Scenario for extracurricular activities "Goal-setting, actualization of the problem, hypotheses"

Learning to hypothesize
Occupation of the circle "I am a researcher"

Topic number 7: "Learning to put forward hypotheses."

Purpose of the lesson:
- introduce the concept of hypothesis, truth, develop the ability to put forward hypotheses and confirm them.

Cognitive UUD:
- to teach to obtain new knowledge in different sources, to find answers to questions using your life experience and information obtained in the lesson;
- introduce students to the concept of a hypothesis;
- develop cognitive activity, curiosity when conducting experiments, the ability to draw conclusions, the ability to think analytically: classify, compare, generalize;
- to get acquainted with the basics of application information technologies in research activities.

Regulatory UUD:
- create conditions for finding information about the concept of "hypothesis".
- set learning objectives based on the correlation of what is already known and what is still unknown;
- direct children to highlight the main and secondary from this information.

Communicative UUD:
- creating a favorable successful situation in the classroom;
- the ability to organize one's thoughts oral, listen and understand the interlocutor;
- shape the experience public speaking, contribute to the formation of a culture of speech;
- to formulate own opinion and position; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication in pairs, a group;
- the ability to interact in the process of work.

Personal UUD:
- the ability to self-assessment based on the criterion of success of research activities.

During the classes

1. Actualization of knowledge.

Somewhere there is a fantastic planet. You have sheets of paper on your tables, here you can draw this planet.
Imagine a hundred astronauts flew to your planet. What they see, tell.
- What questions will you be asked?
- Which of the questions were simple, which difficult?
- Come up with some clarifying questions!
- What other questions are there?

2. Discovery of new knowledge.
Today we will talk about an amazing vegetable that was discovered in the earth 4500 years ago. It was called the devil's apple, the second bread.
What do you think, what vegetable are we talking about?
The Spaniard Pedro Cheza de Leon described it in his book, called this vegetable ... dad. "This special kind peanuts, - wrote the traveler. “When cooked, they become soft, like a roasted chestnut... They are covered with a skin, no thicker than a truffle skin...”
Yes, we are talking about potatoes.
- We have to find out what happens to the potatoes in the pot and in the pan.
Today we will try to answer the question why fried potatoes there is a crust, but the boiled one does not?
When you answer a question, use the following words
- may be,
- suppose
- let's say
- maybe.
- Guys, you have now made assumptions, the assumption is scientifically called a hypothesis, let's turn to the dictionary and find precise definition what is a hypothesis.

Dictionary work.
Hypothesis (Greek hypothesis - basis, assumption) a hypothetical judgment about the regular (causal) connection of phenomena; form of development of science.
The first way to discover new knowledge is through hypotheses. This path includes two different steps.
The first step is to develop a hypothesis. To put forward a hypothesis means to make a conjecture, the assumption of falsity or truth, which the test should establish. The hypothesis that survives the test and becomes the solution to the problem (i.e., the desired knowledge) is called decisive, the rest are erroneous.
The second step is hypothesis testing. The meaning of verification is to justify the acceptance or rejection of a hypothesis, to generate an argument for or against, to bring an argument to a decisive hypothesis (“it is so because”) or a counterargument to an erroneous one (“it is not so because”).
- We have taken the first step, put forward hypotheses. Now they need to be checked.
Raw potatoes are hard to stick a knife into.
What should be done to test the hypothesis?

Work with text.
What are potatoes made of.
Take a raw potato and grind it into a pulp, mix it in a jar of water, strain through a rag and let the liquid settle.
At the bottom of the jar you get a layer of some white matter. Drain the water, put the sediment on blotting paper and let it dry. You will get a white powder. It is starch or potato flour. He is the cause of the crust in fried potatoes.
- What do you think happens when heated?
Conclusion: When potatoes are fried, the starch turns into glue from strong heating, which glues individual potato grains into a golden crust.
Whose hypothesis is true and which is false?

3. Primary fastening.
Competition "Hypothesis".
- Reflect and propose your hypotheses:
What would happen if there was no wind on earth?
What would happen if all the birds died from bird flu?
What would happen if humans discovered life on Mars?
What happens if schools suddenly disappear?
What would happen if people could easily change their appearance, like clothes?
What would happen if people didn't invent the wheel?
Practical work to reinforce the learned material.

Formulation of the problem
- Recently, I happened to walk through the forest and examine the cones lying on the path. All the cones were open, similar to hedgehogs (the teacher shows a cone, gives them to the children to touch). The next day, the same bumps were closed, the scales pressed against each other.
- Why could this happen?

Putting forward hypotheses.
Children offer their explanations. Explanations based on the fact that these are other bumps (“those are old, and these are young”), the teacher immediately rejects:
U: The cones are the same (I marked them with ribbons), they just closed. Why?
As a result of this work, a number of children's assumptions appear on the board. These are assumptions related to the weather: “because of the rain”, “because of the heat”, “it was evening and morning” ( sunlight) etc.
The teacher shows the children that there are many sentences, but which one is correct is not clear.

Finding a way out of difficulty
T: How will we get an answer?
Children offer different known ways. The teacher offers to try them all. Ask the parents (as a result of the survey, the same different opinions), look in the directory (the answer is not found). When asked to observe (at the next lesson), the teacher says that he carefully observed the weather on those two days: on the first day the weather was “dry, hot, sunny, windy”, and on the second day - “wet, cold, overcast, windless” . The teacher “assigns” the conditions so that they all change at the same time, but so that closed buds wet weather.
Discussing these conditions, the children conclude that it is impossible to decide from observations what exactly caused the cones to close.
The teacher offers to determine what is the reason that even observation does not allow finding the exact answer.
Children analyze the difficulties and come to the conclusion that "all the conditions are together (mixed, present at the same time)", therefore it is impossible to decide what influences.
Q: What does it take to overcome this difficulty?
D: Make conditions separately.
Then the question is solved: how to “make each condition separately”? The teacher suggests using two cones lying on his table for this purpose.

Conducting an experiment
Children suggest, for example, to check whether sunlight affects, put cones in a lighted place.
W: What will we see?
D: They will open (close).
T: Can we draw any conclusion from this?
D: Yes. If they open (close), then everything is correct.
W: Or maybe they would have opened anyway?
YES! It is necessary to put one cone in the light, and the other in the dark.
Other sentences of children (about humidity, wind, etc.) are analyzed in a similar way.
W: Let's think about what kind of solution of scientific disputes we have discovered. How is it similar, and how is it different from the old methods: for example, from observation? What have we done with the cones?
D: We put one in the refrigerator and the other in heat. We ourselves create and change the conditions of the process!
The teacher finds out why it is important that there are not one, but two bumps. The children say he calls one bump “experimental” and the other “control.
W: Will we observe, and if so, when?
D: We will observe after we put the cones in different conditions.
The teacher says that after we decided to test our different opinions, they became not just opinions, but hypotheses, or assumptions. And the stages of creating conditions and observing the result are a way to test hypotheses. Visually, the scheme of the experiment is as follows.
Observation conditions for the first time
Assumptions about process conditions
Observation conditions

Conclusion and determination of the truth and falsity of hypotheses.
- What conclusions can be drawn?
Which hypotheses were true and which were false?

4. Summing up and reflection.
- What is a hypothesis?
- What are the hypotheses?
- How to work with a hypothesis?
- Guys in front of you is a ladder of success
- Assess your knowledge on the stairs.

Characteristics of concepts: theme, subject, object of study. Justification of the relevance of the choice of research topic. The subject of research as a problem in the topic of research. What can research be?

Know: how to choose a topic, subject, object of study,

Be able to: choose a topic, subject, object of study, justify the relevance of the topic.

Compliance with the purpose and objectives of the research topic. The essence of the process under study, its main properties, features. The main stages, stages of research.

Know: the answer to the question - why are you doing research?

Be able to: set goals and objectives of the study.

^ Learning to put forward hypotheses - 2 hours

Concepts: hypothesis, provocative idea.

Questions to consider: What is a hypothesis. How hypotheses are created. What is a provocative idea and how does it differ from a hypothesis. How to build hypotheses. Hypotheses can begin with the words: maybe ..., suppose ..., suppose ..., perhaps ..., what if ...

Practical tasks: “Let's think together”, “What would happen if a magician fulfilled the three most important desires of every person on Earth?”, “Come up with as many hypotheses and provocative ideas as possible”, etc. Know: how hypotheses are created. Be able to: create and build hypotheses, distinguish between a provocative idea and a hypothesis.

^ Organization of the study (practical lesson) - 4h.

Method of research as a way of solving problems of the researcher. Acquaintance with the main research methods available to children: think for yourself; look at books about what you are researching; ask other people get acquainted with films and television films on the topic of your research; turn to the computer, look in the global computer network Internet; observe; to conduct an experiment.

Practical tasks: training in the use of research methods in the course of studying accessible objects (water, light, houseplants, people, etc.).

Know: - research methods,

Be able to: use research methods in solving research problems, ask questions, draw up a work plan, find information.

^ Observation and observation. Observation as a way to identify problems - 4h.

Acquaintance with observation as a research method. Studying the advantages and disadvantages (show the most common visual illusions) of observation. Scope of observation in scientific research. Information about discoveries made on the basis of observations. Acquaintance with instruments designed for observation (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.).

Practical tasks: “Name all the features of the object”, “Draw the object exactly”, “Paired pictures containing a difference”, “Find the artist’s mistakes”.

Know: - research method - observation

Be able to: - make observations over the object, etc.

^ Collecting. Express-study "What collections do people collect" - 5 hours

Concepts: collecting, collector, collection. What is collecting. Who is a collector. What can be collected. How to quickly build a collection.

Practical tasks: choosing a topic for the collection, collecting material.

Know:- concepts - collecting, collector, collection

To be able to: - choose a topic for collecting, collect material.

Search activity on the topic "What collections people collect." Student presentations about their collections.

^ What is an experiment - 2 hours

Concepts: experiment, experimentation.

Most main way obtaining information. What do we know about experimentation? How to learn new things through experimentation. Planning and conducting an experiment.

Practical work.

Know: - concepts - experimentation and experimentation

To be able to: plan an experiment, find something new with the help of an experiment.

^ Collection of material for research - 4 hours.

Concepts: a way of fixing knowledge, research search, research methods.

What is an exploratory search. Ways of fixing the received information ( regular letter, pictographic writing, diagrams, drawings, icons, symbols, etc.).

Know: the rules and methods of collecting material

Be able to: find and collect material on the topic of research, use methods of fixing the material.

^ Generalization of the received data. How to prepare a report on the results of the study and prepare for the defense - 2 hours

Analysis, generalization, main, secondary.

What is a generalization. Generalization techniques. Definitions of concepts. Main choice. Sequence of presentation.

Practical tasks: “Learning to analyze”, “Learning to highlight the main thing”, “Place the material in a certain sequence”.

Know: Ways to Summarize Material

To be able to: generalize the material, use generalization techniques, find the main thing.

Drawing up a plan for preparing for the defense of the project.

Message, report.

What is a report. How to plan your research report. How to distinguish the main and secondary.

Know: the rules for preparing a message.

Know how to plan your work “What first, what then”, “Composing stories according to a given algorithm”, etc.

^ Individual consultations- 2 hours

Consultations are conducted by the teacher for students and parents working in microgroups or individually. Preparing children's work for public defense.

^ Summing up the work. Protection. - 2 hours

Analysis of your project activities. Protection. Issues to Consider : Collective discussion of problems: “What is protection”, “How to make a report correctly”, “How to answer questions”.
^ Grade 3 (34 hours)

observation. Experiments with real objects -3h.

Role talk scientific research in our life. Task "Look at the world through someone else's eyes."

^ How to choose a friend by common interest? (interest groups) – 1 hour.

Tasks to identify common interests. Group work.

What can research be? – 2h.

Introduction to project types. Group work.

^ Formulation of the goal, objectives of the study, hypotheses - 2 hours.

Setting the goal of the study on the chosen topic. Definition of tasks to achieve the goal. Putting forward hypotheses.

^ Work planning - 2 hours.

Drawing up a project work plan. The game "In places".

Acquaintance with the methods and subjects of research. Experiment of knowledge in action - 3 hours.

Familiarize yourself with the methods and subjects of research. Determine the subject of research in your project. Experiment as a form of knowledge of the world.

^ Training in questioning, social survey, interviewing - 2 hours.

Compilation of questionnaires, surveys. Conducting interviews in groups.

Work in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of literature on the research topic - 2h.

Excursion to the library. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic of the project.

^ Analysis of the literature read - 3h.

Reading and selecting the necessary parts of the text for the project. Learn to write down the literature used in the project correctly.

^ Exploration of objects - 2 hours.

Practical lesson aimed at the study of objects in students' projects.

Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and secondary - 2 hours.

Thought experiment "What can be made from a piece of paper?" Write a story based on the finished ending.

^ Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, conclusions, conclusions - 2 hours.

Game "Find the mistakes of the artist." Practical task aimed at development to analyze their actions and draw conclusions.

^ How to communicate the results of a study. Registration of work - 3 hours.

Drawing up a work plan. Message requirements. Making drawings, crafts, etc.

^ Work in a computer class. Making a presentation - 3 hours

Working on a computer - creating a presentation.

Mini-conference on the results of own research. Analysis of research activities - 2h.

Performances by students with the presentation of their projects.

Analysis of your project activities.

^ Grade 4 (34 hours)

Knowledge, skills and abilities required in research work. Culture of thinking - 3 hours.

Practical work "Look at the world with different eyes."

Topic types. Practical work "Unfinished story".

^ Ability to identify problems. associations and analogies. . Discussion and selection of research topics, updating the problem - 5 hours.

Tasks to develop the ability to identify the problem. associations and analogies.

Selection of a research topic of interest from a wide variety of topics. Work on the relevance of the selected problem.

^ Goal-setting, actualization of the problem, hypotheses - 2 hours.

Setting a goal, defining a problem and putting forward hypotheses on the topic of research.

Subject and object of research - 1 hour.

Definition of the subject and object of research and their formulation.

^ Work in the library with catalogs. Selection of literature on the research topic - 3h.

Excursion to the library. Working with a file. Selection of literature.

Acquaintance with the literature on this issue, analysis of the material -2 hours.

Work with literature on the chosen topic. Sample required material for work.

^ Observation and experimentation -2h.

Practical work. Experiment with microscope, magnifying glass.

Technique of experimentation -2h.

Experiment with magnet and metal. The task "We tell, we fantasize."

^ Observation observation. Improving the technique of experimentation - 2h.

Game for the development of observation. Conducting an experiment. Correct thinking and logic - 2 hours.

Tasks for the development of thinking and logic.

^ Processing and analysis of all received data - 2h.

Selective reading. Selection of necessary statements on the topic of the project.

What are paradoxes -2 hours.

The concept of paradox. A conversation about life's paradoxes.

^ Work in a computer class. Making a presentation - 3 hours.

Making a presentation for a project. Selection of necessary pictures. Compilation of an album of illustrations. Doing crafts.

^ Preparing a public speech. How to prepare for defense Defense of research in front of classmates - 2 hours

Drawing up a presentation plan.

Presenting research projects in front of classmates.

^ Performance at the school scientific and practical conference– 1 hour

Presentation of the project at the school NPC.

Final lesson. Analysis of research activities - 1h.

Analysis of research activities. Conclusions.
The main activity of the children is research activities. Students will work on their creative work under the guidance of a teacher who will guide, advise, help select the right material, organize reflection and assign roles in groups, provide computer facilities and space. It is very important for the teacher and students to understand what didactic goals are pursued by the research they undertake. The teacher formulates common problem work on a particular subject, the specific problem of future research should be formulated by the students themselves. The task of the teacher is imperceptibly by the auxiliary method, i.e. leading questions lead the participants to the formulation of the problem. Therefore, at the planning stage of the study, the teacher - coordinator, can offer possible options for the formulation of project problems. He needs to organize a search, a desire to get to the bottom of the matter: to activate the thought process and maintain the cognitive interest of students.

The teacher himself determines what competencies the research activity will form in the first place, everything will depend on the goals and objectives of the research project being carried out, and the goals and objectives that the teacher sets for himself and the students when achieving the final result. But it can be the following competencies:


Be able to benefit from experience;

Organize the interconnection of their knowledge and organize them;

Organize your own learning methods;

Be able to solve problems;

Do your own learning.


Query various databases;

Query the environment;

Consult with an expert;

Get information;

Be able to work with documents and classify them.

To study:

Organize the relationship of past and present events;

Be critical of this or that aspect of the development of our societies;

To be able to resist uncertainty and complexity;

Take a stand in discussions and forge your own opinion;

See the importance of the political and economic environment in which training and work takes place;

Assess social habits related to health, consumption, as well as the environment;

Be able to evaluate works of art and literature.


Be able to cooperate and work in a group;

Make decisions - resolve disagreements and conflicts;

be able to negotiate;

Be able to:

Get involved in research;

Be responsible;

Join a group or team and contribute;

Show solidarity;

Be able to organize your work;

Be able to use computational and modeling instruments.


Be able to use new technologies of information and communication;

Prove flexibility in the face of rapid change;

Show resilience in the face of difficulties;

Be able to find new solutions.

Once the fundamental question has been identified and problematic issues, it is necessary to give the work a creative title, introduce elements of originality, determine what specific topics for independent research by students will be.

It is very important to determine in advance in what form the results of the educational research will be drawn up and how much time, approximately, is needed for independent research activities of students. It also turns out that the necessary technical support This is how student performance will be judged. What criteria and assessment tools will be used? Where will the research result be presented?

Activities can be carried out both in a specialized mixed group and in a group of children of the same age.

Observations of the process of educational research activity show that students themselves strive to obtain the necessary information to complete the work, and make the necessary calculations.

It is in research learning that the idea of ​​developmental learning is embodied in reality.

Performing creative work, students make their own decisions, learn to take responsibility for their implementation.

The student becomes an equal participant joint activities with the teacher, being responsible for their successes and failures.

He himself analyzes every step of his teaching, determines his shortcomings, looks for the causes of difficulties that have arisen, and finds ways to correct mistakes.

He is given the right to choose methods of activity, put forward assumptions, hypotheses, participate in a collective discussion of various points of view.

Work on the project is preceded by the necessary stage - work on the topic, during which children are invited to collect a variety of information on a common topic. At the same time, students themselves choose what exactly they would like to learn within the framework of this topic. During further work on projects, the compiled general encyclopedia or a file cabinet can serve as one of the main sources of information on a topic.

Suggested course of action:

1. Familiarization of the class with the topic.

2. Selection of subtopics (fields of knowledge).

3. Setting goals and objectives.

4. Putting forward a hypothesis.

5.Organization of the study.

6.Fixation of research results in the form of a record, drawing, collection.

7. Presentation of research projects.

The teacher chooses general theme or organizes its selection by students. The criterion for choosing a topic may be the desire to implement a project related in plot to any topic.

When choosing a subtopic, the teacher not only suggests big number subtopics, but also prompts students how they can formulate them themselves.

Classic sources of information - encyclopedias and other books, including those from school library. In addition, these are video cassettes, encyclopedias and other materials on CDs, adult stories, excursions.

The stories of adults are understood not only as stories of parents to their children, but also conversations, interviews with specialists in some field of activity, including during meetings of specialists with children specially organized at school.

Possible excursions are excursions either to museums or to operating enterprises.

In addition, adults can help children get information from the Internet.

After information has been collected on most of the subtopics, the teacher states this fact, reminds latecomers to hurry up, and discusses with the children what projects (crafts, research and activities) are possible after studying the topic.

Creative works can be, for example: drawing, postcard, craft, sculpture, toy, layout, story, counting rhyme, riddle, concert, performance, quiz, KVN, newspaper, book, model, costume, photo album, stand design, exhibitions, report, conference, electronic presentation, holiday, etc.

Children themselves choose a topic that is interesting to them, or offer their own topic. We remind you that this work is done voluntarily. The teacher does not force the children, he must keep in mind that the guys who are not participating in this project can take part in the next one.

During the project implementation, a workbook is used, in which all stages of work on the project are recorded.

Successful finds while working on the project should preferably be made available to the whole class, this can increase interest and attract other children to work on the project.

Each research project should be brought to a successful conclusion, leaving the child with a sense of pride in the result. After completing a project, children should be given the opportunity to talk about their work, show what they have done, and be praised. It's good if on the results view research project not only other children will be present, but also parents.

Classes are held in the form of games, practical exercises. When passing through topics, the integrity, openness and adaptability of the material are important.

In the process of passing the course, the skills and abilities of independent research activities are formed; the ability to formulate a research problem, put forward a hypothesis; skills in mastering the methodology for collecting and processing the material found; skills in mastering scientific terms in the field of knowledge in which the research is being carried out; skills of mastering theoretical knowledge on the topic of their work and more; Ability to write reports and research papers.

At the end of the course, a public defense of the project is held. research work– experience of scientific educational research on subject matter, presentation, demonstration of the level of psychological readiness of students to present the results of the work.

^ The program aims to achieve 3 levels of results:

First level of results

(1 class)

Second level of results (grade 2-3)

Third level of results

(4th grade)

involves the acquisition by first-graders of new knowledge, experience in solving design problems in various areas. The result is expressed in children's understanding of the essence of research activities, the ability to gradually solve research problems.

implies a positive attitude of children to the basic values ​​of society, in particular to education and self-education. The result is manifested in the active use of the research method by schoolchildren, the independent choice of research topics (subtopics), the acquisition of experience in independent search, systematization and presentation of information of interest.

involves the acquisition of independent social experience by schoolchildren. Manifested in the participation of schoolchildren in the implementation social projects along a chosen direction.

Results program implementation can be represented through presentations of research projects, participation in competitions and olympiads in various fields, exhibitions, conferences, festivals, championships.

^ Interdisciplinary connections in the classroom on project activities:
with Russian language lessons: recording individual expressions, sentences, paragraphs from the texts of the studied works;

with lessons visual arts: registration creative works, participation in exhibitions of drawings during the defense of projects;

With labor lessons: the manufacture of various elements on the topics of projects.

Analysis, generalization, main, secondary.

What is a generalization. Generalization techniques. Definitions of concepts. Main choice. Sequence of presentation.

Practical tasks: “Learning to analyze”, “Learning to highlight the main thing”, “Place the material in a certain sequence”.

Know: Ways to Summarize Material

To be able to: generalize the material, use generalization techniques, find the main thing.

Topic 30. How to prepare a report on research results and prepare for defense - 1 hour

Drawing up a plan for preparing for the defense of the project.

Topic 31. How to prepare a message - 1 hour

Message, report.

What is a report. How to plan your research report. How to distinguish the main and secondary.

Know: the rules for preparing a message.

Be able to: plan your work “What first, what then”, “Composing stories according to a given algorithm”, etc.

Topic32. Preparation for defense - 1 hour

Protection. Issues to Consider : Collective discussion of problems: “What is protection”, “How to make a report correctly”, “How to answer questions”.

Topic33. Individual consultations - 1 hour

Consultations are conducted by the teacher for students and parents working in microgroups or individually. Preparing children's work for public defense.

Topic34. Summing up the work - 1 hour.

Thematic planning. 3rd grade (34 hours)

Topic theory
Project? Project! Scientific research and our life.
2-3 How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics.
How to choose a friend by common interest? (interest groups)
5-6 What can projects be?
7-8 Formulation of the goal, objectives of the study, hypotheses.
9-10 Work planning.
11-13 Acquaintance with the methods and subjects of research. Experiment of knowledge in action.
14-15 Training in questioning, social survey, interviewing.
16-18 Work in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of references on the research topic.
19-21 Analysis of the literature read.
22-23 Study of objects.
24-25 Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and secondary.
26-27 Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, inferences, conclusions.
How to communicate the results of a study
29-30 Work form.
Mini conference on the results of our own research
Analysis of research activities.
Total 34 hours

Topic 1. Project? Project! Scientific research and our life -1h.

A conversation about the role of scientific research in our lives. Task "Look at the world through someone else's eyes."

Topic 2-3. How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics - 2h.

Conversation "What am I interested in?". Discussion of the chosen topic for research. Memo "How to choose a topic."

Topic 4. How to choose a friend by common interest? (interest groups) – 1 hour.

Tasks to identify common interests. Group work.

Topic 5-6. What can projects be? – 2h.

Introduction to project types. Group work.

Topic 7-8. Formulation of the goal, objectives of the study, hypotheses - 2 hours.

Setting the goal of the study on the chosen topic. Definition of tasks to achieve the goal. Putting forward hypotheses.

Topic 9-10. Work planning - 2 hours.

Drawing up a project work plan. The game "In places".

Topic 11-13. Acquaintance with the methods and subjects of research. Experiment of knowledge in action - 2h.

Familiarize yourself with the methods and subjects of research. Determine the subject of research in your project. Experiment as a form of knowledge of the world.

Topic 14-15. Training in questioning, social survey, interviewing - 2 hours.

Compilation of questionnaires, surveys. Conducting interviews in groups.

Topic 16-18. Work in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of literature on the research topic - 2h.

Excursion to the library. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic of the project.

Topic 19-21. Analysis of the literature read - 2 hours.

Reading and selecting the necessary parts of the text for the project. Learn to write down the literature used in the project correctly.

Topic 22-23. Exploration of objects - 2 hours.

A practical lesson aimed at the study of objects in students' projects.

Topic 24-25. Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and secondary - 2 hours.

Thought experiment "What can be made from a piece of paper?" Write a story based on the finished ending.

Topic 26-27. Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, conclusions, conclusions - 2 hours.

Game "Find the mistakes of the artist." A practical task aimed at development is to analyze your actions and draw conclusions.

Topic 28. How to make a report on the results of the study - 1h.

Drawing up a work plan. Message requirements.

Topic 29-30. Registration of work - 1 hour.

Making drawings, crafts, etc.

Topic 31-32. Work in a computer class. Making a presentation - 2 hours.

Working on a computer - creating a presentation.

Topic 33. Mini-conference on the results of own research - 1 hour.

Performances by students with the presentation of their projects.

Topic 34. Analysis of research activities - 1h.

Analysis of your project activities.

Thematic planning Grade 4 (34 hours)

Topic of the lesson Number of hours
Knowledge, skills and abilities required in research work.
2-3 Culture of thinking.
4-5 Ability to identify problems. associations and analogies.
6-7 Discussion and selection of research topics, updating the problem.
8-9 Goal-setting, actualization of the problem, hypotheses.
10-11 Subject and object of research.
Work in the library with catalogs. Selection of literature on the research topic.
13-14 Acquaintance with the literature on this issue, analysis of the material.
15-16 observation and experimentation.
17-18 Experimentation Technique
19-20 Observation observation. Improving the technique of experimentation.
21-22 Correct thinking and logic.
23-24 What are paradoxes
25-27 Processing and analysis of all received data.
28-30 Work in a computer class. Making a presentation.
Preparing a public speech. How to prepare for defense.
32-33 Defense of the study in front of classmates.
Final lesson. Analysis of research activities.
Total - 34 hours

Topic 1. What can be explored? Formulation of the topic - 1 hour.

Tasks for the development of research abilities. Game for the development of the formulation of the topic.

Topic 2-3. How to ask questions? Bank of ideas - 2h.

Game Ask a Question. Compilation of the Bank of Ideas.

Topic 4-5. Topic, subject, object of study - 2 hours

Characteristics of concepts: theme, subject, object of study. Justification of the relevance of the choice of research topic. The subject of research as a problem in the topic of research. What can research be?

Know: how to choose a topic, subject, object of study,

Be able to: choose a topic, subject, object of study, justify the relevance of the topic.

Topic 6-7. Goals and objectives of the study - 2h.

Compliance with the purpose and objectives of the research topic. The essence of the process under study, its main properties, features. The main stages, stages of research.

Know: the answer to the question - why are you doing research?

Be able to: set goals and objectives of the study.

Topic 8-9. Learning to put forward hypotheses - 2 hours

Concepts: hypothesis, provocative idea.

Questions to consider: What is a hypothesis. How hypotheses are created. What is a provocative idea and how does it differ from a hypothesis. How to build hypotheses. Hypotheses can begin with the words: maybe ..., suppose ..., suppose ..., perhaps ..., what if ...

Practical tasks: “Let's think together”, “What would happen if a magician fulfilled the three most important desires of every person on Earth?”, “Come up with as many hypotheses and provocative ideas as possible”, etc. Know: how hypotheses are created. Be able to: create and build hypotheses, distinguish between a provocative idea and a hypothesis.

Topic 10-13. Organization of the study (practical lesson) - 4h.

Method of research as a way of solving problems of the researcher. Acquaintance with the main research methods available to children: think for yourself; look at books about what you are researching; ask other people get acquainted with films and television films on the topic of your research; turn to a computer, look in the global computer network Internet; observe; to conduct an experiment.

Practical tasks: training in the use of research methods during the study of available objects (water, light, indoor plants, people, etc.).

Know: - research methods,

Be able to: use research methods in solving research problems, ask questions, draw up a work plan, find information.

Topic 14-17.Observation and observation.Observation as a way to identify problems - 4h.

Acquaintance with observation as a research method. Studying the advantages and disadvantages (show the most common visual illusions) of observation. Scope of observation in scientific research. Information about discoveries made on the basis of observations. Acquaintance with instruments designed for observation (microscope, magnifying glass, etc.).

Practical tasks: “Name all the features of the object”, “Draw the object exactly”, “Paired pictures containing a difference”, “Find the artist’s mistakes”.

Know: - research method - observation

Be able to: - make observations over the object, etc.

Topic 18-19.Collecting - 2h.

Concepts: collecting, collector, collection. What is collecting. Who is a collector. What can be collected. How to quickly build a collection.

Practical tasks: choosing a topic for the collection, collecting material.

Know:- concepts - collecting, collector, collection

To be able to: - choose a topic for collecting, collect material.

Topic 20. Express research "What collections do people collect" -1 hour.

Search activity on the topic "What collections people collect."

Topic 21-22. Reporting your collections - 2h.

Student presentations about their collections.

Topic 23. What is an experiment - 1h.

Concepts: experiment, experimentation.

The most important way to get information. What do we know about experimentation? How to learn new things through experimentation. Planning and conducting an experiment.

Practical work.

Know: - concepts - experimentation and experimentation

To be able to: plan an experiment, find something new with the help of an experiment.

Topic 24. Thought experiments and experiments on models - 1 hour.

Conducting experiments on models. The Imagination Experiment.

Topic 25-27. Collecting material for research - 3 hours.

Concepts: a way of fixing knowledge, research search, research methods.

What is an exploratory search. Ways of fixing the received information (regular letter, pictographic letter, diagrams, drawings, icons, symbols, etc.).

Know: the rules and methods of collecting material

Be able to: find and collect material on the topic of research, use methods of fixing the material.

Topic 28-29. Generalization of the received data - 2 hours.

Analysis, generalization, main, secondary.

What is a generalization. Generalization techniques. Definitions of concepts. Main choice. Sequence of presentation.

Practical tasks: “Learning to analyze”, “Learning to highlight the main thing”, “Place the material in a certain sequence”.

Know: Ways to Summarize Material

To be able to: generalize the material, use generalization techniques, find the main thing.

Topic 30. How to prepare a report on research results and prepare for defense - 1 hour

Drawing up a plan for preparing for the defense of the project.

Topic 31. How to prepare a message - 1 hour

Message, report.

What is a report. How to plan your research report. How to distinguish the main and secondary.

Know: the rules for preparing a message.

Know how to plan your work “What first, what then”, “Composing stories according to a given algorithm”, etc.

Topic32. Preparation for defense - 1 hour

Protection. Issues to Consider : Collective discussion of problems: “What is protection”, “How to make a report correctly”, “How to answer questions”.

Topic33. Individual consultations - 1 hour

Consultations are conducted by the teacher for students and parents working in microgroups or individually. Preparing children's work for public defense.

Topic34. Summing up the work - 1 hour.

Thematic planning. 3rd grade (34 hours)

Project? Project!

Scientific research and our life.

How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics.

How to choose a friend by common interest? (interest groups)

What can projects be?

Formulation of the goal, objectives of the study, hypotheses.

Work planning.

Acquaintance with the methods and subjects of research. Experiment of knowledge in action.

Training in questioning, social survey, interviewing.

Work in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of references on the research topic.

Analysis of the literature read.

Study of objects.

Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and secondary.

Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, inferences, conclusions.

How to communicate the results of a study

Work form.

Mini conference on the results of our own research

Analysis of research activities.

Total 34 hours

Topic 1. Project? Project! Scientific research and our life -1h.

A conversation about the role of scientific research in our lives. Task "Look at the world through someone else's eyes."

Topic 2-3. How to choose a project topic? Discussion and selection of research topics - 2h.

Conversation "What am I interested in?". Discussion of the chosen topic for research. Memo "How to choose a topic."

Topic 4. How to choose a friend by common interest? (interest groups) – 1 hour.

Tasks to identify common interests. Group work.

Topic 5-6. What can projects be? – 2h.

Introduction to project types. Group work.

Topic 7-8. Formulation of the goal, objectives of the study, hypotheses - 2 hours.

Setting the goal of the study on the chosen topic. Definition of tasks to achieve the goal. Putting forward hypotheses.

Topic 9-10. Work planning - 2 hours.

Drawing up a project work plan. The game "In places".

Topic 11-13. Acquaintance with the methods and subjects of research. Experiment of knowledge in action - 2h.

Familiarize yourself with the methods and subjects of research. Determine the subject of research in your project. Experiment as a form of knowledge of the world.

Topic 14-15. Training in questioning, social survey, interviewing - 2 hours.

Compilation of questionnaires, surveys. Conducting interviews in groups.

Topic 16-18. Work in the library with catalogs. Selection and compilation of a list of literature on the research topic - 2h.

Excursion to the library. Selection of the necessary literature on the topic of the project.

Topic 19-21. Analysis of the literature read - 2 hours.

Reading and selecting the necessary parts of the text for the project. Learn to write down the literature used in the project correctly.

Topic 22-23. Exploration of objects - 2 hours.

A practical lesson aimed at the study of objects in students' projects.

Topic 24-25. Basic logical operations. We learn to evaluate ideas, highlight the main and secondary - 2 hours.

Thought experiment "What can be made from a piece of paper?" Write a story based on the finished ending.

Topic 26-27. Analysis and synthesis. Judgments, conclusions, conclusions - 2 hours.

Game "Find the mistakes of the artist." A practical task aimed at development is to analyze your actions and draw conclusions.

Topic 28. How to make a report on the results of the study - 1h.

Drawing up a work plan. Message requirements.

Topic 29-30. Registration of work - 1 hour.

Making drawings, crafts, etc.

Topic 31-32. Work in a computer class. Making a presentation - 2 hours.

Working on a computer - creating a presentation.

Topic 33. Mini-conference on the results of own research - 1 hour.

Performances by students with the presentation of their projects.

Topic 34. Analysis of research activities - 1h.

Analysis of your project activities.

Thematic planning Grade 4 (34 hours)

Topic of the lesson

Number of hours

Knowledge, skills and abilities required in research work.

Culture of thinking.

Ability to identify problems. associations and analogies.

Discussion and selection of research topics, updating the problem.

Goal-setting, actualization of the problem, hypotheses.

Subject and object of research.

Work in the library with catalogs. Selection of literature on the research topic.

Acquaintance with the literature on this issue, analysis of the material.

observation and experimentation.

Experimentation Technique

Observation observation. Improving the technique of experimentation.

Correct thinking and logic.

What are paradoxes

Processing and analysis of all received data.

Work in a computer class. Making a presentation.

Preparing a public speech. How to prepare for defense.

Defense of the study in front of classmates.

Performance at the school NPC.

Final lesson. Analysis of research activities.

Total - 34 hours

Topic1. Knowledge, skills and abilities required in research work.

Practical work "Look at the world with different eyes."

Subject 2-3. Culture of thinking.

Topic types. Practical work "Unfinished story".

Topic 4-5. Ability to identify problems. associations and analogies.

Tasks to develop the ability to identify the problem. associations and analogies.

Topic 6-7. Discussion and selection of research topics, updating the problem.

Selection of a research topic of interest from a wide variety of topics. Work on the relevance of the selected problem.

Topic 8-9. Goal-setting, actualization of the problem, hypotheses.

Setting a goal, defining a problem and putting forward hypotheses on the topic of research.

Topic 10-11. Subject and object of research.

Definition of the subject and object of research and their formulation.

Topic 12. Working with catalogs in the library. Selection of literature on the research topic - 1h.

Excursion to the library. Working with a file. Selection of literature.

Topic 13-14. Acquaintance with the literature on this issue, analysis of the material -2 hours.

Work with literature on the chosen topic. Selection of the necessary material for work.

Topic 15-16. Observation and experimentation -2h.

Practical work. Experiment with microscope, magnifying glass.

Topic 17-18. Technique of experimentation -2h.

Experiment with magnet and metal. The task "We tell, we fantasize."

Subject 19-20. Observation observation. Improving the technique of experimentation - 2h.

Game for the development of observation. Conducting an experiment.

Topic 21-22. Correct thinking and logic - 2 hours.

Tasks for the development of thinking and logic.

Topic 23-24. Processing and analysis of all received data - 2h.

Selective reading. Selection of necessary statements on the topic of the project.

Topic 25-27. What are paradoxes - 3h.

The concept of paradox. A conversation about life's paradoxes.

Subject 28-30. Work in a computer class. Making a presentation - 3 hours.

Making a presentation for a project. Selection of necessary pictures. Compilation of an album of illustrations. Doing crafts.

Topic 31. Preparation of a public speech. How to prepare for defense -1 hour.

Drawing up a presentation plan.

Topic32. Defense of the research in front of classmates - 1 hour.

Presentation of projects in front of classmates.

Topic33. Performance at the school NPC - 1 hour.

Presentation of the project at the school NPC.

Topic34. Final lesson. Analysis of research activities - 1h.

Analysis of research activities. Conclusions.

    Program equipment and staffing

For the implementation of the educational process under the Program "I am a researcher" the following accessories are required:

    computer, printer, scanner, multimedia projector;

    set of DER according to design technology.

The program is taught by a teacher primary school or any other design professional with sufficient experience working with children or with a teaching background.


For the teacher

    Savenkov A.I. Exploratory learning methodology junior schoolchildren. Publishing house "Educational literature", house "Fedorov", 2008.

    Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook for younger students. Publishing House "Fedorov". 2008

    M.V. Dubova Organization of project activities of younger students. A practical guide for primary school teachers. - M. BALLAS, 2008

For students:

    Workbook. Savenkov A.I. I am a researcher. Workbook for younger students. Publishing House "Fedorov". 2008

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