Show halibut fish. Delicious and healthy halibut meat. Nutritional value, composition and calorie content of halibut

halibut(otherwise sea tongues) three genera of fish from the flounder family are called. There are 5 separate species in total; all of them live in the northern seas, including in the waters territorially belonging to Russia.

Description of halibut

Halibuts, like all fish from the flounder family, have an asymmetric skull, but it is not as pronounced as in other species. In the main differences, they have a longer (relative to width), slightly pointed body, close to an oval shape. The caudal fin is notched, the dorsal fin begins immediately above the eye located at the top. There is a spike in front of the fin at the anus, and on the lateral line there is a sharp bend above the pectoral fins.

halibut species

Halibut known to specialists are:

  • the genus Whitebark halibut: it includes the Atlantic halibut, reaching a length of 4.7 m and a mass of 337 kg (listed in the International Red Book), and the Whitebark halibut;
  • Arrow-toothed halibut genus: consists of Asian (usual fish weight 2...3 kg, grows up to 73 cm) and American (usual length 83.5...45 cm, weight no more than 3 kg) arrow-toothed halibut;
  • genus Black halibut: includes one species - Black halibut or blue-barked halibut; its length is possible 1.2 m, and weight - 44.5 kg.

Halibut flounders also exist in nature.

Where is halibut found

Halibut live in the Pacific, Atlantic oceans, in their northern parts. Specific types:

  • black and ordinary - in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Bering and Barents Seas;
  • Asian arrow-toothed - in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, also in the Bering Sea, sometimes caught in the Sea of ​​Japan;
  • American arrow-toothed - in the seas located near North America(western shores from the northern point of California to Alaska), near the coast of Kamchatka from the east, in the waters washing the Asian shores of the Bering Sea.

halibut fish lifestyle

All types of halibut are predatory fish; their food is cod, gerbil, flounder, mackerel, herring, stingray, pollock, crustaceans, mollusks, etc. For life, the fish “prefers” water with a temperature of at least +3 ° C. In the boreal regions of the oceans, it lives at depths of up to 200 meters, in colder regions it also occurs at 700 meters.

The main habitat of halibut is the bottom layers.

They live 30 years, become able to produce offspring after 7 ... 17 years of age. Halibut caviar is tossed in cold (+2 °C…+10 °C) water, usually in winter and spring periods, at a depth of 300 ... 1 thousand meters. The fecundity of females is 2.5 ... 0.3 million eggs. The fry hatch on the 17th day at +6 °C temperature. Their development occurs with transformations inherent in all flounder fish.

halibut fishing

halibut - valuable breed fish. Especially in Russia (Barents and Far Eastern seas), in Norway halibut is harvested industrially; at the same time, mainly bottom longlines are used to capture it.

Amateur fishing has also been developed in recent times. Thanks to the companies that have appeared in Norway and Russia, many Russians have joined it. Fishing is carried out in the seas adjacent to the coast of Norway. It is carried out mainly from boats, by vertical manipulations with the bait at the bottom. For fishing, spinning rods of appropriate power are used.

From the existing, for example, on the Internet, tips for those who want to fish for halibut, you can form several general ones that will give an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcatching this unusual and stubborn fish. They are the following:

  • First, when deciding to go fishing for halibut, you need to carefully plan everything. It is necessary, for example, on the Internet, to get acquainted with the behavior of fish, with fishing techniques, with the equipment that is used in this case. The success of the enterprise directly depends on the vastness of your knowledge.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to carefully approach finding a suitable place for catching halibut. And to find exactly one where the probability of catching a worthy specimen is high. At the same time, it is not necessary to focus on well-known databases, where, precisely because of their fame, prices sometimes go off scale. In Norway, there are many other, less well-known bases where you can catch well and not overpay. Among these are located in the Myrfjord region (north of the country); they are harder to get to, but be sure to look for your halibut there.
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to catch halibut only in areas of the seas with a sandy bottom.
  • Fourthly, the tactics of fishing must be competent. Halibut fishing is generally calm and boring. It just needs patience and the ability to wait in the wings. And when it happens, you will feel it on the tackle.
  • Fifth, when going out to sea, always check your gear for halibut. Spinning for fishing should not be taken short, otherwise you will get solid cliffs. The rod should be light, otherwise after a few days of fishing you will not be able to raise your arms and move your neck. The cord must be strong, you need to take a spare, otherwise you can quickly be left without fishing.
  • Sixth, the coil. This is necessarily a multiplier, moreover, not heavy weight.
  • Seventh, most effective way to catch a halibut is a jig, although trolling is also used. Of the best baits - Mieko Predator 28. Single hooks are better - there will be fewer problems when unhooking the caught fish. Many fish with live bait using a special head-capture. Naturally, the marked baits are not the only ones, you can use others.
  • Eighth, with vertical fishing it is more rational: lower the bait to the bottom, make 2 ... 3 ups and downs (within a meter); then you need to remove the bait and check its condition and the presence of algae on the hook.
  • Ninth, the halibut always bites very unexpectedly - there is always a chance (from fright) to lose the spinning rod and all the gear. The undercut must be operational; further fighting, which consists in pulling the fish and winding the line with a reel. And be patient - sometimes a decent fish has to be hauled for more than one hour.
  • Tenth, there may be a problem when pulling the caught halibut on board. Count on the help of nearby fishermen. And if this does not help, tow the prey to the base by water.
  • Eleventh, it is impossible to pull out a halibut without a gaff. It should always be at hand. And, most importantly, he must have a fastening rope, which should be fixed only to the parts of the boat (for example, to the railing).
  • Twelfth, treat the fish with care. If you hurt her, always try to pull her out - otherwise she will die.
  • In the thirteenth, if you do not have stubbornness, it is better not to go fishing for halibut, but to look for something simpler.

Useful properties of halibut

The most valuable meat is in the white (American) halibut: it has a pleasant sourness, it is considered the most delicious among gourmets. However, fishing for this species of fish is limited due to the threat of complete extinction (located in the International Red Book). The main object of the fishery today is the blue-barked halibut, taste qualities which are also high. Arrow-toothed individuals can also be found on the market: and although the benefits of halibut of this species (taste and meat value) are much lower, fish production is constantly increasing due to a sharp decrease in the number of white-skinned species.

On sale halibut is present in frozen and fresh form. Cooks and just housewives prepare the most unusual, varied halibut dishes: cold and hot appetizers, baked, fried, boiled, stewed, salted, smoked in various ways. In stores, you can buy canned halibut or its caviar, which are good snacks, used in salads, sandwiches, etc.

Halibut meat is distinguished by white color and fat content (fat up to 1 g in every 100 g of fillet); thanks to the latter, fish dishes come out tender. Vitamin A is present in liver fat, which is 200 (!) times more than that of cod. The nutritional value halibut in the presence of a record amount of omega-3 acids is useful for people suffering from tumors, cardiovascular disorders. Halibut meat also contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, proteins and vitamins D, B, E, glutamic and nicotinic acids. All together allows you to use it in dietary nutrition.

Calorie content of halibut ~142 kcal. Meat contains:

  • 80.34% water, 18.56% protein, 1.33% fat, 1.29% ash, and virtually no carbohydrates;
  • vitamins (in 100 g): A (20 mcg), B1 (0.05 mg), B2 (0.03 mg), B3 (6.513 mg), B5 (0.343 mg), B6 ​​(0.548 mg), B9 (12 μg), B12 (1.1 mg), E (0.61 mg), D (4.7 μg);
  • trace elements: selenium, iron, zinc, copper, manganese;
  • macronutrients: magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium.

Exists along with the benefits of halibut and the harm of its use. This is mainly due to the high fat content of meat, which can provoke a health disorder in people with hepatitis, gastrointestinal tract. In smoked and salted form, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fish by young children, hypertensive patients, cores and those who have exacerbated kidney and liver diseases.

halibut recipes

Italian halibut soup


  • kilogram of halibut fillet, bell pepper, onion, 3 stalks of celery, 3 cloves of garlic, tomato juice (glass), apple juice (half a glass), tomatoes (0.8 kg, without skin, canned), salt (half tbsp), parsley (3 tbsp. l.), floor. tsp dried basil, 8th part tsp. black pepper and dried thyme.


  • cut: halibut fillet into cubes; finely parsley, garlic, bell pepper, onion, celery; medium tomatoes;
  • stew (until softened) garlic, bell pepper, onion, celery; add tomatoes, seasoning, apple and tomato juice and stew for another half an hour;
  • add fish to the soup, cook for about half an hour;
  • salt, pepper and remove - the soup is ready;
  • baking time 18 ... 15 minutes.

Steam halibut


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, salt (tsp, coarse), 3 tbsp. l. green onion and sesame oil, st. l. ginger, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce, cilantro (a quarter cup of sprigs).


  • cut: finely green onion; finely grated ginger;
  • the fish is dried, rubbed with salt (both sides), put in a bowl (refractory), sprinkled with ginger on top;
  • steamed until cooked; drained excess water, sprinkle with green onions;
  • sesame oil is heated (medium fire) in a pan; poured hot over cooked fish.

Grilled Halibut


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, 2 tbsp. l. butter, brown sugar and soy sauce, lemon juice (tbsp. l.), 2 garlic cloves, pepper (a quarter of a tsp.).


  • heat up the grill (medium fire);
  • put butter, pepper, brown sugar, garlic in a saucepan, pour in soy sauce and also lemon juice; heat (medium fire), stir until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • the grill grate is greased (lightly) with butter;
  • the fish is smeared with sauce, put on the grill; fry each side (~ 5 min.), greasing constantly with sauce; towards the end, pour the remaining sauce on the fillet.

Halibut with pine nuts and onions


  • halibut (2 pieces of fillet 150 g each), 2 onions, salt, pine nuts (a third of a glass), ground pepper, st. l. honey, dry marjoram (tsp), a quarter cup of vegetable oil.


  • cut into: onion half rings; fried in vegetable oil, in a pan; add marjoram, honey;
  • fillet pieces are placed on top of the onion, salted, well peppered; after fry both sides for 5 minutes;
  • at the end, add nuts and then 3 ... 2 minutes. fry.

Halibut in batter


  • 600 g halibut fillet, salt, a glass of flour, pepper, beer (bottle), egg.


  • the fillets are washed, dried, cut into small pieces, salted, well peppered;
  • mix flour, egg; pour in beer, stir until you get a batter;
  • heat up vegetable oil in a frying pan, saucepan;
  • dip the pieces of fish in the dough, put one at a time carefully in the oil; fried until golden brown.

Smoked halibut with savoy cabbage and potatoes


  • smoked halibut (one third of a kilogram), 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, salt, one potato, 4 green onion feathers, pepper, savoy cabbage (half a head), parsley (st. l.).


  • cut: finely parsley; potatoes in small cubes; onion rings; cabbage in thin strips; fish in thin slices;
  • potatoes are fried (20 ... 15 minutes) until brown; salt, pepper a little;
  • add onion, cabbage and another 5 ... 3 minutes. fry;
  • add smoked halibut, parsley; cook until the fish is completely warmed up.

Halibut in a pan with shiitake mushrooms


  • halibut (150 g, 4 steaks) salt, shiitake mushrooms (0.25 kg), pepper, 2 garlic cloves, fresh dill (bunch), flour a quarter cup, vegetable oil.


  • halibut steaks are salted, peppered a little, rolled lightly in flour;
  • heat the pan, put the fish in it;
  • legs are cut off from mushrooms, hats are cut into thin slices; then spread between the steaks;
  • fry the stacks for 3 minutes, turn over; stir the mushrooms so that they are fried evenly; add garlic and fry without a lid for 3 minutes;
  • sprinkled with dill at the end.

Norwegian baked halibut


  • kilogram of halibut, pepper, water (2 cups), salt, flour a quarter cup, 100 g butter, lemon juice (fresh, tbsp), half a cup of cream, two cups of fortified wine, 2 egg yolks.


  • fish is cut, fillets are prepared;
  • pour water over bones, skin, boil until the water is reduced by half; the broth is filtered;
  • preheat (200 ° C) the oven;
  • halibut cut into small pieces, roll in flour; put to fry in a large frying pan in oil (medium fire); after the appearance golden brown transfer to a baking dish; spread in one layer, sprinkle with lemon juice, salt, add pepper;
  • pour the broth (one and a half cups) into the pan from which the fish was taken, cook for 5 minutes, stirring; add wine, cook for another 5 minutes; whipped yolks (in foam) with cream are introduced, mixed;
  • water the fish with the resulting mixture and bake for up to half an hour.

Halibut fillet wrapped in filo dough


  • halibut (150 g, 2 fillets), salt, 4 sheets of filo dough, fresh dill (2 tsp), 3 tbsp. l. lemon juice, 30 g butter, pepper, cream (125 g, fatty), 2 green onion feathers.


  • cut: dill finely;
  • preheat (220 ° C) the oven, melt the butter in a bowl;
  • a sheet of dough is lightly greased with butter; put another sheet on top and also smear with oil; do the same with the other two sheets of dough;
  • each pair of prepared dough sheets is cut across;
  • fish fillets are peppered, slightly salted; each piece is placed at the bottom edge of the cut sheets; sprinkle with dill on top; the sides of the dough are folded on the fillet - the direction is inward; then they roll it up like spring rolls;
  • the resulting blanks are placed in a baking sheet, greased with butter on top;
  • bake for 15 ... 12 minutes, until the dough is browned;
  • simultaneously bring to a boil (strong fire) lemon juice, cook until almost completely evaporated; reduce the intensity of the fire (to medium), add cream and cook until thickened; lay salt, pepper, add onions;
  • fish is served with sauce poured on top.

Julienne with halibut and crabs


  • half a kilogram of halibut fillet, crab meat (a quarter of a kilogram), half a glass of white wine, white pepper (ground, 1/4 tbsp.), A quarter cup of onion, 4 tbsp. l. butter, champignons (half a glass), sweet pepper (a quarter of a glass, red), half a glass of flour, salt, concentrated milk (a glass), cheese (a quarter of a glass).


  • cut: fillet into 8 parts; finely onion, champignons, sweet pepper; rub cheese; cut crab meat into small pieces;
  • preheat (180 ° C) the oven, grease the refractory bowls with butter (8 pcs.);
  • the fillet is laid out in a baking dish, poured over with wine, sprinkled with white pepper (1/8 tbsp. l.); baked for 20 min. in the oven, take it out, leaving the oven on;
  • in a frying pan, heat until melted 2 tbsp. l. (medium fire) butter; add mushrooms, sweet pepper, also onion and stew until tender; remove, put everything in a bowl;
  • in a frying pan, heat until melted 2 tbsp. l. (slow fire) butter; add flour, cook, stirring, 1 min (the mass should eventually become homogeneous); add gradually (stirring) milk (the fire is increased to medium), the mixture is boiled and thickened;
  • add the mushroom mixture, salt, the remaining white pepper; stirring, boil, remove and set aside;
  • the fish is taken out of the wine with a slotted spoon, put a piece in a bowl; sprinkle evenly on top with crabs, then pour in 2 tbsp. l. sauce, cheese (tsp each with top);
  • bake 5 min. in the oven (the cheese should melt, brown).

Almond halibut drenched in creamy sauce


  • kilogram of halibut, half a glass of wine (preferably white), pepper, thyme (a sprig or a pinch of dry), 2 tbsp. apple cider vinegar and the same amount of onion, 1 bay leaf, a quarter cup of cream, 3 tbsp. l. onion greens, juice (tsp) of lemon, salt, butter (a piece and tbsp), 2 and 4 tbsp. l., respectively, vegetable oil and breadcrumbs, an egg, peeled almonds (75 g).


  • cut: fillet (into 6 parts), dried, salted, sprinkled with pepper; finely onion and green; melt butter (st. l.);
  • at medium heat, wine, bay leaf, thyme, onion, vinegar are mixed in a saucepan; boil until partial evaporation of the liquid; add cream and cook further (the volume of the sauce should be reduced by half);
  • butter is added in small pieces to the sauce (150 g, each next cube after melting the previous one); the sauce is not allowed to boil;
  • the sauce is filtered (gauze, fine sieve) into a refractory dish; add salt, also lemon juice, green onion, pepper; the sauce is kept warm;
  • further, the recipe for halibut in the oven includes turning on the latter (“grill” mode) and heating;
  • in a pan, heat (medium fire) vegetable and butter (a piece) oil; fillet pieces are fried (3 ... 2 minutes per side), transferred to a baking sheet and cooled (5 minutes);
  • in a bowl, mix almonds, breadcrumbs, butter (pre-melted, tbsp.,);
  • the fillet is smeared with an egg, on top with an almond mixture;
  • fish is baked (2 ... 1 min.) in the oven, on top, under the grill; take out after the appearance of a golden crust;
  • Serve on a plate, pouring sauce on top.

Halibut with cheese, filled with horseradish-mustard sauce


  • halibut (4 fillets, 150 g each), parmesan cheese 2 tbsp. l., half a cup of breadcrumbs, st. l. margarine, horseradish (st. l.), mustard (tbsp. l.), a quarter cup of mayonnaise, lemon juice (tbsp. l.).


  • rub Parmesan cheese, horseradish; melt margarine;
  • preheat (180 ° C) the oven, grease the mold or baking sheet;
  • horseradish, mayonnaise, lemon juice, mustard are mixed in a bowl; add breadcrumbs (a quarter of a glass), parmesan cheese (st. L.); stir;
  • lay the fillet on a baking sheet, pour evenly with sauce;
  • margarine, breadcrumbs (a quarter cup), parmesan cheese (st. L.) are mixed in a bowl;
  • the resulting mixture is poured over the fillet (on top of the sauce layer).

halibut salad


  • smoked halibut (0.4 kg), salt, lettuce (1 pc.), 3 garlic cloves, 3 green onion feathers, frozen peas (3 tbsp.), red onion (quarter pcs.), 2 tbsp. l. olive oil, lemon (half), mustard (tsp), pepper, croutons (pack).


  • finely chop the garlic, fry in oil (olive) lightly; add peas, fry further 3 minutes;
  • put lettuce leaves (chopped) in a bowl, chopped green and red onions on top; add peas;
  • separately, olive oil is poured into the dishes, lemon juice is squeezed into it, mustard is introduced, everything is mixed;
  • then add the resulting mixture to the salad, mix with a fork;
  • hot smoked halibut fillet cut into small pieces, spread on the salad; salt, add pepper;
  • croutons are poured on top, mixed and served to the table.

Halibut is a marine fish of the flounder family. A feature of this fish is that both eyes are located on the right side of the head. Its color varies from olive to dark brown or black. The average width of a halibut is about one third of its body length. The mouth is large, located under the lower eye, the tail is crescent-shaped. The length of an adult sea ​​fish ranges from 70 to 130 cm, and weight - from 4.5 to 30 kg.

Only in appearance the halibut can be mistaken for a clumsy creature, but when prey is nearby, the halibut turns into a swift killer. The fish is able to live at a depth of 2,000 meters. Only in summer they rise slightly to the surface.

The areola of this fish is distributed from the northern part of the Pacific Ocean to the coast of Japan and the Bering Sea. The halibut lives at the bottom or near it at great depths. The preferred water temperature for halibut is between 3 and 8 degrees. It feeds on small larvae and mollusks, which it finds at the bottom. Spawning takes place in winter. One female spawns about 500,000 - 4 million eggs, of which fry appear after 2 photoweeks.

All halibut can be divided into several categories:

  • White-barked halibut is the largest species of halibut, reaching 4.5-5 meters in length and weighing 350 kg.
  • Arrow-toothed halibut - one of the smallest species of halibut, has an average length of 70-75 centimeters and weighs 2.5-3 kg.
  • Black halibut is a medium-sized halibut, rarely reaching 1.5 meters in length. Its weight, as a rule, does not exceed 45-50 kg.
  • Halibut flounders.

Useful properties of halibut

halibut - amazing delicious fish, the meat of which practically does not contain bones and contains over 5% fat.

Halibut meat contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which normalize the metabolism in the human body. Halibut contains 7 amino acids (aspartic acid, glutamic acid, alanine, valine, leucine, lysine, arginine), which play an important role in the fight against cancer. Halibut is rich in vitamin B12, and also contains vitamin,,, micro and macro elements such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.

Sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids contributes to the preservation of vision even in old age.

In addition, the use of halibut can reliably protect the body from the development of diseases of the central nervous system, such as Alzheimer's disease.

It is believed that when frying, the calorie content of such fish can increase 4 times, since these types of fish absorb a lot of oil, which must be taken into account when compiling a diet.

For lovers of leaner fish, you can choose white halibut, whose meat is less fatty than other types. Halibut is good in any form - smoked, fried, salted - and, of course, will decorate any table.

Part of the catch is sold fresh, part is prepared in frozen form, sometimes with subsequent hot smoking, the rest is salted, sometimes with additional cold smoking. Halibut liver oil contains 200 times more vitamin A than cod liver oil.

Dangerous properties of halibut

Halibut is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the body. In addition, people with hepatitis and acute illnesses gastrointestinal tract doctors do not recommend abusing halibut because of its high fat content, so as not to cause an exacerbation.

Halibut Bluebark or Black Bowhead Halibut
Flatfishes - Flatfishes
Reinhardtius hippoglossoides - Greenland halibut, Black Heilbutt

length up to 120 cm and weight up to 45 kg; mining season: March - July, October.

Distributed in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean and off Greenland. In Russia, it is found in the Barents, Bering and Okhotsk Seas and in adjacent waters.

General information
Greenland halibut is an arctic fish of the flounder family, prefers cold waters, lives at a depth of 200 to 2,000 m off the coast of Greenland, has soft and fatty light meat.
His left eye is on the edge of his head. Both sides of the body are dark, the blind side is slightly lighter than the sighted side. This is deep sea fish living at great depths, mainly up to 1000 m; in pursuit of prey rises to 100-300 m. summer time also comes out to shallower depths, approaching the shores. It is often found on muddy bottoms, but often floats in the water column. Breeds in Atlantic Ocean, apparently, in the spring - early summer, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Bering Sea in late autumn - winter at a water temperature of 1 to 4.5 ° C. Females spawn about 300 thousand large eggs, 4-4.5 mm in diameter. The hatched larvae are 10-16 mm long, stay at great depths, grow up, move to the upper layers of the water, closer to the shores. Upon reaching a length of 7-8 cm, they sink to the bottom. The blue-skinned halibut is a predator. It feeds mainly on fish: capelin in the Barents Sea, pollock in the Pacific Ocean, less often slingshots and lycods. Blue-skinned halibut valuable commercial fish. Halibut are caught mainly by longlines, trawls and poles. The world catch is over 125,000 tons per year. The main suppliers on the market are Iceland, Norway, Greenland, Portugal, Canada.

nutritional value
Water: 70.3g Proteins: 14.4g Fat: 13.8g Omega-3: 1.0mg Calories: 182Kcal (per 100g mass). The fat content of halibut can vary considerably, but a typical 100g fillet contains 1g of omega-3 fatty acids. Halibut is also a good source of vitamin D, protein and selenium.

Culinary use
Halibut is one of the most expensive food fish, thanks to fatty white elastic meat. Halibut is sold in the form of cuts, fresh or frozen. The meat of black halibut is cream-colored, contains up to 80% moisture, so it is necessary to observe the mode of heat treatment when cooking. ____________________________________________

Halibut or flounder fillet in white sauce
600 g fish, 20 g onion, 20 g parsley, 40 g white wine, 120 g mushrooms, 40 g crabs, 4 oysters, 300 g white sauce, salt, 400 g garnish.
Place the prepared fillet pieces in a greased saucepan and simmer with the addition of broth, white wine, onion and parsley. When serving on fish, put boiled mushrooms, crabs, oysters, put boiled potatoes on the side of the fish. Add white sauce to the broth left after poaching, boil it all, bring it to the desired consistency and taste, strain and pour over the fish.

Fish with curry
1 kg halibut, salt and pepper, juice of 1/2 lemon, 1 onion, 3 tablespoons butter, 2.5 tablespoons flour, 1 tablespoon curry powder, 2 cups stock or water, 1 small head cauliflower, 1 teaspoon a spoonful of chopped parsley.
Clean the fish and cut it into small pieces. Salt and pepper, sprinkle with lemon juice. Clean and chop the onion. Fry it in oil until translucent. Add fish and fry over low heat for 5 minutes. Remove fish from skillet. Add the flour and curry powder to the butter, mix well and fry for 10 minutes, stirring frequently. Remove the pan from the heat and gradually add the broth or water. Return the pan to the heat and bring to a boil, stirring until the mixture thickens. Boil 5 minutes. Add fish to the sauce and cook for another 10 minutes. Cook cauliflower in boiling salted water. Drain the water and put the cabbage around the edge of the dish. Place the fish in the middle of the dish and pour over the sauce. Garnish with parsley.

Fish "Monastic"
0.5 kg fish fillet (preferably halibut), 6 pcs. potatoes, 3 pcs. onion, 50 g cheese, 2 boiled eggs, 100 g of mayonnaise, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, spices.
Separately, fry the fish, potatoes and onions until half cooked (salt a little). Put in layers in a deep frying pan: onions, fish, potatoes, onions, chopped eggs (boiled mushrooms can be added), spices. Pepper everything, pour mayonnaise, add grated cheese and bake in the oven for 25 minutes.

Fish in a bowl
500 g of sea fish, 1 onion, butter or margarine, 2 - 3 potatoes, 1 - 2 tbsp. tomato puree, 2 small pickles, 2 - 3 tbsp. cream, red pepper on the tip of a knife, 2 tbsp. l finely chopped green onion, 1 tbsp. water.
Finely chop the onion, fry in oil. Put in a pot, add pepper, water, raw potatoes. Into the oven. When the potatoes become soft, you can pour in a little more water, add the tomato, sliced ​​cucumbers and diced fish. Salt, pour in the cream, close the lid, simmer until tender. Sprinkle with green onions before serving.

Halibut with apple juice
1 garlic clove, 1/2 teaspoon apple juice, 3 tbsp. lemon juice, 2 tbsp. capers, 3 halibut steaks, 1 tbsp. olive oil, 1/2 tsp grated Parmesan cheese, salt.
Grind garlic, fry in a pan for about 2 minutes, add lemon juice, capers. Reduce heat and simmer for 3 minutes. Fry the steaks on both sides for 2 minutes, sprinkle with cheese. Reduce heat and simmer until done. Drizzle fish with sauce and serve. Bon appetit!

Braised halibut with citrus sauce
1.5 st. orange juice, 2 tbsp. l. fresh lime juice, 1/3 c. apple juice, 2 tbsp. chopped shallots, ½ pack chilled butter, 1 Bay leaf, 4 halibut fillets, orange peel, 2 tbsp. chopped shallots, 2 oranges, salt, pepper.
Boil orange and lime juice for 10 minutes. Boil shallots with apple juice in another saucepan. Mix the contents of both pots. Reduce heat, add oil, salt and pepper. In a clean saucepan, put the fish, bay leaf, salt. Bring to readiness and add orange peels, cover and simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve with peeled orange slices and citrus sauce.
Bon appetit!

Halibuts, or halibuts, also known as "Sea tongue" - the name that combines five different types, included in three genera that belong to the Flounder family and the Flounder order. Members of the family are inhabitants northern seas that surround the eastern and northern territories of Russia.

Description of halibut

The main difference between halibut and most species of other fish belonging to the Flounder family is a more elongated body. Some symmetry of the skull is also preserved, which is expressed to a lesser extent compared to. Characteristics appearance halibut directly depend on the species characteristics of such representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order.


Atlantic halibut (hippoglossus hippoglossus) - fish, with a body length in the range of 450-470 cm, with a maximum weight of up to 300-320 kg. Atlantic halibuts have a flat diamond-shaped and elongated body. The eyes are on the right side. The body is covered with rounded scales, and all large scales are surrounded by a ring represented by small scales. Fin pectoral fin on the eye side is larger than the fin located on the blind side. The large mouth has sharp and large teeth pointing backwards. The tail fin has a small notch. The color of the eye side is even dark brown or black without markings. Juveniles have light markings on the body that are irregular in shape. The blind side of the fish is white.

Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) is one of the largest members of the family. The body length reaches 460-470 cm, with a maximum body weight of up to 360-363 kg. The body is more elongated compared to other flounders. The eyes are on the right side. There are two rows of teeth on the upper jaw and one row on the lower jaw. The color of the eye side is dark brown or gray with a greenish, not too pronounced tint. As a rule, there are dark and light markings on the body. Blind side is white. The skin is covered with small cycloid scales. The lateral line of the fish is characterized by the presence of a sharp bend above the region of the pectoral fin.

Asiatic arrow-toothed halibut (Atheresthes evermanni) - not large sizes fish with a body length of not more than 45-70 cm and a weight in the range of 1.5-3.0 kg. The maximum length of an adult does not exceed a meter with a mass of 8.5 kg. The elongated body is covered with ctenoid scales, which is located on the eye side. The blind part of the body is covered with cycloid scales. The lateral line of the body is continuous, almost straight, covered with 75-109 scales. The jaws have a pair of rows of sagittate teeth. Each side of the body has a pair of nostrils. Distinctive species features are represented by the location of the upper eye, which does not set on upper part head, as well as an anterior nostril with a long valve on the blind side. The eye side is grayish-brown, while the blind side is characterized by the presence of a slightly lighter color.

American arrow-toothed halibut (Atheresthes stomias) - a fish with a body length in the range of 40-65 cm with a body weight in the range of 1.5-3.0 kg. The elongated body is covered with ctenoid scales on the eye side. On the blind side is a cycloid scale. Lateral line on both sides continuous, almost completely straight. On the jaws is located on a pair of rows of arrow-shaped teeth.

It is interesting! Halibut fry have a symmetrical shape and are not much different from any other fish, but after a while one of the sides begins to grow faster, due to which the body flattens, and the mouth and eyes move to the right side.

There are two nostrils on each side of the body. A distinctive species feature of the American Arrow-toothed Halibut is represented by an anterior nostril with a short flap on the blind side. The eye side of the body is characterized by a pronounced dark brown coloration, and the blind side is light brown with a purple tint.

Lifestyle, behavior

Representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order are predatory bottom fish living at considerable depths. In summer, such fish also live in the middle water column. Adult individuals of the Pacific halibut most often stay on the continental slope at a water temperature at the bottom in the range of 1.5-4.5°C. Such fish migrate in the summer to feeding areas represented by shallow coastal waters. The American arrow-toothed halibut is a marine demersal fish that lives at depths ranging from 40-1150 meters.

Asian arrow-toothed halibuts are schooling marine bottom fish that live above rocky, muddy and sandy bottom bottoms. Representatives of this species do not make long migrations. They are characterized by very pronounced vertical migrations. With the onset of the warm season, Asian arrow-toothed halibut move to shallow depths. In winter, fish actively switch to more deep places habitat. For juveniles and immature individuals, dwelling at shallow depths is typical.

How long does halibut live

The maximum, officially confirmed to date, life expectancy of representatives of the Flounder family and the Flounder order slightly exceeds three decades. The maximum life expectancy of representatives of the species American arrow-toothed halibut is just over twenty years. Atlantic halibut, under favorable conditions, is quite capable of living from thirty to fifty years.

halibut species

Halibuts currently include three genera and five main species of flatfish, including:

  • Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) and Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis);
  • Asian arrow-toothed halibut (Atheresthes evermanni) and American arrow-toothed halibut (Atheresthes stomias);
  • black or blue-skinned halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides).

It is interesting! An interesting property of all halibut is the ability of their meat to participate in the detoxification of the body, which is due to the presence of a sufficient amount of selenium, which maintains liver cells in a healthy state.

In addition to the five species listed above, there are also relatively numerous halibut flounders.

Range, habitats

Atlantic halibut lives in the north of the Atlantic and in adjacent parts northern ocean . On the territory of the eastern part of the Atlantic, representatives of the species are fairly widespread from Kolguev Island and Novaya Zemlya to the Bay of Biscay. Also, the Atlantic halibut is found off the coast of Iceland, near the eastern coast of Greenland, near the British and Faroe Islands. In Russian waters, representatives of the species live in the southwest of the Barents Sea.

Pacific halibuts are quite widespread in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Representatives of the species live in the waters of the Bering and Seas of Okhotsk, near coastline North America, from Alaska to California. in the waters Sea of ​​Japan single individuals are observed. The Pacific halibut is found at depths up to 1200 meters.

It is interesting! The Asian arrow-toothed halibut is distributed exclusively in the North Pacific. The population is found from the territory east coast the islands of Hokkaido and Honshu, in the waters of the Sea of ​​Japan and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, along the eastern and western coasts of Kamchatka, in the east in the waters of the Bering Sea, to the Gulf of Alaska and the Aleutian Islands.

The American arrow-toothed halibut is a popular species that is quite widespread in the North Pacific. Representatives of the species are found from the southern part of the Kuril and Aleutian Islands, to the Gulf of Alaska. They are an inhabitant of the Chukchi and Okhotsk Seas, they settle along the territories of the eastern part of the coast of Kamchatka and in the east of the Bering Sea.

halibut diet

Atlantic halibut are typical aquatic predators, feeding mainly on fish, including cod, haddock, capelin, herring and gobies, as well as cephalopods and some other bottom-dwelling animals. The youngest individuals of this species feed most often on large crustaceans, preferring crabs and shrimps. Halibuts usually keep their body in a horizontal position during swimming, but when chasing prey, such fish are able to break away from the bottom and move in a vertical position closer to the surface of the water.

Pacific halibut belong to predatory fish, which feed on various types of fish, as well as numerous crustaceans in the form of snow crab, shrimp and hermit crab. Squid and octopus are also often used as food by such halibuts. The composition of the natural diet of the Pacific halibut undergoes marked seasonal, age and regional changes.

Juveniles of this species consume mainly shrimp and snow crabs. In pursuit of their prey, such a fish is able to break away from the surface of the ground.

The basis of the diet of the Asian arrow-toothed halibut is represented for the most part by walleye pollock, but such a relatively large aquatic predator can also feed on some other fish species, shrimps, octopuses, squids and euphausids. Juveniles and immature individuals consume Pacific cod, pollock, saithe, some types of medium-sized representatives of flounders. The American arrow-toothed halibut feeds on pollock, cod, hake, sea ​​bass, lycods, crustaceans, and cephalopods.

Halibut fish is one of those aquatic inhabitants whose size can easily be larger than the fisherman catching it, since this bottom predator can weigh much more than 100 kilograms. Appropriate tackle is needed when catching such a fish. However, very widespread amateur fishing this fish was not received, which is connected not only with the inaccessibility for many fishermen of the seas where it lives, but also with the rather high cost of gear for sea fishing, which, based on the size of the trophies, are subject to special requirements.

The maintenance, or the rental of a boat, can also be problematic, because a swimming facility for such fishing needs a reliable one. However, given the possible size of the trophy, as well as the stubborn resistance of the fish, many anglers believe that it is worth the money spent. Particularly popular with fishermen is the white halibut - Atlantic or Pacific, since among the halibut it is the most major representatives whose mass can exceed 300 kilograms.

Halibut is a generalized name, which means 3 genera and 5 species of fish:

  • White halibut include Atlantic and Pacific halibut. They differ largest sizes- these fish can weigh a couple of hundred kilograms (the sports record is about 200 kilograms, but there are also mentions of larger specimens).
  • The largest halibut is the Pacific halibut, its Weight Limit can reach more than 360 kg, with a length of over 4 meters.
  • The arrow-toothed include - Asian and american species. They have the most modest size among these fish - they rarely weigh more than 3 kilograms.
  • Black halibut (or also blackbark) is the only representative of the genus. It can reach a weight of more than 40 kilograms.

All these fish have a similar body structure, but there are also differences that make it possible to distinguish certain types. The body has a rhomboid, or closer to an oval shape (halibuts are more elongated compared to other flounders). The eyes of all species are located on the right side, and the features of their placement, as well as the shape of the lateral line, nostrils, color and size, distinguish representatives of different species. The body color is grayish to olive or black on the upturned side, and whitish or light brown on the blind side. The habitat of fish is the northern parts of the Atlantic and the Pacific Ocean.

Spawning Features

The timing of spawning differs both depending on the specific species and on the sea in which the fish lives. Thus, white halibut spawns from December to May, at water temperatures up to 7 degrees. To do this, fish enter the fjords, or they gather in coastal pits with depths of up to 700 meters. At the same time, the eggs do not stick to any object, but keep in the water column until the larva emerges from the eggs. Young individuals live and feed in relatively shallow areas, and do not descend to great depths during the first years of life.

Habitat and dietary habits

All these fish are predators, and the white halibut, and the arrow-toothed, as well as the black halibut prey on others. marine life, however, the diet differs significantly depending on age, and, accordingly, size. Young representatives of the species feed mainly on small crustaceans like shrimp and crabs, and upon reaching more impressive dimensions, they switch to cod, pollock, squid and octopus, which must be taken into account or bait for tackle with dead fish.

Photo 1. Sea, sea ...

Whitebark halibut, as well as other species of this fish, lead a demersal lifestyle. However, during the hunt, they are able to rise close to the surface, while keeping the body not horizontally, but vertically. If you plan to fish for halibut, then it should be borne in mind that young fish that have not yet reached large sizes are mainly kept in shallow waters, but trophy specimens can live at depths of more than 1000 meters, reaching areas with shallower depths only. Arrowtooth halibut is occasionally found in shallow areas.

Important! It is believed that especially these fish love areas with a sandy bottom. It is in such places that halibut should be looked for in the first place.

Required gear

Compared to freshwater fishing, sea fishing requires large financial investments. First of all, this applies to a swimming facility, as well as gear, which are subject to requirements that are not typical for river or pond fishing.

The requirements for sea fishing gear are as follows:

  1. The rod must be powerful, able to work with loads over 600 grams. At the same time, the rod should be light in order to facilitate the wiring. Preferred Rings - large diameter, fixed on strong legs (the attachment points to the form should not be less than 3, otherwise the paws may not withstand, rollers instead of rings are also suitable).
  2. , since only they are able to withstand the load that a fish weighing more than 100 kilograms creates when playing. Also, it should have a very capacious spool, because if the hunt is for halibut, fishing will take place at great depths. The multiplier must be protected from impact sea ​​water, ordinary in such conditions will quickly become unusable due to accelerated salt corrosion of the metal.
  3. You will also need a fishing line or a large diameter (using options with a diameter of more than 1 millimeter for sea fishing is common).

Do not forget that in order for such fishing to be not only effective, but also safe, you need to use suitable sea ​​conditions swimming facilities.

Used lures

All baits that are used when catching halibut can be divided into three main groups:

Photo 2. Silicone imitation.

  • Dead fish on a rig.

Photo 3. Pilkers.

When fishing with silicone baits, hinged rigs are not used; special sea jig heads of large weight are used, which are also usually equipped with 2-3 hooks (single and triple, or two tees).

Tackle for dead fish can be used as usual for river fishing species, and designed for marine conditions. The latter strongly resembles a jig head, but has a long protrusion on which the fish is mounted. The sinker can also weigh over 600 grams. The body weight of the fish used can be more than 1 kilogram.

Important! You can increase the attractiveness of a dead fish very in a simple way. It is enough to make a couple of cuts along the ridge, and the smell of prey will increase significantly, attracting fish located at a distance from the fishing point.

Spinners when catching halibut are used relatively rarely. Pilkers of large sizes are used. They play with sea baubles at the very bottom, and with the right pauses and tosses, you can provoke a halibut bite.

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