Leo child born in the year of the rooster. Famous women and men born in the year of the rooster. Rooster. Eastern Chinese horoscope for the Rooster

Many future parents who are planning to have children in 2017 are interested in knowing what they will become in the future, and how the year of birth can affect their fate. It has long been noted that the year a baby is born significantly affects the development and abilities of the baby.

What are they like, children of 2017?

2017 is under the auspices of the Fire Rooster. His reign begins on January 28, not January 1. This must be taken into account when predicting the fate of a child. The rooster represents courage, a cantankerous character, and fighting qualities. To paraphrase in human terms, this is:

  • courage;
  • difficult character;
  • the ability to defend one's interests.

The Chinese interpret this in their own way. They believe that children born this year will certainly:

  • brave;
  • persistent;
  • absurd;
  • have leadership abilities;
  • hardworking;
  • conservative (difficult to change place of work and residence);
  • optimistic;
  • aggressive if an obstacle appears in their way;
  • patient.

In the East they also believe that babies will grow up smart and diligent. Their tenacity can manifest themselves in the desire to achieve success at any cost. Children will grow up to be quite patient, but at any moment they will be able to inject the offender. They will be leaders among others, with a natural habit of being in control of everything. Kids will need to constantly do something and be interested. There will be no limit to their curiosity and ingenuity. They will make good engineers, designers, and architects. Interest in everything new will make them creative personalities. Among them there will be many artists, directors, and screenwriters.

Children are born smart and quick-witted by nature, but how they grow up largely depends on their parents. The quick ability to grasp everything will coexist with laziness, so future mothers and fathers will have to work hard to direct the baby’s skills in the right direction. Children with an analytical mind should be sent on time to various scientific and technical clubs, and children with creative skills should be sent to artistic and theater studios. As true leaders, they will enjoy various training programs where they can show their initiative. In order to choose the right upbringing strategy, parents of future children need to clearly know what they are like by nature. The character of any person is individual, but the year and the stars leave their mark. Parents should know that children born in the year of the Rooster are active and persistent in their desire to get what they consider necessary. They will strive to become adults and independent very early. Dads and moms will have to give their children a certain degree of freedom and not criticize them. You need to focus on emphasizing your child’s successes and not suppress initiative, otherwise you can lower their self-esteem. Rough and mentoring parenting can suppress a child's leadership qualities. Courage and perseverance will turn into timidity and uncertainty. At the same time, permissiveness should not be allowed; it is necessary to clearly show the child the boundaries of the manifestation of his freedom and explain to him that excessive initiative can lead to problems that in the future he will have to solve himself.

Excessive guardianship of children in 2017 can lead to the suppression of natural principles or to defending one’s degree of freedom. Parenting will turn into a struggle where the baby can lose, and this will have a detrimental effect on his independence and confidence in the future. The child will stop trusting his parents, harbor a grudge and perceive them as traitors. Lying in a relationship will not lead to anything good.

Considering that children were born in the year of the Rooster, they will be quite patient, but up to a certain point. With the right upbringing and enough love, they are ready to forgive injustice.

The influence of zodiac signs on the fate of children in 2017

Now let’s look at what they are like, born in the year of the Rooster according to the signs of the zodiac:

  • Aquarius. Children born under this sign will grow up cheerful, they will expect only good things from everyone. Idealists will be willing to make any sacrifice for the sake of others. They will be constantly busy with illusory projects that will not be implemented. Very often such people are naive, so they can be taken advantage of. They have the ability to listen and speak well. They will be easy to fall in love with.
  • Fish. Babies born between 19.02 and 20.03 in 2017 will be responsive and attentive, always ready to sympathize and support, and, if necessary, give advice. They are very often detached from reality, lack self-confidence, and have contradictory nature. At the same time, they cannot be taken by surprise. They can get out of any situation with minimal losses. Such people are liked by others and they easily take advantage of this.
  • Aries. The child will be decisive, have a strong-willed character, will be able to subordinate others to solve personal problems, will be smart and cunning, and will be able to get out of any situation dry. Honesty and integrity will be demanded from others. He will be surrounded mainly by high-ranking persons.
  • Taurus. People born under this sign in 2017 will have exceptional leadership qualities, are energetic, self-confident, strong, and capable of cunning. They will not submit to other people's whims and give in to others. At the same time, they tend to admit their mistakes and the ability to ask for forgiveness. Roosters-Taurus are responsive and always help.
  • Twins. Children under this sign will grow up energetic, comprehensively developed, and sensitive. They will always be on the move. Lucky in business and love. Sometimes they overestimate their capabilities and are a little flighty. If you give a certain degree of freedom and don’t be jealous, they will never betray you.
  • Cancers. Children have the most contradictory characters. They know exactly what they want, but at the same time they are overcome by doubts. Constantly forced to seek recognition. It is very difficult to adapt to new things. Homebodies and passive until the rooster pecks. Very sensitive natures, afraid of being disappointed. They are often vindictive. As a rule, a happy family life awaits them.
  • A lion. People born under this sign constantly make new plans and demand their implementation not only from themselves, but also from others. They are honest, noble and generous, always grateful to others. In order not to awaken the “rooster” temperament, it is better not to abuse the patience of Roosters-Lviv. There are slightly arrogant people.
  • Virgo. Children under this sign have an interesting combination of qualities. They are constantly working and achieving success. They have a keen sense of justice and are principled. They are characterized by such a “rooster” quality as boasting. At the same time, they are economical and thrifty owners.
  • Scales. Babies born during September 24 – October 23, 2017 not at all like their patron. They are not aggressive at all, they go around controversial issues, diplomatic, love to argue, but always with reason. They make good military men or lawyers. They love themselves and do not make dubious contacts. They may not be careful in love affairs.
  • Scorpios. A child of this sign will be brave and energetic; it is useless to argue with him. They have a sharp mind, speak well, have a developed sense of humor, are very emotional, and do not lie. They love to work and force others to do the same. If necessary, they eliminate the opponent, taking him by surprise. If there is a lack of love and affection, they can be aggressive.
  • Sagittarius. A person born in 2017 under this sign will have the gift of persuasion and the ability to speak continuously. His enthusiasm will have no limits. As a rule, such people rarely manage to complete their affairs. They, like the entire “rooster breed,” are quite boastful. They like constant change and new places. Sagittarius Roosters are good family men.
  • Capricorns. People of this sign do not have the bragging characteristic of roosters. Here this quality is replaced by authority. Those born during this period will strive for excellence in everything. Their ability to work and determination will be off the charts. By nature they are laid-back and very modest. At the same time, they are decisive and not tolerant of lies. They are the darlings of society. Their love relationships are in the background. Above all, intellectual life.

Selection of names in the year of the Rooster

Expecting a child is a very important and anxious moment in the life of future parents. The question that most often worries expectant mothers and fathers is, of course, the name. Depends on him further fate child. It has already been proven that the name is a kind of code future life person. In addition, parents want the name to be euphonious, rare, appropriate to the characteristics of the baby, and at the same time fashionable. Currently, there is a tradition when names are chosen:

  • by date of birth;
  • according to the seasons;
  • according to the church calendar;
  • according to zodiac signs;
  • by the names of famous people;
  • according to fashion trends.

Before giving your child a name, ask what it means and what qualities it emphasizes. If you want your child to be happy, healthy and like the one you've been waiting for, choose a name that meets all these requirements.

People born in the year of the ROoster:

1921, 1981, 1941 - year of the metal rooster

According to the horoscope of the Year of the Rooster, it is the metal representative of this sign who is distinguished by his determination and perseverance in achieving his plans. He can be harsh and intolerant with others, because he always tends to notice other people's shortcomings more than other people's merits. The Metal Rooster is responsible and reliable, especially when it comes to his own projects. He strives for leadership, since he himself does not like to obey anyone. Born in Year of the Rooster well versed in financial matters and wouldn’t mind starting your own business. If they manage to assemble a good team, they succeed in business. The horoscope of the metal Rooster also highlights such character traits of this person as honesty and sincerity, which always help him in life.

1933, 1993, 1953 - year of the water rooster

The element of Water, according to the Chinese horoscope of the Year of the Rooster, endows this sign with such qualities as sociability and erudition. He knows how to be frank, sincere and is able to convince anyone and anything. The Water Rooster loves to speculate on different topics and, surprisingly, always has his own opinion, different from the generally accepted one. This interesting companion, he is not as assertive as representatives of other elements of the Year of the Rooster. But the horoscope of the year of the Rooster and the elements of Water is certainly not deprived of energy. He is a rare workaholic who is able to work day and night. The Water Rooster can become despondent and worry about trifles, although in such situations he is helped out by the innate sense of humor with which he is generously endowed.

1945, 2005 - year of the wooden rooster

The combination of the year of the Rooster and the element of Wood in the eastern horoscope contributes to the manifestation of such character traits as honesty, sincerity, and reliability. The Wood Rooster is a person who strives to do good deeds even at public principles. He does not tolerate loneliness well, so he continues to live and work in a team. Those who were born in Year of the Rooster, will never betray or go over to the side of an enemy or competitor. If they do not strive for obviously unattainable goals, then they are quite capable of succeeding in life and occupying a high position in society. According to the horoscope, the wooden Rooster is keenly interested in different areas human activity, loves distant countries and new experiences.

1957, 1917 - year of the fiery rooster

Fire according to the horoscope of the year of the rooster gives it powerful strong-willed qualities. Fire Rooster has all the prerequisites for leadership and almost always succeeds in life. He most often manifests himself in the field of a leader or organizer of any business, knows how to form a team and lead it to the intended goal. Sometimes people born in Year of the Rooster, especially the Fiery one, are not very democratic, and even cruel, but they can afford this only if the interests of the case require it. In general, they treat others well, although they clearly lack sensitivity.

1969, 1929 - year of the earthen rooster

According to eastern horoscope, Year of the Rooster in combination with the elements of the Earth, they give birth to deep, insightful and intelligent personalities. The Earthy Rooster has neither hard work nor the ability to achieve his goals. He is not inclined to waste his time on trifles and always goes for something high. Those born in the year of the earthen rooster are persistent in achieving goals, they know how to correctly calculate everything and find the moment when it is necessary to actively act. The horoscope of the Year of the Rooster sees in the Earthly representative of this sign an excellent strategist and tactician, who is also not deprived of vital energy. Usually the authority of such a Rooster is very high, and his position in society is very strong.


Duke of Edinburgh, Erol Flint, Yoko Ono, Dolly Partens, Peter Ustinov, Richard Wagner, Cardinal Richelieu, Goebbels, Marie de Medici, Andre Maurois, Jean de La Fontaine, John Colet, Enrico Caruso, Catherine the Great II, Fenimore Cooper, Katherine Hepburn, Vladimir Belyaev, Leonid Vereshchagin, Lev Ginzburg, Andrei Gromyko, Bekjamin Goodman, James Jones, Marcel Carne, Vadim Kozhevnikov, Martti Larney, Stanislav Lem, Juliet Mazina, Neil Miller, Yuri Nikulin, Bella Rudenko, Andrei Sakharov, Jean Paul Belmondo, Claude Bernard , Yves Montand, Philip Augustus, Johann Strauss, Rabindranath Tagore, Giuseppe Verdi, Queen Victoria, Eugene Paton.

Children born in the year of the ROoster:

Children born under the sign of the Rooster are resilient, smart, hardworking, very scrupulous in all areas, and, as a rule, achieve success in life high altitudes. Among the negative signs of the sign are excessive pedantry, which sometimes drives the surrounding loved ones crazy, as well as a certain arrogance of the Rooster. The rooster will not fail to peck painfully if he feels that the enemy is weaker than him. Rooster's parents raise him very strong personality. Their child is talented, diversified, his mental capacity appear very early. But also early, the little Rooster manifests such traits as authority and intolerance. Don't let your child control you. No matter how beloved and smart he is, it is necessary that you raise him, and not he raises you. But Cockerel’s pedantry will make the life of his parents and educators much easier, because this child himself will tidy up his bed and toys and neatly put them away. removed clothes. Girls born under this sign begin to help their mother with housework early on, and dads will soon be surprised - how did they manage without the help of their son? However, the gender of the child is not at all important. A boy born under the sign of the Rooster loves order just like a girl, and such work as, for example, washing floors will not cause negativity in him. In relationships with other children, the Rooster may sometimes experience difficulties because he takes some things too seriously. For him, everything is serious and real. He doesn’t understand how some children can fool around like that, wasting their time uselessly. Chickens are the children of the house. This child will prefer a walk with friends homework. These traits may not always have a beneficial effect on the child’s social adaptation, because later, as adults, they will experience the same problems if they do not learn to communicate freely and perceive people as they are. Studying is quite easy for Rooster children; he, of course, lacks a star from heaven, but he masters science thanks to patience and perseverance. If some subject is not clear to him the first time, he will return to it with interest until everything becomes clear. Such children are not short of pedantry; from an early age, everything is in its place, all orders are completed on time and correctly. This is why Rooster children very often act as class leaders or counselors.

People born in the years of the ROOSTER are distinguished by selfishness and greed, straightforwardness and aggressiveness. They are harsh and are not shy in their expressions or actions. What they think is what they say, what is on their mind is what is on their tongue: “Fuck-Bang!” and that’s it, perceive and understand as you want. And yet, frankness and eccentricity are only appearances, they are just window dressing. The actual nature of "roosters" is much more complex. Here, arrogance and sarcasm, whims and quirks, internal tension and excessive sensitivity, innate charm and modesty, enterprise and annoying noisiness, a thirst for communication, are mixed in one paste. good understanding other people and attention to their needs, having the ability and desire to subjugate them to your will through suggestion and persuasion. The life of “roosters” is designed only for victories and accomplishments, which is probably why many of them have a very noticeable balance and clear sense of purpose, because once they have made a decision, they no longer deviate from it, pursuing their goal to the bitter end.
But there is another type of “rooster” who, understanding other people well, can be completely indifferent to their feelings and needs, believing that there is simply no reason to spare them, that with their suffering they must atone for their karma earned in previous lives. Or maybe this particular type of “rooster” is right?
The Roosters have almost no diplomacy. With their manners and behavior, flashy, fashionable and expensive clothes, they often shock both their relatives and friends, and the world and society.
Often the “rooster” neglects the norms and generally accepted rules of a given society, but this is again the same bravado, the same window dressing, under which the true state of the soul and inner world is hidden.
They often play the role of lazy people and parasites, frivolous and frivolous people, although in fact they are real workers, hard workers. Among young people, the “rooster” tries to look like some kind of ultra-modern superman, claiming clear leadership in her company, thus wanting to cling to her and become her idol, idol. Although in fact he despises these young people for their low spirituality and aimless lifestyle. True, the “rooster” highly values ​​and respects that part of the youth who strives to raise their spiritual level, who tries to preserve all the highly moral traditions of the former knights and their people.
The “Rooster” loves to be noticed and singled out, to be the center of attention. He is not a timid person, he can be bold, courageous, courageous, and even capable of very risky things - but only when it is really necessary. He can even take mortal risks with a smile on his lips. This is probably why they are good warriors.
In the political arena, the "rooster" acts as a conservative pure water- both in their views and opinions, and in their beliefs and worldview. By the way, he also exhibits sadistic tendencies - whomever he loves more, he offends and humiliates more.
As a rule, the “rooster” is also a real practitioner of life, but thanks to his rare ability for insight, he can organize and polish everything so that even gray booths begin to shine with the greatest brilliance. Although “roosters” are not theorists or philosophical dreamers, they are still very prone to romance and can poetically brighten up everyday life. Their ingenuity, and sometimes childish naivety and gullibility, make them very easy to deceive.
If you assent to them, they will be satisfied and happy, even knowing this shortcoming and laughing at it. True, this often leads them to overestimate self- to arrogance, to on a large scale and excessive self-confidence, or simply further enhances selfish tendencies.
Academic knowledge does not attract "roosters", although there are exceptions. Their dream since childhood is to win personal freedom, independence and independence. They try to insure themselves against everyone and everything, but the main thing is to ensure their old age with reliable bank account. When they can, they avoid responsibility, do not take on unnecessary responsibilities, and try to avoid close and binding ties and contacts with friends.
They give to others when they have something to give or when it is clearly visible and noticeable from the outside, but they take less for themselves. And it is unknown what is more here - true nobility and generosity, or just ostentatious. Think and understand as you wish. If they fail at something, they will spend a lot of work and time to hide it. They do not tolerate failures well, so at the slightest opportunity they willingly shift them onto the shoulders of others. If failures begin to haunt them relentlessly, the “roosters” can give up everything and take the path of vagrancy, declaring to the whole world that they decided and did it voluntarily in order to see how people in other places live on our land. Maintaining your dignity and proper appearance is first and foremost. They are diligent in their studies, they thirst for knowledge, but only to show what they are capable of, what they are good for and that they are in no way behind the spirit of the times.
True, the “rooster” copes with his complexes on his own without harm to others or himself. He is convinced that he is always right, that he knows everything, that he does exactly what he needs. He trusts no one, relying only on himself. However, he generously gives out advice and recommendations to others - left and right and free of charge. Sometimes - and not without reason - the “rooster” may seem like an adventurer, an adventure seeker, although in fact this is not entirely true. He is literally bursting with absurd and unrealizable projects, impossible dreams. He willingly fantasizes, imagining himself in the role of some hero, and loves to contemplate. He often suffers from myopia in his views and plans, which, as a rule, do not always lend themselves to free improvisation.
Since his relatives, acquaintances and friends consider him an extraordinary person, he must keep a mask so as not to fall in their opinion and not to disappoint. Of course, it would be better for him to give up eternal bragging, boasting, talk and chatter less, promise less, knowing that he cannot fulfill it. The Rooster always has a tendency to do more than he can and to take on tasks that exceed his strength and capabilities. This is usually where his sorrows and disappointments come from.
He usually doesn’t have easy, easy money, because it won’t fall into his beak without difficulty. He must work conscientiously and continuously in order to provide himself with at least a living wage. Although there are, of course, other types of cases when they instantly become rich, when they extract money even from a very “favorable field. In general, representatives eastern astrology They claim that a “rooster”, which has to scratch with both its beak and its paws, will always find a worm even out of nowhere.
Due to the fact that the “rooster” is very wasteful, that he does not know how to stock up, and immediately spends everything he earns, he is quite often susceptible to financial crises and bankruptcies with complete collapse and ruin.
In the sphere of love and marriage, things are also not as smooth as he would like. It is not so easy to find and win a partner whom you could both love and keep, because this requires compatibility - both spiritual and emotional, as well as physical.
“Roosters” men love female company, where they can prance and flirt, and court their chosen one. But it also happens that the matter does not progress further than this.
“Rooster” women, surprisingly and strangely enough, prefer the company of women to men, because there they feel much freer and simpler, as they say, “at ease.”
Sociable "roosters" make up the majority of them. They are very kind and friendly, quickly winning the sympathy of others. They amaze everyone with their determination and self-confidence.
Closed "roosters" are a strange mixture of an introverted person, turned inward and living his own life. inner world, and at the same time, a person who lives for show and strives to attract attention outside world, and when it seems to them that people simply do not understand them, they even fall into despair.
Throughout their lives, periods of success and good fortune alternate for the “roosters” with periods of failure and failure. This is how it happens in everything; both in the service, and in the field of finance and social sphere, in marital and family life, in intimacy. The pendulum of fate can swing from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations, from riches to poor and back. But, as a rule, in most cases old age for “roosters” is almost always prosperous.
But let’s add one more thing: two “roosters” under one roof make life a real hell.
Roosters choose professions that allow them to lead and manage, command and command, which require courage and bravery, iron nerves and iron discipline. They also need rewards, recognition of their work, which increases their authority, prestige, and reputation in the outside world.
The passion of the “roosters”, their favorite hobbies are also caused by a strong desire to impress others - this is the theater stage and cinema, singing and dancing, applied art.
In sports, many of them prefer boxing and other types of wrestling.
Most suitable countries for the "roosters" - England, Australia, Ghana, Haiti, Paraguay.
Precious and semiprecious stones for "roosters" - diamond, ruby, garnet, topaz.
The years of the ROOSTER are quite harsh. The forces of reaction may be rampant. "Rooster" does not like disorder, he puts things in order. Everyone will have to work hard, work hard to earn a living, especially since the threat and risk of unemployment is very real. Money will not fall from the sky without effort, just like “manna from heaven.”
There will be people around military uniform, acting in the name of order. However, the degree of abuse and crime is also high. These years are good for a military career.
A "Rooster" born in the spring will be less aggressive.

MOUSE He will only think about his own well-being, chewing, as it were. For her, everything will go more or less well, all possible changes and changes, fractures and rearrangements will hardly affect her.

VOL with zeal he will again take up the work for which he yearned to the point of impossibility. His former self-confidence will return, and he, finally immersed in work, will take a break from everything else.

TIGER during these years, however, he will be very upset and disappointed, even unhappy. These years are a time of real rebellion for him, and he will continue to fight.

RABBIT as an anti-militarist and pacifist, he will go through troubled times. All this madness - with military uniforms, parades and awards - seems to him unnecessary, superfluous and will, to a certain extent, only irritate him.

THE DRAGON as always, in these years he will find an opportunity to shine, he simply cannot do without it. But his reason and prudence will still keep him from unnecessary actions, from careless actions.

SNAKE will be very unhappy and may even reach despair. For her, these years will always be harsh and negative, because she becomes lazy and must make great efforts to at least survive.

HORSE will be more or less calm, since its rear is reliably provided. You can safely get to work - according to plan, everything should go well.

GOAT will change jobs, counting on more profitable profits in the world of bohemia. Well, here she can do a lot and will pray to God that this will last as long as possible.

MONKEY will be very concerned. Her time is over, and these years do not suit her - there is little fun and although the efforts of the “rooster” occupy her, but not to that extent.

ROOSTER Overall I'm happy. Order reigns! Which one then good year in perspective! Now everything will be decorated with flags. But one disappointment still remains - you will have to not only command, but also work, work hard to survive. The year will certainly be not only harsh, but possibly also hungry.

DOG I am sad and disappointed, like many others. She is unhappy and plans to continue the fight in secret. Yes, these years are always harsh and difficult for her.

BOAR one of the few who are heartily satisfied. For him, these years are always good and promising: life is visible and foreshadowed very clearly, it will require a lot of labor, work, and he loves this, because it brings both money and prosperity. Well, God willing, as they say!



Frankly speaking, nothing good! They have a lot in common, but even more contradictions. Although both are ambitious, the charm and cunning of the “mouse” are in no way compatible with the empty external shine and quackery of the “rooster”. Their union is threatened by poverty and discord, rupture of relationships and divorce with separation. Friendship does not develop due to dubious sympathy for each other, superficial relationships. This is not the basis for friendship. Business relationship? - In no case! Everyone will pull the blanket only on themselves, and the common pot will remain empty as it was.


Very promising, if not great. But knowing each other's weaknesses, they must neutralize them. In addition, the vain “rooster” must leave his tendency to command the home parade for the rest of his life outside the registry office, and everything will be as good as possible. Friendship also promises to be strong, strong, deep and for life. Business relationships? It’s better not to start anyway! There is a lot of work to be done, but there will be little use, because the “rooster” for the “ox” is a very weak helper, simply conditional.


In no case! This marriage union will destroy selfishness and selfishness, for both prefer only to take, and moreover, and to give less. The “tiger” cannot stand the folly and noisiness of the “rooster” and does not even appreciate the good in him, and over time he will even treat him unfairly. Friendship is also not for them - due to lack of mutual understanding. Business relationships are completely eliminated. "Tiger" is no match for him. “Cockerel” will quickly become exhausted, and that will be the end of it.


Also, under no circumstances! Even though they seem to complement each other in some way. The "rabbit" can become frustrated by any trick of the "cockerel", even one that has just hatched from an egg. Friendship is dubious and unpromising. The noisy "cockerel" only tires the "rabbit". Business relationships will only benefit the “rabbit”. The “rooster” should know this in advance.


Such a union is possible only with real mutual love, mutual understanding and mutual desire to formalize a legal marriage. Both of them are ambitious. This is good. The originality of the "dragon" can always emphasize and promote the conservative views of the "rooster". The best option to strengthen this marriage union, high social status"dragon", his wealth, wealth that the "rooster" could use. The friendship between them is maintained only on the basis of mutual sympathy, although not very deep, and at the expense of the plump wallet of the “dragon”. There can be business relationships, but on condition that they are led by a “dragon”. Great strides can be made in the field social activities, where they perform both together and individually.


Both in the sphere of love and marriage, and in marriage and family life, they complement each other well. If the "rooster" evaluates everything only by appearance- external beauty, clothing, then the “snake” comes from internal content person. Despite the apparent contradiction, they understand each other well. Friendship is just great. As good as it gets! Business relationships are very doubtful, because they risk drowning in chatter.


In no case! For any “horse”, marriage is the goal of life, and love is a very serious and responsible matter, which cannot be joked with. And the “rooster” here is frivolous, superficial, noisy." And if such a union has already been created and exists, then its only salvation can be frequent, albeit short, separations - in the form of business trips, trips. Friendship is best in the form of joint social life- with tea drinking, dancing, empty chatter. Business relationships are highly problematic. The "rooster" does not count on the "horse", does not even trust it, and the "horse" is disgusted by the inactivity of the "rooster".


Also, by no means! Everyone has their own goals in life, they do not coincide and therefore drown out mutual sympathy. If everyone could realize the merits of their partner, learn to appreciate and respect each other, maybe they could live together. But the "goat", unlike the "rooster", is not able to be content with only love and fresh air. What about work? Friendship will not work out due to the many conventions of the “rooster”. In addition, he simply does not understand much about the “goat”.


Not good either! They won't make a married couple. In life together, the “rooster” will be unhappy, and the “monkey” will be dissatisfied. Friendship is useless, both for one and for the other. There will be no mutual understanding or sympathy here. Business relationships are also unpromising. The "monkey" will always deceive the poor "cockerel" - the golden comb.


My God, not this! A hundred times bad! - Living together simply impossible. Here, eternal family scenes are inevitable - this will be ensured completely until the discord and breakdown of relationships, until divorce and separation. Friendship is also impossible for the reason constant friction and collisions. Business relationships will very quickly and easily lead to bankruptcy and collapse.


Also no! This union does not bode well. The “dog” simply cannot stand the folly of the “rooster”, its eternal noise, screaming, din. This will cause hostility and even hatred on her part. Friendship? Can it be if there is a Chinese wall on one side and an abyss on the other? Business relations? Not at any gate! This will lead to a real disaster.


Also nothing good! They clearly don't suit each other. The nature of the “rooster” is dominated by strength and energy, courage and aggressiveness, while the nature of the “boar” is justice and the desire for sensual pleasures. Friendship? Simply catastrophic! The farther they are from each other, the better for both. Business relationships are also unpromising. Their business will fall apart due to lack of mutual trust.


ARIES- this is already a real “rooster” warrior, a fighting “rooster” that knows no limits to its aggressiveness. He will look for disputes and quarrels, get into fights with everyone.

CALF- a relatively peaceful and calm “rooster”.

TWINS- this is a "rooster" brawler even in a sober state. There is an eternal buzz around him, it is difficult to stop.

CANCER- an open, even childishly naive “rooster”. You can fool him in no time.

A LION- a brave and courageous "rooster". Without blinking an eye, he can give his life - no matter for whom and no matter what.

VIRGO- “rooster” is calm and simple-minded. A rural "rooster", but firmly standing on its own two feet

SCALES- the “rooster” is also peaceful and calm, loving to reconcile the warring parties.

SCORPION- a very thin "rooster". We can say that one of the most interesting in the chicken coop.

SAGITTARIUS- this is already a real Gallic “rooster”. More faithful and noble than nature itself.

CAPRICORN- also a very strange bird, which is only interested in what concerns itself.

FISH- this is the “rooster” on the bell tower of Protestant churches. These really show off on Lutheran churches. He aims high and is full of all sorts of chimerical projects.

The zodiac sign, just like the eastern sign, has unique individual properties and qualities that manifest themselves in the character of each person and in his relationships with society. It forms some tactical abilities in a person’s nature and is one of the methods of the twelve-level system of behavior.

Eastern sign The horoscope by year of birth forms the laws and conditions of communication between a person and his environment, during which one of the systems of behavior according to the sign of the Zodiac is used. The eastern sign can be called a strategy, since it forms the field of activity for a person and the principles of the relationship of the outside world to this person. 2017: what will a child born under the sign of the Fire Rooster be like? The Fire Red Rooster will begin to rule 2017 only from January 28 and will resign its powers only on February 15, 2018. Tenth earthly branch of the eastern lunar cycle is called Yu, and its symbol is the Rooster.

This Chinese branch indicates perseverance and, accordingly, children born this year will be distinguished by the greatest hard work, diligence and endurance. Such a child learns quickly, is proactive and loves to work. The Fire Rooster always needs to be busy with something. The Baby Rooster is naturally optimistic and good-natured. He always has several plans ready. Everything should be in perfect order, and if something seems wrong, the child will not hesitate to start redoing everything that comes to hand.

The Rooster is bright, straightforward, but loyal to others, domineering, courageous, loyal, emotional, generous and, at the same time, practical and economic, somewhat self-centered and self-willed. Children born in the year of the Fire Rooster will grow up creative people with exceptional willpower and extraordinary leadership abilities. The Fire Rooster knows how to achieve his goal most quickly and efficiently, successfully overcoming difficulties.

Children born in the year of the Rooster with the element of fire are future directors, musicians, inventors, engineers and architects. Judging by the horoscope for 2017 for the Red Rooster, children of a deep and insightful mind are born at this time. In the future, these kids will become talented workers who will succeed in any matter. In childhood, these girls and boys develop more actively and show independence already in early age. Note to parents: children of the Year of the Rooster should be encouraged for their efforts and achievements. However, you shouldn’t spoil your kids either. The child must understand that only by making the right decisions and doing the right things will he receive a reward.

Years of the Rooster:

1909,1921,1933,1945,1957,1969,1981,1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

It is believed that the Rooster symbolizes the Sun, since with its morning singing it calls the mighty luminary to the sky. In India, he personifies precisely solar energy, and in Japan - the revival of the first world. In China, the Rooster symbolizes the five main virtues. The image of the rooster is associated with courage, benevolence, kindness, dignity and loyalty.

People of this sign are very unusual. What is amazing about Roosters is their amazing strange qualities that no other sign has. Some of the Roosters are not afraid of heat, others calmly endure severe frost. There are Roosters who are not thirsty, and there are also those who forget to sleep.

There are two different types of Rooster people.

Some are quick in their movements, easy-going, impetuous, extremely talkative, while others are solemn and leisurely contemplatives, and at the same time quite insightful. Roosters tend to have good intuition.

The Rooster was born under the sign of sincerity and straightforwardness. He says what he thinks, without mincing words. Famous for his gullibility and empty eloquence. The expression “What is on the mind is on the tongue” is exactly about him. The Rooster does not hesitate to express his opinion, and often so categorically and straightforwardly that it may seem tactless. He is completely indifferent to the feelings and vulnerabilities of others and believes that there is no reason to spare them.

When making comments to others, the representative of this sign himself does not like criticism of himself and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. This dreamer takes himself seriously and loves flattery.

The Rooster needs to always be in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a human being. He needs an exchange of energies. And when they forget about him, he feels bad, he can fall into prolonged depression. He loves to be paid attention to. This is expressed even in the manner of dressing.

In fact, he is deeply conservative, in everything, even in his political views. He has a logical mind. Not trusting anyone, he relies solely on himself, thinking that only he can make the only right decision.

The Rooster loves to command; he always strives to be first both in the family and at work. And he does it easily. People around him immediately feel his authority and habit of giving orders.

As a rule, he knows how to make the right impression. He needs communication and contacts, so work related to people suits him. Since the Rooster knows how to show his best qualities, in society he is considered an interesting, bright, extraordinary person.

But although these people may seem determined, they are often lonely and introverted by nature.

The Rooster is not timid; on the contrary, he is courageous, especially when necessary. Moreover, he was brave to such an extent that he could risk his life with a smile on his lips. Therefore, Roosters make excellent warriors - both ordinary soldiers and great commanders. Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov was born in the Year of the Rooster.

As a rule, he does not have easy money, and he can become a rich man only if he works hard. Having a contemplative nature, he tends to be lazy. At the same time, the Rooster is often a great worker. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He is able to earn money even in an unfavorable field.

The Rooster always wants to do more than he can and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. The plans they hatch are rarely realized. In every field of science and technology there will certainly be some Rooster who served the most big hopes, but due to someone’s evil will, he did not complete the job to the end. A braggart, he actually always promises more than he can deliver. Despite the obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life it’s the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of realizing them.

As a rule, the Rooster avoids responsibility and does not take on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that others will properly appreciate his action.

Roosters are characterized by sharp ups and downs of feelings. In life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure.

He will go the way from poverty to wealth, from ideal love to its most disgusting manifestations. But his old age will always be prosperous and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster finds himself in life - he is, after all, a gifted person.

In general, people born in the year of the Rooster are honest, reliable and straightforward.

Rooster man. Characteristic

In the male version, the Rooster is a sign of logic. He thinks that he is always right and that only he knows what to do.

Logical thinking, however, does not always fit harmoniously with reality. Hence - indecision, inferiority complexes, and the inability to soberly assess one’s strengths. The Rooster constantly fluctuates between high self-esteem and self-doubt.

The Rooster does not tolerate failures well and tries to shift responsibility for them onto the shoulders of others. He is quick-tempered, but easy-going.

Roosters prefer to be active social life and love to be the center of attention. They have many acquaintances, and no less friends, since these people make friendships with amazing ease.

The Rooster is active and energetic, but its activity is often chaotic. He does not know how to choose the right goal in life, so he often loses.

He loves to dream, imagine himself as a hero. He loves to dream about travel and distant countries, about exploits, but all this while lying on a soft sofa in warmth and comfort. In fact, despite all his fantasies, he is only involved in real projects.

The Rooster does not have to count on luck: money will come to him only as a result of long work, but if the field of activity is favorable, then he may well become rich. The Rooster's wealth accumulates grain by grain, gradually. At the same time, he is wasteful and constantly spends everything he earns. He has a tendency to take a lot of financial risk.

Whatever the Rooster undertakes, he does everything carefully and meticulously, planning his actions in advance. His organizational skills are perfectly combined with skill and efficiency.

However, he loves to show off. To be the center of attention, he needs prestige, authority and respect.

In love, the Rooster does not go as smoothly as he would like. He does not have constancy, and, as a rule, he has several marriages.

The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired in the case when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort. A reliable rear is extremely important for the Rooster. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. He cares about his children.

Rooster woman. Characteristic

This symbol characterizes constant action. The Rooster woman copes well with her responsibilities both at home and at work. True, Rooster women almost lack soulfulness and depth of nature. However, the Rooster, together with the Snake, are the two undisputed leaders of world power.

She knows how to organize her home and run the household. She demands order and discipline from her family members. He takes family life very seriously and feels responsible for the family.

The Rooster woman loves the company of other women and specialties that will lead her to communicate with them. IN fun company she is interesting and attractive, her talents are revealed in public.

It will be difficult for her in love; she will need to make significant efforts to win and keep her loved one. Often her ardor disappoints him, because reality is not always at the level of the dream that possesses her.

However, she will always be sincere. She has few enemies - she prefers to forget the offense or forgive the enemy.

Creation happy family- for Roosters a big problem. If the Rooster's personal life is going well, this is the exception rather than the rule. She is very jealous, and this feeling often turns into aggression.

The Rooster woman loves comfort. It is she, like no one else, who will decorate the house in such a way that it will create a completely extraordinary atmosphere of comfort, so for those who value convenience and comfort, a wife born in the year of the Rooster is a real find.

In addition, the Rooster woman, even after getting married, usually wants to shine in society. If her husband is inclined to see in her not only a housewife and teacher for his children, but also a woman with charm, who is able to conquer others with her beauty and charm, which she can be proud of, then we can assume that her relationship with her husband will develop very successfully.

The Rooster woman has a well-developed maternal instinct. She truly cares about her children and always knows what they need.

Varieties of Rooster

Metal Rooster (1921,1981,2041)

Water Rooster (1933,1993, 2053)

Wooden Rooster (1945,2005, 2065)

Fire Rooster (1957, 2017)

Earth Rooster (1909,1969,2029)

Born in the year of the Rooster

Socrates, Princess Sophia, Anna Ioannovna, Catherine II, Alexander I, Alexander Suvorov, Ivan Konev, Kirill Meretskov, Ivan Bagramyan, Konstantin Zaslonov, Vladimir Dal, Fenimore Cooper, Francis Bacon, Alisher Navoi, Alexander Kron, Henri Barbusse, William Faulkner, Vyacheslav Shishkov, Mikhail Prishvin, Ivan Pavlov, Yakov Sverdlov, Andrei Gromyko.

The babies who will be born in the new year, 2017, will be bright “stars” both in the family and in children's team. How they will please or surprise parents, how to find an approach to them - we will tell you in our article.

10 main character traits

The Red Rooster, whose year will soon begin, will influence the character of only those children who will be born after January 28. Children born in the middle will have more pronounced characteristics of the “rooster”. calendar year. Of course, each child is individual, but among small cockerels the following characteristics will prevail:

  1. These children are very emotional, they rejoice noisily and sincerely worry. They will never hide their feelings and experiences from others.
  2. A penchant for leadership, and not hidden, but clearly expressed, is what also distinguishes these children. They will do everything to become the favorites of their parents and teachers.
  3. “Cockerels” are very straightforward, sometimes even too much; they will not remain silent if they don’t like something. They will tell a person everything they think about him, both good and bad.
  4. Such kids are very generous, they happily share toys on the playground, books at school, and love to give gifts.
  5. Helped your grandmother cross the road, brought home a stray puppy? This is about him - a baby born in the year of the Rooster. They are very merciful and will never pass by if their help is needed.
  6. Such children grow up simple, open people, and this does not always play into their hands; they trust strangers too easily.
  7. “Let's go hiking, or better yet, go to the movies. Or should we go on a hike?” Children born in the year of the Rooster are very impulsive, sometimes they want it without knowing it, their mood changes very often and sharply.
  8. Little pedant. They will remember to make the bed, shine their shoes before school, and the little ones will remember to brush the crumbs off the table. They love order.
  9. First to fight! Little Roosters are very brave, they never coward, but sometimes they rush into a fight without hesitation.
  10. They are goal-oriented, the task of parents is to help them choose the right goal, be it implementation in sports, music or dancing.

Summer or winter "Cockerel"?

There will not be much difference in the character of boys and girls born next year. The calendar period when the baby was born has a much stronger impact.

“Summer” kids are born leaders, they talk a lot, behave well in public, and love attention.

“Winter” kids are creative types, boys often choose the profession of an architect, girls dream of becoming actresses.

Absolutely all “Petushki” are possessive and critical of others. It's not easy for parents to deal with them. Little self-centered people always try to “pull the blanket over themselves,” it is important to gently and carefully show them “who is in charge” in time.

Almost all babies born this year are real fidgets, they are interested in everything, they are constantly running somewhere, crawling, jumping. Extremely restless! And this can have a negative impact in elementary school.

At the end of the article we have prepared for you a checklist “Pregnancy calendar by week”. Download it and monitor your baby's development!

How to raise them?

How to cope with these difficult “fiery” natures?

  • First, release them creativity, With early childhood Find an individual sport or creative activity that they can excel at.
  • Secondly, define the boundaries of “dos and don’ts”, “good and bad”; only strict discipline will help you cope with these kids who are rebellious by nature.
  • Teach your child to calmly accept criticism, as well as refusals to his requests. Gently remind him that he is important to you, but he is not the “center of the universe,” and his interests do not always come first for everyone.
  • It’s worth teaching kids to be orderly with early years Moreover, they themselves love him. These little ones will happily sweep the floor, collect toys or take out the trash, just don’t forget to praise them for this more often.
  • Don’t forget about their sleep, nutrition, games and walks; we remind you that they need discipline.
  • Don’t succumb to their skillful manipulations, stay with your opinion, and don’t let them control you with tears.

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Sanguine or choleric?

Most often, children born in the year of the Rooster are sanguine, and a little less often choleric. And here again the time of year when the baby was born plays a role.

“Winter” children are calmer and phlegmatic, they are more diligent and often even like to play with small construction sets and put together puzzles. “Summer” ones are not so hot-tempered, they are relatively more flexible. Girls often do needlework, as they are “creators” by nature.

Children are head over heels in love with their parents and are very jealous, often sensitive to the appearance of younger children in the family. If they lack attention, they may become uncontrollable.

What profession do they choose?

The wayward “Petushki” are hardworking from an early age; they strive with special zeal to become the best in the kindergarten group and learn to read first at school. The problem is that when they fail, they often lose interest in learning.

They begin to understand the value of money early, and therefore often gravitate towards the professions of a banker, financier, accountant, and broker. They make talented realtors and entrepreneurs.

They behave well in public, and therefore often choose political career However, straightforwardness often prevents them from taking the helm in this matter. They know how to “lead the crowd,” but are not always able to retain it or inspire long-term trust.

Another branch for their career self-realization is creativity. They have every chance of becoming artists, singers, architects, and actors.

Finally, let's say a few words about studying at school. "Cockerels" will not disappoint you and will not make you blush for them. parent meetings. Their curiosity makes them good, diligent students. But they are smart beyond their years, so they often get bored in class. Boys can be both excellent students and hooligans at the same time.

So, we have told you about the character of children born in the year of the Rooster. Perhaps among your friends there are people born under this sign; do our characteristics coincide with real characters?

Download the checklist "Pregnancy calendar by week"

As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, she becomes interested in everything related to the development of the child. So that you do not have unnecessary fears, it will be useful to know how the fetus develops by week of pregnancy.​

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