Who is Anastasia Melnikova's father? The daughter of Anastasia Melnikova and the son of Maria Mironova played the main characters in the military drama. Your parents' family was an example for you

Investigator Abdulova from "Cops" actress Anastasia MELNIKOVA: " Ex-husband did everything so that I left not only the theater but the profession. He even confiscated photographs from the acting department of Lenfilm. Thank you to God and fate for bringing me back to life and giving me the opportunity to work in “Ments”.

Nastenka Melnikova always seemed to be the only dark horse on the long “Street of Broken Lanterns.” Of course, I would like to unravel its secret.

Immediately after our long and frank conversation, it occurred to me that the fate of this amazing, subtle, intelligent, extremely well-mannered and sweet girl could become one of the most poignant episodes. Only not in “cops” anymore, but in an inexhaustible everyday film dedicated to the saddest women’s stories in the world.

Since childhood, I grew up in an imaginary world and had no friends.

Nastenka, admit it honestly, doesn’t it bother you that numerous interviews and invitations to creative meetings go mainly to the brave four “Cops”, while investigator Abdulova usually remains on the sidelines?

No, no, you imagined it. The guys and I share everything equally. It’s just that today I’m the only one from the film crew who also works in the theater. You understand that with such a busy schedule, it’s difficult to go on tour together with everyone.

Lieutenant Volkov, that is, Misha Trukhin, was asked from the theater for similar reasons....

At the Vera Komissarzhevskaya Theater, where I serve, the clouds are also gathering. So far, at the very least, I’m trying to sit on two chairs, but I feel that this cannot continue for long. I don’t have time to work purely physically in new productions, but what director would like that? In addition, all the “cops” participants recently signed a contract to film another 78 episodes, so the next three years will be extremely busy.

In general, on the stage, I am increasingly finishing my old performances. And what will happen next - time will tell.

How do young actresses react to your success in such a popular series?

Jealous, but this is an absolutely normal classic situation. You see, Nastya Abdulova is a character that any gifted and pretty girl could easily cope with. Accordingly, the question filled with indignation addressed to me: “Why, actually, she, and not me?” is completely justified and explainable. On the other hand, for this reason I have very few girlfriends. Since childhood, my friendships have been mainly with the opposite sex.

It turns out that you feel the curl in your skin.

Of course, but jealous irritation is characteristic not only of the servants of Melpomene. My grandparents, dad and mom - famous doctors. And I assure you, among them there have always been, are and will be intrigues, fainting from other people’s successes. As in any other research institute, in any academy, organization.

If your family consists entirely of hereditary doctors, what brought Nastya Melnikova to acting?

Parents always dreamed that their daughter would become serious medical workers, but, alas, I would never have turned out to be a doctor - at the mere sight of blood and a syringe, I always switched off. But the older brother, just like the late daddy (unfortunately, he left us seven years ago), became a famous oncologist surgeon in St. Petersburg. But the youngest also broke family tradition; he is a lawyer.

When you were a child, did your mom and dad take you to work with them?

When my older brother was 5 years old, my father brought him to his operation. And imagine, after its completion, the baby decided: “Daddy, I will only be an oncologist, like you.”

They tried to conduct a similar experiment with me. But....The parents then weighed everything, thought it over and came to the conclusion: since the child is not destined to become a doctor, then he must seriously study languages. I started learning English at the age of three. The fact is that our daddy was not only a scientist and a brilliant surgeon, but also the chairman of the Leningrad House of Scientists, which was located in the luxurious palace of Prince Vladimir. This is where I went to classes for many years in a row. Plus we have wonderful teachers at home.

To be honest, I received 90% of my education at home. She didn’t like school, and her mother always helped her daughter halfway in this matter. If I started whining in the morning, saying I didn’t want to go to class, she usually calmed me down: “Kitten, if you don’t want to, stay home.” And since I grew up sickly as a child, I got away with endless absences from classes. After all, when I came to school once a month, I managed to write tests and pass the exams with excellent marks.

How did the yard boys treat a spoiled girl from a professor's family?

I was almost never in the yard. The center of the universe was the dacha, where, in addition to my parents and brothers, to whom their friends often visited, there lived numerous cats and dogs: this was my world, and a rather closed one at that. But only in it did I feel comfortable and protected. She built a castle for herself, and never wanted to go beyond it for anything in the world. The fact that I managed to spend a significant period of my life in it became a real happiness, but then fate turned out far from being as rosy as I wanted and dreamed.

My parents always said: “Nastya, we don’t know what will happen next in your life, but we really want you to remember only the brightest and kindest days when you think about your childhood.” My childhood turned out to be truly fabulous, like that of a princess. I won’t lie, I grew up a spoiled child, but at the same time, my brothers and I knew the word “impossible” very well. To be honest, self-confidence, instilled almost in infancy, seriously helped in overcoming adult difficulties.

After the big one family scandal I entered the theater under the patronage

Were you prepared for them?

Certainly. Truly intelligent people are distinguished by the fact that they are worthy of proving themselves in the most difficult and unpredictable situations. I'll give just one example.

I was 14 years old when my parents first left for the south. They left us with a large household: an apartment, a dacha, cats, dogs. I did not despair, because I was counting on the help of a housekeeper and a nanny. And this had to happen - they both got sick the next day. But my brothers and animals need to be fed and the dogs need to be walked. It turned out that all the numerous worries fell on my shoulders.

The first days were very difficult. Every second I called my grandmother, raised the phone to the frying pan and asked if the cutlets were sizzling on the stove correctly, if the towel was washed properly. But already on the third day I got used to it. As it turned out, the parents specifically asked our assistants to “get sick” in order to unobtrusively bring their daughter closer and plunge her into an independent life.

There were a lot of similar situations. But thanks to them, today I am not afraid of any everyday problems.

The more I listen to you, the more perplexed I become.....How did they let you go into acting?

At the age of sixteen, I first learned that it turns out that daddy is also capable of screaming. I remember he called me into his office and asked which department of the Faculty of Philology his daughter decided to enroll in: Scandinavian or Italian, since I had already completely mastered French, German and English at that time. And imagine that a completely homely and very obedient child with two pigtails, with his eyes downcast, quietly babbles: “Daddy, I want to try to enter the theater school.” The father, apparently, decided that he had misheard: “Kitty, I’m asking what language do you intend to study in the future?” Well, when he finally realized everything, a scandal broke out in the house for the first time, this was expressed in the fact that dad raised his voice, and, hitting himself on the knee with a newspaper, promised: only over his corpse. And his mother spent a very long time calming him down.

Did she know about your decision?

No, it was a surprise for both of them. Moreover, to prepare me for entering the university, the best tutors have already been invited and special literature has been purchased. Dad was neutralized by Mom’s following arguments: “Don’t worry, she’s only 16 years old. If she wants, let her go to her theater school. But when she hits her face on the table there, she’ll quickly understand everything, and the next year she’ll go to university without being kicked.”

Luckily, I graduated from college, but fate decreed that I had to leave the profession, and for a long time.

A year and a half ago my husband left me

What happened?

I got married, and my husband the very next day after the wedding set a categorical condition: either he or my profession.

And you chose it?

Certainly. I am a deeply religious person, I was brought up in Orthodox family, accordingly, she got married once and for life. In general, I left the theater. True, it all ended even more tragically than I could have imagined.

I got into a serious car accident, was sick for a very long time, the situation was complicated by a terrible nervous breakdown. Naturally, I had no physical strength; I won’t say anything about the moral factor. That’s when the doctors explained to the husband: if he wants to see his wife normal and healthy person, should allow me to return to the profession, and at that time, without the theater, I literally melted before our eyes, died, lost the incentive to live. And this terrible injury...

Excuse me, what was your husband's profession?

Producer at Lenfilm. He worked as director of Agranovich's association, then with German. He occupied a fairly high position. Nevertheless, he blocked his wife’s path to the cinema. It got to the point that every single photograph of Anastasia Melnikova was confiscated from the acting department of the film studio. When his employees met me, everyone always lamented: “What a pity that you left the profession!”

Why was your spouse so uncompromising about your work?

Apparently, this is how her husband’s jealousy was expressed. In addition, he was a supporter of a patriarchal family, where the wife does not work, but is exclusively involved in the house. True, I entered graduate school, tried to teach, studied and worked in America for six months, wrote a dissertation on an American musical. Well, then I couldn’t stand it and returned to the theater.

Where is your husband now?

He left me a year and a half ago

Not reconciled with your choice?

You see, even though I then began to actively work, act in films, I don’t believe that this is what became main reason our breakup. When people truly love each other, when there is a strong family, you can come to a compromise.

Besides, I didn’t grow up white-handed. She was brought up in a homely family. Therefore, being in no way was disadvantaged - on the contrary, the whole homework I performed on the highest level. Every day I prepared a hot three-course lunch for my husband, which was served only on a snow-white tablecloth, with napkins, with flowers in a vase.... Everything was cleaned, washed, starched. Since childhood, I was taught that a home is a home, and warmth and comfort should reign in it.

Here's an example. Amazing ballerina Inna Borisovna Dubkovskaya, wife of Stanislav Petrovich Kuznetsov, whom I already talked about, prima ballerina of the Mariinsky Theater, but I have never seen such a beautiful and amazing house like theirs in St. Petersburg, perhaps in all of Russia. And this despite her being so busy! The example of Inna Borisovna confirms that in acting life, as in any other, combinations are possible without compromising order and comfort. There was simply a need for each other in the family of our friends.

But in my husband’s cell there was no such need. And the wife’s “wrong” job turned out to be nothing more than a beautiful excuse.

But at least he didn’t leave for another woman?

I don’t even know... Today this is no longer the case. Even if it sounds harsh, everything connected with this person is simply not interesting to me. I’m not one of those who are used to talking bad about people, but, unfortunately, I can’t say anything good!

Weren't you ready for a breakup?

Absolutely. But as time passes, I can conclude that our parting with him became real happiness for me. God forbid I should lay my whole life at the feet of a man who, by and large, turned out to have absolutely no need for me.

But today I'm doing well. There is what I dreamed of, the only thing I really miss is children. I really want a child! And no matter how much I idolize my work, I still remain a woman whose true purpose is to give birth and raise sons and daughters.

Nastenka, but everything is still ahead! What are our years?

Oh, there are so many of them!.. I want fewer (smiles sadly).

I do not believe.

Thank you, thank you very much, but unfortunately this is so...

When I came to the series, all the “cops” were already married

How did the “cops” find you?

As you understand, I didn’t act in films at all, because my husband was against it. And then one day my closest friend, costume designer Nadenka Vasilyeva, approached her friend Igor Moskvitin, who, as a director, already worked in the “cops,” and put in a good word for me. They say, give Nastya at least a cameo, otherwise she’s never even stood in front of a camera. Igor did not mind because he knew me well from theatrical works, and took “Operation Clean Hands” into the series. There, if you remember, Larin was investigating the leak of information from the department, and he handed out “secret” folders to all of us. According to the script, three intern boys were among the suspects. So, instead of one of them, They took a girl, that is, me. Initially, my hero’s name was Sasha Abdulov. But I treated this actor with such respect and reverence all my life!

In general, I became Nastya Abdulova. I starred in the episode, and after three episodes Igor invited me to work in the sequel.

Thanks to God, fate, Nadenka, Igor, because today I can no longer imagine life without the series and the fabulous men who surround me in it.

Do they take pity on you, cherish you, protect you?

Very much, and not only on the set. There is no such event, birthday, holiday, that the guys won’t be nearby. At my anniversary, they stood up and succinctly said: “Remember, Nastyusha: God forbid, something happens, there are always five men next to you. You can rely on us at any moment.” And this, you see, is worth a lot.

The most interesting thing is you know what? On set, I don’t look after them; I make tea, for example; they look after me. Well, tell me, who doesn’t want to go to work if every day you are greeted there with flowers? And this is what happens to me.

One day the shooting lasted until six in the morning, and I couldn’t stand it, I lay down in the car to rest. When the time came for the role, they carried me, sleeping, in their arms to the set, and, so as not to accidentally frighten me, they quietly whispered: “Don’t worry, sleep for another minute.” What can I say? This is not even a job, but a way of life, thoughts, existence. I will definitely die without it.

Are you guys spoiling you?

Every day they inspire me: “Nastyusha, get it on your nose: the queen is being played by her retinue.” - this saves me. Sometimes, for example, I don’t know how to approach a particular episode. They instantly feel confused, pick up the scene on the fly and as a result they pull me out. Although, of course, relations with some of them are closer, with others less so.

Who are you especially friendly with?

As a human being, Lesha Nilov understands me better.

You are the only and very impressive woman in a close-knit male kingdom. Does Nastya Melnikova really feel exclusively friendly attention from the “cop” side?

When I came into the picture, all the guys were already married, so a serious story was excluded here once and for all. Besides, no matter how amazing they are, they are still not my men.

However, I have never believed and never will believe in pure friendship between the stronger and weaker sex. If not a novel, then at least lung elements flirting must be present. Fortunately, we all seem to have passed this stage. And they remained true friends. But about Yuri Aleksandrovich Kuznetsov, who plays Fly Agaric, I can say loudly and to the whole country: “He is the father of my child!” I am incredibly grateful to him and my wife for the fact that in September last year this couple entrusted me with the sacred task of becoming godmother their daughters Sashenka. As you can see, our destinies are intertwined not only on the screen, but also in real life.

Nastenka, do you know all the “cop” wives?

Yes. We are on friendly terms.

Aren't they jealous of your husbands?

No. Because they know well what can usually be expected from a woman in such cases and what not.

The partner from "Spider School" hit me really, really hard. And then I couldn’t remember anything

You are always in great shape: graceful, fit...

- (almost crying) Oh, if you only knew how hard this is for me, how much effort it takes to look!..

After all, I have a mother in my body, and my father was of a very large build. Accordingly, the daughter inherited a predisposition to be overweight. If I try a tiny piece of cake in the evening, it means that by the morning I will definitely have extra kilos. But I'm resetting overweight long and painful. Therefore, I sit on a strict diet, constantly train, and in the theater I have my own big dance program.

It was recently reported that in one of the future episodes they will have to chase the heroine on alpine skiing. And now, as soon as there is a break between rehearsals, I rush up the hill and ride with pleasure.

Have you ever skied before?

Never! But in a week I mastered this science and I can proudly say that I recently rode for an entire hour without a single fall. Thanks to such walks, I am at least a little in the fresh air.

In one of the episodes, I think it was called “Spider School”, you fought masterfully. Were you also specially trained in self-defense techniques?

I have never been involved in fights, much less participated in them. But thanks to the American school, I always had good stretching.

For preparation, they invited professional security guards, who came to the theater every day and introduced me to the most important elements of the battle. These girls later starred in the film, but a very unpleasant story happened to one of them.

Before the take, we predicted a fight. You hit here, I hit here, and so on. And suddenly, when the camera turned on, something switched in the girl’s head, and she began to behave as if in front of her was not a partner, but a real enemy. She hit me very hard all over my body. The director yells at the top of his lungs: “Stop! She’s going to kill Nastya now!” - and the darling cameraman insists: “Wait, let me finish the shot. Everything turns out so naturally.” Unfortunately, this episode was not included in the film; when they tried to enlarge it, the girl, let alone repeat it, could not remember anything. As it turned out later, she was not in her right mind and was not fighting on purpose.

But such a loss of memory could well lead to a tragic result.

Still would! Taking photographs of my bruises, the make-up artist said: “Nastya, if I draw something like this, no one in life will believe in the reality of such bruises.”

My mother kept me soldered with Essentiale for a week. In addition, my partner hurt my liver so bad that I couldn’t eat at all for 10 days. But she lost a lot of weight.

Some kind of zombie...And how did she behave when her brains fell into place?

It’s normal, because I’ll repeat it again, the girl herself didn’t understand what she had done. She remembered absolutely nothing, so she calmly finished her episode.

Were such bloody scenes repeated?

Thank God no.

Your Nastya Abdulova is always tastefully and very elegantly dressed: suits, scarves, handkerchiefs. Do you come up with your own style?

Yes. And no matter how much they prove to me that such investigators do not exist, I will not agree. We often travel around the country, speaking to prosecutors and girls who are graduating from the Police School. And imagine, they all say “thank you” for the fact that at least at this film level the prestige of their difficult and thankless profession is rising. My heroine seems to convince me that nice, intelligent women work in the police.

I’m also often reproached, saying that by showing expensive outfits on the screen, I don’t think at all that given the real salary of an investigator, such a “fashion show” only irritates people. But my salary in the theater is also very small, however, I still have part-time jobs, and in some situations my parents and brothers help out. In a word, everything is like everyone else. It just seems to me that any woman can twist something, come up with something and still look her best.

Unfortunately, “Cops” is a low-budget film, little money is allocated for it, and it is impossible to dress all of us in a decent manner in the frame. Therefore, with very rare exceptions, I work only in my own things. But in any case, I definitely consult with the costume designer.

I am very afraid of loneliness. But for now, personal circumstances are developing as they are

In parallel with "Cops" you starred in "Agent national security" and "Gangster Petersburg". How did your colleagues react to such a "leftist"?

Absolutely normal. Because they themselves are afraid of being clichéd. I am, of course, proud of my investigator Abdulova, but I want other, more diverse roles. Therefore, I completely agree with Seryozha Selin, who, in response to a journalist’s question: “Do you consider the “cops” to be the peak of your career?” replied, “You’d have to be a complete idiot to decide: Dukalis is the limit of what I’m capable of.” Seryozha is an extremely gifted person, it’s just that circumstances have developed in such a way that he works in this particular film.

When the anniversary concert "Cops. Five Years Together" was filmed in the Kremlin, the stars Russian stage weren't they treating you arrogantly?

On the contrary, it is friendly and tactful. To be honest, I myself was afraid of their snobbery. But it turned out to be in vain. By the way, Pugachev and Kirkorov were especially shocked. They went on stage at 10 pm and had been rehearsing since four in the afternoon. Alla Borisovna was constantly nearby, was in our, so to speak, flow. All the time she came up with something, suggested, listened to ideas, argued, agreed.

I take my hat off to them. Well, it’s not even worth talking about Kolya Rastorguev and the Lyuba group. These are people very close to us, long-time friends.

Nastenka, and finally about your personal life today. The reader will not forgive if he does not know anything.

I bought an apartment in my mother's house. Next to me, thank God, there is a dear, beloved man, but marriage is out of the question for now. From the first attempt I got nothing but complete moral exhaustion. And while, apparently, she has not yet recovered from the shock she experienced, fresh strength to create new family I haven’t saved up.

Moreover, after the divorce I was left in extremely difficult financial situation, but I don’t know how to hang my debts on others and don’t want to. When I deal with all my problems, pay off my debts, feel solid ground under my feet and become free, I will happily get married and give birth to many children.

Believe me, like everyone else, I am terribly afraid of loneliness. But, alas, so far the circumstances are as they are. But I'm strong. Therefore, I will pull through and persevere.


Anastasia Melnikova is a famous Russian actress, which gained popularity thanks to crime series and detective films. “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Opera”, “Capercaillie”, “Liteiny, 4” - each of these television projects is probably well known to viewers. Filming in these films made our today's heroine a real queen of the detective genre. She was called the soul of Russian television series, and at the same time they noted the wonderful artistry of the actress, as well as her inner charisma.

Currently, Anastasia Melnikova is working on new projects. In 2013 and 2014, several new films with the participation of our today's heroine should be released on screens. Her career is reaching new heights. This means that the story about the life and fate of the actress will certainly not leave our readers indifferent.

Early years, childhood and family of Anastasia Melnikova

The future celebrity was born in Leningrad on September 19, 1969. Her parents worked in the field of medicine (surgery and oncology), and her distant ancestors belonged to an old merchant family. It is this fact that explains quite strange name the father of our today's heroine - Rurik.

Despite the advice of her parents, who recommended that their daughter think about a career in medicine, Anastasia Melnikova was not at all eager to continue family dynasty. IN early age she dreamed of becoming... a ballerina. After school she attended classes at specialized school, and in the evenings she collected newspaper clippings with photographs of her favorite dancers.

Trying to help his daughter realize her dream, the father of our today’s heroine once took her to see young dancers with the famous teacher of the Mariinsky Theater Yastrebova. However, little Nastya’s performance did not have any impact. I will accept the well-known special impression. Noting the proportions of the young dancer’s figure that were not suitable for ballet art, Yastrebova clearly made a verdict - Melnikova would not become a ballerina.

Such words greatly hurt the little girl, but at some point her father came to the rescue again. Trying to find a new bright hobby for his daughter, he took little Nastya to theater group classes. This is how Melnikova became acquainted with the profession that was destined to become her destiny in the future. Slave a new dream, in 1985, Anastasia Melnikova graduated from school and entered the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography. In this place she honed her acting in the classes of Veniamin Filshtinsky, who became her teacher and mentor.

Studying at LGITMiK was easy for Melnikova. She was praised by her teachers, and therefore it was not difficult for the actress to find a suitable place of work after graduating from university.

Life in America

At the beginning of her career, the girl performed at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater, but at some point this was not enough for our today’s heroine. Driven by the dream of a big stage, she bought a plane ticket and went to America. The young actress performed in the New World for several years. During this time, the actress managed to work with famous directors, gain experience and even debut on Broadway. Actually, musicals at that time were most her repertoire. However, at some point, a love interest forced me to return to Russia.

Anastasia Melnikova

For the sake of her first husband, Anastasia Melnikova left Broadway and returned to Russia. She was busy with cooking and arranging family life, but her long-standing love for acting still did not leave her. Ultimately, quite soon the actress’s marriage began to crack at the seams. Her husband left home, and her only escape from depression was work.

Melnikova returned to the profession and already in 1998 she received an unexpected offer to film in the upcoming project “Streets of Broken Lanterns.” There she worked together with Sergei Selin, Yuri Kuznetsov, Oscar Kuchera and many others.

Career of film actress Anastasia Melnikova, filmography

Filming in the sensational television series very soon brought Melnikova enormous success. She became a real star of Russian television, and her character became one of the most beloved in the entire project. Some magazines even rushed to dub Anastasia Melnikova the “sex symbol” of the entire project, but the actress herself strongly rejected such (albeit very flattering) labels.

Anastasia Melnikova about her first serious work on TV, politics, beauty and her beloved daughter

It is quite noteworthy that Melnikova’s heroine was initially supposed to become only an episodic character in the series. However, the actress’s convincing performance and her high ratings among television viewers made the producers think about a “female line” in the series.

Ultimately, Anastasia Melnikova stayed in the project until 2003, starring in all seasons of the famous television series. After this, there were also filming episodes of other detective projects (“Gangster Petersburg”, “Capercaillie”), as well as some other work. In the mid-2000s, our today’s heroine starred in the TV series “Idiot”, “Always Say Always 2” and some others.

In 2004, Anastasia Melnikova again appeared on the screens in the familiar company of operatives in the series “Opera. Chronicles of the Homicide Department,” in which she again played the role of Nastya Abdulova.

In 2007, our today’s heroine made her debut on television and as a presenter, presenting to the audience the programs “Dashing 90s” and “Private Visit of Anastasia Melnikova.” Looking ahead a little, we note that in 2009, as a TV presenter, the actress will work on another project - the “Plot” program, which will appear on Channel One (Russia).

Anastasia Melnikova now

For her contribution to the development of Russian cinema in 2007, Anastasia Melnikova received the title of Honored Artist of Russia. Remaining true to her profession, today she still acts in films, working on new projects. These include the latest seasons of the project “Liteiny, 4”, in the filming of which the actress has been participating since 2008, as well as the comedy “Twelve Months. New fairy tale" and "Bitter!", which should be released very soon.

Personal life of Anastasia Melnikova

As noted above, in the life of the actress there was one bad marriage. Anastasia Melnikova's first husband was producer Vyacheslav Telnov, with whom the actress lived for eight years. At the moment, our today's heroine is not married. Nothing is known about her new novels.

“If Masha doesn’t like the man who is caring for me, then we will never be a family,” the actress shared Anastasia Melnikova with 7D correspondents, whom she invited to her daughter Masha’s birthday.

- Nastya, you now live in a frantic rhythm: filming, performances, social activity. Don't you want to stop a little and think about life?

Photo: Yulia Kurbatova Photo: Andrey Fedechko

Naturally, I would like to, especially since Masha constantly talks about a full family with many, many children. She adores children and is ready to do anything as long as they let her hold the baby and play with it. I would like another girl, and Masha only wants a boy. Therefore, he suggests that I immediately give birth to twins or triplets. (Laughs.)

- Did you explain to Masha that children are born from love, that there should be a man in the house?

Masha understands that without dad there will be no children in the house. And we have an agreement: as soon as my mother gets married, we will immediately return to this conversation. And for this reason, she is ready to endure a person who is a stranger to her at first. One day she told me: “Mom, you understand, I’m afraid. I really want you to get married so that we can have a complete family. Yes, it will be very difficult for me, because I was the only beloved creature for you, and so I will have to share you with someone.”

And I am very happy that the baby is so open with me. Now there is just a little bit left: for me to decide to get married. (Smiles.)

- Aren’t you afraid that Masha won’t like any of your fans?

Not at all. My mother always told me: “The second you give birth to a child, you stop living for yourself, you live only for him.” I was raised in such a way. I belong to Masha to the core, with all my soul and heart. If she doesn't like the man who is courting me, then we will never be a family. I'm sure. And how can I be happy knowing that my baby is suffering?! A man who loves me must first of all inspire Mashenka’s trust.

// Photo: Interpress / PhotoXPress.ru

46-year-old Honored Artist and Deputy of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg Anastasia Melnikova is raising her 13-year-old daughter Maria alone and is in no hurry to get married again. Fans of the actress are perplexed, they say, what is the reason that the beautiful and talented Anastasia has not yet found a life partner.

On the NTV channel’s “Mirror for a Hero” program, Melnikova spoke about the reasons for her loneliness. As it turns out, the star’s attitude is rather forced, but it doesn’t bother her at all. For Anastasia, not only her personal life is important, but also the happiness of her daughter. Maria asked her famous mother to postpone her new marriage, as it would be difficult for the girl to accept her new dad. The reason lies in the difficult age of the heiress Melnikova.

Anastasia Melnikova on the air of the program “Mirror for a Hero” // Photo: Program frame

“It’s not that I think there isn’t a person in the world worthy of me. It’s just that today the circumstances are such that my daughter is in adolescence. Masha asked me to wait a little. When she was little, she was ready to accept the person I would love. And I understand that having given birth to a child not for myself, but for him to feel good, I must wait. We have a clear agreement that until the age of 18 I belong to her,” Melnikova answered reporters when asked why she was in no hurry to tie the knot.

According to the actress, her decision is completely justified. Melnikova says that she is unlikely to be happy if her child experiences different emotions. The actress calls this “the price of the issue.”

Let us recall that Anastasia Melnikova was married to film producer Vyacheslav Telnov from 1990 to 1998. In 2002, the actress gave birth to a daughter, Maria. The star prefers not to talk about the father of the child. It is only known that he broke up with Anastasia when she was five months pregnant.

Melnikova is very happy about the birth of an heiress, and treats her as a gift from fate. The actress says that Maria is doing great at school, takes additional lessons English and is involved in dancing, as well as tennis, horse riding and swimming. Melnikova does not force her daughter to enroll in different clubs - the girl does it herself, since by her nature she is very active and inquisitive.

// Photo: Anataly Lomokhov / Legion-Media

Filming of the new film “Barge 752” is in full swing in St. Petersburg. The plot of the film centers on the crash on Lake Ladoga, which occurred in 1941 during the evacuation from besieged Leningrad. The film directed by Alexei Kozlov stars Andrei Udalov, Gela Meskhi and Anastasia Melnikova. The main role will be played by the 15-year-old daughter of the star of the series “Streets of Broken Lights” Masha. The drama is expected to be released in 2019.

In a recent interview, Anastasia Melnikova spoke about how she reacted to the work of the heiress. The actress admitted that she had a dispute with the director of the film.

“When director Alexey Kozlov proposed to Masha main role, I immediately said that I abdicate all responsibility, since I think that she is still small and may not be able to handle it. “You don’t believe in your daughter,” the director shouted to me. I told him that I believe in my daughter. She's just still small. And the role in this difficult war film is very important and big,” said Melnikova.

Anastasia added that the film will be shot for several years. The actress regards this circumstance as positive. “This time will provide an opportunity to see how the war changed the main character in just one day,” says the celebrity.

According to Melnikova, her daughter dreams of becoming an actress. After the girl starred in Yeralash, that’s all she talks about.

“Masha is still in tenth grade, but I have a feeling that it will be Mokhovaya. She is amazing! This is not my opinion, this is the opinion of the teachers and directors who work with her,” noted Anastasia.

It is not so important for the actress herself what profession her daughter chooses. Anastasia believes that the main thing is to grow up as a “decent, kind, sensitive, educated” person. According to Melnikova, Masha wants to get two degrees at once - acting and journalism. “She saw what happened to me when I sat without a professional work", the publication quotes the celebrity "Petersburg Diary".

Anastasia Melnikova's daughter Masha was born on July 24, 2002. The actress does not like to talk about the child's father. In her interviews, the star mentioned that the man left her in the fifth month of pregnancy. As a result, Melnikova raised the heiress alone. Anastasia put a lot of effort into making sure the girl didn’t need anything. It is known that Masha is an excellent student at school and plays sports, including tennis and swimming.

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