A new phone will drain quickly with a new battery. What to do if the battery on your Android runs out quickly

What are the reasons fast discharge phone? What to do if the battery on your Android phone, smartphone or tablet runs out quickly? How to save battery power in Android OS and extend its service life? Find answers to these and some other questions in this article. Rapid battery drain on Android is a fairly common problem, just like Google.

Reasons why your phone battery may drain quickly.

Saving battery on Android, as in any other mobile devices, means reducing sources of charge consumption.

The most energy-consuming applications are those that use your GPS location (for example, navigators or photo applications). The lion's share of the battery is consumed by the Internet, especially if you use high-speed connections (3G, 4G, LTE).

The higher the connection speed, the more the phone's charge is consumed. The Android battery is especially drained when the cellular network or Wi-Fi signal is weak. You may have noticed that when you actively use 4G Internet on Android, your phone gets very hot and literally discharges before your eyes.

Another common reason for rapid battery drain may be unoptimized applications or an outdated version of the Android OS. If you notice that the battery is draining in a particular application, try to find a replacement for comparison. For unique and indispensable applications There is also a way out - write a review to the developer indicating your phone model and Android version.

Check regularly for available mobile updates. operating system Android for your device. Often in later versions such things are corrected. serious mistakes like rapid discharge of the device. Various notifications and reminders (text, sound) also “eat up” a considerable part of the charge.

The brightness of the phone's display, especially if it is large (4+ inches), can greatly affect the rate of battery drain in the Android OS. If you use the phone in highly lit places, in sunny weather outside, for example, the screen brightness automatically increases to maximum. Otherwise, you won't see anything on the screen due to glare and reflections. But in this mode, the phone consumes a lot of extra energy.

As you know, there is no perpetual motion machine. Any, even the best, modern and powerful battery or battery has its own service life. Over time, the battery capacity decreases and the charge lasts for a shorter and shorter period of time.

The battery of a phone, smartphone or tablet (as well as any other mobile device) is designed for a certain number of charge and discharge cycles. For lithium-ion (the most popular today) power supplies, this number is approximately 400.

Of course, you need to understand that not all manufacturers are interested in creating “eternal” batteries designed for a long service life. Average term The battery life on Android with active use of the gadget is 2-4 years. After this period, no one guarantees its full and proper operation.

Inexpensive smartphone models may be equipped with low-quality batteries that do not meet the declared characteristics and have a very limited service life.

There are some folk remedies to "revive" or "bring to life" battery on Android. We are talking about calibrating the battery. Read about it below.

The best ways to save battery power for Android devices.

Based on the above reasons, the following recommendations can be suggested to save Android battery power:

  • Turn off location services for apps if you don't use them. The same applies to other radio transmitters, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, NFCg;
  • A weak LTE signal drains the phone's battery much more than the average 3G, with comparable access speeds. Try limiting the 4G reception mode in the settings. Always turn on Airplane mode (On an airplane) when the network signal is weak (for example, on a train);
  • Install all available updates for Android OS, including application updates;
  • Close all unnecessary background applications, especially those that use the Internet connection and GPS;
  • Disable keyboard vibration;
  • If possible, reduce the screen brightness to the most comfortable level, do not use the phone in highly lit places (in bright light, in the sun). Disable automatic screen brightness adjustment;
  • Disable all decorations such as animated (live) wallpapers, moving screensavers and icons, etc.;
  • Turn off notifications in unused or rarely used apps. Fewer notifications means longer battery life;
  • See which application consumes the most energy, go to “Settings” - “Battery”.

If you do not want to sacrifice any of these functions, simply increase the capacity of your Android battery by purchasing a special case with a built-in battery. This is one of the simplest and most convenient ways to increase the battery life of your Android phone without charging.

The battery on Android turns off and drains quickly in the cold or frost.

Some users of not only Android OS but also iOS (iPhone) are wondering why the battery drains quickly in cold weather? And how to deal with this?

In the specifications of modern mobile technology and electronics, the recommended temperature regime device operation. For most Android phones, smartphones and tablets, this range is from 5 to 30 degrees Celsius.

Strictly speaking, neither Android phones nor iPhones are designed to operate in sub-zero temperatures. Those. they are not adapted to work in harsh Russian conditions. But you can still give a couple of tips on this matter.

Keep your smartphone as close to your body and warm as possible. For example, in an internal pocket. Don't use it on outdoors at very low temperatures. If you need to make a call or use other functions, go to a warm place.

Android battery calibration.

How to calibrate the battery on Android? Android battery calibration is required if there are problems with charging and battery life. This procedure also helps to extend the service life and restore the original capacity of the battery.

Battery calibration is available in several ways, see this video for more details:

My Android phone won't charge at all.

There are times when a smartphone is connected to a charger, but it does not charge. This can be solved in some cases or be evidence serious problems, in others.

To begin with, try sealing (with electrical tape or tape) one of the battery contacts in turn and try to charge it again. Then peel off the contact and repeat the action. If this does not help, you will need to test the faults at a service center.

In severe cases, the phone or Android smartphone dies immediately after charging or after a few minutes. Here, most likely the problem is in the battery itself; it may need to be completely replaced.

These notes are relevant for any version of Android and different models of smartphones (Samsung, Meizu, Xiaomi, Asus, etc.) I hope that you found this information useful and drew your own conclusions. If you have something to discuss, write in the comments. Good luck! 😉

A smartphone is universal device, allowing you to decide a large number of a variety of tasks with minimal costs time.

At the same time, due to the specifics of its operation, this device requires quite a lot of energy, so battery capacity is a very important factor. But it often happens that the charge is spent very quickly for no apparent reason.

Today, almost everyone has devices such as smartphones. All well-known brands offer fairly high-quality products. But even she tends to break down.

To understand why a smartphone discharges quickly, it is necessary to observe exactly what factors influence the duration of its operation. The fault can be determined experimentally.

If for some reason it is not possible to find the fault, then it is worth trying standard methods to resolve the problem of the type in question.

Causes and solutions

Most often, gadgets on the Android operating system lose battery power very quickly due to:

The reasons for rapid discharge indicated above are quite typical; eliminating them does not even require performing any complex manipulations.

Live wallpaper

A working screen, as well as various kinds of processes occurring on it, seriously affect the processor load. The larger it is, the faster the battery energy is consumed. Moreover, sometimes the discharge rate due to the operation of these wallpapers increases by a full third.

Live wallpapers can be of two types:

In both cases, the situation can be resolved quite simply without outside help.

If the live wallpaper is set to standard, you can do the following:

  • open “Settings”;
  • click on the “Screen” item;
  • select the “Wallpaper” section;
  • activate standard wallpaper without animation.

If you have installed a special application that creates animation on your desktop, you just need to uninstall it.

To do this you will need:

Accelerometer sensor

The gadgets under consideration today are real telecommunications combines, stuffed to the brim with a variety of functions that can solve various problems.

Almost every device has an accelerometer; it allows you to measure acceleration, as well as the position of the device relative to the ground. But its use increases the load on the processor.

It is because of this device that the battery can drain very quickly.

To turn off this sensor and reduce the discharge rate, you must:

Close background applications

Right after the screen, the central processor (especially if it is multi-core) is the most power-hungry device. Since data processing requires maintaining high voltage on the bus and inside the CPU itself. Consequently, if there are a large number of simultaneously running applications, the battery energy will decrease quite quickly.

To close various types of running programs, you must:

  • open the “Settings” menu;
  • select “Applications”;
  • activate the “Working” section.

In the list that opens, you should select which utilities are not required at this particular moment. Then click on the desired icon and stop. For this purpose there is a special button on which the inscription “Stop” is located. Sometimes some products from third-party developers consume up to 50% of the battery reserve.

Brightness setting

The display has the highest consumption. This component, regardless of its type, always emits light during operation, as the backlight is on. It is thanks to it that the user can easily distinguish in the dark everything that is on the screen. But the brighter it is, the faster the battery is consumed.

In many cases, a problem such as a quickly draining smartphone battery can be resolved simple reduction display brightness.

On all devices running the Android operating system, this can be done as follows:

  • use your finger to lower the working screen down;
  • We find at the top of the menu an icon called “Brightness”;
  • A long slider will open, by moving which you can adjust the strength of the glow.

By turning the brightness a little lower or reducing it to zero, you can sometimes save up to 100% of the battery charge. You should also always turn off the display when you do not need to use it.

Video: What to do if the battery drains quickly?

Communication setup

In some cases, to save power on a device, you simply need to disable some communication protocols. For example, GPRS/3G/LTE. Since it is precisely because of the working modules that support connections of these types that the battery can literally melt before our eyes. Often it is enough to simply turn them off - this will allow you to connect the gadget to the network much less often.

The operation of various communication modules is turned off quite simply. You just need to open the taskbar, which is located at the top of the screen, and click on the corresponding icons - the backlight under them should disappear.

Turn off wireless technologies

Often, immediately after purchase, happy phone owners cannot understand what’s wrong: the new battery loses its charge right before our eyes. At the same time, any visible reasons there is no reason for this: the screen brightness is at its minimum, only the most necessary background applications are running.

The secret of this behavior may lie in the fact that all or some individual wireless communication technologies are simply activated on the device at the same time.

These include the following:

  • Bluetooth;
  • Wi-Fi.

Wi-Fi eats up the battery especially hard. To disable these technologies, you should open the settings and check the switches with the appropriate labels. They should be in the "Off" position. Otherwise, you should disable them.

Turn on Airplane Mode

All gadgets running the Android operating system have a special profile called “Airplane Mode”.

When activated, the following modules are disabled:

  • UMTS.

At the same time, Wi-Fi and GPS continue to function. Important Feature mode of the type under consideration is that during its operation the charge consumption is significantly reduced. It’s easy to turn it off - just press the “Power” key and select the appropriate menu item

2G network

Most in a simple way To get rid of rapid battery consumption is to use a mode in which communication is carried out via the 2G protocol.

It's very easy to do this:


Also, the phone can lose battery charge very quickly due to problems with the hardware. This could be a common factory defect in the battery, motherboard, or other parts of the smartphone. Sometimes problems arise with the connector of a special charging device, or the mains voltage is not high enough or too low.

The smartphone discharges quickly in standby mode

Sometimes the device can discharge very quickly in standby mode. A damaged motherboard containing leakage currents may be to blame for this. Determining the presence of this kind of defect is possible only with special equipment.

If you suspect such problems are occurring, it is best to contact an authorized service center.

Video: Why does it discharge so quickly

Save battery

If all of the above methods of dealing with a falling battery charge do not help, then you can try using special utilities:

EasyBatterySaver is a utility that makes it possible to increase the operating time of your smartphone by 5–20%.

It also has the following additional functions:

  • allows you to fully charge the device;
  • makes it possible to reboot the gadget as quickly as possible and kill its tasks;
  • can automatically deactivate Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and other processes.


Battery Dr.Saver is a utility in which you can select the optimal mode for the battery you are using. It makes it possible to reduce battery consumption to a minimum. But the most important advantage of this application is the ability to save up to 50% charge in standby mode, as well as increase the operating time without recharging.

Update the firmware

Sometimes, to resolve a problem of the type in question, it is enough to simply update the firmware. This is especially true for devices running very early versions of Android.

This process does not take much time; all you need is a good internet connection and a fully charged battery.

Battery problems on Android smartphones are quite common. However, in most cases they are relatively easy to deal with. It is only necessary to observe the specific device as closely as possible and check what exactly affects the duration of operation.

Among the owners of smartphones and tablets running Android OS, there are often cases when the battery charge drops sharply on its own. Often this malfunction leads to complete discharge in just one hour. Similar problem It also appears on devices with other systems, such as iOS, although much less frequently.

There can be many reasons why your Android battery drains quickly. These include both a large load on the device and the presence of viruses embedded in Android. Next, we will take a closer look at each of these problems and try to solve them.

Due to its openness and complexity, the Android OS is prone to crashes, and its optimization is at a rather low level. Often included in background it can hold several dozen programs simultaneously. Therefore, even the Android standby mode eats up the battery. This explains why Samsung and any other brand phones quickly discharge.

In addition, most of these applications are not used by the user in any way and waste resources, which means it is worth disabling them.


IN last years The Android operating system has become highly vulnerable to viruses. Moreover, most of them cannot be detected even by the best antivirus applications.

Influenced malware The performance of the device drops significantly, and the load on the processor increases. TO characteristic features Infecting your phone with a virus can include:

  • increased temperature of the device body;
  • braking;
  • the appearance of advertising where it should not be.

Defective battery

One of the reasons why the battery's charge quickly drains may be its malfunction. With prolonged use, like any other equipment, it breaks down.

It is quite difficult to avoid such trouble. If you plan to use the same smartphone for e.g. three years, then at some point you will have to replace the battery. This is necessary in order to continue to use the device comfortably.

Battery usage rules

Just a few years ago, when buying a new smartphone, sales consultants advised “rocking” the battery - completely discharging and charging it several times in a row.

Now this advice is absolutely useless, since new batteries such as Li-Pol and Li-Ion use other technologies that such “stress” only harms.

  1. It is extremely undesirable to completely discharge the phone, as this leads to a reduction in its lifespan. This occurs due to chemical degradation.
  2. You should charge the device as often as possible.
  3. The best charger you can use is the original one. Even though most phones now have the same connectors, each charger has a slight difference in voltage.
  4. Do not keep your phone charging in direct sunlight. Even such a minor factor will greatly affect the duration of the battery charge.

Ways to extend the operating time of a smartphone on a faulty battery

It is not always possible to charge the device, so if your Android is not eating up the battery as slowly as before, you should slightly adjust the system's operation. What exactly needs to be done and how, we will consider further.


The screen consumes the most energy, so it's worth setting it up first. The following recommendations should help you:

  • The higher the brightness, the faster the display drains. Each device has the ability to adjust its settings, so change them to the lowest possible level as soon as possible.
  • Set the shortest time possible for the display to turn off automatically. This will prevent you from wasting energy.
  • When using a device with a screen built on AMOLED technology, you should install dark wallpaper on your desktop, since when displaying black color, practically no energy is wasted.

Communication modules

Communication module components consume power in the background, including when the display is turned off. The constant downloading of new data produced by them leads to a waste of charge.

Almost all settings related to them are located in the “Wireless Technologies” section. The name varies depending on the version of the operating system, but in general it is not very different in each version, so finding them will not be difficult.

There are several ways to optimize this part of the system. Next, we will look at the main ones.

  • Turn off LTE if you are out of 4G coverage.
  • Turn off the mobile Internet itself if you this moment it is not used.
  • Disable the Wi-Fi search feature if you don't need it at the moment.
  • Turn off Bluetooth. This technology consumes quite a lot of energy.


Modern devices are equipped with a huge number of sensors, due to which the device is discharged in less than an hour. If you deactivate them, the operating time will increase several times.

It's worth disabling:

  • First of all, stop the GPS. This function is usually placed in the top menu.
  • The accelerometer and gyroscope are among the most energy-consuming sensors, so automatic screen rotation should be one of the first to be turned off.
  • Electric motor. This small part is responsible for the vibration response, which drains the battery.
  • Additionally, you can disable synchronization with cloud services and delete unnecessary accounts.

All this will help to significantly extend the life of the device and make your use of it several times more comfortable.

Battery saving program

To simplify the implementation of all the above actions, a large number of third-party programs have been created. They allow you, through a convenient interface, to choose which functions you currently need and how the device will save money.

The best among such applications is Battery Doctor. This program is free and available to everyone. It has quite a wide range of functionality, allowing you to optimize settings as flexibly as possible and exercise control over them.

In addition, the program shows the remaining operating time of the device.


I hope this article helped you understand what to do when your battery drains quickly and why it happens. We tried to cover in as much detail as possible all the ways to extend the life of the battery, and talked about ways to keep it in working condition. If it’s easier for you to perceive information through video, then below you can find instructions in this format.

Write comments with your advice, we will be very grateful. If you still have questions, feel free to ask them there, we will answer everything. See you on the pages of the site!

Video instruction

In this video you will learn what to do if your Android battery runs out quickly.

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Articles and Lifehacks

Unfortunately, the battery is the weak point of many modern mobile devices. Why The phone began to discharge quickly included in, and what to do in such a situation? This is what our article will be devoted to.

Why did my phone start to discharge quickly?

On the one hand, manufacturing companies are constantly concerned about improving their smartphones. Specifications are increasingly impressive, and this requires a certain processor clock speed and sufficient battery capacity. However, at the same time, devices are becoming thinner, and therefore they are often equipped with smaller batteries instead. The battery capacity is sometimes not enough even for 24 hours of operation.

However, many mobile devices initially meet their stated specifications, but over time they begin to discharge much faster. It is recommended to check if we have installed any new application that is consuming battery power, view statistics, etc.

Some users resort to more radical methods: they reset all settings of the device, thus cleaning it. After that, they completely discharge the smartphone, remove the battery for a few minutes and install it back. Without turning it on, the device begins to charge (at least 8 hours). At the end of charging, remove the battery again for a few minutes, install it back and turn on the smartphone. This procedure is called charge calibration.

Sometimes a sudden and sharp reduction in the battery life of our mobile device may be due to the presence of a virus or the installation of a program update. You can also try to do full reset settings.

How to save the battery of a phone that is quickly draining?

There are actually many ways this can be done, and they are all very simple. So, if we do not constantly use Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or 3G, these modules should be disabled. By the way, owners of Android devices are recommended to try installing a program such as Llama. When you leave the house, it will automatically turn off wireless networks.

Every user should be aware that the display consumes the most energy. Therefore, it is advisable to imagine, or a smartphone, so that it does not drain the battery in vain. It is advisable to periodically reduce the brightness level, as well as turn off automatic setup this level.

You should not use animated wallpapers - instead, it is better to replace them with a static image. You also need to disable GPS navigation and automatic synchronization accounts. The use of widgets has a very negative effect on the charge.

If your phone starts to run out quickly, you need to start taking more control. installed programs. It is also recommended to turn off vibration.
In conclusion, let's say that for Android devices There are many special applications that can save battery and extend operating time by up to 20-30%.

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