The gerbil is a miniature friend. How to care for a small gerbil? Is the gerbil a mammal or not?

Origin and native lands of the rodent, behavior in wildlife, breeding gerbils, advice on keeping, diseases, buying the right animal and its price.

The content of the article:

For many people, pets are not just animals that live with them under the same roof, but full members of their families. Sometimes a person approaches the issue of choosing his smaller friend with great responsibility. If not so long ago, when choosing a pet, people could only focus on those representatives of the world’s fauna that were not difficult to buy, but in our modern era everything is much more complicated. These difficulties do not lie in the fact that it is not possible to find or purchase this or that animal, the problem most often lies in the choice.

For the reason that today you can afford to bring the most extraordinary pupil into your home, it all depends on you, your tastes, preferences, and of course financial situation. After all, not everyone can afford to buy a chimpanzee or white tiger, firstly, they are very expensive, and secondly, it is necessary to have a fairly large living area so that these elite pets feel cozy and comfortable. But almost anyone can easily afford a small, original rodent that will not be like all of its relatives.

For example, pay attention to such a miracle of nature as the gerbil - this small animal, who will easily become a reliable friend and comrade for you. In addition, these animals are very modest and unpretentious, they will never require a large and spacious cage for themselves, they will not run away from you at the first opportunity to the most secluded corners of your apartment, and most importantly, these cute rodents are very clean. Well, why not an ideal pet?

If you still choose a gerbil, then in order to avoid unnecessary problems and unpleasant situations, you should get to know this animal better.

Origin and home territories of the gerbil

The gerbil is an animal that has some similarities in appearance to the jerboa and the common mouse. Scientists who studied the pedigree of this cute representative of the fauna classified it into the class Mammals, the order Rodents, the family Hamsters, the subfamily Gerbils and the genus Fat-tailed Gerbils.

If we talk about the native lands of this animal, we can say that its natural distribution area is quite wide. This example of a large animal kingdom lives in both Europe and Asia, and is even found on African continent. Based on the name of this rodent, we can already conclude that it lives where there is sand, namely in desert and semi-desert regions, but if they end up in locations with clay or gravelly soil, then this craftsman is able to settle down well there too, the main thing is so that there is something to eat.

Peculiarities of living of a gerbil in open nature

The period of activity for these animals occurs at night, but during the day they prefer to sleep, carefully hiding in their personal homes. Almost everything is yours free time These little hard workers spend money on building their little house, or it would be more correct to say houses. Typically, gerbils dig complex burrows, which they constantly improve and repair, and sometimes even pass on to future generations. They always have several temporary apartments, which are located in different locations; they are usually not deep, do not have a nesting chamber and are equipped with only one exit; the animals almost never spend time in them a large number of time. Most often, they need such temporary housing so that the animals can feel calm when they go out in search of food. Indeed, when any danger approaches, gerbils always run into the nearest hole and can sit there until they are sure that they have nothing to fear.

The permanent home of rodents is like family mansions; they have a rather complex layout. In a permanent burrow, there must be many passages that connect their home to the surface of the earth; there are also always several holes there, the animal uses one of them as a toilet, and all the rest, like utility rooms in which food is stored, they store it in winter. The place for winter holiday usually located at the greatest depth, where even the most severe cold cannot reach, gerbils drag a lot of dry grass and leaves there, from which they construct a soft and warm sleeping place.

These little builders are very social and friendly animals; in their native areas they are accustomed to living in large colonies, in which peace and harmony always reign.

Nature did not endow these peace-loving rodents with large, stocky and strong body, sharp claws or huge fangs, so the means of protecting them from all sorts of predators who intend to feed on miniature animals are their excellent hearing and vision, as well as fast legs, which amazing speed carry gerbils away from approaching danger to a safe place.

In the wild, they are also not very whimsical and are used to making do with everything that is nearby. This is how rodents can easily survive if there is no body of water near their place of residence; these mammals have enough liquid, which they get from eating succulent plants. As for their diet, these hamsters usually eat plant foods, which grows in their territories, these are leaves, flowers, plant shoots and even berries and rhizomes. If there is a shortage of food products in the area they occupy, then the entire large friendly family of gerbils begins to “pack their bags” and move to more fertile lands. Having found such places, they quickly begin to arrange for themselves the necessary conditions for life, build new burrows, or make major repairs in dwellings dug by other animals.

Continuation of the genus of a mammal

Start mating season for these animals it occurs at the beginning of spring, then they form small groups that include one male and several female gerbils, as well as their offspring. Such individual colonies occupy a small area and diligently protect their territory from their other relatives. If suddenly someone else decides to join such a family, then these seemingly very cute animals can resort to aggression and even use force, but such battles are very rare end in bloodshed.

The gestation period for females lasts about a month; at the end of this period, from 3 to 7 cubs are born. Males grow up quite quickly; at the age of 2–3 months, such “babies” already become sexually mature. After the completion of the reproductive season, all representatives of the genus of gerbils again unite into one large social group and they all raise their offspring together and take care of them, regardless of who their biological parents are.

Over the course of one year, an adult and healthy female can produce offspring from 4 to 7 times.

Features of the appearance of a gerbil

The body parameters of this rodent vary; the body length of some individuals can reach up to 20 cm, and some specimens do not grow more than 5–6 cm. The caudal process is most often equal to length body of the animal. The body weight of these mammals ranges from 50 to 200 grams.

By appearance these animals are very similar to ordinary mice, the most characteristic distinctive feature Their appearance is their tail, which is wrapped in fur along its entire length and ends in a beautiful tassel formed by a thick tuft of long hair.

Their muzzle is usually slightly blunt. The hind limbs are much longer than the front ones, which helps gerbils move very quickly.

The coloring of these animals does not always correspond to their name; mammals that live in the wild are usually colored in sandy-brownish shades or a uniform brown color, only the abdominal area is noticeably lighter. Due to the fact that these rodents are now increasingly being kept as pets, people have learned to make good money from them. Namely, they began to artificially breed animals with a wide variety of body colors, so if sandy tones are not to your taste, then you can easily choose a pet in the color that you like best.

Gerbils are, I’m not afraid of this word, the most perfect pets Of all rodents, they are happy to make contact with humans and are very playful. Taming this comrade will not be any particular difficulty, he will not be afraid of you anyway and will begin to play and come into your arms, and if you treat him with some tasty treat from your hands several times, then the adaptation process will be much faster and more enjoyable for your pet.

The only thing that sometimes scares people when buying such an exotic is its night activity, but you shouldn’t worry about this. The gerbil is an animal that can be easily accustomed to your daily routine, the first time you live with this friend under the same roof you will notice that he never sleeps all day, most likely he rests from time to time, he also does the same at night - he will play a little and runs and leaves to recuperate. But if you want him to sleep all night, then you should place his house in some dark room, where he will most likely sleep all night.

Of course, you can purchase a cage as a personal home for such a pet, but due to the fact that this rodent is used to sharpening its teeth, the bars of the cage will be destroyed very quickly. For this reason, it is best to place your tenant in a spacious aquarium, with a tight-fitting lid, but at the same time there should be good ventilation. The lid is needed to prevent this little jumper from simply jumping over the side of her house and running off for a walk around your apartment. Unlike hamsters, these little animals will not climb into the most unexpected places, where they are not only impossible to find, but also difficult to get out of there.

But the fact that they can do different pranks is another matter. They can easily chew furniture, wallpaper and even wires.

You can use sawdust, hay, special litter for rodents, and even ordinary napkins or paper as flooring for your new friend's home. There is no need to change it very often, as these animals secrete very little liquid, so cleaning the aquarium with a gerbil should be done as the filler gets wet, since they do not tolerate a humid environment very well.

The thickness of the layer of filler in a rodent’s personal home must be at least 10–15 cm, so that this worker can dig at least a small hole for himself.

You can come up with a place to sleep for your pupil yourself, but it would be better to bring him some hay, dry leaves, napkins or plain toilet paper and he will do everything with his “crazy” paws and to his liking.

In order to make your pet’s living conditions comfortable for him, it is necessary to equip his house with a variety of entertainment, such as a running wheel, walking balls and other interesting things for rodents. This will not only prevent your gerbil from getting bored when you are not around, but will also keep her little body in constant tone.

In addition, always bring her some twigs or driftwood as a gift, since gnawing something is instinctive and if the animal does not have the appropriate attributes, it will begin to sharpen its teeth on everything that is in its house.

This funny rodent must have a personal pool, but it needs to be filled not with water, but with sand, where your friend will relax, take his sand baths and clean his beautiful fur coat.

Just because your pet has even the most comfortable living conditions in a cage or aquarium does not mean that he should be there all the time. When you return home, try to let this active companion go for a walk. During these trips around your home, watch your gerbil carefully to make sure it doesn't do anything wrong. If this cunning creature has climbed under the sofa or hid behind a closet, there is no need to panic, it will jump out to you at the first call, and if the rodent does not respond, lure it with some kind of treat, it will certainly not resist.

And of course, if a cat lives in your house, make sure that your exotic representative of the hamster family does not become a tasty lunch for her.

Feeding a gerbil at home is not at all difficult. It is impossible to pinpoint any one favorite dish This mammal, at home it is usually fed with sprouted grains, green grass, plant shoots, and sometimes they can eat a few sunflower seeds. In addition, they happily eat bread, legumes, various berries, carrots, apples, beets and even cabbage.

From time to time, you can spoil your furry friend with delicacies such as small insects, such as locusts or mealworms. They eat cottage cheese with pleasure. Sometimes kind owners treat gerbils with food from their dining table; they certainly won’t refuse a sausage or some other similar delicacy, but it is still not recommended to do this, since eating such food that is unusual for them can negatively affect your health pet

Don't forget about the vitamins and minerals you need to feed your friend; his body will thank you very much for the extra calcium, which is contained, for example, in an eggshell or a piece of chalk.

Common diseases of gerbils

Like all living creatures, these mammals are susceptible to a number of pathological conditions.
  1. Tyzzer's disease (cryptosporidium). This disease in these cute rodents is manifested by liver necrosis, enteritis, the first sign of the disease is that the animal increases in size due to the accumulation of fluid in abdominal cavity. The onset of this pathology is acute and usually ends fatal animal. Young individuals and pregnant females are especially susceptible to cryptosporidium. The occurrence of the disease is associated with eating contaminated food. The best prevention is regular cage cleaning and feeding the rodent with proven products.
  2. Epilepsy. A fairly common pathology among these animals, most often it is hereditary. Manifested by periodic attacks of convulsions. No treatment or use of anticonvulsants is required.
  3. Injuries. Very often, gerbils damage their limbs or tear off their tail, so the best prevention of such conditions is careful care and proper housing for your friend.

Purchase and price of a gerbil

If you purchase a rodent from breeders, do not hesitate to demand that they provide you with all the documents, since an animal brought from the wild and not examined by a doctor can be deadly for you and your family, since these animals are carriers of plague and tularemia. The average price for one individual of this animal ranges from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles.

See more about the gerbil here:

Class: mammals.
Genus: the classification includes 14 genera of gerbils.
Family: hamsters
Subfamily: gerbils.
Habitat in nature: In nature, there are 87 species of gerbils, which can be found in desert and semi-desert regions of Africa and Asia and on islands in the Mediterranean Sea. They live in colonies, and prefer areas with sandy, clayey and gravelly soils, but not devoid of vegetation, which they use for food. The home of gerbils is burrows, sometimes reaching 3 meters in depth and interconnected by branched passages. Mongolian gerbils are most often kept as pets.
Lifespan: 3-5 years.
Averages: body length 5 - 20cm; tail - from 5.6 to 24 cm. Weight from 10 to 227g.

Gerbils are small rodents that look a bit like rats, but smaller in size. The muzzle can be pointed or round, the eyes are large and round, the ears are small but clearly visible. The tail is quite long, well pubescent, with long hairs forming a tassel at the end of the tail. When attacked by a predator, the tail may be discarded, but subsequently it does not grow back. The color of the body on the back and sides is buffy-sandy or brownish, the belly is lighter. There may be light spots behind the ears and around the eyes. The hind limbs are noticeably longer than the front ones and they often move on their hind legs. These rodents have perfectly developed organs of vision and hearing.

Gerbils are very curious, affectionate, friendly and sociable. If they come into the house as babies, they are very well tamed. Tamed rodents are cute and pleasant to talk to. Females are very caring mothers, and males show tender paternal feelings towards their offspring, which is rare for rodents.

Relationships with other pets
Cats, dogs, rats and birds can be dangerous to gerbils. They should not be allowed to “play” with hamsters and rabbits; such games usually end in injury.

Attitude towards children
Gerbils are not very suitable for children because they behave predominantly night image life, and sleep during the day. If they are disturbed, they will become very irritated and may bite the child. A child can communicate with a tamed animal if he knows how to be careful and gentle and manages not to harm such a miniature creature. In addition, children should be careful when interacting with gerbils so that they do not run away taking advantage of the situation.

Experts consider mice and rats to be the smartest among rodents, and among mice, gerbil mice are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence. They get used to their name and respond to it; they can be taught to respond correctly to certain commands and sounds. They can also do simple tricks: they can be taught to “serve”, jump from rail to rail, and others.

The optimal diet for gerbils is grains: wheat, oats, corn and barley, green grass, preferably slightly dried, hay, vegetables and fruits - for example, apples. Sometimes they can be given a little cottage cheese or boiled egg whites. Gerbils should not be offered citrus fruits - they cannot tolerate them. In pet stores you can buy ready-made grain mixtures for gerbils, which are divided into categories: for babies, for pregnant females, etc. Gerbils should not be overfed; the daily ration is one tablespoon of food per adult animal. Water should always be fresh and filtered.

Care and maintenance
To keep gerbils at home, you need a cage or a well-ventilated terrarium with a lattice lid. Gerbils jump well in height and can easily leave the terrarium, exploring new territories. The home should be located away from drafts and direct sun rays. Optimal temperature content 20-23°C, minimum - 15°C. Gerbils love to dig, so the bedding should be thick - 10-15 cm of non-coniferous sawdust. To create a nest, you can offer them hay, napkins without dye, strips of undyed paper, toilet paper no dyes. It is not recommended to put fabric or cotton in the cage, as this can be traumatic for the animal. In the home you need to put a couple of houses, preferably wooden ones, heavy food bowls that should be placed on a stand or shelf, otherwise the gerbils will bury them in sawdust, secure a drinking bowl for rodents and place pieces of fairly large branches deciduous trees for grinding cutters. A mineral-salt stone for rodents should be firmly fixed to the wall or lattice of the home. Gerbils are living, mobile animals. Place ladders and tunnels in your home, hang hammocks and be sure to strengthen the wheel, preferably a metal one with a mesh, since gerbils will certainly gnaw on a plastic one, and in a metal wheel with crossbars they can damage their tail. Gerbils need to take “sand baths” to keep their fur clean. To do this, place a container with special sand for rodents in the cage once or twice a week.
The drinking bowl and bowls are washed daily, the bedding must be changed once a week, and the cage must be completely cleaned and disinfected once a month.
It is important to check your gerbil's teeth regularly as they are prone to dental disease. It should be remembered that these rodents can be active both day and night.
Gerbils are social animals and it is best to keep them in a same-sex pair unless you intend to breed them.

A little history
The first representatives of Mongolian gerbils were brought to Paris from Northern China in the middle of the nineteenth century. At first they lived in menageries and laboratories, but gradually rodent lovers began to keep them. Over the past twenty years Mongolian gerbils have become very popular pet rodents. Despite the fact that Mongolian gerbils were domesticated quite recently, through the process of breeding and selection, animals of different colors have already been obtained. They come in golden, black, piebald, dove, white, slate (bluish-gray), cream and agouti - with zonal coat coloring.
In our country, Clubs for gerbil lovers have already been created, exhibitions are held where gerbils are exhibited along with other rodents, nurseries have been created and are successfully operating, engaged in breeding and selective breeding of purebred gerbils.

Surely not all gerbil owners know how to feed them properly. Gerbils are desert dwellers, so their diet consists of seeds and grass. You can give only these foods, but there are additional foods that your gerbil will like.

In nature, the diet of these animals is quite modest: gerbils feed on any dry grass and seeds that they manage to get. But at home, the diet can be varied with various products.

The ideal solution is a dry mixture of seeds, oats, wheat and barley. Such mixtures are sold ready-made in pet stores.

If you cannot find food specifically for gerbils, you can purchase food for hamsters. But from such a mixture you will have to choose peanuts and sunflower seeds, since a large amount of fat is harmful for the gerbil.

The gerbil is a small tame mouse.

Gerbils also benefit from budgie mixtures. In addition, they can be given fresh vegetables and fruits. Some rodents even love dry cat and dog food. You can try offering your pet different types of food and settle on the one that suits him.

Finding out what your gerbil likes is not difficult; she will decide on her own preferences. But it is not recommended to give gerbils one type of food. Gerbils, like all animals, need a balanced diet to keep them in shape.

Feeding process best moment To establish a trusting relationship with the animal, if you hand feed the gerbil, it will get used to you faster. Offer your gerbil a choice different types food and she will choose what she likes best.

How to feed a gerbil

Feeding time

It is recommended to pour food into a bowl, but these animals like to stockpile and hide food in different places, so you can scatter food around the cage. The animal will eat some of the food right away, and save some for later. The gerbil should eat in a clean cage. If an animal eats in the dirt, it will get sick.

What to give your gerbil

The basis of the diet should be dry food, but it can be varied with a small amount of vegetables and fruits. Different animals prefer different types of fruits and vegetables, so you will have to experiment. Some gerbils like apples, grapes and pears, while others like cabbage and carrots. Don't give your gerbil anything you wouldn't eat yourself.


These animals love seeds very much, but they cannot eat a lot of them. The animal must be controlled in its needs. Sunflower seeds can be given to your gerbil, but only occasionally. You can feed it budgie food or millet sprouts. Gerbils love small seeds, and they also contain oils that have a beneficial effect on the animal’s fur.

Respect your pet's choice; if he doesn't like the food, don't force it on him.

Water in the sippy cup

It is not recommended to give your gerbil a bowl of water. The gerbil will bury the bowl and spread dirt throughout the cage, while she will not have fresh water. Hang a bottle-shaped sippy cup on the cage. This will be a convenient and hygienic option. The water container must be hung so that the animal can drink without difficulty.

Important rules for feeding gerbils

The gerbil is a cute animal.

Food needs to be washed. Vegetables and fruits must be washed before giving to the animal, since their peels may contain pesticides that are hazardous to the health of the gerbil. Excess food should be removed immediately, otherwise the animal will bury it and it will disappear.

Don't feed your pet junk food. Basically, anything you can eat will not harm your gerbil. But it is not recommended to feed her lettuce, beans and legumes, since they do not contain substances that are beneficial for the pet.

The Mongolian gerbil is a small rodent. They live in kindergartens, zoo corners and at youth stations as pets. They are small in size, but larger than mice and hamsters. Unlike rats and mice, the gerbil's tail is completely covered with hair. She has a tassel at the end of her tail. Gerbils vary in color as a result of selective breeding. They are very clean, friendly and inquisitive. Gerbils bring nothing but joy to their owners. They love to play, climb ladders and climb on high ground. They play very funny with plastic or rag balls.

About the breed:
The gerbil can be confused with the rat, its closest relative. They are similar, only gerbils are smaller in weight and size. The tail of gerbils is not bare, but completely covered with hair and has a tassel at the end. She is easily tamed, so she becomes a favorite animal for the home, living areas and zoo circles. This animal is quite clean, has almost no smell and willingly makes contact with humans. This appreciation led to the selective breeding of gerbils. Thanks to which many different colors appeared. In Russia, the most common species is the Mongolian gerbil, which, judging by its name, lives in Mongolia.

Titles in other languages:
Gerbillinae - common name genus of gerbils (Latin),
Meriones unguiculatus - species of Clawed Gerbil (Latin),
Gerbille, Gerbil - Gerbil (English),
Sandaal - Gerbil (German).

Species: There are about 110 species
Genus: 14 genera of gerbils are known
Subfamily: Gerbils
Family: Mouse
Order: Rodents
Infraclass: Placental
Class: Mammals
Subphylum: Vertebrates
Type: Chordata
Kingdom: Animals.

Gerbil habitat:
Gerbils grow up to 20 cm, but they can be very small, about 5 cm. They weigh about 100-200 g, and small ones weigh no more than 15 g. Distinctive feature- fluffy tail, with a small tassel at the tip. The muzzle can be sharp or dull. The characteristic color is in its name. The color can be brownish-sandy or brown, this is due to its camouflage in the sand. Teeth various types gerbils are different. The standard number is 16 teeth. Molars have roots, but there are also teeth without roots. This animal is defenseless, so nature has endowed it with excellent hearing, sharp eyesight, elongated hind legs to move faster, and quick reaction. Gerbils are active in daytime all year round, and in winter they can hibernate.

Gerbil Reproduction:
Female gerbils are capable of producing 4 - 7 offspring in one year. The number of babies in a litter is from 5-6 pieces. Females carry them for about a month. Only at two months does each baby become mature. Gerbils have a short lifespan. In the wild, gerbils can live 3-4 months. During the reproductive period, Mongolian gerbils become especially interesting behavior. They gather, usually in a small colony, in which for one male there are from one to three females with their mature offspring. Each such settlement guards the territory, sometimes they organize exhibition fights, and do not allow other gerbils into the territory of their colony. Therefore, at home, you should not keep more than two rodents of different sexes in one cage, because they can share the space more bloodthirsty. In nature, everyone takes care of a common brood together, even the males.

Gerbil content:
The gerbil is one of the most active and mobile rodents; those who decide to keep it at home should remember this. The gerbil needs a spacious and free cage, the floor of which is covered with a thick layer of straw or hay, about 15-20 cm. Such a layer is necessary for the gerbil to have the opportunity to dig. It is better to purchase a lattice cage with a tray, because an active pet can accidentally scatter the bedding. You should place a container of sand in the gerbil's cage in which they can take baths, or use it as a toilet. There is no need to choose a home with high shelves or several floors, because the animal is fragile and can fall and be injured. To release energy into the cage, it is better to install a wheel. But this may not be enough for an active rodent. It must be allowed out to run, only under the careful supervision of a person. There should be no places in the room that are hard to reach for humans - gerbils try to make nests in these places. The cage should be made of durable material, since gerbils always tend to chew on everything; one day it may get to its cage.

Additional Information:
When choosing a gerbil for yourself, be sure to look at it carefully. The fur should be clean and fit snugly to the body. The eyes should be open and shiny, the ears and nose should be clean and dry. A healthy gerbil is very active. It is better to take her home from 1 to 6 months, because the older she is, the more difficult it will be to tame her. In addition, there is a big risk of buying a very old animal that will not live long. To learn more about your pet, you can become a member of the Rodent Lovers Club.

Gerbil mice are small rodents that in the wild live in areas with a sandy landscape, somewhat reminiscent of a desert. The animals are friendly, curious and very active. They are easily tamed, freely interact with humans and are clean.

There are artificially bred species of rodents with different coat colors. Most often in Russia, the Mongolian gerbil is bred at home, but other varieties are not excluded.

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    The gerbil looks like an ordinary mouse, but it has a different fur color and is slightly larger than a vole. The small animal weighs 100-200 g, its body length is 10-20 cm. At the end long tail there is a brush. The animal's muzzle is pointed.

    The sandy terrain gave the mice a grayish-brown color for better camouflage. The animals have 16 teeth. Excellent hearing and sharp vision help gerbils avoid being caught by predators. Elongated hind legs contribute to the rapid movement of rodents. The mice lead active image life in the daytime, at night the animals sleep. In winter they hibernate.

    In nature, animals feed on shrubs and plants. They prepare all kinds of branches for the winter; they love camel thorn. A colony of gerbils is capable of leaving its home in search of food, settling in and adapting other people's burrows as shelter in new places.

    The female brings offspring 4-6 times per year, in one brood there are 4-7 babies, the gestation period is about one month. After 2 weeks, the cubs open their eyes, and after 3, they begin to feed on their own.

    The gerbil matures 2 months after birth. With proper care, animals live 2-4 years. In the wild, the entire family, including the male, takes care of the babies. For one male individual there are up to 3 females, each of them can have a litter. If several families are left in one cage at once, the division of territory will begin; Mongolian gerbils are capable of starting fights in the struggle for their home.

    The mouse is completely picky about care. Keeping a gerbil does not require special living conditions. But if you want to have a small pet at home, you need to know some rules and features.

    The best home for a gerbil is a glass aquarium or a metal cage. The animal can chew through a plastic or wooden structure, as it constantly sharpens its teeth. The gerbil is also capable of grinding them off on metal rods. At the same time, he does it so hard that he is left with a bald nose. If the tray is plastic, it will not be difficult for her to chew through it and escape.

    The aquarium must be high so that the mouse does not jump out of it. The container volume is usually at least 50 liters. There should be more space for a family of rodents; each family should be kept in a separate house.

    The cage must have a high tray, otherwise all the processed sawdust will scatter throughout the room. To prevent the animal from grinding down the cage, you can offer it small boards, tree branches, or cardboard in exchange, but this does not always help.


    Small pets are sociable and practically omnivorous, so they love to be kept at home.

    Rodents should be cleaned daily, as gerbils are clean animals. In the cage, a certain place is allocated for the toilet, where all members of the family go. If individuals begin to defecate in other parts, this indicates their old age or illness.

    Old sawdust is removed from the house and new ones are put in. It is advisable to wash the feeders daily, periodically you need to disinfect the dishes: boil them for 10 minutes once every 2 months, or more often.

    The cage is doused with boiling water once a quarter, including the nesting house. To avoid infection (especially if one animal has died), carefully treat the home with a 10% phenol solution, to which green soap is added (300 g per 10 liters of water). Use 5% Lysol and 3% chloramine solution.

    All things inside the cage and the place where it stood are subject to treatment. After this, the aquarium is thoroughly rinsed with water and dried. Infected animals are placed in separate houses and kept there for a month.

    Bedding can be made from hay or straw and lasts longer than sawdust, although mice may eat dry grass. Dishes with sand are placed in the cage, since the natural instinct makes rodents take sand baths.

    There is no need to use fabric instead of sawdust; your pet can fray it and then get tangled in the threads.

    Feeding and drinking

    It is necessary to ensure that animals always have pure water for drinking. They change it daily.

    Gerbils eat:

    • grass;
    • bread;
    • grains and legumes;
    • sunflower and pumpkin seeds;
    • beets;
    • carrot;
    • cabbage;
    • cottage cheese;
    • berries and fruits.

    Rodents also feed on locusts and mealworms, and shoots of soft trees. Instead of mineral supplements, mice are given chalk and eggshells. A salt stone is hung or secured in the cage for replenishment mineral salts animal diet.


    In a house where rodents are located, the air temperature should be +16...+23 degrees. The room must be ventilated so that the oxygen content is normal.

    Animals don't like high humidity and drafts. During cold periods, the cage is insulated with hay, straw and sawdust. Mice burrow into the grass and keep warm. During sudden changes temperature conditions gerbils may die.

    High room humidity changes the heat transfer of animals, and they begin to get sick more often. Excessive air temperature causes the animal's body to overheat, they become inactive, their appetite disappears, and the metabolic process in the body is disrupted.

    It’s not difficult to tame an animal; you just need to treat it with a treat several times. Even if the mouse runs away from the house, it can easily respond to the owner’s voice. A healthy gerbil is very mobile and active.

    They buy animals aged 1-6 months, because an adult is more difficult to tame. These animals do not harm agricultural crops, like voles, but they can carry diseases dangerous to humans - plague and tularemia. To prevent rodents from getting bored, you can put a running wheel or toys in the cage.

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