People's boat. Can you get a tan on a cloudy day? Is it possible to get burned when there is snow around why

Waiting for vacation, waiting. Here are the coveted tickets to the south coast on hand, and the suitcase is packed, and there are about five sunblock creams on different cases cooked. Only one thing does not console: the weather forecast reports that sea ​​coast overcast, and so will be in the next two weeks. What to do? Returning from vacation with white skin or urgently changing tickets and looking for a place where it's sunny? Or maybe you can get sunburned in cloudy weather? If so, how long does it take to get a bronze tan? These and other questions must be answered in detail and in order.

Does it make sense to sunbathe under the clouds?

Sunbathing in cloudy weather is not only possible, but also useful. In fact, the sun's rays penetrate the clouds and scatter, which makes them less aggressive. Clouds are not an obstacle to ultraviolet radiation, and it slowly but surely does its job - it gives the skin a chocolate shade. At the same time, the probability of getting burned is almost zero, which cannot be said about direct sunlight. Melanin is released more slowly, the pigment is formed gradually.

Do not think that tanning on a cloudy day is absolutely safe. Ultraviolet is ultraviolet, and the skin needs protection. Otherwise, you will not notice how it starts to peel off. In addition, water reflects ultraviolet radiation, and its effect on the skin is doubled. Therefore, it is necessary to apply means to protect the skin. Moreover, it is a mistake to think that a single application of the product is enough. You need to do this several times with an interval of 1.5-2 hours, if you just lie on fresh air, and every time after leaving the water.

How likely is it to get a tan if the sun is covered by clouds?

It is a mistake to believe that clouds prevent getting a tan. A layer of clouds does not block the sun's rays, but scatters them in the same way as tulle curtains on the windows. It has been proven that in cloudy weather, ultraviolet reaches the Earth's surface only 15-20% less than in sunny weather.

Ultraviolet rays are of two types. UVA refers to rays of deep penetration. They increase the rate of skin aging, contribute to the loss of its elasticity, the formation of deep wrinkles and age spots. For rays of this type, cloudiness does not play a role at all.

UVB rays are the body's friends. Under their influence, vitamin D is produced, immunity increases, stimulation occurs protective functions top layer of skin. For UVB rays, clouds are an obstacle.

Sunburn in cloudy weather is also more stable and of high quality. It lies evenly on all areas of the skin, there is no effect of pigmentation, which often appears in women during menopause.

So, sunbathing on a cloudy day, remember the precautions. First, still best time for sunbathing - the first half of the day, more precisely the morning, and also after 17 hours, when the sun is the least active. "Bad" ultraviolet rays during this period are not as dangerous as at noon. Secondly, it is necessary to apply sunscreen to the skin with high level protection according to skin type.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a sunny or cloudy day, the owners of dark skin are more lucky for an even chocolate tan than natural fair-skinned blondes. However, for the latter, it is preferable to sunbathe under diffused sunlight, since under direct rays they instantly burn. And so the likelihood that the skin will gradually acquire the desired shade is higher, and getting a burn is lower.

Another important point: redheads and blondes with a tan need to be careful, as they are more likely to get skin cancer - melanoma than dark-skinned women. Therefore, concern for skin protection and vigilance should be doubled.

Books and CDs about Crimea


Holy eye of the day, a yearning giant!
I myself carried your captive flame in my chest,
Pierced by vision like a white diamond
In the crimson darkness of the emerging universe...

M. Voloshin

The sun is the closest star to the Earth, on which nuclear reactions take place with the release of a huge amount of energy, according to earthly concepts. The temperature on the surface of the Sun is +6000°С, and in the depth of the ball it reaches +40000000°С. Spots periodically appear on the surface of the Sun, which appear almost black through a light filter against this more than light background. The spots correspond to the locations of strong magnetic fields. Their temperature is +4500°C. AT top layer solar atmosphere (chromosphere) there are flashes of nuclear matter - prominences.

from the sun to earth's atmosphere electrically charged particles are transmitted, they cause a change magnetic field Earth (magnetic storms). The cycle of solar activity and therefore the alternation magnetic storms on earth - 27 days. In addition, every 11 years (sometimes with disruption of the rhythm), solar activity especially increases, and astronomers declare a "year of the restless Sun." Most of the earthly tragedies and catastrophes, especially those related to health, happen in such years.

The distance to the Earth (150 million km) sunlight passes in 8 minutes. Beyond the visible spectrum are infrared (thermal) and ultraviolet rays. Attempts to create an "artificial sun" at least in the laboratory have so far been successful only in the works of science fiction. A quartz lamp, under which you can also sunbathe, is a miserable and unsafe surrogate for the world's luminary. Without the Sun, life on Earth could not have arisen, but the Earth's atmosphere reflects, traps, and scatters most of the sun rays. When there are too many, life is also impossible.

What is sunburn?

Sunburn is the skin's reaction to exposure. ultraviolet rays. Harmful to all living things, ultraviolet rays invisible to humans are retained by the earth's atmosphere, especially its ozone layer (which in recent times, to our general dismay, he lost a lot of weight).

Just not most of rays reaches earth's surface. But even from this small part, the human body defends itself by accumulating a pigment - melanin - in the skin cells. We have not understood anything yet, we have not felt anything, and in the outer layer of the skin the struggle for our life has already begun. The more pigment, the more difficult it is for the rays to penetrate the subcutaneous layers in order to produce their destructive effect - to cause the breakdown of protein molecules and, consequently, the death of the tissues themselves. After 6-10 hours, redness appears on the skin - erythema. After 3-5 days, erythema turns into pigmentation due to the accumulation of melanin in the skin. Moderate tanning increases the protective properties of the skin.

Why do some people tan faster than others?

The ability to synthesize melanin in greater or lesser quantities is an individual property of the body, it is set from birth and is inherited. Therefore, brunettes sunbathe better than blondes, and residents of tropical countries may not sunbathe at all.

Who are albinos?

These are living organisms, by nature completely devoid of pigment. Albino people have pink skin and completely white hair. Even their eyes have a pinkish tint, because the blood capillaries in them shine through the colorless iris. Albinos are not able to sunbathe and suffer terribly from sunburn in summer. Born in the tropics, they are doomed to die from the sun unless they move to a country with temperate climate. Fortunately, complete albinos are more common among animals (eg, rats, mice, rabbits).

What determines the intensity of sunburn?

The most important thing for tanning is the height of the sun above the horizon (hence, the latitude of the area, time of year and day). Sunburn is the stronger, the more transparent the atmosphere and the more sunlight is reflected from the surface of the earth. Climbers in the mountains, especially in the snow zone, wear gloves and dark glasses, put on bandages of 5-6 layers of gauze on their faces and smear their faces with greasy sunscreen daily. But despite all these measures, in alpine camps they always determine by their tan who has descended from the summit, and who is still preparing for the ascent.

A day spent in the mountains (even in the Crimean ones, where the atmospheric layer is a kilometer thinner than above sea level) makes it possible to tan better than several days of monotonous and sometimes painful lying on the beach.

The protective function of the skin decreases with long-term use of certain drugs (sulfamides, quinine, arsenic, iron preparations, etc.). Sensitivity to ultraviolet rays always increases in spring.

Experts strongly recommend that you start taking "sunbathing" only after talking with your doctor. Very well. But we would add that in our stressful time, a person should especially listen to the voice of nature and constantly study himself, become a doctor for himself. The Spanish philosopher B. Gracian (1601-1658) said: "It is foolish to appeal to Hippocrates for health after forty."

Why is the Crimean sun dangerous?

Even the slave traders of past centuries punished slaves transported across the ocean by throwing them bound on the deck under the sun.

Aborigines of sunny countries still recognize visitors by their ineradicable habit of sunbathing.

summer beaches South Shore Crimea from the plane are seen as yellow - from a myriad of human bodies under the sun. Yes, most vacationers understand summer holidays in the Crimea as a happy opportunity to spend a vacation (or the entire period of a sanatorium trip) on the beach - to lie under the sun, playing cards, leafing through a magazine, sipping beer. When they return, they must brag to their colleagues, “report” to their relatives. How? Of course, tan!

It is unlikely that in our time anyone does not know that excessive exposure to the open sun is harmful and dangerous. The smallest of troubles is simply getting burned and then being forced to hide in the shade for several days. The biggest one is to get a malignant neoplasm, the possibility of which is especially high for people with age spots on the skin (moles) and generally higher for blondes, especially for those who have already burned to blisters.

In between these extremes lies a long, unhappy list of ailments that can be caused by an indefatigable thirst for a tan. This is an increase in blood pressure, increased heart rate, arrhythmia, headache and weakness, which does not go away even after resting in the shade. Exacerbation of chronic diseases can occur, especially diseases nervous system, destruction of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Finally, as it has recently been established, an excess of ultraviolet rays causes a weakening of the immune system, which manifests itself gradually - diseases that he had never heard of before suddenly begin to stick to a tanner. The medical staff of sanatoriums often have to observe vacationers who hope to “fry” bronchitis and tonsillitis earned in rainy cities under the Crimean sun, and instead of recovery they switch to bed rest.

Being under the sun without a hat is harmful for everyone, and for the elderly and for those who are prone to hypertension, it is extremely dangerous. Overheating of the head can lead to sunstroke and even stroke. Luckily, the Turkish industry has provided us with enough individual sun umbrellas, so now the beaches should look colorful from the plane.

How long do doctors recommend staying in the sun?

The total solar exposure, according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, should not exceed 60 MEA (“minimum erythema doses”) per year. In practice, the duration of exposure to the direct rays of the Sun is at the beginning 5-10 minutes. and gradually brought to 40-50 minutes. in a day. During the vacation period, one cannot cross the line between the health that the Sun gives, and the diseases with which it punishes those who spend too much time under its direct rays.

What is the benefit of sunburn?

Once one of the authors of this book taught biology at a school in Yalta. I remember that in the fifth grade there was a new student from some northern city. The boy was shorter than the others, bow-legged, with a thick belly and a large head. Newcomers, and even visitors, were not very favored in Yalta, but this was treated with respect. “I had an English disease,” he said on the day they met. And say "rickets" - so, I suppose, and teased!

Why English? Probably because of her constant, classic English fogs.

Everyone needs the sun! Vitamin D is synthesized from cholesterol in the human and animal body under the sun. When there is not enough sun, children are prescribed fish oil to artificially saturate them with this vitamin, which regulates, first of all, phosphorus-calcium metabolism in the bones. Alas, fish oil does not always help, and softened bones bend under the weight of the body.

About how the sun is needed, they knew in Ancient Egypt. According to Herodotus, the Egyptians arranged special terraces for sun exposure, like modern solariums. Later, a proverb was born: "Where there is rarely sun, there is often a doctor."

With solar “starvation”, resistance to diseases, physical endurance and mental performance decrease, the course of chronic diseases is aggravated, the strength of tooth enamel decreases, regeneration (recovery after fractures) of bone tissue worsens. In children, in addition, growth and development slow down.

Residents of industrial cities with a polluted atmosphere, through which it is difficult for the rays of the sun to break through, are prone to these troubles, especially in the northern regions, and even more so at the end of winter. There, for partial replenishment of solar deficiency, doctors recommend taking irradiation with quartz lamps.

How does the sun affect the human body?

Heliotherapy - sun treatment. It is a powerful preventive and healing tool. Under the sun's rays, overall performance increases, resistance to colds, infections, and adverse external factors.

The infrared rays of the sun have a predominantly thermal effect, penetrating the body to a depth of 4 cm.

Visible rays are perceived by the retina, increasing vitality. The general color scheme of the Crimean summer contrasts the gray "landscape" of industrial cities with all the colors of the rainbow:

The RED ball of the rising Sun in the early fresh morning brings a burst of optimism and hope, gradually coloring the coast. ORANGE-YELLOW tones of warmth and joy. Varied GREEN shades of subtropical vegetation create a feeling of comfort. The boundless BLUE sea and the clear BLUE sky soothe the soul. PURPLE evening tones with golden lights and the famous moon path that connects the shore with the endless expanses of space, appeal to harmony with the Universe.

Ultraviolet (UV) rays penetrate to a depth of only 1 mm, but cause a variety of reactions in the tissues of the body. Blood viscosity decreases, cholesterol levels decrease, which is important for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis. Immunity increases, tissue respiration increases, metabolic processes improve. UV rays have a detrimental effect on viruses and bacteria, promote the synthesis of protein, vitamin D, enzymes, hormones.

Can you sunbathe through window glass?

You can sunbathe, you can not sunbathe. Mineral glass does not transmit ultraviolet rays. If the house is warm, then even in winter you can try to sunbathe through the open window. There are eccentrics who specifically replace window glass with plexiglass (organic glass). It's always summer for them!

Is it possible to sunbathe in clothes?

Matter of light colors (natural silk, crepe de chine, cotton voile) transmits 30-60% of ultraviolet rays. Less than 10% of the rays pass through linen, staple, satin, dark-dyed cotton fabrics, and from 30 to 77% through synthetic clothes. In general, in the summer they sunbathe through clothes. Therefore, if before lunch you had an excursion along the sunny route, then after lunch on the beach it’s better not to go out from under your “fungus”!

Is it possible to sunbathe in the shade?

The sun's rays are scattered in the atmosphere and reflected from white cumulus clouds (up to 50%), from the sand and pebble beach (28-33%), from lawn grass (26%), from the sea surface. Therefore, the tan "sticks" to those who are in the shade, but outdoors and not far from a place lit by the sun. This is how it is recommended to sunbathe in the first 2-3 days of your stay on the Black Sea coast.

Does a tan stick on cloudy days?

Ultraviolet rays penetrate through clouds, so bright sun sunbathing is not required. Of course, such a tan requires a longer vacation.

At what age can you take "sunbathing"?

The skin of children is much more sensitive to the sun than the skin of adults. In addition, children love to splash in the water and then have to warm up under the sun for a long time. Therefore, from 11 am to 4 pm it is better not to bring them to the beach at all. But since this rule is usually not respected and loving adults, for their own convenience, adjust child mode under your own, then you must at least strictly monitor the baby - after bathing, wipe it off and strictly hide it under an awning. Just remember that small children can get burned even under an awning, and children under one year old should not be taken out into the open sun at all. Sunburns received by a child (we note, due to the fault of the parents) can unpredictably affect his health even in adulthood.

What time of day is the best time to get a tan?

The best tan is in the morning, until 10-11 o'clock, when there is still little water vapor in the air, and there is no real heat. Then, until 16-17 hours, you should hide in the shade.

It is best to come to the beach early in the morning. This kind, harmless sun, cool and transparent sea, deserted beach, seagulls on the pier and on the rocks, the whole awakening world creates your mood, drives away winter fatigue and unnecessary thoughts. True, to get up early, you need to go to bed early, but it’s a pity in the evenings! So take a nap after dinner.

Susceptibility to UV rays is increased in fair-skinned women during the period of "critical days", with thyroid diseases, iodine, calcium, and vitamin deficiencies.

Remember! Uncontrolled exposure to the sun leads to the formation of wrinkles, premature aging of the skin.

Who shouldn't sunbathe?

You can not be in the open sun for people with acute diseases and bleeding, with circulatory failure II and III degree, with angina pectoris, bronchial asthma. In addition, there are people with increased skin sensitivity to sunlight. The sun burns them so much that it causes skin diseases in a short time. You can not sunbathe people with malignant and even benign neoplasms.


Sunbathing at clear sky taken in the morning until 11 o'clock and in the afternoon - from 16 o'clock. The rest of the time it is recommended to be in the shade of a lattice awning or umbrella.

On the beach, you should wear a light-colored hat, and protect your eyes with dark glasses. Sunbathing is taken lying down, the head should be in the shade.

Don't sleep on the beach! It is necessary to change the position of the body - evenly distribute the tan.

Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after a heavy meal.

You need to take care of your health! If you experience a burning sensation of the skin, a headache, stop sunbathing.

How to treat sunburn?

If you still “burned out” (pronounced redness and soreness appeared), you should stop sunbathing for 2-3 days, and wipe your skin with alcohol, cologne.

What sunstroke?

There is a sudden weakness, a feeling of weakness, headache, nausea. It is necessary to transfer the victim to the shade, free from clothing, put cold compresses with ice on the head and heart, or simply pour cold water over.

Is it acceptable to stay on the beach for people prone to sun allergies?

With increased sensitivity to the Sun, it is better to be on the beach only in the early morning. The use of special sunscreens is shown. On such creams, lotions, gels, the sun protection factor - SPF is indicated. The higher its value (10, 12, 18, 40), the more effective protection against UV rays. For example, if the cream is labeled SPF10, then under the protection of this cream, you can stay in the open sun 10 times longer than usual. Sunscreens are applied to the skin 15-30 minutes before the start of the sunbath.

Is it possible to tan in winter?

direct solar radiation by December, it weakens, compared with July, more than twice. The amount of ultraviolet rays scattered in the air decreases even more sharply, among which safe, longer wavelengths prevail in winter. In January, the radiation is slightly higher than in December (with the same clear sky).

Getting "erythema" in winter is almost impossible. However, it is possible to get a good dense tan, especially in the Crimea, where Winter sun five times more active than, say, in Moscow. For winter sunbathing, special pavilions are arranged with foam beds or, better, individual cabins covered with plastic wrap.

A beautiful winter tan is healthy and safe. It can be considered a real success, for which it is worth coming to the resort in the off-season!

Mineral water, pure sea ​​water and therapeutic mud are the main components for treatment at one of the resorts Krasnodar Territory. You can get medical treatment and spend your vacation in Dzhemet in the single booking center of Anapa. Enjoy your holiday!

From the book by V.V. Ezhov, D.N. Tarasenko "Secrets of Crimean health", "Business-Inform", 2002, Simferopol

  • Practice FC and C regularly, temper your body - this will help you acclimatize faster in any terrain

  • Choose appropriate clothing and footwear. Pay attention to the outfit of the locals

  • Maintain diet and water intake

  • Carefully move on to new foods, because. unfamiliar food can lead to indigestion and other diseases

  • Avoid overeating, especially in the heat

  • In a cold climate, high-calorie nutrition is necessary (a set of vitamins, trace elements, fats and carbohydrates)

  • In hot climates, 6 liters. - the rate of water consumption per day (in normal conditions enough 2 liters.)

  • When driving in hot climates, add up to 5 grams of salt for breakfast (to conserve water in the body)

  • Don't drink raw water! It must be boiled and disinfected (2-3 crystals of potassium permanganate per glass of water)

  • Water formed from the melting of snow or ice must be mineralized and glucose with ascorbic acid added, otherwise there will be a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body

  • While driving along the route, it is better not to drink, but only rinse your mouth with water

  • It is better to fly to another city, overcoming several time zones, in the evening local time (you can immediately go to bed)

  • Upon returning home, your body will again have to rebuild. The reverse rearrangement is called REACCLIMATION.

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to predict the weather for several weeks in advance, because weather quite changeable. One of the most terrible news that vacationers are very unwilling to face upon arrival on vacation is precisely the worsening weather conditions.

But what about the chocolate tan and the enjoyment of sunbathing? In this case, many are wondering whether it is possible to get a tan in cloudy weather, or whether time on the beach will be spent absolutely in vain.

When there are doubts about whether it is possible to tan if the sun is behind the clouds, it is necessary to listen to the opinion of experts on this matter. As practice shows, it is sunbathing in the shade that turns out to become the owner of a persistent and even tan.

But leading experts in the field of chemistry and physics say that even in cloudy weather, you can safely go to the beach for a tan. The fact is that most of the ultraviolet passes unhindered through the clouds, so there are frequent cases of burns even in such weather conditions.

Is it possible to tan under the clouds? Undoubtedly, and the tan will turn out to be quite beautiful, even. That's just to get the desired skin tone in overcast conditions, it may take a little longer.

Don't Forget About Precautions

At first glance, it may seem that when sunbathing in the shade, there is no need to treat the skin with sunscreen, because the risk of burns is completely absent. In fact, this is a big misconception and experts insist that precautions must be remembered, even when it comes to staying in shaded conditions.

Therefore, going to the beach in cloudy weather, one should not forget about sunscreen. Of course, it can be used in much smaller quantities than in the conditions of the scorching sun. This will help prevent sunburn.

Is it possible to tan in cloudy weather? This question worries all vacationers who are not lucky with the weather on vacation. Of course, you can tan even in such conditions, but it will take more than one day to get a beautiful tan. To speed up the process, you can use some of the proven secrets of a beautiful tan. This is about:

  • Used useful products. As evidenced by numerous studies, by filling the daily diet with certain foods, it will be possible to minimize the risk of sunburn. Such positive properties are typical for melon, apricot, broccoli, watermelon, grapes, spinach, as well as for foods rich in tyrosine (they are represented by fatty fish, meat, liver, almonds).
  • The use of vegetable oils. The greatest effectiveness in obtaining a tan is attributed to oils with walnut, coconut, cocoa, sesame. But to consolidate the result, it is recommended to treat the skin with almond, peach, apricot or olive oil.

As for food, the diet must be filled not only with products that form additional protection of the skin from sunburn, but also with products that contribute to the formation of a brown tint. If you need to tan quickly, it is recommended to focus on foods filled with beta-carotene and represented by carrots, pumpkins, sweet peppers and oranges.

It should also be remembered that ultraviolet radiation affects a particular type of skin in different ways, on which the quality of a tan depends. So, skin integuments that are prone to oiliness tan best, which cannot be said about dry skin, the owners of which make considerable efforts to obtain the desired shade.

You also need to take into account the fact that the skin, which is prone to excessive sweating, sunbathe much worse, because the fluid released prevents normal tanning.

For trips to the beach in cloudy weather, you can also use a cream that accelerates tanning. These funds help to increase blood microcirculation in the skin, against which the production of melanin, which is responsible for skin coloring, is activated.

Such creams, as a rule, are characterized by a "tingle effect", as evidenced by the mark on the product label. Unfortunately, such products can not be used by everyone and many people experience an allergic reaction. To avoid unwanted side effects, it is recommended to pre-test the selected product on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

So, the answer to the question, is it possible to sunbathe on a cloudy day, is obvious. As practice shows, in such conditions it is possible not only to tan, but also to get sunburn so you should always remember about safety measures.

Video about tanning products

Here it is the long-awaited summer! How cool it is to take a dip in the cool water, and then lie down on the sun-warmed sand. Isn't this what we dreamed of in the long winter evenings?!
But, unfortunately, summer is not always sunny, and therefore many are interested in the question Is it possible to tan in cloudy weather? You will find exhaustive answers to this and other questions related to tanning in this article.
Sunburn is the formation of melanin, a special coloring matter in human skin. Dark-skinned people have more mela-nina in their skin. You can tan from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, such as from the sun, UV lamps or electric welding (burns can occur if you do not use protective equipment at work).
As all mothers and fathers who walk with strollers in the yard not only in summer but also in winter know, vitamin D is formed in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Babies need this vitamin to give strength to bones, for the same reason, tanning is useful for adults.
UV rays carry more solar energy than other rays of the sun. This energy, being absorbed in the skin, improves the body's defense reactions, blood formation, and also accelerates the process of skin renewal, that is, the falling off of old, dead cells and replacing them with new ones; enhances the skin's resistance to microbes on its surface.
UV rays combine to sunlight with visible and infrared rays. From their joint action, the most beautiful and even tan is obtained. This tan protects a person from the harmful effects of excessive heat and solar radiation. In tanned skin, the pigment melanin absorbs visible and infrared rays harmful to it, preventing their penetration into deeper tissues. At the same time, blood circulation in the skin and sweating increase, which contributes to a faster release of heat into the skin. surrounding a person air and prevent overheating of the body.
But not all the sun's rays perceived by human skin are beneficial to it. On the contrary, part of this spectrum is harmful and can even provoke skin cancer. Therefore, doctors strongly recommend the use of sunscreen. And at the time of buying of such a cream, after reading the instructions, make sure that it not only moisturizes the skin, but also prevents the penetration of rays harmful to it.
A poorly sunbathing person overheats more easily; he should not lie in the sun for a long time at first, especially during the hot part of the day. After excessive irradiation, a rapid formation of sunburn occurs, but at the same time a skin burn occurs, which is harmful to the body.
With excessive exposure to the sun's rays can exacerbate old diseases, cause insomnia, irritability, as well as skin burns, heat or sunstroke. It makes sense for people suffering from chronic diseases to consult a doctor before sunbathing. It must be remembered that sunburn is useful only in those cases when it is a normal reaction of the body to the beneficial effects of ultraviolet rays.
Sunbathing is best on hot days. from 10 am to 12 am when the air is cleaner, there is less heat and more ultraviolet rays. Before proceeding with the procedures, it is good to prepare the body with several air baths: for the first three days, lie down not under the scorching sun, but in the shade for 10-15 minutes.
When the sky is covered with clouds, ultraviolet radiation also has its effect.. In cloudy weather, you can not only tan, but also get burns if you do not stop the procedure in time. The strength of the sun's rays in cloudy weather depends on many factors. On average, it is 2 times weaker than on clear days.
The duration of a sunbath for the first time should not exceed 5 minutes. In the following days, this period is extended each time by 3-5 minutes, sometimes bringing it up to an hour. With long baths, it is useful to rest in the shade every 15-20 minutes.
The head must be protected from the sun with a light umbrella or hat. You can not take sunbathing on an empty stomach. After eating, you need to wait about an hour. You need to position your feet towards the sun and periodically turn from your back to your sides and stomach.
After a sunbath, you need to relax in the shade, and then douse yourself in cool water or swim in a river or sea. Alternating bathing with sunbathing is not recommended, since wet skin is more prone to burns.
So let's go to the beach!

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