The development of attention in preschoolers in the process of games and game exercises. Attention games for preschoolers

The child's admission to school marks the beginning of the intensive formation of his voluntary attention. The need to concentrate every day for several hours on certain objects, actions disciplines his will, organizes attention.

At preschool age, a child can hold attention for quite a long time: six-year-old children play an interesting game for an hour, and spend one and a half to two hours drawing. Arbitrary attention of a preschooler is formed in different games(role-playing, didactic), requiring both focus on specific objects, actions, and its distribution. However, involuntary attention still prevails. A preschooler easily switches from the necessary, but less interesting business to a trifling, but exciting one. At this age, there is still a strong reaction to everything new, bright, unusual. The child can not yet sufficiently control their attention. This can be explained by the fact that the visual-figurative nature of mental activity prevails in him. IN primary school the development of voluntary attention of students. This is closely related to the development of a responsible attitude to learning. It is important to spend time motivating learning. The stronger the interest in school, the more seriously and responsibly the child performs the task.

They influence the nature of attention and the individual characteristics of the personality of a preschooler. They must be taken into account in order to avoid misunderstandings. So, passive, sluggish phlegmatic and melancholic seem inattentive, but in fact they are focused on the subject being studied, which is easy to find out by asking them on the topic. The restless, overly talkative sanguine seems inattentive, however, his answers to the teacher's questions indicate that he works together with everyone. Of course, there are children who are simply inattentive. The reasons are different: laziness of thought, a frivolous attitude to learning, increased excitability of the central nervous system. The teacher, developing attention in children, brings up mindfulness as a character trait.

How to develop the attention of a preschooler?

This question often worries both parents and teachers. Special tasks and exercises can help in the development of attention, the most effective of which are given in the article. In addition, they will contribute to the development of visual and auditory perception, memory, visual-figurative and logical thinking, and the execution graphic exercises- development of fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

When completing tasks, the child will need the help of parents: explain the task, check the correctness of its implementation, do not forget to praise for the effort. If the baby is at a loss, it is necessary to offer to perform similar exercises. Before starting classes, it is imperative to create a positive emotional mood in the child, in no case allow overwork - this can cause a reluctance to learn.

Exercises and games for the development of attention:

1. "Who is more observant?"

Look at any object, remember it, turn away and describe in detail.

2. Finding numbers from Schulte tables.

This technique is used when examining children who know numbers well. The child must find the numbers in order, showing and calling them aloud.


The time spent on completing the task by children aged 6–7 should be 1–1.5 minutes.

3. The game "Do not wear black and white."

This game, which is a variant old game recommended for the development of voluntary attention. Two people participate in it - a child and an adult who controls the implementation of the rules of the game.

Invite your child to play questions and answers. You will ask questions and he will answer. The answers may be different, you can’t just say one forbidden word, for example, call White color. Warn the baby to be attentive, as you will try to catch him. Then you can ask questions, for example: “Have you been to the clinic?”, “What color are the doctors’ gowns?” etc. The child must find such a form of answers in order to fulfill the rules of the game. As soon as he makes a mistake and calls the forbidden word, the roles change. Whoever can answer correctly wins. large quantity questions.

First, to help the child, you can give him a card painted in a forbidden color. When the baby has aid, he manages his attention much better. After several variants of the game (different colors may be forbidden), the child may refuse the card. This game can be made more difficult by entering 2 forbidden colors or other forbidden words, for example Yes and no.

4. "Play detective"

Find and color triangles yellow, polygons are in blue.

5. "Find your happiness."

Find two flowers with five petals.

6. Exercise for the development of concentration of attention and its stability.

Recommended for children who can read. Letters are printed randomly on the form, each line contains approximately 30 letters. The child carefully looks through each line and tries to find words among random letters. He must find these words and underline them.

odyrametlakayogubusshygmyo(hole, broom, bus)


kviaipshubayvakrtyamamaoyipsazsh(fur coat, mother)

trpmsmokemyloymshtsysorzschntspzho(smoke, soap, rubbish)

fpitzmkunzniakotelmartpomballv(cauldron, march, ball)

Success rate - number of found right words and speed of the task. Letters and words between them can be typed on a computer or handwritten.

7. Spot the differences.

Compare the pictures with each other and name the differences.

At school, the child will need to not only listen carefully, but also understand what the teacher says, not only read the textbook carefully, but also imagine what is written in it, not only memorize the rules, but also figure out how they can be applied in one case or another. This means that one cannot do without developed perception, thinking, and imagination, which ensure the conscious assimilation and application of school knowledge.


1. Aizman R.I., Velikanova L.K., Zharova G.N. Assessing the degree of readiness of children to study at school. - Novosibirsk, 1987.

2. Gazman O.S., Kharitonova N.E. To school - with the game! - Moscow, 1991.

3. Gilbukh Yu.Z. Psychological and pedagogical foundations individual approach for poorly trained students. - Kyiv, 1985.

4. Zhabitskaya L.G. Psychodiagnostics for the teacher. - Chisinau, Lumina, 1990.

5. Laylo V.V. Memory development and literacy. - Moscow, 2001.

6. Matveeva L., Vyboyschik I., Myakushkin D. Practical psychology for parents, or what can I learn about my child. - M .: AST - PRESS, South Ural book. publishing house, 1997.

7. Nemov R.F. Psychology. Textbook for universities. - M., 2001.

8. Ovcharova R. Family Academy: questions and answers. - M., 1991.

9. Semanovsky A.E. The development of creative thinking in children. - Yaroslavl, 1997.

10. Tarabarina T.I. 50 logic games. - Yaroslavl, 1999.

11. Tikhomirova L.F. Formation and development intellectual abilities child. Junior schoolchildren (6–10 years old - M., 2000).

12. Tikhomirova L.F. Exercises for every day. Logic for junior schoolchildren. - Yaroslavl, 2000.

Complex didactic games on the development of attention of older preschoolers.

1. Who is behind whom?

Game procedure. Children are divided into 2 teams of 5-6 people and stand in 2 lines. One from each team - the driver - stands with his back to everyone; the rest are being rebuilt at this time.
The leader gives a signal, and the driver, quickly turning to face the line, tries to remember who is behind whom. On a new signal, after five to ten seconds, the driver, turning away, must say in what order his comrades are standing. Then the driver becomes in line, and another child takes his place, and so on until everyone from the team has been the driver.
2. Who will collect faster?
The goal is to develop active attention.
Game material: objects of various shapes.
The facilitator lays out 5 different items on the table. The player is blindfolded, and he must quickly (no longer than 1 minute) collect all these items in the order that the host will indicate to him.
He changes the arrangement of objects and gives the task to other players in turn. The one who collects the fastest is considered the winner.
3. Catch - don't catch.
The goal is to develop the ability to distribute attention.
Game material: light ball, dark ball.
Game procedure. The guys become in a circle. The players have two balls with which they are thrown - light and dark. A light ball must always be caught, and a dark one only when it is thrown silently. If the thrower of the dark ball says: “Catch”, you cannot catch. Whoever tries to catch the ball is out of the game.
In the middle of the circle is the leader, he throws the balls that have fallen inside.
The game ends when there are 2-3 players left, whom everyone clap and consider them the winners.
4. Edible - inedible.
The goal is to develop active attention.
Game material: ball.
Game procedure. Children sit in a circle. The host says the word he has conceived and throws the ball to his neighbor. If the word means food (fruits, vegetables, sweets, dairy, meat and other products), then the child to whom the ball was thrown must catch it (“eat”). If the word denotes inedible objects, then the ball is not caught. If the child coped with the task, then he becomes the leader and calls his intended word to another child, and throws the ball.
5. Dwarfs and giants.
The goal is to develop active attention.
Game procedure. Children sit or become a semicircle. The leader names the items. If the word means something quite large, then the children stand on their toes and raise their hands up, and if, on the contrary, something very small (for example, a needle, a mouse), then the children squat down. The facilitator may deliberately make mistakes, and many children will involuntarily, by virtue of imitation, repeat the actions of the facilitator. It is necessary to perform correctly, whoever makes a mistake is out of the game. And so on until 2-3 people remain. Similarly, you can play the game "Flies - does not fly."
6. Find a photo.
The goal is to develop concentration and distribution of attention, the development of visual-spatial orientation, imagination, activation of attention and visual memory children by comparing the object with its silhouette and comparing the “object-silhouette” pair in the presence of controversial (similar to the object) images
Game material: visual aids and handouts (it is necessary to make two pictures of “photo cards” of clowns, with different images of faces)
Game procedure. The clowns were photographed, but when they came to receive photographs, they were confused. Task: each clown to find his photo. On the flannelgraph there are photographs of clowns with different facial expressions. The child receives the original (a sheet with the image of a clown's face) and must find its analogue among the photographs. Then the next participant in the game starts the search, and so on until all the photographs are found.
The game is accompanied by claps, slogans like: “Look carefully - you will definitely find it!” When the child has made a choice, he can be asked questions: “What kind of clown do you have?” (happy, sad, etc.) “What should we call him?” (Cry-Baby, Grumpy, Laughter, etc.) “Where is the clown looking?” Looking for an answer to question asked all players participate.
7. Be careful!
The goal is to stimulate attention, learning to quickly and accurately respond to sound signals.
Game material: appropriate musical accompaniment.
Game procedure. Children stand in a group, freely. Each child is at a distance of approximately 50 cm from the other. Marching music sounds. Children march to the music freely, as they can.
During the march, the head of the game randomly, at different intervals and alternately gives commands. Children implement the movement in accordance with the command.
Commands Movement
“Bunnies!” Children jump, imitating the movement of a hare
“Horses!” Children kick the floor like a horse kicks
“Crayfish!” Children move backwards like crayfish (with their backs)
“Sparrows!” Children run with their arms outstretched (imitation of the flight of a bird)
"Stork!" Stand on one leg
"Frog!" Squat and squat
“Dogs!” Children bend their arms (imitation of the movement when the dog “serves”) and bark
“Chickens!” Children walk, “look for grains” on the floor and say “ko-ko-ko!”
Classes were held in a large room, on a carpet with the help of a musical director.
8. Onlookers.
The goal is the development of volitional (voluntary) attention.
Game procedure. Children walk in a circle, one after another, holding hands. At the leader’s signal (“Stop!”), they stop, make four claps, turn 180 degrees and start moving in the other direction.
The direction changes after each signal.
If the child is confused and made a mistake, he leaves the game and sits on a chair in the room. The game ends when 2-3 children remain in it. They are declared winners and everyone clap for them.
9. Find out what it is?
The goal is to activate visual attention and memory, develop observation skills, improve visual-spatial orientation in the process of recognizing and describing an object from a contour image of its part.
Game material: demonstration canvas, handout, color. pencils, sheets for drawing.
Game procedure: the teacher puts on a demonstration canvas a picture depicting the outline of the upper part, for example: a tram, inviting the children to carefully examine it and decide what part of it reminds them of. If children find it difficult to answer, the teacher helps them with hints. Then each child is given leaflets on which the objects are not fully depicted, and the child is asked to first recognize the object, and then draw them completely on separate sheets.
10. Labyrinths.
The goal is to develop the ability to concentrate, coherent speech, concentration, observation, self-control.
Game material: forms with labyrinths, pencils.
Game procedure. The child is shown a picture, asked: “Who is drawn? What is she (they) doing?” Explain what a labyrinth is. They read a poem or tell a story or a fairy tale, and then ask, for example, to help a girl find the house where her grandmother lives, help a bunny find a carrot, a bear - honey.
First, they offer the child to trace the line with his eyes, if he does not cope with the task, he is invited to trace the line with the help of a pointer. Next from simple option moving on to more complex ones.
11. Confusion.
The goal is the development of visual attention and memory, visual-spatial orientation, imagination and logical thinking.
Game material: visual aids and handouts (3-4 cards for each child)
Game procedure. The teacher demonstrates a card of superimposed contours of various shapes (for example: a teapot, an umbrella, a candy, etc.). At the same time, he explains to the children that only at first everything depicted here seems to be a confusion. In fact, if we look closely, we will see images, or rather, the contours of several objects. In order not to be mistaken in what is shown on the “confusion” card, one must try to trace the outline of each image very carefully. The teacher draws along the lines several times until the children recognize and name the object. When the children recognize the first subject, the teacher exposes it color image. Thus, all confusion is gradually unraveled. Then the children are given “confusion” cards, the teacher asks to carefully look and say what is shown in someone.
12. Spot the differences.
The goal is the development of voluntary attention, perseverance, concentration.
Game material: pictures that depict similar, but somewhat different objects.
Game procedure: ask the child to find all the differences between the pictures
13. Scouts.
The goal is the development of concentration, stability of visual attention, observation.
Game material: a set of story paintings (or illustrations from books)
Game procedure: the child is invited to consider a rather complex plot picture and remember all the details. Then the teacher turns the picture over and asks a few questions about it. For example: “Which characters were drawn? What are they wearing?". Gradually showing more and more complex pictures and asking more and more complex questions.
14. Do the same.
The goal is to develop attention, observation, hand-eye coordination.
Game material: no.
Game procedure: you need to: a) do as I do. Invite the child to make figures with his hands as you show him. Then move on to the movements of the hands on the table: put your hands on the table, clench your right hand into a fist, etc. change position under the command of the leader with an increase in pace; b) listen to the command: hands up, to the sides, right up, etc.
15. Find two identical drawings.
The goal is to develop attention, observation
Game material: methodology forms
Game procedure: Instruction: in each of the five tasks, similar drawings are given, which are somewhat different from each other. But two of these drawings are exactly the same. Which drawings are completely identical, the child must determine.
Teach your child to consistently and systematically compare all the drawings in the assignment with each other. It is important here that the child learns to quickly and accurately find signs, elements in which the drawings differ from each other.
Note: in the first and second tasks, the drawings have only 2 signs of difference; in the third task there are already 3 of them. It is desirable that when performing this exercise, the child not only finds the same drawings, but also names the signs by which the pictures differ.
16. Architect
The goal is to develop attention, observation
Game material: cubes.
Game procedure: The teacher is an architect, the child is a builder. Both have the same number of cubes different types. The architect shows with the help of his cubes what structure needs to be built (ladder, arch, house), the builder repeats the task.

17.Magic word
The goal is to develop attention.
Game material: no.
Game procedure: First, you should agree on what words are considered "magic". “Magic” can be considered words starting with the letter “M” or any other letter (then the game will simultaneously develop the child’s phonemic hearing). The teacher tells a story or says any words in a row. When pronouncing the “magic words”, the child must give a signal: hit the table with his palm, stand up, etc.

18. Sherlock Holmes
The goal is to develop attention, observation.
Game material: no.
Game procedure: The player who plays the role of Sherlock Holmes carefully considers appearance partner and turns away or leaves the room. The partner changes some details of his appearance and invites the "Detective" to guess what he changed. The subject of the game can be not only the appearance of the partner, but also the arrangement of objects in the room, small details in the picture, and much more. The difficulty of the game depends on the number of modifiable items. Start with fewer changes and gradually increase them.

19 Numerical table

Game procedure: Show the child a table with a set of numbers from 1 to 25, which are arranged in random order. But first, make sure the child knows all these numbers. Tell him: "Try as quickly as possible to find, show and say aloud the numbers from 1 to 25." Most children 6-7 years old complete this task in 1.5-2 minutes and almost without errors.

1 10 11 18 7
16 20 3 14 22
2 25 9 13 24
12 5 21 4 17
19 23 15 6 8

20 "Button"
The goal is the development of attention, observation.
Game material: forms with a table.
Game procedure: Two people play. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.
The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.
The same game can be used to work on the development of memory, spatial perception and thinking.

21 Little beetle
The goal is the development of attention, observation.
Game material: forms with a table.
Game procedure: “Now we will play such a game. You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells. A beetle is crawling on this field. The beetle moves on command. It can move up, down, right, left. I will dictate moves to you, and you will move the beetle across the field in the right direction.Do it mentally.You cannot draw or move your finger across the field!

Attention? We started. One cell up, one cell to the left. One cell down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Show me where the beetle stopped."

(If the child finds it difficult to complete the task mentally, then at first you can let him show with his finger each movement of the beetle, or make a beetle and move it around the field. It is important that as a result the child learns to mentally navigate in the cell field).

Tasks for the beetle can come up with a variety of. When the field of 16 cells is mastered, move on to moving along the field of 25, 36 cells, complicate the tasks with moves: 2 cells obliquely to the right and down, 3 cells to the left, etc.

22 Follow the pattern

Game material: samples for making a pattern.
Game procedure: The activity of the child includes drawing rather complex, but repetitive patterns. Each of the patterns requires increased attention of the child, because. requires him to perform several sequential actions:
- analysis of each element of the pattern;
- correct reproduction of each element;
- retention of the sequence for a long time.

When performing tasks of this kind, it is important not only how accurately the child reproduces the pattern (concentration of attention), but also how long he can work without errors. Therefore, each time try to gradually increase the execution time of one pattern. 5 minutes is enough to get started.

After the "cell" patterns are mastered, move on to more complex patterns on a clean sheet.
23 Girls.
The goal is to train concentration.

Game procedure: Forms are offered with the image of girls, eight in each row. Task option:
a) / underline / count / girls with black bows (white);
b) / underline / count / girls with black hair and black bows;
c) / underline, / count / with white hair and white bows;
d) / underline, / count / with white hair and black bows;
e) / underline, / count / with black hair and white bows.

24. "Little Men"
The goal is to train concentration.
Game material: task forms.
Game procedure: Forms are offered with the image of little men with different positions of arms and legs, located nine in a row. Task options:
a) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg;
b) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who stand on one leg and spread their arms to the sides; c) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their legs wider than their shoulders and spread their arms to the sides;
d) / fill in, / underline, shade, count / little men who spread their arms and legs shoulder-width apart;
e) / paint / underline, shade, count / little men who lowered their hands and put their feet close / to each other /.
25. "Intertwined lines."
The goal is to train concentration.
Game material: task forms.
Game procedure: It is proposed to connect the numbers with each other.

26. "Four elements".
The goal is the development of attention, coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.
Game material: no.
Game procedure: The players sit or stand in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: "earth" - hands down, "water" - stretch their hands forward, "air" - raise their hands up, "fire" - rotate their hands in wrist and elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.
Instructions: “For this game, you need to sit in a circle and listen carefully. If I say the word "earth", everyone should put their hands down, if the word "water" - stretch their hands forward, the word "air" - raise their hands up, the word "fire" - rotate their hands in the wrist elbow joints. Whoever makes a mistake is considered a loser.

27. "Broken phone."
The goal is the development of auditory attention
Game material: no.
Game Procedure: Children sit in a row or in a circle. The host pronounces a word quietly (in the ear) next to the player sitting next to him, he passes it on to the next one, etc. The word must reach the last player. The host asks the last one: “What word did you hear?” If he says the word proposed by the presenter, then the phone is working. If the word is not right, the driver asks everyone in turn (starting from the last one) what word they heard. So they will find out which player messed up, “spoiled the phone”. "Guilty" takes the place of the last player.
Instructions: “Now we will play “Spoiled Phone”. Sit in a circle on the carpet in a comfortable position. The first player says a word quietly into the ear of the player sitting next to him. The player who has learned the word from the leader passes this heard word (quietly in his ear) to the next player. The word, as if by telephone wires, must reach the last player. The host asks the latter: “What word did you hear?” He calls him. If the word matches the one that the presenter came up with and called, then the phone is working. If it does not match, then the phone is damaged. In this case, in turn, starting from the end of the row, everyone must name the word he heard. So they will find out which player messed up - "ruined the phone." The “guilty” player takes the place of the last one. Let's play".

28. Match a couple to the word
The goal is to develop attention.
Game material: ball.
Game Procedure: Children stand in a circle. The teacher with the ball in his hands is the center of the circle. The teacher throws the ball to one of the children and says, for example: "Toy." The child catches the ball and answers: "Doll." The game continues. Stimulus words are used: fruits, vegetables, dishes, transport.

29. Playing with sticks "Repeat after me!".
The goal is to increase attention and memory.
Game material: counting sticks.
Game procedure: This game can be played with one or more children. Each child is given the same number of counting sticks. Everyone sits in a circle, and the teacher starts the game as a leader. Lays out an arbitrary composition from counting sticks. Let the children watch and remember. Then the composition is closed with a sheet of paper, the children will need to fold the same figure from their sticks. If everyone was able to repeat, the role of the leader passes to the next player.
30. Exercise "Palms"
The goal is to develop attention span.
Game material: no.
Game procedure: Participants sit in a circle and put their palms on the knees of their neighbors: the right palm on the left knee of the neighbor on the right, and left palm on the right knee neighbor on the left. The meaning of the game is to raise the palms in turn, i.e. a "wave" ran from rising palms. After a preliminary training, palms raised at the wrong time or not raised at the right time are out of the game.
List of used sources.
1.Andreev O.A. Train your attention. / O. A. Andreev - M .: Education, 1994 - p. 135
2. Babaeva T.I. At the school doorstep. - M .: Education, 1993 - p.58-61.
3. Vygotsky L. S. The development of higher forms of attention in childhood/ reading book for attention / - M .: 1976.- 184-220 p.
4. Galperin P. Ya. Experimental formation of attention. - M .: Pedagogy, 1974.- 146 p.
5. Runova M. Differentiated exercise games // preschool education, 1996, No. 1 - p.20.

In these Online Games both adults and children from 6, 7, 8 years and older can play. In addition to developing attention, they also develop memory, concentration, and counting.

Train right now

Train right now on this page, for free and without registration.

1. Anagrams

4. Fifteen

6. The game "Speed ​​comparison"

  1. Develops memory
  2. Improves attention
  3. Accelerates reaction and thinking

In this game, you need to compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one as quickly as possible, answering the buttons "Yes" - similar or "No" - not similar.

7. The game "Visual search"

  1. Develops voluntary attention
  2. Improves attention span

Figures will appear on the screen, among which you need to choose a unique one, nothing like other shapes. Some figures may differ in just one small detail that you need to learn how to quickly find. With each successful round, the difficulty increases and more points are given :)

8. Game "Space"

  1. Improves concentration
  2. Improves attention shifting

An excellent trainer for the development of attention. The picture shows a rocket, you need to determine where it flies as quickly as possible. The game is limited in time, the faster and more correctly you determine where the rocket flies, the more useful the training and the points earned.

9. The game "Flanking task"

The game "Flanking task" is similar to "Cosmos" and a little more difficult. The picture shows a flock of birds, and you will be required to indicate the direction of flight central birds. At first, you may be confused, but then it will be better, because this is already the beginning of the development of attention. Here we go?

10. The game "Super memory"

  1. Trains visual memory
  2. Increases memory capacity
  3. Improves memory accuracy

With each move, one appears on the screen. new picture. You need to quickly find it and click on it to score as many points as possible in 1.5 minutes. The first 5-7 moves are very easy, and then it becomes noticeably more interesting and more difficult.

11. The game "Speed ​​comparison"

  1. Develops memory
  2. Improves attention
  3. Accelerates reaction and thinking

In this game, you need to compare the figure shown on the screen with the previous one as quickly as possible, answering the buttons "Yes" - similar or "No" - not similar.

Games for the development of thinking

Games for the development of thinking, what could be better? By playing, you develop your thinking. You yourself will not notice how it will become easier for you to solve everyday affairs, come to a good and quick answer, and find a rational solution. Interested? Then go ahead, train!

12. Geometric adventure game

  1. Develops concentration
  2. Improves attention shifting
  3. Trains quick wits

This game will help improve the combination of qualities: attention + reaction. Try to answer the questions in the picture as quickly as possible. At first, it can be a bit tricky as the game tries to confuse the questions. Be careful:)

13. The game "Letters and numbers"

  1. Trains concentration
  2. Improves reaction speed
  3. Develops logic and ingenuity

Immediately after the start, one of the four windows will show one letter and one number, for example, "U6". And under the letter with a number, a question will appear, for example, "Is the number odd?" or "Letter consonant?". You need to answer questions as quickly as possible.

14. The game "color matrix"

  1. Develops involuntary attention
  2. Improves concentration
  3. Improves attention span

After the start of the game, a field of cells will appear on the screen, each of which is painted over with one of two colors. Your goal is to indicate which color is larger. The game lasts one and a half minutes, during this time you need to have time to give as many correct answers as possible. The more correct answers, the larger the field. The larger the field, the more points.

15. Game "Piggy bank"

  1. Increases the speed of thinking
  2. Improves logic and mental arithmetic
  3. Develops visual count

The screen shows four piggy banks, you need to calculate in which piggy bank as quickly as possible more money and click the left mouse button on this piggy bank. The first results will be visible after 10 minutes of training.

Development courses

In addition to games, we have interesting courses, which will perfectly pump your brain in the following interesting areas:

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that are interesting to you very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

When synchronized, joint work both hemispheres, the brain starts to work many times faster, which opens up many more possibilities. Attention, concentration, perception speed amplify many times over! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very fast
  2. Improve focus and concentration speed reading they are extremely important

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

The course includes 30 lessons with useful tips and exercises for the development of children. In every lesson useful advice, some interesting exercises, a task for the lesson and an additional bonus at the end: an educational mini-game from our partner. Course duration: 30 days. The course is useful not only for children, but also for their parents.

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and brain pumping will begin for you.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games in your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that occurred during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

The secrets of brain fitness, we train memory, attention, thinking, counting

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Attention is a manifestation of the selective orientation of consciousness processes. The level of its development largely determines the success of the child in learning. Attention - necessary condition any activity: educational, playful, cognitive.

For preschool age attention develops from involuntary, that is, arising by itself under the influence of external impressions, to arbitrary, controlled by a conscious effort of will. The disorganized behavior of children, their increased impulsiveness and restlessness, as a rule, are the result of an inability to control their behavior and attention. The child himself cannot overcome these shortcomings. Voluntary attention develops quite intensively if adults help the child.

Any game requires attention, but usually this aspect acts as an auxiliary, accompanying the solution of other tasks. In order to develop a baby's focus, stability and concentration of attention, special games are needed, where this task is at the center of the child's and adult's activities.

Exercises and games to train attention, many of which do not require special training and which can be carried out anywhere, are widely known: laying out according to the model, pictures “Find the differences”, “Find two identical”, “Cross out the letter”, “What did the artist mix up? ”, etc. The main thing is the systematic, diversity and enthusiasm of adults and children.

With a subgroup of children, you can play the following games.

One, two, three - speak!

Objective of the game:

Teach children to identify several different conditions problem solving and take them into account when performing game actions. One of these conditions requires cognitive activity, and others - volitional efforts.

Game description:

As a game material, pictures are used that reflect the subject environment of the child (things, animals, clothes, trees, etc.).

An adult invites children to play with pictures: “I will show them one at a time, and you call them. You only need to call after my signal. First, carefully look at what is drawn, and remember what it is called. But don't say anything until I say: “One, two, three - speak! » Whoever names the picture first after my signal will receive it. Let's try". There is a short pause before the last word (speak). The one who names the picture first gets it. It is necessary to have duplicate pictures in case several children give the correct answer at once.

Then the game changes. Guessing is not offered to all children at the same time, but to two or three. Groups are formed in order of priority.

Rules of the game:

1. Before giving an answer, you need to carefully look at the picture and remember the name of the depicted object.

2. You can name an object only after the words: “One, two, three - speak! »

Put your finger

Objective of the game:

The development of focused attention.

Game description:

The child must choose from a large number objects familiar to him, depicted in the pictures, the one that the adult named, and quickly point at him with his finger. The difficulty lies in the fact that the child must overcome the external attractiveness of other pictures and focus only on the one that the teacher will name. The child receives the found picture as a prize. The main requirement of the game is to look for a picture with your eyes, not with your hands, and only at the last moment put your finger on it. You can help your child restrain himself by inviting him to hold his finger at the edge of the table until the picture is named.

At the beginning of the game, children are invited to look at all the pictures, name the objects depicted on them. After that, a couple of children are invited, in front of which all the pictures are laid out. Explain the rules of the game. Then the words are pronounced: “Which of you will find and indicate with your finger where the apple is located first? » The children show the picture, and the teacher turns to the others: Who put his finger on the apple before? The children answer and the winner gets a picture. The second child is given the opportunity to "recoup", but if he does not find the picture this time, the next pair of children is called. The pictures given to the children are replaced with new ones.

Rules of the game:

1. Hold your finger right hand at the edge of the table until an adult calls the item. It is forbidden to remove your finger from the table ahead of time.

2. The person who puts their finger on it first gets the picture.

3. The winner is called by all participants in the game.

Hide and seek with toys

Objective of the game:

The development of attention span in children.

Game description:

An adult puts several new toys on the table, calls three children to him and invites them in turn to choose the toy that they like best. Children should carefully consider their toys. Then the children stand facing the wall and close their eyes. While the children are standing with their eyes closed, the adult hides each of the toys in some conspicuous place. The toy should be among other objects familiar to children (a doll among dolls, a car among cars). The rest of the children are told that they must not reveal the secret where the toys are hiding. Each driver must find his own toy. “It’s time,” the adult and children say in unison, and the drivers begin to look. When they return with toys, the adult asks the rest of the children: “Who found the toy first? Did he find his toy? ". The winner is given a prize. The game is repeated from the beginning, and now the children themselves hide the toys.

Rules of the game:

1. Search only for the toy that you have chosen, without being distracted by others.

2. Do not tell drivers. The violator will not be chosen to look for toys.

3. When toys are hidden, you can not open your eyes.

Respond, do not yawn!

Objective of the game:

The development of sustained focused attention in children.

Game description:

Children sit in two rows opposite each other. An adult distributes to children pictures depicting animals, children, birds, and children from one row should have the same pictures as children from the second row, that is, each picture should have a pair. An adult explains to the children that every animal, bird or man in the picture has a friend, that is, exactly the same picture. Each character must call his friend in the appropriate voice (if the picture is a cow, then moo, if a dog, then bark, if a boy or girl - call by name). All instructions are clearly explained. Everyone who was called should respond quickly. Friends should approach an adult, show each other their pictures and make sure that they are the same. Then other children continue the game.

2. You need to be careful and respond to the call of your couple in time.

3. It is forbidden to show the received picture ahead of time. For the time being, this is the secret of every child.

find the mistake

Objective of the game:

Development of auditory attention and memory.

Game description:

1 option. The adult asks to listen carefully and slowly reads the poem, then invites the children to say what the cook put and where.

The cook was preparing dinner

And then the lights were turned off.

The cook takes bream

And lowers it into compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

Putting jam in the oven

It interferes with the soup with a stalk,

Ugli beats with a ladle,

Sugar pours into the broth

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette

When the light was repaired (O. Grigoriev)

Option 2. Listen to the confusing poem and say what is wrong in it.

Warm spring now

Our grapes are ripe.

Horned horse in the meadow

Jumping in the snow in summer.

Late autumn bear

Likes to sit in the river.

And in winter among the branches

"Ha-ha-ha" - sang the nightingale.

Quickly give me an answer -

Is it true or not? (L. Stanichev)

Rules of the game:

1. Do not shout out the answer until the poem has been read to the end.

Cross out the circle with a dot

The task of the game: Development of the distribution of attention.

Game description:

On a sheet of paper, draw 25 circles with a diameter of a five-ruble coin. Put a dot inside some. While the sand is being poured into the hourglass, cross out the dot inside the circles.

We listen and clap

The task of the game: the development of selectivity of attention, thinking.

Game description:

Children are invited to listen carefully and clap their hands when they hear the name of an animal among the called words. The set of words can be like this:

Christmas tree, lily of the valley, elephant, chamomile.

Doll, hare, mushroom, car.

Grapes, river, forest, squirrel.

Skis, giraffe, plane, vase.

By analogy, you can use the names of plants, toys, etc.

A few more games to develop attention and memory.

What has appeared?

An adult puts several objects on the table: a cube, a small toy, a cup, a candle, hourglass etc. Children look at objects for 1-2 minutes. Then he asks the children to turn away and adds a few more to the row of objects. He asks one of the children to turn around and name what has appeared. Then the child turns away again. For each of the children - different additional items.

In order

An adult lays out 6-8 cards with different images in a row in front of the child. The child looks at the cards for 2 minutes, after which the cards are shuffled and the child is asked to arrange them in the same order.


Put 10 strips (length 10 cm, alternating: two white, two black, one white, three black, two white. Children look at the strips for 1 minute. The adult asks the children to turn away and lays out the black strips to black, white to white. Then asks the children to turn around and arrange the strips as they lay in. Each child has a different set of strips.The adult has a sample on the card to check.

Remember and draw

On a piece of paper, draw eight circles of different diameters and colors. Children look at the picture for 1 minute. Then the adult collects sheets with drawn circles and gives them to the children. clean sheets. Children must remember, draw and color the circles.

Things around us

An adult invites the children to carefully examine the cabinet for 3 minutes. Then the children close their eyes and answer the questions: “What is on the table? What is in the closet? What is hanging on the wall? ", etc. Items should be periodically swapped, removed and new ones added.


1. Aralova M. A. Handbook of a preschool psychologist. - M. : TC Sphere, 2010.

2. Kolesnikova E.V. Is your child ready for school? Tests. – Ed. 3rd, revised. - M .: Publishing house "Yuventa", 2008.

Games and exercises for the development of memory (senior preschool age)

Memory is the basis of training and education, the acquisition of knowledge, personal experience, the formation of skills. Without it, the assimilation of social experience is not possible, the expansion of the child's ties with the environment, and his activity is not possible. In order to develop the ability to quickly, accurately, fully perceive, recognize and reproduce material in the context of a growing information boom and the introduction of various developmental programs in modern schools, it is necessary to carry out purposeful developmental work in preschool educational institutions.

The child's memory should be developed as much as possible during the period when all factors have it.

It is the older preschool age that belongs to important role in general development human memory: children 5-6 years old already have a certain amount of knowledge and skills, an arbitrary form of memory is intensively developing.

Optimal learning methods often override the role of natural abilities in their importance.

The regular inclusion of games and exercises in the classes and free activities of preschoolers will achieve very good results in the development of memory, imaginative thinking, quick wits, imagination, ingenuity.

Games that develop attention and memory


Two are playing. Each player has a set of buttons in front of them, and the sets are exactly the same. Within one set, not a single button is repeated. The number of buttons from the set used in the game depends on the level of difficulty of the latter: than harder game, the more buttons are used. To begin with, you can take only three buttons, but at the same time, the players have the whole set from which these buttons are selected. Each player has a playing field, which is a square divided into cells. The more difficult the game, the more cells in the square. For starters, you can take a playing field of four or six cells. So, the game starts with three buttons on the playing field of 4-6 cells. The starter of the game puts on his field three buttons from the set he has. The second participant in the game must look at the location of the buttons, remember where which one lies, after which the first one covers his field with a sheet, and the second must choose from his set and place the corresponding buttons on his field. Then the correct execution of the task is performed.

The game is made more difficult by the appearance more cells on the playing field and more buttons.

As a rule, children cannot cope with the game at first. They are invited to take each button in their hands, examine, feel, describe the appearance aloud, and also explain aloud to themselves where this button lies. If you follow this method of memorization, the result is usually not bad.


An adult tells the children who a chameleon is. He explains that this is a lizard that changes color depending on where it is, so that it is not noticeable.

Then the facilitator begins to ask the children questions about what color the chameleon will become if it sits in green grass, on a brown log, on a black stone, on a chessboard, etc. The guys must answer quickly, after which correct and incorrect answers are discussed.

The game is played as a competition. At the beginning, the response time is not taken into account, it is only important to answer correctly. But then entered additional condition that the winner will be the one who gives the correct answer the fastest.

Instructions for carrying out. Before playing with children, it is advisable to repeat the colors of the rainbow and other color shades.

Note. This game develops the ability to navigate in different colors(this is important because some children do not know the names of colors, the ability to listen, the speed of reaction, etc.

Neighbor, raise your hand

The players, standing or sitting (depending on the agreement, form a circle. The driver is chosen by lot, who gets up in the middle of the circle. He calmly walks in a circle, then stops in front of one of the players and says loudly: “Hands!” The player to whom he turned the driver continues to stand (sit without changing position. And both of his neighbors must raise one hand up (the neighbor on the right is left, and the neighbor on the left is right, that is, the hand that is closer to the player who is between them. If anyone If one of the guys made a mistake, then he changes with the leading roles.

play in set time. The child who has never been the leader wins.

Rules of the game. A player is considered a loser even when he only tried to raise the wrong hand. The driver must stop exactly opposite the player he is addressing.

falcon and fox

A falcon and a fox are chosen. The rest of the children are falcons. The falcon teaches his falcons to fly. He easily runs in different directions and at the same time makes flying movements with his hands (up, to the sides, forward) and also comes up with some more complex movements with his hands. A flock of falcons runs after the falcon and follows its movements. They must exactly repeat the movements of the falcon. Suddenly, a fox jumps out of a hole. The falcons quickly squat down so that the fox does not notice them.

Rules of the game. The fox appears at the signal of the leader and catches those children who did not sit down.


Choose a driver. The rest of the children stand in a circle, in the center of which is the driver, and hold hands. They dance and say in a singsong voice:

Uncle Tryphon

There were seven children

seven sons,

They didn't drink, they didn't eat,

They didn't look at each other.

Together they did like me!

At the last words, everyone begins to repeat the gestures of the driver. The one who repeated the movements best of all becomes the new driver.

Snowy owl and evrazhki

Choose by counting snowy owl. The rest of the players are evrazhki (rodent animals). The owl is in the corner of the site or room.

To the quiet rhythmic beats of a tambourine, the evrazhki run around the site, to a loud blow, the evrazhki become a column. The owl flies around the evrazhkov and the one who moves, the owl takes away with him. At the end of the game (after 3-4 repetitions), those players who distinguished themselves by greater endurance are noted.

Rules of the game. Loud beats of a tambourine should not sound long time. Children must quickly respond to the change of strokes.

Outdoor games and exercises for the development of memory in preschoolers.

Perform the movements

Purpose: To develop motor and visual memory, attention, coordination of movements.

Children standing in a row are shown a set of motor actions and are asked to repeat the movements in the sequence in which they were shown. Players who make a mistake take a step forward. The kids who don't move win.

Complex 1

(I. p. - main stand)

1) hands up;

2) cotton over the head;

3) arms to the sides;

4) arms to shoulders;

5) hands down.

Complex 2

1) hands on the belt;

2) tilt to the left;

3) starting position;

4) tilt to the right;

5) starting position.

Complex 3

1) turn your head to the left;

2) turn your head to the right;

3) keep your head straight;

4) head down.

Complex 4

1) hands forward;

2) sit down;

3) starting position;

4) turn your head to the right;

5) turn your head to the left;

6) head straight.


1. The display of exercises can be combined with the name of the movement. In this case, auditory memory also develops.

2. Movements are not shown, but only called. The child must remember how they are performed.

Remember the order.

Purpose: to develop memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, should turn away and list who is behind whom. Then another child becomes the driver. At the end of the game, those who completed the task without errors are noted.

Who left?

Purpose: develops memory, attention.

Children line up in random order. The driver, looking at them, turns away. At this time, at the direction of the teacher, one of the children leaves the room. The driver must turn around and guess which of the children is missing.

When one of the children leaves, the rest change places to confuse the driver.

The guys are strict

Goals: develop visual memory, attention; reinforce rebuilding skills.

Players line up in a column one at a time, or line. On command, they begin to walk randomly around the hall, saying the words:

The guys have a strict order,

Know all their places;

So trumpet more cheerfully:

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!

After these words, the teacher pulls out the right or left hand to the side and commands: “Get up! ". Children should quickly line up in their places, in the direction indicated by the teacher.


1. After each formation, the order of the players changes.

2. If the teacher stretches his hand forward, then the children should line up in a column, if the teacher raises his hand to the side, the children line up.

enchanted ball

Purpose: to develop long-term memory words, coordination of movements.

Material: two balloons.

Inflate two balloons, show the children how they float in the air, and let them play with them for a while. After a while, tell the children that you know the magic spell. Rub the balloon on clothing to charge it. static electricity, and say a spell:

Snip, snap, snure - one, two and three!

The ball is enchanted - go see it!

"Stick" the balls to the wall at such a distance that the children can get them and play with them. Repeat the spell, let the children glue the balloons themselves. Let the children repeat the spell themselves and stick the balloons.

magic number

Goals: improve memory; fix mathematical account; develop coordination skills.

Material: number cards, rug or mat.

The teacher says that if you know the numbers well, you will enter the land of knowledge. For each, he tells his magic number.

Numbers are scattered on the rug (according to the number of participants in the game). The players remember their number given by the teacher. At the signal of the teacher, the participants run to the mat and look for their number, then run around the mat on the right and return to the starting point.

Children who completed the task quickly and correctly are noted. If there are many children in the group, you can hold a relay race.

That's how poses

Purpose: to develop motor and visual memory, arbitrary self-control, attention span.

The participants in the game take poses corresponding to certain kind sports (a certain profession, the movement of an animal, etc.). The driver, looking at them, must remember, reproduce them and comment after all the children return to their original position.

The game can become more difficult: the driver repeats the poses of an increasing number of children.

The best drivers are marked.

Call by name

Purpose: to develop motor memory, long-term memory for words, intensity and stability of attention, sense of time, dexterity.

Material: ball.

The participants are divided into two teams. At the signal of the teacher, they move freely throughout the hall. Suddenly, the teacher throws the ball up and calls the name of the first team member who must catch the ball. Similarly, a member of the second team is called. The team that catches the ball more times wins.

secret movement

Purpose: to develop visual and motor memory and the relationship between them.

The facilitator shows various gymnastic exercises. The participants in the game repeat all the exercises after the leader, except for the secret one - agreed in advance. Instead of this exercise, children must perform another, also predetermined. For example, instead of a secret exercise to sit down, they should raise their hands up.

Children who performed the exercises without errors are noted.

Traps with a ball

Goals: develop memory, dexterity, speed abilities; fix the account.

Material: ball.

Children, standing in a circle, pass the ball to each other with the words:

One two Three -

Take the ball quickly.

Four five six -

There he is, there he is.

Seven, eight, nine -

Throw who can.

The player who has last word the ball turns out to be, says: "I" and throws it at the fleeing children. Having hit the first player with the ball, the "trap" takes the ball in his hands. The players are again built in a circle. The game continues.

Games for development various kinds memory

What was gone

For children of preschool age there is a game "What's gone? " ("What is missing"). Several items, toys are placed on the table. The child looks at them attentively for one or two minutes, and then turns away. At this point, the adult removes one of the items. The task of the child is to remember what item is missing (for children of older preschool age, a more complex option is offered - with the disappearance of two or more toys). Children's responses may vary. Depending on readiness, the child can find a toy on another table, in a room, at a more remote distance, choose a sign with the name of the toy, etc. This game has another option. The child needs to remember the location of the toy among others, and after the adult behind the screen violates this order, return it to its original place. The reverse version is also possible - the game “Who came to us? ", when an adult does not remove, but adds an object or several objects behind the screen.


There is another memory game - "The Box". It can be played by kids from 2 to 6 years old. The box is made up of small boxes that are placed in pairs and glued together. Their number is gradually increasing (up to 12 by the senior preschool age). An object is hidden in one of them in front of the child's eyes, after which the box is closed by a screen for a while. Then he is asked to find the object. -nem

Find it yourself

The visual memory of children is well developed by a game (similar to the "Box") called "Find It Yourself". For her, it is necessary to glue 4 and 3 matchboxes, placing them on top of each other so that 2 turrets are obtained. At the first stage of the game, for example, a button is placed in one of the boxes and the box is closed. The child is offered to show where they put the button, in which of the turrets and in which compartment. At the second, more difficult stage, 2 items are already hidden in different compartments of one of the turrets. At the third stage, objects are put into different turrets, and the child needs to remember where everything is. The baby can open the branches of the turret immediately after the object has been hidden (this is the development of short-term visual memory) or, for example, after half an hour, and for senior preschool age - the next day (development of long-term visual memory).

Learn the subject

An exercise for training tactile memory can be the game "Recognize the Object". A child of senior preschool age is blindfolded, and in turn placed in his outstretched hand various items. At the same time, their names are not pronounced aloud, the baby himself must guess what kind of thing it is. After a number of objects (3-10) is examined, he is offered to name all these things, moreover, in the order in which they were put into the hand. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that the child needs to perform 2 mental operations - recognition and memorization.

Marine knots

At older preschool age, you can develop the child's tactile memory by teaching him to tie sea ​​knots(especially since it also helps the development of visual spatial imagination).

miraculous words

The auditory memory of older preschoolers is developed by the game "Wonderful Words". It is necessary to select 20 words that are related in meaning: 10 pairs should be obtained, for example: food-spoon, window-door, face-nose, apple-banana, cat-dog. These words are read to the child 3 times, moreover, the pairs stand out intonationally. After a while, the baby is repeated only the first words of the pairs, and the second he must remember. This is short-term auditory memory training. For the development of long-term memorization, you need to ask the preschooler to remember the second words of the pairs not immediately, but after half an hour.

Draw a figure

The child is shown 4-6 geometric shapes, and then ask him to draw on paper those that he remembered. A more difficult option is to ask the young artist to reproduce the figures, given their size and color.

Who knows more

The game "Who knows more" is also intended for senior preschool age. The child is offered to name 5 objects of a given shape or color in one minute. For example - 5 round objects, or 5 red objects. The one who did not have time to name the items in the allotted time is out of the game. Replays don't count!

We offer you a series of picture games that help develop the attention of children from 4 to 6 years old.

With these picture games you can prepare your child for school. Since these games develop children's attention, concentration, perseverance, which will be necessary for the child when studying at school.

The pictures depict the plots of fairy tales, fairy-tale heroes. Therefore, it will not be easy for children to look for differences between the plots of pictures and, but also to tell what they depict (what heroes, describe the actions of heroes, talk about their emotions), all this will contribute to the development of children's speech, the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

Games for attention

Find 10 differences between the pictures. Make up a story based on the picture.


Games to develop the attention of preschoolers and schoolchildren

Attention is the main component of education. How attentive the child is, directly depends on his success in school. Preschoolers have involuntary attention, i.e. requiring no willpower. Interest is the main factor of concentration. Games for the development of attention form preparation for the transition from involuntary attention to voluntary attention, which will be required at school. Here TOP 10 interesting games on the development of the attention of the child:

The game "Edible - not edible!"

The host throws the ball and names an object. If you can eat it, you need to catch the ball, and if you can’t, beat it off. The game develops dexterity, coordination and attention.

Game "Old Chest"

Imagine that you have found an old chest in the attic. How many interesting things are there! And now we play.

The first player says: “In an old dusty chest in my attic…” and comes up with what might be there, for example, a pirate hat. The second repeats everything that the first said and adds his word (In an old dusty chest in my attic I have a pirate hat and ginger cat etc.) . Whoever makes a mistake is out.

Game "Repeat movements"

The leader shows several simple movements, the child remembers and, on a signal, reproduces the movements in the same order. Start with three movements and gradually increase. This game will help the kid, later, easily learn dance in kindergarten.

Game "Storyteller"

An adult reads a fairy tale in paragraphs, and then asks questions about the meaning. For example, "Once upon a time there were three little pigs, Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf and Nuf-Nuf."

- How many pigs were there? What were their names? The game develops listening skills (listening comprehension).

Game "Excellent"

Offer the child a game to find the differences in the pictures. These games develop mindfulness and perseverance well.

Game "Funny clothespins"

If you have a lot of colorful clothespins - good. Let the kid count them, if he can. If not, do it for him. Then let him run around the apartment and hook them anywhere. When the job is done, it's time to "harvest".

Now we collect, preferably in the same sequence as we pinned. Counted - everything is in place? Fine.

Game "Controller"

Prepare three cards or flags from colored cardboard. You show the baby a card, and he performs some specific action. For example, a red card - clap your hands, a blue one - jump up, a green one - touch your nose...

Increase the pace.

Game "Who's the last?"

Take a few soft toys or dolls and put them one after the other in random order. Imagine that they are standing in line for ice cream, everyone wants to get it quickly. Some toys strive to cheat.

The child remembers the order of the toys in the queue, then turns away, and you rearrange one toy in another place. Then the baby turns and guesses what has changed.

Game "Hare"

Similar to the previous game. Plant some toys in a box - a bus. All toys are passengers with tickets.

The baby turns away, and you add one extra toy. The child turns and tries to figure out the free rider's "hare".

Game "Find the letter"

Circle a small paragraph in a magazine or newspaper for your child. Let him find, for example, all the letters "o". If he can count, let him count.

When the baby can easily cope with the task, complicate the rules: underline every third letter.

Similar games for the development of attention develop memory, easily teach the child to pay attention to little things, to concentrate.

The development of attention in children. Games for the development of attention. Attention methods. Mindfulness exercises.

Tasks for the development of attention.

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Looking for where to download attention games for kids for free? Are you interested in attention tests for children? In the “Development of attention in children” section on our website you can download free attention games for preschoolers and primary school children, attention tests for children of preschool and primary school age.

The proposed exercises are suitable both for individual lessons of parents and teachers with children, and for group lessons in a preschool educational institution. For convenience, all attention games are divided into groups by type. The exercises we offer can also be used for remedial classes with children with attention problems, attention deficit (attention deficit disorder).

The educational games that you will find on our website were developed by experienced child psychologists, neuropsychologists and preschool teachers who have extensive experience working with children with attention disorders and who have devoted many years of their professional activity to studying the attention of preschoolers, the attention of younger schoolchildren and diagnosing attention. Our attention exercises will help you solve problems with concentration and switching attention in children from 5 to 9 years old.

Tasks for the search and completion of missing details

In tasks for the attention of this group, the child must consider several pictures offered on the form and complete each of them so that all the pictures become completely the same.

Go to the tasks for finding and completing the missing details

Maze games for kids.

The games of this group for the development of attention in children are all kinds of original labyrinth games for children. This section will please those adults who are looking for for their children: labyrinth games, labyrinths for children in pictures, labyrinths for children online.

Go to the mazes

Search for identical pictures

In games to develop the attention of this group, the child must carefully examine several pictures on the form and find two completely identical ones.

Go to games to find the same pictures

Games for finding pictures by pattern

In games for the development of attention among preschoolers of this group, the child must carefully examine the sample and find the picture corresponding to it.

Go to games to search for a picture by pattern

Logic tasks to search for a given sequence

In games for the development of attention for preschoolers of this group, the child must find among the many similar images a group of pictures arranged in a certain sequence.

Go to logical tasks to search for a sequence

Tasks for finding a common feature in the depicted group of objects

In attention games for children in this subsection, tasks are collected in which the child analyzes groups of objects combined on the basis of a common feature. The child must identify this sign. Attention exercises of this type also develop logical thinking in preschoolers.

Go to tasks for finding a common feature

Tasks to search for an object by its shadow

In exercises to develop attention in children of this group, the child is asked to correlate a number of objects and their shadows. Those. for each object, he must choose a shadow corresponding to it.

Go to tasks for finding an object by shadow

Difference games. Find differences in pictures

In tasks for the attention of this subsection, the child is tasked with finding all the differences between two similar pictures. This section will please those adults who set the following search queries for children: games to find the differences, games to find the differences, find the differences online, find the differences pictures, etc.

Additional games for the development of attention

This group includes a variety of tasks for the development of attention and observation that are not included in other groups.

Go to additional tasks

The development of attention in children. road lotto

road lotto This exciting game will help you keep your child busy on the road for a long time. You can play it while traveling by car or on the train. Road Lotto is not only fun, but also very useful for the development of intelligence.

Playing loto, the little traveler trains attention and memory.

Go to road lotto description

Attention and spatial representations

The proposed three games: "Fly", "Football" and "Bee" will help not only develop your child's attention, but will also contribute to the development of his spatial representations. The child will learn to navigate in the space of the sheet, consolidate such concepts as "left-right", "top-bottom".

Go to games

Most popular in the attention section

road lotto This exciting game will help you keep your child busy on the road for a long time. You can play it while traveling by car or on the train. Road Lotto is not only fun, but also very useful for the development of intelligence. Playing loto, the little traveler trains attention and memory. go to road lotto description

Games for the development of attention and spatial representations. The proposed three games: "Fly", "Football" and "Bee" will help not only develop your child's attention, but will also contribute to the development of his spatial representations. The child will learn to navigate in the space of the sheet, consolidate such concepts as "left-right", "top-bottom". go to games

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Games to develop the attention of preschoolers | Newborn care

Games for the development of attention of preschoolers

Attention is the main mental property of a person. Preschoolers are dominated by involuntary attention - involuntary concentration on an object or phenomenon that has emotional significance for the child. Interest is the most powerful factor in concentration.

If the subject or situation is not interesting to the child, attention is focused with the help of volitional effort. Such attention is called arbitrary. The highest form of attention is observation - a conscious concentration of attention on a specific object.

Games for the development of the attention of preschoolers form preparation for the transition of involuntary attention to voluntary.

Games for the development of attention of preschoolers - The ability to concentrate

"Build in the Dark"(not suitable for children who are afraid of the dark!)

Put some cubes on the table. The child remembers where the cubes lie, and then, blindfolded, tries to build a tower of cubes. The game helps to focus.

"Catch - do not catch!" The adult throws the ball, the child catches it. Agree that you can catch the ball if you say: "Catch!". If the ball is thrown without a word, it must be returned. Complicating the game, we add the word "Don't catch!" Attention to sounds, words, speech

"Go quietly!" The driver is blindfolded. The other participant tries to pass unnoticed. If the driver heard, he claps his hands.

"Who sings?" An adult taps with a wooden pencil (or metal stick) on several objects on the table. Each item has a different sound. The child listens carefully to the sound the object makes.

Then he turns away and tries to guess which object the adult is hitting.

"Repeat after me" An adult calls 3-4 words, the child listens carefully, and then repeats in the same sequence.

"Storytellers" An adult reads a fairy tale in parts (1-2 sentences), then asks questions about the meaning. For example, “A soldier was walking along the road: one or two! one-two! Knapsack on the back, saber on the side; he was walking home from the war." - What is behind the soldier's back?

What's on his side?

For each correct answer - a chip. How many chips today, how many tomorrow? This game will serve the child well at school.

Attention to signs, pictures, letters

"Look at the picture" a) The child is invited to carefully consider the picture. After that, the adult asks questions about the large objects shown in the picture: What is drawn in the center? On right? Left?

What colour? Are there round objects? etc. Gradually, tasks can be complicated by asking about small items. b) Examines the coloring.

Turns away. At this time, the adult paints over the details of the picture. The child must show where they painted over.

As coloring progresses, it becomes more difficult to guess, as there is less of a clean picture left.

"Cross out the figurine" Type on the computer (or draw) in large print several rows of letters, numbers, shapes. For example: Invite the child to cross out only the circles. Then you can offer to cross out familiar letters or numbers.

"Remember and dot" Prepare squares on a sheet of paper. Put a dot on one of them. Invite the child to memorize the arrangement of dots and repeat it in an empty square.

Gradually, you can increase the number of points and the number of cells in the square.

Attention to movements

We will take turns showing different movements and repeating one after another.

"Ladder" I.P. - standing, arms along the body, legs together. Our hands go up the stairs: to the belt, to the shoulders, above the head. Then they go down.

Hands first move together, then one at a time (catch up with each other). The adult shows the pattern, the child repeats. Adult changes pace: fast-slow. The task of the child is to carefully follow the hands of an adult and reproduce the movements in the same order.

"Clap-stomp" Condition: if an adult raises his hands up - the child clap; if hands are to the sides - stomps; hands down - freezes.

On a walk

During a walk or outdoor recreation, you can also organize games to develop the attention of preschoolers.

"Find a toy" An adult hides a toy on the playground (in a clearing), the child is looking for. Then they switch roles.

"Scouts" We will observe nature or the area around us. Who will find more: a) everything is green; b) everything is round; c) everything is soft, etc.

One of the options for developing attention can be a four-legged friend. Moreover, Yorkie puppies can be purchased inexpensively even through an online store. Most importantly, after the purchase, do not forget to teach the child the basic skills of caring for him.

More info

Didactic games for the development of attention

V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: “The attention of a small child is a capricious “creature”. It seems to me a shy bird that flies away from the nest as soon as you try to get close to it.

Attention is the focus on something. It is connected with the interests, inclinations of the child, such qualities depend on his characteristics: observation, the ability to note subtle, but significant signs in objects and phenomena.

Attention is one of the main conditions that ensure the successful assimilation by the child of the amount of knowledge and skills available to him and the establishment of contact with an adult. If attention is absent, the child cannot learn to imitate the actions of an adult, nor to act according to the model, nor to follow verbal instructions. The development of attention is closely intertwined with the development of memorization.

The attention of a preschooler reflects his interests in relation to the surrounding objects and the actions performed with them. The child is focused on an object or action only until his interest in this object or action fades. The appearance of a new object causes a switch of attention, so children rarely do the same thing for a long time.

Attention has properties such as: volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. Violation of each of the properties leads to difficulties in the functioning of attention as a process, as a result, to deviations in the child's activity.

In preschool childhood develops:

involuntary attention, which is associated with the assimilation of new differentiated knowledge about the types of animals, insects, flowers, etc. all this is first explained and shown by adults, then the child notices himself, involuntarily. What was explained not only attracts attention in itself, but also serves as a kind of background against which unusual objects become noticeable. Children notice a friend's new clothes, unusual flowers, etc. They notice not only bright, catchy, loud, but exactly unusual - something that was not in their experience.

Arbitrary attention which manifests itself in the course of purposeful activity. The purpose of the action as an image of the intended result encourages attention throughout the activity.

If what he planned didn’t work out, the child even cries: “I wanted to draw Pinocchio, and then some kind of cow came out!”. One can see the great concentration of children at the moments of experimenting with objects, pouring water.

People say: “If it is quiet, then something is up to”. Although children 4-5 years old begin to master voluntary attention, involuntary attention remains predominant throughout preschool childhood. stay attentive. This feature of attention is one of the reasons why preschool education cannot be based on tasks that require constant tension of voluntary attention.

The elements of the game used in the classroom, productive activities and their frequent change, allow you to maintain the attention of children at a fairly high level. Attention is of great importance in the lives of children.

It is this that makes all mental processes complete. The development of the properties and types of attention of a preschooler significantly depends on the significance, emotionality, interest for him in new material, on the nature of the activity that the child performs. Thus, attention indicators increase significantly in various games, and especially in didactic ones.

I. We develop visual attention.

1. "Do like mine"

An adult offers the child to lay out a letter, number, pattern, picture, etc. from sticks (or mosaics) according to the model. (You can use Kuizener sticks)

2. "Arrange as it was"

The teacher places seven toys on the table in front of the preschoolers. After the children have examined the toys, the adult asks them to turn away from the table, and at this time he swaps the toys and gives the task: “Arrange the toys in the order they were.”

3. "Draw"

An adult distributes drawings to children depicting objects on which some details are missing. Offers to name what exactly is missing in the picture and draw them. For example: a car without wheels, a house without a roof, etc.

4. Spot the difference

The teacher offers preschoolers a card with two pictures that have several differences. Children need to find these differences as quickly as possible.

5. "Who is faster"

An adult shows the children ribbons of different colors. The task of preschoolers is to name as many objects as possible, vegetables, fruits, animals, etc., that correspond to a certain color. For example: Yellow - pear, pencil, sun, lemon ...; red - apple, tomato, cherry ... green - toad, grasshopper, cucumber, grass ... etc.

6. "Who's hiding?"

An adult lays out 10 pictures with animals on the table in front of the children. After the guys have examined them, the teacher asks them to close their eyes, and at this time he removes 3-4 pictures and asks: “Look, what animals are hiding?”

7. "Drawing by cells"

Preschoolers are given a checkered sheet (large or small), a pattern for drawing (an ornament or a closed figure), a pencil. It is necessary to redraw the pattern by cells.

8. "Find the extra"

Children are offered a card with the image of 6 - 7 objects, one of which is different from the rest. It is necessary to find it. For example: fox, bear, wolf, sparrow, squirrel, hare, hedgehog. (Sparrow is a bird).

II. We develop auditory attention.

1. "The most attentive"

Children sit in a circle and perform movements in accordance with the words: “Water” - arms to the sides; "Earth" - hands down; "Fire" - close your eyes with your hands; "Air" - raise your hands up.

2. "What did it sound like?"

Children are shown the sound of different musical instruments. Then these musical instruments sound behind the screen, and preschoolers name what they sounded.

3. "Repeat after me"

Preschoolers are invited to reproduce, according to the model set by the teacher, rhythmic blows with a stick on the table.

4. "Who has a bell?"

Children walk in a circle ringing a bell, which they pass to each other. A blindfolded child stands in the center of the circle and listens attentively from where the bell is ringing. When an adult utters the phrase: “The bell is not heard,” the child standing in the center of the circle must point with his hand in the direction from which he last heard the ringing.

5. "Words"

The teacher clearly pronounces 6 words to the children, after which he asks the children to repeat the words in the same sequence. For example: dog, chicken, cow, duck, pig, chicken, etc.

6. "What's in the box?"

Preschoolers are shown the sound in matchboxes: sand, earth, millet, peas, pebbles. After that, the adult stirs the boxes and invites the children to determine what is in the box by sound.

7. "Tell me how it was"

Preschoolers are invited to consider a complex plot picture and remember all the details of an adult's story about the adventure of its heroes. Then the teacher asks questions about this picture, and the children answer them remembering the story.

8. "Who is this?"

An adult reads interesting riddles in rhymes, preschoolers should name what or who is being discussed.

III. We develop motor-motor attention.

1. "Edible - inedible"

Depending on the named item (whether it is edible or not), children must catch or hit the ball thrown to them by an adult.

2. "Repeat after me"

The teacher names the parts of the human body, and the children must perform the appropriate movements: touch the nose, ear, elbow, etc. (You can perform movements to rhythmic music)

3. "Flies, jumps, swims"

The teacher shows the children pictures of animals, birds, insects, etc., and preschoolers need to show what movements they can do without words. For example: a bird - children imitate flight movements, a hare - jump, a toad - jump, and then swim (or vice versa), etc.

4. "Wintering and migratory birds"

An adult shows pictures of wintering and migratory birds, the children are given the command: “Clap your hands, if the bird is migratory, if it is wintering, put your hands down.”

5. "Vegetables and fruits"

An adult reads out the names of vegetables and fruits, preschoolers are given a command: "Sit down - if they hear the name of a vegetable, jump - the name of a fruit."

The teacher shows the children a movement that cannot be repeated. Then he shows different movements with his arms and legs. The one who repeated the forbidden movement is out of the game.

Any movement or combination of movements can be prohibited.

7. "Train"

Preschoolers stand in a circle and imitate the movement of the train, an adult shows cards that indicate a certain movement: yellow card - the train collapsed, red - the train stops, blue - the train goes in the opposite direction, green - the train goes faster.

8. "Attentive guys"

Children are built in a column. An adult names various objects, after which each child who stands in a column must run to the table on which there is a basket with objects and choose an object of the appropriate color with the named object. For example, the teacher calls the word “paper”, the child must run up to the table and select a white object from the basket - a white ball, a pencil, etc.

Development of attention in children of preschool and primary school age (from 3 to 10 years old)

Summary: The development of attention, observation in children of preschool and primary school age (from 3 to 10 years). Educational games and exercises. Formation of mindfulness in younger students.

Other publications on developing attention:

Dear parents and teachers! If you don't know about the existence of the site yet, then we highly recommend that you visit it right now. This is the best site on the Internet with an incredibly large number of free educational games and exercises for children. Here you will find games for the development of thinking, attention, memory in preschoolers, exercises for teaching counting and reading, crafts, drawing lessons and much more. All tasks are developed with the participation of experienced child psychologists and preschool teachers. If you are interested in the topic of developing attention in children, be sure to check out the special section of the site "Games for the development of attention in children". Here are screenshots of some tasks:

Attention is the most important quality that characterizes the process of selecting the necessary information and discarding the superfluous. The fact is that thousands of signals from the outside world enter the human brain every second. If there were no attention (a kind of filter), then our brain could not avoid overload.

Attention has certain properties: volume, stability, concentration, selectivity, distribution, switchability and arbitrariness. Violation of each of these properties leads to deviations in the behavior and activities of the child.

A small amount of attention is the inability to concentrate on several objects at the same time, to keep them in mind.

Insufficient concentration and stability of attention - it is difficult for a child to maintain attention for a long time without being distracted and without weakening it.

Insufficient selectivity of attention - the child cannot concentrate on that part of the material that is necessary to solve the task.

Poorly developed attention switching - it is difficult for a child to switch from performing one type of activity to another. For example, if you first checked how your kid did his homework in mathematics, and then, at the same time, decided to test him in Russian, then he will not be able to answer you well. The child will make many mistakes, although he knows the correct answers. It's just hard for him to quickly switch from one type of tasks (mathematical) to another (in Russian).

Poorly developed ability to distribute attention - the inability to effectively (without errors) perform several tasks at the same time.

Insufficient arbitrariness of attention - the child finds it difficult to focus attention on demand.

Such shortcomings cannot be eliminated by fragmentarily included "attention exercises" in the process of training with a child and, as studies show, they require specially organized work to overcome them.

Such work should be carried out in two directions:

1. The use of special exercises that train the basic properties of attention: volume, distribution, concentration, stability and switching.

2. The use of exercises on the basis of which mindfulness is formed as a property of the individual. Usually the cause of global inattention lies in the orientation of children to the general meaning of a text, phrase, word, arithmetic problem or expression - children grasp this meaning and, being content with it, "neglect the particulars." In this regard, the main task of such classes is to overcome this global perception, an attempt to teach how to perceive the content taking into account the elements against the background of the meaning of the whole.

This section provides some exercises for training the basic properties of attention.

Educational games and exercises

1. Exercise "Watch your speech."

In the twenties of the last century, such a game of attention was very popular. The host says: "The lady bought a toilet. There are 100 rubles in the toilet, buy whatever you want," yes "" and "no" do not say, do not buy black and white. And he begins to ask tricky questions, trying to "pull out" forbidden words from the respondent.

Do you want to buy a black dress?
- I want to buy a green dress.
- Does green suit you?
- I just like green velvet.
- Will it be a ball gown?
- Ballroom.
- Does your green dress have to be long?
- Yes(!).

Losing. It was necessary, for example, to say "Of course."

This is a game, on the one hand, to develop the ability to ask psychologically complex, "rainy" questions, thereby diverting the attention of the respondent to thinking about a complex answer from not using forbidden words, and on the other hand, to develop the attention of the answerer to questions.

You can simply agree on which words or parts of speech cannot be spoken and then ask a variety of questions. There should be many questions. This is a blatant test of attention.

For example, these:

Have you had breakfast today? Do you like your hairstyle?
Are you late for class today? Are you left handed? Do you love cinema?
What flowers do you like and what don't you like? Why?

2. Exercise "Forbidden letter".

In this game, everyone will have to watch themselves, so as not to let it slip.

And it is not surprising to let it slip, as we will see in this now.

One of the participants in the game is appointed as the driver. Turning to the players in turn, the leader asks each one a simple question, demanding an immediate answer to it. For example: "How old are you?", "Who do you sit at your desk with?", "What kind of jam do you like?" etc. The one to whom the question is addressed must immediately give any answer, but without using in his phrase the letter, which, by agreement, is declared forbidden. Suppose that the letter "A" is declared prohibited.

Of course, the driver will try to find tricky questions, answering which it would be difficult to do without the letter "A". "What is your name?" And he will ask, say, a comrade whose name is Vanya. It is clear that he cannot give his name. He'll have to get rid of the joke. "Can't remember!" - he will answer, resourcefully bypassing the trap prepared for him. Then the driver with the same unexpected question will turn to another participant in the game.

The game is played at a fast pace, it is not allowed to think for a long time. Hesitated, did not answer immediately, or, confused, used a forbidden letter in his answer, take the place of the driver and ask questions. We will consider the winners of those who have never fallen into the trap and gave quick, resourceful answers.

As a variant of the game, the condition may be the non-pronunciation of the forbidden letter, i.e. it must be replaced in words with any other.

3. Exercise "Hidden clue".

In this game, it is allowed to prompt, although not in the usual way.

We choose the driver and declare him the guesser. Let's ask the guesser to leave the room for a minute or step aside. In the meantime, let's think of a word. This should be a singular noun, consisting of four or five letters, and all the letters in it should be different, for example, "table", "mosquito", "board", "sail", etc. There are many such words, select they won't take long.

The task of the driver is to guess the word we have conceived. Since this is difficult, you will have to help him, that is, to suggest something, but, of course, not directly, but in some indirect way, relying on his quick wits and attention.

Let's assume that the hidden word is "mosquito". It is unknown to the guesser.

Please tell me the first letter, - he addresses the players.

It is his right to demand a hint, and any three participants in the game can prompt, each in his own way.

The first letter of the hidden word is "K".

How can you suggest it without directly naming it?

It is done in this way. Three players alternately pronounce one word at a time, one-syllable or two-syllable, which includes the letter "K". Suppose one calls the word "compass", the other - "marmot", the third - "drop".

In all three words, the letter "K" is repeated.

The guesser will highlight this letter and remember it.

Let's get the second letter! he demands.

Three other players will tell him the second letter, say, with these words: "lesson", "elephant", "mole". Having singled out the letter "O" repeated three times in them, the guesser will also try to remember it.

If the guesser is attentive and does not get confused in our tips, then we will give him the right to appoint a new driver himself in order to continue the game. And if he does not guess the word we have conceived, we will again force him to drive: let him still train his attention.

4. Exercise "Hidden word".

In games, they often look for a hidden object.

But you can hide and find not only objects. In the game with which we will now get acquainted, you will have to look for hidden words. And we will hide them among other words.

In such a game, vigilance of the eye and observation will no longer help, other qualities will be needed: concentration, attention and resourcefulness. The game begins, as usual, with the choice of the driver. We will "hide" the words, he will "look for" them.

Let's ask the driver to leave the room for a while and think of some well-known proverb or line from a familiar poem. Let's say we decide to hide the proverb " Language will bring to Kyiv". Let's break this text into parts: "language", "to Kyiv", "will bring". Why such a breakdown is needed will become clear from the further description of the game.

The driver returns. He is informed that the proverb is "hidden" and that, starting to search for it, he can ask any three questions to any three participants in the game. The driver will understand that the text of the hidden proverb is divided into three parts and that the first person to whom he turns with a question must insert the first part of the hidden text into his response phrase, the second - the second part of the text and the third - the last part of the text.

Let's see how it works out.

"What did you see in your dream today?" - suppose the driver asks one of the participants in the game. Tom needs to enter in his answer the first part of the hidden text - the word "language", but in such a way as to better hide it among other words. He can say: "I saw in a dream that I arrived in a foreign city, went into the dining room, and there they served me such a dish that it was impossible to pronounce its name: you would break your tongue." "Where do lemons grow?" - let's say the driver asks another. He can get away with a joke: "In warm countries and in my grandfather's garden: he lives on a collective farm, twenty kilometers before reaching Kyiv."

The phrase seems to be smooth, but the words "to Kyiv" may make the driver alert and take note of them. To the last question, whatever it may be, one can give an evasive answer: "Don't be so curious, it will not lead to good." And now let the driver guess which proverb we have guessed.

5. Game "What has changed?".

The game is played like this. Small items (eraser, pencil, notebook, match, etc. in the amount of 10-15 pieces) are laid out on the table and covered with a newspaper. Whoever wants to test his powers of observation first, please come to the table! He is offered to familiarize himself with the location of objects within 30 seconds (count up to 30); then he should turn his back to the table, and at this time three or four objects are shifted to other places. Again, 30 seconds are given to inspect the items, after which they are again covered with a sheet of newspaper. Now let's ask the player: what has changed in the arrangement of objects, which of them have been moved?

Don't think that answering this question will always be easy! Answers are scored. For each correctly indicated object, the player is credited with winning 1 point, but for each mistake, 1 point is removed from the number won. An error is considered when an object is named that has not been transferred to another place.

Let's mix our "collection", putting the items in a different order, and call another participant in the game to the table. So one by one, all team members will pass the test.

The conditions of the game for everyone should be the same: if four objects were swapped for the first player, then the same number is shifted for the rest.

In this case, the best result is 4 points won. Everyone who passes the test with such a result will be considered the winners in the game.

6. Exercise "I remember everything" (development of attention and memory).

This fun game can be played by two, three or even four, competing in the ability to memorize words in a given order.

Compliance with this condition is monitored by the judge, who, during the game, keeps a control sheet, writing down the words named by the players. Words are selected on a specific topic, such as the names of cities, the names of plants or animals. Let's say that the theme of the game is the names of cities. Of course, it is better to call cities well-known, they are easier to remember.

So let's start the game. The contestants sit in a circle.

Tula, - says one. The judge immediately writes this word on the control sheet.

The second player, repeating the named city, adds the name of another city to it:

Tula, Poltava.

- Tula, Poltava, Omsk, - announces the third.

If there are three players, then the turn goes back to the first one. He should fill up the list of cities with one more name. For example.

- Tula, Poltava, Omsk, Vladivostok.

So, each time adding one city, the players in their next turn must repeat all the cities named earlier, mentioning them in the same order and not skipping a single one.

At first, this is given relatively easily, but when the list of names steps over a dozen, you involuntarily begin to stumble. And the judge, attributing each newly added word to his control sheet, vigilantly watches if anyone misses at least one of them.

The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

The rest continue the competition until one of them is the winner.

Divide everyone who wants to take part in this game into threes. In each trio, someone will be the winner. And then arrange the final meeting of the winners for the title of champion in this interesting game.

7. Where is whose house?

Game for development of stability of attention. Offer the child a drawing of seven different little animals, each of which hurries to its own house. Lines connect the animals to their houses. It is necessary to determine where whose house is, without drawing a pencil along the lines. If the task is difficult for the baby, then allow it, but eventually put the pencil aside.

8. Exercises for the development of stability and switching attention.

You can play like this. Give your child different words: table, bed, cup, pencil, bear, fork, etc. The kid listens attentively and claps his hands when he comes across a word denoting, for example, an animal. If the baby is confused, repeat the game from the beginning.

Another time, suggest that the child stand up every time they hear the word for a plant. Then combine the first and second tasks, i.e. the baby claps his hands when he hears words denoting animals, and stands up when pronouncing words denoting a plant. Such and similar exercises develop attentiveness, speed of distribution and switching of attention, and, in addition, expand the horizons and cognitive activity of the child. It is good to play such games with several children, desire, excitement and a prize for the winner will make them even more exciting.

To develop stability of attention, give the child a small text (newspaper, magazine) and offer, looking through each line, to cross out a letter (for example, a). Record the time and number of errors. Record the results on a daily chart and analyze them. Rejoice in success with your child. Then, to train distribution and switch attention, change the task. For example, like this: "In each line, cross out the letter a, and underline the letter p." Or like this: "Cross out the letter a if it is preceded by the letter p, and underline the letter a if it is preceded by the letter n." Record times and errors. Don't forget to praise your baby.

9. Exercise "What has changed?" (development of observation).

Game for training observation. It is best to play with several children. Everyone becomes in one line. The host calls one child and offers to remember the appearance of each participant in the game. This is given 1-2 minutes. After that, the baby turns away or goes into another room. The remaining participants in the game make minor changes to the costume or hairstyle: you can pin a badge or, conversely, remove it, unfasten or fasten a button, change places with each other, change your hairstyle, etc. Then the memorizer should name those changes in the costumes of his comrades that he managed to notice.

If you do not have the opportunity to gather a large company, you can modify this exciting game: lay out 10 objects on the table in front of the child, ask him to turn away and at this moment change the arrangement of the objects. Then offer to answer what has changed.

10. Pictures "Find the difference".

All children enjoy looking at pictures. You can combine the useful with the pleasant. Invite the child to look at the pictures, where, for example, two gnomes (or two kittens, or two fish) are depicted. At first glance, they are exactly the same. But, looking more closely, you can see that this is not the case. Let the child try to spot the differences. You can also pick up a few pictures with ridiculous content and ask the child to find inconsistencies.

11. Exercise "Color your soulmate."

There are also such exercises for the development of concentration. You need to prepare several half-colored pictures. And the kid should color the second half of the picture in the same way as the first half was painted. This task can be complicated by inviting the child to first draw the second half of the picture, and then color it. (It can be a butterfly, a dragonfly, a house, a Christmas tree, etc.).

12. Exercise "Digital table".

Show the child a table with a set of numbers from 1 to 25, which are arranged in random order. But first, make sure the baby knows all these numbers. Tell him: "Try as quickly as possible to find, show and say aloud the numbers from 1 to 25." Most children 5-7 years old complete this task in 1.5-2 minutes and almost without errors.


























Another version of this game: prepare a table with 25 cells, on which the numbers from 1 to 35 are randomly written, 10 of which are missing. Ask the child to find and show all the numbers in a row, and write down the missing numbers (if he cannot write down the numbers, then just let him call them to you). Record the time it took the child to complete this task.

If these exercises turned out to be difficult for a son or daughter, make a simpler table, for example, from 9 cells.

13. A bird is not a bird.

A fun game for the attention and knowledge of birds.

An adult reads poetry. The task of the children is to listen carefully and, if a word is heard that means not a bird, give a signal - stomp or clap. Be sure to ask the child what is wrong. Specify:
"And the fly - who is this?"

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Flies and swifts...

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
storks, crows,
Jackdaws, pasta.,

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
swans, martens,
Jackdaws and swifts,
Seagulls and walruses

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Chibis, siskins,
Jays and snakes.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Seagulls, pelicans,
Mikey and Eagles.
Pigeons, tits,
herons, nightingales,
Perches and sparrows.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Ducks, geese, owls,
Swallows, cows.

The birds have arrived:
Pigeons, tits,
Sticks and swifts
Butterflies, siskins,
storks, cuckoos,
even owls,
swans and ducks -
and thanks for the joke!

14. A cow flew.

There must be at least three players. Everyone sits in a circle and, turning their right hand palm down, and the left hand palm up, connect their palms with the palms of their neighbors. In turn, they pronounce the word of the verse, clapping the palm of the right neighbor in time with the word:

The cow flew, said the word.
What word did the cow say?

Whoever gets the turn to answer, calls any word, for example, "grass". His neighbor, along with cotton, says the first letter of this word - "t", the next - the second, and so on until the end of the word, until the last "a". The task of the last player is not to gape and have time to remove his hand from under the final clap.

15. Top clap.

Game for the development of attention, memory.

The leader pronounces phrases-concepts - correct and incorrect.
If the expression is correct, the children clap, if not correct, they stomp.

Examples: " It always snows in summer". "Potatoes are eaten raw". "Crow is a migratory bird". It is clear that the older the children, the more complex the concepts should be.

16. The game "Button".

Two people are playing. In front of them are two identical sets of buttons, in each of which not a single button is repeated. Each player has a playing field - it is a square divided into cells. The starter of the game puts 3 buttons on his field, the second player must look and remember where which button lies. After that, the first player covers his playing field with a piece of paper, and the second must repeat the same arrangement of buttons on his field.

The more cells and buttons are used in the game, the more difficult the game becomes.
The same game can be used to work on the development of memory, spatial perception and thinking.

17. The game "Little bug".

"Now we will play such a game. You see, in front of you is a field drawn into cells. A beetle is crawling across this field. The beetle moves on command. It can move down, up, right, left. I will dictate moves to you, and you will move the beetle in the right direction across the field.Do it mentally.You cannot draw or move your finger across the field!

Attention? We started. One cell up, one cell to the left. One cell down. One cell to the left. One cell down. Show me where the beetle stopped."

(If the child finds it difficult to complete the task mentally, then at first you can let him show with his finger each movement of the beetle, or make a beetle and move it around the field. It is important that as a result the child learns to mentally navigate in the cell field).

Tasks for the beetle can come up with a variety of. When the field of 16 cells is mastered, move on to moving along the field of 25, 36 cells, complicate the tasks with moves: 2 cells obliquely to the right and down, 3 cells to the left, etc.

18. An exercise aimed at increasing the level of distribution of attention
(ability to do several things at the same time).

Read a little sentence aloud. Reading is accompanied by a soft tapping of a pencil on the table. Children must memorize the text and count the number of strokes.

You can conduct this exercise as a competition: whoever counted correctly, he won. Winners receive, for example, a red circle. Since it is better to play several times in a lesson, the calculation of winnings is carried out at the end of the lesson, and the winners are somehow encouraged.

In the process of classes, the number of sentences used in the text increases.

19. Exercise for the distribution of attention.

The exercise is aimed at developing the child's ability to perform two different actions at the same time.

a) The child draws circles in a notebook and at the same time counts the claps with which the adult accompanies the drawing. Task execution time - 1 min.

The number of circles and the counted number of strokes are counted. The more circles are drawn and the claps are counted correctly, the higher the score.

b) The task is similar to the previous one. Within 1 minute, you need to simultaneously draw with two hands: left - circles, right - triangles. At the end, the number of drawn triangles and circles is counted.

(Triangles with "rounded" vertices do not count, as do circles with "corners". The child's task is to draw as many triangles and circles as possible.)

Parents can invent tasks of this type themselves. It can be drawing and oral solution of simple examples; writing down words and listening to a piece of a poem, etc. It is important to form such a quality as noise immunity in a child.

20. Exercise to increase the concentration of auditory attention.

For this, it is very convenient to conduct arithmetic dictations, however, the point of the exercise is that each task consists of several actions.

For example, the teacher says:

1 class- "Two numbers are given: 6 and 3 ... Add the first number and the second ... and subtract from the resulting number
2... Then subtract 4 more... Write!.." (Answer: 3)

"Two numbers are given: 15 and 23 ... Add the first digit of the second number to the first digit of the first number ... subtract 2 from the resulting number, and now add 7 ... Write! .." (answer: 8)

Grade 2- "Two numbers are given: 27 and 32 ... Multiply the first digit of the second number by the first digit of the first
number ... and subtract the second digit of the second number from the resulting product ... Write! .. " (answer: 4)

"Two numbers are given: 82 ... and 68 ... To the first digit of the second number, add the second digit of the first number ... and divide the resulting amount by 4 ... Write! .." (answer: 2)

3rd grade- "Two numbers are given: 54 and 26 ... To the second digit of the first number, add the second digit of the second
numbers ... and divide the resulting amount by the first digit of the second number ... Write! .. " (answer: 5)

"Two numbers are given: 56 and 92 ... Divide the second digit of the first number by the second digit of the second number ... Multiply the resulting quotient by the first digit of the second number ... Write! .." (answer: 27)

In such exercises, you can introduce a game moment: a magician and a magician who can guess numbers: "Think of a number ... add 5 to it, now subtract 2 ... subtract the number you thought of ... and multiply the resulting difference by 4 ... You did it..."

The above exercises allow you to hold and concentrate attention, and the data obtained may indicate a slow inclusion in the work (with the wrong solution of the first tasks and the correct solution of subsequent ones) or a rapid exhaustion of attention, an inability to maintain its concentration (with the correct solution of the first tasks and the incorrect solution of subsequent ones) which allows the teacher to adjust his work depending on the results obtained.

21. Exercise for concentration and stability of attention.

Students are asked to rewrite the following lines without errors:















22. Exercise "Follow the pattern" (training concentration).

The exercise includes the task of drawing quite complex, but repetitive patterns.
Each of the patterns requires increased attention of the child, because. requires him to perform several sequential actions:

a) analysis of each element of the pattern;
b) correct reproduction of each element;
c) maintaining the sequence for a long time.

When performing tasks of this kind, it is important not only how accurately the child reproduces the pattern (concentration of attention), but also how long he can work without errors. Therefore, each time try to gradually increase the execution time of one pattern. 5 minutes is enough to get started.

After the "cell" patterns are mastered, move on to more complex patterns on a clean sheet.

To perform this kind of tasks, it is convenient to make forms in advance with a different number of rows of circles, triangles or squares. Forms can be represented by a mixed set of figures. For example, a series of squares, a series of circles, a series of triangles, etc.

The task can be supplemented by asking the child to check the correctness of the pattern and correct the mistakes.

23. An exercise aimed at training the switching of attention.

To train attention switching, exercises based on the Red-Black Tables test are used.

For the lesson, tables with numbers in black and red are used, the order of which is constantly changing. The order of work remains unchanged:

Stage 1- consider the table and find in order all the black numbers from 1 to 12;
Stage 2- look at the table and find all the red numbers in reverse order from 12 to 1;
Stage 3- you need to alternately search for black numbers in direct order from 1 to 12, and red numbers in reverse order from 12 to 1.

After the child has satisfactory results on the number of digits proposed above, their number can be increased first to 16 (both of them), and then to 24 (i.e. black - from 1 to 24, red - from 24 to one).

The same task can be modified by replacing the numbers with letters. For example, black letters must be written in alphabetical order, and red letters must be written in reverse. Since this task is more difficult than the previous ones, it is advisable to use it after the children learn to cope well with numerical options, while the table itself should consist of no more than 9-16 cells (i.e. the number of black letters does not exceed 8, and the number of red - 7).

When children achieve significant success in working with the tables described above, the task can be complicated.

Children should find red and black numbers alternately on the table offered to them and write down only the letters corresponding to these numbers, and red numbers must be found in descending order, and black numbers in ascending order. The first proposed tables should contain no more than 13 black pairs of numbers - letters and 12 red pairs of numbers - letters. The work goes like this:

Red number 12, write the letter R, then black number 1, write the letter B, then red number 11, write the letter I, black number 2, write the letter H ...
With the successful work of children, the number of pairs can be increased to 24 red pairs of numbers - letters and 24 black pairs of numbers - letters.

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25. Exercise "Correction test" (development of the ability to analyze written words).

This exercise is aimed at developing the ability to analyze written words, "see" the letters in them, and as a result, form attentiveness. It is a game that basically has a "correction test" test. For her, old books with large print, suitable only for waste paper, are taken. Within 5 minutes (only 5), children are invited to cross out all the letters "a" that they meet. At the same time, it is agreed that if the guys miss more than four letters, then they lose, four or fewer gaps win. Winners receive, for example, green chips. Since it is better to play every day, it is better to count the winnings once a week, and the winners are rewarded with something...

The tasks are checked by the guys themselves - a neighbor by a neighbor. If they do not notice any gaps, although at this age children are more partial to other people's work than to their own, then it does not matter, the main thing is that for several minutes the child will be in a state of concentration.

Then the game can be made more difficult.

For example, cross out in each line the letter that comes first in it:

The next step is to cross out one letter in the line and underline the other.
For example, "e" is crossed out, and the letter "m" is underlined.

Another option: "First we underline one letter, and cross out the other, then on command:" Attention! "The work goes the other way - we cross out the first one, and underline the second one."

For example, "The 1st part of the work: "C" - underline, "O" - cross out, on command: "Attention!"" A line is drawn and the 2nd part of the work begins: now we cross out the letter "C", and the letter "O "- emphasize".


26. Exercise for the formation of mindfulness among students at school.

A similar exercise can be carried out on educational material by offering students a grammatical analysis of several texts. In the text, it is necessary to underline nouns with one line, and adjectives - with two, then at the command "Attention!" - on the contrary: nouns - two, and adjectives - one.

For example:

An analysis of the results shows that after some time of using such exercise games, the teacher's call to "be attentive" can cause a state of concentration in children.

Simultaneously with the introduction of such game exercises, the child's attitude to reading a Russian language textbook should be changed. Children are taught that the exercises in the textbook of the Russian language, unlike the "Native Speech", must be read aloud as it is written (naming unpronounceable consonants, punctuation marks, etc.).

When checking a completed task by a child, it should be emphasized that what is written must be read aloud and as if it was written by someone else - "another girl", "a poorly trained puppy."

Practice shows that elementary school students with great interest and diligence relate to such classes, in which the formation of attention, organization is set as a special educational task.

What else to read