Firepower: the strongest armies in the world according to Global Firepower. Firepower: the strongest armies in the world according to Global Firepower Rating of the military power of the countries of the world

Global Firepower released the next annual rating report on the armies of the world.
The rating is formed using more than 50 parameters and is published every year, taking into account more than 2/3 of the world's countries.
The top three have not undergone changes for a long time - the USA is in first, Russia is in second, China is in third.

Among the stated rating parameters:

1. Nuclear weapons are not taken into account (only conventional weapons), but countries possessing them receive a certain bonus to their rating.
2. Ranking does not depend entirely on the number of weapons, but is rather focused on the variety of weapons and their quality.
3. Geographical parameters, infrastructure and natural resources influence the overall place of a country in the ranking.
4. The number of population and available labor plays a role important role in the final assessment. Who more people, he usually ranks high.
5. Landlocked countries do not receive a penalty for the absence of a fleet. Countries with a low variety of naval weapons receive a penalty.
6. NATO countries have a bonus due to the combined use of resources.
7. The current military-political leadership of any country is not taken into account.
8. Figures taken from open sources at the end of 2016.

Russia parameters according to the report:

Demographic and mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS


Oil, infrastructure.

Finance, geography.

For comparison.

Air Force.

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure.

Finance, geography.


Demographics, mobilization potential.

Air Force

Tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, MLRS.


Oil, transport infrastructure

Finance, geography.

It also seemed noteworthy that Turkey and Egypt were placed above Israel. If the comparison with Turkey is a moot point, then the superiority of Egypt looks very doubtful.
You can also note that they do not consider China a second aircraft carrier, since it was still being completed at the end of 2016, and Britain counted as many as 2, while in fact there is only 1, and even that is in a state of completion, and Illustrious Already scrapped.

Number of armed forces.



Barrel artillery.

Combat aircraft.


Number of military ships. North Korea is a great maritime power.

Merchant navy. Panama, as usual, is beyond competition.

Oil production, including proven reserves.

PS. The strongest army in Europe in this ranking is located in 30th place between Sweden and Myanmar, even though it is a wartime army, while the vast majority of armies that are higher are peacetime armies. The rating was compiled by Kremlin agents in order to slander Nenka and her defense efforts.

Recently, experts from an international analytical group published a ranking of the world's armies by level military power Global Firepower (often also called the analytical structure itself). The level of military power was determined by the classification of the mentioned group. The index of military superiority of some armies over others is published in Lately annually and takes into account such indicators armed forces various countries as the ratio of the number of armed forces to the population of the country, the composition of the Air Force, Navy (Navy), the number of tanks, as well as the volume of the defense budget. It is important that the level of military power in this case does not take into account the country’s nuclear potential.

In total, in 133 countries of the world, the armies of each of them are assigned a certain coefficient. Moreover, in this case, the principle of inverse proportionality works: the lower this coefficient, the greater the total power of the armed forces of a particular state is considered.

The top three countries in terms of global power in this ranking are as follows.

At the first place - USA. Stated indicators: coefficient 0.0857, population – 323.9 million people, number of armed forces – 2.36 million, of which 990 thousand are reservists. The number of aviation assets is 13,762 airplanes and helicopters, of which 2,296 are fighters, 947 are attack helicopters. Total number The US Army has 5,884 tanks. The number of warships of the US Navy is 415, of which 19 are aircraft carriers and 70 are submarines. Defense budget American army, as is known even without the compilers of this rating, cannot be compared with the military budgets of other countries in the world. Its total volume, named in Global Firepower for 2017, amounted to $588 billion. And this is only the “unclassified” part of the Pentagon treasury.

The ranking compilers place in second place Russia with a coefficient of 0.0929. Russian population figures (about 142 million people are indicated) differ from official data in the Russian Federation for the reason that foreign analysts continue to pretend that Crimea is not part of Russia.

Indicators for the RF Armed Forces in Global Firepower: numerical strength – as many as 3.37 million people. They decided to include in this value everyone who is not only in the personnel of the country’s Armed Forces, but also reservists plus civilian personnel. Direct personnel composition is indicated at the level of 798.5 thousand military personnel. Just a few days ago, information was published about the full strength of the RF Armed Forces according to data not from foreign specialists, but directly from the RF Ministry of Defense. The statistics (published by TASS Global Firepower) are actually as follows: 1 million 13 thousand 628 military personnel.

As you can see, the spread with the data of foreign “partners” differs not only in population size, but also in the numerical composition of the Armed Forces themselves.

The statistics in Global Firepower for Russia are as follows: aviation assets - 3794, of which 806 are fighters, 490 attack (attack) helicopters. Number of tanks: 20216. Number of warships in the Navy: 352, including one aircraft-carrying cruiser (Admiral Kuznetsov) and 63 submarines. The military budget of the Russian Defense Ministry in 2017 is estimated at $44.6 billion.

Rounding out the top three is Chinese People's Republic . The coefficient in this case is 0.0945. The indicated population is 1.373 billion people. The strength of the PLA (People's Liberation Army of China) is 3.7 million, of which 1.45 million are listed as reservists.
The number of military aircraft in China is 2955, of which 1.271 thousand are fighters and 206 attack helicopters. If you believe these statistics, then the Chinese army has caught up and surpassed the US army in the number of fighter aircraft, and surpassed it by almost 50%. This information from Global Firepower conflicts with information in Chinese official sources. The Chinese themselves say that the number of fighters various modifications, including the Russian Su-27 and Su-30, is no more than 950 units, of which about 500 are Chengdu J-7. Wikipedia gives almost 1.5 thousand fighters, including in their total number aircraft that are not physically in the PLA Air Force, but for which contracts have been concluded.

The number of tanks in the Chinese People's Liberation Army, according to the compilers of the global rating in question, is 6457. The number of warships is 714. If you believe this value, it turns out that China's combat fleet is almost twice as large as the combat ships of the US Navy. It is clarified that among these 714 warships there is 1 aircraft carrier, 51 frigates, 68 submarines, 35 corvettes, etc. The Chinese defense budget is said to be $161.7 billion. The official defense budget statistics published by Chinese media are as follows: $151.8 billion.

The top five countries in terms of military power include: India(4th place) and France(5th). It is noted that the population of India is approximately 110 million less than the population of China, while the total number of armed forces, including reservists, is stated at 4.2 million people, which is half a million more than in China. India's defense budget exceeds Russia's, amounting to approximately $51 billion. For comparison: the military budget of France, with the 5th declared line in military power, amounted to 35 billion US dollars at the end of 2017.

Places from 6th to 10th were distributed as follows: Britain, Japan, Türkiye, Germany and (quite unexpectedly) Egypt. Moreover, in the “Egyptian” section Navy"The presence of two aircraft carriers is indicated. We are talking about helicopter carriers that France sold to Cairo after the notorious sanctions against Russia. The presence of these ships, according to the compilers of the rating, allows Egypt, with a military budget of $4 billion and 454 thousand personnel military personnel, to overtake in the rating, for example, Pakistan And South Korea .

The rating compilers put it in 15th position Israel, noting that the country's military budget is one of the most impressive per capita in the world. With a population of 8.1 million and a military force of 168,000, the budget is more than $15.5 billion.

The DPRK was given 23rd place (and why then do the USA, Japan and South Korea flinch?..). And the “coolest” army in Europe – the Ukrainian – has the 30th position. By military power Ukraine assessed so that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are already 14th position higher than the army Syria, 19 lines above the army The Republic of Belarus and 28 above the sun Azerbaijan.

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Military and economic experts regularly determine the global index of military power - the Global Firepower Index. This is one of the most objective ratings; it takes into account more than 50 different indicators. This year, experts analyzed the armed forces of 127 states.

When compiling the Global Firepower (GFP) Index, not only is a scrupulous count of tanks, aircraft and warships carried out, but also the number of personnel in the army and its reserves, the level of military funding, the country's transport infrastructure, oil production, the size of public debt and even the length of the coastline- in a word, all factors that can affect the combat effectiveness of the national army.

Availability nuclear arsenal is not taken into account, but states with nuclear weapons receive a “bonus”. The top three - the USA, Russia and China - have remained unchanged for three years. This is what the ranking of the most powerful armies in the world looked like in 2015.

America for a long time is many times ahead of everyone else in military spending. In second place in terms of military budget, also already long years, China. Russia is in third. Chinese army the most numerous in the world. Russia is the first in the world in the number of tanks.

1. USA

Photo website

Defense budget - $587,800,000,000 (almost $588 billion)

5,884 tanks

19 aircraft carriers

13762 aircraft

The total number of naval vessels is 415

Army size - 1,400,000

2. Russia

Defense budget - $44.6 billion

20,215 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

3,794 aircraft

Army strength - 766,055

3. China

Defense budget - $161.7 billion

6,457 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

2,955 aircraft

Army size - 2,335,000

4. India

Defense budget - $51 billion

4,426 tanks

3 aircraft carriers

2,102 aircraft

Army size - 1,325,000

5. France

Photo: page French Armed Forces on Facebook.

Defense budget - $35 billion

406 tanks

4 aircraft carriers

1,305 aircraft

Army size: 205,000

6. UK

Prince Harry during military service. Instagram photo Marine Corps Royal Navy.

Defense budget - $45.7 billion

249 tanks

1 helicopter carrier

856 aircraft

Army size - 150,000

7. Japan

Defense budget - $43.8 billion

700 tanks

4 helicopter carriers

1,594 aircraft

Army size: 250,000

8. Türkiye

Defense budget - $8.2 billion

2445 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0

1,018 aircraft

Army size - 410,500

9. Germany

Defense budget - $39.2 billion

543 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 0

698 aircraft

Army size - 180,000

10. Italy

Photo from

Defense budget - $34 billion

200 tanks

Aircraft carriers - 2

822 aircraft

Army size - 320,000

11. South Korea

Defense budget - $43.8 billion

2,654 tanks

1 aircraft carrier

1,477 aircraft

Army size - 625,000

It is worth noting that the most important criterion for evaluating an army is fighting. And the Global Firepower Index does not take this parameter into account. Russia and the United States also have a clear advantage here, for example, over China. Russia fought with Georgia and, how can I put it, probably with Ukraine. Plus conducts military operation in Syria. And the United States fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, and is also participating in operations in Syria.

Russia took second place in the ranking of the strongest armies in the world according to the American version portal Global Firepower, second only to the US Army. In total, 133 states were included in the table. According to the compilers of the rating, their results are based on more than 50 factors that make up the so-called Power Index. The portal reports that the calculation formula allows smaller but more technically equipped nations, such as Israel or Japan, to compete with large developing countries.

The compilers of the rating emphasize that the place in the table is not based on a simple sum of weapons and equipment available to a particular country - it takes into account the variety and nature of weapons in order to achieve greater objectivity. As an example, Global Firepower notes that having 100 minesweepers in strategic and tactical terms it is much less important than 10 aircraft carriers. At the same time, analysts give NATO countries a small bonus - after all, they have the opportunity for mutual assistance, as well as the exchange of resources and standardized materials.

  • Reuters

Russia took second place due to the impressive size of its ground and armored formations, the compilers of the rating note. According to the portal, today the number of so-called active personnel is 798.5 thousand people, plus 2.5 million military personnel in reserve. By comparison, the top-ranked US military has 1.3 million active personnel and another 990,000 in reserve.

In terms of the strength of its armored formations, Russia has left its competitors far behind (20,216 thousand units). China comes in second place by a wide margin (6.457 thousand units), and the USA comes in third place (5.8 thousand units).

The fourth place in the number of armored units is occupied by the DPRK army, which took 23rd place in the overall Power Index with an indicator of 0.4218.

The top ten, in addition to the top three - the USA, Russia and China, included India, France, Great Britain, Japan, Turkey, Germany and Egypt.

Ukraine took 30th place in the ranking with a Power Index of 0.5664, behind such countries as Sweden, Greece, Spain, Algeria, Saudi Arabia and still the same North Korea. At the same time, Ukraine managed to bypass a number of developed countries- Norway, Switzerland, the Netherlands and developing countries - Myanmar, Malaysia, Mexico.

Experts especially note that the presence of a nuclear arsenal was not taken into account when compiling the rating, however nuclear powers Still got extra points. The key factor was the availability of manpower, so states with large populations expectedly took the top positions in the table. Global Firepower analysts also took into account geographical position, volume and quality natural resources and the logistical flexibility of each individual state. And here politic system countries, as well as the nature of the management of the armed forces, were not taken into account by Global Firepower analysts.

This is not the first time that the Russian army has been ranked among the top three most powerful armed forces. Yes, in April this year German magazine Focus reported that the country was ahead of its opponents in the number of tanks, becoming the state with the largest land army. That rating included 126 countries.

According to the Global Military Power Index, Russia consistently ranks second, second only to the United States, whose military budget is estimated at $581 billion. In addition, more than 40 countries were also taken into account when calculating the index. various factors: human resources, the power of the Air Force and Navy, the volume of natural resource production and the logistics characteristics of the countries. At the same time, the quantity nuclear weapons was not taken into account.

  • American F-35 fighters.
  • Reuters

Concerns on the part of NATO countries and their satellites regarding Russian army came into the spotlight again at the end of August, when representatives of the Russian Ministry of Defense had to publicly refute speculation about the threat allegedly posed by the planned Russian-Belarusian exercises Zapad-2017.

The Zapad-2017 strategic exercises are held every two years and are aimed primarily at testing the combat readiness of the regional group of troops Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus. This year the maneuvers are scheduled for September 14-20.

Despite the planned nature of the exercises, since the fall of 2016 (that is, almost a year before the start) Eastern Europe there were rumors of an impending invasion Russian troops. Officials of the Russian Federation and Belarus have repeatedly pointed out the false nature of such information, but the number of reports about the “Russian threat” has been steadily increasing.

“For several months now, the world’s largest funds mass media, and after them, politicians excite public opinion, spreading myths about the so-called Russian threat. The most incredible scenarios for the development of events are assumed. Some have come up with the idea that the Zapad-2017 exercises are supposedly preparing a springboard for the invasion or occupation of Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine. None of these versions has anything to do with reality,” Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin told foreign military attaches.

The defense capability of any country depends on the state of its army, and the government of individual countries allocates huge funds to maintain the army, which is especially important in difficult global conditions and the danger of terrorist attacks. To understand which army is the strongest, and which country does not need this combat unit at all, it is worth studying many factors, including territory, access to the sea and the ability to replenish resources. By studying this data, experts were able to compile a ranking of the world's armies in 2017, and it included truly strong armies capable of defending their country and helping their neighbors.

Which armies are considered the strongest in the world?

It would be wrong, of course, to evaluate the army by the number of military personnel, because in this case, the winners will always be more populous countries that do not have sufficient technical potential. Therefore, the compilers of the rating, in addition to the number of military personnel and reservists, took into account the state’s military expenditures included in the budget, the state of the military-industrial complex, and many other factors. This does not take into account nuclear potential countries, it also does not matter whether the state has access to the sea; analysts also do not assess the political situation in the country, and in the case of countries such as Ukraine, this is extremely necessary to take into account.

  • The ranking of the combat effectiveness of the world's armies, which includes paramilitary formations of five countries, is completed by Great Britain and its army, numbering over 150 thousand people. The divisions deserve special attention special purpose And naval forces, capable of completing assigned tasks in any area of ​​the planet. From the main contenders for the title best army Great Britain lags behind in terms of equipment, including tanks.

  • Continues the ranking of the most strong armies world peace 2017 India, whose army is today in third position in terms of the number of military personnel, and this is over a million people, not counting approximately the same number of reservists who are ready to take up arms at any time. In addition, the army of this country has one of the largest budgets, so military units are constantly replenished with modern military equipment.

  • The largest army in the world in 2017, and this is not surprising, belongs to China, which ranks first in the world in terms of population. It is especially worth noting that in addition to the army itself, numbering more than 2 million people, a huge number of reservists will be available for arms, if necessary, and there is no doubt that they are ready for anything, since the age of service in the PRC army is 19-19. 49 years old. Among other things, the Chinese army has the second largest military budget in the world, and most of money is spent on introducing technical innovations.

  • Not so long ago, the Russian army firmly occupied second place in the world, but after certain events, many experts began to talk about Russian dominance in this matter. Although Russia spends less on defense than China, for example, the combat capability of the Russian army is one of the best in the world, and this is proven by recent events that have occurred in the world. In count personnel The Russian army is approaching India, but technically it is much better equipped, and special attention deserve the Russian Aerospace Forces, rocket troops and air defense forces.

  • The table of world armies 2017, compiled by experts based on many indicators, suggests that the strongest army in the world is the US Army. The Americans spend a lot of money on it, and in terms of the amount of spending on military purposes, the United States is unrivaled. The US Army also exceeds Russia in terms of the number of military personnel - it is over 2 million people, but the quality of the army raises more and more questions. As for the technical arsenal of the armed forces, it is becoming increasingly difficult for America to compete with Russia.

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