Russian beam weapons. Oheyo Annit. Beam weapon. Beam installations for Star Wars

Homing particle accelerator. Bang! This thing will fry half the city.
Corporal Hicks, film "Aliens"

In science fiction literature and cinema, many not yet existing types. These include various blasters, lasers, rail guns, and much more. In some of these areas, work is currently underway in different laboratories, but no particular success has been observed yet, and the mass practical use of such samples will begin at least in a couple of decades.

Among other fantastic classes of weapons, the so-called. ion cannons. They are also sometimes called beam, atomic or partial (this term is used much less frequently due to its specific sound). The essence of this weapon is to accelerate any particles to near-light speeds and then direct them towards the target. Such a beam of atoms, possessing colossal energy, can cause serious damage to the enemy even kinetically, not to mention ionizing radiation and other factors. Looks tempting, doesn't it, military gentlemen?

As part of the work on the Strategic Defense Initiative Several interception concepts have been considered in the United States enemy missiles. Among others, the possibility of using ion weapons was studied. The first work on the topic began in 1982-83 at the Los Alamos National Laboratory at the ATS accelerator. Later, other accelerators began to be used, and then the Livermore National Laboratory was also involved in research. In addition to direct research into the prospects of ion weapons, both laboratories also tried to increase the energy of particles, naturally with an eye to the military future of the systems.

Despite the investment of time and effort, the Antigone beam weapon research project was withdrawn from the SDI program. On the one hand, this could be seen as a rejection of an unpromising direction, on the other hand, as a continuation of work on a project that has a future, regardless of the obviously provocative program. In addition, in the late 80s, Antigone was transferred from strategic missile defense to naval defense: the Pentagon did not specify why this was done.

In the course of research on the effects of beam and ion weapons on a target, it was found that a particle beam/laser beam with an energy of about 10 kilojoules is capable of burning anti-ship missile homing equipment. 100 kJ under appropriate conditions can already cause electrostatic detonation of a rocket charge, and a beam of 1 MJ literally turns a rocket into a nanosieve, which leads to the destruction of all electronics and detonation of the warhead. In the early 90s, an opinion emerged that ion cannons could still be used in strategic missile defense, but not as a means of destruction. It was proposed to shoot beams of particles with sufficient energy at a “cloud” consisting of warheads strategic missiles and false targets. As conceived by the authors of this concept, the ions were supposed to burn out the electronics of the warheads and deprive them of the ability to maneuver and aim at the target. Accordingly, according to sudden change the behavior of the mark on the radar after a salvo could be used to calculate the warheads.

However, during the course of their work, the researchers faced a problem: the accelerators used could only accelerate charged particles. And this “small fry” has one inconvenient feature - they did not want to fly in a friendly bunch. Due to the charge of the same name, the particles were repelled and instead of an accurate powerful shot, many much weaker and scattered ones were obtained. Another problem associated with firing ions was the curvature of their trajectory under the influence of magnetic field Earth. Perhaps this is why ion cannons were not allowed into the strategic missile defense system - they required firing at long distances, where the curvature of trajectories interfered with normal operation. In turn, the use of “ionomets” in the atmosphere was hampered by the interaction of fired particles with air molecules.

The first problem, with accuracy, was solved by introducing a special reloading chamber into the gun, located after the accelerating block. In it, the ions returned to a neutral state and no longer repelled each other after leaving the “barrel”. At the same time, the interaction of bullet particles with air particles decreased slightly. Later, during experiments with electrons, it was found that in order to achieve the least energy dissipation and provide maximum range shooting, before firing you need to illuminate the target with a special laser. Thanks to this, an ionized channel is created in the atmosphere, through which electrons pass with less energy loss.

After the introduction of a reloading chamber into the gun, a slight increase in its combat qualities was noted. In this version of the gun, protons and deuterons (deuterium nuclei consisting of a proton and a neutron) were used as projectiles - in the recharging chamber they attached an electron to themselves and flew to the target in the form of hydrogen or deuterium atoms, respectively. When hitting a target, the atom loses an electron, dissipating the so-called. bremsstrahlung and continues to move inside the target in the form of a proton/deuteron. Also, under the influence of released electrons in a metal target, eddy currents can appear with all the consequences.

However, all the work of American scientists remained in the laboratories. Around 1993, preliminary designs for missile defense systems for ships were prepared, but things never went any further. Particle accelerators with acceptable combat use power were of such a size and required such an amount of electricity that a ship with beam gun a barge with a separate power plant was to follow. The reader familiar with physics can calculate for himself how many megawatts of electricity are required to impart at least 10 kJ to a proton. The American military could not afford such expenses. The Antigone program was suspended and then completely closed, although from time to time there are reports of varying degrees of reliability that talk about the resumption of work on the topic of ion weapons.

Soviet scientists did not lag behind in the field of particle acceleration, but for a long time they did not think about the military use of accelerators. The defense industry of the USSR was characterized by constant consideration of the cost of weapons, so the ideas for combat accelerators were abandoned without starting work on them.

On this moment There are several dozen different charged particle accelerators in the world, but among them there is not a single combat one suitable for practical application. The Los Alamos accelerator with a recharging chamber has lost the latter and is now used in other research. As for the prospects for ion weapons, the idea itself will have to be shelved for now. Until humanity has new, compact and super-powerful sources of energy.

Beam weapon

A powerful beam of charged particles (electrons, protons, ions) or a beam of neutral atoms can also be used as a weapon. Research on beam weapons began with work on creating a naval combat station to combat anti-ship missiles (ASM). In this case, it was supposed to use a beam of charged particles that actively interact with air molecules, ionize and heat them. As heated air expands, it significantly reduces its density, which allows charged particles to spread further. Series short pulses can form a kind of channel in the atmosphere through which charged particles will spread almost unhindered (a UV laser beam can also be used to “pierce the channel”). A pulsed beam of electrons with a particle energy of about 1 GeV and a current of several thousand amperes, propagating through an atmospheric channel, can hit a rocket at distances of 1–5 km. With a “shot” energy of 1-10 MJ, the rocket will suffer mechanical damage, with an energy of about 0.1 MJ the warhead may explode, and with an energy of 0.01 MJ the electronic equipment of the rocket may be damaged.

However, the practical creation of space-based beam weapons encounters a number of unresolved issues even at theoretical level problems associated with large beam divergence due to Coulomb forces repulsion and with the strong magnetic fields existing in space. The curvature of the trajectories of charged particles in these fields makes their use in beam weapon systems completely impossible. When conducting sea ​​battle this is imperceptible, but at distances of thousands of kilometers both effects become quite significant. To create a space missile defense system, it is considered advisable to use beams of neutral atoms (hydrogen, deuterium), which in the form of ions are preliminarily accelerated in conventional accelerators.

A fast-flying hydrogen atom is a rather weakly bound system: it loses its electron upon collision with atoms on the surface of the target. But the fast proton generated in this case has great penetrating power: it can hit the electronic “filling” of a missile, and under certain conditions, further melt the nuclear “filling” of the warhead.

The accelerators, being developed at the Los Alamos Laboratory in the United States specifically for space-based missile defense systems, use negative ions of hydrogen and tritium, which are accelerated using electromagnetic fields to speeds close to the speed of light, and then “neutralized” by passing through a thin layer of gas. Such a beam of neutral hydrogen or tritium atoms, penetrating deep into a rocket or satellite, heats the metal and disables electronic systems. But the same gas clouds created around a rocket or satellite can, in turn, turn a neutral beam of atoms into a beam of charged particles, protection from which is not difficult. The use of so-called powerful “fast-burning” accelerators (boosters) to accelerate ICBMs, which shorten the acceleration phase, and the choice of flat missile flight trajectories makes the very idea of ​​​​using particle beams in missile defense systems very problematic.

Material from Wikipedia - the free encyclopedia

Beam weapon- a type of space weapon based on the formation of a beam of particles (electrons, protons, ions or neutral atoms), accelerated to relativistic (near-light) speeds, and the use of the kinetic energy stored in them to destroy enemy objects. Along with laser and kinetic weapons, beam weapons were developed within the framework of SDI as a promising type of fundamentally new weapon.

Beam weapons have three damage factors: mechanical destruction, directed x-ray and gamma radiation and electromagnetic pulse. Scope of possible application: destruction of ballistic missiles, space and combined aerospace vehicles. The advantage of beam weapons is their speed, due to the movement of a beam of particles at near-light speed. The disadvantage of beam weapons when operating in the atmosphere is the loss of speed and kinetic energy of elementary particles due to interaction with gas atoms. Experts see a way out of this problem by creating a channel of rarefied air in the atmosphere, inside which beams of particles can move without loss of speed and kinetic energy.

In addition to space warfare, beam weapons were also supposed to be used to combat anti-ship missiles.

There is a project for an “ion” pistol, the Ion Ray Gun, powered by 8 AA batteries, causing damage at a distance of up to 7 meters.

Ion gun technologies can be used in civilian applications for ion beam treatment of track membrane surfaces.

Assessment of the possibility of creation and use


Beam weapons in culture

In fiction

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  1. Vladimir Belous(Russian) // Independent Military Review: newspaper. - 2006.
  2. Igor Kray// World of Fantasy: magazine. - 2007. - No. 46.
  3. Pronin, V. A.; Gornov, V. N.; Lipin, A. V.; Loboda, P. A.; Mchedlishvili, B.V.; Nechaev, A. N.; Sergeev, A. V.// Journal of Technical Physics. - 2001. - T. 71, No. 11.
  4. 1.2. Beam weapons // / Ed. Velikhova E. P., Sagdeeva R. Zh., Kokoshina A. A. - Mir, 1986. - 181 p.
  5. P. G. O"Shea." Proceedings of the Linear Accelerator Conference 1990, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
  6. Nunz, G. J. (2001), , vol. 1: Project Summary, USA: Storming Media , .
  7. . Smithsonian Air and Space Museum. Retrieved January 6, 2015.
  8. , With. 108.
  9. , With. 206.
  10. Konstantin Zakablukovsky// Best computer games: magazine. - 2005. - No. 10 (47).
  11. Alexander Dominguez// The best computer games: magazine. - 2006. - No. 8 (57).
  12. Dmitry Voronov// World of Fantasy: magazine. - 2005. - No. 20.


  • E. P. Velikhov, R. Zh. Sagdeev, A. A. Kokoshin. 1.2. Beam weapon // . - Mir, 1986. - 181 p.
  • Rodionov, B. I., Novichkov, N. N.. - Military. publishing house, 1987. - 214 p.
  • Smith, Bill; Nakabayashi, David; Vigil, Troy.// Star Wars. Weapons and military technologies. - OLMA Media Group, 2004. - 224 p. - (Star Wars. The Illustrated Encyclopedia). - ISBN 5949460510, 9785949460511.
  • Smith, Bill; Du Chang; Vigil, Troy.// Star Wars. Starships and vehicles. - OLMA Media Group, 2004. - 224 p. - (Star Wars. The Illustrated Encyclopedia). - ISBN 5949460928, 9785949460924.

An excerpt characterizing the beam weapon

Pierre, feeling out of place and idle, afraid to interfere with someone again, galloped after the adjutant.
- This is here, what? Can I come with you? - he asked.
“Now, now,” answered the adjutant and, galloping up to the fat colonel standing in the meadow, he handed him something and then turned to Pierre.
- Why did you come here, Count? - he told him with a smile. -Are you all curious?
“Yes, yes,” said Pierre. But the adjutant, turning his horse, rode on.
“Thank God here,” said the adjutant, “but on Bagration’s left flank there is a terrible heat going on.”
- Really? asked Pierre. - Where is this?
- Yes, come with me to the mound, we can see from us. “But our battery is still bearable,” said the adjutant. - Well, are you going?
“Yes, I’m with you,” said Pierre, looking around him and looking for his guard with his eyes. Here, only for the first time, Pierre saw the wounded, wandering on foot and carried on stretchers. In the same meadow with fragrant rows of hay through which he drove yesterday, across the rows, his head awkwardly turned, one soldier lay motionless with a fallen shako. - Why wasn’t this raised? - Pierre began; but, seeing the stern face of the adjutant, looking back in the same direction, he fell silent.
Pierre did not find his guard and, together with his adjutant, drove down the ravine to the Raevsky mound. Pierre's horse lagged behind the adjutant and shook him evenly.
“Apparently you’re not used to riding a horse, Count?” – asked the adjutant.
“No, nothing, but she’s jumping around a lot,” Pierre said in bewilderment.
“Eh!.. yes, she’s wounded,” said the adjutant, “right front, above the knee.” Must be a bullet. Congratulations, Count,” he said, “le bapteme de feu [baptism by fire].
Having driven through the smoke through the sixth corps, behind the artillery, which, pushed forward, fired, deafening with its shots, they arrived at small forest. The forest was cool, quiet and smelled of autumn. Pierre and the adjutant dismounted from their horses and entered the mountain on foot.
- Is the general here? – asked the adjutant, approaching the mound.
“We were there now, let’s go here,” they answered him, pointing to the right.
The adjutant looked back at Pierre, as if not knowing what to do with him now.
“Don’t worry,” said Pierre. – I’ll go to the mound, okay?
- Yes, go, you can see everything from there and it’s not so dangerous. And I'll pick you up.
Pierre went to the battery, and the adjutant went further. They did not see each other again, and much later Pierre learned that this adjutant’s arm was torn off that day.
The mound that Pierre entered was the famous one (later known among the Russians under the name of the kurgan battery, or Raevsky’s battery, and among the French under the name la grande redoute, la fatale redoute, la redoute du center [the great redoubt, the fatal redoubt, the central redoubt ] a place around which tens of thousands of people were positioned and which the French considered the most important point of the position.
This redoubt consisted of a mound on which ditches were dug on three sides. In a place dug in by ditches there were ten firing cannons, stuck out into the opening of the shafts.
There were cannons lined up with the mound on both sides, also firing incessantly. A little behind the guns stood infantry troops. Entering this mound, Pierre did not think that this place, dug in with small ditches, on which several cannons stood and fired, was the most important place in the battle.
To Pierre, on the contrary, it seemed that this place (precisely because he was on it) was one of the most insignificant places of the battle.
Entering the mound, Pierre sat down at the end of the ditch surrounding the battery, and with an unconsciously joyful smile looked at what was happening around him. From time to time, Pierre still stood up with the same smile and, trying not to disturb the soldiers who were loading and rolling guns, constantly running past him with bags and charges, walked around the battery. The guns from this battery fired continuously one after another, deafening with their sounds and covering the entire area with gunpowder smoke.
In contrast to the creepiness that was felt between the infantry soldiers of the cover, here, on the battery, where a small number of people busy with work are white limited, separated from others by a ditch - here one felt the same and common to everyone, as if a family revival.
The appearance of the non-military figure of Pierre in a white hat initially struck these people unpleasantly. The soldiers, passing by him, glanced sideways at his figure in surprise and even fear. The senior artillery officer, a tall, long-legged, pockmarked man, as if to watch the action of the last gun, approached Pierre and looked at him curiously.
A young, round-faced officer, still a complete child, apparently just released from the corps, very diligently disposing of the two guns entrusted to him, addressed Pierre sternly.
“Mister, let me ask you to leave the road,” he told him, “it’s not allowed here.”
The soldiers shook their heads disapprovingly, looking at Pierre. But when everyone was convinced that this man in a white hat not only did nothing wrong, but either sat quietly on the slope of the rampart, or with a timid smile, courteously avoiding the soldiers, walked along the battery under gunfire as calmly as along the boulevard, then Little by little, the feeling of hostile bewilderment towards him began to turn into affectionate and playful sympathy, similar to that which soldiers have for their animals: dogs, roosters, goats and in general animals living with military commands. These soldiers immediately mentally accepted Pierre into their family, appropriated them and gave him a nickname. “Our master” they nicknamed him and laughed affectionately about him among themselves.
One cannonball exploded into the ground two steps away from Pierre. He, cleaning the soil sprinkled with the cannonball from his dress, looked around him with a smile.
- And why aren’t you afraid, master, really! - the red-faced, broad soldier turned to Pierre, baring his strong white teeth.
-Are you afraid? asked Pierre.
- How then? - answered the soldier. - After all, she will not have mercy. She will smack and her guts will be out. “You can’t help but be afraid,” he said, laughing.
Several soldiers with cheerful and affectionate faces stopped next to Pierre. It was as if they did not expect him to speak like everyone else, and this discovery delighted them.
- Our business is soldierly. But master, it’s so amazing. That's it master!
- In places! - the young officer shouted at the soldiers gathered around Pierre. This young officer, apparently, was fulfilling his position for the first or second time and therefore treated both the soldiers and the commander with particular clarity and formality.
The rolling fire of cannons and rifles intensified throughout the entire field, especially to the left, where Bagration’s flashes were, but because of the smoke of the shots, it was impossible to see almost anything from the place where Pierre was. Moreover, observing the seemingly family (separated from all others) circle of people who were on the battery absorbed all of Pierre’s attention. His first unconscious joyful excitement, produced by the sight and sounds of the battlefield, was now replaced, especially after the sight of this lonely soldier lying in the meadow, by another feeling. Now sitting on the slope of the ditch, he observed the faces surrounding him.
By ten o'clock twenty people had already been carried away from the battery; two guns were broken, shells hit the battery more and more often, and long-range bullets flew in, buzzing and whistling. But the people who were at the battery did not seem to notice this; Cheerful talk and jokes were heard from all sides.
- Chinenka! - the soldier shouted at the approaching grenade flying with a whistle. - Not here! To the infantry! – another added with laughter, noticing that the grenade flew over and hit the covering ranks.
- What, friend? - another soldier laughed at the man who crouched under the flying cannonball.
Several soldiers gathered at the rampart, looking at what was happening ahead.
“And they took off the chain, you see, they went back,” they said, pointing across the shaft.
“Mind your job,” the old non-commissioned officer shouted at them. “We’ve gone back, so it’s time to go back.” - And the non-commissioned officer, taking one of the soldiers by the shoulder, pushed him with his knee. There was laughter.
- Roll towards the fifth gun! - they shouted from one side.
“At once, more amicably, in the burlatsky style,” the cheerful cries of those changing the gun were heard.
“Oh, I almost knocked off our master’s hat,” the red-faced joker laughed at Pierre, showing his teeth. “Eh, clumsy,” he added reproachfully to the cannonball that hit the wheel and the man’s leg.
- Come on, you foxes! - another laughed at the bending militiamen entering the battery behind the wounded man.
- Isn’t the porridge tasty? Oh, the crows, they slaughtered! - they shouted at the militia, who hesitated in front of the soldier with a severed leg.
“Something else, kid,” they mimicked the men. – They don’t like passion.
Pierre noticed how after each cannonball that hit, after each loss, the general revival flared up more and more.
As if from an approaching thundercloud, more and more often, lighter and brighter, lightning of a hidden, flaring fire flashed on the faces of all these people (as if in rebuff to what was happening).
Pierre did not look forward to the battlefield and was not interested in knowing what was happening there: he was completely absorbed in the contemplation of this increasingly flaring fire, which in the same way (he felt) was flaring up in his soul.
At ten o'clock the infantry soldiers who were in front of the battery in the bushes and along the Kamenka River retreated. From the battery it was visible how they ran back past it, carrying the wounded on their guns. Some general with his retinue entered the mound and, after talking with the colonel, looked angrily at Pierre, went down again, ordering the infantry cover stationed behind the battery to lie down so as to be less exposed to shots. Following this, a drum and command shouts were heard in the ranks of the infantry, to the right of the battery, and from the battery it was visible how the ranks of the infantry moved forward.
Pierre looked through the shaft. One face in particular caught his eye. It was an officer who, with a pale young face, walked backwards, carrying a lowered sword, and looked around uneasily.
The rows of infantry soldiers disappeared into the smoke, and their prolonged screams and frequent gunfire could be heard. A few minutes later, crowds of wounded and stretchers passed from there. Shells began to hit the battery even more often. Several people lay uncleaned. The soldiers moved more busily and more animatedly around the guns. Nobody paid attention to Pierre anymore. Once or twice they shouted at him angrily for being on the road. The senior officer, with a frowning face, moved with large, fast steps from one gun to another. The young officer, flushed even more, commanded the soldiers even more diligently. The soldiers fired, turned, loaded, and did their job with tense panache. They bounced as they walked, as if on springs.

Flies farthest, most cunningly, most accurately... The new arms race of the 21st century is gaining momentum. The most intense struggle for leadership today is unfolding in new knowledge-intensive, high-tech areas, primarily in the field of airborne attack weapons. American military power is weakening, but Washington does not want to give in. The United States is ready for any adventure in order to retain its international status as the world's main gendarme. President Trump is literally gushing with threats and ultimatums: he threatens with a military strike on Syria, then on Korea, then on Iran.

Moscow, naturally, is not going to put up with this new way of doing things by Washington. In response to American threats, Russian cruise missiles are becoming faster, more accurate and longer-range. It would seem that only a couple of years ago the famous “Caliber”, which has no analogues in the world, was adopted, and our scientists, designers and technologists are already reporting on the development of new, even more deadly missile systems. In particular, aircraft rocket X-BD for the new version of our strategic bomber Tu-160M2.

Information about this new super rocket was leaked to the media with reference to the scientific director State Institute aviation systems, Evgeny Fedosov, who spoke about it in an interview with Army Standard magazine. He said that a fundamentally new ultra-long-range missile is being created in Russia cruise missile for our new generation strategic bomber Tu-160M2. This missile was named X-BD - long range and increased accuracy.

It is known that its predecessor, the Kh-101 air-launched missile with a conventional explosive charge weighing 400 kg, flies to a range of 3 thousand km. And with a nuclear charge, which is much lighter, this missile flies as much as 5.5 thousand km. But our new missile will have an even greater range, much greater.

Such a missile is being created under a new military-strategic concept for the use of aircraft of Russian Long-Range Aviation. In accordance with it, our cruise strategists will no longer even enter the zone air defense enemy. The carrier aircraft will maneuver and launch ultra-long-range and ultra-precise missiles beyond the reach of enemy air defenses. Without entering the enemy's air defense zone, we will be able to dictate the direction of the strike, choose the moment to use weapons and the density of missiles in the salvo. Moreover, in any air defense our new missiles will be able to find an unprotected gap, no matter how narrow it is...

These missiles are supposed to be installed on the new generation of Russian strategic bombers Tu-160M2. Russian Deputy Defense Minister General Yuri Borisov recently said: “ The basic figure for the Tu-160M2 is 50 aircraft. The Ministry of Defense is going to order fifty of these new machines from industry. The manufacturing process has already started. Elements of the aircraft, in particular the center wing, are already at the manufacturing stage. Although work on the Tu-160M2 is a complex process, since a number of elements are manufactured and developed from scratch. The new aircraft will have improved thrust and increased range. It will be lighter than its predecessor. We are serious about deadlines. serial production- 2020 or 2021».

Well, now let's figure it out: is fifty Tu-160M2 bombers with new Kh-BD super-missiles a lot or a little? Each of them will carry at least 12 such cruise missiles. This means that in total we get 600 ultra-precise and ultra-long-range super-missiles. Considering that each of them is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead of at least 200 kilotons, we get that their total potential will be 120 megatons! And this is quite enough to destroy, for example, all major NATO infrastructure facilities in the European theater of operations. Or, for example, to destroy the United States entirely...

Well, with conventional equipment, such missiles can quite easily fly into the window of President Trump’s bedroom. So that, so to speak, service would not seem like honey to him...

Russian proton beams are the best beams! Yes, a new arms race is already underway. Washington announced the largest update of US military capabilities. Trump said that the upcoming rearmament will be the largest in American history. Such statements are accompanied by unprecedented anti-Russian hysteria in all the world's leading media.

However, the West has never loved Russians. For centuries, Russia has been the main obstacle to Western civilization's path to world domination. But why are they in such a hurry to rearm? The answer is simple. The West feels it is losing influence. That in the face of the growing power of Russia and China, he is no longer able to dictate his will to them. And a new technological breakthrough, an attempt to achieve global military dominance, is the last opportunity to retain elusive world power in weakening hands.

How will Russia respond to this challenge? Will Moscow be able to maintain the military-technological advantage that has emerged over the last years? Do we have enough strength and skill to prevent us from falling behind the West in the quality of weapons and military technology? The answer to these questions lies in State program weapons for 2018-2025, which should be submitted to President Putin for approval this fall.

As part of this program, fundamentally new types of hypersonic weapons, intelligent robotic systems and weapons based on new physical principles will be supplied to the Russian army. Of the already tested types of weapons, the program should include the serial production of such high-tech complexes as the Zircon anti-ship hypersonic missile, heavy fighter the fifth generation T-50, the MiG-35 light fighter, the S-500 Prometheus universal air defense and missile defense system. And also new generation armored vehicles: the T-14 “Armata” tank, fighting machine infantry "Kurganets" and armored personnel carrier "Boomerang". All these the latest designs weapons will reach the troops in en masse, as the standard weapon of our units and formations.

In addition, Sergei Shoigu said at a meeting of the board of the Ministry of Defense that the main efforts in implementing the program will be aimed at creating facilities to accommodate a group of land-, sea- and air-based nuclear deterrent forces and means. The minister said: " They include 129 enlarged facilities and six Long-Range Aviation airfields.In addition, the development of a communications and combat control network is envisaged. The Ministry of Defense also plans to equip 33 operational-tactical aviation airfields, berths for naval bases and locations for the Iskander, Bal and Bastion missile systems. In total, it is planned to build and put into operation 1 thousand 740 objects and lay 24 thousand km. fiber optic communication lines».

The basis of the Strategic Missile Forces will be the Sarmat heavy liquid-propellant missile with maneuvering hypersonic warheads and mobile complex"Rubezh", which combines the combat capabilities of a missile medium range and shooting at intercontinental distances. The development of the Barguzin combat railway missile system will continue. IN Navy Nuclear submarines will begin to arrive - carriers of the Status-6 robotic combat systems, which include a super torpedo with a range of 10,000 km. and a super-powerful warhead of 100 Mt.

The basis of our surface fleet will be the carriers of the hypersonic Zircons: the modernized heavy nuclear cruisers Admiral Nakhimov and Pyotr Velikiy, as well as the newest Project 22350 frigates of the Admiral Gorshkov type, which have no analogues in the world in their versatility and striking power. In Rybinsk, the scientific and industrial association "Saturn" began production of ship gas turbine engines for the Russian military fleet. And this is not a small thing. In fact, a whole new branch of mechanical engineering has been created. Previously, in the Soviet Union, such engines were built only in Ukraine, in Nikolaev. And to this day, the mills that are capable of producing such turbines can be counted on one hand.

Putin visited there recently. He said: " Here, since 2014, work has been carried out to organize the production of naval gas turbine engines for warships. This will allow us to produce and service such engines ourselves. You know that until 2014 we purchased such engines from Ukraine. There was no such competence in Russia before. It is pleasant to note that the work was actually completed ahead of schedule, in a year and a half instead of two" A total of six types of gas turbines will be produced for different classes warships...

Now the last obstacles to the production of Project 22350 superfrigates have been removed. These ships had two problems - the Poliment-Redut air defense system and the gas turbine engine. Anti-aircraft missile system with revolutionary range and efficiency for ships of such displacement, it was not possible to “bring it to mind” for a long time. But last year the problem was finally resolved. Now the problem of gas turbines has been solved. You can safely begin mass production.

By the way, as soon as Sergei Shoigu declared that such frigates would form the basis Russian fleet in the coming years, the all-goers immediately howled: “Russia is abandoning the ocean-going fleet! Our cruisers and destroyers were crying! But these frigates are ships of the ocean zone. But the main thing is that their weapons are two to three times more powerful than those of the old Soviet cruisers. And it is superior in power to those cruisers Project 1164 Atlant, which today are the strike core of our surface fleet. In addition, today we have only three such cruisers, but there will be more than twenty frigates! And, by the way, the cruisers are equipped with the old, Soviet-era Granit missile system, and the frigates are equipped with new systems - the Caliber and the promising hypersonic Zircon!

But the most powerful Russian weapons, it seems, will be weapon systems based on new physical principles - combat lasers and so-called generators. "beam weapon". While these samples are so secret that even them appearance known only to a narrow circle of specialists. However, the implementation of these projects could make Russia the undisputed military leader on the planet for decades to come.

Beam weapons are a type of weapon based on the formation of a beam of particles (electrons, protons, ions or neutral atoms) accelerated to near-light speeds, and the use of the kinetic energy of these particles to destroy enemy objects.

Back in 1989, the Americans constructed a prototype beam weapon using neutral hydrogen atoms. It was launched into low-Earth orbit, completed its orbit and then landed safely. This satellite is now located at the National Space Museum in Washington. The experiment was unsuccessful, and the Pentagon did not develop this direction further.

In modern Russia, the creation of such weapons became possible thanks to the unique domestic technology of the so-called. "a compact modular three-dimensional linear accelerator on a backward wave." (By the way, the Curiosity rover currently exploring the “red planet” has a small Russian-made neutron cannon, which undoubtedly indicates that Russia has ready-made technology for the production of this weapon).

A beam weapon, which can be included in the state weapons program for 2018-25, is a proton accelerator that creates a flow of hydrogen atomic nuclei and protons. Theoretically, the power of such a beam can be millions of times greater than the most powerful laser! After all, a laser is just a beam of intense light. It does not contain charged particles and accelerates only gamma quanta and photons. And protons, compared to photons, are simply monsters! A proton generator is capable of increasing the power of the reactor 1000 times in a millisecond with one pulse directed, for example, at the core of a nuclear reactor, that is, instantly blowing it up! The same effect can be achieved by irradiating any nuclear weapon charge. (In this case, the explosion, of course, will not be nuclear; a chain reaction will not start. For example, an enemy nuclear reactor operating in a stationary mode, if the external irradiation exceeds the proportion of so-called “delayed neutrons,” will proceed to acceleration using prompt neutrons.)

Thus, the proton accelerator is a universal means of reconnaissance and destruction. Intelligence - since when irradiated with a proton flow, any nuclear device begins to generate its own excess radiation. And this radiation can be detected. Damages - since with an increase in the power of proton pulses, an instant explosion of fissile material will occur without starting a chain reaction.

But that's not all. Let's remember the school physics course: by heating a solid (crystalline) substance, we will first transform it into an amorphous (liquid) form, then into a gaseous one, then, by destroying atomic structures, into a plasma one, turning our substance into an ionized gas.

So here's another one possible form beam weapons are created using ionizing radiation plasma fields, plasma screens. By creating such plasmoids in upper layers atmosphere, you can create an insurmountable obstacle, for example, for attacking ICBM units. The fact is that the effect of a warhead colliding with such a plasma screen will be almost the same as if it ran into a brick fence: instant mechanical destruction of the structure will occur. The same technology, in principle, can be used to combat enemy aircraft.

So the West’s dreams of achieving a military advantage over Moscow are not destined to come true. We are Russians, God is with us! God bless!

Konstantin Dushenov, military analyst, director of the agency "Orthodox Rus'"

Borislav Mikhailichenko

Proton beam launcher - ready for battle!

The world's population has long fantasized about the “absolute” weapon. For Harry Harrison it is a bow, for Alexei Tolstoy it is a hyperboloid, for Stanislav Lem it is an antimatter emitter, for Robert Sheckley it is an all-eating and, moreover, invulnerable Martian monster. But the modern military idea has surpassed even the wildest fantasies.

In general, after the atomic bomb, it seems that no one proposed anything fundamentally new. And here is a book by Viktor Novikov. The MN correspondent asked the scientist to comment on the sensational guesses made in the book.


“Now, with the help of one high-precision missile, you can kill a target that required 4,500 sorties and 9,000 bombs during World War II.” Why invent something else?

— The military idea of ​​the world's population has reached a dead end. Including with a high-precision weapon (HTO). Our homeland did not get very excellent results from using its samples in Chechnya; NATO struck the Chinese embassy in Belgrade with it. WTO is great for training grounds, not for real combat. In addition, it is limited in power.

- But it can be supplied nuclear warhead

— Nuclear weapons, like chemical and biological weapons, are a dead-end branch of the evolution of military art. The destructive force is enormous, but the action is very difficult to localize, and the consequences will quickly be felt by the attacking party itself. This is truly a club that will destroy the environment on a planetary scale. And for modern wars surgical precision is required. In this sense, the modernization of the atomic bomb - the “clean” neutron and the “dirty” cobalt - are equally unpromising.

— Well, let’s say, a laser cannot combine within itself the “surgical” selectivity of a high-precision weapon and the power of a nuclear weapon?

— The Americans have repeatedly tried to use it for military purposes. Back in 1983, using a 400-kilowatt laser mounted on an aircraft, they shot down 5 Sunwinder missiles at a distance of up to 10 miles. But the problem with modern lasers is that they have a very low efficiency - less than 6 percent. Under Reagan, the United States was going to add space-based X-ray lasers to the SDI base. But at the moment, under Bush, creating the latest system ABM, counting on ordinary missile system- like the one that has long defended Moscow in our country.


— In recent years, we have heard a lot about “ultra-clean” weapons that either evoke certain emotions in people or affect their internal organs.

— I myself have participated in experiments to study the effects of different types fields on living organisms. We found that with a certain combination of influences, experimental animals may experience an uncontrollable nightmare, depression, and paralysis. Other modifications of the criterion caused a physiological resonance of individual organs. Since everyone internal organ has its own vibration frequency, you can artificially cause a rupture, for example, of the liver or heart. But such an effect is very difficult to produce at a distance, and for combat implementation it requires at least several hundred meters.

- In other words, in fact, you are faced with the same problem as the “laser scientists” - it is necessary to convey the impact to the target.

- Not only “laser scientists” - all the military are now convinced that a new source of energy is required. The most powerful, small-sized, environmentally friendly and at the same time controllable. Without it, it is impossible to make an effective device. In fact, the absence of such a source prompted me to search.

- And what will power the gun in the third world war?

— Energy of proton decay. Under natural conditions, it exists in stars, but it can also be caused artificially. Nuclear power plants They actually work at room temperature and 765 mm Hg, although at a theoretical level the atom splits in space at hundreds of thousands of degrees and terrible pressures. The same goes for proton decay.

— Do you rely on any discoveries in the field of proton decay, someone else’s works?

“I didn’t invent anything fundamentally new, but simply collected together the data and ideas already available in this area at the moment.” And he realized that with a certain configuration of the magnetic field and certain dynamic criteria, the proton decay reaction can be artificially caused and controlled.


— And how to cause a proton reaction “in the room”?

— Electrical influence and fundamentally new materials will be required, but they are completely achievable at the level of modern technologies.

— What will be the “working fluid” of the new weapon? A bullet in a rifle barrel is driven by expanding gases, but here?

— During proton decay, an unlimited number of neutrinos appear. Overwhelming most of of these particles will go into infinity, not stopping anywhere. But since there are so many of them, significant part Some matter - say, a piece of iron, a bullet - will hit the nuclei and accelerate it to a speed close to the speed of light.

— Has anyone already managed to “focus” neutrinos in practice? If I'm not mistaken, before this it was believed that these particles could not be influenced.

- Can. At the level of physical experiments, it has already been shown that a magnetic field of a certain configuration really has an effect on neutrinos. In other words, excellent focusing systems are fundamental component new weapons - can be made. And they will be done. Special crystal structures and quadrupole lenses will allow you to polarize the neutrino flux and send it strictly in the appropriate direction; they are also well known.


— How high is the energy of proton decay?

— Over Hiroshima, the Americans detonated a bomb equivalent to 20 kilotons of TNT. This energy will be provided by proton decay of only 200 milligrams of a substance. Moreover, unlike a nuclear reaction, there is no need for special ore like uranium - even ordinary water is suitable. In addition, a critical mass is not needed, measly quantities can be subjected to decay, which opens up wide possibilities for creating weapons of any power.

— In order for a fighter to handle the “neutrino launcher” as easily as a pistol or machine gun, the proton decay reaction must be controlled in small objects.

- For modern technology there are no problems here. The energy of proton decay, as follows, the power of the neutrino flux can be simply adjusted by changing the magnitude of the electric field. A neutrino beam can be used either as a means to transport some objects to a target, or as an independent means of hitting a target.

- And which of the samples will appear first?

“I believe that due to the inertia of design ideas, the first to be made will be devices close to modern firearms. The “shot” will correspond to the impulse of the neutrino flux - it will act on the bullets or shells in the gun barrel, giving them a certain acceleration.

- But since neutrinos fly from high speed, why waste this energy on a bullet? It is better to influence with the beam itself.

- Quite right. With all this, the impact on the target may not be limited to breaking through the channel. The target can be set on fire or cut into pieces. If the impulses infrared radiation made small and properly polarized, they will not be detected by any currently available detection device. This will solve one of the main problems modern combat- survivability of weapons. And the “neutrino flamethrower” will be able to fire, under certain conditions, even from orbit.


— What else will change in the war?

— It will be possible to destroy the enemy’s living force by modulating a not very powerful neutrino flow from one of the resonant frequencies of the body.

— In other words, the problem that your and your colleagues’ research once ran into...

- this way he will dare. But the new weapon opens the way to a “humane” impact on the enemy. At high altitude aircraft or on a low-orbit satellite you can install a “psychotron” - a device that will modulate the neutrino flux with the frequency of impact on the human psyche, and on large areas people will be overcome by nightmare, panic or numbness.

- Maybe now some group, having learned about such prospects, will kidnap suitable scientists in various countries, land them somewhere under the wing of Saddam Hussein and force them to invent a new weapon?

- Don't think. You need to know who to steal, and at the moment it’s hard to call professionals specifically in this area. I predict that the first to create a neutrino weapon will be one of the 3 states with developed science - the USA, Germany or our homeland. The main thing is that Einstein is not needed here at all - everything is clear. What is needed is funding and a project organizer, a new Kurchatov, who would imagine what to assign to whom and in what order.

— Who should be on the working group?

— Excellent crystallographers to make focusing devices. Naturally, excellent theoretical and experimental physicists. Excellent electronics engineers capable of making pulsed electric field generators. Programmers for creating control and guidance systems. I emphasize again - these should be simply responsible workers, great specialists, and not geniuses.

— How soon will we learn about the first successes in this area?

— I believe that in the next year and a half or two, laboratory installations for the proton decay reaction can be constructed. Another two years will be spent on experiments with neutrino beam control at test sites. The development of samples for mass production will take another 5 years. In general, I believe that combat standards will appear in 10 years at the latest. At the same time, they will be very technologically advanced and inexpensive to produce. In the end, a personal beam gun on the black market will cost no more than today's grenade launcher.

- And what later? End of the world, apocalypse?

“Here everyone is limited only by the limits of their imagination.” The world as we currently know it will end. I am personally convinced that a new war on a planetary scale is inevitable.

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