Features of the Katran shark and its use in cooking. This shark is not dangerous to humans

Sea fish Crimea December 05, 2012

Like most modern sharks, katran has a characteristic elongated body ending in a triangular snout. On the sides in front pectoral fins gill slits are located.

Characteristic hallmark katran sharks is the presence of well-developed spines in both dorsal fins, one at the beginning of each. The body is covered with very small placoid scales, has a uniform brown-gray color, often with light spots, the belly is light, grayish or white.

The sizes of these sharks are relatively small, they rarely reach a length of 160 cm and a weight of 9 kg, usually do not exceed 105-140 cm, with females being somewhat larger. However, a 208 cm long katran was caught in Feodosia Bay. It is believed that the lifespan of this shark is 25-30 years, although the maximum recorded age was 75 years.

Katran is one of the most widely distributed sharks. Its range covers Atlantic Ocean, including the Mediterranean and Black Sea, Pacific Ocean, off South Australia. In the Black Sea it is common along all its shores, sometimes found in the open part of the sea, and enters the Kerch Strait and the Sea of ​​Azov.

Marine ovoviviparous fish, eggs about 4 cm in diameter develop in the female’s body in special capsules, from 3 to 13-15 in each. Gestation lasts 18-22 months, after which up to 30 fry are born, measuring 27-33 cm, and the sex ratio is always 1:1. Katran is characterized by very late puberty - 13-14 years for males and 17-19 (according to some sources, up to 23) for females.

Katran belongs to the boreal cold-loving species, prefers water temperatures from 7-8 to 12-15 ° C, therefore in the coastal zone it usually appears when the water warms up in spring and autumn cooling. Usually forms schools and can be found from the surface (usually at night) to natural layers at depths of up to 70 m or more (at ancient times). Males and females, with the exception of the mating season, which lasts from April to May, as a rule, stay in separate clusters. The species is moderately euryhaline, i.e. tolerates significant fluctuations in water salinity, but fresh water dies within a few hours.

The main food source is schooling pelagic (living in the water column) fish - anchovy, sprat, horse mackerel, as well as bottom-dwelling fish - whiting, whiting and others; bottom invertebrates include crabs and sometimes mollusks. Katrans also hunt dolphins, mainly the smallest species living in the Black Sea - the Azov porpoise. The Katran shark never attacks humans.

Katran occupies an important place in the world shark fishery, and its meat is highly valued in coastal countries Western Europe and America. During its peak in the early 20th century, the annual harvest in the Massachusetts region alone was 27 million. In the Black Sea, its fishing is very small, which is due, first of all, to the lack of traditions of eating katran as food by the population Black Sea countries. In the coastal zone of Crimea, the katran is caught from Cape Tarkhankut to Cape Takil with bottom nets and bait hooks.

Katran meat is white, tender, lean and, when skillfully prepared, has a high taste. It can be boiled, fried, stewed with vegetables, used for aspic, smoked and dried. But the desired quality can be obtained only on the condition that immediately after catching the individual’s head and tail are removed, and the carcass lies in storage for some time. sea ​​water, otherwise the meat will have a urea smell, which, however, can be removed by placing portioned pieces in weak solution acetic acid.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, katran fat, rich in vitamin A, which, like other cartilaginous fish, is found in the liver, is highly valued. The relative weight of the katran liver in relation to the total body weight increases with age and averages 17%, and the fat content in it ranges from 57 to 85%.

If a dear reader wishes to obtain fat from katran or stingrays for preventive purposes, use only an ancient, time-tested recipe that preserves everything healing properties fat, namely: the liver needs to be cut into pieces, thoroughly rub it with salt with your hands, put in the refrigerator and after a few days drain the fat. In addition, katrana is used for the production fishmeal, feed and production of leather, which was previously highly valued by cabinetmakers.

The Black Sea katran belongs to the family of katran sharks, or, as they are also called, spiny sharks. It lives, according to its name, in the Black Sea. In some countries this fish is called the sea dog.

She received this nickname for characteristic behavior: when she got caught in fishing nets, she tore and gnawed them. The katran does not attack people, but its thorns can cause great trouble to unwary fishermen.

Katran is an object of fishing, its meat is used for food. Previously, the skin of this fish was also used on the farm. It was used to make aprons for blacksmiths, used it for polishing, and bound books.

The Black Sea katran shark is a marine cartilaginous fish, belongs to the family of katran sharks, and is a subspecies of the common katran. This species is much smaller than its brothers in the family. Females are slightly larger than males, they can reach a length of 1.8 m. The weight of 1 specimen reaches 15 kg, but more often it remains between 10-12 kg.

The body of the fish is grayish-brown in color, the back is darker. There are rare white spots on the sides, the belly is light - grayish-white or white. Therefore, this type of shark is also called spotted.

At the base of the dorsal fins there are sharp spines, with the help of which the shark protects itself from enemies. The tail is powerful with a multi-lobed fin. The spindle-shaped shape allows the shark to develop higher speed. The fins serve mainly to support desired position body in the water, the tail performs steering functions.

The mouth is large, transverse, sickle-shaped, with several rows of sharp teeth, which are replaced throughout the life of the animal. Total Over the life of a shark, the number of teeth reaches 1000.

A special feature of the Katran shark is its scales. Diamond-shaped scales are hidden under the skin, and small, sharp spines emerge on the surface. They are located in the direction from head to tail. The structure of these spines is similar to shark teeth.

This type of scale is called placoid. When the skin is wounded, the scales are regenerated.

Sea dogs live on average 20-30 years.


The distribution area of ​​the Black Sea katran covers the entire Black Sea and the nearby part of the Kerch Strait. Sometimes it can be found in the southern part of the Azov Sea.

Katrans in the Black Sea most often live in the coastal zone, at depths not exceeding 120 m, but they can also be found far from the coast, above great depths.


The predatory lifestyle of the katran determines its habitats and interactions with other species.

The water temperature favorable for these fish is +6…+16°C. Therefore, katrans come close to the shore in spring and autumn. In winter and summer they prefer to be at great depths (100−120 m).

They live in schools, during the day mainly at the bottom at depths of up to 70 m, and at night they rise to the surface. Schools of Black Sea sharks often migrate behind schools of small fish that they hunt. In summer and autumn, males and females keep separate flocks.

Nutrition and reproduction

The spiny katran shark is a predator; its main prey is demersal and pelagic fish. In addition, its diet includes mollusks and crustaceans. The katran hunts for anchovy, sprat, horse mackerel, whiting, gobies, and less often for herring, bellyfish, mullet, and burbot. Sometimes female sharks can attack dolphins.

The diet varies somewhat depending on the habitat. So, off the coast of Romania, the main diet is whiting, and near Sevastopol, crabs are added to the fish.

Females acquire the ability to reproduce at 13−17 years with a body length of 1.1−1.3 m, males at 13−14 years with a length of 1−1.1 m. Black Sea sharks belong to ovoviviparous fish, fertilization is internal, there is no egg spawning, the female immediately gives birth to 8-15 fry 22-28 cm long, sometimes up to 33 cm.

Mating games take place in the spring, at a depth of 40 to 90 m. Then sea dogs move to depths of more than 60 m. The development of the offspring in the female’s body lasts about 18 months. This is the longest gestation period among sharks.

For spawning, fish return to a depth of 25-35 m. This happens in the second half of autumn. AND mating games, and the birth of offspring takes place in permanent places water area and can vary in time by about a month between different geographical points. After giving birth, adults go to depths of more than 60 m.

Sharks prey on fry of other fish, small mollusks and shrimp.

Is katran meat edible?

Katran meat is not only edible, but also a tasty, tender dietary product. The spiny shark Katran is commercial fish, all Black Sea countries are fishing for it. However, it should be remembered that due to a number of features (late puberty, long prenatal period), this species is more sensitive to overfishing than others.

Katran meat contains 17.6% protein and 4.2% fat. This is a protein moderate-fat fish. Katran meat contains vitamins, macro- and microelements: retinol, niacin, tocopherol, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, etc.

Fat containing polyunsaturated fats is rendered from the liver. fatty acid omega 3 and 6, vitamins A, D, E, alkylglycerols. Fat and cartilage are used in the pharmaceutical industry.

The meat of the Black Sea katran is white or pinkish-white, after culinary processing juicy and tender, does not contain small bones (only central cartilage), can be used in dietary nutrition.

Balyk products are prepared from katran and subjected to hot and cold smoking. This fish can also be boiled, stewed and fried, and a delicious soup is made from the fins.

You can stew katran according to this recipe: place pre-cleaned and chopped fish in a wide pan with vegetable oil. Place a layer of onion, cut into rings, and grated carrots on top.

You can repeat all 3 layers again. Add salt, pepper, spices and simmer over low heat for about half an hour. Ready dish sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Katran is also tasty and tender when fried. To keep the fish juicy, it must be breaded. For breading you can use flour, crackers, egg. Salt and pepper the fish slices, sprinkle with lemon juice and let stand for about 15 minutes.

Before frying, dip each slice in an egg, then in flour or breadcrumbs. You can also use a mixture of flour and breadcrumbs for breading. Some housewives do not use eggs. Fry in a heated frying pan greased with vegetable oil.

The sea dog is also suitable for cooking steaks and kebabs.

How dangerous is the Katran shark for humans?

Katranas do not attack people. Since ancient times and until now, not a single case of an attack by a Black Sea katran on fishermen or swimmers has been described.

From this point of view, the answer to the question of whether sharks are dangerous in the Black Sea will be negative. But don't forget that black sea shark is a predator with sharp teeth and spines, so careless contact with it can lead to unpleasant injury.

The spines of this shark are covered with mucus containing irritating substances, which, if released into the puncture wound, can lead to the development of severe swelling. You can also get scratched by the rough skin of the fish.

When talking about sharks, few people perceive them not as cruel predators, but as a fish delicacy, but this is true - most species are caught and eaten. The most popular among gourmets is the Katran shark, which rarely reaches a length of more than 1.5 m and weighs 20 kg.

Katran practically does not stand out among sharks in speed or maneuverability. Like her thermophilic brothers, she constantly moves in clear water and is one of the main objects of capture for obtaining shark oil, which is produced from their liver.

Species name

The Katran shark belongs to the family of spiny sharks called Squalidae, the main characteristic feature of which is the presence of fairly sharp thin spines located in close proximity to the dorsal fins.

The body color is mostly dark gray, but there are white round spots on the back and sides, due to which this species was given the name - spotted spiny shark.

The skin is covered with small scales, so dense that its structure resembles emery. The teeth are small and arranged in several rows.

This shark is quite widespread, as a result of which it has received a large number of names, the most common of which are:

  • Squalus acanthias.
  • Spiny and blunt-nosed shark.
  • Shortfin and spotted shark.
  • Marigold.
  • Sea dog - the katran received this name for its ability to penetrate fishing nets, tearing them along with the caught fish.

Despite the variety of names, almost all of them are based on external features characteristic of this species.

Features of the catch

The Katran shark in the Black Sea (photo below) begins to react most actively to bait during the approaching autumn cold, when the water temperature off the coast drops to 20 degrees.

It readily bites on live bait, preferring sprat, sprat or small gobies, in the absence of which you can use a regular worm. In the morning the bite is usually weak, intensifying only in the middle of the day. Catran fishing from a boat at night, in bays with slow and clear water, is considered the most effective.


Katran is found almost everywhere, but it is most often caught in the Black Sea, where it is found all the way to the coastal zone. Most comfortable this type feels good in water areas with warm and temperate climate, but individual populations are found even in the northern seas.

Dimensions and Power Features

The Katran shark compares favorably with its dimensions among others predatory fish, being one of the largest species among the representatives of the Katranova family and quite small compared to killer whales or white sharks. For the most part, the size of the caught katrans does not exceed 1.5 m.

Her teeth are arranged in several rows, and if for any reason they wear down or fall out, new ones begin to grow in their place. Thanks to this feature, it literally grinds the food it catches.

If the hunt was unsuccessful, it can even eat algae. Katrans attack schools of fish in small groups, chasing them until they are completely saturated.

External data

I must say that characteristics The behavior and appearance of modern sharks are not much different from their predecessors who lived in the seas and oceans more than three hundred million years ago. The Katran shark, the photo of which is presented below, is typical predator, whose lifespan often does not exceed a quarter of a century.

The structure of her body resembles hers appearance a spindle ending in a multi-lobed tail. The muzzle is pointed, the mouth is located transversely, and in front of the two dorsal fins there are sharp spines covered with poisonous mucus, with which it can injure not only prey, but also humans.

Features of body structure

It is noteworthy that the katran does not have a swim bladder, and since their weight is much heavier than water, they must constantly be in motion, because they can stay on the water only as long as they move at least their tail, otherwise they simply drown. In addition, movement on high speed also serves as one of the main factors in their well-being, because only during it does a sufficient amount of oxygen enter the body through their gills. This shark is extremely difficult to take root outside. natural environment, since at the limited distances of aquariums it is very difficult to reach their inherent speed of 50 km/h.

In order to find out at what depth the Katran shark is found, you should carefully study the vital functions of this predator. For example, during the period when newborn sharks appear (late April - early May), females and males prefer to be at great depths - from 40 to 100 m.

An interesting fact is that these sharks are hunted not only by other, larger underwater predators, but also by seagulls, which pull small Katrans out of the water and then drop them from a height to the ground, where they die from the impact. After this, the seagulls calmly eat the prey.

Reproduction of katran

This type of shark is also notable for the fact that it is viviparous. After fertilization is completed, special capsules are formed in the female’s body, which contain up to 12 eggs, from which small sharks are eventually formed. After their length begins to exceed 20 cm, they leave the mother’s body and learn to hunt fry, mussels and small crustaceans. In this case, a female’s bearing babies can last from 1.5 to 2 years.

To provide babies with the most comfortable conditions For development, the water quaterns move to warm waters, closer to the shore.

The mating period of individuals lasts throughout the winter. Young individuals are considered mature enough for reproduction after their length reaches 1 m. Such dimensions are usually formed between the ages of 10-12 years.

Due to its extreme mobility associated with biological features, the Katran shark makes long migrations, constantly searching for more favorable feeding places. During the day he prefers to sink to the bottom, and at night he prefers to rise closer to the surface.

It is also noteworthy that the katran, like other sharks, has an extremely developed sense of smell and practically no nerve endings, due to which it almost does not feel pain.

Beneficial features

Katran meat has a significant percentage of fat content, while maintaining a delicate structure and pleasant taste, especially when smoked.

Katran fillet is often used in the manufacture of fish sticks, but the greatest value is not even the meat, but the liver, sometimes reaching up to 25% of the total mass bodies. It contains more than 70% fat, thanks to which the fish is kept on the surface without a swim bladder.

The Katran shark, the photo of which is presented in this article, when caught in industrial scale almost completely recycled. The fat contained in the liver is rich in vitamins A, E and D and is successfully used to obtain medicines. The skin is used as an abrasive on valuable wood, cartilage and fins are used to make glue, and the jaw is used to make impressive souvenirs.

Katran shark: preparation

The taste properties of this shark’s meat have been discovered a long time ago, and although the shark’s strong skin makes cutting it for cooking a very difficult task, katran has not yet lost its popularity.

To facilitate the process, it is customary to peel it off by dousing it with boiling water. Such preparatory measures significantly simplify the process, but they only work if the fish is fresh enough and has not had time to dry out.

Katrana shark dishes contain a large amount of useful substances due to the high content of vitamins. In addition, its meat has a unique taste, thanks to which it is highly valued throughout the world. Various dishes are prepared from this shark, in most cases boiling it and seasoning it with various sauces.

Another noteworthy fact is that, despite the way in which the katran shark is prepared, recipes for its preparation require certain knowledge. The point is that, since she lacks bladder, when removed from the water, all the specific liquid spills into the insides of the predator, which is why the meat of the katran acquires a specific taste.

In order to restore its original taste, cut fish must be washed with special care. big amount flow-through cold water or soak in milk. Another, no less effective, method is freezing, after which all foreign flavors disappear from the katran meat.

Despite the variety of cooking methods, the most delicious dish This shark is considered a roast, for the preparation of which it is customary to use exclusively young individuals.

Danger to humans

The katran treats humans quite passively at sea. Injury can only be caused by careless handling during fishing.

In addition to the prick on the dorsal spine, the main danger to people is the glands located at the base of the fins, which produce poison in small quantities.

Having learned that there are sharks in the Black Sea, they begin to splash around on the beach with fear. The stories that the imagination draws in the minds of vacationers are imposed by terrible legends and science fiction films about ferocious ocean predators. Katran, as our predator is called, is the friendliest and most well-mannered shark in the world’s oceans, and is absolutely safe for swimmers.
Katran has other names, which local residents awarded the Black Sea predator. Sea dog, prickly or dog shark, marigold - all these nicknames refer to the sea dogfish.

Shark appearance

Like most sharks, Katran has gray shade skins, belly white or grayish. On the back there are two well-defined fins with sharp spines at the bases. The tail is strong, equipped with a serious fin, for good maneuvering under water. The snout is pointed, at the end of which there are nostrils. The eyes are large with prominent pupils. The body shape and proportions are ideal for a sea hunter.
The usual size for the Black Sea Katran is 1.3 - 1.5 meters, with females being larger than males. The dogfish belongs to the class of cartilaginous fish, i.e. her body consists only of cartilage. Only strong and sharp teeth consist of bone tissue.
Katran's lifespan is about twenty years, although there have been cases of capture of more ancient relatives of the sea dog.


The Black Sea Katran prefers to live in cold water. Sharks spend most of their life at a depth of more than one hundred meters. Katran can approach the shores in case of danger or in the event of a rise in the level of hydrogen sulfide in various parts of the Black Sea.
The predator's favorite and main dish is horse mackerel, red mullet, anchovy, schools of which are hunted by small groups of sharks. There are legends that hungry dog ​​sharks attack dolphins. So far such facts have not been confirmed, because Dolphins are larger than sharks and are not inferior in speed to aggressive fish.
The female katran reaches sexual maturity at the age of 17; males are several years earlier and can start underwater romances. Marital courtship begins in the spring. The shark continues to bear fry for one and a half to two years.

Katran is an ovoviviparous creature; their embryos develop not in the placenta, but in special capsules with nutrient fluid. Little sharks are born immediately in an active state and are almost ready to adult life. The fry feed on shrimp and small fish, learning the habits of a predatory existence.

The Black Sea shark has long been valued not only for its taste qualities, but also for a unique skin. The structure of the katran skin is like dense and perfect sandpaper. Moreover, if you move your hand in one direction it will be silky, like velvet. Cabinetmakers polished their products with the skin of the Black Sea katran.

The second secret of the local shark is the ability to cook meat correctly. In order for the dish from a predatory animal to be a success, upon capture, you must immediately release the blood and separate the body from the head and tail. Otherwise, the meat will have an ammonia smell. It should be noted that shark meat is rich in protein and is very beneficial for the body.

The assertion that sharks are dangerous predators And ruthless killers. However, such a description does not apply to the Katran shark, which lives in and does not attack vacationers.

The Katran shark belongs to the order Katraniformes of the spiny (dog) shark family. Has a large distribution area in different seas The world's oceans, in particular the Black Sea. The shark tries to avoid water that is too warm or too cold. Usually the katran stays at a depth of 100-200 meters and near the shores, rising to the surface only at night. As a rule, fish do not migrate too far. In autumn, the migration of katran begins to areas of mass concentrations of horse mackerel and anchovy.

The Katran shark, also known as the spiny shark, is a medium-sized predator and the only shark in the Black Sea. Large sizes it is no different, its length varies from 70 to 125 centimeters. It is quite rare to find individuals measuring two meters in size. The average weight of the predator is 10-12 kilograms. Katran has a well-developed sense of smell, while the shark practically does not feel pain.

The Black Sea katran shark has the same external characteristics as the other representatives of its order: light coloring on the belly, dark coloring on the back and sides, slender spindle-shaped body structure, conical head with a sickle-shaped mouth. Distinctive external sign spiny sharks are the absence of an anal fin and nictitating membrane - the “third eyelid”.

Katran is a shark that does not pose a serious threat to human life. The only danger to humans is the possibility of being injured by the prickly fins of the fish. The special one that covers the skin of a shark is close in composition to teeth and bones. Thus, a shark’s scales consist of leathery plates that are adjacent to each other and form pointed peaks. The shark has sharp and poisonous spines covered with mucus, but the venom of the katran is far from fatal. Katran has small and multi-row sharp teeth that are renewed throughout life. They gradually fall out and are replaced by new ones.

Katran shark is large predator The main food of young Katran is small fish, fry and shrimp. For adult individuals, the favorite food is herring, cod, horse mackerel, as well as squid and even octopus. Katrana is quite long - 25 years. The spiny shark hunts in small schools, following concentrations of fish.

The Katran shark is a viviparous fish; females give birth to about 14 sharks, which appear fully formed and ready for independent existence. Their weight is 40-50 grams. By one year, baby sharks grow to 35 centimeters. Full puberty is reached between 13 and 17 years of age.

The Katran shark often creates trouble for fishermen, eating their catch and destroying gear, but does not attack vacationers. is a valuable commercial fish and useful product nutrition. Fish meat, liver and cartilage contain a large amount of valuable substances for the body that contribute to its recovery. Its meat, which has a pleasant taste and delicate texture, contains about 12% fat. Particularly valuable is fish liver, from which medicinal fat containing vitamins A and D is produced.

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