The most necessary applications for Android. The most necessary applications for Android tablets

There are mobile applications that, despite all their advanced functionality, should not be installed on an Android smartphone. Typically, these applications include energy- and resource-intensive applications. And even more so, special vigilance is required when it comes to applications that top the ratings of resource hogs.

One of the latest ratings contains results as of the beginning of May 2017.


The application is a tool used to update Google applications and applications obtained from Google Play. If you delete Google app Play services, some other applications may not work. By default, the Google Play services application is used; it is not recommended to remove it. At the same time, this application is one of the main battery drains. Therefore, if the problem of battery life is severe enough, then you can remove this application. To update other applications, you can temporarily install Google Play services. And then, after completing the update operations, remove Google Play services again.


The Facebook mobile app doesn't need much introduction. Social networks have become a part of our lives. Today social network For many people, Facebook replaces the morning newspaper as a source of news.

The Facebook mobile application, in addition to its many advantages, is also a universal resource hog: battery charge, memory space and data traffic. An easy alternative to the Facebook app is to access the social network through a regular browser. For more convenient access, you can create a shortcut on your smartphone desktop with a URL that will allow you to directly launch the Facebook website.

For example, in the Chrome browser, such an operation to create the specified shortcut is called Add to Home screen. When using a browser, in the process of clearing history, it may be necessary to delete passwords and autofill data. There is a risk of forgetting your password for the social network Facebook. You can store passwords using a free password manager, such as Dashlane. Another alternative to the Facebook application is to use a lightweight Facebook apps Lite.

ChromeBrowser- Google

Without exaggeration, we can say that the Chrome browser is one of the best browsers. Many other browsers also have their fans. In many situations, using Chrome is the best solution.

If your smartphone has small amounts of memory, then it is preferable to refrain from installing this application. There are many alternative browsers that are less resource-demanding - AOSP, Dolphin Browser, Opera Mini, UC Browser.


The program is a children's toy. Bright people, a simple game similar to Tetris. The game is built with different difficulty levels. This toy will certainly be interesting for kids. And everything would be fine, but there is one problem - the toy tops the rating of programs that eat up battery power.

It is unlikely that children themselves will figure out the reasons why a smartphone quickly loses power. In this matter, children need the help and support of adults. If you often cannot reach your child because the smartphone battery has run out of charge, then check if there are any installed applications Candy Crush Saga toys.

An alternative is Cookie Crush Match 3 and other similar toys. And even better for a child - games on fresh air, music, sports, visiting museums, theaters. In this case, the smartphone will hold its charge longer, and the child will be healthier.


Another computer game that was created for the development of children. This program has taken one of the top positions in the ranking of smartphone charge hogs. This is one of those games thanks to which adults can go about their business for a while, while the child is carried away by playing with colorful animals on the smartphone. The game is simply a beautiful “developmental game” for kids. Finding a replacement for her will not be difficult.


The game is intended for ages 13 and above. Historical events and completely fictional plots are intertwined in this wonderful game. Millions of players around the world participate in these virtual battles. At the same time, the application eats up battery power at a tremendous speed, like a tribe of virtual hungry barbarians who feed on electricity. The alternative is to abandon this toy in favor of other, less voracious ones. Fortunately, there is a huge selection for the Android OS. For example, Castle Clash: Brave Squads, Battle of Zombies: Clans War, Boom Beach.


The application is a game that will surely appeal to children and some adults. Participants in the game are invited to run with minions, jump, dodge and knock them off the track. This is a fun game that has already been played by about 800 million players around the world. With all its undoubted advantages, this application is the leader among memory space eaters on the Android OS.

8 BallPool

The computer game 8 Ball Pool is an electronic version of the game called Pool-8 (or “eight” - from the English “eight-ball”), which is a type of American pool. This game, like traditional billiards, has many fans all over the world. Hundreds of millions have become participants in this game. However, the game is one of the most voracious applications that consume space in the memory of a mobile device. There are many other billiards apps that are an alternative to this game.


Tumblr is a microblogging service. Users can maintain their own blogs and subscribe to blogs of other service participants. The Tumblr website is a social network. The Tumblr application of the same name allows you to interact with the Tumblr online service. The Tumblr application is the most active traffic hog among applications for the Android OS on this moment. The alternatives here are simple - either use it, and then it is preferable to have unlimited Internet, or delete or abandon the Tumblr application, replacing it with other social networks.


The name of the application comes from English word Snap - a snapshot. The application allows you to share photos and videos. The Snapchat app requires a server connection. Being one of the most voracious traffic consumers, the Snapchat app consumes data traffic by exchanging data between the server and the mobile device. Alternatives - Slingshot, WindUp, Bolt (Instagram), MSQRD.


BBC News is a British public news television channel for an international audience. The BBC News app allows you to receive up-to-date information on quality English language from highly professional journalists. Unfortunately, this application is one of the most active data traffic eaters. Alternatives - Fox News, Sky News, The Guardian.


Instagram is a free photo and video sharing application that is organized like a social network. The application is extremely popular. But for Android OS, the application was detected as one of the most voracious applications in terms of data traffic. An alternative is to use a connection through a browser if you have unlimited Internet.

Here are the best useful applications for Android, the most necessary programs for everyday work. Install them on your mobile devices and gadgets. Also read a detailed review of each android program before downloading the apk app on your phone. The Android version does not have of great importance; the main thing is that the smartphone or tablet is not too outdated.

We have selected the most useful applications for Android, making a detailed review of mobile programs, with all the associated pros and cons. Each Android app review contains screenshots and comments from real users mobile applications. Any application in question on the Android platform can be downloaded for free - as an apk file - and installed safely. Also, you can read detailed description functions of a particular utility, study the application settings and main functions. At the bottom of the review there is a link to the software for Android, so it will be easy to download the application on Android through our website or by going to the Google Play Store.

Also in this section, we reviewed popular Android applications in various categories: browsers, cameras, archivers, torrent clients and other software. In general, we tried to make a selection of the most interesting “useful” programs for Android, so that one or another participant would not be too popular. After all, sometimes among not the most popular programs you can find a successful copy that is worthy of taking up space in the memory of your phone.

Do you doubt whether it is worth investing in mobile application development? You can do it yourself and absolutely free. You may end up with a test version that can be used to conveniently evaluate the effectiveness of your mobile strategy. And if you try, you will make a decent mobile application that will become the main tool for online interaction with owners of smartphones and tablets.

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Is it worth making your own mobile app?

Costs. If you don't take my word for it, here are some facts:

  • According to Flurry Analytics and comScore, owners of smartphones and tablets use the browser only 14% of the total time spent working with the device. And they spend 86% of their time on different applications.
  • The installed application is your direct channel of communication with the consumer. Just think: you don’t need to spend money on advertising or wait for a person to find you using Yandex. All that remains is to support the functionality the user needs and provide him with relevant content.
  • The number of purchases made using tablets and smartphones is growing both on the Internet in general and in RuNet. According to marketing agency Criteo, already in 2016, more than half of online transactions in RuNet will be made using mobile devices.

If you want, the application is a mobile browser in which only your website opens. In what case would a user install such an Internet browser? Only if he is interested in your product or information. Therefore, remember: the client who installed the application is a loyal and ready-to-buy representative of the target audience.

In this case, is it worth taking the risk and offering DIY applications to loyal customers rather than custom programs made by professionals for Android and iOS? Let's figure it out.

When can you create an application yourself?

Do you remember what website visitors need? They come because of the content or functionality of the resource. People want to get information, buy something, look at and comment on friends' photos, and so on. Mobile app users need the same. They are looking for information or making some kind of transaction.

Do you remember when a business could make a website on its own? It’s right when you don’t yet have money to collaborate with professionals, but you still have the time and desire to figure out WordPress or Joomla. The same situation is with applications. Self-created programs for iOS and Android can be roughly compared to websites built on open source engines.

You don't have to register to start working. Click the Create Now button on the main page or select the Create App menu in the upper right corner on any page of the service.

Select the appropriate application template. If we are talking about a content project, you may be interested in the following options:

  • Manual. This template allows you to create a guide program.
  • Blog. The application will help your blog audience read new notes from the screen of a smartphone or tablet.
  • Website. The template converts a website into an application.
  • Pages. With this template you can convert any content into an application with simple functionality.
  • News. The template allows you to create an application that is an aggregator of industry or regional news.
  • Page. The template converts offline content, such as an e-book, into the application.
  • VK Page and Facebook Page. Create an application that allows you to keep track of updates open groups on VKontakte and Facebook.
  • YouTube. Use the template to promote your YouTube channel.

How to Create a Blog App

Use the Blog template. In the appropriate field, enter the URL of your blog or RSS feed. Select a note title color.

Enter the name of the application.

Add a description.

Choose a standard one or add a custom icon. The appropriate image size is 512 by 512 pixels.

To create a download file, click the Create App button. After this, you need to register in the system. Confirm your registration and go to Personal Area. Here you can install the application on your mobile device, publish it on Google Play and Amazon App Store. The system also offers a monetization option. If you use this feature, advertisements will be displayed in the application.

Check how the application works on your mobile device. On a tablet, the program should display a list of blog posts in title and announcement format.

Open the template and customize appearance applications. Choose how to display content: one step per screen or a list of steps.

Use the editor to add text, images, videos or links. To add a photo to the program, upload it to Imgur hosting and paste the link into the appropriate field.

After editing the content, specify the name of the application, add a description and an icon. Click the Create App button. After creating the download file, install it on your mobile device and check its functionality.

Please note that most mobile devices By default, it blocks the installation of applications from unknown sources. If a user downloads a program from your site or an app builder site, they will see a security warning when they try to install it. Some clients will probably refuse to install the program.

8 constructors similar to AppsGeyser

If the universal AppsGeyser constructor is not suitable for you, pay attention to similar services:

  • AppsMakerStore. Using the service, you can create applications of various types: from programs for Ecommerce to solutions for content projects. The designer makes applications for iOS and Android. The service interface is Russified. For beginners, there is an informative guide to using the constructor. The service is paid.
  • Mobincube. A tool for creating and monetizing iOS and Android applications. The basic functionality of the service is available for free. The designer allows you to create applications of different types.
  • Good Barber. Using this service you can develop Android and iOS applications. The constructor is paid, the cost of use is 16 USD per month.

Most of the services offered have an English-language interface. If you are uncomfortable working with constructors in English, choose platforms with Russian-language content.

Application designers: a stone ax or a thin modern tool?

Don't go from one extreme to another. With the help of the proposed services, you can really create functional functional applications. The resulting programs can be used to solve various problems: from facilitating online trading to distributing content and educating audiences. Applications created in the designer can be published on Google Play and the App Store, edited, and monetized using advertising or paid installations.

Remember that simply creating an application is not enough. It is necessary to invest a lot of effort in its promotion. Contact us if you want to entrust this work to professionals who know exactly what needs to be done to attract new users.

Do not overestimate the services offered. Their obvious drawback remains their stereotyped nature. It's about both about the design and functionality of programs. In addition, access to platforms with decent functionality is paid. What is better: to pay the developers for their work once or to pay the owners of the designer for many years? Do the math for yourself.

And one more thing: if you don’t have time to create a mobile application yourself, contact our company. We develop mobile applications and .

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Applications created for gadgets running on operating system Android, a lot has been created.

All of them, for convenience, can be divided into several categories. In this review we will look at the most useful of them.

Please note that some of the applications are completely free, some are shareware (with the ability to make purchases or purchase a paid version with advanced features).

Some applications are paid.

Android applications: working with files

A program for synchronizing installed applications between different devices running on .

It’s convenient because once you’ve configured certain game settings, for example, on your phone, the same settings (or saved level) will be on your tablet and your other devices.

With this program you can connect your Android device to your laptop.

By doing this, you will be able to share files, and you will also be able to receive or send, as well as uninstall or install applications.

This application is considered one of the best for cleaning gadgets from excess “garbage”.

Useful in cases where there is little system space left on the device and it is not possible to install this or that application.

Android Applications: System Applications

This application is designed to backup applications, data and settings on your gadget.

It features additional useful functionality: it is possible to transfer all applications to a memory card.

You can also remove those system applications that are not removed in the standard way.

An application that allows you to save battery power on your gadget.

Distinctive feature: Indicates the device's estimated battery life and also shows the approximate time required to charge the device.

The paid version allows you to maintain and view device charging statistics.

This multifunctional program will check your gadget for viruses and show how much memory applications take up.

You can also enable power consumption modes, speed up those installed on the device, or stop this or that process.

Android applications: video, audio, multimedia

A convenient program for instant and automatic transfer of the video you are currently shooting.

After registering on the program’s website, the video you shot will instantly appear on your website page (of course, when the device is connected to the Internet).

It’s useful because the video files are saved on the site and you don’t have to worry about losing data on your device - a copy is always at hand.

A program for listening to more than 50,000 radio stations from around the world. It is possible to add your own stream (by entering a URL).

It is also possible to save your favorite songs and stations in your favorites, save playback history, and rewind or rewind songs.

Master of telecontrol

Master of telecontrol

This universal infrared remote control is suitable for various devices: air conditioner, stereo system, etc.

For operation, it is possible to select the type of device and manufacturer’s brand.

Android Applications: everyday life

With this planner, you can write down your plans and ideas, set reminders for the required time, create voice notes that the program can convert into text.

A program that collects discounts from all coupon sites.

It will save your time: when you see a product or service you like in “real life”, you check in the program whether there is a discount on it, and if there is one, you immediately buy it online.

This program is an “advanced” voice recorder.

If you need to record something urgently, don’t look for the voice recorder button on your device, this program background records all the sounds around you.

All that remains for you is to rewind the recording for the required period of time and save the fragment you need.

Android Applications: Finance

With this small application you can track the Bitcoin exchange rate.

It is characterized by low resource consumption and is quite informative: the program has four course charts: for the last six months, a month, a week and 24 hours.

This application will be useful for those who want to keep abreast of stock indices, currency fluctuations, etc.

Distinctive feature: it is possible to add indices of other companies or exchanges, as well as prices for precious metals and energy resources.

Android apps: maps and navigation

This Android application can show you how to get from point A to point B using public transport.

There are route maps for most major cities Ukraine. A useful feature is that it informs you about the cost and travel time on different routes, the number of transfers, etc.

The main “advantage” of this program is the ability to work without connecting to the Internet.

A detailed directory of organizations, equipped with a navigator and map, will tell you their address, opening hours, contacts and even user reviews.

Also shown are city transport routes, plans of large retail establishments, and on which side the entrance to the building is located.

Android applications: social networks, communication


The Viber application can integrate into your device's address book and log in using your phone number.

With its help, you can make free audio and video calls between devices that also have the this program.

Moreover, it is not necessary to create your own account.

The selection of public pages in the program is sorted by various topics. By selecting the necessary publics, you can create your own reading list.

Android Applications: Educational Programs for Children

In this educational game, your child completes various tasks from the kitten.

Will be interesting for children younger age: for example, a child will need to catch a fish of one color or another and put it in a round or square aquarium.

Useful feature– keeping statistics: parents will be able to find out what games the child played, his correct or incorrect answers to tasks.

Your child will learn the basics of arithmetic in a fun and playful way.

By clicking on a number, the child will hear a funny poem about it.

Having “befriended” the hedgehog, he will lead him to a clearing where the number of mushrooms specified in the exercise grows.

Android Applications: Foreign Languages

Free app for learning foreign languages.

Different from many similar ones game form training and competently similar lessons on various topics.

This program is for training foreign languages will help those who “cram” new words.

It is necessary to repeat words at certain intervals, this way they are better remembered.

Android apps: for all occasions

The application is specially designed for those who want to lose weight, but cannot give up sweets.

Translates “yummy” into the number of steps that must be taken to neutralize the sweetness.

The built-in pedometer allows you to set a goal - to walk a certain number of steps per day.

With this program, you can form good habits while getting rid of bad ones.

In addition to the built-in ones (for example, spending more time outdoors), it is possible to add your own (for example, learning to knit).

This application will replace your visit to a nutritionist.

With its help, you can develop a menu for the day, week or even month (depending on the number of calories you want to allow yourself and personal data (height, weight).

In addition, the program will suggest dish recipes and maximum serving sizes.

When choosing programs for your Android device, many, especially beginners, get lost in the choice. Below is a list of applications that can be used on similar devices. Naturally, everyone has their own view on the set of applications.

Office, Calculators, Converters

Office Suite Pro- viewer for DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS, XLSX, CSV, PPT, PPTX, PPS, PPSX and PDF files and investments.

Smart Office+- office suite for Android, a very good application: user-friendly interface, multilingual. View and Edit Microsoft Word, PowerPoint and Excel all versions: 97, 2000, XP, 2003, 2007, 2010. View PDF, view images in JPEG, PNG, GIF, BMP, WMF, EMF formats.

ezPDF Reader- convenient and functional reading of PDF files with an excellent interface. You can add bookmarks, highlight text and copy it to the clipboard. The language is English, but easy to learn.

Notepad+- notepad with auto-detection of encoding.

RealCalc Scientific Calculator- one of the best calculators for Android, not too fancy, but functional.

Scan2PDF Mobile- the program allows you to convert a photo to a PDF file (for example, you took a photo of a document and converted it to PDF). The result may not always be excellent, but you can read it.
QR Droid Private- an application with the ability to create QR codes, as well as scanning QR codes with a camera and then going to the browser.

Finance, electronic clients

QIWI Client- convenient, simple and fast for a mobile wallet if there are terminals around the city. Interest-free account replenishment, payment mobile communications, and much more can be done with . If you have a wallet on the QIWI website, a QIWI Viza Virtual card is issued in 5 minutes, then you need to link it to Google Checkout and you can make purchases in almost all online stores.
PayPal- client for PayPal allows you to make purchases in different countries peace. You can view recent transactions in your PayPal account, including money requests sent from your device.
WebMoney Keeper Mobile - a client for a mobile wallet, a universal tool for making payments on the Internet.

Planners, Alarms, Notes

Birthdays- widget for birthdays and reminders. A small transparent widget displays a photo of a contact from the phone book. Has a number of settings for date reminders, playing melodies, etc.
Go shopping - The application allows you to create a list of necessary purchases indicating weight and quantity. You can cross out what you purchased. Convenient for going to large supermarkets.

Control optimization

Root Explorer - necessary root rights-user. Allows you to view system partitions, hidden folders and files, edit them, copy, move, etc.

A few more similar applications:

ASTRO File Manager does not require Root rights
EStrongs File Explorer is a complete alternative to Root Explorer if you have Root rights, the manager is free.
Total Commander - a well-known file manager for PC and now on Android.

SPB Shell 3D- in the recent past, a paid desktop and Yandex.Shell, currently free. A beautiful desktop with 3D graphics and a luxurious set of full-screen widgets.
Go Launcher EX- a fast desktop launcher with a lot of settings.

Apex Launcher Powerful - fast new launcher for ICS, the undisputed leader with many settings. Root rights are required to select widgets from the application menu.

CircleLauncher- a small widget that allows you to group applications and contacts, very convenient on a small screen.

Dock4Droid- a pop-up dock bar with icons of applications added to it and the most recently opened ones. The application works on the RocketDock principle.

SystemPanel- task manager/task killer. The application monitors a high-consuming resource for its destruction, provides data, graphs and information about loading, battery consumption, shared memory, network traffic (currently). One of best apps of a similar plan, but it itself consumes a lot. It is recommended to use it to detect "guzzling" applications with high battery consumption.

System applications

GreenPower- fully automatic application for economical battery operation, after configuration it works and saves charging consumption in the background, turning off mobile data transfer if it is not needed.

Autostarts(root user rights are required) - the application allows you to remove from autorun not required applications and widgets at system startup, which can always be launched from the desktop. This way, resource savings are achieved at startup and their complete absence in background processes.

Titanium Backup(root user rights are required) - the application allows you to do backup applications and user data (sms/mss/contacts).

LuckyPatcher by ChelpuS(root user rights required) is a patcher for most programs and games.

AnTuTu Benchmark- ability to test memory, processor, 3D graphics performance, SD card read/write speed.

SCleaner- an application for cleaning the device from garbage, has programmable settings for monitoring and cleaning processes, creating backup copies of deleted data, etc.

ShootMe(root user rights are required) - the program allows you to take screenshots by shaking the phone, the pictures are saved to /sdcard/ShootMe.

Internet, communication

In Contact Amberfog- client for VKontakte.

Jasmine I.M.- short message client, supports ICQ,, Jabber, VK, Ya.Online, QIP, GTalk. IN latest versions there is the ability to transfer data, a rich selection of settings, themes, including transparent ones, are now supported by the widget.

Palringo Group Messenger Multi-protocol IM client. Facebook Chat, windows Live Messenger, aol, yahoo messenger, gtalk, icq, jabber, iChat, gadu-gadu. The most interesting thing, of course, is voice and photo messages; you can create groups based on interests or communicate in existing ones.

2.0. - new official application Odnoklassniki 2.0 allows you to constantly stay connected to the social network of the same name.

Internet, communication

Kaiten Mail - email client, supports IMAP Push, POP3, Exchange 2003/2007 (with WebDAV), and also supports multi-user folder synchronization, search, custom notifications and much more.

K-9 Mail- one of many mail clients POP and IMAP for Android. an unofficial client for viewing the website Viewing topics, reading and sending personal messages (PM), QMS, catalog of applications and games, always at hand.

3G Watchdog- the application allows you to track traffic consumption, has a small transparent widget on your desktop. The program not only tracks traffic consumption, but also sets up a cycle with the volume of your tariff plan with notification of its excess.

SwiFTP - FTP server with the ability to receive and transmit data via Wi-Fi. Works great in conjunction with Totall Commander on PC.

AirDroid - control the device from your computer's web browser using Wi-Fi.

Server for storing data on the network. For SGS3 users, the amount of free space has been increased to 50 gigabytes.
Yandex Disk - cloud service with 20 GB.

HD Widgets- clock and weather widget, customizable colors, transparency, has a large number of widgets displayed on the screen, both separately for clock and weather, and together.


DicePlayer- player with hardware acceleration for 720p video. Supports formats: AVI,MOV,MKV,FLV,AVI,3GP,3G2,ASF,WMV,MP4,M4V,TP,TS,MTP,M2T.
Supports video codecs: HW: MPEG-4,H.264,H.263
Supports audio codecs: DTS,AC3,AAC,Vorbis,FLAC,MP3,MP2,WMA
Supports subtitles: SSA,SMI,SRT

Poweramp - audio player with a huge number of possibilities, plays MP3, MP4/M4A (including loseless ALAC), FLAC, OGG, WAV, TTA, WMA, APE/WV. Optimized 10-band graphic equalizer for all supported formats, separate management tone, equalizer presets, ability to edit and add presets, assignment for songs/audio outputs. Supports skins, automatically downloads covers for songs, tag viewer and editor, supports .cue files, reads flac images, etc.

Shazam- the application determines the composition and artist. To determine the melody, you need to bring the phone to the speaker and after 15 seconds you will know what the composition is and who the artist is.

TuneIn Radio- Internet radio with recording function.

QuickPic- fast and easy image viewer with multi-touch. Can be used instead of the standard gallery.

Camera360- camera with many effects. It has a lot of effects applied to the frame after shooting, and the ability to save both the original and processed frame.

HDR Camera+ - good camera for shooting static elements such as backgrounds, landscapes, macro photography. To achieve the HDR effect, the application creates three images with different exposures and combines them into one, preserving detail in the dark and light areas of the photo. After shooting, you can choose the saturation of the frame.

Zedge Ringtones & Wallpapers - program for viewing, downloading and installing wallpapers High Quality, as well as ringtones. More than 380,000 ringtones, about 6,000 wallpapers.

Navigation (GPS)

2GIS / 2GIS Mobile: 2GIS - free electronic organization with a city map.
More than 11,110,000 PC users in 140 cities in Russia and Ukraine regularly use 2GIS to find the necessary information. Convenient application: you can search, you can plot a route. The application will also be convenient for walking searches around the city. By specifying a destination, you get detailed information on the map indicating travel by public transport and route numbers.

Navitel- navigator for Android presents a navigation program with offline maps, routing and traffic jam support. The program is paid.

PROTOWN- GPS/GLONASS navigation with current maps of Russia.

Phone, SMS

Handcent SMS- a utility for SMS with a large selection of various appearance settings.
GO SMS Pro - Convenient SMS communication. The program is designed in iPhone style.

cluBalance- widget for monitoring funds on an account with detailed statistics. Does not support Beeline and Tele2.

Programs for reading books

Cool Reader - ported version of the famous reading program e-books Cool reader.
Supports formats: .fb2,, .txt, .rtf, .doc, .epub, .chm, .pdb, .prc, .mobi.

Moon+ Reader- support for, TXT, HTML, Epub, UMD and chm files.

FBReader- program for reading electronic books, supports formats: epub, fb2,, rtf, html, mobi, txt. It also supports working directly with .zip archives.

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