Candy miller's dream book. Chocolates and chocolates. Esoteric dream book If you dream of Chocolate

chocolate sweets according to the dream book

A dream in which chocolates are present can be interpreted as having the physical ability to provide your family with absolutely everything you need. If sweets were dreamed of by people doing business, this can be regarded as auspicious sign, he promises reliable companions on whom he can wake up, boldly rely on. Stale sweets symbolize illness and disappointment. Fresh sweets prophesy a little joy, good mood, as well as big success on the love front. Buying a box of chocolates in a dream for secular entertainment and love interests. If you ate candy, but it turned out to be tasteless, bitter disappointment falls to your lot. real life.

dreamed of chocolate sweets

The famous Vanga claimed that the dream of chocolates is a symbol of wealth and a satiated life, while she said that this person needs to do charity work. A huge mountain of sweets, a package, a bag or even a box promises big problems, which are difficult to resolve. Chocolates also announce an upcoming meeting with a very influential people, it is thanks to this that your financial situation will change for the better.

chocolate sweets in a dream what is it for

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, chocolates symbolize a long-term courtship of a guy, which will culminate in a twisted proposal to marry. Receive a box of expensive sweets - carries an invitation to a big holiday. If you give good candies, it means that you have a chance to get a negative response in love relationships. There are sweet sweets - to make a profit, sour or bitter - to the disease. Eating a chocolate candy means that the search for the people you need will succeed.

dreamed of chocolate sweets

Chocolate candies, according to Islamic dream book, dream of a person who is pure in soul and thoughts. Another such dream speaks of the arrival favorable period In human life.

why do you dream of chocolate sweets

The famous Freud directly links the use of chocolates with the pleasure that a person receives from sex. Such a dream can be a warning that strong passion chocolate can turn into all sorts of malfunctions in the body's activity, which can lead to various diseases. If in a dream you treat you with chocolates, then you should expect a surge of irrepressible sexual energy, it can ignite the passion of the most whimsical and unapproachable person.

To understand what chocolates are dreaming of, you need to remember what the delicacy looked like, whether there was a filling, what emotions the dreamer experienced and other details important for interpretation.

To understand what chocolates are dreaming of, you need to remember what the delicacy looked like, whether there was a filling, what emotions the dreamer experienced and other important details for interpretation

  1. “Dream Interpretation of Astromeridian” believes that chocolate sweets can only cause positive emotions. A dreamer who sees this kind of dream can be sure of his prosperous future. Any business he will develop successfully, nothing unpleasant will happen in his personal life either.
  2. According to " Women's dream book”, If you dreamed of chocolates that the dreamer accepted as a gift, then in the future she will have good luck and prosperity. The box is a sign that a very persistent, but not serious gentleman will appear on the horizon.
  3. “Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century” is sure that seeing sweets in a dream is a sign of good health and a successful personal life. If a woman decides to buy a box of sweets in a dream, then in reality she will choose between two admirers.
  4. Psychologist Miller, like most of his colleagues, considers chocolates in a dream to be a positive sign. The interpreter is sure that if you eat sweets in your nightly dreams, then in reality, thanks to work and perseverance, you can improve the well-being of your family.
  5. You can also find out what chocolates are dreaming of from Vanga's dream book. The seer claimed that this image promises the sleeper a rest in a pleasant company, attending social events.
  6. The “modern dream book” interpreted chocolates as a sudden arrival of guests.
  7. According to " Love dream book”, Eating chocolates in night dreams means that the dreamer will accept the marriage proposal, but will soon be disappointed in her chosen one.
  8. The “Universal Dream Book” interprets the chocolate delicacy as extraordinary ideas, which will bring some variety to the dreamer's life and make him act. If strangers eat sweets in a dream, it means that the dreamer himself will refuse the chance to improve his life.

Why is candy dreaming (video)

Variety of toppings

To interpret the dreamed image, the dreamer needs to remember whether the filling was present in the sweets. If in a dream there were a lot of sweets with fruit and berry filling, then the dreamer will have romantic adventures. Perhaps he will go on vacation, where he will “twist” a passionate, but not binding relationship. Candies with hazelnuts or other nuts characterize the sleeper as intellectually developed person. The same vision portends good luck in business and personal life.

To interpret the dreamed image, the dreamer needs to remember whether the filling was present in the sweets

Surprises that can cause a feeling of temporary euphoria in a sleeping person are predicted by chocolates with cognac. Sweets with spoiled filling are considered a kind of warning. This image, as a rule, indicates deceit or betrayal. Therefore, the sleeper should be more careful and be less frank with unfamiliar people.

Why dream of sweets (video)

Actions and emotional state of the dreamer

For a more accurate interpretation of the image, it is necessary to remember what actions the dreamer performed. For example, if a person bought chocolate, and chose sweets for a very long time, scrupulously examining each candy, it means that long-awaited guests will soon visit his house, with whom he will be glad to meet. If the sleeper takes the first delicacies that come across, then this indicates a well-deserved reward. A dream in which the purchase does not please the dreamer at all, since he considers it a waste of money, prophesies to him the beginning health problems. Therefore, the dreamer is recommended to visit specialists in the near future. Why dream of buying sweets in the wrong place? As a rule, this vision indicates the dreamer's incontinence, inability to control his emotions.

For a more accurate interpretation of the image, it is necessary to remember what actions the dreamer performed

An invitation to a celebration portends a dream in which the sleeper takes candy from his hands stranger. If the dreamer collects scattered goodies from the floor, then in reality he is prone to senseless hoarding. Chocolates collected from the grave characterize the sleeping man. negative side. This image indicates that he is an envious person who can harm even the closest people. Sweets found in your own pocket promise positive changes in life. And you don't have to put in much effort to do so.

One of the things that worries many people is the interpretation of their dreams. Dreams have become an integral part human life. That is why many people are worried about why they dream of eating chocolates and what such a dream portends.

The dream that a person eats chocolates means an increase in profits from the industry in which he is engaged. Eating delicious fresh chocolates in colorful wrappers implies the pleasure of social communication, as well as falling in love for young people. It can also portend joy, recognition in the team and small successes in life.

Eating old sweets with chocolate covered in staleness can mean illness. If a person dreams that he is annoyed by the disgusting appearance of chocolates that have been stored for too long, then this promises him discontent and dissatisfaction in his personal life. Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - to flattery and prosperity. If the dreamer in his dreams gives someone a box of chocolates as a gift, then such a dream predicts that in real life he will make an offer to this person, but will receive an answer to him that will not please him and even disappoint him.

In the interpretation of dreams in which a person happens to eat chocolates, the gender of the dreamer plays an important role. Sweets often hint at intimate life, so the interpretation of such dreams is somewhat different for men and women.

If a person dreams that he himself made a chocolate candy and ate it himself, then this is a sign that soon happiness will smile at him in life, even if in this moment he does not believe in the possibility of his appearance. In dreams about sweets, there are also some warnings that should be reckoned with: if the dreamer happens to hold sticky or melted chocolate candy in his hands, then this suggests that in real life he should not poke his nose into other people's affairs, even with the aim of helping or charity, as this may have undesirable consequences for him.

Apart from being a nutritious dessert, chocolate candy can be seen as a symbol of childhood and is associated with laughter and joy. Dreams about sweets allow you to measure and compare what a person would like to receive from life with what he actually receives.

For a young girl, receiving a box of chocolates as a gift portends many compliments for her. If a similar dream comes to the young man young guy, then it is quite possible that soon he will meet his love.

In addition, a dream in which a person eats chocolates can predict solid income, most of of which, however, will be spent on paying hospital bills.

Also, eating chocolates is associated with romance and sensual pleasures. Such a dream can predict that joy and prosperity will come to a person after a short unfavorable period. Surrounded by pleasant people, he can surrender himself to the power of pleasures and pleasures.

Eating chocolates can also predict meeting new interesting people. Also, the dreamer may soon make valuable connections for work and business.

Dreams are a very interesting phenomenon in the life of every person. Dreams in which eating chocolates are dreamed, as a rule, are very favorable for a person and promise him joy in life, success on the “personal front”.

Why did you dream of eating or seeing sweets?

Surprisingly, in dreams, even the most seemingly ordinary, simple little things sometimes acquire a deep meaning, carry secrets, open doors to the future.

Those who believe in dreams and ask interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately you can decipher the signs that came to dreams, and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire other meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. Symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat. What to say about dreams! In that mysterious world everything is not simple, everything is more complicated. And if you already dreamed about sweets - know that this makes sense and a message.

Only in order to decipher what sweets are dreaming of, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these "candy" dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in a dream? For example:

  • You just saw sweets in a dream.
  • You dream of a lot of little sweets.
  • Dreamed of a variety of sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • She is dreaming of a showcase in which sweets are laid out.
  • You make candy yourself in your sleep.
  • There is a crunchy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates from someone in a dream.
  • They gave them to someone.
  • Buy candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

"Candy" dreams can talk about different things - but, without a doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which delicious sweets appeared promises something pleasant - but that's exactly what the interpreter will reveal to us. So remember all the nuances, and find out why sweets are dreaming - they are so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if by separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat, does not touch them, but only sees from the side. What does such a dream say? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you dream of candy, or several - the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys be not of a universal scale, but bring you a lot of pleasant and bright.

2. Seeing in dreams a lot of small sweets - caramels, chocolate balls, lollipops and so on - is a lot of amenities, joys and surprises.

Is waiting for you light streak, during which you will receive small, but very pleasant gifts from fate, just the same whole bundles. Get ready to enjoy life, and better start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and be sure this dream will come true. Where the money will come from - you may not even suspect at all, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramel in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and delights await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, have fun to the fullest!

5. Seeing sweets and sweets in a dream in a beautiful window, or on the counter of a pastry shop, is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and believing in your dream is a must, but just don't live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So tasty and sweet!

Seeing sweets in dreams is, perhaps, less common than eating them, buying, giving, and so on. More often than not, we dream of action. But remember what it was like in order to find out exactly what sweets are dreaming of and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night how you yourself, with your own hands, make sweets - chocolate, caramel and more - this is good. Such a dream in which you made sweets says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live safely and comfortably.

2. Not only just to see from the side, but also with pleasure to eat a crispy, light, crumbly candy in a dream, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and enjoyment from it.

Social pleasures and exquisite entertainment high level, good company and the joy of these delights. Be worthy of all this, and enjoy!

3. Such a sweet dream in which you eat delicious, chocolate sweets is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Do not close your heart from new love!

4. There is a sour candy in a dream - this is a hint that you are very irritable. Think about it, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, to become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, moreover.

5. As the dream book says, the sweets that you suddenly received in your dream as a gift from anyone are a symbol of your speedy prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual.

You will not only become richer at the financial level, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, to give others joy and light.

6. But such a “candy” dream, in which you yourself present sweets to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream interpretation simply advises to be more real person, look at the world soberly - and not build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying sweets in a dream is a great sign. If you dreamed of this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted good luck in all your good deeds.

Fortune begins to simply relentlessly pursue you, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You will be lucky!

8. The dream in which you sell sweets is very good for the dreamer - he points to him. best qualities that need to be actively pursued. You have a lot of kindness and a desire to help those in need, do it - give joy, love, help to other people, from this you will be happy.

Such different "candy" dreams, and they are all good and pleasant. What promises you a dream? Love or pleasure, kindness or luck - in any case, you should never have a shadow of a doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will change rapidly and confidently in better side day after day, joyful events just by magic they will happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts!

What do candies mean in a dream book? If you dreamed of chocolate cognac sweets, what could this mean?

Seeing sweets in a dream is good sign and most people perceive such visions quite positively. If you dreamed of chocolates, good news, romantic meetings and even improvement await a person. financial situation.

Chocolates are a symbol of prosperity, beautiful life. To see them in a dream is to face some positive changes in reality. Perhaps the dreamer expects career growth or an improvement in his financial situation.

If a person sees chocolates at home, his relationship with loved ones will improve. For lonely people to see such a dream - to a new meeting. After such a vision, one should expect pleasant surprises from fate. Most likely, a loved one will appear in the dreamer's life. At the same time, new relationships will not be fleeting. They will turn out to be very serious and may even lead to a wedding.

Seeing chocolates in the office - to improve relations with colleagues, superiors. If before that a person experienced some problems in communication, he can be sure that everything will change. Disagreements will soon be a thing of the past. If the boss gives sweets, the dreamer will be able to achieve his location.

To dream about how someone gives a lot of chocolates - in real life, wait for gratitude from relatives or friends. It is quite possible that the dreamer will finally hear from them what he should have heard some time ago, or even receive a gift.

Seeing a lot of chocolates in a dream - in reality, experience real happiness. In life human will happen a whole series of pleasant events.

When a dreamer sees a large chocolate candy in a dream, this is an acquisition. Most likely, he will finally buy what he dreamed of for a very long time.

If in a dream chocolates are behind a shop window and the sleeper looks at them sadly, but does not dare to buy or cannot do it, the vision is a kind of sign indicating that the dreamer is dreaming too much.

To refuse chocolates in a dream is to miss your chance in reality. If a person is more attentive, he will be able to understand which of his acquaintances offers real help and who desires only evil and feels a sense of envy.

Unwrap chocolates in a dream - indulge in secular entertainment in reality. A person will experience real pleasure from life and will not be able to deny himself anything.

If a person offers chocolates in a dream to one of his close friends, in real life he will start doing charity work or simply help a relative, friend.

For a woman, a dream is not considered a very good sign in which she sees how several men give her sweets at once. Such a vision portends success with the opposite sex, but it will be difficult for her to choose one among them. None of these men will have real feelings for her.

A bad sign is a dream in which a person unfolds a candy, but, to his surprise, it turns out to be not chocolate. Such a vision portends the exposure of the second half or someone close. The dreamer will understand that close person was not entirely sincere towards him and, quite possibly, will initiate a break.

Throwing away chocolates in a dream - in real life, refuse wealth consciously. Most likely, the sleeper will pay more attention to his spiritual development rather than new purchases.

If a person dreamed of chocolates, this can be considered a good sign. Such a dream portends good luck, improved financial situation, promotion and success with the opposite sex. Only visions in which the dreamer refuses sweets, or throws them away, and also cannot buy can be considered negative.

Why do you dream of candy?

Dreams are one of the few ways to look into the future. Using interpretations, you can learn about the events, problems and dangers that lie ahead. To do this, you need to carefully analyze the dream, taking into account the main details. If it concerns sweets, then remember how they looked, what you did with them, etc. To make the information as detailed as possible, draw an analogy with events that occur in reality.

Why do you dream of candy?

Most often, such dreams predict pleasure and good news. It can also be a harbinger of a successful and fun trip. Chocolates are a symbol of making significant profits. Also, such a dream prophesies the emergence of unusual ideas that you should definitely use. For single people, there are sweets in a dream, which means that they will soon be able to start a new romantic relationship. If you look at sweets from the side, this is a warning that there is an insincere person in a close circle of friends.

The dream interpretation of what do-it-yourself sweets dream of is interpreted as an opportunity to realize the plans. For this you will have to work hard, but the result will be worth it. Night vision, where you found candy in your pocket, is an indication that in the near future some little thing will improve life.

Why dream of buying sweets?

Such a dream is a symbol of the imminent arrival of relatives from afar. Another dream book offers other information, according to which you will receive a well-deserved reward thanks to your hard work. It may also be an indication that you are completely wasting both time and money. A dream where you bought sweets can be taken as a warning that health may soon deteriorate. Buying chocolates means that in the future you should expect some kind of pleasure. For people who are engaged in business, a dream portends a successful deal.

Why dream of treating you with sweets?

If you treat another person with sweets, it means that soon you will meet a person who will become a true friend. This dream is also a harbinger of an interesting and pleasant conversation. A dream where you are treated to sweets predicts the appearance in life of a rich and influential friend who will help in solving problems. Treating another person with sweets means that you should soon expect an invitation to a date from a person with whom you have been sympathetic for a long time.

Why dream of caramel sweets?

Such a dream is positive, and in the near future you can not expect problems and quarrels. If you bought caramel, this is an unfavorable sign that promises the emergence of various anxieties and problems in the future. A dream where you eat caramel indicates the existence of health problems. It is also a symbol of mutual love.

Why do candy lollipops dream?

This type of sweets promises to receive a gift from close friends. Sour candy is a negative symbol that predicts the occurrence of a disease or some event will greatly upset. If you eat delicious lollipops, then a fun pastime is expected soon. A night vision about lollipops indicates that a loved one will soon undeservedly offend.

Why dream of a box of chocolates?

If you were given a box of chocolates, this is positive sign which promises prosperity. There is also information that such a dream indicates insincerity on the part of a person who is trying to win favor. To present such a gift to another person means that you should expect a business proposal, and for women, such a dream promises to receive a marriage proposal. But it should be borne in mind that in the end everything will end in disappointment.

A dream about sweets is a symbol of children's joy, carelessness, enjoyment of life. A delicacy in a bright wrapper promises a meeting with interesting person capable of hitting you.

What sweets did you dream about? How many sweets did you dream about? How did you get sweets in a dream? What did you do with sweets in a dream? What did you dream about with sweets?

What sweets did you dream about?

Chocolate candies

Dreamed of caramel

Dream Interpretation Felomena sees caramel as a need to take a breath and get distracted. It is possible that constant fatigue and stress will result in serious illness. Take care of your own health.

Seeing lollipops in a dream

I dreamed of lollipops - a good sign. In reality, friends will soon make you happy. Most likely, it will be a surprise or a gift that will not leave you indifferent.

Why do toffees dream

Why dream of iris? The dream is a warning. It promises getting into an unpleasant situation. It is better to be smart and attentive so as not to be in it.

Dreamed of marmalade candies

See marmalade sweets in a dream - beware. Events in life will not go as planned, and every day you will begin to feel it more and more.

How many sweets did you dream about?

Lots of chocolates Box of chocolates

How did you get sweets in a dream?

buy candy

Receive candy as a gift in a dream

Dreaming about receiving candy as a gift is a sign that you will have fans. The dream promises prosperity, stability financial sphere life. On the love front, everything will also be fine.

What did you do with sweets in a dream?

Treat candy Eat candy Collect candy

I dreamed that they took sweets

Taking sweets according to the dream book means being invited to a big celebration, for example, a birthday or a wedding. The probability is especially high if you accepted sweetness from a person of the opposite sex.

Handing out candy in a dream

I dreamed of distributing sweets - in reality, you will be seriously disappointed. Most likely, your work will not be appreciated or your motives will be misunderstood.

Why dream of choosing sweets

Why dream of choosing sweets? A dream means that in real life you lack communication, but this will soon pass. You will be able to entertain yourself and find someone with whom you can talk even on completely unimportant topics.

Give candy in a dream

In a dream, you give sweets - you will need help in current affairs. Her search will not be in vain and will lead to an executive person who can be entrusted with some of the duties.

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a love affair.

Summer dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - to receive gratitude, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means your ability to provide for people who depend on you. Seeing chocolates is a reliable partner in your business. Stale chocolate portends illness or disappointment. Drinking hot chocolate - to the successful completion of an unfavorable period.

Dream Interpretation of Psychologist Z. Freud Why Chocolate is Dreaming:

Chocolate - Treat someone with chocolate in a dream - you are very gentle in bed, your caresses can warm up anyone, even a very demanding person, which means you have something to be proud of. Drinking hot chocolate in a dream - do not take personally all the failures in sex. It is possible that the reason for the fiasco lies in bad mood your partner or some troubles at work, which, of course, cannot but affect intimate life. Burn yourself with hot chocolate - you will meet a person who will amaze you with his temperament and irrepressible energy.

Spring dream book Why dream about Chocolate in a dream book:

Chocolate - There is chocolate - for a pleasant pastime.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Chocolate - Transient joy.

Big dream book Why is Chocolate dreaming:

Chocolate - You will be visited by good ideas.

Biblical dream book of Azara Dream Interpretation: To see chocolate in a dream

Why dream of eating chocolate - To the pleasant

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What does Chocolate dream about in a dream:

Chocolate - Seeing chocolate in a dream means that you will provide very well for those who depend on you. Seeing chocolates promises you suitable partners in work. If the chocolate is stale, then expect illness and other disappointments. Drinking hot chocolate - portends prosperity after short period adverse events.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Chocolate in a dream:

Chocolate - Drinking chocolate in a dream - to any loss and violence, according to the dream book this dream is deciphered.

Modern dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Solves a dream book: Chocolate - Quarrel, family troubles

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Y. Longo Dream Interpretation: Chocolate

Dream Interpretation Chocolate - Eating chocolate in a dream means that in reality you are striving for an easier life. It seems to you that you are working like an ox, not receiving the slightest return. People around you do not appreciate, and it depresses you. Cooking chocolate in a dream - you love to do everything unusual, extraordinary, which could capture the imagination of others and evoke their envious feelings. It stimulates you to some extent and makes you feel the sharpness of life. Treating someone with chocolate - a dream means that in real life you are trying to appease someone in order to take advantage of this for your own purposes. Your intentions will be revealed and you will fail. If you were treated to chocolate in a dream, in reality they will try to deceive you in order to benefit. The probability of this is especially high in the first three days after the dream.

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Chocolate in a dream

Chocolate - Good health.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Chocolate:

Chocolate - Receive, buy to bad health, weakness. Eat, drink to a protracted illness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Chocolate in a Dream

In a dream, why dream of Chocolate - Good health

Candy, Sweets, Candies to eat, Candies to buy, Sweets sweets, Chocolate candies, Box of chocolates

If in a dream you saw Sweets or you dreamed of a Box of Sweets, Dream Interpretations portend you the quiet joys of life. Candy and Sweets Seen in a dream Symbolize minor and transient pleasures, Which, however, will take place in reality. However, Dream Interpretations warn everyone who dreamed of Candy or Candies. These images could appear in a dream as a result of the lack of vivid emotions and impressions in your real life.

Dreamed of candy- minor joys of life.

Sweets in general are quite a positive sign, which symbolizes something pleasant, but not fateful and insignificant. However, the Forecast is relevant only for those who dreamed of sweet and tasty candies.

Dreamed of chocolates in a dream - faithful friends and associates.

Traditionally, Chocolate Candies Seen in a Dream Symbolize your friends and like-minded people. And at the same time, this image may indicate that an outwardly attractive shell is very important to you, and that you are a superficial and narrow-minded person.

There are sweets in a dream- recovery and longevity; the joy of communicating with loved ones; sexual pleasure.

Sleep carries the most favorable forecast, But only in the event that you ate sweet and pleasant-tasting Candies. Bitter, Sour or salty Candy in a dream is a symbol of unexpected disappointment where you planned to have fun.

Buy candy or sweets in a dream- desire to have fun; lack of pleasant and joyful emotions.

Dreams of this kind appear first of all at the moment when in reality you receive an insufficient amount of positive emotions. Probably, your life has become too ordinary and routine - you urgently need to "sweeten" it.

I dreamed of a box of chocolates (for a girl)- a new annoying boyfriend.

I dreamed of a box of chocolates (for guys and men)- get rejected by a girl you like.

Dreamed of a box of chocolates- a new undertaking with the support of like-minded people and colleagues; otherwise - a way to express gratitude or sympathy.

A box of chocolates that you saw in a dream can symbolize quite a lot. Maybe, It's about about some team (A Box of Candy is you and your like-minded people or colleagues). For young people, such a dream indicates the area of ​​\u200b\u200bfeelings and personal relationships. In general, a Box of Candies is a traditional way to express one's gratitude. Therefore, this dream must be deciphered based on an analysis of Who, When, Who and under what circumstances gave the Box of Candies.

Lots of chocolates to see

Dream Interpretation See a lot of chocolates dreamed of why in a dream a lot of chocolates to see? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of chocolates in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you dreamed of sweets portends a long courtship of a young man, which will end with a traditional proposal to marry him.

To receive a set of expensive sweets as a gift means that you will be invited to the celebration. To give a box of good sweets in a dream means to be the first to confess your love, which will be rejected.

There is candy in a dream - a harbinger of prosperity in business, happy life and happy love. Sweet candies mean profit, sour candies - to illness and irritability, mint - annoyance and disappointment will come in place of boundless trust.

If in a dream you eat caramel, it means that the person whose reciprocity you are seeking is not indifferent to you. Lollipops in a dream portend betrayal by imaginary friends. Chocolates mean that you will find the people you need and things will turn in full swing.

Making sweets in a dream - you will achieve your goal thanks to tireless and painstaking work. Buying sweets is completely wasted.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Dreams about sweets portend pleasure, good news, meeting nice people and enjoying life. Of all the dreams about sweets, the only one that is unfortunate is when the candy turns out to be bitter or sour. A box of chocolates in a dream means an offer made to you or by you.

However, do not expect anything serious after such a dream in order to avoid disappointments and disappointments in the future. Hanging candies in a dream is a sign of prudence that you can show in solving an important problem. Treat sweets in a dream portends a pleasant conversation.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

If you made sweets in a dream, then your well-being will improve due to diligence, diligence and hard work.

A dream in which you eat a crumbly, crispy candy portends secular pleasures and promises love.

Sour candy is a sign of illness or annoyance and irritation.

If you received a box of chocolates as a gift, you have prosperity ahead. You yourself sent someone a box of chocolates - your hopes will not come true.

The dream in which you eat sweets portends exciting experiences in intimate life.

And donated sweets dream of a risky relationship.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

To see sweets - to the arrival of guests.

Making sweets - to improve the financial situation due to diligence.

There are sweets - for secular pleasures and intimate pleasures.

Sweets with sour filling - to illness or disappointment.

Buy sweets - be deceived in someone, treat you with sweets - lose your hopes.

Receive sweets as a gift - to prosperity and sexual joys.

For a young man, such a dream means the hypocritical attention of some woman.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

There is candy in a dream - a good chance is knocking on the door.

If a married woman eats sweets - for a wedding invitation.

If an unmarried man eats sweets - to a rich and solemn wedding of his own.

If an unmarried girl eats sweets, a rich man will become her chosen one.

The patient saw that he was eating sweets - to a long illness.

If in a dream they give sweets - to a promotion.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Making sweets in a dream means improving your well-being through diligence, diligence, hard work.

To dream that you are eating a crumbly, crunchy candy speaks of secular pleasures and promises love to young and older people. Sour candy is a sign of illness or that annoyance and irritation will replace the former boundless trust.

Receive a box of chocolates as a gift - promises young man someone's persistent, but hypocritical harassment. Usually this dream promises prosperity. If you yourself send someone a box of chocolates, you will soon make an offer (business or marriage), but you will be disappointed: your hopes will not come true.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

A dream in which you eat a crispy candy indicates that you will be happy in love and live. social life rich in pleasure. However, sour candy portends disappointment in a loved one.

If a girl dreams that she receives a box of chocolates as a gift, in reality this means that she will have to deal with the persistent harassment of a young man.

When a young man dreams that he gives a box of chocolates, this indicates that he will propose to a girl who will reject him.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

They are a symbol of minor worldly joys.

Eat them in a dream: a sign that you are tired of trouble and do not interfere with you in any way to brighten up your existence.

Finding a candy in your pocket means that in the near future some pleasant little thing can brighten up your life.

An empty candy wrapper: a sign of deceived hopes and not too deep disappointments. Such a dream encourages you to be careful not to trust other people's promises too much.

If you dreamed of a box of chocolates, perhaps soon you will have organized entertainment.

Any troubles associated with sweets (for example, if they are bitter or if you have bitten your tongue): warn you against being overly fond of worldly joys - this can turn out to be harmful to you.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Candy - If in a dream you give someone candy, then you will agree to marriage, but very soon you will be disappointed in your chosen one.

Dream Interpretation - Candy

Eating sweets in a dream portends the approach of exciting, intoxicating pleasures in your intimate life. To receive sweets as a gift in a dream means that you will soon experience a captivating but risky joy.

Many people are worried about their dreams, and when you see something unusual in a dream, you always want to understand what it portends, for example, why do you dream of chocolates? You can find answers to these questions in dream books and interpreters of dreams.

You dreamed of chocolates

Dreamed chocolates have a positive sign and bring joy, fun and carelessness. Sometimes such dreams can be interpreted in such a way that the dreamer, to some extent, remains a child in his soul and cannot grow up. In order to find out more exactly what chocolates are dreaming of, you need to remember your dream in more detail, namely what taste the sweets had, how you saw them, how many there were and what exactly you did with them. However, the dream does not have a decoding if you do not allow yourself to actually eat chocolates, but you dream about them.

The positive meaning of sleep

If you dreamed of chocolates in a beautiful and shiny wrapper, then soon you will meet an interesting person. The more beautiful the candy was in your dream, the more fateful your meeting will be. And in the event that you ate this candy and its taste was incomparable, then you will have a very strong relationship with this person.

Buying chocolates in a dream means that all your efforts will be rewarded in full. In real life, you give all your energy and time to work, but it does not bring you any profit, do not be upset, soon everything will work out, and you will get everything you deserve.

A dream in which you find a candy is considered favorable, this indicates that a pleasant surprise awaits you. Pleasant meetings, surprises that will delight you are possible.

If you dreamed of a lot of chocolates, then prosperity awaits you in everything. If such a dream is dreaming business people, then this speaks of his leadership qualities and entrepreneurial abilities.

If a girl has a dream that her lover gives her a box of chocolates, this indicates that in real life he wants to propose to her. A dream is considered favorable in which you observe the manufacture of chocolates, which means real life you can achieve a lot. Also, such a dream speaks of the loyalty of your friends and the reliability of partners and work colleagues.

You dreamed of chocolates with nuts inside, so expect successful purchases that will bring you a lot of joy. If the nut was large, then you are in good health, the alcoholic filling promises incredibly pleasant surprises, and you will simply experience delight from them. But still leave your head bright, do not lose it.

Unfavorable meaning of sleep

You dreamed in a beautiful wrapper, but it was very tasteless, which means you will meet a hypocritical person. Be careful not to get hurt. Choosing chocolates in a dream indicates a deterioration in your health in reality. Perhaps soon you will feel bad, so be prepared not only for this, but also for a depressive state.

But if you dreamed of a sour candy, then expect health problems. A dream in which you collect chocolate wrappers is a sign that you are wasting your life in nowhere. This dream tells you that you are doing the wrong thing, reconsider your life and change it for the better.

Seeing crumpled candy in a dream promises disappointment and annoyance. But grief predicts you chocolates that were tough, and you could not bite through them. If the filling of the candy was bad and spoiled, then there is a risk of suffering from deception in real life.

Find out more

Surprisingly, in dreams, even the most seemingly ordinary, simple little things sometimes acquire a deep meaning, carry secrets, open doors to the future.

Those who believe in dreams and ask interpreters for answers are often surprised at how accurately you can decipher the signs that came to dreams, and how to successfully apply them in reality. It is worth paying attention to even the most ordinary objects - after all, in dreams they acquire other meanings than in reality.

For example, candy. A symbol of childhood, joy, pleasure and sweet life. Even in reality, a simple box of chocolates can speak of affection, express gratitude, become a romantic declaration of love or an apology.

Sweets are given for all holidays, they are presented simply to bring joy, they are not just a treat.

What to say about dreams! In this mysterious world, everything is not just like that, everything is more complicated. And if you already dreamed about sweets - know that this makes sense and a message.

Only in order to decipher what sweets are dreaming of, you need to pay attention - and remember the details of these "candy" dreams. What were they like, what did you do with them in a dream? For example:

  • You just saw sweets in a dream.
  • You dream of a lot of little sweets.
  • Dreamed of a variety of sweets.
  • You saw lollipops in a dream.
  • She is dreaming of a showcase in which sweets are laid out.
  • You make candy yourself in your sleep.
  • There is a crunchy, crumbly candy in a dream.
  • There is chocolate candy.
  • Sour candy in a dream.
  • You received a box of chocolates from someone in a dream.
  • They gave them to someone.
  • Buy candy in a dream.
  • Or sell them.

"Candy" dreams can talk about different things - but, without a doubt, they are not associated with anything bad. Surely, a dream in which delicious sweets appeared promises something pleasant - but that's exactly what the interpreter will reveal to us. So remember all the nuances, and find out why sweets are dreaming - they are so different.

Just watch!

In many dreams, sweets come as if by separate visions - in other words, the dreamer does not eat, does not touch them, but only sees from the side. What does such a dream say? Let's ask the dream books.

1. If you dream of a candy, or several, the dream book says that you can safely expect pleasant emotions associated with communication and joyful events. Let these joys be not of a universal scale, but bring you a lot of pleasant and bright.

2. Seeing in dreams a lot of small sweets - caramels, chocolate balls, lollipops and so on - is a lot of amenities, joys and surprises.

A bright streak awaits you, during which you will receive small, but very pleasant gifts from fate, just in whole bundles. Get ready to enjoy life, and better start now!

3. Sweets come in a dream to predict wealth for you - and be sure this dream will come true. Where the money will come from - you may not even suspect at all, but you will probably soon become much wealthier than now.

4. Seeing lollipops or beautiful multi-colored caramel in a dream is a hint that some pleasures and delights await you. Do not deny yourself the joys, have fun to the fullest!

5. Seeing sweets and sweets in a dream in a beautiful window, or on the counter of a pastry shop, is a hint of your daydreaming. Dreaming is useful, as they say, and believing in your dream is a must, but just don't live completely in the world of dreams and illusions, do something real to make them come true.

So tasty and sweet!

Seeing sweets in dreams is, perhaps, less common than eating them, buying, giving, and so on. More often than not, we dream of action. But remember what it was like in order to find out exactly what sweets are dreaming of and draw the right conclusion. What will the interpreter say?

1. If you dream at night how you yourself, with your own hands, make sweets - chocolate, caramel and more - this is good. Such a dream in which you made sweets says that thanks to your diligence and hard work, your well-being will soon improve significantly.

You have a lot of strength and energy, talents and abilities! Use them actively, and soon you will live safely and comfortably.

2. Not only just to see from the side, but also with pleasure to eat a crispy, light, crumbly candy in a dream, for example, waffle or with nuts - this is a dream that promises you luxury and enjoyment from it.

Worldly pleasures and exquisite high-level entertainment, good society and the joy of these delights. Be worthy of all this, and enjoy!

3. Such a sweet dream in which you eat delicious, chocolate sweets is a sign of imminent love that will knock on your life. Let her in - sweet experiences, romance and great happiness await you! Do not close your heart from new love!

4. There is a sour candy in a dream - this is a hint that you are very irritable. Think about it, maybe it makes sense to work on yourself, to become more tolerant of people and events, try to perceive reality more calmly. Irritability does not suit you and significantly harms your precious health, moreover.

5. As the dream book says, the sweets that you suddenly received in your dream as a gift from anyone are a symbol of your speedy prosperity - both in the material sense and in the spiritual.

You will not only become richer at the financial level, having received new opportunities and sources of income, but, perhaps, you will become richer internally, spiritually, learn to be kinder and wiser, to give others joy and light.

6. But such a “candy” dream, in which you yourself present sweets to someone, indicates an excess of hopes - sometimes they can be empty.

This does not mean that you should not hope, and does not bode well. The dream interpretation simply advises to be a more real person, to look at the world soberly - and not to build unnecessary illusions.

7. Buying sweets in a dream is a great sign. If you dreamed of this, feel free to expect great luck and undoubted good luck in all your good deeds.

Fortune begins to simply relentlessly pursue you, which means that now you can implement bold projects and take decisive steps. You will be lucky!

8. The dream in which you sell sweets is very good for the dreamer - it indicates his best qualities that need to be actively implemented. You have a lot of kindness and a desire to help those in need, do it - give joy, love, help to other people, from this you will be happy.

Such different "candy" dreams, and they are all good and pleasant. What promises you a dream? Love or pleasure, kindness or luck - in any case, you should never have a shadow of a doubt that this will soon come true.

Believe in the best - and your life will rapidly and confidently change for the better day after day, joyful events will simply magically happen in your everyday life, and luck will become your companion forever. Without any doubts! Author: Vasilina Serova

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