Presentation on the topic: Animals of the forest. Fauna of forests Which forest has no animals?

A forest is a living organism, reliable and comfortable home For large quantity animals, birds, insects, plants. Forest inhabitants are able to live side by side without interfering with each other. In the wild, there is everything so that living creatures can live in complete harmony, without needing anything.

Forest and its inhabitants

Depending on the geographical location There are several types of forests:

Rice. 1. Forest

The forest can be compared to multi-storey building, in which each floor has its own owners. So, all the trees in the forests form several tiers, which are counted from top to bottom:

  • First (topmost) tier - form tall light-loving trees (spruce, oak, maple, pine).
  • Second tier - under cover tall trees low-growing ones are located (aspen, alder, mountain ash, willow). They are able to live in the shadows and still feel comfortable.
  • Third tier - represented by shrubs (raspberry, hazel, rose hips, viburnum). Due to their modest size, these plants will always remain down under the trees. Therefore, the layer of shrubs is also called the undergrowth.
  • Fourth tier - herbs. Forest herbs are characterized by good shade tolerance and are able to do without bright sunlight.
  • Fifth tier - soil with spreading mosses and lichens. These plants are able to absorb a lot of moisture and retain it for a long time. Thus, they create ideal conditions for other plants.

Lichens are amazing plant organism consisting of algae and fungus. Lichens grow not only on the ground, but also on tree bark and stones.

Rice. 2. Lichens

Forest fauna

The tiered arrangement of trees in the forest has left its mark on the animals living here. The upper forest layer is inhabited by insects that feed on buds and leaves.

The upper tier is also home to birds, for which insects serve as food. First of all, these are woodpeckers, goldfinches, and finches. In dense thickets of trees, hiding from predators, they build their nests and raise their offspring. Also in the upper tiers of the forest, feathered predators hunt: falcon, owl, eagle owl, hawk.

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Rice. 3. Eagle owl

The second tier is home to tits, bullfinches, blackbirds, as well as small forest animals such as chipmunks and squirrels. Here they get their food and find shelter from enemies.

Hiding in the bushes large mammals: foxes, wolves, wild boars, deer. Rodents, hedgehogs, lizards, and snakes live in the grass. In the forest floor they find snails, ticks, and worms. Shrews and moles live in the soil.

How are the inhabitants of the forest related to each other?

The forest is natural community, in which all its inhabitants are closely connected with each other by such connections:

  • Food chains - some animals are prey, some are predators, but they all die sooner or later, becoming a source of food for insects and microorganisms.
  • Plants serve not only as food, but also as reliable shelter from enemies and bad weather.
  • Animals help spread plant fruits and seeds throughout the forest.
  • Numerous holes and earthen labyrinths, which some animals and insects dig, enrich the soil with oxygen and thereby improve its fertility.
  • Fungi and bacteria are processed into mineral salts plant and animal remains that serve as a source of nutrition for plants.

What have we learned?

In an article on the topic of forest inhabitants for the 3rd grade program, we learned what a forest community consists of. How the forest works, what animals and plants inhabit it, and how they are interconnected.

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Animals living in mixed forests are generally characteristic of the entire forest zone of Russia. Hares, foxes, hedgehogs and even wild boars can also be found in well-developed forests. Squirrels already feel great not only in wildlife, but also in an ordinary city park. On rivers far from settlements and now you can see beaver lodges. There are also such animals mixed forests like the bear, marten, wolf and badger. Elks also quite often come out onto roadways and the outskirts of villages.

Inhabitants of mixed deciduous forests

Representatives of the fauna of taiga forests also thrive in the mixed broad-leaved forest: the white hare and the squirrel. At the same time, the most typical animals of mixed forests live: elk, badger.


It is not for nothing that the European moose is called a forest giant. It is one of the largest animals living in the mixed zone deciduous forests. Its average weight reaches three hundred kilograms. The male's head is decorated with huge horns. The fur of this animal is usually gray or black-brown.

These inhabitants of mixed forests feed mainly on the shoots of young trees, preferring aspen, willow or rowan. In winter, moose choose pine needles, mosses and lichens as their main food. These animals are excellent swimmers. An adult can swim calmly for a full two hours at a fairly good speed (up to 10 km/h). The end of spring and the very beginning of summer is the time when a moose cow gives birth. As a rule, these are one or two calves that live with their mother throughout the summer.


The common badger is found throughout the entire territory of mixed forests. In size, this animal can be compared to a small dog. The body length reaches 90 cm, and average weight badger approximately 25 kg. It hunts exclusively at night for insects, digging up nutritious roots and various worms along the way. He loves frogs very much. The badger is a nocturnal animal; it spends daylight hours in its hole.

The badger hole is a very interesting structure. As a rule, it has several floors and a huge number of entrances and exits. Sometimes their number reaches up to 50. The central hole can reach a length of up to 10 meters and is located at a depth of up to 5 meters. The badger is a very clean animal: it always buries all its uncleanness in the ground. They live in colonies. The badger spends the winter hibernating.

Common hedgehog

Hedgehogs are animals that live in mixed forests. This one has small animal very poor vision, but perfectly developed hearing and sense of smell. In case of danger, the hedgehog curls up, taking the shape of a ball. And then none of the predators can cope with it (this animal has approximately 5000 spines, the length of which is 2 cm).

In the territory of mixed forests of Russia, the most common are hedgehogs whose spines have gray shade and dark transverse stripes are clearly visible.

The hedgehog prefers insects and invertebrates as food: earthworms, slugs and snails. Hunts frogs, snakes, destroys the nests of birds living on the ground. Sometimes eats wild berries.

The common hedgehog has two burrows: summer and winter. The winter hole serves him for sleep, which lasts from mid-autumn until April, and the summer version of the home is used for the birth of offspring. Baby hedgehogs are born naked, and a little later (within a few hours) soft white needles appear, which within 36 hours change their color to their usual color.


There are quite a lot of moles in mixed forests. These completely blind animals spend most of their lives underground. They feed mainly on insects, larvae, earthworms. IN hibernation moles do not fall in, since at this time of year they do not experience problems with lack of food.

Mixed forest animals

White hare

The habitat of this animal is not limited to the mixed forest zone. It can be found both in the tundra and in steppe bushes. In winter, the color of its skin becomes completely White color. Only the tips of the ears still remain black. The paws are overgrown with fluffier fur. In summer, these animals of mixed forests have the usual gray color.

The mountain hare feeds on grass, shoots and bark of trees: willow, birch, aspen, maple, oak and hazel. The hare does not have a permanent hole as such. At the slightest danger, this animal prefers to flee.

A female hare brings up to 6 rabbits twice during the summer. The young become adults after spending the winter with their mother.


Animal world The mixed forests of Russia quite recently could boast of such a magnificent animal as They were found everywhere in the northwestern regions of Russia. But, unfortunately, the bison population was almost completely exterminated. To date, a lot of work has been done in the country to restore the numbers of these animals.

River beavers

The fauna of mixed forests is so interesting and unusual animal like a river beaver. Previously, they were found almost everywhere. But because of their very valuable fur, they were almost completely exterminated.

Beavers prefer to choose quiet forest rivers for their homes, the banks of which are covered with dense thickets. These animals feed on young shoots of trees and their bark.

It's called a hut. As building material beavers use tree branches. The size of the hut has no strict restrictions. Each beaver builds it differently, but it is mandatory is repaired every year.

Of particular interest are the dams that these animals skillfully know how to build. Beavers build dams in case the water level in the river drops very sharply. The finished dam can easily support the weight of an adult.

A wild boar

Wild boar is very strong and fast beast. Despite some external clumsiness, he moves easily and quickly on his strong legs. Wild boars live in small herds, which consist of males and females with piglets. The boar's eyes are small and, moreover, this animal is somewhat blind. Therefore, the main senses for a boar are hearing and smell. This fully explains the typical behavior of a wild boar in the event of possible danger: it raises its nose upward, sniffing and at the same time pricking its ears.

Wild boars are native to forests as they are active mainly at night. Wild boars spend daylight hours in hard-to-reach places. Boars are absolutely omnivorous.

But mixed forests are home to not only herbivores, but also forest predators: bears, wolves, foxes and martens.


The most dangerous animals in mixed forests are, of course, wolves. They have always caused a lot of trouble, but nevertheless, the call for the complete extermination of the population of this animal is completely unjustified. The wolf is a predatory animal, but it destroys mainly sick or severely weakened animals. By doing this, it helps improve the health of the animal population living in the area. In areas where the number of these predators is relatively small, there is practically no harm from this animal.

Pine marten

Marten is another one bright representative predatory animals living in mixed forests. This animal makes nests in tree hollows, choosing rather high places for this. Leading night look life, the marten quite often destroys squirrel nests. The squirrel is active during daylight hours, and at night it sleeps soundly in the hollow, so it becomes very easy prey for the marten. But the marten also eats food of plant origin: fruits or berries. He loves to eat wild honey. Because of this weakness, he may be quite for a long time live directly next to a bee's nest. Sometimes several martens can gather in one place at the same time.


The fox is a very cautious predator. The body length of this animal reaches a meter and the famous fox tail is almost the same size. The fur of this animal most often has a red color, the chest and abdomen are light gray, but the tip of the tail is always white.

These animals prefer mixed forests, which alternate with clearings, ponds and meadows. The fox can be seen both on the outskirts of villages and in groves among meadows.

The fox's vision is rather poorly developed, so it navigates the area using its sense of smell and excellent hearing. The fox uses abandoned badger holes as a home. Sometimes it digs a hole on its own, the depth of which reaches 4 meters. There must be several emergency exits.

Foxes prefer to lead. They are nocturnal predators. The fox feeds on rodents, hares or birds. In very rare cases, it attacks a roe deer calf. no more than 8 years.


Lynx is another representative of predators living in mixed forests. Lynx hunts from ambush. She can track prey for quite a long time, hiding among the branches of trees or dense bushes. This predator has long, powerful paws that help the lynx jump over fairly long distances.

The main prey of the lynx is roe deer or deer. But she doesn’t disdain small mammals. He will happily chase a hare or catch a bird. The lynx arranges its burrow in advance in order to calmly give birth to offspring. Typically, the number of kittens in a litter ranges from 2 to 4 cubs. They live next to their mother for 9 months.

Animals of mixed forests of Russia

Thus, mixed forests have a fairly diverse fauna. Among the inhabitants of this natural area There are both predators and herbivores, both inhabitants of taiga forests and “indigenous” inhabitants of the forest-steppe zone. Many animals fall into deep winter hibernation, while others, on the contrary, active image life all year round.

Forests maintain the ecological balance on the planet. The shrubs and trees growing in them release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. The forest is also important for many species of animals that find food and shelter in it.

Characteristics of forest fauna

Forests make up about 30% of the Earth's total land area. They have incredible value for life on the planet. Forests serve as carbon storage and play an important role in combating. They act as a watershed and are the source of many raw materials on which people depend. Probably supports the most. For example, a small area of ​​tropical forest can be home to millions of insects, birds, animals and plants. There are three main types of forest that make up the forest biome. This rainforests, temperate and boreal forests (also called).

boreal forests


The predator from the mustelid family is found almost throughout the entire territory of Eurasia, with the exception of Scandinavia. The body length of the animal varies between 60-90 cm, and the average weight is 7-13 kg. Badgers live in high, dry areas, near ponds or swamps. They make deep burrows with nesting sites on the slopes of banks or ravines. The food source is insects, small animals, as well as seeds, fruits and berries. By winter, the badger gains fat and goes into hibernation. Life expectancy in nature is 10-12 years. Natural enemies are bears, wolves and lynxes.


The animal's home is the Eurasian taiga. The sable settles in forests where cedars and fir trees grow. The largest population currently survives only in Russia. The animal makes its shelters in windbreaks and dense mossy forests. An adult weighs about one kilogram, the body length can reach more than 50 cm. The sable hunts rodents and. IN winter time animals often feed on carrion. They run 3 km a day in search of food. The sable's competitors are the weasel weasel and the ermine.


Chipmunks live in the dense forests of Eurasia and North America, giving preference to forest edges and windbreaks. The body size without a tail is 18-25 cm, weight - 50-150 g. The animals are active, and at night they sleep. Chipmunks live alone, each individual builds a cozy shelter for itself. Near the dwelling there are small storerooms with supplies. The food source is seeds, berries, mushrooms, nuts and herbs. Under natural conditions, chipmunks live no more than three years. The animal has many natural enemies: bear, sable, squirrel and fox. Also pose a danger predator birds and snakes.

Ussurian tiger

Which lives in the south of the Far East. Ussurian tiger is the largest subspecies of tiger. The body length with tail is 270-380 cm, weight can reach 300 kg. Despite their impressive size, tigers, like everyone else, move almost silently. The climate of the Far East is quite harsh, so the animal has thick fur. The main coat color is red, with the exception of the belly and chest. Its entire surface is covered with black stripes. Tigers live alone and mark their territory by urinating on trees. The predator most often hunts boars, badgers, wolves and lynxes. Tigers skillfully catch fish and do not neglect small animals - frogs, mice, birds, as well as plants and fruits. In one meal, an animal can eat 30 kg of meat. In the wild, tigers live for about 15 years and have no natural enemies.

Brown hare

Hares live in the forests of Europe, Central Asia And Western Siberia. Rusaks were artificially settled in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. The body length of an adult is 57-68 cm, weight - 4-6 kg. In summer, the animal's fur has a reddish-brown tint, and becomes lighter in winter. The tips of the ears remain black throughout the year. A hare's hole is a depression under the roots of trees. In summer, hares eat grasses, grains and legumes. In winter, they eat willow branches, tree bark, and seeds. It is not easy to catch the animal; it reaches a speed of 60 km/h. Average duration The lifespan of brown hares in nature is 6-7 years. The greatest danger is represented by foxes and wolves.


The moose's habitat extends to the forests of Eurasia, the Caucasus and North America. They choose swampy taiga, floodplains, burnt areas and lake shores. The body length of an adult is 2.4-3.2 m, weight - 360-600 kg. The horns of males resemble a shovel; the older the individual, the more processes there are on the horns. Moose are. In summer they feed on the foliage of shrubs and herbaceous plants. Important role Branch food and tree bark play a role in the digestion process. Elk are well adapted to life in harsh conditions taiga Life expectancy in the wild is 15-25 years. Natural enemies are wolves and bears.

The forest kingdom is the real decoration of our planet. It has a wide variety of rivers, lakes, tree species, numerous animals, birds and insects. The forest is a separate state with its own laws and inhabitants. There are several types of forests, depending on the plantings: mixed, coniferous, deciduous and taiga. In them, life goes on as usual.

Each of us various reasons I've been to the forest at least once in my life. Some people simply went to take a break from the bustle of the city, take a walk, pick spring flowers, some went hunting, and some went to pick mushrooms and berries. All this time we are accompanied by the singing of birds, although we cannot always see them; somewhere in the distance an animal will run.

Most often found in forests are: hares, foxes, martens, wild boars, wolves, bears, squirrels, chipmunks forest mice, hedgehogs, beavers, moles, etc. Huge variety birds: woodpecker, oriole, thrush, tit, sparrow, cuckoo, magpie, jay and many others.

The life of animals, no matter what forest they live in, depends on their nutrition. The diet is very varied, considering all seasons. Some inhabitants need to stockpile food for the winter.

Wood mice collect nuts and acorns and hide them in empty hollows, holes, and even under tree roots. Squirrels hide nuts behind the bark of trees, acorns in the forest floor of leaves, and stack mushrooms between tree branches. Among the valuable fur-bearing animals is the marten. She makes her nests at high altitudes in hollows. It feeds on voles, partridges, black grouse and hazel grouse. It poses a great danger to squirrels.

Bears, on the other hand, hibernate during the winter; they do not need food or water. Sufficient reserves of fat accumulated during the warm period of the year.

Hares feed from spring to autumn lush grass, shoots, and tree bark in winter.

Predators are a special type of animal. They are dangerous if they feel threatened by humans, but it is better to stay away. Boars are omnivores; they can eat roots, plant bulbs, berries, acorns, worms, insects, carrion and even rodents. Foxes and wolves get their food by hunting weaker animals. They feed on meat, rodents, carrion and poultry.

Beavers live in quiet forest rivers and feed on bark, young shoots, and branches. They build their homes and make dams from trees and branches.

Insectivores bring great benefits to the forest. Jerzy is no exception. They eat high-calorie foods - mice, insects, various larvae, worms. Among plant food They prefer mushrooms, fruits, berries and grains. Hedgehogs, like bears, also hibernate during the winter.

Moles also feed on insects and earthworms. They improve air and water regime soil thanks to its underground passages. What kind of animal is this, what kind of life it leads, what benefits or harm it brings, what a mole eats in the forest and how to fight it can be found out in more detail.

Birds live most in mixed and deciduous forests. They feed frequently throughout the day; the main diet consists of insects, grain and berries.

Humans are a great helper for the inhabitants of the forest. Foresters make feeders for both birds and animals, trying to refine and improve their habitat. They do their best to facilitate their survival in difficult conditions, because everything in our lives is natural. Now we know what they eat and how animals survive in the forests. Each of the representatives of forest flora and fauna forms an integral part of our life

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Presentation on the topic: Animals of the forest

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Brown bear Large terrestrial predator. Body length up to 2 m, average weight – 150 kg. The body is massive, slightly elongated, on short but thick five-toed plantigrade legs. The head is wide with a short muzzle. The ears are small. Fur color ranges from brownish-fawn to dark brown. There is sometimes a small whitish spot on the chest. The brown bear is widespread throughout the forested areas of Europe, Asia and North America. In our country he lives in northern half the European part, in Siberia, in the Caucasus.

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Fox Medium-sized predator. Body length 60-90 cm, tail 40-60 cm, weight of males reaches 6-10 kg, females 5-6 kg. The body is slender, elongated, the legs are relatively short, and the tail is fluffy. The muzzle is elongated, pointed. The ears are high and pointed. The body color is varied: from reddish-orange to yellow-gray, the chest and tip of the tail are white. Inhabits various parts of the forest, but prefers the edges of mixed forests, old clearings and burnt areas, and banks forest rivers and lakes.

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Common squirrel A typical forest animal has a body length of 20-30 cm, weight up to 1 kg. The body is elongated with a fluffy tail, the length of which is only slightly less than the length of the body. There are tassels at the ends of the ears. The northern ones have red fur in summer and light gray in winter; After the autumn molt, the fur becomes thicker. The squirrel lives in the taiga, mixed and deciduous forests. In summer it is active in the morning and evening hours, and in winter – throughout the day. On especially frosty days it does not go out to feed. Leads an arboreal lifestyle.

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Red deer This majestic forest dweller is very modest - only at dawn and at sunset does he come out onto the lawn to nibble on fresh grass. IN mating season red deer become cocky and even dangerous: males stage real fights, fighting for the female

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Common hedgehog A small animal, its body length is about 30 cm, weight 700-800 g. The body is heavy, on short legs, covered on top and sides with spines and hair. The muzzle is elongated and pointed. The color is dominated by brown and grayish-brown tones. The carapace of needles is brownish in color and mottled with whitish streaks. The common hedgehog is widespread in Europe and Far East. It lives in mixed and deciduous forests, preferring edges, clearings, and thickets of bushes. This animal is solitary twilight image life: during the day he sleeps, curled up in a ball, and at night he wanders in search of food. The hedgehog feeds on earthworms, beetles, mouse-like rodents, birds, their eggs and chicks.

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White hare Body length 40-75 cm, weight from 2.5 to 5.5 kg. The head is relatively large, wide, with a blunt rounded muzzle, the ears are long; the eyes are located on the sides of the head and widely spaced, the hind legs are longer than the front. Body color is brown or reddish-brown in summer, white in winter. The tips of the ears are black all year round. The white hare is widespread in the forest zone of Eastern Europe, Asia and North America.

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Wolf A large animal with relatively tall and strong legs; the muzzle is elongated, the ears are pointed. Body length 105-160 cm, tail 35-50 cm, weight reaches 32-50 kg. The color is usually gray with a reddish tint. The hair is coarse, but thick, the belly and paws are somewhat lighter than the body. The wolf is widespread in our country. The wolf prefers sparse forested areas. Hunting everywhere big catch: wild ungulates (boar, elk, etc.), domestic animals. Successfully catches hares, small rodents, birds, and eats carrion.

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Badger is a predator average size. Its body length is 60-80 cm, tail 15-30 cm, weight in summer is 6-10 kg, in autumn 16-17 kg. The body is massive, stocky and squat. Badgers are widespread throughout Russia, with the exception of the northern part of Siberia. It lives in mixed forests, preferring forest edges, ravines, and copses. He is active at night, moves at a walk or at a small trot, with his head down. Spends the day in a hole. Badgers feed on both plant and animal foods. Badgers live in pairs and have 2-6 cubs. The enemies of badgers are wolves and lynxes.

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Raccoon dog Body length 65-80 cm, tail 15-25 cm. The body is elongated, on short legs, the head is small with a short sharp muzzle. On the sides of the head there are elongated hairs that form “tanks”; ears are small. The fur color is brownish-gray, and there is a pattern on the face in the form of a black mask. Along the back dark stripe. The coat is long and fluffy. It lives in mixed forests with dense undergrowth, preferring copses, gentle slopes, and swampy river valleys. Usually settles in old burrows of badgers and foxes, often using various natural shelters. She is active at night, but sometimes active during the day, runs fast, and swims well. It feeds on a variety of foods: small rodents, fish, insects, plants and berries.

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Elk One of the largest animals in our country. The male's body length is 2.5-3 m, tail 12-13 cm, height at the withers up to 2.35 m, weight 300-400 kg. Females are much smaller, their weight reaches 200 kg. The head is large, hook-nosed, with a movable upper lip hanging over the lower one. The ears are large and mobile, the eyes are small. The coat is long, thick, its color is dark brown, the legs are light. Elk prefers young forests, overgrown burnt areas and cutting areas located among areas of old forest, as well as floodplain forests with dense thickets of willow near forest swamps and reservoirs rich in wetland vegetation. Very dexterous in movements, can pass through any marshy swamps.

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Lynx A large cat, has a body length of 82-105 cm, a short, stubby tail, lush “whiskers” and tufts on the ears. The body is short, on long strong legs with wide shaggy paws, the fur is fawn-gray or reddish. The back, sides and legs are covered with dark spots. Lynx lives in dark coniferous and mixed forests. She deftly climbs trees and rocks, can swim far, and is nocturnal. Its food is mice, voles, hares, foxes, deer, and chicken birds. Detects prey using smell and hearing. Its victims most often are weak and sick animals, so the lynx is considered a regulator of the number of hares, mouse-like rodents, and other animals.

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Oriole The oriole is slightly larger in size than the starling. The male's plumage is bright yellow, his wings and tail are black. The female is more dull in color; on top it is greenish-gray, and the bottom of its body is yellowish-white, with sparse longitudinal brown streaks. The oriole lives in deciduous and mixed forests, groves, and parks, but is very secretive everywhere, keeping in the dense crown of trees. Migratory bird, winters in Central and South Africa, Madagascar and India. The oriole arrives at nesting sites in late spring and early summer. Nest in the upper parts of the crowns of birch and oak, less often in the crown of pine.

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Black grouse Quite a large bird, males weighing up to 1.5 kg, females up to 900g. The male's plumage is black, the outer tail feathers are lyre-shaped. Above the eyes are bright red eyebrows. The grouse is brownish-red with a black pattern (ripples). Black grouse lives in mixed and coniferous forests with clearings and clearings. This is a sedentary bird. Most Black grouse spend their lives on the ground, although in winter they almost always feed on trees: birch, alder, linden. In the spring, they display in groups in forest clearings, clearings, edges, and often in fields.

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Great Spotted Woodpecker Top part The woodpecker's body is black, and the underside is white with an ocher tint. The crown and nape of females are black, while males have a red spot on the nape. There are many white spots on the wings. The tail feathers are elastic; the legs are short, with two toes facing backwards - all this helps the woodpecker move vertically along the trunk. The Great Spotted Woodpecker inhabits Various types forests, preferring coniferous and mixed forests. Found in parks and gardens.

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