Wood National Park. What is Wood Buffalo famous for? Lodges and Camps in Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo has a moderately cool climate - winters are quite cold and summers are short but warm. You can visit the park at any time of the year - nature will always appear in all its glory.

There are many mixed and coniferous forests, plains and meadows, tundra open forests and a large number of rivers and lakes. It is also home to one of the world's largest deltas, formed by the Peace River and Athabasca River.

Since there are no roads in the national park, here in natural environment A herd of American bison is breeding and thriving. Its population numbers about 2,500 individuals, and the replenishment and growth in the herd is due to the presence of large areas of untouched meadows in park areas. It is also home to the nesting grounds of rarely seen peacocks and whooping cranes, and is a good habitat for wolves, caribou and beavers. Wood Buffalo Park was inscribed on the UN World Heritage List in 1983.

The park has 36 campsites that require advance reservations. The largest campground is Kettle Point Group Camp. Housing can also be found in the nearby cities of Hay River, Yellowknife, Fort Smith and Fort Simpson, where you can rent a hotel room or, if desired, rent a room or house, which will significantly reduce accommodation costs.

The park is open to visitors all year round, and each season has its own charm. There are many hiking trails here, varying in length and complexity, from the shortest to the most difficult and long. And almost any walk will allow you to enjoy it to the fullest beautiful views nature of Canada. The routes are usually designed to avoid the nesting areas of whooping cranes and other rare birds and animals.

Water lovers in Fort Smith can rent a canoe or boat and travel along the river to Fort McMurray, Fort Fitzgerald or Fort Chipuyani. Please note that the use of motor boats is only permitted on large rivers - Quatre Forches River, Athabasca River, Slave River, Athabasca River. Here in Wood Buffalo you can enjoy one of rare phenomena nature - the northern lights. In spring and autumn, the chances of seeing unusual, fabulous colors in the sky increase many times over.

This park will be of interest to both travelers and tourists, as well as serious researchers, who will find unexpected finds and discoveries here. Thus, in the southern part of the park, the longest beaver dam in the world was discovered, the length of which was almost 850 meters (with the usual size being 10-100 meters). With interesting materials devoted to the development of this area and protection wildlife, you can get acquainted by visiting the Fort Smith Museum.

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One of the largest in the world and the largest in Canada, Wood Buffalo National Park covers an area of ​​more than 44,000 square meters. km in the provinces of Alberta and the Northwest Territories between lakes Athabasca and Great Slave. Which is not surprising: all flora and fauna in the territory of this park are under state protection.

How to get there

The road to Wood Buffalo is not easy. First, by flight to the Canadian city of Edmonton, then by charter flight or by road to the settlements from which the park is accessible: Fort Smith (Northwest Territories) or Fort Chipuyan (Alberta).

The park's main office is located in Fort Smith. The McKenzie Highway leads here (drive to Hay River, then 5 km to Fort Smith). The administration branch is located in Fort Chipuyan, accessible only by air.

Search for flights to Edmonton (closest airport to Wood Buffalo)

Weather in Wood Buffalo

The climate in this region is moderately cool, winters are usually quite cold, summers are short and warm. The whole year can be considered a favorable time to visit the park.

Nature of Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo has many forests, both coniferous and mixed, meadows, plains, tundra woodlands and many lakes and rivers. It is noteworthy that the park contains one of the largest deltas in the world; it was formed by the Athabasca and Peace Rivers at their confluence with Lake Athabasca.

The increase in the number of bison is facilitated by large areas of untouched meadows in the forest zones of the park. Here, nature has created and man has protected favorable conditions for such rare animals and birds as reindeer caribou, beavers, musk rats, wolves, whooping cranes and pelicans. In 1983, the Park was included in the UN World Heritage List.

National Park Wood Buffalo

Lodges and Camps in Wood Buffalo

There are 36 sites intended for camping on the camp territory. Several of them are located on Pine Lake (60 km from Fort Smith), the most extensive is Kettle Point Group Camp, it is intended for large groups tourists. A place at this campsite must be reserved in advance. If you need to organize overnight parking in the park, you must obtain permission from the Wood Buffalo administration.

You can find accommodation in the cities closest to the park: Fort Smith, Hay River, Fort Simpson and Yellowknife. Here you can not only rent a hotel room, but also rent a room or a house, which is more convenient and profitable in case of long-term accommodation.

Flora and fauna of the park, notable places and routes of Wood Buffalo

Wood Buffalo is open to the public all year round, each season has its own charms. The park has many hiking trails of varying lengths and complexity, from very short walking trails to long and complex ones. Almost any trail allows you to see the indescribable beauty around you. surrounding nature. Since wild animals behave very carefully in nature, the likelihood of encountering them during a walk is very small, but from a distance you can see a lot of interesting things.

It was in Wood Buffalo Park that the world's longest beaver dam was discovered, its length is about 850 m.

Tourist routes avoid the nesting places of rare birds, such as the whooping crane: the delicate nature of these birds will not benefit from meeting people. In Fort Smith, you can rent a boat or canoe and travel by water to Fort Fitzgerald, Fort McMurray, or Fort Chipuyani.

The use of motorized boats is permitted only on large rivers such as the Athabasca River, Quatre Forches River, Peace River, and Slave River.

By virtue of geographical location park here you can also enjoy such rare natural phenomenon like the northern lights. In autumn and spring, there are more chances to see magical colors filling the entire sky than at other times of the year.

The park is interesting not only for travelers, but also for serious wildlife researchers. Sometimes the most incredible discoveries and finds await naturalists here. Thus, it was in Wood Buffalo Park, in its southern part, that the world's longest beaver dam was discovered, its length is about 850 meters (usually 10-100 meters). A lot of interesting materials on the development of the region and the protection of the region’s wildlife can be seen in the collection of the Fort Smith Museum.

  • Where to stay: In one of the most interesting places from a tourism point of view - the western province of Canada, Alberta. Its largest city, Calgary, located surrounded by the Rocky Mountains and parks, offers a lot of accommodation options - from budget two-room apartments to excellent five-room apartments. Selection of hotels in

Wood Buffalo is a national park in the provinces of Alberta and Northwest Territories, Canada. Founded in 1983. It is Canada's largest national park, covering an area of ​​44,807 km2. Within the boundaries of the park there are wooded plateaus covered with scars. forest fires, a plateau eroded by glaciers, a significant freshwater delta formed by three largest rivers, salt flats and best samples karst terrain of North America. It also includes the most extensive North America pristine grass and sedge prairies creating best conditions bison habitat. The park has a long tradition of using natural livelihoods. It was inhabited more recently, as the glaciers receded, by nomadic groups of Mikesu-Cree First Nations, some of whom continue to hunt, snare and fish here. The climate is characterized by one of the longest and coldest winters and short, warm summer, reservoirs are ice-free only in June, July and August.

Among the 47 species of mammals found here are caribou, arctic fox, black bear, moose, beaver and muskrat, and 227 species of birds have been recorded, including falcon, bald eagle, great gray owl And polar owl. The reserve is also known for the fact that its territory is home to the largest
wild herd of American bison (about 2,500 heads). The whooping crane population is approximately 140 individuals, of which 40 pairs are breeding. It is amazing beautiful bird, snow-white, 1.5 m in height, wingspan - 2.6 m. Twice a year these fabulous birds overcome full of dangers a 4,300 km journey to winter quarters in Texas. Back in 1941, there were only 15 whooping cranes left. There are 36 sites intended for camping on the camp territory. Several of them are located on Pine Lake (60 km from Fort Smith), the most extensive is Kettle Point Group Camp, intended for large groups of tourists. A place at this campsite must be reserved in advance. If you need to organize overnight parking in the park, you must obtain permission from the Wood Buffalo administration.
Wood Buffalo is open to visitors all year round, and each season has its own charms. The park has many hiking trails of varying lengths and complexity, from very short walking trails to long and complex ones.
Almost any trail allows you to see the beauty of the surrounding nature, indescribable in words. Since wild animals behave very carefully in nature, the likelihood of encountering them during a walk is very small, but from a distance you can see a lot of interesting things. The park is interesting not only for travelers, but also for serious wildlife researchers. Thus, in Wood Buffalo Park, in its southern part, the world's longest beaver dam was discovered, its length is about 850 meters (usually 10-100 meters). A lot of interesting materials on the development of the region and the protection of the region’s wildlife can be seen in the collection of the Fort Smith Museum. In Fort Smith, you can rent a boat or canoe and take the Wood Buffalo Waterway to Fort Fitzgerald, Fort McMurray, Fort Chipuyani. On large rivers such as the Athabasca River, Quatre Forces River, Peace River, Slave River, motor boats are allowed.


  • A country: Canada

Source. planetofdream.com

Wood Buffalo National Park is a national park in the provinces of Alberta and Northwest Territories, Canada. Founded in 1922. This is the largest national park on the American continent, with a total length of 161 km from east to west and 283 km from north to south.

Administratively, it is located in the Canadian provinces of the Northwest Territories and Alberta, geographically located between Great Slave Lake and Lake Athabasca.

A significant part of the national park is occupied by bodies of water - rivers, lakes, swamps. When visiting Wood Buffalo, you can see one of the largest and most beautiful inland deltas created by nature. It is formed by the Peace River and Athabasca River, the waters of which flow into Lake Athabasca.
The park is dominated by plains, although towards the western side, adjacent to the Caribou Mountains, the terrain begins to change. Due to its proximity to the Pole, the protected lands have another attraction for tourists. In autumn and winter, visitors to the park have a unique opportunity to observe wonderful reflections of light in the sky - the northern lights.

Wood Buffalo's flora is rich and varied. Here there are mixed and coniferous forests, shrubs, woodlands typical of the tundra, meadow grasses and flowers, as well as typical herbaceous vegetation of wild prairies.
All this combined with local climatic features– long, cold winters followed by warm ones short summer– creates favorable conditions for the habitat of numerous animals and birds.

Moose, several species of deer (white-tailed and black-tailed deer, caribou), hares, marmots, musk rats, porcupines, skunks and beavers are permanent residents of the national park.
Interesting fact: on these lands, researchers recorded a beaver dam 850 m long, which is considered a world record (usually the length of such structures does not exceed 100 m). In addition to the fauna mentioned above, the park is home to American black bears and wapiti, wolves and lynxes, as well as over 200 species of birds.
Among the birds Special attention Pelicans and white whooping cranes are attracted to the area, but the nesting sites of the latter are protected by environmentalists and are closed to tourists.

At the same time, as the name of the reserve suggests, the main inhabitants of Wood Buffalo are American bison, for the sake of preserving the population of which the park was created. These massive animals are somewhat reminiscent of the European bison, weighing about a ton (900 kg), their body reaches 2 m in height and 3 m in length.
Biologists distinguish forest and steppe subspecies of bison, both are represented in Wood Buffalo and largely thanks to the protection of this protected area still live on our planet.
At the time of the creation of the national park (1922), the number of forest shaggy bison did not exceed one and a half thousand; now the herd reaches 2,500 animals and is recognized as the largest on the continent. The number of steppe bison is noticeably higher and crossed the 10 thousand mark back in the 1960s.

The unique nature of Wood Buffalo became the reason for its inclusion in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which happened in 1983 and provoked a pilgrimage of tourists to these areas. Meanwhile, getting to the national park is not so easy.
First you need to take an air flight to the city of Edmonton (Canada), after which you can travel by car or charter flight (your choice) either to the city of Fort Smith (province of the Northwest Territories), or to settlement Fort Chipuyan (Alberta), which provide access to protected lands.
Fort Smith, where Wood Buffalo Park is located, is accessible via the McKenzie Highway, while Fort Chipuyan, where the main office is located, is conveniently accessible. road does not exist, only air.

Bison - an inhabitant of the forests of Wood Buffalo National Park

When planning a tourist trip, you need to take into account that there are practically no roads in Wood Buffalo. Only one created car route for excursions in the national park, while there are a huge number of rules for traveling by car, violation of which is punishable by hefty fines. There is a lot of compensation available walking routes for every taste.
If desired, you can use short walking paths or choose complex and long hiking trails that require some experience in such hikes. The risk of close encounters with predators (lynxes, wolves) is minimal - they are naturally cautious and avoid human society.

In Canada, tourists are allowed to travel by water. big rivers. By renting a canoe or boat from Fort Smith, you can sail to Fort Chipuyan, Fort Fitzgerald, or Fort McMurray and enjoy the beautiful scenery of Wood Buffalo from a unique perspective.

Those wishing to explore natural attractions for several days have the opportunity to stay in cities neighboring the national park - Fort Smith, Yellowknife, Hay River and Fort Simpson.
Locals We will be happy to rent out a house or room; hotel rooms and camping grounds are also available. The latter are at the disposal of the Wood Buffalo administration, which issues parking permits.

"Jasper National Park" - Area - more than 10.8 thousand square meters. km. There are hotels here ski slopes, golf courses and other recreational infrastructure. Jasper National Park. Juniper. IN National Park There is one of the oldest glaciers on Earth - the Athabasca Glacier. Is largest reserve in the Rocky Mountains and is included in the list of objects world heritage UNESCO.

“Canada in the world” - Germany Berlin. Indigenous population. Canada ranks third in timber reserves, after Russia and Brazil. Great Britain, London. Automated equipment is used for harvesting. Forestry industry. The majority of the population lives in cities, mostly small ones. Mining - uses the richest mineral resources.

“Features of Canada” - You should be warned about being late. Working hours: Monday - Friday 8.00-17.00. They immediately switch to "you". " Best friends do best business"They strive to emphasize cordiality everywhere. The cultural characteristics of Canada. They also ask how the family is doing during business meetings. FLOWERS Accepted during visits.

"Geography of Canada" - Geography of Canada. Victoria Island. Largest cities. Toronto Ottawa Montreal. Nature of Canada. Mount Robson National Park. Canada.

“Development Canada” - 2. Evolution of the distribution of tax revenues and equalization funds. 10. Canadian history of development. 3. 6. Regional development– plans, programs, schedules. 8. 1. 9.

"Canada" - The height of the waterfalls is 53 meters. The width of the American Falls is 323 meters, the Horseshoe Falls is 792 meters. Area - 9984 thousand square meters. km. (second place in the world). In the west of the country along the Pacific coast stretches Mountain country Cordillera. There are many nesting migratory birds and game birds. To the south of the tundra there is a wide strip of forests.

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