Clown fish in a freshwater aquarium. Clown fish report. The most common aquarium species

Many of us are extremely attracted to the underwater world. And even if in front of us is only a small particle of it in the form of an ordinary aquarium, it still looks beautiful and incomprehensible. A glass vessel in which graceful fish move freely, in which there are small grottoes, driftwood, and algae, very quickly begins to be perceived as a decoration for the entire house. And often among the inhabitants of the aquarium you can find a clown fish.

Surely the majority aquarium clowns familiar from the well-known cartoon “Finding Nemo”. And it should be noted that it was this Disney work that gave impetus to a new surge in the popularity of this amazing fish.

general description

In general, clown fish live in the Pacific and Indian oceans, in their coastal coral reefs. Clowns have very bright and attractive colors to us: their entire body is decorated with orange, white, and black stripes. The clown also has fins edged with black, a rather dense body and short head. The back is crowned with a fin divided into 2 parts.

Clowns have one interesting distinctive feature. The fact is that these fish constantly make clicking sounds, as if they were grumbling.

It is noteworthy that in its natural environment habitat, this fish “cooperates” very well with poisonous sea anemones sea ​​anemones. How does it manifest itself? Team work"? The bright clown attracts predators and lures them to the sea anemone, and then is content with the remains of food.

Since anemones give clownfish a sense of security, anemones are usually stocked in the aquarium. When their number is small, the stronger fish begin to crowd out the weaker ones. However, keeping this fish is possible without sea anemones: if the aquarium has grottoes and other shelters. Let's talk in more detail about how to ensure proper maintenance of a clown at home.

Proper care

A clownfish located in an aquarium requires special care. Let's note the main points:

  • First of all, aquarium fish only accept good quality water. The clown can't stand it increased level nitrites;
  • It is important to consult with a specialist before adding such a fish to an aquarium. The fact is that individual species in an aquarium they begin to show aggression due to space restrictions;
  • It is advisable to place a couple in the aquarium, and an already established one. Then they will most likely reproduce. The maintenance of these inhabitants also presupposes their cohabitation with non-aggressive neighbors;
  • In an aquarium whose volume does not exceed 100 liters, it is undesirable to place more than 2 fish.

In addition to the above, it is also important to pay attention to the basic parameters that must be observed in the aquarium:

  • optimal temperature regime– this is about 25-27 degrees above zero;
  • acidity should be within 8-8.4;
  • and density is 1.020-1.025.

In addition, aquarium clowns require sufficient lighting. The water in the aquarium is replaced by 20% twice a month.

The clown is absolutely unpretentious in food, which allows you to feed it shrimp, squid, fish, as well as algae, dry flakes and granules. The flock is fed 2 or 3 times a day.

Reproduction issues

All clowns are male at birth, they just can change their gender later. This is very interesting: each group of fish has its own dominant pair. This pair is two large fish that are engaged in reproduction. And if suddenly the female dies, the male will simply change sex and look for another mate.

The female clownfish lays eggs among sea anemones. In their absence in the aquarium (or in the ocean, if we talk about the natural environment), spawning occurs under a rock or in a grotto. It should be noted that parents are very protective of the place where eggs are laid. After approximately 8-10 days, hatching begins. Aquarium fry should be removed from general aquarium. You can do this calmly, as there is no effect on the growth and development of the fish. this procedure does not provide.

This is how unusual it is aquarium fish, considered by us. It should be noted that clowns are often chosen by aquarists precisely because they are interesting and entertaining.

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Every aquarist wants to have a fish that is not only bright or beautiful, but also extremely interesting, which would be interesting to watch, which would please the eye and attract attention with its unique behavior. The clown loach is exactly such a fish.

Description and characteristics

Botia macracantha (clown) was discovered in Indonesia, and in 1852 it was described by the scientist Blekker. The bright appearance of the fish was so unusual that very soon the botia became a resident of aquariums all over the world. The clown botsia fish grows up to 20-25 cm in length . IN its dimensions can reach 40 cm and even more, but in home care it's half the size.

There are almost no visible gender differences. Only in mature age experts can distinguish males from females.

Clown battle spikes.

The body shape is elongated, the sides are compressed, and antennae are located near the mouth, which is directed downward.

There are spines under the eyes with which it protects itself from predatory fish. These spines are usually not noticeable, since they are covered with a leather bag, but in a moment of danger they quickly come out. True, such a spike comes out only for a split second, which is why there are so few photos where this protection is visible.

When fishing from an aquarium, you must be especially careful, otherwise the spikes may become entangled in the net, which will harm the fish. It is better to use a plastic container for catching.

The body color is very impressive - there are three contrasting black stripes on a yellow-orange background. Red lower fins and a similarly colored tail add a pop of color.

The coloring is especially rich in young fish. At proper care botia can live up to 20 years. During this time, the body coloring loses its brightness, but even slightly faded centenarians look quite attractive.

These aquarium fish are interesting not only for their color, but also for their unusual behavior. For example, not every aquarist will be able to calmly look at the fact that in his aquarium the fish are swimming upside down. And a botia can sleep like that. She also likes to rest on her side, at the bottom of the aquarium. True, if you know about this feature of the clown, then such pranks are scary.

Clown loach is a fish that requires careful maintenance. Therefore, some requirements must be strictly followed:

  • since in the natural environment the botia lives in a large school, it should be provided with a school in the aquarium (at least 3 fish, and preferably 6 or more);
  • Based on the size and number of fish, the aquarium must have a volume of at least 250 liters;
  • the water temperature should be from 24 to 30 degrees;
  • Macracantha is planted only in settled water;
  • water softness should be (5 - 12 dGH) with pH: 6.0-6.5;
  • a filter with high power is needed in order to create a flow of water, because the botia needs large quantities oxygen;
  • in order for the fish to feel comfortable and safe, it needs to be provided with many shelters, small grottoes, caves and other hidden places;
  • the soil should be soft, since this inhabitant likes to burrow into the ground;
  • The aquarium must be covered, otherwise the macracanth may jump out of the water.

A varied diet for aquarium inhabitants is the key to their good health.

If the maintenance of clowns is ensured at the proper level, then there will be no difficulty with food - maracantha is not picky about food. She willingly eats frozen food, live food, fruits and vegetables. Aquarium plants and even snails, if present, are well eaten. When eating, a slight clicking sound may be heard, this is how the clown shows his pleasure. From such clicking, you can determine what this resident of the aquarium likes best. But no matter how much the clown botia loves a certain food, it is necessary to ensure that the pet receives a variety of food.


Macracanta cannot be called an aggressive resident. There is good compatibility of the clown loach with other fish. However, the botia cannot resist biting the luxurious tail of a goldfish or veiltail, so they cannot be planted in the same aquarium. It is also better to keep the small inhabitants away - they are frightened by the unusual clicking of the macracanths.

Table of compatibility of bots with other aquarium inhabitants.

Attacks of aggression occur in the bot if it is kept without a pack. Then, as the cleavers grow older, they begin to “sort out relationships” with the inhabitants of an aquarium of their own size. That is why it is strongly recommended to keep the bot in a flock.

Barbs, tetras or zebrafish will be good neighbors. Ideal for cohabitation with the loaches are other representatives of the loaches.


In the case of the clown bot, the aquarium industry was faced with a difficult task - in nature, the fish spawns in conditions that practically cannot be created artificially, so breeding clown bots in a regular aquarium fails. There are clubs that have been trying unsuccessfully to breed their own clown fry for decades. Artificial spawning grounds are created, conditions are brought as close as possible to natural ones, special preparations are administered to the fish, but few can boast of successfully breeding their own bots, Clown breeding is extremely problematic.

Some breeders from Europe managed to obtain offspring from clown bots.

Usually, fry are caught in their natural environment, grown to a certain size and only then sent for sale.

Therefore, when looking at the macracanthus botia through an aquarium glass, you should not forget that this is a guest from a distant continent.

For those who decided to build their business on breeding these amazing fish It is strongly recommended that you seriously weigh your strengths and capabilities.

Diseases and their treatment

The cheerful disposition of the macracantha can only manifest itself if the fish is healthy. But there are some diseases of clown loaches that can depress this inhabitant of the aquarium.

In order not to introduce infection into your aquarium, it is necessary for everyone new fish quarantine for a week.

All diseases of aquarium fish can be divided into:

The main treatment for these diseases is the use of medicinal drugs and the creation of maximum conditions for the recovery of fish.

Below are several diseases that the clown botia most often suffers from.

In this case, it is necessary to immediately remove the fish and treat it with Baktopur or Kostopur. Good result gives treatment for clown bots with delagil.

You should not hope that you can cope with the disease on your own; the disease may progress to a more complex stage, when it will take a very long time to save your pet.

Chemical poisoning

Bots are very demanding on the composition of water, so unsettled or poorly settled water can cause serious harm to their health. Chlorine poisoning often occurs.

In this case, the fish has difficulty breathing, the gills become covered with mucus, and the color changes - it becomes pale. The behavior of macracantha when poisoned is very restless. First, the fish literally tries to jump out of the aquarium. After some time, the activity fades away, the reaction to any stimuli decreases, and the pet dies.

If such symptoms appear, you must immediately transplant the fish into clean, settled water. And to prevent this from happening, it is necessary to regularly check the level of chlorine in the water.

Oxygen deficiency

The clown loach requires a large amount of oxygen, but if there is not enough oxygen, a disease may develop in which appetite is lost, suffocation occurs and death occurs.

It is not difficult to notice the lack of air - fish are constantly at the surface of the water and often catch air with their mouths. Snails also react very subtly to the lack of oxygen - they rise to the top of the aquarium.

To avoid trouble, the aquarium must have filters and aerators of the required power.

Peptic ulcer

By purchasing low-quality food in questionable places, you can introduce the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens, the causative agent of peptic ulcers.

As the disease spreads, dark spots begin to appear on the fish’s body, which then turn into ulcers. The abdomen of a sick macracanth increases, although the appetite noticeably decreases. Damage to the scales is observed, the eyes become larger due to bulging eyes.

For treatment, it is necessary to remove the sick individual and use streptocide, at a rate of 1 tablet per 1 liter of water. If there is no streptocide, potassium permanganate will do, the main thing is to provide immediate treatment.

Not all aquarists can accurately identify the disease, so if unusual symptoms, lethargy of the fish or loss of appetite appear, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Botia clown is an extremely interesting fish, however, it requires special care and certain knowledge. Some experts advise only experienced aquarists to keep such fish. However, with a responsible approach, with great desire and love for macracanths, you can successfully keep these fish, gaining experience in their company.

All of you have undoubtedly seen clown fish. In the popular American cartoon " Finding Nemo“It is the clown fish that is the main character. After this cartoon, the demand for these fish increased sharply. Despite the fact that the Hollywood film's release has long ended, demand still exceeds supply. Currently, captive-bred clownfish only meet half of the demand. The remaining half is compensated by wild-caught fish.

Of course, clown fish are very beautiful. Few aquarium fish can boast such a bright, memorable appearance. In addition, this is one of the few sea fish that is completely life cycle which can occur in captivity. Small aquarium farms in the United States were the first to produce fish fry. Gradually, other aquarists adopted their experience.

In captivity, clownfish live on coral reefs, in anemone thickets. They're not afraid stinging cells tentacles of sea anemones, and use them as shelter. Having found a new sea anemone, the clown “grinds” against it, allowing itself to be stung a little. When receiving stinging blows, the fish quickly learns to produce a special mucus that envelops its entire body and makes it insensitive to the venom of sea anemones.

Having received immunity, the clown fish can calmly “swim” in the tentacles of sea anemones, leaving them only occasionally to feed or take a walk. This method of close coexistence of several different biological species called symbiosis, and clown fish with sea anemones are the most obvious example of symbosis. Anemones protect fish from predators, and fish clean anemones from debris and dirt and ventilate the water among the tentacles.

Clown fish can live separately from sea anemones - among the crevices of underwater rocks or in the grottoes of coral reefs. But this happens rarely, and only when there are few sea anemones and there are not enough of them for all the fish living nearby. Among clowns, sexual dimorphism is pronounced. Females are larger, bolder and more aggressive. Males are more phlegmatic. In a flock, it is the females who become leaders. They choose the most comfortable place on seabed, driving away smaller individuals from the attractive sea anemone. When there is enough space for everyone, there is a complete idyll. If there are few favorite sea anemones, then life-or-death struggles begin. It was the struggle for territory that became the reason for such bright colors. Clowns don’t need to camouflage themselves from their enemies (no one will climb into this sea “nettle”), but they need to warn their brothers and sisters that this place is occupied.

From birth, all individuals are males. Some become females. Moreover, the number of females is such that the entire flock has enough “maneuvers” for reproduction. If one of the females dies, then a male takes her place and changes sex. Thus, in a school of fish there is always a possibility of procreation.

In nature, clown fish live up to 10 years. But in captivity it takes twice as long. Although fish reproduce in conditions close to natural, it is quite easy in an aquarium (for sea ​​fish) get healthy offspring. The clutch is looked after by the male, who behaves very carefully. He fans the eggs with his fins, saturating them with oxygen. He catches the missing eggs with his mouth and removes them from the clutch. Sometimes the female also joins the male. Clownfish are monogamous. Their family has existed for several years. Because they live in warm tropical waters Indian and Pacific oceans, then they can reproduce all year round. The female is capable of spawning until she is 12-13 years old.

Artificial sea ​​water in the aquarium should have a density of about 1.02, with about 34 grams of salts for each liter of liquid. Due to the fact that this type of fish is natural conditions lives in tropical seas Where the waters are warm enough, the temperature in the aquarium is required to be at least 26 and no more than 31°C.

The cleanliness of the aquarium is maintained using a biological filter; organic particles may also periodically accumulate on the surface of the soil, which should be removed with a siphon. The most suitable soil for amphiprions is coral sand, the particle size of which should be from 3 to 6 mm. The size of the sand layer is recommended 8 - 9 mm.

Fish need to replace part of the water in the aquarium every week - about 25%. Care must be taken to ensure that chemical composition fresh water was no different.

Amphiprion is a clown fish!


Clowns are not at all capricious in terms of nutrition. They need to be fed several times a day, giving food in small portions. Due to the fact that all the leftovers from the fish’s meals go to the sea anemone, waste from these inhabitants of the aquarium is minimal. Therefore, unlike other representatives underwater world, living near coral reefs, amphiprions will need not too expensive and fairly simple equipment for water purification.

Clowns eat all the traditional foods that can be found in pet stores. A special treat for them is frozen food. Due to the not picky nature of such inhabitants, they eat almost everything that fits in their mouth.

The most famous types of amphiprions:

  • Pied-nosed amphiprion
  • Orange amphiprion
  • Tomato clown
  • Moorish clown
  • Clown pink
  • Red and black clown


The entire genus of amphiprions has about 25 varieties, but of these they can be kept in home aquarium no more than 10. This is due to the fact that some fish live either in places that are too difficult to catch, or their catching is generally prohibited.

The most common species found in captivity are:

– clarkii – chocolate fish, the most common among the entire genus. The color of its body ranges from a dark yellow tint to almost black. She has a slightly elongated body, a small mouth and small teeth;

– ocellaris – a representative of this particular species is the main character of the cartoon about Nemo the fish. For all his pretty appearance, he is quite aggressive. Their belligerence, arrogance and self-confidence are simply amazing, and it is explained by the fact that at the slightest danger the fish can hide among the tentacles of an anemone, becoming inaccessible;

– melanopus – they are very similar to some other species. The main difference between this type is pelvic fins, completely painted black. Representatives of this species are not recommended to be kept together with other varieties of amphiprions;

Amphiprion is a clown fish!

– perideraion – characteristic feature The pink clown is a light stripe running along the back of the fish. They are less common than other species of the genus Amphiprion. The fish is not as bright as some other representatives of this kind, but, nevertheless, it is quite easy to maintain.

Appearance of amphiprions

Clown fish are distinguished not only by their bright colors, but also by their body shape. They have a short back and a flattened body (from the sides). These fish have one dorsal fin, divided into two parts by a kind of notch. One of the parts (the one closer to the head) has prickly thorns, while the other, on the contrary, is very soft.

The body length of amphiprions can vary from 15 to 20 centimeters. There is a lot of mucus on the skin of these fish; it protects them from the stinging cells of sea anemones, among which clown fish spend quite a lot of time. The skin of amphiprions has a contrasting color, always in bright shades, with a predominance of: yellow, blue, white, orange flowers.

Reproduction of amphiprions

Unusual phenomenon, associated with sexual transformation, is present in the life of every amphiprion. The fact is that every clown fish is born as a male. And only upon reaching a certain age and size does a male individual turn into a female. However, in natural habitats, a group of amphiprions has only one female - the dominant one, she in a special way (at the physical and hormonal level) suppresses the transformation of males into females.

During the breeding season, amphiprions lay up to several thousand eggs. Eggs are laid on flat stones in the immediate vicinity of anemone thickets. The maturation of future fry lasts about 10 days.

Amphiprion is a clown fish!


The best neighbors for clowns are peaceful fish not showing aggression. These include gobies, butterfly fish, blennies, chromis, cardinals and others.

A variety of carnivorous fish, such as triggerfish, eels, lionfish or groupers, can pose a danger to amphiprions, so keeping amphiprions with such inhabitants is highly not recommended.


Previously, scientists believed that clownfish and other representatives of this family simply have an innate immunity to the poison that is secreted by the tentacles of sea anemones. But studies have shown that such immunity is produced and maintained in a special way only to one specific type of sea anemone. When the fish approaches the polyp's tentacles for the first time, it touches them lightly and immediately swims away. This process is repeated several times. During this “training”, the fish’s body becomes covered with a layer of sticky mucus, becoming insensitive to its stinging cells. When, in this way, the fish gets used to one sea anemone, it does not get burned, swimming in the middle of the tentacles. On the contrary, she tries to rub against them every time. But if the fish ends up among the tentacles of another type of sea anemone, it may die immediately.

Clown fish - description and photographs.

All fry clown fish are born males, but during life the fish changes sex if the female of the pair dies. Characteristic is that the males are much smaller than the females, the head is short, the body is flattened laterally, and the back is high. The upper fin is divided, the front part has spiny spines, and the back part is soft. It is this difference that visually separates the dorsal fin, and in appearance it seems that there are two of them. Clown fish are unpretentious in food; the main food for amphitryon is microscopic algae and small crustaceans. Clown fish live in schools, always led by an old and large female. During the spawning period, the fish lays from several hundred to a thousand eggs on flat stones, next to its neighbor anemone. Caviar ripening occurs within 10 days. While the fry are developing, the clown fish courageously guards them.

Aquarium clown fish.

Clown fish are quite popular among aquarists because of their bright colors and interesting behavior: You can watch them for hours, losing track of time. Another huge advantage of keeping clown fish in an aquarium is their unpretentiousness compared to other coral fish. But even this seemingly cute little fish has a minus - in captivity, the clown fish becomes quite aggressive. And this must be taken into account when adding it to other fish in the aquarium. The color of aquarium fish exactly repeats the natural one, large black stripes alternate with red or orange and white. The fins are edged black, and the irises around the eyes are bright orange. The only difference: the stripes can have different shapes.

Let those living in the aquarium always attract attention due to their brightness and unusualness. An aquarium filled with bright algae, graceful fish and mysterious grottoes is sure to become the best decoration for your home. Among the inhabitants of a marine aquarium, clown fish are quite common. This nimble fish became especially popular after the cartoon “Finding Nemo”. Since then, many adults and children have been trying to increase their knowledge about aquariums in order to allow themselves to start a marine aquarium with this beautiful fish.

Habitat Features

Clown fish live in warm coastal areas of the Pacific and Indian oceans. This typical representative tropical fauna. The clown fish, whose life description can be found quite often, lives in the sea in the tentacles of an anemone. These anemones are poisonous, but they do not harm this fish. These two animals have a mutually beneficial cooperation: the clown attracts predators with its appearance. By rushing at the fish, predators themselves become prey for the sea anemone. What remains of the anemone's meal goes to the clown. Moreover, he feels protected among the tentacles. Clown fish in an aquarium also need anemones - if there are few of them, stronger individuals displace the weaker ones from the polyps. True, if the aquarium has grottoes and shelters, sea anemones are not so necessary.


Among sea anemones, the clownfish stands out for its bright color. The entire body of the fish is decorated with white, black and orange stripes. The edges of the fins are decorated with a black border. The body is plump, the head is short. The dorsal fin is divided into two parts by a white stripe.

We must not forget that the aquarium clown fish is a marine fish. Caring for such aquariums is much more difficult. But all the effort is worth it. A well-designed marine aquarium is not the cheapest pleasure. Equipment for maintaining tropical sea ​​conditions together with a suitable container will cost about $600.

The minimum dimensions of an aquarium for keeping a clown fish are: 80 cm length, 45 cm height, and 35 cm width. This aquarium can contain up to three fish. It should not stand in a clear place, as the fish are afraid of being cold.

No matter how many fish live in your home, it is necessary to ensure reliable water filtration. The clown fish in the aquarium prefers clean water Therefore, all contaminants must be removed in a timely manner.

The ideal salt level for clowns is 1.021-1.023. It's best to have a hydrometer handy to be sure of the salinity. Ammonia, nitrates and nitrites should be kept to a minimum. A 20-25% water change should be done weekly. Optimal temperature for clowns - 25-26 degrees. Seahorses will be good neighbors for these fish.


Clown fish are not picky eaters at all. These individuals will perfectly eat special dry food, but if possible, it is better to feed them frozen - brine shrimp or shrimp.


The clown fish has an extremely interesting system reproductions. The fact is that all its fry are males. Subsequently, after the formation of a school, one of the fish becomes a female. The most combative of the males becomes the sire. He is much larger than the others.

The female lays eggs next to the sea anemone. If they are absent, eggs may be deposited in a grotto or under a rock. Parents protect the eggs until they hatch. After 8-10 days the fry appear. The best thing to do is to plant them right away.

However, if for some reason it is not possible to transplant the fry, the male will take care of them himself. He will protect and look after the cubs until they reach full maturity.

The aquarium clown fish has interesting and unique abilities. If for some reason the female dies, her place is taken by the breeding male. He himself becomes a female and chooses a partner from a group of other males.

In addition to changing sex, these fish are able to control their growth. Thus, the breeding male is much larger than other males, who restrain their growth so as not to be persecuted. But if a manufacturer dies, contenders for his place begin to grow not just by the hour, but literally before our eyes. After the female chooses a partner, the others stop growing again.

Despite the fact that clownfish prefer to live near sea anemones, it is not necessary to keep one. But it is not recommended for beginner aquarists. The fact is that it is quite difficult to care for it, so it is better to put grottoes or rocks for the fish.

Not only beginner aquarists, but even experienced fish lovers often choose clowns for breeding, as they can bring a lot of joy to their owner.

Clown fish can get along with almost anyone sea ​​dweller. They are only incompatible with frogs, sharks, lion fish, monkfish and eels.

It is best to purchase clownfish that are born in captivity rather than wild caught. Such fish will quickly get used to new living conditions and will successfully reproduce in the aquarium.

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