Common aspen. Aspen photo, medicinal properties, application, treatment

Women tree Poppulus tremulus; most of all it is used for chipped (carved and turned) wooden dishes, which is why it is also called baklushey, lower. Bitter aspen, in the song. The aspen is a cursed tree, Judas hanged himself on it, and since then the leaf on it has been trembling. On the… … Dictionary Dahl

Judas tree, aspen, (trembling) poplar Dictionary of Russian synonyms. aspen noun, number of synonyms: 6 tree (618) ... Synonym dictionary

aspen- trembling (Balmont); liquid (Pleshcheev, Turgenev); shy (Fofanov); restless (Machtet); tender (Bogolyubova); sad (Merezhkovsky); timid (Belousov, Fofanov); stately (Turgenev); thin (Balmont); tremulous leaf (Aksakov) Epithets... ... Dictionary of epithets

ASPEN, a tree of the poplar genus. Distributed in northern Eurasia, in coniferous and deciduous forests; in the steppes it forms aspen spikes. Grows quickly. Lives 80-90 (rarely up to 150) years. Used in protective plantings. The wood is resistant to rotting during... ... Modern encyclopedia

Tree of the poplar genus. Grows in northern Eurasia in coniferous and deciduous forests; in the steppes it forms aspen spikes. Used in protective plantings, wood in the production of matches, pulp, containers, various crafts... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

ASPEN, aspens, women. Deciduous tree from the willow family. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

ASPEN, s, female. A deciduous tree related to poplar. Into the language of native aspen (translate) what (jokingly) to say simply and clearly what n. complex. | adj. aspen, oh, oh. How about. the leaf is trembling who n. (finely and often, usually about a state of fright, fear) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

The semantics of the mythopoetic image of O. is motivated by two features of this tree: the trembling of the leaves even in calm weather ( scientific name O. Populus tremula, i.e. “shaking poplar”; Wed French tremble, etc.) and a reddish tint of wood... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Trembling poplar (Populus tremula), a tree (up to 35 m high with smooth gray bark) from the poplar genus. The leaves are round, irregularly toothed. Their long thin petioles bend in the wind (the leaves tremble easily). At the base of young leaves... ... Biological encyclopedic dictionary

No top. Gorky Joking. iron. An inept, stupid person. BalSok., 48. May you (him, etc.) be on the aspen tree! Razg. Outdated Wishing death to someone. BMS 1998, 424. Damn you! People's The same as being on an aspen tree for you! DP, 750. May you... ... Big dictionary Russian sayings


  • Aspen Factory, Ian M. Banks. Sixteen-year-old Frank is an extraordinary lad who lives with his father on a remote Scottish island. On the hill next to Frank there is the Aspen Factory - a device that, in addition to what it means... eBook
  • Aspen Factory, Banks I. M.. 16-year-old Frank is a wonderful lad. Vin, it seems, is not at all what she pretends to be. In his house there is a mysterious dial, an Aspen factory, which means the death of the clots that were consumed by the shepherd. They have…

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Few people know that antibiotics, modern antipyretic, analgesic and antirheumatic drugs of synthetic origin (for example, aspirin, sodium salicylate) are derivatives of active ingredients aspen. We will talk about the properties of this tree, its use in folk and traditional medicine in this article.

Description of the common aspen tree

Common aspen(or trembling poplar) is a tree with a columnar trunk, the maximum height of which is 35 m, while the diameter of the trunk reaches 1 m.

This plant is distinguished by rounded leaves with fairly large teeth along the edge. Because of the long roots that are flattened in the middle, aspen leaves begin to tremble even with a slight blow of wind.

Aspen (like other types of poplars) is a dioecious tree, as a result of which entire sections of tree stands can consist of male or female individuals. Thus, male flowers have pink or red earrings, while female flowers have green earrings.

This is a fairly fast-growing species, which grows up to 20 m in 40 years. However, aspen is not durable, and often lives for about 90 years (rarely the age of aspen is 130 - 150 years).

Exist different types aspen trees, which differ in the color and structure of the bark, the time of leaf blooming and other characteristics. But in folk medicine it is the common aspen that is used, the properties and application of which will be discussed in detail below.

Where does aspen grow?

Aspen is rightfully considered one of the most important forest-forming species in Russia. It grows in the European part of Russia, in Siberia and the Far East.

Collection and storage


Aspen blooms quite early, namely from March to April (before the leaves appear).

The leaves of the tree are collected in early May or June. The leaves are dried in the shade or in a dryer at a temperature of about 50 - 60 degrees.

Aspen buds are collected before they bloom, and it is important to immediately dry them in a stove or oven.

When is aspen bark collected?

Aspen bark is collected from the moment sap flow begins, that is, from April 20 to June 1. Moreover, it is collected from young trees, the thickness of which is 7–8 cm.

The bark is collected using a sharp knife, which is used to make an incision around the trunk. Then, after a segment equal to 30 cm, a subsequent incision is made, after another 30 cm - a subsequent one (and so on). After this, you need to make a vertical cut on each tube and remove the bark. But it is undesirable to plan it from aspen trunks (otherwise the wood will get into the bark, which will reduce medicinal qualities the last one). The bark can be removed not only from the trunk of an aspen, but also from its thin branches.

The collected bark is dried under a canopy, as well as using an oven or oven, after being cut into pieces 3–4 cm long (the temperature in the oven should not be higher than 60 degrees). If raw materials are dried indoors, it should be well ventilated.

Important! You cannot dry aspen bark in the sun so that it does not lose its healing properties.

Dried raw materials can be stored for no more than three years.

Aspen in folk medicine

Aspen bark, buds, leaves and shoots are quite common medicinal products of natural origin, which have proven themselves in the treatment of various diseases, including helminthiasis and opisthorchiasis.

Aspen preparations are prescribed for diseases Bladder(aspen is especially useful for older people, since it does not have side effects and is well tolerated by the body), for gastrointestinal diseases, cystitis, urinary incontinence, as well as prostatitis, rheumatism, gout and hemorrhoids. Externally, aspen preparations are used for burns, difficult-to-heal wounds and ulcers.

Aspen buds and leaves are used in the production of antitussive medicines, diluting sputum, thereby accelerating its removal from the bronchi and relieving cough.

Special attention is deserved by the fact that for many centuries people have been using aspen buds to make propolis, which is widely used in the treatment of various diseases. Propolis is also used in cosmetology: for example, creams with propolis have a soothing, moisturizing and rejuvenating effect.

Treatment using aspen


Freshly crushed aspen leaves are used as poultices and compresses for rheumatism, gout, hemorrhoids. For this, 2 - 3 tbsp. the raw materials are steamed and wrapped in gauze, after which they are applied to the affected areas of the body. Such poultices will also ease the course of arthritis and arthrosis by reducing or completely eliminating joint pain.

Aspen leaves accelerate the healing of wounds, weeping eczema and ulcers.


This part of aspen has found application in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • scurvy;
  • feverish conditions;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • prostatic hypertrophy;
  • bladder diseases;
  • neuralgia;
  • sciatica.
45 g of carefully crushed raw materials are boiled in 500 ml of water, evaporating to half the original volume. Next, the broth is filtered, after which honey or granulated sugar. A decoction of 70–80 ml is taken three times a day.

Aspen buds

Externally ground aspen buds, which are mixed with butter or vegetable oil, are used in the form of an ointment to heal wounds and bruises, as well as to relieve inflammation in various skin diseases.


This form of aspen preparations is taken for prostate hypertrophy, and also as an antipyretic for fever. In addition, infusions and decoctions of aspen are indicated as an internal or external remedy for the diseases listed above (see “What do aspen preparations treat?”).


Aspen extract has the following spectrum of action:
  • increases immunity;
  • normalizes the process of hematopoiesis in immunodeficiencies, allergies, anemia of various origins;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • strengthens the nervous system.
The oncoprotective effect of aspen extract was revealed. Pharmaceutical aspen extract is taken 10-20 drops, three times a day.

Contraindications to the use of aspen

Aspen preparations are tolerated quite easily, but before using them, you must always consult with your doctor regarding the dosage and duration of treatment.

Important! When taking aspen preparations, you should remember that decoctions and infusions from the kidneys have a pronounced astringent effect, so it is undesirable to take them for chronic intestinal diseases accompanied by persistent constipation. In addition, aspen is taken with caution for dysbacteriosis.

Application of aspen bark

Aspen bark is used in the treatment of the following pathologies:
  • urethritis;
  • kidney diseases;
  • cystitis;
  • pathologies of the bladder;
  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • salts in joints;
  • colitis;
  • gout;
  • rheumatism;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • gastritis;
  • pancreatitis;
  • fever;
  • malaria;
  • diarrhea;
  • dyspepsia.
Aspen is a storehouse of a whole complex of biological active substances and beneficial vitamins and mineral salts, which ensure the synthesis of many enzymes that have a positive effect on both protein and carbohydrate metabolism. In addition, aspen bark increases immunity, improves the process of hematopoiesis and normalizes breathing.

Due to the fact that aspen bark contains acetylsalicylic acid and bitterness, this part of the tree is included in medications indicated for fever.

The fairly high content of vitamins, tannins and other biologically active substances in aspen bark ensures a mild effect on the body.

Aspen bark is included in skin products because it helps improve the condition of the skin and mucous membranes. It is used in cosmetology both in the form of lotions, lotions, ointments and creams, and in the form of baths. Aspen extract from the bark of the plant nourishes the skin, giving it elasticity, velvety, and softness.

Preparations made from aspen bark increase the body's resistance to pathogenic microflora, therefore they are used for gynecological diseases in the form of douching.

How to brew aspen bark?

Aspen bark can be brewed or infused, in which case you can use a pharmacy version of the drug, or you can harvest the bark yourself. The pharmaceutical version is brewed similarly to tea for 5 minutes.

How to use?

Medicines containing aspen bark are taken, mainly on an empty stomach. The dosage and regimen depend on the disease itself and its severity. To determine the dosage, it is better to consult a doctor who will select the most best option reception.


A decoction of the bark is prescribed for gastritis, dyspepsia and diarrhea. The decoction can also improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. A decoction is recommended in the treatment of fever and malaria.

1 tbsp. dry raw materials must be poured with a glass of water and put on fire. The product is boiled for 10 minutes, and then infused for another 20 minutes, after which the broth is filtered and drunk in 3 to 4 doses.


Infusion of the bark is an excellent tonic and oncoprotective agent used for the following pathologies:
  • lichen;
  • scurvy;
  • pancreatitis;
  • tuberculosis of the skin;
  • gout;
  • prostate cancer;
  • dysentery.
In addition, the infusion of the bark normalizes the functioning of the liver and helps remove small stones from the gall bladder.


This form of aspen preparations is indicated for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, joint pain, rheumatism, and prostatitis.

Half a glass of dried aspen bark should be infused in half a liter of vodka for a week (the product should be infused in a dark place). Drink a tablespoon of the product three times a day.

Aspen bark extract

Aspen bark extract, which has a pronounced antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect, is taken for the same list of diseases as the tincture, 20–25 drops three times a day.


There are no contraindications to the use of aspen bark preparations (only individual intolerance).

Treatment with aspen bark

Aspen bark for diabetes

Treatment of diabetes mellitus comes down, first of all, to restoring and stabilizing blood sugar levels by lowering it. Aspen bark effectively copes with the task of lowering sugar, which is why it is widely used in the treatment of diabetes.

To normalize sugar, you need to drink 100 ml of freshly prepared aspen bark decoction every day on an empty stomach. The decoction is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. Dried and thoroughly crushed bark is poured with 200 ml of water. The resulting mixture is boiled for 10 minutes, and then the finished broth is filtered and taken in one dose, before breakfast. The decoction cannot be sweetened.

An infusion of bark prepared according to the recipe below is also effective (the advantage of the infusion is that it has a pleasant taste, so it is easier to drink than a bitter infusion).

So, to prepare the infusion, you need to grind fresh aspen bark using a meat grinder. The resulting mass is filled with water in a ratio of 1:3 (one part bark to three parts water). The product must be infused for at least 10 hours. The strained infusion is taken on an empty stomach, 150–200 ml, daily.

The course of treatment with both decoction and infusion is three weeks. Next, a 10-day break is taken, after which, if necessary, the course continues.

Aspen kvass is no less useful for diabetes, for the preparation of which you will need:
1. A three-liter jar filled halfway with aspen bark.
2. One glass of sugar.
3. A teaspoon of sour cream.

All ingredients are mixed and kept warm for two weeks. Drink this medicinal kvass, which lowers sugar levels, 2–3 glasses a day.

Important! After drinking a glass of kvass, you must immediately three liter jar add a glass of water and a teaspoon of sugar. One serving of bark is designed for a two- to three-month course of treatment.

Aspen bark for prostatitis

Prostatitis – extremely insidious disease, which, if not detected and treated in a timely manner, can lead to impotence or prostate adenoma (tumor). The fact is that a swollen prostate, pinching the urinary canal, complicates the process of urination (up to its complete cessation). In advanced cases, only a fairly complex operation can eliminate this pathology, and, consequently, save the patient’s life. In addition, prolonged inflammation of the prostate can develop into a malignant form.

Therefore, if you notice the following symptoms of prostatitis, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

Symptoms of prostatitis:

  • fast fatiguability ;
  • excessive irritability;
  • prostration;
  • discomfort in the perineal area;
  • cloudy urine;
To eliminate the symptoms of prostatitis and inflammation, it is recommended to resort to an infusion of aspen bark.

100 g of dried bark are ground in a coffee grinder. The resulting powder is poured into a half-liter jar and 250 ml of vodka is poured in, which should completely cover the powder. The jar is tightly closed and infused for two weeks, after which the tincture is filtered. Take 20 drops three times a day for two months, diluting with water if necessary.

Collection for prostatitis

  • aspen bark – 100 g;
  • cinquefoil root – 200 g;
  • galangal root – 100 g.
All ingredients are poured into a three-liter jar and filled with vodka. The infusion is left for 21 days, after which it is filtered and taken a tablespoon three times a day. The tincture is taken for one month, then a break of 10 days is indicated. A total of three courses are recommended.

This tincture will help cope not only with prostatitis, but also with joint pain and prostate adenoma.

Aspen bark for adenoma

Today, surgery remains the leading method of treating prostate adenoma. If we talk about drug therapy, it does not justify its effectiveness, not to mention the serious side effects caused by taking certain synthetic drugs.

Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors turned their attention to medicinal plants. Thus, it has been proven that the development of hyperplastic processes in the prostate can be stopped using plant sitosterols and some other biologically active substances contained in medicinal plants. One such plant is aspen, which contains sterols and lignans. These substances, which have antioxidant properties, prevent the formation and development of cancer cells, and, consequently, cancer diseases.

Of course, herbal medicines are not always able to completely cure prostate adenoma, but they can significantly improve the condition of patients with the first and second stages of the disease. In addition, do not forget that taking herbal remedies is a long process, so it is important to be patient and regularly take an infusion of aspen bark, which stops tumor growth, relieves swelling, and improves general state sick.

3 tbsp. dry bark is poured with a glass of boiling water, after which the product is placed on low heat and boiled for about 15 - 20 minutes. Removed from the heat, the broth is cooled, filtered and drunk one third of a glass three times a day, before eating.

You can also take aspen bark in powder form, at a dosage of one third of a teaspoon per day. The powder is washed down with water.

Multi-component preparations, which are more effective if the components are selected correctly, also deserve special attention.

According to the data clinical trials, extract from aspen bark is twice as effective in treating giardiasis and opisthorchiasis as strong antibacterial agents.

Aspen bark for opisthorchiasis

A disease such as opisthorchiasis requires immediate treatment - otherwise the development of the following complications cannot be avoided: The advantages of preparations made from aspen bark over synthetic anthelmintic drugs are undeniable:
  • low toxicity;
  • lack of allergenic properties;
  • helping to reduce allergy symptoms;
  • mitigation of the deworming process;
  • possibility of use by people different ages(including children).
Aspen bark decoction
Pour 50 g of aspen bark into half a liter cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then the broth is carefully wrapped and infused for three hours. The drug is taken on an empty stomach, two sips, no more than five times a day. In parallel (to achieve maximum effect), you can take a decoction of Solyanka Kholmovoy.

Aspen bark for giardiasis

Today, giardiasis is a fairly common disease caused by Giardia entering the small intestine with dirty vegetables, fruits, and berries.
  • low degree of toxicity;
  • possibility of repeating the therapeutic course;
  • Possibility of use by children.
But the most important thing is that preparations made from aspen bark are absolutely safe for health, which cannot be said about synthetic products that cause many side effects, including the development of an allergic reaction.

Tincture of aspen bark
50 g of bark is infused for two weeks in 500 ml of vodka, and the tincture should be shaken periodically. The squeezed tincture is taken one tablespoon, diluted in a small amount of water, three to four times a day.

The average course of treatment is three weeks. A repeat course can be carried out in a month.

Important! Before and during taking aspen preparations, it is recommended to exclude from the diet for a week all products of animal origin (that is, milk, meat, eggs), spicy, spicy and fatty foods.

Recipes with aspen

Decoction for toothache
Fresh aspen bark is filled with water, brought to a boil, and then boiled for 10 minutes. Rinse your mouth with a tolerant hot broth (you can simply hold the broth in your mouth until it cools down). Rinsing is carried out two to three times a day. At first, the tooth will react painfully to this procedure, but gradually the pain will subside.

Decoction for joint swelling
20 g of aspen buds are poured into 200 ml of water, then the mixture is boiled and infused for half an hour, after which it is filtered and taken 2 tbsp. half an hour to an hour before meals, 3 times a day.

Infusion for rheumatism
3 tbsp. Aspen buds are poured with 500 ml of boiled but cold water, infused overnight, filtered and drunk in a third of a glass half an hour before eating, three times a day.

Infusion for cystitis
1 tbsp. Aspen bark is poured with two glasses of boiling water and kept in a water bath for half an hour. The strained infusion is diluted boiled water to the original volume. Take 2 tablespoons of the product. (you can increase the dosage to half a glass) four times a day, with meals. If desired, the infusion can be sweetened a little, which will help overcome the bitter taste.

Decoction for gout
1 tsp Aspen bark is boiled for 15 minutes in one glass of water (it is better to boil the bark in a water bath). Next, the broth is cooled, filtered, squeezed and brought to its original volume with boiled water. Take 2 tsp of the product. three times a day. This decoction also helps relieve joint pain, for which it is enough to apply lotions to the affected joints.

Decoction for mastopathy
500 g of aspen bark are poured into 2 liters of water. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and cook over low heat for another two hours. The broth is infused until cooled and filtered. Then 500 ml of vodka is added to it. The resulting mixture is divided into 20 servings and drunk for 20 days in a row, on an empty stomach.

Decoction for jade
1 tbsp. a mixture of branches, leaves and aspen bark is poured with a glass of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Use half a glass 4 times a day. After 3–4 weeks, a ten-day break is taken. If necessary, you can undergo the course of treatment again.

Compresses for hemorrhoids
Steamed aspen leaves are applied to hemorrhoidal cones for two hours, after which a break is taken for an hour, and then the leaves are again applied to the cones for two hours. It is recommended to conduct about three to four such sessions per week, with a break between them of at least a day.

Before use, you should consult a specialist.

There was a double attitude.

On the one hand, the tree was considered cursed. The ancient Slavs believed that goblins, devils and other evil spirits lived in aspen groves. In myths ancient Greece Aspen grew in the afterlife.

The tree was a symbol of fear and indecision, so its leaves constantly shook in the wind.

At the same time, Aspen served partly for good. For example, a bed, like bath brooms made from Aspen, helped to cope with various ailments.

Aspen branches stuck into the fence did not allow entry into the garden evil spirits. Aspen stakes were used to fight evil spirits.

names of aspen trees

According to one version, the word “aspen” comes from the word “blue”.

The fact is that after the Aspen has been cut down or cut down, a blue discoloration forms at the site of the cut. This occurs due to tannins reacting with metal particles. This property is used by many carpenters and cabinetmakers when working with various species.

Since wood has a white tint, the blue tint is especially noticeable.

The Latin name for Common Aspen is populous tremula, which is literally translated from Latin language means "trembling man".


In autumn, after the leaves have fallen, Aspens stand out among the Russian black forests with their green trunks.

In clearings and forest edges the tree often grows with spreading, knotty branches and a lush crown, while in forest groves it stretches upward.

Aspen leaves look like coins with jagged edges and long petioles.

The tree grows very quickly and reaches a height of up to 35 meters. The lifespan is on average 100 years.

Aspen roots are very powerful and go deep into the soil. Thanks to this property, Aspen can easily survive forest fires. Even if the tree trunk burns and dies, thanks to the surviving root system, new shoots will not take long to appear.

Where does Aspen grow?

In nature, Aspen is found in Korea, China, as well as in Europe, Kazakhstan and almost all regions of Russia.

Despite the fact that people are accustomed to meeting Aspen in mixed forests, the tree quite often forms pure aspen forests. These groves - favorite places mushroom pickers

Aspens can grow in cleared areas, after fires and in ravines. Often used to strengthen slopes and landscaping parks and gardens.

The tree does not like swampy and heavily moist soil. Under such conditions, the tree quickly rots in the middle and dies.

When Aspen Blooms

Aspen blooms in mid-April. Reddish men's earrings look much more interesting than thin and green women's earrings.

Aspen blooms before the leaves bloom.

Medicinal properties of aspen

Aspen bark contains a huge amount useful substances: antibiotics, tannins, glycerin, ethers and others. That is why ointments, medicines, decoctions and even kvass are made from the bark.

Aspen is a source of elements such as copper, iron, zinc, and nickel. These substances are necessary for a person to strengthen the immune system.

A decoction of Aspen bark has an analgesic effect and helps with burns, eczema and other damage to the skin.

The decoction also has an astringent effect on the body and helps with gastritis and diarrhea, killing harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

For increased anxiety for recovery nervous system A decoction of aspen bark is also used.

Tincture from tree bark treats joint diseases and prostatitis.

Application of Aspen

Aspen is a fast-growing tree, therefore it is used for landscaping.

Tree wood is a valuable material for carpenters. It has a soft structure and does not chip, can easily be compared to wood Linden trees, while growing much faster and occurring much more often.

In the old days, a decoction of Aspen was used to get rid of scale in samovars.

Most known application wood - matches. Every day, several tons of material are used to make matches.

Aspen is used in the manufacture of packaging and decorative shavings, which can be painted in any color.


Aspen has no special contraindications, however, decoctions from the bark are not recommended for people with problems with the digestive system.

Cases of individual intolerance are also possible.

When using methods traditional medicine contact specialists.

Aspen bark is a favorite delicacy of hares and moose, so in the forest you can often find littered debarked tree trunks.

In the old days, when sauerkraut was sauerkraut, aspen twigs or logs were added to the knapsack to kill harmful microbes.

The wood of the tree is well preserved in water, which is why wells and bathhouses were previously built from Aspen.

Artificial vanillin is made from rotten Aspen wood.

The first aspirin was obtained from the bark of this tree.

Photo credits: djangalina, Tatiana , igor.zadvornyak and others.

Aspen is the most common type of tree. Despite its rapid development and growth, it is quite painful. Under favorable conditions, it reaches an age of no more than 100 years. Grows in cold temperate climate on wet soil. Found in many countries in Europe and Asia.

The specific name of the tree comes from the word “to tremble” - “tremere”. Due to the peculiar structure of aspen leaves, they characteristically tremble even in a slight wind. The plant develops well in mixed forests.

Features of the tree

Aspen represents slender deciduous tree from the Poplar genus of the Willow family. In height, like, it can reach up to 35 meters, and the trunk diameter is 1 m. The plant is dioecious, has a sparse crown and light greenish-gray bark. Young shoots have a cylindrical, round shape; old branches have clearly visible leaf scars.

Leaf buds are bare, reaching 5-10 mm, flower buds - 12-15 mm. The oval leaves are gray-green in color and have wedge-shaped endings. The long petioles are flattened on both sides and slightly curved. The leaf blade ends with jagged edges, young plant may secrete nectar on them.

The tree reproduces by the root system, seeds and stump shoots. Tree blossoms in early spring. Lush inflorescences resemble earrings in shape. Males are 10 cm long and brownish-brown or bright purple in color, females are light green. The capsules are filled with small seeds with silky white hairs.
With their help they are transported over considerable distances. Aspen plays important role in the formation of landscapes.

The base of the tree is formed by several powerful surface roots, 30-40 m long. Numerous root shoots are formed on them. With increased influx nutrients Dormant buds are awakened. The length of the offspring can range from several meters to more than 10 m. Horizontal roots can grow together with the rhizomes of other trees, forming a single system with them. You can find out what it looks like in this article.

In the first year of life of young trees, their root system is characterized by increased intensity and duration of growth. The increase per day can be about 6 cm.

The plant has increased resistance to low temperatures and is not afraid of frost. Can grow in shaded areas in soil with high acidity and moisture. Aspen is not picky and easily sprouts from an ordinary branch. Widely used in wood processing, chemical, paper industries. In winter, the bark of young trees becomes the main source of food for many animals.

The plant is classified as a medicinal plant and is widely used in folk medicine:

  • Kidney-based drugs are taken orally for cystitis and joint diseases;
  • for gastritis, pancreatitis, diabetes and fever, decoctions from the bark are used;
  • an infusion based on tree ash helps with adnexitis;
  • ash is added to various healing ointments;
  • infusion of buds with alcohol helps relieve pain from hemorrhoids and dysentery;
  • The leaves are used to create hot poultices for rheumatism; the juice is used to treat lichen and warts.

The tree is well known in folklore; it was used to drive away evil spirits from a person and his home.. People believe that it has magical properties and is capable of absorbing negative energy.

Main varieties of aspen

There are 7 varieties and one hybrid tree in the Poplar genus. These include:

  • common or Eurasian;

Common aspen

  • trembling or American;


  • large-toothed aspen;


  • Chinese;


  • Japanese;


  • sedge or black poplar;


  • white poplar

White poplar

There are many related species tree. These include laurel, hairy, fragrant, Maksimovich, Korean, Ussuri, Amur, balsam poplars, David's aspen and many others. Each of them differs in the structural features of the root system, the shape and shades of the crown, trunk, leaves and peduncles.

You can find out which varieties of morning glory flowers are the most common and most often grown from this

Duration and stages of life

On average, the lifespan of aspen is from 60 to 80 years. Under favorable growth conditions, it can live up to 100, and in rare cases – 150 years.

With age, the wood of a tree loses its useful qualities. It is often affected by fungi, is prone to heart rot and becomes the target of attacks by various pests. For this reason, they are cut down at the age of 40-45.

The formation of a mature aspen tree occurs quite quickly. The first year of life is due to the rapid growth of seedlings. They are capable of reaching a height of up to 1 meter. The root system is actively developing, suckers grow even up to 2 m. Their leaves differ significantly from those of an adult tree. They are softer bigger size and slightly pubescent.

Rapid growth of aspen is observed for 50-60 years, then it slows down significantly. Ten-year-old plants reach a height of up to 8 meters. The foliage of the tree develops first, after which the shoots grow in length and thickness. The active growth of aspen is influenced by two main factors - the amount of precipitation and air temperature.

In autumn, the tree attracts attention with its bright palette of colors. Its leaves can be yellow, fiery red or pink. It is worth noting the specific smell that appears only in aspen trees. It is reminiscent of bitter vanilla and lasts even after the leaves have fallen.

Tree care

Proper tree care involves choosing the right place to plant it and watering it. The plant is planted in the ground in the form of seedlings or seeds. Seedlings are transplanted in the spring to give them time to take root in a new location. Aspen is not picky and quickly takes root. It is planted away from residential structures, since due to the early appearance of rot in the trunk, the tree can easily collapse. The fluff during flowering causes an allergic reaction in some people.

Aspen seeds

The distance between each planting hole must be at least 2 meters. Otherwise, instead of trees, the seedlings will grow into a single bush. The recesses themselves should be shallow.

It is important to have an additional drainage layer of 8-10 cm from crushed stone or pebbles. With its help, the soil will retain moisture and create favorable conditions for aspen growth.

For the full development of seedlings, it is worth ensuring:

  • correct choice of soil. Fresh, fertile and well-draining loamy or sandy loam soil is suitable;

  • regular watering of the plant. Artificial breeding Aspen requires periodic soil moisture. During dry periods, watering should be plentiful. The tree cannot tolerate dry soil;

  • feeding. It is applied at the stage of transplanting seedlings or planting them in the ground. Subsequent application of fertilizers is not required due to the powerful and well-developed root system. More often, mullein is used in a ratio of 1 kg per 20 liters of water and superphosphate - 20 g per the same amount of liquid;
  • pruning thick branches from February to April. Young branches can be cut all year round;

  • cutting down mature trees over 50 years old. Young shoots quickly appear around their stumps.

The soil at the site where the seedlings are planted needs additional loosening and weeding. Proper care will accelerate the growth of young aspen and its healthy development in the future.


The technique for pruning and removing aspen is shown in more detail in the video below.

Preparing aspen for winter

An adult tree tolerates well low temperatures, frost. It sheds its leaves for the winter. Annual shoots freeze easily and require additional protection. IN When growing a plant at home, it is placed in a greenhouse or covered with film. If it cannot be moved into the house, then the soil is covered with a thick layer of spruce spruce branches.

It is important to ensure high level humidity in areas where aspen grows. The soil is watered daily, without touching the plant itself with water.

Disease and pest control

Aspen is susceptible to a large number of fungal diseases. It can infect other nearby plants with them. Armiliaria mellea (Quell) can cause tree trunk and root rot. The fungus enters the trunk through wounds on its surface or through the passages of aspen beetle larvae. The root becomes infected through other affected rhizomes. As a result, old and too young trees wither.

Various fungi affect not only the roots, but also the trunk of aspen, its branches, leaves, fruits and seeds. They lead to the withering of the tree and the premature fall of its fruits. Diseased seedlings curl, turn black and die. To prevent the spread of rot, the affected plants are dug up and individual sections of them are cut off. Seedlings of young plants can be protected with a thick layer of sphagnum peat.

The result of a tree being infected by a fungus

Aspen is also subject to a large number of attacks from various pests. These include willow moth, aspen leafminer, red-winged leaf beetle, bouquet mite, serrated corydalis and many others. They mainly affect the leaves of the plant. A common pest of seeds is the poplar catkin moth. Most insects are destroyed at the stage of formation of larvae and caterpillars by treating the wood with insecticides.

Aspen roots attract mole crickets and water rat. Destruction is carried out using special poisons. The grass around the trees should be mowed in advance.

IN winter time The bark of the plant attracts hares and moose. It becomes their main source of food. You just need to scare the animals away from the plantings.

Despite the short lifespan of aspen, it has a fairly powerful root system and develops quickly. The appearance of new shoots contributes to the growth of trees over a large area. The plant is not fussy and can be easily grown by novice gardeners. Easily affected by pests and fungal diseases, close attention to the condition of aspen is necessary. You will also be interested in our article “” and of course material about.

  1. Description of the tree
  2. Basic properties
  3. Natural medicine
  4. Soil improvement
  5. Application in construction
  6. Aspen on a personal plot
  7. What options are there?

Aspen mainly grows in central Russia, Transbaikalia, Vologda region. Medicines and animal feed are made from some parts of the tree. Aspen is used in landscape design. An adult plant is a good honey plant and building material.

Description of the tree

Common aspen, or Trembling Poplar, reaches a height of 35 m. Usually the trunk is straight, columnar. Up to one meter in diameter. The bark is thin, smooth to the touch, gray-olive in color. With age, lentils form on it, shaped like a black diamond (see photo). The tree is frost-resistant and grows well in moist, acidic soils and in shaded areas.

It differs from other genera and species, for example, poplar, in the shape of its leaves and flowers that appear in early spring. The leaves are rounded-rhombic, with a serrated frame, wider than long. The cuttings are thin and flattened, so the leaves easily touch each other. When the wind blows, the aspen trembles. The front side of the leaves is shiny, bright green, the back side is matte, but slightly lighter. The leaves of the lower order are larger, up to 15 cm in length, have a pointed top, heart-shaped, serrated-toothed edges, and pubescent on the underside. The leaves of young shoots are more similar to the leaves of poplars.

In the spring, inflorescences appear on the trees. They are similar in shape to earrings and are bisexual. Women's are light green, men's are bright purple. In autumn, seed pods are formed. After ripening, the capsules open and the seeds, which have a tuft, are carried by the wind.


The bark can be harvested for the winter and used for food. Helps relieve fatigue.

In hungry years, aspen bast, well dried and crushed into powder, was added to the flour.

The branches of the first tier are still placed in sauerkraut. This prevents fermentation processes and helps preserve the preparations until spring.

Natural medicine

Pine leaves contain many organic acids, easily digestible carbohydrates, carotene, vitamin C, anthocyanins, and flavonoids. An infusion brewed from the leaves has a mild expectorant property and helps increase the intensity of sweat secretion. Using aspen, you can quickly recover from a cold. The leaves are used to combat hemorrhoids. Tinctures from the bark help remove phlegm, stimulate the immune system, treat diseases of the joints and genitourinary system, reduce blood sugar levels, pain due to pancreatitis, improve digestion, and stimulate appetite. Young shoots are used to stop bleeding; burns, eczema, and other skin diseases are treated with alcohol ointments. Baths made from aspen infusion are soothing.

Soil improvement

In autumn, aspen sheds a lot of leaves. They decompose in the ground faster than the leaves of other trees. The roots grow, covering an area of ​​160 m2. When a plant dies, passages remain in the ground into which others go deeper. tall trees. Aspen trees are often planted on clayey, degraded soils. After some time, favorable conditions for the growth of other more capricious plants are formed.

Landscape design opportunities


  • Creation of wind protection lines.
  • Strengthening the banks of ravines, rivers, lakes.
  • Formation of an aspen natural fence at the border of the steppe and forest to protect against the penetration of representatives of the steppe fauna.
  • Greening streets in a short time.
  • Arrangement of fire-prevention plantings.

High decorative properties. In spring and summer the tree is covered with a thick green cap, in autumn it is bright red. There are varieties with weeping tiers and pyramidal shapes. Used to create a backyard landscape.

Application in construction

Wood aged 40–45 years has the greatest value. In an adult tree it is white, the texture of the pattern is weakly expressed. The structure is soft, but homogeneous, dries out moderately, and practically does not crack. According to the European standard scale (EN 350-2:1994) it belongs to the class of unstable rocks, therefore it is not used in the construction of residential premises. The lumber is used to create roofing shingles. During construction wooden churches a ploughshare is used - aspen planks necessary for covering church domes.

Due to its low density, wood tolerates moisture well. The material is suitable for the construction of wells, cellars, baths.

Due to low density, low resin content, lack of large quantity knots are used for the manufacture of interior decoration elements of Russian baths and Finnish saunas. The match industry uses aspen wood as a basis for its products. At arts and crafts fairs you can also often find beautiful products made from this plant.

Aspen on a personal plot

You can plant aspen with seeds, but growth and development will take a long time. It is better to find a wild grove in the neighborhood and dig up already grown seedlings there. They need to be placed at a distance of two meters from each other. If you plant trees closer, they will grow and become like dense bushes.

Aspen has a highly branched root system. Therefore, the tree cannot be planted closer than 12 m from buildings. Otherwise, the roots will damage the foundation, drainage system, and communications.

The seedlings are unpretentious and grow on any soil, but before planting, add mineral fertilizers. Make a drainage layer by pouring a ten-centimeter layer of crushed stone into the hole. Plants are planted in early spring, immediately after the snow melts from the ground.

Aspen is a dense but moisture-loving tree. If a seedling grows in dry soil, it will die. Therefore, as the soil dries, it is necessary to moisten it abundantly.

Tree care is simple and boils down to watering the plant in the first four years of growth. Fertilizing is required only during planting. A solution of cow manure prepared in the proportion of 1 kg per 20 liters of water is poured into the hole. The widely spread root system of an adult tree will itself find everything it needs for growth and development.

Aspen trees that are more than fifty years old need to be cut down and processed: over time, the trunk becomes rotten and can break in a strong gust of wind. Overgrowth quickly grows around the stumps, and it is easy to form a hedge from it.


There are trees with gray bark, not green. The base of their trunk is noticeably darker than the top. There are early and late varieties, differing from each other in the time of leaf appearance.

There are aspens up to 140 m in height. They have a triploid set of chromosomes. There is a rounded barrel. It is used to make furniture. To disembark at personal plots decorative forms are used that have a weeping, pyramidal crown. They get along well with coniferous trees.

Aspen is suitable for landscape design only if there is a large area. The tree grows quickly, is easy to care for, and forms a green volume well. There is a possibility from ornamental breeds make shrubs, form hedges.

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