Cord's current wife always wanted to break out of the province. The girl went to look for her place under the sun in Moscow, where she made many useful acquaintances. Later, the ambitious provincial entered University of Technology Petersburg and plunged headlong into science. And if not for the affair with Shnur, Elena Mozgovaya, perhaps, was now working on research in the field of genetic engineering or immunochemistry. But at the behest of fate, a talented student became simply Matilda - Cord's wife.

Matilda and Cord

Matilda Shnurova: wise, sexy and "on Louboutins, nah"

Sergei Shnurov met his wife Matilda by accident. At one of the social events they were introduced by a mutual friend. Seeing Lena's expressive eyes, Cord instantly compared the girl with the beauty depicted in Vrubel's painting The Swan Princess.

Painting by Mikhail Vrubel "The Swan Princess"

The very first date of Matilda Shnurova and the main rebel Russian stage ended up in bed. Since that night, the couple has been inseparable. After three years civil marriage Cord made an anti-romantic but sincere proposal to Matilda. Looking for a stick of sausage in the refrigerator, Sergei, as if casually, told his lady of the heart that he wanted to marry her. Elena answered calmly - without tears of tenderness and trembling in her voice: "Of course, it's time already."

The wedding of Sergei Shnurov and Elena Mozgova

Today, the biographies of Matilda Shnurova can only be envied. Cord's wife opened the Isadora ballet school in St. Petersburg and went into the restaurant business. Thanks to the support star spouse, Matilda became the manager of one of the most popular St. Petersburg drinking and entertainment establishments "CoCoCo". By confession socialite, she was never fond of cooking, she doesn’t like to stand at the stove for hours, but Matilda is an excellent generator of ideas. From the products familiar to a Russian person, the chef of CoCoCo prepares unthinkable culinary delights. In the institution of the star couple, usually all the tables are occupied.

Matilda Shnurova - head of the ballet school in St. Petersburg "Aseidora"

Judging by the photo of 2016, Cord's wife not only turned from Cinderella into a princess, but was also able to create a new image for her husband. Sergey Shnurov abandoned his favorite leotards with bubbles on his knees and began to give preference to branded suits. Now the singer does not refuse gloss and always chooses only exquisite things. He even admitted that, thanks to the efforts of his wife, he almost gave up alcohol and went in for sports. True, sometimes Cord allows himself to relax “the old fashioned way”, but the other half does not throw tantrums about this. After all, “cutting” a loved one is the last thing.

Matilda Shnurova in her own restaurant "CoCoCo"

Shnurov improved relations with children: “My children can have beer, but only on Fridays. On other days - strictly vodka!

Shnurov's Instagram has a lot of photos with his wife, but the other day the artist blew up the Internet. Scandalous famous singer showed fans pictures that captured his sincere gatherings with children. The singer showed fans how he drinks beer and smokes with his daughter and son. Perhaps, many members of the younger generation would like to do what is "harmful and wrong" in the company of their parents. Cord's children, judging by the photo, are incredibly lucky.

Sergei Shnurov with his daughter Seraphim and son Apollo

A connoisseur of obscene witticisms, a master of outrageousness, an icon of style and at the same time a “wild man” - such is the unique and brilliant Cord. Children, wife, loyal fans - everyone respects and loves him for his directness and talent. St. Petersburg hooligan lives a colorful life - he shocks the public, while earning a lot of money. Cord's wife under no circumstances reads lectures to her beloved extreme. A life partner, capable of doing stupid things from the heart, filled her life with breathtaking happiness.

0 October 2, 2018, 04:06 PM

At the end of May, Sergei and Matilda Shnurov announced about. What exactly caused the divorce is still unknown. However, according to some sources, the couple's marriage broke up due to the infidelity of the musician. Matilda, who has not yet commented on her divorce from her husband, first spoke about him in detail in an interview with Esquire magazine. Here are some of her most interesting quotes.

About marriage

We lived together for eleven years, and, of course, we changed each other in some way. And in positive side. We went through different stages together. Living together with Sergey Shnurov is an experience of spiritual growth and self-knowledge, a test of humility and patience, unconditional love. We "pumped" this skill - we learned to love unconditionally.

About divorce

Do not try to interpret our divorce from Sergei Shnurov, because even I do not undertake to do this: life is very complex, multi-layered, and give an unambiguous answer to the question "what happened?" I can not. Maybe someday I'll write a book. I'm kidding, of course. Love story ended. I think that behind this parting, which we will survive, something positive will definitely happen. Won Sergei began to run marathons. It's great.

After a divorce, people think that they have done a lot and received not enough in return. Nobody is happy about a breakup. But I can say for sure: there was love on both sides, and on the part of Shnurov, it was also unconditional.

About the division of property

We have officially completed the divorce process with Sergei Shnurov. While we were together, everyone was engaged own business and the division of property went smoothly. I was in charge of the Cococo restaurant. Sergei was an investor. The project paid off. Sergei stayed with Leningrad, I stayed with Kokoko. I also have a ballet studio "Isadora". My surname also remains with me.

About future

Now my plans are completely unclear even to myself. When a relationship breaks down, some business saves. My restaurant gives me strength, gastronomy is interesting to me. Recently, I went to New York, talked to chefs, gastronomic critics and journalists. What will happen next, I don't know for sure. I have many interests and many options for what to do. Whether this occupation will be related to show business or not, I do not know. Perhaps I will go to get a second education - why not? I got free time. If you don't know what to do, go study.

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