Postcards for St. Natalia's Day, September 8. Tomorrow we celebrate a beautiful, magical and wonderful Christian holiday - St. Natalia's Day! Congratulations on Natalia's name day

Once upon a time this beautiful name was very popular and stood in first place next to a name like Elena. Today, however, it is significantly losing ground, which is certainly regrettable. Few people think about its translation, which sounds very delightful. Natalia's Day is celebrated on September 8, the history of this holiday is extraordinary, but more on that later. So, Natalia (or Natalia) is a Russian name that has Latin roots from natalis (native), and was formed during the beginning of the revival of Christianity. The modern version of the meaning of the name is “blessed, Christmas, born at Christmas.” On Natalya's day (September 8), her pious husband Adrian is usually remembered. Their life story is quite interesting.

Natalia's Day September 8: photo of the saint and history of holiness

The couple lived around the beginning of the fourth century in the city of Nicodemus (Bithynian region), Adrian was a real pagan and was in the official service of the emperor Makimian Galerius himself (reign from 305 to 311), who was a fierce persecutor of Christians. Adrian's wife, Natalya, was Not far from their city, in a cave, several dozen Christians hid from Roman soldiers, who were then caught, brutally tortured and sacrificed to the pagan gods.

Holy Martyrs

Adrian witnessed all these terrible tortures. He was surprised by how much patience and with a smile on their lips the prisoners endured all the abuse and torture. Under this impression, Adrian asked them about God. And during this conversation, the grace of God touched him kind soul, and suddenly he realized the divine truth. Then Adrian told the scribes to write down his name next to these Christian martyrs, because he also wants to become one of them and is also ready to die for Christ. Then the guards threw him into prison and put him in chains. At that time he was 28 years old.

Natalia - martyr

When Natalia learned this news about her husband, she was filled with joy and immediately hurried to his prison, began kissing his chains, encouraging him and telling him about eternal bliss in the Kingdom of Heaven. She also asked him, when he appeared before the Lord, to beg Him that she too would have the same great fate, so that later in blissful eternity they would never be separated.

When the death sentence was announced to the prisoners, Adrian was sent home to notify his wife about it. Natalia, seeing her husband returning home, was frightened and thought that he had renounced Christ and did not open the door of the house to him. Then he again returned to the executioners, who took him and other Christians out and put him to a terrible martyrdom. But before that, their arms and legs were broken. Saint Adrian died along with other Christian martyrs in 304.

Saint Adrian

He joyfully surrendered his soul to his Lord. When their bodies soon began to be burned in a special oven, it went out and heavy thunderstorm and lightning flashed, which, as retribution for sinners, killed several executioners.

Then, since Natalya was young, rich and beautiful, the commander of a thousand wanted to marry her. She could not imagine this and began to pray for death. One day, her husband Adrian appeared to her in a dream, warning her that she would soon be with him. Some time later she died on her husband's coffin. With her mental suffering, she also deserved the crown of martyrdom.

On Natalya's day, September 8 (August 26), her husband, blessed Adrian, is also honored. The holy relics of Natalia are located in Milan in the Basilica.

Now Orthodox people pray to these martyrs for happy marriage. It was with this icon that Catherine II blessed her son for marriage.


Since September 8 is Natalya's day, signs on this day are especially revered, because in the old days the day of Adrian and Natalya was also called Fescue Day and, according to tradition, on this day they began to mow oats, and then the housewives cooked jelly from it and baked pancakes. Oatmeal was mixed with sour milk or water with honey, and the following words were said: “Natalya is carrying an oatmeal pancake, and Adrian is carrying oatmeal in a pot.”

Then the housewives treated these dishes to those workers who brought the first sheaf of oats. It was placed in the huts under the images. And then, having tasted the treats, the workers stood up and, thanking the owners, went to work in the fields.

According to signs, if on Natalia’s day, September 8, the morning was cold, then one should expect the onset of early winter. If birch trees have not fallen, we must also prepare for harsh winter. Or if the crows are sitting with their heads not in one direction, the weather on that day will be calm, but if they are sitting close to a tree trunk and their heads are in the same direction, we must wait for windy weather.

On Natalya's day (September 8), the morning can be very cool, since by that time the days have already shortened by about three hours. People said that Peter and Paul (July 12) reduced the hour, the prophet Elijah (August 2) dragged two, but Andrian and Natalya dragged three.

Natalya's Day - September 8: congratulations

Since our Orthodox people love all kinds of Christmastide and festivities, then, apparently, they also celebrate this day in a special way. And, of course, any representative of this name expects congratulations on Natalia’s Day, September 8th. They can be expressed in different forms, but sound best in beautiful and wise poems.

One poet wrote very interesting lines: “And I love Natalya’s day, may Tatyana forgive me...”. The classics have their own memories associated with this fatal name. While still lying in bed in lace, she was already accepting congratulations from the very morning. Her relatives and friends, one after another, brought congratulations to her: some a velvet box with jewelry, some a bonbonniere with chocolates, and some with a tray of congratulatory business cards.

Leo Tolstoy also created a captivating image of Natasha in his great work War and Peace. Yes, it seems like just a name, but how much it carries in itself - your head will spin!

In the old days, daughters were often given such a beautiful name as Natalya. This name was as common as the name Elena. These days, unfortunately, given name does not have such popularity. Few people have wondered what the name Natalya means? Natalia's day is set on September 8th, the appearance of this day of remembrance is quite unusual, but we will return to this a little later. The name Natalia (or Natalia) is a Russian name that has Latin origins from natalis (close), and it appeared during the spread of Orthodoxy. In our time, the name Natalya means “blessed, Bethlehem, who appeared at Christmas.” On the day of the angel Natalia (September 8), it is customary to honor her righteous husband Adrian. Their life story is quite interesting.

Natalia's Day September 8: photo of the saint and history of holiness

This married couple lived at the beginning of the fourth century in Asia Minor in the great and populous city of Nicomedia, which was located on the banks of Sea of ​​Marmara. Natalya was married to a very rich young man, he held a prestigious position in the Court of Justice, and his name was Adrian. Andrian was twenty-eight years old, and he worshiped idols - he attended cathedrals and made sacrifices to pagan deities. However, Natalya, in turn, secretly professed Christianity. A year after they got married, Christian believers began to be oppressed in Nicodemus, and this city was visited by King Maximian Galerius (305-311), who fiercely despised the Christian faith. After this, a real hunt was announced for Christian believers. And on top of everything else they promised to give monetary reward to the one who betrays Christians. Christian believers were handed over, betrayed and publicly executed. And during one of these slander, punitive forces arrested more than twenty people of the Christian faith who were hiding in the caves of Nicodemus.

Holy Martyrs

These people were tortured and tortured, and ordered to make sacrifices to idols, but the Christians did not agree. Afterwards, the prisoners were brought to the Trial Chamber to begin interrogation. The judicial chamber was headed by Andrian, Natalia’s husband. Andrian looked in amazement at the steadfastness and courage with which these people endured all the torment for their religion. And Andrian asked Christians what reward awaits them from the true Lord for these sufferings? And the captives answered: This reward is beyond description, and the human mind cannot understand it. And suddenly, as if the Holy Spirit overshadowed Adrian, he then told his workers to formalize him as a man of the Christian faith, who is also not afraid to die for Jesus. This incident was immediately reported to the king, who immediately ordered Andrian to be brought in. The Emperor asked whether he had lost his mind? Andrian said that he did not lose, but rather became enlightened.

Natalia - martyr

After which the king gave the order to put shackles on Andrian and put him in prison. When they told Natalya about this, her heart was filled with deep happiness from the realization that her husband had turned to Christ, and now Adrian was given a wreath of passion. Natalya immediately went to her husband in prison and began to kiss his hands and support her husband with a story about eternal joy and asked him that when he saw the Almighty in front of him, he asked Him to send her the same fate. During the day, when the Monk Natalya was at home, under the responsibility of other Christian sufferers, Adrian was allowed to go home and tell his wife when the execution would take place. Saint Natalia thought in fear that her husband had broken down and betrayed Christ, and therefore Adrian was released from prison. And therefore Saint Natalya did not want to open the door for him, but her husband was able to convince her that he was released only so that he could tell her about the day of his execution. When the time for execution came, Christian believers began to be taken out of the dungeon. They had to go through terrible mortal torture - all their arms and legs were to be broken at the forge. Saint Natalya herself approached the executioners and asked that Andrian be led to execution first. Natalya was worried that Andrian would not be able to stand it during the execution of the remaining Christians and would renounce Christ. However, righteous Andrian endured, and then his righteous wife took him to the forge.

Saint Adrian

After the anvil, the mutilated bodies of the righteous sufferers were ordered to be put on fire, but suddenly it began to rain, and the lit stove for the Christian martyrs was immediately extinguished, and the punishers who were near the stove were struck by lightning. Reverend Natalya remained next to her husband until the very end, until Adrian gave up his soul to the Almighty. After which Natalya took Andrian’s hand and brought it home. The young widow prayed that her husband read his first prayer before the Almighty so that she could not be forcibly married to a foreigner. But after a little time, the governor of the thousandth platoon asked the emperor to marry the rich and beautiful widow Natalya, but Natalya fled to Byzantium. In Byzantium, she dreamed of her husband, who told her that the Lord would soon call her. And the Almighty actually had mercy, after she experienced such painful spiritual torment, in a Byzantine house Saint Natalia died while sleeping next to the coffin of her husband, whose corpse was brought by Christian believers. The Lord granted the Reverend Natalia a non-violent, suffering crown, and she followed her husband to Heavenly Paradise. And her remains are now kept in Milan in the temple of St. Lawrence, and the remains of her saintly husband are in Rome, in the cathedral built in honor of him. On Natalia’s memorial day, September 8th (August twenty-sixth), her holy husband Adrian is also mentioned. IN modern world Christian believers offer prayer requests to Natalia and Andrian for family happiness. It is known that Empress Catherine II blessed her heir for marriage with such a holy face.

The holy face of God's servant Natalia, what helps

The righteous Natalya is depicted on the miraculous face; she experienced severe internal torment. Saint Natalia is constantly depicted wearing a white stole of suffering. In one hand of the Saint there is a cross, which personifies the self-sacrifice of the righteous woman. In some cases, Saint Natalia is depicted holding a parchment in her other hand, or she presses it to her chest. The robe of the Christian martyr is constantly depicted in red tones, as a symbol of unbending faith and the torment experienced in her honor.

It is very rare to find a holy image of the Great Martyr Natalia, in which she is depicted in full growth.

In almost all Christian churches the divine face of the “Great Martyr Natalia” is kept, this face has great importance for married couples. Saint Natalia suffered great torment during the execution of her husband. Natalya never left her husband for a minute; she was next to him both mentally and financially. She was present during the execution and left only when her husband gave his soul to God.

In what cases are prayers offered to Saint Natalia:

about giving happiness in the family;

about harmony and fidelity in family union;

about husbands who are in custody or in prison.

Recommended to all girls named Natalya He often prays to his protectress for protection and grace. It is also advised to purchase a miraculous icon for home, or to go to the temple and pray before the face of the Saint. On the day of remembrance of the righteous Natalia, you need to light a candle near her face and say a prayer. To do this, it is advised to say the prayer of Saint Natalia of Nicomedia. Prayers are also offered to Natalya and Andrian for husbands who have gotten into any kind of trouble or have encountered obstacles in the legal sphere of life. The first prayer to the great martyrs sounds like this: “Oh, holy martyrs Adrian and Natalya! Heed our request, servants of God...” The second prayer: “Oh, God’s servant Natalya, you have become famous on earth for your glorious deed...”. Troparion, tone 4: “Thy great martyrs, O Most High, wear wreaths in their torments...” Kontakion, tone 4: “The God-wise holy words of the spouses...”. Prayer request: “Ask the Almighty for me, holy saint of the Lord (name)…”. Prayer to the Great Martyrs Adrian and Natalia for family happiness: “Oh, divine couple, holy messengers of the Lord, Adrian and Natalia...”


Because the eighth of September is considered the day of remembrance of Natalya, special significance is attached to the signs on such a day, because in ancient times the day of remembrance of Adrian and Natalya was popularly named Ovsyanitsa and, according to established custom, the harvesting of oats began on this day, and then the women from the oats made jelly and baked pancakes. The dough was made from sour milk or water with honey, and while kneading they said the following phrase: “Natalya is bringing oatmeal pancakes, and Adrian is bringing dough in a pot.” Then, with such treats, the women honored those collective farmers who brought the very first bunch of oats. It was placed near the home iconostasis under the icons. And then, having tasted such gifts, the guests left, thanked the hostesses, and returned to work in the fields. Our ancestors noted that if there were frosts in the morning on this day, September 8th, then winter would be early. We also observed the leaves of oak and birch; when they still have leaves, it means we had to wait very long cold winter. And also when crows sit on the branches with their heads not turned in one direction, then this day promises to be windless, and if they huddle close to the tree trunk and their heads are turned in one direction, then it will be a windy day; they sit close to the tree trunk. On Natalia's Day (September 8th) the morning is almost always quite cold, because at this time the day has already shortened by about three hours. In ancient times, they said that Peter and Paul (on the twelfth of July) decreased by an hour, the seer Ilya (on the second of August) decreased by two, and as for Andrian and Natalya, they decreased by three.

Natalia's Day - September 8: congratulations

Because Christian believers like holidays and celebrations of any kind, they have also celebrated this holiday with special reverence since ancient times. And, undoubtedly, every bearer of this beautiful name awaits wishes on Natalia's memorial day, September 8th. Congratulations can be expressed in different types, however, they are best presented in the form of beautiful and educational poems. One of Natasha’s poets dedicated quite remarkable stanzas: “And Natalya’s day is so dear to me, let Tatyana not be offended...”. With such a wonderful name, poets have their own stories. For example, Pushkin’s wife, while still in the box in her night attire, with early morning I was waiting for gifts. Her relatives and friends, one after another, brought her gifts: some a small box with a necklace, some a bonbonniere with chocolate sweets, and some a whole tray with greeting cards. Leo Tolstoy also conveyed Natalia's charming face in his great work War and Peace. And it seems like an ordinary name, but how much is hidden in it - your head is spinning!

On September 8, 2018, Natalya’s day, it is worth congratulating all women who bear the name Natalya. Russian name has Latin roots and is translated as “native”. Modern translation name - “blessed, Christmas, born on Christmas.” In addition to Saint Natalia, Adrian, who was her husband, is also remembered on September 8.

Saint Natalia and Adrian went down in history as deeply religious Christians.

Adrian, having converted to Christianity, gave his life for his faith in Christ.

Natalya, having learned about her husband’s choice, supported him in every possible way.

Therefore, the married couple went down in history as an example of understanding and love in family life.

Today, Natalia and Andrian pray at the holy face, asking for a happy marriage.

Short poems for congratulations on Angel's Day on Natalya's Day

The family will be happy forever,

In love, hope and care.

On the Day of St. Natalia Ovsyanitsa
Let your heart be filled with faith,
I wish you a pleasant holiday
And fragrant treats on the table!

You are Saint Natalia candles
There are bright lights in the temple,
Let her strengthen my faith
And he will protect us from troubles.

You are Saint Natalia candles
There are bright lights in the temple,
Let her strengthen my faith
And he will protect us from troubles.

The family will be happy forever,
Prosperity multiplies in your work.
So that every day is perfect,
In love, hope and care.

Folk signs on Natalya's Day, September 8

On Natalya's day, September 8, people pay attention to signs Special attention, after all, today is considered Fescue Day - the beginning of mowing oats. Housewives, as a rule, prepared jelly and pancakes from the first harvest.

Oatmeal was mixed with sour milk or water with honey, and this dish was treated to those who brought the first sheaf of oats into the house. This sheaf was placed near the icon, they tasted the treat and again went to the field for the harvest.

If it's morning today It will be cold - you should wait for early winter. If the sitting crows are looking in different directions, the weather that day will be calm, but if the birds are close to the tree trunk and directed in one direction, you should be wary of the wind.

Congratulate beautifully. September 8th is NATALIA'S DAY! Original and very beautiful congratulations Happy Angel Natalia Day! Natalia's day is September 8th. Orthodoxy honors the memory of the Holy Great Martyr Natalia Ovsyanitsa and her husband Adrian on September 8. Natalia has been a Christian since childhood. Adrian, being a pagan, was amazed at the courage with which ordinary Christians endured torment and trials for their faith, and soon he himself decided to convert to Christianity. However, he was captured and through cruel torture they tried to force him to abandon this. Natalia was with her husband until his death, encouraging, supporting and strengthening his holy faith in every possible way. After his death, she hid in Byzantium to avoid a forced marriage with the commander of the emperor’s army and, having endured much suffering, died on the coffin of her husband, which was carried to Byzantium by believers. From Natalia's Day in Rus' they began to mow oats, the first sheaf was always placed in the red corner of the hut, the horses were fed plenty of oats and various tasty treats were prepared from it. Any representative of this name expects congratulations on Natalya’s day, September 8th. They can be expressed in different forms, but they sound best in beautiful and wise poems. One poet wrote very interesting lines: “And I love Natalya’s day, may Tatyana forgive me...”. The classics have their own memories associated with this fatal name. Pushkin's wife, still lying in bed in lace, was already accepting congratulations from the very morning. Her relatives and friends, one after another, brought congratulations to her: some a velvet box with jewelry, some a bonbonniere with chocolates, and some a tray with congratulatory business cards. Many of us consider the birthday to be the main holiday, giving the day of the angel a secondary role. This is not entirely correct, because not only the birth is a special event. A person goes through life with a certain name, which contains its own energy and strength. She has big influence on his fate and character. That is why congratulating a person on Angel Day is no less important. This will show you exclusively with the best side, because only an attentive and sensitive person will pay attention to such a seemingly trifle. September 8 is Natalia's day, which means that all owners of this name expect the most best congratulations on this date. Natalya, there is so much Desire, affection, warmth, love in your name! On your name day - on the day of such a holiday, I wish that your dreams come true. Autumn time walks through our door, the leaves are about to fly from the treetops. But this beautiful day is yours, believe me. Listen to the bells ringing! Today the sun illuminates Natasha's path. After all, the angels released a rumor into the world that the most beautiful Natasha is reading this congratulation! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = September 8th - NATALIA'S DAY! Original and very beautiful congratulations on Natalia’s Angel Day! - Subscribe to the channel Original congratulations from Natalia and receive new videos PLAYLIST ORTHODOX HOLIDAYS - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = I draw your attention!!! Your photos can take the place of the pictures!!! You can order a slide show of your photos here: e-mail.

Many of us consider the birthday to be the main holiday, giving the day of the angel a secondary role. This is not entirely correct, because not only the birth is a special event. A person goes through life with a certain name, which contains its own energy and strength. She has a great influence on his fate and character. That is why congratulating a person on Angel Day is no less important. This will show you exclusively from the best side, because only an attentive and sensitive person will pay attention to such a seemingly trifle. September 8 is Natalia's Day, which means that all owners of this name expect the best congratulations on this date.

Dear mother

WITH Latin language The name Natalya translates as native. There is no person closer to me than you. Since childhood, I was surrounded by maternal care and attention, which helped me cope with any adversity. Everyone who met you on their way accepted you as loved one incapable of deception or deceit. I wish you to remain as kind, gentle, surrounded by loved ones and friends. Let every day bring only joy!

Dear mommy! Please accept our congratulations on September 8th, Natalya’s Day! In our family, you are like the sun, illuminating us with your rays and giving us an endless amount of kind warmth. We would like to wish you to shine ever brighter, and let there be as few clouds as possible. Don't be upset if children are naughty. Your care, cheerful character and hospitality always fill the house with comfort. Smile more often!

The Holy Martyr Natalya had boundless kindness and patience. You, dear mother, have no less of these qualities. Let one of the first autumn days It will become warmer from our congratulations on Angel's Day. We wish that your guardian angel always protects you from troubles and adversity. Let him walk alongside, help in everything, and let his family and friends join him.

For the wife

St. Martyr Natalia is an example of endless love and devotion to her husband. She followed him when he was imprisoned and supported him in difficult times. I wish you, dear, on Natalia’s day, September 8, patience and love! May our family always be surrounded by care and warmth, and may difficult challenges be easily overcome!

Natasha, today is your angel day! The name really determines a person’s life in many ways. You, like your guardian angel, are devoted to your husband and family. You support us when things get difficult, you share not only our joys, but also our troubles. May there be fewer and fewer gloomy days in our lives, and may happiness and health always be close by!

Today is September 8th - Natalia's Day, which means it's time to congratulate my dear wife on Angel's Day! I want to wish you a happy and prosperous destiny, health and patience. May the wisdom of your Guardian Angel protect you from all misfortunes, and may your loving family and friends always be nearby!

Today I want to say congratulations to my wife on Natalia’s Day! On September 8th they honor your Saint. She is known for the care and support she provided to her husband in the hour of his suffering in the name of faith. As a husband, I am very glad that you always understand me, share me every day and accept me as I am. Let your guardian angel help you avoid severe tests, protects against diseases and gives joy!

Short congratulations on Natalia's Day, September 8, for a friend

Today is your birthday! But this holiday is not like a birthday! Such a date is an occasion to remember the saint who patronizes you. Be as strong-willed and resilient as she is. I wish you happiness and health. Listen to your angel and he will help you in difficult times.

My congratulations in prose on Natalya’s Day, September 8, are related to cooking. I know that you, friend, love to surprise your friends and family delicious dishes. Today there is a reason to please us with traditional oatmeal jelly or oat pancakes. And all because it is on September 8 that this crop is usually removed from the fields. I wish that every year you can gather your closest loved ones at the table and treat them to a new culinary masterpiece!

Today the autumn blues are fading into the background, because it’s our friend, Natalya’s name day! Everything about you is harmonious. Character, appearance, name - every detail is beautiful. It’s not for nothing that the world knows many songs, poems and even novels where the heroines were named Natalya! Let men never stop complimenting you and submitting to your beauty! Fill every day with smiles and joy!

To my little sister

Dear Natasha! Between the two of us we have a lot of memories. If you look at the characteristics of the name, you can believe that it largely determined your character. My sister is cheerful, mischievous, purposeful. Even if sometimes you get angry over trifles, but if I need help or support, I know who can provide it. I wish you to remain as wonderful and special!

Sister! You not only have a wonderful name, but also a soul. Your saint is known for her firm convictions and devotion to her husband. I would like to wish you to find inspiration in her strength that will help you cope with any difficulties. Let life bring you only pleasant surprises, and let a smile appear on your face as often as possible!


The name Natalya is very melodious. It feels tenderness, affection and kindness. And your tenacity of character allowed you to achieve high professional results. I wish you to continue to combine a sharp mind and charming appearance, to reach new heights!

On Natalia's Day, September 8, I would like to wish you not only physical, but also moral strength. Let more and more new opportunities appear, and let your colleagues become true friends!

To my beloved grandmother

Dear grandma! Your name exudes warmth, care and love. Thanks to them, we had the most wonderful childhood. We wish you good health, joy and attention from your family. Let loved ones give positive emotions and support so that it doesn’t happen!

Granny! You have always surprised us with your wisdom, cheerful disposition and boundless love for your family! May your guardian angel always walk by your side, protect you from adversity, and heal any wounds. Your family appreciates you and wishes you all the best!

Congratulations on Natalya's Day, September 8, in verse

Angel's Day is a special holiday,

It's just for you two.

May there be new joy and laughter,

He comes into the house more and more often!

I wish bad weather

It passed you by.

And real happiness

It warmed me with its warmth!

I wish you, Natalya

Get better day by day!

Let admiring glances

They always accompany you.

Fatigue and anxiety,

Drive yourself away.

Angel, family and friends

Ready to help in trouble!

On the day of Natalia Ovsyanitsa

Let good things happen

Everything will go as it should

And in work, and in personal,

Let the sun laugh in the sky

May fate smile on you

Give kindness to people

And good things will come to you!

It only takes a few minutes to do to a loved one pleasant. The owner of such a wonderful name deserves the most beautiful and sincere congratulations!

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