Preview of War Thunder. The best online games

Review of the game War Thunder

War Thunder is a military multiplayer online game dedicated to air combat on aircraft from the Second World War. The game features more than a hundred models of combat aircraft - light and heavy fighters, bombers, as well as torpedo bombers of the air forces of such countries as the USSR, Germany, Great Britain, the USA, and Japan. The player is given the opportunity to take part in historical battles that took place during World War II, fighting with real players around the world.

The online game War Thunder features a wide selection of game modes, which provides the opportunity to take part in both multiplayer battles and try your hand at single-player or co-op modes. There are also modes with easier controls for new players. The damage system is modeled in detail, that is, one well-aimed shot can be enough to damage the main mechanisms and components of the aircraft or simply disrupt its aerodynamics. In addition, the game will have to confront the systems air defense, bomb bridges, airfields, destroy ground armored vehicles and avoid meeting kamikaze pilots.

War Thunder pays great attention to graphics, sound and special effects, so that when you find yourself at the controls of an aircraft inside a highly detailed cockpit, the player is completely immersed in the atmosphere of air combat.

Other materials on the game War Thunder:

Video review of the game War Thunder:

Guide: War Thunder – tanks (arcade)

Ground battles in War Thunder became available to the general public only recently. In this article we will talk about the most dynamic and player-friendly arcade mode. Let's talk about tactics ground battles, aiming, penetration and other seemingly simple things. But it is these simple things that often make the difference between defeat and victory.

Arcade mode in ground battles, as in the case of aviation, offers the player a lot of useful tips and helps to navigate the battlefield. In this mode, we see the distance to each target, and a special marker shows us where we will go and what chance we have of hitting the target in that particular place. The only pity is that your opponent also has these same advantages on the battlefield. Enemies will be able to easily shoot through trees and bushes, calmly hitting your tank, without worrying about aiming, penetration and visual contact. The outline of your tank will be highlighted like a Christmas tree, but this is normal because you and your enemy are on equal terms.

Ground vehicles await you in the army tab; today, not all nations in the game are equipped with tanks. Ground vehicles are only available for Germany and the USSR. Let's look at the development tree of the USSR, here we see four main branches of technology development. They are divided into classes - light tanks, medium, heavy and anti-tank self-propelled guns. In the first branch the most bright representative ground vehicles the legendary T-34 in its various modifications. The second branch starts with the light T-26 and medium T-28, and then there are only heavy tanks. At the top of this branch, the indestructible IS-4 proudly stands. The third line is represented only light tanks and ends at the second rank, the last light tank of domestic production, the T-80. The fourth branch is long and devoted entirely to self-propelled guns, self-propelled artillery installations. Anti-aircraft equipment and some premium equipment stand a little apart. This technique allows you to collect a richer harvest of trophies in battle - experience and silver. But you can only buy it for golden eagles - real money.

At the very beginning of the game, only a reserve tank is available to us. Having decided which branch we want to get the next tank from, we select it and press the “research” button. After this, the experience that we earn on the battlefield will go towards this particular tank. And after some time the tank will become available for purchase. And in order to decide which equipment you like, refer to the special menu, it will allow you to look at the tank from different angles, see what modifications can be installed on it, and in some cases you can even take a test drive in the tank. There are also modifications - these are the components with which we will strengthen our machine. Modifications are divided into three groups - mobility, security and firepower. Looking ahead a little, we will advise you to first study the security of the machine - spare parts and fire-fighting equipment. This will allow you to put out fires and repair damage that may occur on the battlefield as a result of hits from enemy shells. Believe me, you will need these functions in battle more than once; upgrading them further is a matter of your taste. We will talk about this in more detail in the next article.

Let's prepare for the first battle, for this we will assign an available crew for the tank - this is done in the same way as in the case of aviation. At first, there will be few cars available to you, but very soon the choice will increase significantly. And lastly, the “battle” button is universal for ground and air battles. And where she will send us depends on what this moment we have chosen.

In a short briefing, we are given the information we need to complete the mission. We are given information about the enemy and the tasks that our team will face. Please note that the tasks are not reduced to the banal - “kill them all.” And the team that gets involved in a pointless shootout will most likely lose.

After loading is complete, we must choose which tank we will use to enter the battle until the first death. And here lies the main difference from air battles. If a plane only has one respawn option in arcade combat. If you get shot down, you won’t be able to fly into battle on that plane. Tanks have several such lives. A reserve tank has three lives, two for medium and light tanks, and one for a heavy vehicle. Once you have decided on a tank, you should pay attention to the ammunition. So as not to bother, you can only take armor-piercing shells, but on some tanks we advise you to take with you a certain amount and high-explosive fragmentation shells. We have already talked about the features of shells and their types in previous articles.

And finally, after all these preparations, you and I find ourselves on the battlefield. The interface here is quite simple. There is a minimap in the lower right corner, its location can then be changed as you like. On the map the enemy is highlighted in red, allies are shown in blue and, of course, strategically important points are also highlighted on the map. On the left is a model of our tank. At the beginning of the battle, it is absolutely intact, but this will not last long, this model will display all the damage received by your tank in battle. In the upper left corner of the screen there is an improvised tank dashboard. It displays the speed of the tank and the gear that is currently engaged. At the top of the screen, there are red and blue bars for your and the enemy team's points. And just like in air battles, your task is to make the red stripe disappear faster than the blue one, this will mean that our team won this battle. Just below the stripes there are letters - these are the designation of strategic points; by their color you can see whose team they currently belong to.

A few words about controlling the tank. Best to pass initial training driving a tank. Sometimes a bad ally driver is worse for a team than an enemy, don’t let the team down. Moreover, after completing the training, you get the opportunity to earn some golden eagles without investing your hard-earned real money. It is also worth remembering that some tanks, like their real prototypes, have a very large skid. Don't drive too hard and be careful around corners and bridges. Before turning, it is better to slow down, otherwise you may skid, and you will expose the most vulnerable part of the tank to the enemy - the stern.

If before the battle you have chosen several types of shells, you can switch between them using numbers. There is no artillery as a combat unit in the game, but on some types of tanks it is possible to call in an artillery strike. You can request artillery support by pressing button 5, and on button 6 there is fire-fighting equipment, by activating which you can put out a fire that started in the car.

Now the most important thing is the camera direction and view. On the screen in front of you there are two circles, one large and the other smaller. The large circle indicates the direction of the camera, the small one indicates where the gun is facing, and the cross, which is located inside the small circle, helps you fire, aim and find weak spots on enemy vehicles. Moreover, the color of the marker does not always correspond to reality. Sometimes it happens that the marker is red, but by shooting, you damage or even destroy the enemy vehicle. Although it would seem that you can’t shoot.

There are no health points in this game. With a successful shot, you damage one of the tank’s modules or destroy it. A tank in the game dies in three cases - if the crew is killed, if the tank simply burns out, or if the ammunition detonates. For more accurate aiming vulnerable areas tanka is recommended to be used sniper scope, which we can enter by pressing the V key. It is best to fire a shot from a stationary tank. Don't rush, stop, take good aim and only then fire the shot.

That's all, we hope the article will be useful to beginners and experienced players. See you on the battlefield!

Guide: War Thunder – torpedoes, missiles and bombs

It would be a mistake not to pay attention to such types of weapons as missiles, bombs and torpedoes. This weapon is extremely effective, but very specific in use. That's why we decided to devote a separate article to him.

Bombs can be carried by all classes of aircraft, torpedoes can be carried by medium and heavy bombers, and missiles can be used by fighters and attack aircraft. Mounted weapons come in different calibers and, obviously, the larger the caliber, the faster the target will be destroyed. For example, a target such as an enemy airfield or base is best destroyed by large-caliber outboard weapons. For smaller targets, it is better to use weapons of a smaller caliber, but torpedoes will perform best against large ships.

Remember that the more outboard weapons you take with you, the heavier the plane becomes, and the worse it will maneuver. If we say for a bomber, speed and maneuverability are not so important. Attack aircraft destroying enemy equipment at low altitudes should first drop their cargo, and only then get involved in a maneuverable air battle. And fighters, in general, should seriously think about whether they should take bombs or missiles with them for ground targets, or whether they should fly light.


Let's look at bombing using the example of an enemy pillbox. We will load 4 bombs of 500 kg each on board our bomber. These bombs are ideal for destroying heavily armored enemy targets. Targets such as ships and pillboxes will be easily destroyed by such weapons. If the bombs are located in the internal compartment of the aircraft, then at the moment the reset button is pressed, one bomb at a time will fall, but if they were located on the external sling, they would fall in twos, so as not to disturb the balance of the aircraft and aerodynamics. However, the game follows this principle only in the realistic game mode; in the arcade, bombs always fall one at a time. A special bomb sight shows us where the bomb will hit. There are two of them in the game, one real, the other virtual. For arcade mode, a virtual sight is quite enough, but in simulator or realistic mode it is better to use a real bomb sight. This sight helps to accurately drop bombs from great heights, it is available in all game modes by pressing the F7 key, but it is only available on those aircraft that actually had it. To make aiming more convenient, you can zoom in on the target by pressing the Z key or the right mouse button. So, before approaching the target, we need to set the plane strictly horizontally and reduce the speed to about 50%; the lower the speed of the plane, the more accurately the bombs will hit the target.

Now let's talk about the virtual sight. In the arcade mode of the game, all aircraft without exception have such a sight, in the realistic mode only bombers have such a sight, and in the simulator it is not there at all. This sight is visible only if there is at least one bomb left on board your plane. In general, historically it so happened that a fighter, in theory, should not bomb. But in arcade mode, victory often depends on the quick destruction of enemy ground vehicles, so why not bomb them. Moreover, history knows cases when fighters were converted into light bombers and successfully destroyed ground targets. Let's figure out how you can destroy a heavy tank using a virtual sight. For this we need a fighter, one bomb weighing 250 kg and the sight itself. It is better to approach the target from a height of 1.5 km; after the target is detected, we reduce the speed and wait until the tank is in the crosshairs. After the sight changes color from yellow to red, you can press reset - the target is destroyed.

You can also specify a delay before explosion for bombs from 1.5 to 10 seconds. This is done so that if you drop bombs from a low altitude, the explosion does not hit your plane. In this way, you can even shoot down an enemy fighter that is hanging on your tail, you will fly away, and the enemy will fall under the blast wave of your bomb, although this is not very reliable way, but very effective.


But what if the target is moving very quickly? This is where you will need missiles; after you load them on board the plane, a missile sight will appear in a third-person view. This scope has 4 divisions - 200, 400, 600 and 800 meters. These divisions are needed for different missile launch distances, but we still recommend flying as close as possible. In this case, the spread will be minimal. There is a little trick - if you shoot exactly at the target, the missiles will most likely explode on the sides of the target. When firing, it is better to aim slightly away from a small target, then the probability of a hit will be much higher. On rockets, you can set the detonation distance, from 200 to 600 meters. This is necessary to fight enemy aircraft - missiles are also suitable for this. A very effective technique is when you approach an enemy aircraft head-on at a distance of 600-400 meters and fire a salvo of several missiles. This will be a pleasant surprise for the pilot of an enemy aircraft. It is better to fire several missiles at an enemy aircraft at once - this will help you compensate for their small grouping. Please note that not all missiles are capable of exploding remotely; if this is not provided for by the design of the missile, it will explode only after contact with the target.


An integral attribute of combat operations at sea. They are needed to destroy enemy ships and bridges. Only a few aircraft in the game are capable of carrying such weapons. To use torpedoes, it is best to fly in a flight; the more ships you sink, the better for the team. To successfully launch a torpedo, you need to descend as low as possible, reduce the thrust to 50%, and wait until the sight with a straight line appears. This line will tell you the torpedo's trajectory, and the color of the scope will tell you whether it will hit the target. Green means the torpedo can be dropped. Usually one torpedo is enough for a ship, but an aircraft carrier or battleship may need 2-3 of them. The optimal distance for dropping a torpedo is 400-500 m, this is due to the fact that a torpedo moves quite slowly under water and there is no point in dropping it on a moving ship from a greater distance.

That's all. In the near future we will talk about figures aerobatics. See you in battle!

Guide: How to level up in WarThunder?

Having reached the second era, many people sharply lose in the speed of pumping up their account (and especially in the speed of pumping up individual branches). This is understandable - in the first era everything is somehow simpler (except for the German and Japanese branches). However, the problem with leveling stems not only and not even so much from the increased complexity of the game. The main reason for the “slowdown” is the wrong approach to choosing technology

How to avoid this sharp slowdown and choose the right tactics?

Firstly, don’t forget to upgrade your crew. Make it a rule after each battle to open the menu of the crew with which you accomplished the most in battle, and see what exactly you can pick up there. Believe me, an under-pumped crew really hinders you, and you can pump it up fairly quickly.

Secondly, remember what is called “battle rating”. Even if you really like an aircraft with a combat rating below 2, it is usually not worth putting it in an arcade setup with an average combat rating of 3.7 (although there are exceptions - primarily Soviet early bombers and American fighters; however, Soviet fighters of low levels They also don’t feel too bad in high-level combat if you know how to use them).

Thirdly, remember about a funny feature - the next plane in the line is upgraded faster if you fly the previous one. Example:You want to quickly upgrade your A6M3 mod. 22 (Japanese branch). Most of the experience will be spent on upgrading the aircraft if you fly on a regular A6M3. Both A6M2s will also have a certain plus, but less. And on the Ki-61, something like 90% of the experience will go towards upgrading the new aircraft (depending on the specific model).

It should also be remembered that in events experience and lions are given in an increased amount - although for not very experienced players this may be useless, because events in realistic battles will be too difficult for a beginner. If you don’t know how to fly in the Republic of Belarus at all, you should first practice “test flights”. There, of course, the behavior of the plane is somewhat different from the game itself, but, nevertheless, you can at least learn to fly, taking into account the limitations of realistic battles.

There are tips from the series “it looks good, but it’s better not to do it that way” - for example, it is extremely dangerous to fill a setup with solid bombers. Of course, on the one hand, this gives some (and quite a lot) experience, but on the other... Despite its apparent simplicity, playing bombers is quite complex. The “golden mean” of the setup is 1/3 bombers, 2/3 fighters or attack aircraft. Stormtroopers (especially the Soviet branch) can easily fight like fighters (at least in arcade mode). But, of course, you shouldn’t get carried away with this - after all, an attack aircraft is needed to primarily destroy ground equipment.

And, of course, you should monitor the situation. If it is clear that the team is losing in technology, take a break from the battle with fighters and attack enemy bombers and attack aircraft. If the enemy is attacking your airfield, and you have just been shot down, fly out in the fastest climbable vehicle.

And, of course, do not forget to install the belts that are most effective for your playing style on machine guns and cannons. You won’t shoot much with a “standard” tape - it’s standard because it only works until you open a set of tapes. For fighting fighters, incendiary ones are better; for fighting bombers, they are also high-explosive fragmentation ones.

All the tips given here are primarily suitable for a relatively inexperienced player who prefers the arcade mode of battles. Of course, realistic and even more so simulator battles have their tricks, but much more depends on the specific nation you are flying for and on specific aircraft. Before you go to the “realistic” ones, look on the forum for the profile topics of your cars, it won’t take much time.

War Thunder: maneuver guide

Today we'll talk about maneuvers. You have all found yourself in situations where the enemy is hanging on your tail or attacks with the help of the so-called “boom-zoom”. Usually this situation ends with the target being sent to the hangar. Have you all thought about the question - is it possible to escape from such attacks? So we answer - you can, and today we will try to tell you how to do it. As you understand, our article will relate to realistic or simulated battles. In an arcade, such maneuvers can be done, but the effectiveness will be weak.


Let us first consider the mistakes in the actions of pilots who are trying to “boom-zoom”. The first and most common mistake is to avoid the enemy in a turn; when you avoid an attack with such a maneuver, you are exposing the plane. From the cockpit of an enemy aircraft that has come at you to attack, you are clearly visible and the result of such a maneuver will be disastrous for you and successful for the enemy. Shooting at an enemy who is moving away from the “boom-zoom” is not easy, but elementary. So, we hope you have understood the first mistake and will not avoid the attack. The second common mistake applies to pilots who prefer USSR equipment. Many who play on Soviet planes try to escape from the “boom-zoom” by diving; this is useless if you are attacked by a German or American plane. Such a maneuver usually ends with the tail torn off and the unlucky pilot meeting the ground; your death will, of course, be beautiful and heroic, but absolutely useless. What does this maneuver look like from the German cockpit? We see a Soviet plane that is trying to escape from our attack and receives a long burst into its tail and fuselage, and do you know why this happens? Yes, because German and American planes catch up with any USSR plane in a dive, and it turns out that with your maneuver you make it easier for the enemy pilot to destroy you. Error number three is probably the most common and applies to all pilots. The situation is the same, you are flying and an enemy ace comes on your tail, what should you do? And I pull it up, you think, and you burst into flames like a candle. Why is this happening? Yes, everything is very simple: during such a maneuver you expose the enemy to a huge plane, which is very difficult to miss, even if you try hard. If as a result of such a maneuver you remain alive, consider yourself very lucky. Usually after such a maneuver the plane is simply torn apart. We've looked at the main mistakes, now let's figure out how to properly avoid such dangerous attacks.

Proper care

To properly avoid the “boom-zoom” we need two components - height and horizontal speed reserve. So, you are attacked by the enemy, you wait until he gets close to you at about 800 m and do a “split” - you turn over with your belly up using the keyboard, and after that, when the enemy begins to attack you, you do a half roll and go completely to the side. With this maneuver, if performed correctly, it is almost impossible to attack you. The result of such a maneuver may be to approach the enemy at “six” and destroy the adversary. So, he attacked you, but got hit on the planes himself. Now let's look at this maneuver from the enemy's side, why can't he hit you? The enemy sees you, approaches and prepares to open fire, and then you, turning belly up, begin to move down and to the side. The enemy, even shooting in advance, will not be able to guess your changed flight path. And you calmly escape the attack.

That's all. We hope this article will be useful to you and will save your virtual life and the safety of your aircraft more than once. Until we meet again in battle.

Meet the best tank and plane simulator on the Internet!

War Thunder covers the golden age of combat aircraft and tanks. The unique advantage of this MMO action game is that it allows you to take part in the battles of the middle of the last century not only in the air, but also on land and at sea!

After all, in addition to combat aircraft of the 20th century, the game features tanks and ships! Accordingly, you can be attacked simultaneously from air, water and land.

It is difficult to list all the advantages of this game, because there are a lot of them. War Thunder offers you to try out over 300 models of aircraft and tanks that correspond to real examples in every detail. Even the engine noise is recorded from real prototypes.

The graphics are pleasing to the eye. Models of airplanes and tanks, both inside and outside, are drawn perfectly.

All instruments work in the cockpit, the propeller reflects the sun's rays, and even the smallest rivet can be seen on the fuselage. The tanks behave amazingly realistically.

Drawing landscapes, light, reflections, shadows, trees, clouds, mountains, ground and water transport completed on top level. There are even people visible on the aircraft carriers.

The developers spent a lot of time Good work over light, tone, contrast and colors. Only in night battles are the transitions between light and complete darkness sometimes confusing. As for the behavior of aircraft, it is close to real, taking into account all flight characteristics and the laws of aerodynamics.

The game has the coolest damage system. You could have a crew member killed, your gas tank pierced, your wing riddled with bullets. And all damage is realistically shown on the vehicle. When hitting an enemy plane or tank, the player receives some experience points and money, as well as new stickers for the plane. Read on for the War Thunder review and learn a lot more about this wonderful game.


Let's start with the fact that War Thunder is a game from Russian developers (Gaijin Entertainment), which one cannot help but be proud of, because it is very beautiful, made at the world level and in many ways surpasses its key competitor in the person of the Belarusian duo Games World of Warplanes and World of Tanks. This applies to both gameplay capabilities and graphics, which, moreover, are constantly updated and improved.

Unlike the Belarusian developer, Gaijin Entertainment had experience in developing a flight simulator - IL 2 Sturmovik, which received a lot of positive feedback from fans of air battles. War Thunder was the natural online successor of this project. At the same time, the game's capabilities have been significantly expanded. Now the game is an almost full-fledged war simulator, in which, in addition to aircraft, there are also tanks.

The battles here are hot. If you choose air combat, then in the first minute after takeoff you will simply fly, admiring the landscapes and the sky. And then they start attacking you from the air and ground at once. Many battles take place in an atmosphere of eerie fuss. Someone rises to the very height, trying to avoid a strike, and someone, on the contrary, rams everyone, counting on a spare plane, someone is destroyed or he himself crashes in an attempt to capture an enemy airfield, and someone, not giving a damn about the results of the battle, loiters aside.

The War Thunder game begins with you choosing a country for which you will fight. You are given a choice of three planes and tanks that you have to upgrade. Then you unlock new, more advanced planes and tanks, with more advanced weapons and crews.

Var Thunder's motto is maximum realism. But this is not the case when any benefits are sacrificed to this very realism. The balance between playability and realism has been achieved amazingly. The player is given a choice - to play realistically, taking into account all the real features of the machine’s behavior, which is much more difficult, or to choose an arcade battle mode, in which control of the equipment is significantly simplified.

The developers did not forget about the crew. This is especially evident in air battles. During sharp turns, the crew's overload increases, the pilot begins to feel unwell, the screen begins to darken, and you have difficulty seeing the enemy. After a long series of such loads, the pilot gets tired, which means he maneuvers poorly. But the developers have provided for this too. The game includes leveling up the pilot and crew. Earn ranks and invest points in the accuracy of shooters and the accuracy of their shooting, the resistance to overloads of pilots and the speed of repairs with refueling of ground services, and you will forget about the nuances such as overload of the pilot while performing tricks, inaccurate shooting, long reloads and etc.

Each aircraft has a unique combat style. For example, fighters cope equally well with airborne and small ground targets. Stormtroopers are heavier, armed with rockets, bombs and machine guns - all-rounders on the battlefield. Bombers are heavy machines that require cover. But if such a big guy gets to his goal, then he multi-ton bombs will cause a lot of trouble in the enemy camp.

However, even if you control a tank, you are not defenseless against planes controlled by other players, thanks to heavy armor and the ability to shoot down the plane with a lucky hit.

At any time, you can click on tab and find out what place you are in, who shot down how many planes and tanks, and who has what rank.

Preservation historical accuracy was one of the important priorities when creating the game. The topography of the area where real battles took place has been accurately recreated. The real sounds of planes and tanks of that time were recorded. Painstaking work was done to place every rivet and every screw.

Gaijin Entertainment also paid great attention to the damage model. Therefore, having suffered critical damage in battle fuel tank, you only have one thing left - a catapult and a parachute. If the damage is minor, then you can try to make it to your home airfield, where the plane will be quickly patched up. But in reality, few people take advantage of this, preferring to fight to the last and effectively fall onto the rocks of the snowy Alps or the sands of Africa, smoking. As for tanks, damage to the turret's turning mechanism will significantly complicate further combat, not to mention damaging the tracked mechanism.

The balance of battles in War Thunder is also close to real. For example, on a slow I-16 it is impossible to keep up and somehow significantly damage the German Messer. You have to rely on a critical hit, as well as the help of your comrades.

Since War Thunder is a free game, there is an in-game store and currency. Silver lions - the usual money received for each battle - are spent on training the crew, purchasing aircraft and equipment. Golden Eagles are a donation currency that can be spent on purchasing a premium account and aircraft that bring more profit per battle.

Game modes

Of course, review War games Thunder would not be complete without a description of the modes of this outstanding flight simulator. Var Thunder welcomes fans of online battles with two PvP modes (arcade and realistic) and one PvE mode (historical).

Arcade mode(heap on heap combat) is suitable for those who do not want to decide anything, the controls are simplified, there are a lot of markers for recognizing friend or foe, and virtual assistants help with aiming and prevent the plane from going into a tailspin. Tasks in arcade mode in most cases boil down to capturing airfields and destroying enemy equipment.

View from the cockpit.

Realistic mode created for real pilots and tankers or those who want to feel like one. No virtual assistants, only view from the cockpit. You will have to navigate the battle only by the silhouettes of the equipment and their identification marks. It’s difficult, of course, but players are motivated by the fact that the reward for participating in realistic battles is higher, and the sensations are brighter.

Historical mode is PvE content that is not so much entertainment as it is a way to learn the history of the Second World War. Agree, when a game is not only interesting, but also useful from the point of view of learning history, it is much more enjoyable to play, as World of Tanks has proven.

Historical mode allows you to take part in battles taking place over detailed landscapes where the great aces of the past faced each other. Of course, you can rewrite history in your own way, for example by playing American plane, repel the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It is enough to choose one of the sides of the confrontation and rush into battle. Moreover, if your plane is shot down, we leave the battle and start again.

Many heavy aircraft have a rear gunner that can be controlled by targeted shooting at the fighters that landed on their tail.

In one battle you can withdraw up to three different planes or tanks of one nation. If your last car is shot down, you can either watch the battle, or return to the hangar, where your cars will be safe and sound again, and engage in a new battle. This way you can play almost continuously, without being distracted by tedious expectations.

Historical and realistic modes are suitable for players who have already mastered the game. The physics here is closer to realism. If in arcade mode you simply fly a plane, then in historical and realistic mode you can go into a tailspin and lose control of the plane. There is also no virtual assistant or aiming marker that shows where to shoot. If in arcade mode you accelerate more than allowed, the computer will warn you and slow you down. In historical and realistic mode, you are left to your own devices. When your plane picks up speed above the set stability, it will literally begin to fall apart!


Many who decide to play a tank simulator, or even more so, a flight simulator, are scared off by stories about complex controls and a bunch of buttons that you will not only have to learn, but also learn to press in the correct sequence, and that only those with special joysticks, as well as special manipulators.

During the training mission, the supply of bombs and missiles is unlimited.

Don't be afraid. Practice, go through all the training courses, learn how to take off and land, perform aerobatic maneuvers, and only then rush into battle. Well, you can play with a regular mouse and keyboard, or even with just one mouse. If you need acceleration, press W and turn on the afterburner. Using the spacebar button you can drop bombs. By pressing the V button, you can switch from third-person view to cockpit view. By pressing G, you can extend the landing gear - this must be done before landing at your base to repair it, or landing on an aircraft carrier. Many heavy aircraft have a rear gunner that can be controlled. You can switch to other shooters by pressing F6. The plane can also shoot back automatically if someone gets on your tail. Airplane controls are intuitive and greatly simplified in arcade mode. Those who find the standard controls difficult can change it to suit themselves using flexible settings.

Combat system in War Thunder standard - players are divided into two teams - either you are them, or they are you. But the developers went further and added variety - you can not only shoot stupidly at enemy planes, but also complete tasks - for example, destroy enemy ground equipment.

The player receives rewards for downed planes and tanks

In addition, in order to make the game more interesting, the developers have introduced achievements and rewards. For achievements and completing tasks you will be given game money and xp, that is, experience. Each country has its own military awards - medals that you will receive for your exploits. The more flights the aircraft has flown, the more experience the aircraft has. And the more technical experience, the more modifications available - you can, for example, change the type of cartridges and much more.

In the main menu you can view your profile and flight log. The profile shows how much experience you have left until the next rank, how many victories, missions you have, and much more. The flight log records the history of your flights, how much experience you gained, how many enemy aircraft you shot down, how many ground and water targets you blew up, and much more.

There is also an encyclopedia in the game, in which you can familiarize yourself with the game in more detail - read about the crews, guns, tricks, modes, history and performance characteristics of aircraft and tanks, etc.

Tanks, planes and nations

Physics in Var Thunder is at the highest level.

So what will they let us fly and ride in War Thunder? The game features five nations - USSR, Germany, USA, Great Britain and Japan. This means that the game contains almost all models of combat aircraft and tanks of that time, starting with the corn trucks of the early 30s and ending jet cars late 40s. Fighters, bombers, torpedo bombers, amphibians - in total, about a hundred aircraft models and their modifications. There are fewer tanks yet, but the developers are constantly putting new models into operation. The branches of planes and tanks for each of the five countries are very large, and it will take a very long time to level up without injecting real money. I wrote more about the models and characteristics of aircraft of each nation in the article War Thunder Aircraft. You can read about tanks (only Soviet ones for now) in the article Wat Thunder tanks.

In total, you can have 6 aircraft and, accordingly, tanks in the hangar. You can do more, but only for golden lions (the game currency, purchased for real money). But repairs on all planes and tanks are free.

Players are free to purchase and upgrade exactly the equipment that interests them. To advance to top cars you will have to work hard, gaining experience and money. Fortunately, the game provides enough opportunities for earning money.

You can spend a lot of time in the game decorating your car, applying stickers and logos to the fuselage. This process is fascinating in itself. Moreover, stickers are not given just like that; they must be earned. You can also change the color of the equipment and camouflage. The only negative is that you can’t invent and draw stickers yourself, which is understandable. Considering the Russian mentality, it is not difficult to predict which three-letter word would be emblazoned on the fuselages of planes and the sides of tanks of newly minted players :)

Trailer with real footage from the game

War Thunder – is it worth playing?

Soviet tank in War Thunder.

The War Thunder game turned out to be unexpectedly exciting and exciting, even in comparison with World of Tanks.

Can airplanes really be more interesting than tanks? And how! What's the difference? Firstly, it's dynamics. On airplanes you move at completely different speeds, are able to instantly rush into the thick of battle, rush into exciting pursuits, go into a tailspin, and so on. Secondly, you can’t just sit in cover here. Even if you lose, it doesn’t demotivate you at all, but on the contrary, it makes you want to rush into battle again. Because in this game the main thing is not victories and leveling up, but yourself game process, which is a lot of fun.

Therefore, the game does not become boring even after weeks. War Thunder allows you to relax quite well, because every combat mission gives you a lot of positive emotions.

I would also like to mention the development team. Their adherence to principles in some matters is respectful. I'm pleased with the selective control of the equipment.

While you are playing tanks and ships, we are bringing them down from the air!

Var Thunder perfectly conveys the joy of air flight and hot tank battles previous years. This game has every chance to outshine the legendary , because These are completely different scales, a different level of graphics and physics. Look at the review of tanks of the Soviet Union, and you will be convinced that in ground vehicles, Var Thunder is two heads superior to World of Tanks, both in graphics and in the realistic behavior of the vehicles. What can we say about airplanes, which the latter does not have at all and, apparently, never will have.

Thus, we understand that this is a massive game that can captivate the widest audience. I recommend playing War Thunder to everyone, especially those who like to control different equipment and those who like airplanes with their special feeling of freedom.

This concludes the review of the War Thunder game. Register, download the client and don’t forget to write reviews. Peaceful skies to you and happy playing!






The largest game in the post-Soviet space.

Gambling addiction

In March for War Thunder Global update 1.77 has been released - another step towards the ever-elusive perfection. A great reason to finally write a review! This text is intended primarily for those fans of multiplayer battles who have not yet decided to look out of their favorite hangar and get acquainted with the brainchild of the team Gaijin Entertainment.

Official trailer

Clash of the Titans

The abundance of possibilities amazes you from the first hours of the game. Seven states have already clashed on the War Thunder fronts. As usual, it started with the USSR and Germany, then the USA, England and Japan were added, and since 2017 also France and Italy. The latter, however, only has an aircraft branch available for now, but other great powers have already rolled out both ground armies and aviation. This is one of the main features of the game: two neat tabs allow you to select both ground and air vehicles for battle. Moreover, the fleet also already exists, but for now it is only available to participants in the closed beta test.

IS tank with a very patriotic crew

Militarist gamers are guaranteed to have a torment of choice, since there are plenty of examples of the military industry here, and War Thunder has a wide time span. Once you start driving a tank from the 1930s and upgrade the progression line to the end, you will switch to an armored beauty from the mid-1980s. The essence of the confrontation changes radically from era to era. If in the first battles you scare away pigeons with shots from small-caliber guns, then in the later stages rockets fly over the battlefield and smooth-bore guns of 105 and 120 mm rumble.

But War Thunder excels not only in quantity, but also in variety. Fighters, interceptors, front-line and heavy bombers, attack aircraft of various modifications. You can send tanks of all possible classes into a ground battle: here you have modern “main battle tanks”, self-propelled artillery, and mobile anti-aircraft guns, armored personnel carriers, and infantry fighting vehicles, and guided missile carriers. Gaijin Entertainment is ahead of all competitors in terms of types of different types of equipment.

Only old men go into battle

When starting an air battle, you can succumb to the misleading impression that what you are facing is a simple and superficial process. Two squadrons fight fiercely high speeds, points are awarded for destroying the enemy and his ground objects. You can, of course, forget about the objectives of the task and chase only living enemies, arranging gambling games. At the same time, the tracking camera is a little confusing, but it consistently produces very beautiful angles.

However, this approach rarely leads to victory for your team. And there are many ways to achieve it. For example, you can attack a group of ships left without cover. Make your way to enemy bases in a roundabout way and create a bombing hell there. Lure your opponent under allied anti-aircraft guns. By the way, the air defense in the game works effectively; anti-aircraft gunners will not be able to circle overhead for a long time with devilish laughter.

Missions to destroy ground targets, when completed, give a confident victory and are sometimes very entertainingly presented. We are not only trying to eliminate units that are snarling anti-aircraft fire, but we are also storming base fortifications and hunting for moving columns. Air duels and mass fights fighters play more cheerfully, but hunting for a truck collecting dust on the road can also be seriously exciting - here you at least need to show accuracy and the ability to pull out of a dive in time.

Fighter battles are fast-paced and exciting; only aces can firmly stay on the enemy’s tail. Stormtrooper attacks also evoke only positive emotions... however, it would be strange to expect anything different from the creators of the series “ IL-2: Sturmovik" But with bombers everything is sadder: the bomb sight is inconvenient, the need to constantly switch the camera is tiring, and incoming fighters leave you very little chance.

Four tankers without a dog

Fighting on the ground involves much less haste and more thoughtfulness. Without a tactical approach, a tank encounter turns into a dull exchange of shots. Victory is usually brought by holding a control point, and if there are three of them on the map instead of one, chaos happens: territories change hands every minute and a half! Cunning maneuvers, ambushes and swift raids are used.

On the other hand, the good old annihilation of the enemy team has not been canceled...

If everything is in order with battles at short and medium distances, then at long distances there is sadness - at least at the early ranks. The enemy vehicle is simply difficult to see. Of course, top-end vehicles have rangefinders and improved sights, but at the beginning of the game it is better to focus on “close” gameplay.

The bomber will conquer few, but in capable hands it will turn out to be a terrible weapon

The shot should be fired when the crosshair changes color - this means that enemy vehicles are in the line of fire (valid only in arcade battles). True, the use of optics is puzzling. The cross marks the point where the projectile will hit, but it lives on its own troubled life, jumps like crazy, strives to stick to any obstacle in the trajectory of the shot. Aiming is simply inconvenient! Apparently, Gaijin Entertainment wanted to show us the difficulties of real tank shooting, but the result is not happy. In the same World of Tanks all this has been made much more convenient. Again, the situation improves in the future: some tanks now have stabilizers, with which you can confidently shoot even while moving. There is something to rock for.

Land combat requires a lot of skill and not everyone can do it right away, but if you get used to it, it will give you a lot of pleasure. When it works out anti-aircraft machine gun fire at a careless tank, frantically changing clips and trying to find vulnerable points in the armor, emotions flare up so much that you forgive a lot of things in the game.

Referral for x-ray

Another feature of the game is that there are no usual “life bars”. The decision to remove them was one hundred percent justified: realism was complemented by entertainment.

The point damage system is impeccable. Airplanes lose their wings and tail, burn and lose control. Imagine a very dramatic moment that cannot be found in any other game of this genre: the shot-out engine stalls, the propeller freezes lifelessly, and you are gliding from a height, trying to control the car, with the last shots to take your opponent with you and not crash during an emergency landing...

Looking at the equipment in the hangar, you can forget about the war for a long time

On the ground, the damage system works even more spectacularly and efficiently. Each time your projectile hits, a small window appears in the corner of the screen, showing the result of the shot: in slow motion, with an X-ray effect. We see which unit was damaged, we see the injuries to the crew, where the fragments went, whether there is a through penetration... even internal ricochets are reflected! Great idea and great implementation. And when your own vehicle is destroyed, you observe in a spectacular rapid-fire manner where the fatal shell came from and what exactly happened to your beloved T-34-85.

In short, in the first hours of the game, the demonstration of damage and destruction of equipment produces an almost hypnotic effect.

Reservists, go to battle!

When your armored personnel carrier goes to the armored paradise, hit by an enemy missile, the game session will not end. Gaijin offer us a different approach. After death, the player returns to his reserve, which he personally formed before the battle, and the next vehicle enters the fray. Building and using a reserve is a bit like a trading card game: you need to assemble the perfect deck of cards and play them as efficiently as possible.

Reserves in War Thunder battles gave the parties additional tactical depth. You need to think about which car to release right away and which to save for later. In air battles, for example, it is better to first clear the sky by playing a fighter, and then “pull out” an attack aircraft or bomber to eliminate a base that has fewer defenders. The number of slots in the reserve is, for obvious reasons, limited, and you can spend a lot of time thinking about creating a strike force.

True, all this applies only to arcade battles. In realistic ones, death is final. But more on this a little further.

Need to pump up

A dozen modifications and additional features will significantly improve your plane or tank. As for crews, each pilot and tanker has their own skills, from two to seven points, not counting the “Qualification” point, which is responsible for the team’s readiness to operate a particular vehicle. Yes, in some RPGs the development branches are more modest!

It’s easy to crash into a downed plane and crash with it for company

We put points into the desired characteristic and move the line forward. In addition to the usual vigilance and accuracy, you can see other unusual and useful skills. For example, a pilot with a fully developed survivability parameter, having received a large-caliber bullet in the chest, will be able to continue the fight. And the tanker with high rate agility will instantly crawl inside the tank to the place of a wounded comrade to replace him.

The game is quite generous with development points. In battle, we receive insignia and medals for each successful action. They not only amuse one’s vanity, but also bring additional experience. War Thunder strongly encourages active actions and motivates the player after each game. Moreover, as a bonus, we are constantly given various pumping boosters - this process is carried out in the form of a kind of lottery.

Cards on the table

War Thunder makes a double impression with its cards. They are spacious, detailed and usually filled with objects. But after getting acquainted with the creativity of Belarusians from Most of these cards may seem bland and forgettable.

In dogfights, especially in the early stages, there is a flat surface underneath you. Yes, more colorful maps will appear later (African canyon, for example). But in World of Warplanes Each battle territory has its own recognizable appearance, its own architecture... and in general they are prettier.

Substantial part air battles happening over the sea

The maps you play on depend not only on the type of vehicle you have (ground or air), but also on its combat rating. Some maps, like the Fulda Corridor, can only be accessed by modern tanks from the fifth or sixth era of development. That is, a powerful and fast technique, which is frankly cramped on narrow “sandbox” maps, so the developers added more spacious locations for it.

The calm before the fight

You can also spend a lot of time in the hangar. A free camera allows you to view equipment from all angles and details. A separate viewing mode is dedicated to armor; in it you can find out the thickness of the protective layer in any part of the tank, and the value changes depending on the position of the camera. This allows you to calculate the angle from which it will be most difficult for the enemy to penetrate you.

You can also view the car in “X-ray” mode - you will be shown the location of the crew and key components of a particular model. This kind of activity will certainly captivate fans of military equipment. And veterans, who still have files of legendary magazines like “Technology for Youth” or “Model Designer” lying on their mezzanines, will highly appreciate this opportunity.

In addition, War Thunder has a seriously developed internal encyclopedia. By following the link, you can not only get acquainted with detailed technical characteristics, but also learn about the history of the creation of a tank or aircraft. The section on participation in real combat operations is especially pleasing - here you can learn a lot not only about a specific sample, but also about the pages of history in general. Plus the obligatory photos. It's a pity that the encyclopedia is incomplete, but it's probably a matter of time.

Lift my eyelids!

The graphics of War Thunder were already impressive, and after update 1.77 they became even better. The main advantage is the fantastic detailing. Rust on the sides and dents on the towers won’t surprise anyone, but Gaijin Entertainment meticulously rendered almost every centimeter of the equipment. What rust is there! Looking at the truck with the machine gun, you will notice that boards in the back are worn out by soldiers' boots!

By the way, about the soldiers. In War Thunder, they sit in cars in the places prescribed by the regulations. Anti-aircraft guns They won’t shoot on their own! And all these anti-aircraft gunners, tank crews and missilemen are dressed in the uniform of the corresponding country of the corresponding time.

The shape carefully follows real samples. You can examine each shoulder strap (the commander and gunner have different ranks, everything is the same as in best houses!), every strap and pocket. In addition, the crews are animated: they twirl elements of guidance systems, pull levers, and so on. In general, the attention to detail is excellent.

But you won’t find soldiers on the battlefields—there’s no place for infantry in War Thunder yet. And it’s unlikely to be found: the same Gaijin Entertainment publishes a multiplayer shooter Enlisted, just about the infantry. But it is still at the alpha test stage.

Even a light tank can reflect several shells with its armor. Especially if he faces the enemy at the right angle

The locations are replete with small details; you will not find dull and empty areas. And, again, speaking of little things that can delight a child: driving past the stone fence posts, you can see the bas-reliefs on them!

Many technical effects are also pleasing. IN tank battles the streets and back streets are shrouded in smoke from gunshots and explosions, and it’s damn spectacular! It obscures the view and disperses realistically. Flashes and reflections look good. And you can admire the way the sun plays on the wings of your fighter for hours!

The destructibility of small scenery and physics also do not let us down. Once you destroy a statue in a city square, you risk awakening the little evil vandal in yourself - the process is very beautiful! And if your tank has scattered a dozen milk cans with its tracks, then your first thoughts will be that it would be nice to get out, put the cans back together and drive over them again!

As for the destructibility of buildings, it is only partial. On some maps, especially within the city and with powerful equipment, you can demolish entire high-rise buildings to the ground, and it looks incredibly impressive. And on others, any shack can withstand shells without bending over.

The game has beautiful sea waves. It is clear that active work is underway on the ships. The fleet, according to the developers themselves, will enter open beta testing this year. And puddles! Excellent animated puddles. There are a lot of them everywhere, and driving on them is almost as pleasant as jumping on them as a child!

As for the pyrotechnics, the fire and explosions look good, but nothing more. Those who tore apart an enemy airfield at the controls of an Il-2 in World of Warplanes know what epic explosions can look like in an MMO.

Through the mouth of the developers

The main emphasis in update 1.77 is on the visual component. We decided to find out in more detail from the developers what changed with its release.

About the technical part

— Your project has switched to a new graphics engine. What new will we see in the frame and how powerful a car will we need? After all, the game has always been famous for its accessibility for players with average PC characteristics...

Gaijin: The minimum requirements for our players' computers have actually remained the same. Only the list of supported video cards has changed - they must work with DirectX 10.1 and higher (Intel HD Graphics 4000 / AMD Radeon 46XX / NVIDIA GeForce GT 520). The reason for this is that with update 1.77 we stopped supporting DirectX 9. We do not recommend enabling some of the graphical innovations for users with older or built-in video cards with slow memory. But even at low settings, players notice changes in the surrounding landscape.

Missiles in the later stages of the game completely change battle tactics

— Why did you abandon DirectX 9? What awaits owners of very old cars?

Gaijin: We have not supported DirectX 9 for several years, but with update 1.77, running the game on such video cards became impossible. The abandonment of DirectX 9 has been brewing for a long time, since many functions last update Only work with DX10 and higher. For example, displacement mapping, which made the terrain in War Thunder so voluminous and detailed. To completely stop supporting DX9, we waited until the number of players with video cards that at least supported DX10 became large enough.

— Has the number of destructible objects on the map increased? And will it increase in the future?

Gaijin: At the moment, in War Thunder, almost everything that can be physically destroyed by a tank shot or an air bomb is destroyed. The exception is objects that critically affect gameplay. For example, if the bridge that connects two parts of the map were destroyed, but there was no ford, a large number of battles would end in a draw. Therefore, the number of destructible objects remained the same, but Global Illumination technology appeared, which calculates lighting in real time. Now not only the destroyed objects themselves will disappear from the map, but also the light reflected from them, so that the visual situation changes significantly.

— When SSAA was enabled, the frame rate per second dropped greatly. On which video card would you recommend using it at a stable 60 frames per second?

Gaijin: SSAA is a resource-intensive technology, because it actually processes the image in x4 resolution. The main limitation for it is video memory bandwidth. Therefore, we recommend enabling SSAA only for owners of video cards with 2 GB or more memory, whose games run at 100 FPS without this technology. We also do not recommend enabling SSAA when playing in 4K - because then the calculations will be carried out at a resolution of 16K!

— Is it possible to adjust the loading distance of grass shading on the map? If there is a reserve in system power, it would be very nice to increase the rendering area.

Gaijin: The distance for drawing shadows on small objects can be changed in the graphics settings. Using the “Microshadows” parameter, they can be turned on for an unlimited distance, at a distance of one hundred meters, or turned off completely. Our new technology Contact shadows allow you to create shadows for small objects even in the distance, when they may consist of elements smaller than one pixel.

And to prevent them from rippling in large clusters of small objects, such as vegetation, the temporal anti-aliasing algorithm is used. It smoothes out the edges of shadows and removes flicker. Therefore, when TAA is disabled, Micro Shadows are also disabled by default.

About appearance and special effects

— Should we expect more detailed settings for weather effects in the mode for training and experiments — “Proving Ground”?

Gaijin: “Polygon” already has quite detailed weather settings - there is rain of varying strengths, different cloudiness, haze, clear weather. In addition, players can set the battle time, which will also determine the picture. The available parameters already give players more than one and a half hundred combinations. New weather effects will be added to Polygon as they appear in the game.

A skilled pilot is able to break away from his pursuer even by heavy plane

— Sometimes it seems that puddles are a little out of place. The sun is shining outside, the grass is dry in the field, and the roads are wet. Maybe it's worth draining them for some cards?

Gaijin: Puddles are not tied to maps, but depend on the weather, of which there are thousands of types in War Thunder. If there is not a cloud in the sky, and there are puddles on the roads, then they probably did not have time to dry out after the last rain - such were the weather conditions. The next time you come to this map, it may be dry weather without puddles, or, on the contrary, it may be raining. This is what adds variety to the maps: the same location can look completely different. When choosing the weather, we also take into account the geographical location of the battlefield. In the desert it rains much less often than in the middle zone.

— With the transition to the new engine, the water itself seemed to start looking better. Is it because of the new effects, or was it changed too?

Gaijin: Water in War Thunder is constantly updated. Small changes can be noticed after almost every update, especially during naval battle tests. With update 1.77 it began to look a little different, thanks in part to new system Global Illumination lighting. With it, the light from the sky changed, namely the sky is mainly reflected in the water.

— With the new engine and global shading technology, the color gamut has become much nicer and more realistic. But sometimes harsh colors hurt the eyes. Will this change in the future?

Gaijin: We are gradually changing the color scheme to a softer one, but we are doing it smoothly so that the transition is comfortable for the players.

— With the advent of new weather effects and modern technology, I really want to take part in night battles in difficult weather conditions using night vision devices. Is there a chance to see a similar format of battles in the near future?

Gaijin: In War Thunder there are already quite a lot of models of ground vehicles from the 60s-80s, which were equipped with NVGs of the first and second generations. But the implementation of this mechanics has its pitfalls, and we will carry out many more internal tests night battles using night vision devices.

Hello, readers of my blog!

Agree, we remember the times of World War II less and less, especially since many have had the opportunity to feel like infantrymen more than once.

And only isolated projects allow us to truly become pilots and soar into the skies above the battlefield.

One of the most successful such projects is an online game designed for a wide audience.

Only here the pilot is provided with a convenient opportunity to observe successful angles in combat and an intuitive concept of controlling the aircraft. To understand how cool this is, we suggest reading our review of the game War thunder.

The game is not only fun, but also offers a wide range of settings. This is the best computer flight simulator!

From this article you will learn:

At the controls of an airplane

It’s worth noting right away that in the game, winning battles in the cockpit of an airplane, unfortunately, is not within the capabilities of everyone. Initially, you will have to work hard. But what a wide selection of equipment - more than three hundred units!

Moreover, you can choose any current model from 1928 to 1948. These are fighters presented by different nations to choose from.

  1. Japan.
  2. Britain.
  3. Germany.
  4. THE USSR.

The control modes are also different:

  1. Simulator.
  2. Arcade.
  3. Realistic.

The controls are as simple as possible in arcade mode, making it ideal for beginners who take to the skies fully prepared to take on their enemies. The realistic one has more complex maneuvers.

But real adrenaline can be obtained at the controls of an airplane in stimulating mode, where the pilot has to control everything himself.

Other equipment

A review of the game would not be complete without mentioning the steel giants - tanks. They appeared relatively recently, and a fleet was also added. Everything is like in the song: “Planes are flying and tanks are burning!” This means it has become even more interesting to play.

True, the cars are so far represented only by the nations of the USSR and the USA, but their game modes are similar to airplanes. And controlling steel monsters is much easier. There are other challenges that arise due to incredibly advanced physics.

For example, you can easily crash into an obstacle, damage the tracks, and the like. You can't do this without proper tactical thinking.

Often rounds “alone” end in defeat. Ideally, coordinate actions with friends in arms.

You will be delighted by the realistic colorful graphics based on real events, so we recommend watching an additional video review of War thunder.

The game is constantly evolving, so many more pleasant surprises await you ahead. For example, the possibility of large-scale battles on a single map with all the equipment presented.

For such battles you will need the help of friends, so invite them to the game by recommending that they read the review.

To avoid missing updates, subscribe to our blog news. With War Thunder, time flies quickly and excitingly, because you spend it at the helm of your favorite combat vehicle. Good luck!

Let's do it short review War Thunder. This game is intended for both real professional pilots and shooting enthusiasts. You will not find such detail in combat aircraft, tanks and their control anywhere else. The game features a huge fleet of winged vehicles and an equally impressive fleet of tanks. Different countries equipment manufacturers (Germany, England, USA, USSR, Japan) kindly offer you a choice of fighters, bombers, attack aircraft, as well as all types of tracked monsters, from light to heavy tanks.


The War Thunder review tells us that all events take place during the Second World War, and all fighting, in which you took part, these are real battles that happened at that terrible time. Even the maps were recreated from real satellite images, except that changes were made to suit the time. This confirms one of the features of the game - maximum realism.

Pilot Modes

The game has several game modes. “Arcade mode” is the most popular among users. Your bird is easy to control. Your task is to hunt enemies. While enjoying an air shooter, you don't think about things like air temperature, humidity, pressure. While in other modes this is extremely important. But more on that later. In PvP mode, you can see how effective team play is when you are covering an ally or when help flies to you in a difficult moment. As a team you can achieve big victories!

Here, a lot depends on your ability to fly the plane, and not on the power of the car. In addition, do not forget about the laws of physics, no one has canceled them. It is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the winged vehicle; perhaps some maneuvers should be abandoned, otherwise you will be smashed to the ground. But even here you will have the opportunity to return to the battlefield, since there are usually up to six vehicles in stock.

There is another, more realistic and more difficult game mode. These are "Historical Battles". The controls remain lightweight, but there are far fewer hints. You will need to return “home” for ammunition and the fuel periodically runs out. Everything is done as realistically as possible. And you won’t have any planes in reserve, so in this mode you need to play as a team and carefully think through your battle strategy. All tasks are extremely close to real historical events of that time.

But this game is also good because it can be played by both beginners and real professionals. The “Realistic Battles” mode is designed for true pilots. Here you will need a joystick to control the plane, but the view from the cockpit will not make your tasks any easier. You need to independently control many sensors and switches, look out for enemies and try to kill them, monitor the weather and temperature. Many players who consider themselves aces switch to this mode, but fail upon takeoff, which infuriates their team's allies.

Game Features

Reviewing War Thunder, we can highlight many features and advantages of this game. Of course, this is hyper-realism. In the cockpit or turret of a tank, you can feel the full control of the equipment, all the damage caused to you and you is as close to real as possible. Performing illegal maneuvers in an operational aircraft may result in the fighter losing consciousness and causing the screen to go dark for some time. The size of the maps on which the fighting takes place will pleasantly surprise you. Usually they reach up to 100x100 km. There are places to fly and ride. In addition, the game allows you to destroy bridges, trees and buildings.

Another main advantage of the War Thunder online game is that 3 types of troops take part in one battle: aviation, navy and army. This makes the game unique and opens up a huge field of possibilities for users. Developing your pilot's skills, enriching your vehicle with various ammunition or new capabilities will help you win battles and influence the course of events.

The game is also called WT, War Thunder, War Thunder

The War Thunder review is coming to an end, but before you go play, you should take a look at the minimum and recommended system requirements War Thunder.

What else to read