Holidays in April May. Beach holiday in April. Seven warm countries where you can have an inexpensive holiday in April

For each month we select our own list of holiday destinations abroad. We have compiled a special set of countries where you can fly on vacation for April. These are regions where it is warm, the sun is shining, you can sunbathe and swim in the hot sea. It is worth noting that the list of foreign places is also suitable for April: in most countries the climate in these two months is approximately the same. This applies to India (Goa), Cuba, Vietnam, and Bali.

Seven warm countries where you can have an inexpensive holiday in April

Whether you are traveling with children or alone, or looking for a family or youth resort, this material can inspire you to choose something unusual and suitable for you. Most destinations, especially Egypt or Cyprus, are really inexpensive and even cheap due to their popularity.

Cheap Egypt with children

Pyramids and Sphinx in Egypt accessible all year round. Photo by PercyGermany™ via Flickr

Egypt is known as a country with a developed tourism infrastructure. It is also suitable for family vacation, and for relaxing with friends. The price of decent last-minute tours drops to two hundred or three hundred dollars. In April, the windy season ends in Egypt and comfortable weather sets in, when it is not yet quite hot, but the water is already warm and suitable for swimming. The average air temperature in Hurghada at this time is 27 Celsius, water temperature is 23.

Thailand, where it's always hot

In April, Thailand is also an attractive travel destination. Photo by Philip Dehm from Flickr.

Thailand was also noted among the places. April every year becomes a tasty month for tourists: the season ends and prices go down sharply. We are talking not only about hotels, but also about air travel and even moped rentals. Our tips will help you save even more on your flight. In April in Thailand, the warmth is replaced by real heat - up to 35-36 degrees Celsius. If you can bear it calmly high humidity and temperature, your holiday on Samui, Koh Chang or Pattaya will be comfortable for you.

Warm sea in Tunisia

In April there are cloudy evenings in Sousse. Photo by johnmuk from Flickr

Tunisian coast Mediterranean Sea in April, perhaps, it has not yet warmed up enough to swim: the water temperature here usually does not rise above 16-17 degrees. However, the air warms up to 23-24 degrees, so an April holiday in Tunisia can be ideal for those who cannot stand the heat or just want to see the sights and look at the sea. At the same time, in mid-spring in Sousse, Monastir, Djerba and other Tunisian resorts it is quite possible to sunbathe, and hotel and bar staff have not yet gotten tired of the influx of tourists - helpfulness and attention are guaranteed.

Canary Islands in

Teresitas beach in Tenerife during sunset. Photo by maduroman from Flickr

The Canaries can be called islands of eternal spring: in spring, summer, and autumn, due to the peculiarities of ocean currents, it can be cooler here than in the same latitudes in other regions. However, in April, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and other islands are already warmer than in winter, and some tourists dare to swim in the ocean. In general, a spring trip to the Canary Islands, as in the case of Tunisia, is best used to explore numerous local attractions. The average air temperature here in April is about nineteen degrees Celsius.

Tan in the Emirates

April in Dubai is ideal for swimming. Photo by Teseum from Flickr

First of all, we are talking about Dubai - the main resort and their largest economic center. April is one of the months when the season is still in full swing, and the temperature is acceptable for swimming and excursions. On average, the air warms up here to 26-30 degrees, and the sun shines almost all day. Try a desert safari in jeeps, climb to the highest high building in the world, the Burj Khalifa tower, as well as local water parks, are a real haven for children. If you like shopping, duty-free Dubai will be at your service here too. With our help you can even.

Beach holidays in Morocco

Essaouira beach at sunset. Photo by Rol1000 from Flickr

The African state of Morocco is located opposite the Spanish Canary Islands, so the weather here is quite Canarian: the sea is for those who like to harden up (18-20 degrees Celsius), and the air and sun are for those who come to sunbathe. At the end of April, oranges and other flowers begin to bloom in Morocco. fruit trees, it's worth a look. Agadir, the main Moroccan resort, has the longest beach in the country, so there will be plenty of places to sunbathe under the West African sun.

Cheap holidays in Cyprus

Sunset on the coast of Cyprus. Photo by rigtor from Flickr

It is better to go to Cyprus in the second half of April, when the temperature rises and the sun has not yet scorched the spring greenery. This is the time when you will be able to appreciate the nature of the island along with the sights. sea ​​water in April it can hardly be called warm, but due to the low season, hotel prices will be lower, and rare tourists will get more attention. The air temperature reaches 25 degrees Celsius - an excellent opportunity to breathe sea air.

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The Mediterranean coast in April is very suitable for a beach holiday. The sea is still cold and rain is common. Significant advantages are relatively low prices and sparse crowds.

The beaches on the island of Tenerife are not only white, but also black - with volcanic sand, which is considered very healthy. However, the Canaries are famous not only for their beaches: there are many tropical forests and volcanoes, where excursions are conducted.


Not a bad choice for an April holiday. Mud and salt Dead Sea will heal the body, and a varied cultural program will treat the soul. Biblical places, a rock city, deserts and the Red Sea - all this awaits its admirers. Visit in Holy Week Jerusalem will give Israel an opportunity. The daytime temperature here is around 25 °C, the night temperature is not much lower.


In April, heavy rains begin here, the humidity is very high, so prices for trips to Thailand this month are significantly reduced. Traveling here in the spring is great option for those who have long wanted to visit Thailand, but put it off for financial reasons.


Egypt remains popular among Russians, despite political upheavals. The prices are low, the service is good, the flight is not far. The air temperature in Egypt in April approaches 30 °C, the sea is warm, and the cultural program is traditionally rich. When going to Egypt in April, you should carefully study the weather forecast and give preference to last-minute tours: the weather during this period is unstable, and although the sea and air warm up to comfortable temperatures, the winds that subside only in the second half of the month can cause a lot of trouble. For a holiday in Egypt, it is better to choose the second half of April.


The sea in Turkey in April is still cool, so a beach holiday here at this time is entertainment for the brave, but there are such people every year. True, here, even without the scorching sun, you can come up with a lot of interesting activities - for example, visiting cities, doing shopping, or choosing a program of excursions that you previously took in beach season, there was no time. In April it is cloudy and rainy weather, and the sea does not warm up to +18 °C.

Holidays in April in Russia

In Russia in April it is still too early to go to the beach, but there are many other interesting places. St. Petersburg, Golden Ring, Karelia, Kizhi - each of these places is beautiful in its own way. Whether to watch the sunrise on the Neva or admire the Suzdal churches - the choice is huge, it’s just a matter of personal preference.

If you still really want to go to the sea, then you should go to the Krasnodar Territory and the Caucasian Mineral Waters - they will also improve your health.

Not just the beach

In Europe at this time of year the weather is still cool - perfect for lovers of excursions. There is no sweltering heat and crowds of tourists, spring is just beginning. Spain, Portugal, Italy, Czech Republic, Estonia are waiting for tourists.

Holidays and festivals in April

In April we will see a series of exciting events around the world. Judge for yourself: on April 21 (and every third Saturday in July), the whole of Great Britain is buzzing and filled with beer, celebrating the birthday of its Queen Elizabeth II. The holiday begins with a walk royal family around the city, followed by a 21-round fireworks display that sounds at noon. On the same day, thousands of tourists flock to Rome - for City Day (Natale di Roma). On the birthday of the capital of Italy, a symbolic opening of the city gates takes place so that both residents of Rome and numerous tourists can enter them.

In April, another person of royal blood, and with her the whole country, celebrates her birthday. April 30 and Queen's Day in Holland. By this day, many Dutch people from all over the country arrive in Amsterdam using all types of transport. Moreover, in the clothes of each of them there is something orange - the color of the royal house of Orange-Nassau. The streets are decorated with everything possible: flags, garlands, posters, banners, ribbons, balloons- the main thing is that it is orange.

It’s no less fun throughout April in Istanbul, because on the 1st of the second month of spring the Tulip Festival (Istanbul Lale Festivali) starts in Constantinople. The festival includes exhibitions of tulips, paintings and panels of fresh flowers, flower shows and fairs.

In April you can have a great rest, visit colorful festivals, swim to your heart's content in the sea and get a great tan. To do this, you just need to know where to go on vacation in April so that your vacation is truly a success.

There are many places where you can have an active, fun and eventful holiday in the middle of spring

When in Russia it is still cold, rainy and damp, the resorts of Morocco open the season. At this time there are not many vacationers here; mainly during this period there are those who do not like the heat, but dream of getting a good tan and swimming.

Coastal waters Atlantic Ocean warm up to 18–20 degrees in early April, and the air temperature rises to 22. If this weather seems cold, you can book a hotel in Marrakech, where during this period the air will warm up to 24–26 degrees.

By mid-April, the situation on the beaches of Morocco has changed significantly: thanks to a noticeable increase in water temperature, even children are swimming.

To have a good rest at this time, it is not necessary to spend whole days on well-maintained beaches. You can do active recreation, namely:

  • parasailing;
  • windsurfing;
  • surfing;
  • diving and other outdoor activities.

All these advantages of holidays in Morocco, which also include:

  1. Nice budget.
  2. There is no need to apply for a visa: it is issued after arrival at the airport. Check out our website.
  3. Affordable food: food costs almost the same as in the European south.
  4. Inexpensive services.

The downside is the long flight.

Cuba: expensive and unusual

If you want drastic changes, you can move from the damp and still rather cool Russian weather to the tropical and unusual Cuba. Here you can plunge into another life: go on excursions to exotic attractions, communicate with local residents, make friends, buy a lot of souvenirs - your vacation will be unforgettable.

But the main thing that people are looking for in Cuba is beaches and a warm sea: both water and air warm up to a temperature of 27–32 degrees in April, here this time is considered the velvet season.

Temperatures day and night in Cuba

Thanks to the weather, you can stay out of the sea from morning until evening: swimming, banana boat rides, surfing, and scuba diving. It is difficult to list all the entertainment options. There is everything here for every budget, opportunity and taste.

The country's main resorts are located on the islands of Cayo Largo, Cayo Guillermo and Cayo Coco. Holiday destinations Holguin and Varadero are also considered very popular.

A trip to Cuba in April has several advantages:

  1. Suitable for family tourism.
  2. No visa required. Visa-free stay for Russians is no more than 90 days, for a longer period - .
  3. Low cost of products.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  1. Long flight.
  2. The tour will cost a tidy sum: for two people, for a 7-day stay in Cuba you will need to pay from 94,000 rubles.
  3. It will take time to acclimatize.

Maldives - heaven on earth

Thanks to the stunning weather in the Maldives, you can have a great holiday in April. Rain is very rare on all atolls, and the air temperature during this period remains around +28.

Average air and water temperatures in the Maldives by month

There are not many vacationers here: tours cost from 140,000 rubles, so not everyone can afford a trip to the Maldives. But, if such an opportunity arises, you should definitely take advantage of it: the money invested will be repaid with delightful impressions that will last a lifetime.

Advantages of a holiday in the Maldives in April at sea:

  1. after arrival, and the permit costs only $10.
  2. The holiday takes place on an all-inclusive basis.
  3. The water in the sea is always warm, warming up to 26–27 degrees.

On the paradise islands, vacation is truly heavenly: excellent service, proven over the years, green thickets of palm trees, snow-white sands, warm sea waters, ideal April weather (unlike summer and autumn)

Unfortunately, paradise also has its drawbacks: not only people fell in love with this place on earth, but also sharks and other similar creatures.

Therefore, no water activities are expected here. . No one wants to risk their life or the lives of tourists.

The cuisine also leaves much to be desired, although there are small cafes that serve good local dishes, but they are not for everyone.

Bali: fairyland

Indonesia is considered the most beautiful country in the South Asian region. For those who are looking for where to go in April to get away from the whole world, this is the most suitable option. Many tourists and migrants go to Bali to immerse themselves in the local creative atmosphere, full of relaxation, meditation, the sound of the ocean and amazingly clean air.

View of the coastline of Pandawa Beach resort

Benefits of holidays in Bali:

  1. No need to apply for a visa.
  2. Affordable price for food, unless, of course, you require exotic dishes.
  3. Hospitable and friendly people.
  4. Very beautiful nature.
  5. Heat: the water warms up to 28–29, and the air to 32–34 degrees.

Indicators average temperature on Bali

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Long flight.
  2. The price does not always correspond to the quality. This applies primarily to services.
  3. Due to the ebb and flow of the tides, the water in the sea is not always clean.
  4. Among local population There are also those who want to scam any foreigner out of money.

Hainan: an island of wonders and exotics

It is in the midst of spring that the peak demand for the Chinese island of Hainan comes. Doesn't happen here at this time strong winds, heavy rainfall, and the water temperature does not drop below 24 degrees, the air temperature - 27.

Beach holiday in April on Hainan Island is the best option for a family: there are places to go with children

River rafting, hikes to waterfalls, local aquariums and zoos, a wide excursion program - this is only a small part of the entertainment, intended also for school-age children.

The advantages of a holiday on Hainan Island include:

  1. Opportunity .
  2. Always good sunny weather and warm sea.
  3. The tourist infrastructure is well developed.
  4. Affordable tour price, from 70,000 rubles. For those who want to have an inexpensive holiday abroad, this is an excellent option.

Cons - expensive visa ($67).

Egypt: budget holidays

Already today, many of those who will be vacationing in April 2019 are thinking about a trip to Egypt. At this time, the weather in Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada is excellent: the air warms up to 30 and the water up to 25 degrees.

In addition to warm weather and well-developed infrastructure, the advantages of a holiday here include:

  1. Rich excursion program. Vacationers are offered to visit unique local attractions at any time of the day. In particular, at midday it is not as hot as in summer.
  2. Short flight.
  3. Opportunity to relax with children.
  4. . The cost of the service is $25. Find out on our website about.
  5. Affordable price. Tour price for two - from 45,000 rubles.

It is best to fly here not at the beginning, but in the middle or end of the month, when the likelihood of a sandstorm has passed

There are also disadvantages:

  1. Not all hotels have a good level of service.
  2. Local alcohol in hotels, as well as water, is of low quality.
  3. The food in hotels is not always tasty.

Tunisia: unique attractions

An April holiday in Tunisia does not yet include swimming in the sea: the water at this time warms up only to 17–18 degrees. Therefore, for those who want to splash around in the warm sea, it is best to choose another country for their holiday. But, if you want to visit this place in April, you can find a hotel to stay in that has a heated pool.

But it was in April that Tunisia - the best place holidays for those who love travel and excursions

Thanks to the comfortable temperature (about +20–22 degrees), you can visit numerous attractions, including museums, mosques, ancient cities, places where the film " star Wars", as well as the ruins of Carthage. Many people definitely try to visit the desert.

The advantages of a holiday in Tunisia include:

  1. Short flight. The journey will only take about four hours.
  2. Affordable price of tours. A week's vacation will cost from 34 thousand rubles. Check it out on our website.
  3. Wonderful beaches on the Mediterranean Sea.
  4. A huge amount of entertainment for children.
  5. Active nightlife.
  6. Rich excursion program.

Disadvantages of holidays in Tunisia:

  1. Hotel bases cannot be called good.
  2. Russians in Tunisia are treated worse than Europeans.

Tenerife: island of eternal spring

On the most popular beaches of Los Llanos de Aridane, Santa Cruz and others, the sea warms up to +19–20 degrees. The air temperature is very comfortable at this time of year - +21–25 °C, which allows you to visit numerous local attractions. You can go to the Masca gorge, Loro Parque, the Teide volcano and other interesting sites.

Picturesque landscapes, magnificent landscaped beaches, a variety of hikes and excursions - all this is offered by Tenerife to those who are looking for where to go to the sea in April

The advantages of a holiday here include the following:

  1. The presence of a direct non-stop flight, which has significantly reduced the price of tours.
  2. The majority of hotels have increased level comfort.
  3. Delicious food in hotels.
  4. Black sand beaches are a unique phenomenon. Under the bright rays of the sun it turns golden.
  5. Great shopping opportunities.

Watch the video: prices for food and restaurants in Tenerife.

The disadvantages include:
  1. Long flight: you will spend almost seven hours on the way.
  2. For those who prefer to relax without spending a lot of money, there are few options here: there are not too many hotels of the second and third star level.
  3. You will need to apply for a Schengen visa to Spain. There are usually no refusals, but not everyone wants to spend time collecting the necessary documents.

Tours for April 2019— where to go abroad in April 2019 for a beach holiday, where it’s warm and inexpensive? In Europe, April is off-season, so prices are lower than in summer. But swimming in the sea in Europe is still cold; the water will warm up only in June. Therefore, for a beach holiday, choose Asian, Atlantic destinations or the Middle East.

Tours in April 2019: how to save money

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Where to go on vacation in April: Thailand

Mid-spring is a fairly cold, rainy and damp time of year, but not everywhere. So, in Thailand, where you can go in April 2019, it is very dry, sunny and warm. April is the hottest month, and the marks on the thermometer depend on the region of the country. Maximums of +40 degrees are recorded in Bangkok. But in the popular resorts of Phuket, Phangan or Pattaya, the thermometers show up to +34 degrees.

The two seas washing this country, namely the Andaman and South China, deservedly bear the status of the warmest in April. Holidays on the coast of each of them have their own characteristics. So, in the Andaman Sea, which is part of the basin Indian Ocean, it’s good to rest until the end of April, because at the beginning of May, the hot sun is replaced by prolonged, heavy rains. The most popular resorts on the Andaman Sea coast, where to go in April for a beach holiday in 2019, include Phuket, Krabi and Khao Lak. Popular islands in the Gulf of Thailand include Koh Samui and Koh Chang, as well as Pattaya. The heat is easier to bear by the sea.

In April in Thailand you can enjoy not only a beach holiday, but also attend the annual Songkran festival - Thai New Year. For a whole week, Thais light thousands of lights, launch hundreds of fireworks, organize many concerts, colorful shows and other entertainment events. The spectacle is beautiful and memorable.

The beginning of April in Thailand is associated with the beginning of a hot period. And those who want to visit the country this month, but can’t stand the heat, are advised not to put off their visit, since in early April you can still find it cool and quite humid in the air. Every day the thermometers are inexorably creeping up.

It is impossible not to mention other advantages of holidaying at Thai resorts in April: a huge number of last-minute offers are constantly appearing, prices for hotel accommodation and vouchers are reduced.


Turkey is another destination where you can vacation abroad inexpensively in April 2019. Beach holidays in Turkey, according to statistics, are the most popular among Russians. In April, Türkiye is just getting ready to receive guests, since the tourist season has not yet begun. At this time, winter is spent here and sunny days not enough yet. The water temperature does not reach more than +21 degrees until the end of the month, the sun does not please with its warm rays, and it is cold at night. But prices for all-inclusive tours for April 2019 to Turkey start from 15,000 rubles.

For tourists who can't stand the heat, who want to relax by the pool and explore world-famous sights, a holiday in Turkey is ideal.

Despite the fact that Turkey cannot please its guests with the hot sun during this period, this is one of the most popular places to go abroad for a beach holiday in April 2019. There are quite a lot of tourists here in April. Vacationers are attracted by low prices for tours, comfortable temperature air within +20 degrees, budget shopping and a large selection of excursion offers. In addition, most hotels have heated pools on site and offer plenty of entertainment for guests to enjoy on cold days.

Where is the best place to go in April 2019: UAE

April in United Arab Emirates– this is a great time. Beach holidays, excursions, good hotels and a lot of entertainment - everything that awaits tourists. The air does not warm up more than +32 degrees, and the water temperature in the Gulf of Oman is +21 degrees, in the Persian Gulf +24+27 degrees. This is the best time for excursions, because with the onset of heat, long trips become too tiring.

It rarely rains in the UAE in April, but the country is often plunged into fog. For some, +32 degrees Celsius may seem too high, but such heat can be tolerated quite easily, given the air humidity at around 60%. There are a lot of tourists in the Emirates in mid-spring. Popular destinations where to go on a beach holiday in the UAE in April are Ajman, Fujairah, Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah. Most of tourists go to Dubai.

Where to go abroad in April 2019: Vietnam

If you are deciding where to go for a beach holiday in April, be sure to consider Vietnam. It is not much inferior to Thailand, and in some respects, on the contrary, even surpasses it. In April there are clean beaches, juicy fruits, and a beautiful sea. Therefore, this month can safely be considered the best time to relax on Vietnamese beaches.

The only problem - a large number of tourists who want to discover swimming season. The weather contributes to this in every possible way: the air temperature is +37 degrees, sunny, it rains extremely rarely, and the water temperature reaches 27 degrees.

As elsewhere, Vietnam has many regions that have their own characteristics. In Nha Trang, Phan Thiet and Mui Ne the high season continues in April, in Phu Quoc there is an intermediate period between high season and the rainy season. Phu Quoc is still just developing for tourists. There is the beauty of nature here - dense semi-jungles, tall spreading palm trees, beautiful waterfalls- all this can be found on the island. But the weather in this place likes to make surprises, although not often. And the locals love to throw garbage everywhere.

Where to go inexpensively in April without a passport: Black Sea

Resorts on the Black Sea coast are especially popular among our compatriots. But in April it is still cold here. Even in shallow water, the water does not warm up more than +23 degrees, and in April it never exceeds +11 degrees. Therefore, those who want to swim and get a beautiful tan this month will have to abandon this direction. But our domestic resorts are leaders among places where to go inexpensively to the seaside for treatment in April. The cheapest tours for April 2019 are sold here.

At this time, sanatoriums are open, and health procedures in which cost much less than during peak times. tourist season. Not the best time to visit the sights, but this does not stop some tourists.

Where to go in April inexpensively without a visa: Cyprus

When choosing a seaside holiday abroad in April, where it is warm and inexpensive, why not consider a European destination? Cyprus is a good option, where at this time it is still cold enough for sunbathing and swimming, but more than comfortable for excursions. Travel around in summer interesting places It will become unbearably hot. You can also swim in the heated pools on site or in the water park.

Cyprus is clean and beautiful in a European way, good service and a large selection of hotels. Officially, the beach season in Cyprus begins in May, when the water temperature is +23 degrees. In April, the sea is +21 degrees, the air temperature is +21+24 degrees.

Where you can go on vacation in April 2019: Tunisia

Tunisia in April is a cool but beautiful country. The water does not warm up by more than +16 degrees, but guests are offered a varied excursion program. Also popular here is the so-called all-inclusive hotel holiday. Prices in April are 1.5-2 times lower than in the season. In addition, at this time of year, a completely unique festival takes place here - the collection of citrus flowers in the small town of Nabeul.

Tourists are invited to see how the aromatic essence is extracted and are provided with it for tasting.

Where can you go abroad in April: Morocco

If you are deciding where to go on vacation in April at the seaside, then at this time the season begins at the resorts of Morocco. The beaches are not yet so densely dotted with tourists, the temperature of the coastal waters of the Atlantic Ocean reaches +18 degrees, and the air does not warm up by more than +20 degrees. If it is very cold for you, you can go to Marrakech, during this period it is approximately +24 degrees.

It rains here often and the nights are still quite cool. Therefore, when going to Morocco in April, it is recommended to take warm clothes with you. But in favor of these resorts, it is worth mentioning the huge number of attractions, and therefore passive relaxation on the beach can be combined with studying the history, traditions and culture of the country.

Where to go in April for a beach holiday at sea: Sri Lanka

April on the island of Sri Lanka is considered the end of the beach holiday season. Gradually, this paradise is absorbed by the southwest monsoon, the sea becomes choppy, and the waves intensify. After lunch, it is already difficult to find sunny weather, and air humidity increases significantly. However, for a holiday at sea it is good time, the sun is no longer hot and you can swim to your heart’s content, rather than hiding under umbrellas or in hotel rooms. The average water temperature is +26 degrees, air temperature up to +30.

Interestingly, the weather on different islands is very different. For example, in the resorts of the northeastern and east coast There is practically no wind because the area is surrounded by mountains. So Sri Lanka is not bad option, where you can go in April for a beach holiday in 2019.

Where to go in April, where it’s warm: Philippines

The Philippines isn't as popular as Thailand or Sri Lanka as an April holiday destination, but it does have great weather in April. The resorts are warm, the air warms up to +33 degrees, and the water is more like fresh milk. Tourists are invited to visit the caves, amazing beautiful nature reserves and waterfalls. You can see undersea world with diving and snorkeling classes available even for beginners.

Where to relax in April at sea: India

Air temperature +35, heat, drought and invigorating refreshing breeze - this is India in April. This is the ending holiday season in the country, the number of tourists is noticeably decreasing. The destination is popular among heat lovers, as well as those who like to attend all kinds of events that demonstrate the culture and customs of the country in all its glory. In mid-spring, Goa hosts amazingly beautiful carnivals and festivals.

Despite the sky-high thermometers, the heat in Goa is surprisingly well tolerated. Water temperature +29 degrees. Air humidity and a cool sea breeze make a beach holiday more comfortable, and the country is a good option where you can go on a beach holiday in April.

Where to go on holiday in April 2019: Bali

Bali, where you can go on vacation in April 2019, attracts tourists with its beautiful landscapes, clean beaches and sea. Tourists from Russia prefer the country Indonesia, which belongs to the South Asian region. There are many hotels here with an excellent level of service, developed infrastructure, and the weather is conducive to a comfortable stay.

April in Bali is the end of the off-season, and therefore this “Island of the Gods” is literally attacked by tourists from all over the world. The water temperature in the ocean reaches +26 degrees, air temperature +30 degrees.

But not only beach holidays are popular here. Tourists are offered exotic walks through the jungle, waterfalls, volcanoes and even the famous rice fields. For more active holidaymakers, surfing and diving lessons are offered.

Other destinations with all inclusive hotels

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic is popular among places to go abroad for a beach holiday in April 2019. At this time, a large number of tourists stay here, as in March and February. There are several reasons for this. In the Dominican Republic, hotels operate on an all-inclusive basis, and if in other countries with this system it is cold in April, then it is always warm here. Despite the fact that the rainy season has already begun, showers occur rarely, and mainly in the evenings. During the day it is still hot, there are no storms, the water is calm and conducive to diving. Tours in April at sea abroad in the Dominican Republic


When talking about a comfortable place where you can go on vacation at sea in April, it would not be fair not to mention Cuba. Popular tourist destinations at this time are Playa Esmeralda, Varadero, Guillermo. Tours to Cuba

The average water temperature is +27 degrees, tourists are offered excursions, including a visit to the dance festival in Havana.


Sunny weather lovers who are thinking about where to go in April, where it is warm abroad, will appreciate a holiday in Hainan. The most popular resorts among our tourists are Sanya and the bays of Dadonghai and Yalongwan. You can soak up the warm waters under the gentle rays of the sun, or you can visit the festival coconut or go to the Chinese Cultural Festival.

Guests can enjoy a Chinese lantern show, boat races, parades and many other interesting events.


The Holy Land and the sea are an interesting combination for those who are deciding where to go on holiday abroad in April 2019 to the sea, where it is warm. The sea here in April is still quite cool, but many tourists are already swimming. In addition, in Israel you can wonderfully celebrate the Easter holidays.

Tours to Israel will also be interesting for tourists with small children. Firstly, the flight is quite short. Secondly, in April there is no suffocating heat here, and hotels offer very comfortable conditions accommodation for its big and small guests.

Ideas where you can go on an inexpensive vacation by the sea in April 2020. Top destinations for a beach holiday in April and a selection of cheap air tickets to Europe.

South of Russia - from 6500 rub./person.

Quite cheaply in April 2020 you can fly on vacation to the South of Russia - on a package tour or on your own. Of course, it’s too early to open the swimming season on the Black Sea in April, but you don’t have to swim in the sea - just be nearby, listen to the sound of the waves and breathe fresh air enough already.

Olympic Stadium "Fisht" in Sochi (Photo © / @d_101)

Türkiye - 12,500 rub./person.

Is it possible to vacation abroad for just 25 thousand rubles? Of course, there are good old ones Turkish resorts! This is one of the most inexpensive options where you can relax at sea in April 2020.

Boat trip on the Bosphorus, Istanbul (Photo © / @reo)

Tunisia - 14,500 rub./person.

Another destination where you can go to the seaside relatively inexpensively in April 2020. You can have a great holiday in Tunisia if swimming is not your priority - the water is still cool (+17°C). It's clear warm weather without sweltering heat and stuffiness. In the south of the country it is +23...+24°С during the day, +15°С at night, in the north it is 2-3 degrees colder. Take a course of thalassotherapy, go on an excursion to the Sahara, see cave settlements and ancient buildings.

Zarzis is a southern resort in Tunisia, famous snow-white beaches. Located near Djerba. (Photo © / Zita Beach Resort)

Cyprus - 15,000 rub./person.

You can have an inexpensive holiday at sea in Cyprus in April 2020. Come to the island towards the end of the month: prices are low, there are few people, it’s warm. The water is still cold, but the weather is perfect for sunbathing, walks by the sea and excursions. Go see the Aphrodite Stone and the Tombs of the Kings in Paphos, visit mountain villages, temples and monasteries. Rent a car and explore the island.

Petra tou Romiou (Aphrodite's Rock) - sea cap in Paphos, Cyprus (Photo © disparkys /

Greece - 20,000 rub./person.

Acropolis of Athens (Photo © / @arthuryeti)

Spain - 28,500 rub./person.

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Photo © Louis Bordes /

Thailand - 31,000 rub./person.

In April 2020, you can fly to Thailand for a relatively inexpensive holiday! Tickets to luxury hotels are cheaper. We lived in Phuket in April and the first half of May and were pleased with our vacation: hotel prices are falling, and there are much fewer people at the resorts.

Jomtien Beach in Pattaya, Thailand (Photo © / Dusit Grand Condo View)

Here we talk about more expensive destinations that are better suited for a beach holiday in April.

China - 31,500 rub./person.

In April, a beach holiday on Hainan Island is possible in China. The weather there is truly summer: during the day +30°C, sea +27°C, no precipitation.

Tianya Haijiao Beach in Sanya (Photo © Mark爱生活 /

Israel - 36,000 rub./person.

Israel is another good destination where you can relax at sea in April 2020. Warm water on the Red Sea in Eilat and Ein Bokek on the Dead Sea.

Beach Village Beach in Eilat, Red Sea (Photo © / Ludvig14)

Sri Lanka - 43,000 rub./person.

Mirissa, Sri Lanka (Photo © / @ollivves)

Vietnam - 43,000 rub./person.

April in Vietnam is suitable for beach holidays, diving and excursions. Go to Dalat - high in the mountains it is cool and nice.

Kon Dao (Photo © khoibinh / / Licensed CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Mauritius - 88,000 rub./person.

Kite surfer on Le Morne beach, Mauritius (Photo © / @miroslava)

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