All modern people try to adhere to the rules. Etiquette rules for girls in a public place and in relation to a guy

When the word “etiquette” is mentioned, most people think of complex table settings using dozens of cutlery, prim ladies and the coldness of official events of aristocratic houses. Meanwhile, etiquette is just a set of rules governing people’s behavior in a given situation. And even if you consider yourself a rebel, going against all the norms and rules of society, know the main rules feminine etiquette never hurts. This is especially important when traveling, because very often the rules of conduct in different countries differ significantly, and what is customary in your homeland may surprise or even shock foreigners.

In that article we will talk about modern European rules etiquette for women.

Etiquette of a modern girl

Everyday etiquette for girls includes the following basic rules:

  1. Any communication begins with a greeting. Its purpose is to express the joy and pleasure of the meeting. When greeting, you should take into account the degree of friendliness of the relationship. For distant acquaintances, a verbal greeting will be enough; a close friend or relative can be kissed on the cheek or lightly hugged. However, you should maintain a balance between a lukewarm and an overly exuberant greeting. Remember that those with whom you greet should hear you, and not everyone around you within a radius of several meters. Avoid loud exclamations, violent hugs and noisy long kisses.
  2. IN rainy weather the guy holds an umbrella over the girl (if he is taller or the same height as her). If there is a significant difference in height, each person carries their own umbrella. When entering a room, remember the need to protect others from water flowing from your umbrella. To do this, use a cover or leave the umbrella in a special stand at the entrance.
  3. Eating on the street, especially while walking, is indecent. Of course, no one will forbid you to eat ice cream on a bench in the park, but you should not enter public transport, a store or a museum with a bitten hamburger or sandwich.
  4. You should come to visit exactly at the appointed time. Contrary to popular belief, guests should not be late. If you cannot arrive at the appointed time, be sure to notify the hosts about this. If you need to leave before other guests, do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself. Leave quietly, without fuss, and of course, do not forget to say goodbye to the owners and thank them for their welcome.
  5. Control your movements. Too active gesticulation not only disturbs others, but also does not look very nice.

Restaurant etiquette for girls

If you go to a restaurant with a gentleman, then, according to the rules, the guy enters the room first. Having taken the menu, he must give it to the girl, inviting her to choose first. Then he takes the menu himself, makes a choice and orders dishes for both of them.

You should not start eating before the order is brought to everyone present. The only exception is when other people themselves invite you to start the meal without waiting for them.

At the end of the meal, the cutlery is placed parallel to the plate. If you pause while eating, the cutlery should be placed crosswise.

While eating, you should not slurp, noisily sniff food or demonstratively pick at it. Eating with a knife or, while sitting at the table, picking out particles of food stuck in your teeth are the grossest possible violations of etiquette.

If you accidentally dropped, scattered or spilled something, do not panic and do not rush headlong to correct your mistake. Spilled liquid should only be wiped up with a napkin, and spilled crumbs should not be brushed onto the floor.

Business etiquette for women

Clothing etiquette for business women involves maintaining a classic official style in appearance. The ideal clothing option would be a business suit (jacket and trousers or skirt) in subdued tones. At the same time, an absolute coincidence of the “top” and “bottom” of the suit is not necessary - you have the right to combine, for example, a sand jacket and a blue skirt.

The main requirement for any clothing is cleanliness and neatness. Make sure that your suit is always washed and ironed and has no stains or holes. Your hair and makeup should be just as neat. Keep track of your appearance- means showing respect to others. But you shouldn’t clean yourself up (pull up your stockings, shine your shoes, straighten your hair, powder your nose, touch up your lips, or wipe off leaking mascara) in public. It's better to do this at home or in the ladies' room.

As you can see, modern etiquette for women it does not provide for overly complex rules or grueling responsibilities. It is enough just to be friendly, behave with restraint, but not constrained, and treat others with respect.

Just two hundred years ago, when raising girls, close attention was paid to teaching etiquette. The modern rhythm of life has changed the morals of society in many ways: the rights of men and women have been equalized, communication has become simple and relaxed. But no one has canceled the rules of etiquette for girls.

Rules of etiquette in a public place

Most of my life modern girls carried out in public places. This is city transport, institutions, a work office, and even the most ordinary staircase or an elevator. There are a number of rules of behavior that a girl needs to know in order not to be ignorant in certain situations:

  • If you approach at the same time as another person open door and you are asked to go first, go without ceremony. According to tradition, the stronger sex is obliged to let the weaker sex pass, the younger generation must give way to the older, and the subordinate must give way to the leader. If you are the same age and social status, the one closest to her enters the door first.
  • If you and a man are going up the stairs, you should walk in front of him, with the exception of steep and dark stairs. When going down the stairs, the girl's place is behind the man. They gave way to you - bow your head slightly as a sign of gratitude. If the flights of stairs are too narrow, give way, taking a small step to the side, to older people, women older than you, and your boss.
  • At the elevator, say hello to people you know. When the elevator stops, clear the passage for those exiting: if space allows, take a step to the side; if not, exit and then return.
  • At the entrance to shopping mall or in any institution, first let out those who leave, and only then enter yourself. Prepare money in advance for payment at the checkout.
  • During a trip to public transport try not to talk or laugh loudly, do not eat ice cream and do not stare at passengers. If you have caused inconvenience to someone, you need to apologize.
  • When communicating with colleagues at work, behave with restraint, politeness, and tact. Be punctual. According to the rules of business etiquette, discussion of the personal lives of employees is not allowed.
  • In any public place you might end up in conflict situation. When confronted with insults, behave correctly and with dignity, like a well-mannered girl. Don't be like the bully. Follow the law.

Good table manners for girls

The culture of eating has many traditions and norms that govern behavior at the table and the use of eating utensils. Every self-respecting girl should have good manners and know the rules of etiquette at the table - this will allow her to feel confident both at home at dinner and in cafes and restaurants.

Basic table manners:

  • Use a napkin; to do this, place it on your lap so that the large lower part is on top of your knees, and you can wipe your hands with the upper part.
  • When eating, do not forget about correct posture. The distance to the table should be one palm. Do not spread or place your elbows on the table. Don't put your hands under the table.
  • Use appropriate cutlery for the specific dish.
  • Do not reach for the necessary item (for example, a salt shaker), but ask for it to be served.
  • Toothpicks placed on the table may only be used in the restroom. You can also touch up your makeup or hairstyle there. It is considered bad manners to touch your hair at the table.
  • To cough or sneeze, you must leave the table.
  • You can call the service personnel by waving your hand or nodding your head. Under no circumstances call the waiter by banging cutlery or shouting.
  • If cutlery falls, do not pick it up, but ask the waiter to bring clean ones.
  • Dangling your legs, licking your fingers, and slurping is considered bad manners at the table.

How to behave towards a guy?

To achieve sympathy from the stronger sex, girls must master the rules of etiquette that will help them in this:

  • don’t show up to your date on time: being 15-20 minutes late will allow your boyfriend to collect his thoughts and plan the upcoming evening;
  • when going on a date, do not take a large bag, as this is a sign of bad manners;
  • do not allow kissing on the first date - this indicates poor upbringing;
  • do not initiate the next date;
  • Don't meet your boyfriend every evening;
  • do not be vulgar in your behavior, men like femininity and softness;
  • Have your own opinion, guys want to see an interesting interlocutor in a girl.

Clothing etiquette is important!

Remember that you are a representative of the fair sex. Having an impeccable appearance and exquisite taste in clothes, you will a real lady. Let's pay a little attention to clothing etiquette:

  • Dress according to the season and time of day. Light and light clothing is suitable for summer, thicker clothing for winter. Morning clothes should be simple and discreet, and for the evening you can allow sparkles.
  • Suits and blouses are suitable for work clothes; tights, for example, flesh-colored, must be worn. They can be worn with any clothing.
  • Short skirts are not allowed in a work environment.
  • Shoes should be of good quality and polished, match your clothes, and most importantly, they should not cause you any inconvenience. Even in 30 degrees of heat, never open your toe; you can only expose your heel. And a real lady’s heel should have an ideal appearance.
  • Avoid wearing unnecessary jewelry during the day.
  • A combination of more than three colors is unacceptable in clothing.

Society has long had rules of behavior called etiquette. Many people are unfamiliar with it and often make mistakes. If some rules are already outdated and forgotten, most are still in effect. I bring to your attention a part of them that many people forget about.

1. You should never come to visit without warning. If the guests did not warn you about their arrival, you can, without a shadow of embarrassment, not do the cleaning, but walk around the house in a robe, curlers, and even a cosmetic mask. One British lady once said that when unscheduled guests appeared, she always put on a hat, shoes, and took an umbrella. If the guest who came was pleasant to her, she always exclaimed: “Oh, how lucky, I just arrived.” If the guest was not happy for her, she said: “What a pity, it’s time for me to leave.”

2. It is considered bad manners to ask your guests to remove their shoes. They must figure this out for themselves. If not, then the rules good manners not for them.

3. A very common mistake is drying the umbrella open while away or at the office. This can be done exclusively at home and preferably without guests. To dry it at a party, place it in a special stand or simply hang it up.

4. Another mistake many people often make is placing their bag on their chair or on their lap. It is unacceptable! If a small elegant handbag can be placed directly on the table without a shadow of embarrassment, then a bulky bag or an oversized backpack should be hung on the back of a chair or placed on the floor. This rule applies if there is no special chair for bags, which is very often found in restaurants. Briefcases are placed exclusively on the floor.

5. It is considered outright redneck to wear plastic bags as a bag. It is acceptable to use them exclusively for delivering purchases home from the supermarket, but nothing more. The same applies to paper branded bags from various boutiques.

6. A man should never wear women's bag, A woman coat can be picked up solely to carry it to the locker room, and then hang it up and vice versa.

7. Home clothes are comfortable trousers and a sweater, but they must also have a decent appearance. Clothing such as a robe or pajamas is intended exclusively for the bedroom and bathroom.

8. One of the most common mistakes is made by parents. At the same time, as you give your child his own room, and he settles in it, you must strictly accustom yourself to the fact that you cannot enter the room without knocking if he is in it. In this case, the child should do exactly the same before entering your bedroom.

9. It is permissible for a woman not to take off such items of clothing as a hat and gloves indoors, but under no circumstances should she wear a hat and mittens.

10. The international protocol adopted total jewelry no more than 13 items, which also includes a variety of jewelry buttons. It is unacceptable to wear a ring over gloves, but wearing a bracelet is not at all prohibited. It is generally accepted in the world that the darker it is outside, the more expensive jewelry should be. It used to be believed that diamonds were considered jewelry exclusively for the evening and only for married ladies, but nowadays the practice of wearing diamonds on wedding occasions is normal. daytime days, as well as the appearance on a young girl of stud earrings with small diamonds of about 0.25 carats.

11. Many people are not familiar with the rules for paying for orders in a restaurant. If you uttered the phrase “I invite you,” then only you will pay accordingly. If a woman invited her business partner to a restaurant, then, accordingly, she must pay. There is another commonly used formulation: “Let's go to a restaurant.” This implies that everyone pays for themselves. Only if a man offers a woman to pay the bill for her does she have the right to agree.

12. The rules dictate that men should always enter the elevator first, and the one closest to the door should exit first.

13. Few people know that in a car the most prestigious place is considered to be the one behind the driver, which should be occupied by a woman, and the man sits next to her and when exiting the car, he must hold the door and give the woman his hand to help her get out of the car. If a man is sitting behind the wheel, then it is still preferable for a woman to take a seat immediately behind him. However, no matter where the woman is sitting, the man must get out, open the door for her and help her out of the car. Men often forget about this in our time, and women in business etiquette are increasingly using the feminist motto, which says that in business there is no division into men and women.

14. It is considered socially inappropriate to say in public that you are on a diet. And it is absolutely unacceptable, under such a pretext, to refuse the offered dishes that a hospitable hostess can offer you. It is necessary to praise her culinary talents, but it is acceptable not to eat anything. Oddly enough, the same is true with alcohol, and you shouldn’t publicly declare that you don’t drink. Why you can't drink is purely your problem. You can ask for dry white wine and just sip lightly.

15. Small talk has its own rules and a list of topics that are considered bad manners to discuss. In such a conversation, you should not start talking about religion, money, health, and you should also forget about politics. It is considered extremely indecent to be interested in the price of a dress or any other accessory of someone else's outfit. If you are asked such a question, it is best to smile and answer that it is a gift, and then carefully move the conversation to another topic. If the interlocutor does not calm down and continues to insist, politely say that you do not want to talk about it.

16. You need to address yourself not only to equal and older interlocutors, but also to every person over 12 years old. It sounds very rude when some people allow themselves to address waiters, drivers or doormen on a first-name basis. In public, it is best to address even a well-known friend using “you”. It is better to address yourself as “you” only in private. An exception would be if you are peers or close friends. What to do if the interlocutor is not familiar with the rules of good manners and stubbornly continues to address you on a first-name basis? First, it is best to politely ask if he is addressing you. If he didn’t understand your subtle hint, look back and ask in bewilderment if he meant you. In especially severe cases, you can shrug your shoulders neutrally and say, “Sorry, but we didn’t switch to “you”.”

Current page: 1 (book has 14 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]

Elena Vos
Young lady. Rules of good manners and style for girls

Good manners are better than good principles.

Oscar Wilde


Times change, and so do ideas about what is acceptable and what is not, but the rules of etiquette are always relevant.

Good manners, knowledge of the subtleties of communication, dress code rules are a universal way to achieve success, get a prestigious job, become interesting conversationalist, to be accepted in the best society, to win the heart of a man and to feel harmonious in any situation.

From this book you will learn what a girl should have in her wardrobe, how to meet and introduce herself first, and how to get an invitation to a date. And also: how to behave correctly in the office and at leisure, what self-presentation is and how not to spoil the first impression.

Knowing the rules of etiquette will help you get ready for a celebration and choose the right scent for the occasion, tell you how to behave at a party and what to answer if you are asked a tactless question.

Etiquette will tell you about accessories and handbags, what you need to know about brands, how to look elegant and get your way over the phone.

You will learn how to build relationships in a new team and write a resume. How to refuse correctly, and you will also learn how to become familiar, whether to tip, and what not to do at the bar. How to properly accept a compliment without blushing and how to maintain female friendship.

Convenient structure of the book (rules of etiquette in alphabetical order from A to Z) will allow you to easily find necessary information for all occasions.


Aristocratism today is a special, sophisticated, noble manner of behavior based on an impeccable knowledge of etiquette. Distinctive feature aristocratic style - adherence to norms of behavior in society and among close people, regardless of the situation.

Even when a person is upset or angry, he will not allow himself to be rude or cheeky towards others, no matter what their status or position. People of the aristocratic circle also do not allow rudeness or familiarity towards themselves.

There are not many people in the world who are aristocrats by birthright. However, any person can develop aristocratic manners if desired, and there are many examples of this in world history.


A scent can tell as much about a person as clothes or accessories. Finding your scent is not always easy. When choosing, before buying a bottle, drop some perfume on your wrist, rub it in and... leave the store.

According to experts, no earlier than in an hour you will know whether the smell suits you and how stable it is. The use of special paper strips for applying perfume does not always reflect the real picture.

The basic rule for using perfumes and other scented products is that they should give you pleasure and not annoy others. The persistent and tart aroma of perfume should not “strike” and interrupt all surrounding odors, especially if you are going to a restaurant or to a dinner party.

When choosing a scent, it is necessary to take into account the degree of its concentration. Within one line, perfumes, perfumes, and eau de toilettes can be presented. Perfume ( Perfume) – a product with a concentrated and strong, persistent aroma. They are combined with evening and festive clothes and are not recommended for young ladies, especially during the daytime.

Eau de parfum ( Eau de Parfume) is a less concentrated product. The aroma of eau de parfum does not attract too much attention from others and is therefore ideal for use on a regular weekday. Eau de parfum is also often called daytime perfume. The aroma of eau de parfum lasts up to 4-5 hours.

Eau de Toilette ( Eau de Toilette) has an even lighter scent, which is recommended to be “worn” in the warm season and can be “renewed” throughout the day. Perfect option for young girls. However, it should be remembered that on hot days it is better not to use any perfumed products, with the exception of deodorants or antiperspirants (preferably with a neutral smell or without it at all).

It is worth considering that perfumes and other aromatic products in a bottle have an expiration date; their aroma may change over time due to contact with air.

If the bottle is filled less than halfway or stored in the light or in a hot place, the perfume may turn sour. The shelf life of perfume in the form of sprays and aerosols is almost unlimited.

Do not forget that for each person the perception of the same aroma is individual. Therefore, it is not customary to impose or discuss odors; in relation to a perfumed product, it is only permissible to express your own attitude to the aroma.

The closer you are to communicate with the interlocutor, the subtler the aroma should be used. A bright, tart smell is unacceptable in an office, university or college. Particular attention should be paid to the use of perfume during an interview. To meet with strangers and the employer recommends using light eau de toilette or unscented deodorant. There are known cases of refusal to hire because the applicant's perfume is too rich.

It is recommended to apply perfume to the skin in places of pulsation, to open areas, for example, on the neck, behind the ears, on the wrist, perhaps in the hollow of the chest or in the crook of the arm. You should not put perfume on your fur. For clothes - better in the evening. Before an evening event, you can spray perfume and envelop yourself in a cloud of aroma. However, you should not spray perfume on stale skin or use fragrances in the bikini area. It is strictly not recommended to mix scents or apply several perfume compositions at the same time.

Tactless questions

In a situation where your interlocutor has confused you with an impolite or tactless question, do not rush to answer him with rudeness or leave. It is permissible not to answer a tactless question and make it clear to the interlocutor that you do not intend to discuss the topic raised. Pretend you didn't hear the question and move the conversation to another topic.

If the question concerns personal life and is asked loudly enough for others to be interested in the answer, a neutral, polite answer is acceptable: “I would not like to discuss this topic,” “This concerns me personally,” “I think this topic It’s better not to discuss.” Do not give in to emotions and change the tone of communication; refusal to answer is pronounced in a calm, even tone.

If you have been given a standard one for your life situation question, it is permissible to translate the answer into a joke. To the question: “When will you get married?”, it is enough to answer: “I will tell you about it first.” Impolite relatives often sin with such questions, and there is no point in arguing with them.

In the case when a tactless question is asked by a well-known person, friend or relative face to face, it is permissible to slightly pull the interlocutor back and, demonstrating dissatisfaction, openly ask not to ask such questions. In society, as well as in communication with respected and older people, it is not customary to point out a person’s mistake.

You are not supposed to discuss absent persons, as well as those who made a mistake or found themselves in a difficult situation. However, if you are willing to protect the person, this is always welcome.



A popular form in the 21st century, especially in Western countries, acquired a guest or, in other words, extraterritorial marriage. In a guest marriage, legal formalities are observed and partners are officially, legally registered. The peculiarity of such a marriage is that the spouses do not live together in the same territory, but only visit each other from time to time. Spouses live on neighboring streets or in different cities– it doesn’t matter, the main thing is separately.

This unusual form of marriage has both fans and opponents, who often call such relationships “coming”. Adhering to one point of view or another, you should not criticize, ridicule or give advice on changing the situation; it is better to accept the circumstances and support the couple.

If in a situation guest marriage a friend got into trouble, she needs understanding and support, not indignation and distrust towards her husband.

It is worth distinguishing between the reasons for a family’s transition to this form of marriage. A guest marriage can be “by conviction” or “by circumstances”. Due to circumstances, young people who do not have their own housing live separately, for example, with their parents, or creative personalities requiring privacy. Quarreling spouses leave without filing a divorce, as if temporarily separating. Sometimes spouses are forced to live in different cities, and sometimes countries, for reasons of work and study. Guest marriage is also a popular form of business marriage, in which the family lives in country house, and her businessman husband comes to visit his family for the weekend.

Such marriages are usually called a newfangled phenomenon, but no less a shining example are Russian noble families, the heads of which lived in cities for six months, and their spouses lived in estates.

If a guest marriage turns out to be forced, it’s worth saving emotional connection: write, send SMS and call as often as possible.

Psychologists warn that guest marriage cannot be considered a trial period for the future. family life. Only a year or two of real coexistence can show the true state of affairs.

Do not forget that over time, living at a distance reduces spiritual closeness. Not every man will feel married in such a marriage, and therefore... obligated to be faithful, provide for and preserve the family.

Even in a guest marriage, the amount of attention, bouquets and compliments inevitably decreases over time. If their disappearance is not supported in time by a sense of reliability and friendship, then the guest marriage will have to be dissolved.

Having chosen a guest marriage, you should not make excuses to others. If you don’t while away your evenings talking about the eternal, it doesn’t mean that you don’t love each other.

Due to the fact that the official and formal side of such a marriage is observed, disapproval rarely arises in the environment, more often - bewilderment and curiosity. If the couple is not ready to discuss the situation with others, it is better not to bother with questions, but it will be easy for friends and relatives to save a good relationship with each family member.

For those wishing to congratulate both wife and husband, for example, with a Christmas card, it is recommended to send two cards, addressing them to each family member and his family.

Having decided to move from a guest marriage to a regular one, the spouse must act diplomatically. Don't rush to make a scandal, try to spend more time together, demonstrating a desire to reunite.


Speaking about the concept " civil marriage", it is necessary to distinguish the legal definition of the concept from the usual colloquial one. Big Soviet encyclopedia interpreted civil marriage as a union formalized in state (civil) authorities, but without the participation of the church. Today in everyday life this term is understood as actual, but not formalized in the relevant authorities. state power marriage. Thus, most people consider a civil marriage to be unofficial.

A couple living together, but not registering a relationship, determines the status of their relationship themselves, calling themselves a family or simply close people. There is no need to clarify the details if the couple publicly calls their life together a marriage, and each other husband and wife. In this case, people expect understanding and agreement from others. The main thing is that this form of cohabitation suits both partners and that each of them observes the norms of politeness and respect for each other.

The practice of unregistered marriage is becoming increasingly popular. In the so-called civil marriage, couples see an opportunity to learn more about each other in the process life together. The reasons leading to a “civil” marriage are different. It is believed that for men this is often an opportunity to evade unnecessary responsibility, a desire to build a relationship with a minimum of obligations, doubts about a partner; for women - a manifestation of independence and reluctance to insist on registering a relationship. With the help of an unregistered marriage, women often try to preserve love, fearing that the presence of an official stamp will disrupt the relationship.

Disputes about opportunities, benefits and harms in the absence official registration relationships often arise in in social networks. Opponents of civil marriage argue for the low responsibility of partners and the lack of obligations to each other. When entering into such a discussion or correspondence, it is worth remembering that opinions vary; it is not recommended to incite thematic battles and use obscene language towards opponents who have a different opinion.

Oddly enough, unregistered cohabitation is not a trend of the present time; it has existed for a long time, often in relationships between people who have already been married. According to historical tradition, parents young man are more likely to agree to a civil marriage for a child than the girl’s parents.

When choosing such a marriage, it is worth remembering what difficulties may arise in the family in the event of the birth of a child, as well as when resolving property and financial issues.

It is important for the couple that such a marriage does not turn out to be protracted and, over time, helps them make a decision about formalizing the relationship.

Acquaintances, friends, colleagues and relatives in social life it is not recommended to ask suggestive questions and make hints about the official registration of marriage. Also, you should not use the expression “cohabitation” and especially “fornication”. The term “cohabitation” is often used to define such relationships by internal affairs bodies, and the word “fornication” reflects the church’s attitude towards unregistered marriage.


Trial or temporary marriage (experimental marriage) is a voluntary agreement between a couple cohabitation and joint farming before entering into official marriage or until the relationship ends. In some countries, such as Scandinavian countries, this form of marriage is recognized by law and has legal force.

The duration of the trial marriage is determined by individual agreement of the parties and is often reflected in the marriage contract if it is concluded. At the end of the specified period, the legal and other relations between the spouses are considered completed, unless the couple enters into a legal marriage.

The terms of the written agreement may provide for cases of separation earlier than the agreed date, for example, a lump sum payment of alimony. A similar agreement in Scandinavian countries often contains a clause stating that the couple will not bear a child during the trial marriage.

Many couples in Russia consider a trial marriage not as cohabitation, but as a serious rehearsal for family life. By gaining experience, young people test the possibility of jointly managing a common household, everyday life, as well as the ability to adapt to each other.

It is important that the trial marriage does not drag on. Psychologists recommend a period of six months to a year.

A couple entering into a trial marriage should take into account that psychologically in a trial marriage the man considers himself free, and the woman – a spouse.

At the end of the trial marriage period, a woman who is ready to enter into an official marriage is not recommended to agree to extend the term of an unregistered relationship, otherwise the situation of uncertainty may drag on.



If you are a vegetarian and do not consume all foods, you should not refuse a party or friendly company. If you doubt whether your principles and culinary preferences will be appreciated by others, try not to attract special attention. A close friend It is recommended to warn her, she will be able to choose suitable dishes for you, but you should not bother her with preparing a particularly complex dish - during the preparation for the holiday, your friend is unlikely to have much time.

If your friend doesn’t mind, you can bring a dish that suits you with you and put it on the table. In this case, it is worth considering that other guests may also be interested and try the food. In this regard, it is desirable that there is enough food.

The menus of restaurants and cafes almost always have a section of vegetarian dishes; When ordering, you can choose dishes on the same basis as everyone else. However, when going to a gala reception or dinner party, you should not draw attention to the choice of vegetarian dishes, unless you are asked about it.

It is not recommended to burden your hospitable relatives with their taste preferences, otherwise your appearance in their home will cause inconvenience. Try to find something suitable among the dishes and be sure to praise the dish.

If you are persistently offered to try meat, refuse politely and calmly: “Thank you, I see that this is very appetizing, but I will refuse.”

When inviting a vegetarian friend to visit, it is permissible to discuss the menu with her, and also warn her that there will be not only vegetarians at the table.

Drink party

Drink party, or drink party ( party), is a general name for parties dedicated to drinks. A party gets its name at the discretion of the organizers, often depending on the main drink served or the rules of the establishment. For example, short drink party– short cocktail party, evening drink party, where on a certain day all drinks are served free to ladies.

For many, such a party is a form of relaxation, but it is worth considering that alcoholic drinks are served at the party.

You shouldn’t go to such a party alone, and you shouldn’t stay until the morning if the girl has to get home alone. Drink parties are not conducive to serious acquaintances and friendships - for visitors it is an opportunity to relax and spend the evening. Often a drink party turns into an evening of short acquaintances.

During a cocktail party, visitors have the opportunity to get acquainted with the taste and names of various cocktail drinks. Beer lovers should choose a beer party and enjoy various types of beer. During hookah evenings, Arabic music is often played and belly dancing is performed.

When going to such a party, choose a venue and theme that appeals to you. The dress code depends on the status of the establishment and the event.

It is worth considering that many establishments have their own rules of communication and circle of regulars.

It’s easy to organize a drink party at home, but it’s worth considering that a party in an establishment means not only the consumption of drinks, but also an organized, often stylized program of the evening, a drawing of souvenirs, and a concert program.

When organizing a party at home, try not to disturb your neighbors and comply with the rules of public decency.

Pajama party

Pajama party – special kind friendly party, implying free style clothes reminiscent of home or directly in pajamas. The room is arranged accordingly: for example, blankets and pillows on the floor, favorite soft toys.

For a pajama party, it is important to choose the composition of the guests. This is a girls' friendly party, but the party decides whether men should attend the party.

Such a party encourages open, trusting communication. Before you cry into your pillow, evaluate whether you will regret your sincerity.

In addition to the pajama party, you can choose any other type of stylistic evening. For a party in the spirit of the 90s you will need stylish clothes, music and salads. Guests come to masquerade parties in costumes and makeup.

It is important that participants know the topic in advance. If someone is not ready to actively participate, there is no point in forcing them – let them be a spectator.


The form of invitation to a reception or celebration is selected depending on the composition of the guests and the formality of the event. Friends, work colleagues and relatives are usually invited by telephone or in person. In honor of the official reception, an official invitation is sent. In social life, invitations are also sent in honor of significant event at large quantities guests, for example for a wedding, anniversary or housewarming.

Invite a guest to friendly party or for a bachelorette party it is enough to call or e-mail. However, you can create attractive, special invitations for a theme party.

An official invitation is issued from a third party. “XX is invited”, “XX invites”, “XX has the pleasure to invite”. An invitation to tea is written in the first person. If a couple is invited, the husband's name is listed first. In cases where the partner's name is unknown, "Mr. XX and his wife" are invited.

It is permissible to issue an invitation to a house party on your own behalf as the hostess of the holiday.

The invitation should contain basic information about the upcoming event: name of the invitee, location, date and time of the event. In addition to the required information, the invitation often indicates the dress code of the event, a telephone number to respond to the invitation, or the address of the hostess where the response should be sent.

A written invitation is sent in an envelope by mail, and for especially important guests - by courier.

The time for sending invitations is two to three weeks before the event, for less significant meetings - ten days or a week. The date of departure and signature are not included in the invitation.

Having received an invitation, you must respond to it. It is obligatory to respond to the invitation with the mark “Just in time” or the uncrossed letters “R.S.V.P.” ( repondez, s`il vous plait): most likely this is an invitation to a banquet with seating, where the composition and number of guests are especially important. You don’t have to respond to all other invitations, but if you know the hostess of the party well, then it is advisable to inform her about your presence personally.

The response to the invitation must be sent as soon as possible, at least ten days, and at most a week before the date of the event. If you have doubts and are not sure about your plans, it is better to refuse participation. Answers like “depending on circumstances” or “will know later” are impolite and will not be accepted.

If you have declined the invitation but are still able to attend, you must contact the event organizers. In the case of a seated banquet, you should not show up without receiving a positive response; There will most likely be room for a buffet or cocktail reception.

If you have agreed to participate, you must attend the event. If circumstances have changed, inform the hostess as quickly as possible, apologizing and giving a valid reason.

The response to an official invitation is expressed in a third person.

Accepting an invitation:“XX gratefully accepts your invitation to attend the reception to be held at (place), (date).”

Declining invitation:“XX is very grateful to you for your invitation to take part in the reception, which will take place at (place), (date), but, unfortunately, cannot accept it due to the planned meeting on that day.”

If, of two invitees, one cannot take part in the banquet, and the other agrees to come, the refusal and acceptance of the invitation are noted in one letter.

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