Nastya Zavorotnyuk divorced Peter Chernyshev. Zavorotnyuk's husbands: how many were there, and how did each new romance of the actress end? Peter Chernyshev family

Peter Chernyshev (1971) - figure skater, coach, five-time US champion. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk entered the list of the 10 most beautiful women modern Russia. “We are uninteresting people...” says Anastasia.

Pyotr Chernyshev was born in St. Petersburg, then still Leningrad, in 1971 into a family of figure skaters. His grandfather Peter, after whom the boy was named, became a champion in single skating four times.

Petr Chernyshev is an experienced figure skater. At first I was engaged in single figure skating. In the 1980s, he delighted the audience with triple jumps, which was rare in the USSR at that time. At the age of 18, Chernyshev’s biography revealed his passion for dancing.

Then he became the champion of Leningrad, and later showed excellent results at the USSR Championship. So in the biography of Chernyshev, together with Sofia Yelyazova, they competed for the USSR, and then for Russia.

In 1992, he moved to the United States, and in 2001 he became a full-fledged citizen of the country. Paired with Naomi Lang, figure skater Chernyshev achieved considerable victories. Having formed a duet in 1996, in the first season the couple took fifth place at the US Championships. Then, in the biography of Peter Chernyshev, victories at the championship occurred five times. In 2002, the couple Nyomi and Petra participated in the Olympic Games, representing the United States, and took 11th place. After this, the famous figure skater took up coaching.

In addition, Chernyshev performs at many ice shows. For example, he participated in the Stradivarius Golden Ice tour with Niomi Lang. The “Dancing on Ice” project helped to further increase the popularity of the already famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. He, performing in tandem with Yulia Kovalchuk, managed to win the project.

Chernyshev's first wedding was with a figure skater. The couple lived together for seven years. Now the relationship between Chernyshev and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has received wide publicity.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk admits that her husband Pyotr Chernyshev chose a very unusual way to propose marriage.
Nastya was vacationing in Sardinia, and Peter flew to her for one day, and in the evening the couple went to the beach. “He went into the sea and, coming out of the water, came up and said: “Look what I found!” There was a diamond ring on the palm. So Petya proposed to me,” said the actress.

And the wedding of the lovers took place in complete secrecy in one of the Moscow registry offices. No noisy relatives or distinguished guests, only the bride and groom. This is already the third marriage for her, and the second for him. The couple simply signed in one of the registry offices, and after a while they left for Crimea to get married.

The ceremony took place in the Church of the Resurrection in Foros. It turns out that Anastasia and Peter chose this church for a reason. As he writes " TVNZ", this is one of the most beautiful churches on the peninsula, moreover, you can get married there urgently. The bride and groom have to pay a lot of money for the sacrament, however, Zavorotnyuk and her husband are absent Money they can't complain.

The Church of the Resurrection has a serious advantage: unlike Moscow churches, the wedding procedure here can be completed without a queue. In addition, the priests turned out to be quite accommodating and allowed media representatives to attend the celebration.

It turns out that the romance between the actress and five-time US figure skating champion Pyotr Chernyshev began six months after they met: they met in August on the set of “ Ice Age”, and the romantic relationship began in March of the following year.

But after a couple of months, Anastasia decided to break up with Pyotr Chernyshev for a while, since, despite the fact that they had already lived together for some time, he continued to date other women in the USA and in his native St. Petersburg. At least that's what they wrote in the press. However, the skater did not want to put up with such a situation, and a few weeks later he explained himself to Anastasia, offering her his hand and heart.

However, the short marriage of actress and TV presenter Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev could not withstand financial problems.
Nastya Zavorotnyuk, who has been married to the skater for almost two years, is filing for divorce. The family happiness of "The Beautiful Nanny", according to rumors, was shattered by financial problems that literally fell on the actress over the past year, reports Komsomolskaya Pravda.
A year ago, Zavorotnyuk, who always earned many times more than her husband, together with him opened a skating rink in the center of Yalta, which is why she found herself in a “debt hole.”

The debts to the builders amounted to about 100 thousand dollars. In addition, Crimean environmentalists presented the actress with a fine of 40 thousand euros for pollution. environment. And also, according to the decision of the Yalta authorities, the actress and her husband will have to pay for the repair of the embankment, which was damaged during the construction of the skating rink. By the way, despite the difficulties, Nastya and Peter purchased an apartment 200 meters away on the seashore, not far from the Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

The spouses themselves do not comment on this topic. As soon as the news about the divorce of Zavorotnyuk and Chernyshev appeared in the press, both their phones immediately turned off. The mobile numbers of their press secretaries are also unavailable.

Let us remember that the couple first met in August 2007, when Nastya was invited to host an ice TV show, where Pyotr Chernyshev was one of the participants. “I immediately understood what I wanted from this relationship,” Nastya admits. “Everything and to the maximum! I see the person with whom I want to live my life.” The short relationship ended in marriage.

The skater left for the United States at the end of July, citing business problems. However, the publication suspects that Chernyshev has returned to his former lover and sports partner Naomi Lang, who is still crazy about him.

Moreover, the skater has another passion - Yulia Kovalchuk.

As soon as Pyotr Chernyshev appeared on Dancing with the Stars, he immediately acquired an army of fans. And his partner in the project, Yulia Kovalchuk, was fascinated by him. “Well, you yourself understand that we were constantly together, naturally, a spark slipped between us, and we flirted, yes,” says Kovalchuk. But Peter did not stop there and began a promising romance with the show’s host, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who succumbed to the courtship quite quickly.

The first clouds on the horizon of relations appeared when it became known about at least two more girlfriends of the skater - in St. Petersburg and in America, where Peter lived and worked last years.

Be that as it may, the lovers reconciled and went on vacation to the islands together. Peter proposed to Anastasia and even introduced her to his parents. True, the “wonderful nanny” reluctantly agrees to comment on her relationship. When asked if everything is fine with them and why she is not next to Chernyshev in Beijing, she reacts unexpectedly.

“Leave Peter and me alone! I don’t want to comment on anything. Don’t write about us! We’re not interesting!” - she exclaims.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s newly-made husband, figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev, has long been dreaming of a child. And, as it turned out, the “wonderful nanny” is also not against another baby in her family.

Let us remind you that Nastya already has two children - 11-year-old Anya and 6-year-old Michael - from her first marriage to businessman Dmitry Stryukov. But Pyotr Chernyshev has no children yet. The newlyweds, when discussing the issue of childbirth, came to unexpected turn– they suddenly started talking about adopting a baby from an orphanage.

We asked Anastasia Zavorotnyuk how serious her intentions are.

I have long had a desire to take a child from an orphanage. We came there almost every day. Even my daughter Anechka went with me. The hardest part is putting the package together necessary documents. In our country, this good deed has turned into heavy red tape.

By the way, how did your children react to this? They won't be jealous?

I cannot confidently say: “Come on! My children will accept it easily!” It is very serious. Such a decision is not made off the cuff! Everything must be weighed. Children must undergo certain preparation. It doesn’t take a month or two... I don’t want to bring the baby to the family and see that my own children are not ready. This is a serious step for all of us. I try to cook Anya and Michael correctly, as different things happen. I explain to them that this is not to bring a kitten. I know that in addition to the joy of finding a family, there will be many problems.


What age child do you want to take?

The most important thing is to coincide with the baby mentally. So that a lot of things intersect, contact occurs. Character is the finest matter! Formation and development takes place up to two years. As a mother of two children, I can say that it is impossible to correct something in character. Of course, a fully formed baby takes more time. It will need to be actively developed. You have an idea of ​​the situation in domestic shelters - they don’t care for them there!

Did you and your spouse come to the decision to adopt a child from a shelter in agreement?

In such a matter, the husband’s opinion and support are very important! I wouldn’t be able to take such a step if I were alone... Such a decision must be made together!

Figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev has long dreamed of starting a family with big amount children. But not with ex-wife figure skater Natalya Annenko, nor his American fiancée Naomi Lang had any children.

The actress is preparing her children for the fact that they will have a brother or sister

My son - serious man, says the figure skater’s mother Lyubov Vasilievna. - He wants a family. Already aged. That’s why I was so happy about Nastya’s appearance! Petya has full contact with her children. But I will be happy if they have their own children.

Of course, Chernyshev dreams of having his own children, but the busy filming schedule and participation in various shows do not allow the popular favorite Anastasia Zavorotnyuk to go on maternity leave. So the decision came to take the baby from the orphanage. This responsible and noble act will make the union of Anastasia and Peter even stronger.

“I would be happy to plunge headlong into my father’s new role,” Pyotr Chernyshev confessed more than once.


For a long time, the “beautiful nanny’s” relatives did not want to accept Chernyshev as the new dad.

I'm already tired of everything! – barely holding back tears, Nastya complained to us in her hearts. “I haven’t slept for three days, and I still have such a busy filming schedule.” I am an adult woman, I have two children... They are very worried about this situation, about the changes...

The children were the most affected party: first they experienced a real tragedy during the divorce of their mother from Dmitry Stryukov. Nastya talked more than once about how her ex-husband made crazy scenes of jealousy for her and scared the children, even raising his hand to them.

The arrival of Sergei Zhigunov into the family was a huge relief for Nastya’s kids. Sergei quickly managed to find an approach to Anastasia’s children. And they became attached to him...

Then Nastya didn’t know how to explain to her son and daughter why Sergei left, and even more so why Peter appeared in their house. But life puts everything in its place. And I want this beautiful couple to adopt a child as soon as possible and become a full-fledged family.

Maxim Sokolov

Pyotr Alekseevich was born on February 6, 1971. The family lives in St. Petersburg. Peter's grandfather is a figure skater, winner of the USSR Championship. Mother and father worked as engineers.

The boy began figure skating at the age of 6, and 2 years later competitions and training camps began. Chernyshev studied well and graduated from school with a medal.


Peter competed alone and could perform a triple jump perfectly. Many times he was first in serious competitions. At the age of 18, Chernyshev began ice dancing because he was injured. He performed with Olga Pershankova and Sofia Elizarova.

Sophia's mother helped Peter go to the USA and get a green card. The figure skater studied at Natalya Dubova’s school, where Tatyana Navka also studied. Peter and Sophia did not achieve significant success.

In 1996, Chernyshev began performing with Lang Naomi, the couple was able to win gold at the US Championships 5 times in a row. In 2001, the skater was given American citizenship, and he got the opportunity to participate in the 2002 Olympics, where the couple finished 11th.

The following year Naomi was injured, Peter also decided to finish sports biography. He took up creative activities.

In 2007, Chernyshev became a participant in the show “Dancing on Ice”; Yulia Kovalchuk became his partner. The skater was also a participant in “Ice Age”, “Bolero”, and participated in the show “Ice and Fire”. His partners were Ksenia Alferova, Nadezhda Granovskaya, and Irina Perren.

Peter was also involved in staging ice shows, was the director of “The Nutcracker”, “Cipollino”, “Perfumer”, etc. He became one of the authors of the programs of Adelina Sotnikova, who was able to win a gold medal at the Olympics.

In Russia, Chernyshev opened a school for mastering figure skating, which he named after his grandfather. Both children and adults are accepted into the groups.

Personal life

Pyotr Andreevich's first wife is Natalya Annenko, a figure skater. She performed with Sretensky Heinrich. The duo was strong and won the USSR and European championships.

In 1988, Peter and Natalya got married, the marriage lasted 7 years. In 1996, Chernyshev became interested in Naomi Lang, and Suruga suggested he break up. The affair with Naomi continued, but it did not come to a wedding. After the divorce, Chernyshev and Annenko maintained warm, friendly relations.

In 2008, Peter married Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, an actress. He fell in love with Anastasia when he saw her in the film “Apocalypse Code,” and he met her on the set of “Ice Age.” Later there was a wedding, Anastasia and Peter signed in the capital's registry office, and got married in Crimea.

Many figure skating fans and connoisseurs are well aware of the smiling and handsome young man, who in recent years has often appeared on television screens as a participant and host of various ice shows. His name is Peter Chernyshov.


The future skater was born in the beautiful city of Leningrad, into a family of intellectuals. Peter's parents - Andrei Petrovich and Lyubov Vasilievna - are engineers. They named their son in honor of his grandfather Pyotr Chernyshov, a four-time USSR champion in single figure skating, who competed in the 30s. Younger brother Petra has never been involved in sports professionally, although she enjoys skating.

The sports biography of Pyotr Chernyshov (skater), by today's standards, did not begin very early. he started at the age of six. Already at the age of eight he began to regularly go to training camps. The boy spent more than two hundred days a year at such a young age away from home.


The biography of Pyotr Chernyshov (skater) is inextricably linked with sports. He started out as a singles skater. In the eighties, he was part of a small group of athletes who perfectly mastered the triple jump technique. Peter repeatedly won championships in Leningrad and took pride of place at championships Soviet Union and Russia. Somewhat later, Pyotr Chernyshov, a figure skater whose biography would seem to be forever associated with single skating, abruptly changed his role and became interested in sports dancing. His very first partner was the young aspiring athlete Sofya Yelyazova. Her mother advised Peter to move to the USA.

In 1992, Chernyshov, together with his wife, by that time a famous and popular athlete Natalya Annenko, who was also involved in ice dancing, moved to the United States and began training with Sophia in Lake Placid at Natalya Dubova’s school. Unfortunately, the couple did not achieve significant results and soon broke up.

The biography of Pyotr Chernyshov (skater) takes a sharp turn when Natalya Dubova invites Naomi Lang from Detroit. In their first sports season, the newly created couple takes third place in the United States Championship, then they become national champions five times. In 2001, Peter received United States citizenship, and the Chernyshov-Lang couple became participants in the Olympic Games. Unfortunately, the performance was not very successful, as a result they took only 11th place. The couple achieves better results at world championships and individual stages of the Grand Prix, where they manage to enter the top five. In the season of the year 2000, they took third place in the overall standings. The biography of Pyotr Chernyshov, an experienced figure skater, also knows high-profile victories. In 2000 and 2002, Chernyshov and Lang became champions of the Four Continents Championship. At the beginning of 2003, Peter finished performing and began coaching.

Today, many fans are interested in the question of how old Pyotr Chernyshov is. The skater turned 43 on February 6, 2014.

Personal life

The biography of Pyotr Chernyshov - figure skater, coach, showman - consists not only of wrestling. Great place her personal life occupies her place. Peter's first marriage was concluded in 1988 with Natalya Annenko. It lasted seven years, and even after the divorce, the ex-wife always speaks very warmly and respectfully of Peter. The separation occurred due to Peter's nascent sympathy for his partner Naomi Lang. After the divorce from Natalya, the romance with the American figure skater began to develop, but it did not come to a wedding. In 2008, Chernyshov married actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk.

Childhood and family of Pyotr Chernyshev

Pyotr Chernyshev was born in 1971 into a family of Leningrad intellectuals. Both mother Lyubov Vasilievna and father Andrei Petrovich were engineers. The newborn was named in honor of his grandfather, a singles skater, four-time champion of the USSR in the late 1930s.

Parents paid a lot of attention to raising their children. Peter's younger brother Sasha has two higher education, skates, although he has never been involved in sports professionally.

At the age of six, Petya began figure skating. From the age of eight, the boy began going to sports camps and competitions. Spent approximately 200 days a year outside the home. This taught him from childhood to make decisions independently in various life situations. Despite missing school, Chernyshev studied very well and graduated from school with a silver medal.

Sports career of figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev

At first, Pyotr Chernyshev performed as a singles skater. In the 80s of the last century, he was one of the few Soviet figure skaters who performed a triple jump. Chernyshev won the Leningrad championship and took high places at the USSR champions. He defended the honor of the Soviet Union and then Russia at international competitions.

Then he became interested in ice dancing. His first partner was the aspiring figure skater Sofia Yelyazova. Sofia's mother Tatyana advised Chernyshev to move to America and helped him obtain a green card.

In 1992, Peter and his wife, the famous figure skater Natalya Annenko, moved to the USA. It was in this country that Pyotr Chernyshev achieved his best sporting results. In Lake Placid, Chernyshev and Sofia train at Natalia Dubova’s dance school. However, the Yelyazov-Chernyshev couple does not achieve significant success. At the US Championships in 1996 they took only 13th place. The couple breaks up.

Dubova invites figure skater Naomi Lang from Detroit. In their debut year, the couple took third place in the US championship. Since the 1998/1999 season, they have won gold in the national championship five times in a row.

In 2001, Chernyshev became an American citizen and the Lang-Chernyshev couple took part in Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. The performance was not very successful: the couple took only 11th place.

The skaters achieved better results at the world championships, where they were among the top ten best dance couples for four seasons in a row. At certain stages of the Grand Prix, the couple was among the top five, and in the 1999/2000 season they even won bronze.

Oksana Domnina and Peter Chernyshov

In 2000 and 2002, Lang-Chernyshev became champions of the prestigious Four Continents Championship competition. Skaters from all over the world except Europe compete in this competition.

In 2003, Chernyshev finished performing and began working as a coach and choreographer.

Personal life of Pyotr Chernyshev

In 1988, Chernyshev married figure skater Natalya Annenko. Natalya performed in pairs with Heinrich Sretinsky. The duo was a multiple winner of the USSR and European championships. Chernyshev was just beginning to try his hand at dancing, so the couple decided not to break up the established and respected duet in the world of figure skating.

The marriage lasted seven years. It is interesting that even after the divorce, the ex-wife speaks unusually warmly about Pyotr Chernyshev. Annenko says that Peter is an amazing person, for life together she cannot remember a single quarrel.

An intelligent and caring husband always encouraged her before competitions, never lost his temper or lost his temper. After the divorce, Peter left everything to his wife: the house, money, and jewelry. Even after the breakup he sent ex-wife flowers. And the separation occurred due to the fact that Natalya noticed that her husband liked his partner Naomi Lang. She was young and beautiful. The romance between the American figure skater and Chernyshev began to develop only after her divorce from Natalya. However, it's up to official registration the relationship didn't work out.

In 2008, Chernyshev married the “beautiful nanny” Nastya Zavorotnyuk. The couple is happily married and all rumors about their divorce are just idle inventions of restless journalists. Natalya Annenko believes that Nastya is very lucky to have her husband and wishes the spouses family happiness and love.

Participation of Peter Chernyshev in ice shows

In 2007, Chernyshev took part in the TV show “Dancing on Ice,” organized by the Rossiya channel. His partner was singer Yulia Kovalchuk. The duo won the project.

After this success, in 2009 - 2012, Peter took part in similar “ice” projects together with actress Ksenia Alferova, singer Nadya Granovskaya and prima of the Mikhailovsky Theater Irina Perren.

Nadezhda Granovskaya - Pyotr Chernyshev

Figure skater Chernyshev today

Today Chernyshev is a member happy marriage. To a “tricky” question from journalists: isn’t he embarrassed by the fact that Nastya Zavorotnyuk has had many men in her life over the past 13 years, he reasonably objects, but you stop any woman and ask how many men she’s had over the past 13 years.

Opened by Chernyshev in hometown school to learn the basics of ice skating. Both children and adults study in the ABC of Ice groups. The school is called “Petr Chernyshev”. This is a tribute to my figure skater grandfather.

In 2014, Nastya and Peter will be together at the next Ice Age show. The beginning of their romance is connected precisely with this project, but now they will act as presenters.

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