Piranha with human teeth. Fish with human teeth. Unusual fish of the world - photos. Breeding Piranha Red Pacu

(Colossoma macropomum), or large colossoma, belongs to the small genus Colossoma, widespread in South America, which includes four more species of fairly large fish: C. brachypomum - black colossoma, C. Bidens - red-breasted colossoma, C. Oculus - toothy colossoma and C. orbignyanum - Orbignyan colossoma.

The largest representative of the genus. In the Amazon basin it is the second largest fish after the arapaima. Individual specimens can reach a length of more than one meter and weigh about 30 kg, with 10% of their body weight being fat.

The genus colossoma is included in the characin family (Characidae), which includes such popular aquarium fish like neons and tetras.

It was first described in 1816 by Cuvier.

The existing classification of the family is quite complex, and is still controversial.

The body shape of all colossoms is very similar to the one notorious for its bloodthirstiness. common piranha.

Some taxonomists even distinguish black pacu and the common piranha into a separate subfamily, Serrasalminae ("Serrated Salmonidae"), all members of which have a serrated keel running along the abdomen.

Despite the significant difference in size, black pacu and piranha have the same number of teeth, very different in shape, indicating differences in food preferences these types.
If piranhas have pointed, razor-shaped teeth, triangular in shape, and their lower jaw noticeably protrudes forward, then in a pacu the upper jaw protrudes forward, and the teeth are square in shape and somewhat reminiscent of human ones.

The teeth of the black pacu are square in shape and somewhat reminiscent of human teeth.

Strong teeth allow fish to crack hard shells of nuts that are inaccessible to other herbivorous fish.

Black pacu widespread throughout almost the entire Amazon basin, with the exception of the headwaters of large rivers with black and clear water. Judging by the tributaries of the Rio Madeira and Rio Negro, this species lives in them only at a distance of about 150 km from white-water rivers.

Period high water falls between mid-December and mid-June.
When river water levels begin to rise rapidly, adults black pacu gather in schools and swim to spawn in white waters. The exact location of the spawning grounds is still unknown, but they appear to be located along flooded grassy levees. After spawning, the schools break up and the fish migrate to floodplain forests filled with black and clear waters, where they feed on fruits and seeds.

Black pacu collect their favorite fruits and seeds from floodplain flora in the order in which they fall into the water. They readily consume large seeds of both dry and juicy fruits. For example, the seeds of the rubber tree (Hevea spruceana, Euphorbiaceae) make up about 58% of total number fruits consumed by fish at this time. Hevea fruits are capsules that, after ripening, explode and the seeds contained in them scatter in different directions. Hevea seeds are about 4 cm in size and are covered with a very durable shell that can only be destroyed by jaws. black pacu. The fish gather under the rubber trees, waiting for the seeds to fall into the water.

Second most important in the diet black pacu, are considered large fruits palm trees (Astrocaryum jauary), which are covered with an equally hard shell.

During this period, fish accumulate a significant amount of fat, which they will need later, when the water level becomes low and the amount of food is sharply reduced.

Depending on the nature of the floodplain and the water level, fish remain in the flooded forest for four to seven months. When the water level drops, most of black pacu rolls down into the original river beds, and some of the fish remain in floodplain lakes.

As soon as large representatives of the genus Colossoma appeared in aquariums, they immediately began to be called pacu.

The word pacu is of Brazilian-Indian origin. In the Amazon, this name is given to representatives of the genera Metynnis, Mylossoma and Myleus, smaller compared to Colossoma macropomum, which in its homeland is better known as tambaqui.

Juveniles black pacu and the common piranha are very similar. Medium-sized dark spots are scattered across the silver-steel body. This coloring, coupled with their unique shape, makes them attractive objects for keeping in aquariums.

Expressive coloration as it grows black pacu loses contrast and turns from light brown to almost black. The anal and pectoral fins are colored to match the body. And on the caudal fin two wide, black, vertical stripes are distinguishable. One of which runs at the base of the caudal fin, the other borders it.

The intensity of the shades is affected by the transparency and color of the water. In black water, colored by humic acids, as in the Rio Negro, the color of the fish is very dark, while in white water, it is much lighter, even light golden.

Heat-loving species optimal temperature water 25-27°C, the value of 14°C can be considered critical, below which fish die.

Hydrochemical parameters of water special significance Dont Have: overall hardness can range from 2 to 20°, pH from 6 to 8 units. The main thing is that the aquarium has effective filtration and periodic water changes.

Resistant to low oxygen content in water.
The water added to the aquarium must be well settled, since the species is sensitive to gases dissolved in water, which can cause gas embolism in the fish, which can result in the death of the fish.

Despite the large size black pacu relatively peaceful fish, besides their oral apparatus not very suitable for hunting other fish.

Any medium and large non-sizes are suitable for joint keeping. aggressive species, in particular, herbivorous chain catfish, which will pick up leftover food from the ground.

Being frightened, it can hit the glass of the aquarium hard, and if it is not thick enough, then there is a high probability of its destruction with the ensuing consequences.

In an aquarium appropriate for the size of the fish and at proper care black pacu can become responsive pets.

However, you should be careful when having these fish in your aquarium. Despite the fact that the diet black pacu Unlike the diet of piranhas, which consists mainly of food of plant origin, their strong jaws, capable of crunching very hard seeds and nuts, can pose a serious danger.

So in Scotland, at the Edinburgh Museum “The World of Butterflies and Insects,” he bit off the finger of a child who carelessly dropped it into an aquarium. After which the child required emergency surgery.

A similar incident occurred in Fort Worth (Texas, USA), when a sixty-centimeter one jumped out of the water and bit off the nose of its owner, who was leaning over an aquarium.

In the pet trade it often appears as a herbivorous piranha. The juveniles sold usually measure 5-8 cm, but sellers often forget to warn potential buyers that the small size of the aquarium will not be able to contain the growth of these fish. As a result, frivolous aquarists who failed to create decent living conditions for the purchased black pack, who have outgrown their aquariums, release them into natural reservoirs.

Being tropical fish, black pacu die in too cold water, but they adapt well to warm waters, where they often become competitors to local species.

Thanks to such carelessness of aquarists, in many rivers of the USA there appeared different kinds paku.

In the nineties of the last century, as commercial fish, was introduced into the Sipik and Ramu rivers (Papua New Guinea). Local conditions turned out to be so favorable that the fish began to grow to sizes that had never been reached in their homeland.

Despite this, the natives do not like black pacu because they are reducing the number of local species, including young crocodiles. There are even rumors of an attack black pacu on people.

But in the tropical part South America, black pacu- a favorite aquaculture object due to its amazingly fast growth rate and high taste qualities meat, which is famous for its tenderness and sweetish taste, reminiscent of a cross between tilapia and rainbow trout.
During the first year of life, juveniles black pacu gains weight of more than one kilogram.

IN optimal conditions, life expectancy black pacu in an aquarium can reach 25 years.

Diet of black pacu

Black pacu They are omnivores; they consume both animal and plant foods. But excessively high-calorie food can quickly lead fish to morbid obesity, so animal feed should make up no more than 10% of their diet. This primarily applies to adults; for adolescents, the share of animal feed may be higher, about 40%.

The main attention should be paid to plant foods, since in nature fish prefer them.

They willingly eat pieces of soft tropical fruits (bananas, figs) and vegetables (tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, cabbage, etc.); they can even eat watermelon rinds without much difficulty.

Reproduction of black pacu

In nature black pacu, as a rule, stay alone.
Their spawning is seasonal and occurs during the rainy season, when the water level in rivers rises greatly, causing a decrease in hardness and pH.

At this time, adult individuals gather in large flocks and migrate deep into the flooded jungle, where they spawn in areas rich in vegetation.

Juveniles black pacu prefers floodplains of black-water rivers, where it feeds on insects, mollusks and decaying vegetation.

Sex differences in black pacu poorly expressed. Sexually mature females, raised in optimal conditions, are noticeably larger and plumper than males. Distinctive feature females are shaped by the shape of their abdomen.

In an aquarium, obtain offspring from black pacu quite problematic, the limiting factor here is the volume of the spawning tank. The minimum dimensions of which are 160X60X80 cm. Spawning black pacu reminiscent of carp spawning.

At industrial breeding Sex products are taken from the producers, after which the fertilized eggs are incubated in special containers.

The fertility of females ranges from 50 to 200 thousand eggs. The eggs are glued to the substrate (water hyacinth, fishing line, etc.) or scattered along the bottom. At a temperature of 26-29°C, the larvae swim on the 5-7th day.

Their starting food is the smallest plankton or high-quality fine-grained dry food with the obligatory addition of plant components.

The role of black pacu in nature

In nature black pacu act as seed distributors. The fish swim to distances of up to several kilometers from the place where the seeds were swallowed. Moreover, the seeds are distributed over territories in which it is convenient for plants to grow, along flood valleys in river floodplains.

Black pacu in nature

It is likely that black pacu perform together with terrestrial animals key role in seed dispersal in the Amazon. Large individuals are most effective in such work, as they eat more and swim further. But there are fewer and fewer such specimens in nature every year. Overfishing has reduced some populations by 90%.

Given the role that black pacu play in the spread of trees, it can be assumed that the disappearance of fish may lead to a reduction in the area of ​​tropical rainforests.

Some inhabitants underwater world we are familiar with others, we have eaten others, and not everyone even knows about the existence of others. There are species of fish that we didn’t even know existed. They are completely different: huge and tiny, dangerous and not very dangerous, with bizarre shapes and strange names. From this article you will learn that there is, for example, fish with human ones; it is probably not known to every person. Many strange fish live in the underwater depths, we will also talk about them. So, let's begin our journey into the fascinating and exotic world of fish.


This is the most real fish with human teeth. Paku is freshwater inhabitant many rivers in South America. It is also found in the Orinoco and Amazon basins. She also reached Papua New Guinea, where they began to artificially breed her in order to raise her to a higher level. high level Fish with human teeth belong to the same genus as piranhas (Serrasalminae), although their preferences and habits differ. Piranha is a carnivorous species, but pacu eats absolutely everything and prefers vegetation.

Fish with human teeth: why is it called that?

The most important difference between pacu and piranha is the structure of the teeth. Piranha, as we know, has sharp teeth, which many compare to a razor. But a fish with human teeth has a completely different jaw structure, which is why it is called that. If you look into her mouth, you can really get scared and horrified. Her teeth are square and straight, very human-like. Fish use them mainly for chopping fruits and nuts, although they can also feast on invertebrates. It was her craving for nuts that once deprived two fishermen of their genitals in Papua New Guinea. As you can see, although the pacu is not such a predator as the piranha, the strength of its jaws can still cause irreparable harm. But in the USA, the fish is legal, and anyone can purchase it and place it in an aquarium. But for some reason people don’t take into account that a pacu can grow up to a meter and weigh about 30 kg. Therefore, then the owners simply release her into the nearest body of water. This can explain the fact that fish appeared in Denmark and England. Some sources report that pacu is already available even in Russia.

Lion fish

Continuing to talk about what kind of worlds exist, we cannot lose sight of this cute creature. The lion fish is mostly motionless among the corals, only sometimes swimming from one place to another. It attracts the attention of people and numerous aquatic inhabitants with its unusual coloring, dorsal and pectoral fins, which resemble a large fan. However, behind the bright appearance there are sharp needles that secrete poison. A fish will never be the first to attack a person, but if he accidentally steps on it or even touches it, then just one injection will greatly worsen his general well-being. And after several injections, a person will not be able to swim to the shore on his own; he will need help.

frilled shark

This predator is called that because of the brown formation on its body that looks like a cape. And due to the large number of folds on the skin, it is also called a corrugated shark. Scientists believe that such formations on the skin serve as a reserve of body volume to accommodate large prey in the stomach. Due to its teeth bent inward, this inhabitant of the waters is unable to crush food, so it swallows its prey whole. This is where folds in the skin that can stretch can come in handy. You can see a shark in any ocean, but not in the Arctic.

Blob fish

Some types of fish are truly capable of striking with their appearance. The drop fish is one of them. She looks so unattractive that she is considered one of the most scary fish available on the planet. They live off the coast of Tasmania and Australia, and in this moment there is a threat of their complete extinction. The body of this ugly fish consists of a gelatinous mass, the density of which is less. It has absolutely no muscles, but this does not prevent it from lazily opening its mouth and swallowing everything that swims in front of it (if it is edible).

Big Mouth

This unusual individual lives in the Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans. The body of the largemouth is narrow and long (up to 1 meter). And the mouth is gigantic in size (a third of the entire body length), and can even stretch. This one has unusual inhabitant oceans have no scales, ribs, or normal bone structure. Slim body on the tail it turns into a thread, at the end of which there is luminous organ. Due to the presence of only light cartilage and deformed bones in the skeleton, the fish is very light, it has tiny eyes and a very small skull. The size of the mouth allows the largemouth to swallow prey that is larger than itself in size.


This deep-sea inhabitant is also called the black eater. This fish grows no more than 30 cm in length, and it was named so because of its ability to completely absorb prey that is several times larger than itself. For example, it can easily swallow prey that is 4 times longer and 10 times heavier than the bag swallow itself! Its jaws are very large, and its fangs help hold the prey while the fish pushes it into its stomach. When food begins to decompose in the stomach, a lot of gas is formed there, which is why the fish involuntarily rises to the surface of the water. Very little is known about these inhabitants, since it is simply impossible to observe their way of life in their natural conditions.

Macropinna smallmouth

It is impossible to see this fish and not scream in fear and surprise at the same time. Why? Because she has a transparent head! The barrel eye (second name) can easily track prey through such a head with its tubular eyes. The specimen was discovered only in 1939. In her usual environment, she is motionless, and if she decides to move, she does so in a horizontal position and very slowly. Previously, it was completely unclear how the eyes of a fish work, because there are olfactory organs right above its mouth, and the eyes are located right inside its surprisingly transparent head, and they only look up. In 2009, scientists finally found out that macropinna has an extremely unusual structure of the eye muscles. It turns out that the eyes of a fish are usually in a vertical position, and if there is a need to look ahead, then it moves them to a horizontal position! Once this happens, she can see her mouth and grab her prey!


This is a real deep-sea monster. It is called not only an angler fish, but also a devil fish. This one has bare skin, a spherical body shape, and the female has a “fishing rod”. This predator hunts thanks to a special growth on its back - during the process of evolution, one section of the dorsal fin was separated from the others, and at its end a transparent sac appeared in which bacteria live. What's most interesting is that the angler fish can make these bacteria light up! He regulates this himself, narrowing or expanding blood vessels. The female can grow up to 65 cm, and the male - only 15-45 mm! When the male ends puberty, he attaches himself to the female with sharp teeth (usually from the side). Soon he fuses with her tongue and lips, and his teeth, intestines, and eyes are reduced in such a way that he becomes a simple appendage that has lost its independence.


From this article you learned what unusual fish exist (photos above). It doesn’t matter whether they pose a danger to humans or not, you shouldn’t be afraid of them. After all, the main thing is to have information and know what each individual is capable of.

Pacu fish... You must admit that many of us have never even heard of such a creature from the underwater world. It’s a pity, because this depth can attract attention not only because of its physical features, but also thanks to the huge number of rumors associated with his alleged bloodthirstiness and aggressiveness.

Pacu is completely harmless, despite the fact that its size is much larger than that of its closest relatives, and the teeth of this fish look very much like human ones. She is a true vegetarian and eats only plants.

There were rumors about the emergence of a new population of bloodthirsty pacu. But it seems that they were not confirmed. And if this was true, then individual individuals became only an exception to the main rule.

Pacu fish: habitat

Everyone knows that piranhas are found in southern latitudes. The subject of our conversation is no exception. Where does the pacu fish live? Photos are mainly taken in South America and the Amazon basin. Although you can also find these fish in Africa.

Nutritional Features

As mentioned above, paku only likes vegetarian food. In captivity they prefer to feast on fresh leaves lettuce, nettle, spinach, love green pea(even canned). And they will never refuse spirulina and wolfberry ice cream. For variety, pacu fish menus sometimes include granulated, freeze-dried and other elements of animal origin.

Pacu fish. Keeping in an aquarium

Pacus of impressive size have to be kept in huge demonstration aquariums. On average, their length ranges from 30 to 40 cm, but some specimens can sometimes reach 60 cm. There is a known case when a fish weighing 25 kg grew to 88 cm in length. Living in captivity, pacu grow no more than 50 cm in length, and their weight does not exceed 2 kg. But still, such a large fish requires a fairly large aquarium, at least 200 liters, in which the water needs to be changed regularly. It is also necessary to install powerful air exchange and filtration systems of good quality.

you can use driftwood and stones, but you should buy artificial algae - others will simply be eaten by fish.

If you are going to have several individuals at once, then make sure that they have somewhere to spread out. Please note that a 100 liter aquarium is quite enough for young fish, but this is only for a short time.

Fish breeders feed them pieces of bananas, figs and other exotic fruits. However, they will not refuse pumpkin, cabbage, tomatoes and cherries. The peculiarity of pacu is that it does not completely digest food, which entails a large number of waste. That is why the ideal neighbors for pacu fish are herbivorous catfish, which feed on leftover food and push undigested waste to the surface, thereby helping to keep the aquarium clean.

Pacu - South American freshwater fish, inhabiting most rivers in the Amazon and Orinoco basins of the Amazon lowland. Pacu also made their way to Papua New Guinea, where they were artificially bred to help the local fishing industry. The pacu shares common roots with the piranha, being in the genus Serrasalminae, although they have different habits and preferences. Piranha is a carnivorous species, while Pacu is omnivorous, with a vegetative preference. The difference is obvious in the structure of their teeth. The piranha has razor-sharp teeth, while the pacu's are squarer, straighter, and eerily similar to human teeth.

Pacu use its teeth mainly to crush nuts and fruits, but they also sometimes eat other fish and invertebrates. They commonly eat floating fruits and nuts that fall from trees into the Amazon, and in several cases have even attacked the testicles of male swimmers, confusing them with nuts. They earned a dangerous reputation after they castrated several local fishermen in Papua New Guinea. So when the fish were discovered in several lakes in Denmark, and later in Washington, New Jersey and Illinois, there was a bit of panic.

While pacu are not aggressive carnivores like piranhas, their crushing jaw system can be dangerous. One baby needed surgery after a pacu bit his finger at Edinburgh Zoo in Scotland. The manager then commented on the incident by saying that "Paku will eat anything, even a child's wiggling fingers."

These fish are legal in the United States and can be purchased at pet stores. The problem is that many aquarium owners are not aware that pacu can grow more than a meter long, which is too long for a typical home aquarium. When a pet outgrows their fish tank, owners end up releasing it into nearby lakes. This explains the fact that fish began to be found in many bodies of water outside their own natural environment a habitat.

If you want even more creepy underwater inhabitants, then there is a separate photo strip for this, where as many as 25 equally strange creatures have been collected.

These curious-eyed fish usually swim leisurely around the aquarium. Looking at them, it is difficult to guess that these are close relatives of the terrible ones. Yes, pacu fish are from the piranha family, but they primarily feed plant foods and does not pose a danger to people.

The name paku is used for several large species fish of the piranha family (Serrasalmidae), living in the rivers of South America. The number of teeth in the common piranha (Pygocentrus nattereri) and the pacu is the same, but their structure is very different. The teeth of the predatory Pygocentrus nattereri (also called the red piranha) are pointed with a clearly visible mesial bite (with a protruding lower jaw).

Pacu teeth are straight, rectangular (sometimes called square). The bite may be slightly mesial or distal: the teeth of the upper jaw are slightly protruded, and the upper jaw may protrude slightly forward. Or both jaws are in the same position: neither of them protrudes.

Which pacu are popular among aquarists?

The homeland of all pacu is the reservoirs of the Orinoco and Amazon basins. They are part of the neotropical fauna. They are often sold as herbivorous piranhas. But in order for pacu to become real pets that delight the owner, it is necessary to provide proper conditions and care for them. After all, these fish are not small! Typically, aquariums contain black (aka brown) and red pacu.

About the Latin names of pacu

The Latin scientific names used in this article correspond to the latest updated data relational base(fishbase) fish. Based on the data from this site, it is concluded that the Russian names black and brown pacu refer to the same species, the scientific name of which is Colossoma macropomum. Acceptable (correct) synonyms are the following Latin names: Colossoma nigripinne and Piaractus macropomus. The authors of articles on some Internet resources consider the black paku as separate species and use the name Colossoma brachypomum for it, which is erroneous because according to the fishbase website this name is a synonym for the Latin name for red pacu (Piaractus brachypomus) and therefore applies to the Russian name red pacu.

About the red pacu

Several Russian names are used for this pack. Most often it is called the red pacu, sometimes the name red-breasted pacu is used, and very rarely - the two-toothed colossoma. According to fishbase the correct Latin is currently scientific name accepted - Piaractus brachypomus, which has synonyms: Colossoma bidens means two-toothed colossoma; the second frequently used synonym is Colossoma brachypomum. The name Colossoma branchypomus cannot be used for this species because there is a typo in the last syllable.

How to distinguish a red pacu from a red piranha

Because of appearance The red pacu fish at a young age is often mistaken for the dangerous predatory red piranha Pygocentrus nattereri. Especially if she swims in a species aquarium, near which there are no labels with the names of the fish. Indeed, these two fish are very similar and have almost the same characteristics:

  • laterally compressed tall body with small silvery scales;
  • the gill cover in the lower part and the belly are red;
  • fins (paired ventral and anal) are also bright red;
  • the edge of the caudal fin with a striking black stripe.

The main difference between these two types is the structure of the teeth. Let's look at the photo of the red pacu fish, pay attention to the open mouth. We see rectangular teeth, very reminiscent of human ones. The teeth are large and strong with a wide top, so the fish can easily crack nuts.

But is it really necessary to look into the fish’s mouth to understand whether a red piranha or a pacu is swimming in an aquarium? And how to do this? No need to look into your mouth. Take a close look at the closed jaws of the fish. If the lower jaw protrudes forward very strongly, there is a bloodthirsty piranha in front of you. If the jaws are approximately the same, it is a vegetarian red pacu.

Habitat, age and size

The habitat of the red pacu or two-toothed colossoma are numerous tributaries of the Amazon and Orinoco and the rivers themselves. There is information that this type celebrated in Argentina.

It is an omnivorous fish, but the mainstay of its diet is natural conditions- nuts, which she cracks with her flat teeth and strong jaws. It practically does not eat meat; it can feed on insects and rotting plant remains. This is a fast-growing species and can reach 30 centimeters in length by the end of the first year of life. It is the subject of aquaculture and commercial fish farming. A popular species among aquarists.

The maximum recorded length of a red pacu is 88 cm, the largest weight is 25 kg. There is information about the maximum recorded age of this species, which was 28 years.

About the brown pacu

The brown pacu is best known as Latin name Colossoma macropomum, although there are also synonyms: Colossoma nigripinne and Piaractus macropomus. In nature, they live in the Orinoco and Amazon basins.

Position in the fish system: class Ray-finned fish, order Cyprinidae, suborder Characinidae, family Piranhaidae.

An external difference, characteristic of all fish of the characinoid suborder, is a small adipose fin located behind the dorsal fin in front of the caudal fin. This pacu fish is largest representative of this suborder in South American waters. With its tall, laterally compressed body, it resembles an ordinary piranha. However, it is well distinguished by color: the body is painted in shades of black and gray, so it has another name - black pacu. This big fish It has big eyes, in which you can notice curiosity about everything that is around.

The usual size that most fish of the species Colossoma macropomum reach in nature is about 70 centimeters. The maximum recorded body length is 108 centimeters, and published data indicate heaviest weight– 40 kilograms. The brown pacu has 10 percent body fat (enough high rate), has delicious meat and is an object of fish farming. These fish with good immunity have been stocked in many large rivers in tropical America and even in rivers South-East Asia to be grown for food.

Nutrition and lifestyle

Herbivorous pacu fish are often called fish with “human teeth”. Their teeth bear a vague resemblance to human molars. Therefore, they very easily eat grain crops, fruits and nuts, and plant debris that they find in the water. The brown pacu is no exception; at the same time, it can also eat small fish, insects and invertebrates.

The diet of young individuals consists of zooplankton, snails and insects. And only with age do fish switch to a preferably plant-based diet.

The brown pacu probably breeds during river floods and in flooded floodplain forests. The fishbase website reports that juveniles and “teenagers” live in the black waters of the floodplains until they reach sexual maturity. And adult specimens remain in flooded forests for five months after the flood, and then, apparently, return to the rivers.

The black pacu leads a solitary lifestyle, and this differs from the natterer piranha.

The difficulty in maintaining any pacu is the need to purchase a sufficiently large tank, which can weigh about one ton. In such an aquarium it is necessary to install powerful filters that will maintain high water quality. The heater must support warm water in an aquarium (about 26-28 C), you also need an aerator and lamps for lighting.

In the photo of the red pacu fish, the decorations of the aquarium are slightly visible - large rocks. Large driftwood can also be placed. It is better to use only artificial plants for decorative purposes; any living plants will be eaten by fish.

The pacu's diet in the aquarium should be balanced. The approximate composition of a serving may look like this - small pieces of vegetables and fruits (apple, cabbage or zucchini), combined with meat (shellfish or shrimp).

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