They believed that the earth was flat. How to join the flat earth society? Official film about the real shape of the Earth from Terra Convexa

The earth has the shape... April 22nd, 2013

In this regard, a small educational program. So as not to forget))

The earth, as has been known since ancient times, flat. Some also add various details such as elephants, turtles, World waters and other things, but these are unnecessary details.

The earth is flat and covered on top, like a lid, by the Firmament of Heaven. What is behind it is not entirely clear, but we can assume that there are very clever mechanics there.

Some, however, argue that the Earth has a shape ball. Even the photographs show it.

Others go further and say that the Earth is compressed at the poles. Because it's spinning. And as a result, it has the shape not of a ball, but ellipsoid of revolution. Even the parameters of this ellipsoid were calculated repeatedly. It's different every time.

The right column is polar compression. You can see how small it is. Imperceptible to the eye.

Some go even further. The earth, they say, has hummocks and holes. There are all sorts of Alps, the Himalayas, Mariana Trenches. And of course, continents and water-filled oceans. All this distorts the shape of the Earth and deviates the plumb line from the normal (perpendicular to the surface) of this very terrestrial ellipsoid.

If you hang plumb lines all over the Earth and draw through them a surface perpendicular to them, coinciding with the average level of the World Ocean, you will get a closed figure - . The geoid is so complex that it cannot even be described by mathematical formulas. It can only be drawn on maps.

Or try making a globe.

The vertical scale on this “globe” is greatly exaggerated. Maybe a thousand times, maybe more. That's why the Earth turned out to be so crumpled. So the geoid recedes from the earth’s ellipsoid by a little more than a hundred meters, which is completely invisible at six thousand kilometers of the earth’s radius. If the Earth is compressed to the size of even the Cheops pyramid, it will be smoother than an industrially manufactured polished metal sphere of the same size.

It would seem that there is nowhere to go further. But they are coming! Since the geoid is too complex to be described by formulas, and it is necessary to work with it, they try to use formulas to describe the figure closest to the geoid. This figure is called quasigeoid and retreats from the geoid by a couple of meters, no more. These are just minor things.

The most interesting thing is that I, who studied all this (and much more) at the university, and my fellow topographers will say in unison: Earth flat. All the earth's bendiness and slopingness begins somewhere outside of those small areas of land with which we have to work. So in the age of scientific and technological progress, when our ships plow the expanses of the near-Earth Universe and provide users with precise coordinates, many land surveyors (armed with receivers of satellite navigation signals) simply do not need knowledge about the shape of the Earth. They work calmly on a flat Earth and may not even be aware of its real shape.

Let it be at least in the form of a suitcase.

Anyway, the Earth is too big for this to be noticeable on six hundred square meters (or even sixty hectares).

The generally accepted statement that ancient scientists considered our Earth to be flat is not entirely true. Of course, someone thought it was flat, but in fact there were several versions, including one that the Earth is a sphere. Today, it would seem, all the i’s are dotted and no one doubts that the Earth is a ball revolving around the Sun.

No matter how it is. Whether for fun or for PR, or maybe for religious reasons, but the world was again split on this issue into two opposing camps. Are you surprised? If someone comes up to you and claims that the Earth is flat, will you twist it at your temple? Oh well. The fact that the Earth is a ball (to be precise, a geoid) and revolves around the Sun is a generally accepted theory and, it seemed, beyond doubt? It wasn’t there...

Which Earth is it: round or flat?

On the one hand, modern science claims that the Earth is round, and on the other... At the head, perhaps, is the Society flat earth. The main goal is to prove that the Earth is flat, and the governments of all countries are in a conspiracy and in various ways mislead about the sphericity of the Earth, hiding the fact that the Earth is flat.

The Flat Earth Society still has its adherents.

The basic concepts of the flat earth society are:

The Earth is a flat disk, 40,000 kilometers in diameter, centered around North Pole.

The Sun and Moon and stars move above the surface of the Earth.

Gravity is denied. The acceleration due to gravity occurs because the Earth is moving upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s². Due to the curvature of space-time, this can last indefinitely.

South Polenet. Antarctica is actually the icy edge of our disk - a wall encircling our world.

All photographs of the Earth from space are fakes.

The distance between objects in the southern hemisphere is actually much greater. The fact that flights between them occur much faster than should be according to the flat Earth map can be explained simply - the airliner crews are involved in a conspiracy.

The Sun is something like a powerful searchlight 51 km in diameter, which circles above the Earth at a distance of 4800 km and illuminates it.

Everything that happens is an experiment on us.

All scientific institutes deliberately lie that the Earth is spherical, etc.

The government also lies - it works for its masters - the reptilians.

There were no flights into space, and there’s nothing to say about the Moon, it’s all a hoax.

All videos about space flights were filmed on Earth.

And off we go. Gradually the world is splitting into two halves. One goes to live on a round and spherical Earth, the other – also round, but flat.

Both sides provide “irrefutable” evidence of their vision of the shape of the earth.

Here are some of the most Interesting Facts of the universe from the lips of both opponents.

The earth is flat because:


Flat-Earth Evidence: Take any photograph where the horizon line is flat, not rounded.

Ball-earth refutation: to see the real curves of the horizon line or plane in the frame, you need a much greater distance from the shooting point from the surface of the earth. This is clearly visible in photographs from space.

Flat earth answer: all pictures from space are fakes from NASA and the like. Space doesn't exist.


Flat earth proofs: In many descriptions in the Bible, the Earth is flat earth.

(Daniel 4:7, 8): “The visions of my head on my bed were as follows: I saw, behold, a very tall tree in the middle of the earth. This tree was large and strong, and its height reached to the sky, and it was apparently up to ends of the whole earth » -

      This expression only applies to flat earth.

Ball-earth rebuttal:(published taking into account the opinions of fundamentalist Christians):

It should be clear right away that the Bible is not scientific work, with the goal of explaining the structure of the universe. IN Holy Scripture this was done figuratively and in a language understandable to the common people, based on the knowledge that the people had in those days. However, when carefully read and interpreted, the Bible does not contradict modern science and does not indicate that the Earth is not spherical.

In this case, the dream of Nebuchadnezzar, the king of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, who reigned from September 7, 605 to October 7, 562 BC, is described. e.. The tree in the dream, as it turned out from Daniel’s interpretation of the dream, is Nebuchadnezzar himself. It is correct to consider the edge of the Earth to be the border of the Neo-Babylonian kingdom, for a simple reason: Nebuchadnezzar never ruled the entire Earth. Moreover, it speaks of vision, and not of direct observation.

Flat earth:

(Isaiah 42:5): “Thus says the Lord God, who created the heavens and their expanses, who spread out the earth with its products.” This can only be done with a flat earth.

Ball-earth rebuttal:

IN this description it speaks of what are now commonly called continents. Modern science with minor reservations, he considers the continents to be flat. If this action is considered applicable to a plane, this does not in any way indicate that the entire Earth is also flat.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet

(Matthew 4:8): “Again the devil takes Him [Jesus] to a very high mountain and shows Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.”

This is only possible if the Earth is flat.

Ball-earth rebuttal(from Bible scholars and scholars):

All the highest mountains on Earth are known. Climbers have climbed everything, and more than once. Unfortunately, it is not possible to examine all the “kingdoms” with any of them, and the reason is not at all that the Earth is round (this is not a hindrance), but because it is impossible to examine anything at such a distance . But modern man can look at “all the kingdoms of the world” on a computer monitor or smartphone. However, Satan's capabilities and abilities far exceed those of humans. In what way he showed the kingdoms and why the high mountain was needed, we do not know.

The most interesting thing is that theoretically this is how the entire Earth can be viewed. Don't be surprised, this is really true. This phenomenon is called diffraction. Under certain conditions, we see the horizon line much further than theoretically we should see it. This is how mirages arise. Of course, in real life The chances of seeing something like that are incredibly low. After all, this requires a certain air temperature, humidity, transparency and, possibly, something else. There is even less chance of seeing the whole Earth. And it’s absolutely insignificant - to view what you want. But who said that the devil does not know how to use this phenomenon? Showing such mirage pictures to Jesus would be a very effective way to influence his human spiritual-sensual nature in order to achieve admiration from him. On the other hand, here we can also talk about vision without direct observation.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet

(Job 38:12,13): “Did you ever give orders to the morning in your life and show the dawn its place so that it would embrace ends of the earth and shook off the wicked..."

(Job. 37:3 )"Under the whole sky its roar, and its shine - to the ends of the earth ."

The edges can only have a plane.

Ball-earth rebuttal:(from Bible scholars and scholars):

The Lord speaks to Job about the unshakable order of alternation of day and night established by Him. It is figuratively said that the dawn disperses darkness and stops the deeds of the wicked committed at night. The expression “end of the earth” is also used by those who are well aware of the spherical shape of the Earth.

There are other references in the Bible to the edges and corners of the Earth, which can be interpreted in different ways: for example, that these are the edges of continents or countries. In addition, the Bible itself confirms that the word “earth” means dry land:

(Life 1:10 ) And God called the dry land earth , and called the collection of waters seas.

Therefore, it is impossible to accept these scriptures as proof that the Earth is flat.

Flat earth:There is no continuation of dialogue from the appender yet


It was carried out in 1838 by Samuel Rowbotham. This experiment is considered the most reliable evidence.

The essence of the experiment is extremely simple. Rowbotham found a flat area of ​​about 10 km (6 miles) on the Bedford River. I installed the telescope at a height of 20 inches (50.8 cm) from the surface of the water and began to watch the receding boat with a five-meter mast.

The mast was visible throughout the boat's movement. On the basis of which Rowbotham stated that the Earth is flat.

If the Earth were round, the mast should have disappeared from view.

Ball-earth rebuttal:

Lifting horizon in this case it happened due to the phenomenon of refraction. Due to positive refraction, the visible horizon has risen. As a result, its geographic range increased compared to its geometric range. This made it possible to see objects hidden by the curvature of the Earth. At normal temperatures, the horizon rise is 6-7%.

For reference: If the temperature increases excessively the visible horizon can rise to the true mathematical horizon. At the same time, the earth's surface will visually straighten. The earth will become flat, to the delight of flat-earthers. Of course, only visually. The visibility range under these conditions will become infinitely large. The radius of curvature of the beam can become equal to the radius of the globe.

For reference: The discoverer of light refraction is considered to be the Italian physicist and astronomer Grimaldi Francesco Maria (1618-1663)

Naturally, Samuel Rowbotham was well aware of the phenomena of refraction. And it is quite logical that the published book describing experiments proving that the Earth is flat did not arouse any interest among scientists. But there were many adherents. One of Hemplein’s followers even placed a bet of 500 pounds (not a small amount at that time) that he would allegedly prove to any opponent that the Earth was flat. And such an opponent was found. It was the scientist Alfred Wallace. Of course, he knew perfectly well what he was doing. The experiment was carried out in the same valley. But Wallace changed the observation slightly. He used an intermediate point - a bridge, on which a circle was fixed. A horizontal line was placed at the end point. The telescope, circle and line were at the same height relative to the surface of the water. If the Earth were flat, a line would be visible through the circle at its center. Naturally, this did not happen. However, Hamplen refused to pay the due amount and called Wallace a liar and a forger.

So what is the Earth like?

Isn't it time to tell true story that Magellan simply swam in a circle, and not around the Earth. Cook sailed along the edge of the Earth in search of Antarctica. And by the way, he was right: Antarctica does not exist! Kruzenshtern also had good reason to doubt it when he discovered Antarctica. After all, he just ran into an icy wall that was created to prevent the oceans from flowing out. It is not clear, of course, how he managed to get around our Earth’s disk (yes, a disk, let’s call a spade a spade) in 751 days. Again conspiracy and falsification! He didn’t put anything on the map and didn’t go anywhere, he probably drank beer somewhere in Australia, and the maps were given to him ready-made, drawn at NASO. NASO is a special organization that, for our billions, fools us, draws cool pictures of space, makes viewing programs for the supposedly round Earth, and films hoax shows of flights into space and to the Moon. Governments are in cahoots, all scientists are in cahoots, pilots are in cahoots, the police are also aware - collusion, all smart people are also in cahoots. In short, everything is in conspiracy against honest people who understand the essence of the true universe and, finally, with the advent of the Internet, are ready to open the eyes of those who are not yet in the know.

This is roughly what it looks like today serious problem. So what kind of Earth do we actually live on? If you know any facts, please report them in the comments. Perhaps you will be able to find inaccuracies in the article or the need to supplement it, we will also comment. And we will certainly make an addition, and possibly a continuation, taking into account all your comments and wishes. Please behave correctly, and do not send your participants to third class high school or to a psychiatrist, twist your finger at your temple. Checked - doesn't work. Only strong arguments and evidence of a flat or spherical Earth will help save the situation.

We live in a world consisting of information fields, this is obvious and understandable to anyone who has ever thought about the real secrets of the universe. And, based on the latest scientific data, we can safely say that those facts that were previously considered prejudice have a real basis. One of these facts is that photography steals the soul. Of course, not all of it, but it leaves traces that are easily diagnosed with scientific instruments.

Yes? Why is this discovery not widely known?

Here we turn to the problem for which the movement for sovereign science was created, the problem that official science has been hiding real knowledge for many centuries. Scientists have long turned into a sect that functions only to create a smoke screen that allows them to manipulate people.
One of the most mysterious videos about Flat Earth:

What does this mean?
Look, what is the essence of so-called scientific knowledge? It is to imagine a person as a conditional, soulless grain of sand in the infinity of endless space, to literally hammer into his head the idea that he is a useless loner, standing in the face of emptiness. Endless proof of this is the essence of modern so-called science, which came to us from the West. Behind this veil, true knowledge is lost, and this loss is intentional.

What is it, true knowledge, and where to look for it?

I’ll answer the second part of the question first: you need to look in Russia. And to answer the first part, it is necessary to delve into history and understand when the phenomenon that today is commonly called official science began to develop in our country.

From Peter the Great, or more precisely from that agent of the West who pretended to be him. Today, all historians who have not fully joined the sect of scientists know that during Peter’s trip to Germany, a true autocrat with a great spirit, the Masons replaced their protege with a completely different person who returned to Russia. And it was this man who began to implant the so-called sciences in Russia, trying to completely knock out of people the real knowledge that still remained at that time. The process of transforming highly spiritual Personalities into rootless individualists-cosmopolitans has begun. And the tool for this transformation is science. Full, by the way, of the most obvious contradictions.

Which ones?

Wait. First you need to decide where exactly the true knowledge remains. It was at that time that the division of true science took place into the profane part, which we call science today, and real knowledge, which became the lot of the chosen ones in Europe, such chosen ones were the Freemasons, and in Rus' distant monasteries. By the way, it was for this reason that they were persecuted. Any true knowledge is based on spirituality and holy books, and pseudo-knowledge, that is, science, is based on cheap fabrications. The insidiousness of the West is that with the help of science they managed to deceive the whole world and hide true knowledge behind a special veil of science.

Here are several relationships between true knowledge and false sciences, which, by the way, were actively studied by real researchers in the last century. For example, Rene Guenon. The relationships are as follows: true astrology is false astronomy, true numerology is false mathematics, true alchemy is false chemistry, and so on.
By selecting absolutely profane parts from real knowledge, the Masons managed to create a powerful system for protecting true knowledge, which became the lot of the chosen few and an instrument for the enslavement of the world. The sect of so-called scientists are those biorobots that are used to create this very veil over true knowledge.

Still, let’s return to the contradictions that you promised to talk about.

No problem. Let's at least look at the theory that says that the Earth is a ball that revolves around the Sun. Even here, obvious contradictions are not noticed!

A recent sociological survey showed that almost 40% of the Russian population is confident in the correct biblical version of the Sun revolving around the Earth.

Doesn't the Earth revolve around the Sun?

Thank God no! And now, when Russia is experiencing a spiritual revival, even official scientists and simple people! For example, a recent sociological survey showed that almost 40% of the Russian population is confident in the correct biblical version of the Sun revolving around the Earth. There is a positive trend every year, the percentage of those who have learned the truth is increasing!

The whole truth on VIDEO:

Maybe people just forgot their school course?

But everyone remembers arithmetic and supposedly basic physics! And this is enough to know the truth!

Imagine the situation: a plane flies from Europe to Japan 11 thousand kilometers, and arrives at its destination 10 hours later. As we all remember from school, the length of the Earth’s equator is 40 thousand kilometers. If the Earth rotated around its own axis per day, as official science says, then in an hour it would rotate 1,666 kilometers. It is so? Now think for yourself at what speed a plane must fly 10 thousand kilometers in order to fly this distance in 10 hours against the movement of the supposedly round and supposedly rotating Earth! More than 2700 kilometers per hour! At the usual speed of 1000 kilometers per hour, the plane would have flown completely into reverse side and would never fly anywhere! The same goes for the return flight: for him, the plane didn’t have to fly anywhere at all, just take off and wait, divide 10 thousand by one thousand six hundred and 6 hours!

What about pictures of the Earth from space?

From what space, my dear? Where is the evidence that space even exists? Everyone knows that no one has ever been in space!

What about Gagarin and the Americans on the Moon?

Gagarin was supposedly in orbit, not in space, and the Americans, as everyone knows, filmed their entire moon in the Nevada desert. This is all the same continuation of the conspiracy of the damned sorcerers-scientists! As a result, we are forced to admit that even official physics and mathematics, with common sense, clearly show that the Earth simply cannot be round! Here is one of the brightest contradictions!

That is, you claim that mathematics and physics cannot even explain the fact that the Earth is round?

This is pseudoscience! What can pseudoscience prove anyway?

The banal Pythagorean theorem immediately comes to mind.

Do you know why Pythagoras was killed?

For his true knowledge! All over the world, he collected mysteries that remained from the previous great spiritual civilization of Hyperborea, which was destroyed by the Great Flood, but traces of the ancestral home of which still remain everywhere on the territory of Russia! Fortunately, Atlantis was still alive then, and present-day Antarctica was a flourishing land. From there Pythagoras brought real knowledge. And, by the way, he did not age and was a Rus, that is, Russian. But his students, persuaded by the Freemasons, killed him. As a result, everyone now remembers Pythagoras only by the profane interpretation of his deep knowledge, which is now called the theorem named after him!

But the theorem works and has been proven many times

In my youth, I repeated the discovery of Pythagoras, independently proving a similar theorem, but it does not work! And the Russian proved it. His name, if you don’t remember, was Lobachevsky!

If so, then it turns out that mathematics and physics are not needed at all?

Exactly! It is not appropriate for true seekers of knowledge to fill one's head with Masonic teachings! Our task now is to restore, bit by bit, that spiritual knowledge that should become the basis of real science. They still remain in distant monasteries, at base 211, which, by the way, the Masons are still trying to find, in the greatest spirituality of our people. It is not too late to create true science, and on its basis a new highly spiritual civilization.
To do this, we must now uproot all pseudo-science and, throwing back the veil, plunge into the palaces of real knowledge, proving that we are not empty grains of sand in an endless void, but great Warriors of the Spirit! This is the main content of sovereign science, for the possibility of whose development we are fighting with the world behind the scenes.

If we leave the process of struggle alone for a while, then where should we start?

True scientists who strive for knowledge are now under enormous pressure. It is necessary to remove this pressure, which is created by scientists. Then all true forces must unite and develop general theory, which would explain all the secrets of the universe.

Is this possible?

Certainly! Moreover, it already exists! And it's called spirituality! The problem is that pseudoscience is built on the fact that it constantly replaces cause with effect. It is now necessary to break this vicious circle. The time has come to understand that it is not knowledge that leads to discovery, but revelation must be explained by knowledge. Only this way can be effective.

Do I understand correctly, but you are talking about the same thing that we often write about the role of science as a means of justification. True, we are talking about the rationale for the actions of the authorities.

Yes! And that includes the authorities, because this is a supra-mundane entity. And the actions of any supramundane entity require justification by knowledge. This is the task of true sovereign science.

And how is the implementation of such extravagant ideas going?

The ideas are correct, and not at all extra, why use such words at all, aren’t there enough Russian words?

Okay, independent ones.

It is progressing well, and there is support, albeit unspoken, at the very top. Recently, for example, the director of the Kurchatov Institute said that Russia needs integrated science that will find simple explanations for everything.

Is there any merit in this statement?

Thoughts are material, the information field permeates everything that exists. Therefore, of course, I consider such a breakthrough to be my merit: by pumping up the egregor of true knowledge, we influence the essence of things and other people. For now, this is where the movement sees its main task.

The same thing as everywhere to fight the obscurantism of official science and spread true knowledge.

How much consumer knowledge does this have?

Now, praise the universe, it is getting bigger and bigger. Just look at TV, there are more and more truly scientific programs. This means that the people are beginning to awaken from spiritual slumber and are beginning to understand the world differently than the official learned proteges of the West want to see. This means we will win!

Modern passenger aircraft for some reason they do not fly in a straight line, but make huge circles. This is especially noticeable in Southern Hemisphere: For example, planes flying from Australia to Chile never fly through the South Pole, although this is the shortest route. Or planes flying from Perth, Australia to Johannesburg (South Africa) for some reason fly through Dubai, although there is no need for them to make such a strange zigzag. Why do airlines spend millions of dollars on gasoline and travel costs when all routes can be built much more economically?

There is only one answer: in reality, planes fly in the most straight line - it’s just that the Earth is not really round, but flat, and the maps and globes that we are accustomed to are compiled by liars in order to deceive people. “I’ve also been wondering about flights for a long time. No matter who I asked, no one could answer. Well, in general, watch this wonderful video, there is a lot of interesting things there, and everything is clear,” Vetlitskaya wrote (the author’s spelling has been preserved). The conspiracy, in which politicians, scientists, and education system officials participate, has been going on for more than a century, although it costs nothing to discover the truth. The next time you fly on an airplane, don’t be lazy and study the horizon line through the window. You will see that it is absolutely flat, without any difficulty, exactly like on the ground. But with the help of a good telescope, the “curvature” could be seen even while on the surface of the Earth: for every 100 km of the earth’s surface there should be 196 meters of curvature, say the authors of another video on the same topic.

Are we being lied to? According to the singer, performer of the songs “Look into your eyes” and “Playboy next to me,” she had long suspected a conspiracy, and a video recorded by an unknown YouTube user finally allowed her to dot all the i’s. “And yes, skeptics and fans of officially approved concepts are not recommended to watch this video for the sake of preserving their fragile nervous system", warns the singer.

Formal lie

Nothing is new on our Earth, and this is true regardless of its form. The ancients had no doubt that our planet was a disk, but they “scientifically substantiated” this theory in the 19th century. In 1956, the Flat Earth Society arose in the United States. Despite the fact that the society flourished in the 1980s, when its ranks included 3 thousand people, it still exists today.

According to the basic principles that society believes in, cosmology looks like this: The Earth is a flat disk with a diameter of 40,000 km. Why exactly 40,000? Because this is the length of any two meridians in geography textbooks. In fact, there are no meridians, since meridians are lines on the surface of the spherical Earth, and the Earth, as we already know, is a flat disk. Therefore, meridians are not lines from pole to pole, but simply radii of the Earth. And two radii, as we know from textbooks on another subject that is more applicable to our planet - geometry, are diameters. In the center of the flat circle is the North Pole. Where is Yuzhny? But there is no South, instead there is a disk boundary. What we used to think of as Antarctica is a long wall of ice encircling the entire Earth. How can this “not be”? Well, have any of you been to the South Pole and seen it with your own eyes? I personally don’t. And those travelers who visited there did not see anything special. Who said this is a pole? They were simply deceived by those involved in the conspiracy.

Wait, the reader will object, but if there is simply no Southern Hemisphere, but there is an outer side of the disk, then any travel along it should be slower than along the inner side. It turns out that the distance, say, from Europe to North America not that big, but the distance from South America to Africa should be colossal! And any distances in the “Southern Hemisphere”, say, between Sydney and Melbourne, must be much greater than it appears on the map. regular map. And so it is, say members of society: a kilometer in the “Southern Hemisphere” is much longer than a kilometer in the “Northern”, but politicians hide this from us, and ordinary car owners cannot notice this due to the relatively low speeds of their cars. The truth is obvious only to airline pilots and captains of long-distance ships, but they are all also involved in the conspiracy...

Where does gravity come from? - the reader will resort to a proven argument. It's simple: the Earth constantly soars upward with an acceleration of 9.8 m/s², and this is what creates constant “gravity”. The Moon and the Sun, of course, rotate above the surface of the Earth, and the starry vault itself circles above our planet. What about photographs of the Earth from space? And these are fakes. What about flights to other planets? But no one has flown anywhere, and no one will fly, because there is nowhere to fly. Above our planet there is a flat dome in which the waters condense, from there rain pours, and excess water pours over the edges into the world ether. But if you check, get on a plane and fly to the Pole? But you won’t get anywhere: the plane will fall out into the air and be lost forever. About mysterious disappearance Did you hear Malaysia Airlines flight MH370? That's it: the pilot brought the plane in the wrong direction.

"Everything is sawn"

These scientists are an ungrateful people: instead of rejoicing that the authors of the YouTube videos have finally painted a consistent picture of the universe, they find fault with little things. For example, they ask how a disk-shaped planetary body could appear in the Universe? The laws of gravity are such that any large planet, no matter what shape it initially had, sooner or later under the influence of its own mass will turn into an ellipsoid close to a ball. Only small bodies like the satellites of Mars - Phobos and Deimos - can “afford” the shape of irregular cobblestones: for a planet like ours, there is no material in nature from which a stable disk could be made; in any case, it will wrinkle and begin to resemble on the ball.

Or they refer to the incomparability of measurements, reminding that modern passenger planes fly at an altitude of 9–10 km: in comparison with the diameter of the Earth of 40 thousand km, this is like the height of a fly in comparison with the height of the house on which it perches. Will the fly see the true shape of the house, being so small? Most likely, she will believe that the whole house is flat, like its roof. Isn’t it stupid that a height of 10 km is funny to them? If they had fallen from such a height, they probably wouldn’t have laughed.

They are trying to refute it ridiculously by referring to a school experience with recording the movement of the starry sky on a stationary photographic plate with a long exposure. It clearly shows that the entire starry sky is moving around the North Star. But if the same record is recorded in the Southern Hemisphere, there will be no North Star there, and the sky will revolve around a conventional point not far from a tiny star - Sigma Octantus. As if someone has the opportunity to fly to the ice wall surrounding our disk, and with the danger of falling over the edge, the ether will install a camera there with numb fingers!

They remind you that in order to make sure that a kilometer across the entire Earth has a total length, they advise Muscovites to fly to Milan with a meter ruler and compare it with the rulers there - the difference in length should be noticeable even between such geographical points. For them, 10 km is not a distance, but here some millimeters must not converge. They are outright lying when they say that planes avoid direct flights because, for the sake of safe navigation, they try to fly over land and not over sea.

Meanwhile, genuine science does not stand still: in her next post, Vetlitskaya revealed the ins and outs of the web of lies in which it keeps us world government. “On this space called Earth, everything has long been cut down and all the rules have been established” by a small group of creatures, “and everyone else is supposed to shut up and just follow the given commands, in general, a strict police regime.” And even later, a new revelation followed from Vetlitskaya, this time about the number of dimensions in our Universe. “Nothing will work out in the 3-dimensional world, don’t even hope,” the singer said in her next status. - Or you climb more high level consciousness, or... Choose for yourself.” Indeed, choose for yourself which level of consciousness to rise to. I personally go out on the first one, where Copernicus and Galileo are.

Subject " Flat Earth"Does it seem funny to you? Then I'll remind you. Just 500 years ago, everyone KNEW that the Earth was Flat, and those who said that the Earth was Round were taking a serious risk. At best, his friends, acquaintances and relatives looked at him as a “lunatic.” At worst, he was burned at the stake by religious fanatics.

Now this story has a continuation...

Earth became again Flat, but now no one will burn you. Most people still won’t understand what is written, because they haven’t learned to think with their heads. However, this is not about you. And treat the article with Humor.

Play: "The Flat Earthers Strike Back."

Scene 2: "Evidence for a Flat Earth."


Professor Sharov — (PSh ). He talked about the Round Earth. . I hope you have seen his official responses. Because now what we love most about this site will begin - “Melting Our Reality «.

Professor Wonderful — (PZ ). Talks about Flat Earth. Right now.

You -simple buyer.

Did I read Scene 1?

1. Our world.

You : Good afternoon, Professor Wonderful (PZ ), I just talked with your colleague Sharov about our world, and somehow he didn’t look 100% convincing. What do you have?

PZ : I have a Model and Flat Earth Map. She looks like this.

PZ : Our world is a Flat Disk surrounded by an ice wall. Therefore, the water does not flow anywhere and you cannot fall off the edge. The ice wall is officially called Antarctica, it covers the entire disk, how far it goes into the depths - we don’t know, maybe to infinity. Or maybe a hundred kilometers away there is life there. The military closed Antarctica with a special agreement from 1959. Therefore, it’s not so easy to get there. Alas.

The Flat Earth map is officially called in science Azimuthal Projection.

More details: From above we are covered by the “Dome” - a structure UNDER which the Sun and Moon rotate, plus the rest of the “planets”. The height of the Dome is 5 thousand km. The Moon rotates just below the Sun. The stars are light bulbs on the Dome.

You : Clear. Professor Sharov, could you remind me of your version?

PS: Earth is the planet on which we live, and our model is called Globe, from Latin globus -> ball. The surface is 29% land, 71% water. A simplified model of the Earth looks like this.

PS : The Sun - 99.86% of the mass of the entire solar system, is located in the center. The planets revolve around the Sun. Earth is the third planet from the Sun. Visually below.

You : Clear. Refresh your memory. Question for you, PZ . There are generally accepted proofs, which are usually taught in schools, as confirmation that the Earth is round. Can you refute them or show an alternative explanation?

PZ : Yes, sure. Show me your evidence, I will comment on it.

Moreover, I'm willing to pay 1000 dollars to the one who refutes proof that the earth is flat. You are interested?

You : Yes, I want to earn 1000 USD, if you're not kidding. But first, disprove the evidence for a round Earth. Ready?

PZ: I'm seriously offering a deal. Ready.

You: Evidence 1. The ships go beyond the horizon and first the hull disappears, and then the sail disappears. Isn't this proof of the curvature of the Earth's surface?

PZ: No, not proof. The ship simply diminishes on the horizon and disappears as soon as it passes." convergence point", that is, goes behind " visibility horizon". You can get it back if you take the binoculars.

How does vision work?.

An object that is moving away from you reaches a point on the horizon when it is too small for you to make out anything. Here's the point in the center of the picture where the road shrinks into a point. This point is called « point of convergence «, point where parallel lines converge in the EYE. This is our vision on Earth.

We use 2 eyes to determine the distance to the object.

That is, the further the object is from us, the smaller it will be. And even 2 parallel lines are still removed and reduced to Convergence points of the eye lens. This skill is very useful for PREDATOR HUNTERS (us, in the past). Determine the distance to prey or danger .

Even 1 eye is still able to show us the Distance, because the light passes through the edges of the lens (points 1, 2, 3, 4). Pupil = ROUND LENS, not a narrow SLIT. Therefore, even 1 eye is very cool!

We see an object up to 7 km away on the horizon. The physical size of the pupil does not allow one to see further.


Here are 2 parallel railway tracks. They are parallel to each other thousands of kilometers ahead, WAYS DO NOT CROSS, DO NOT GO TO EACH OTHER AT ALL, otherwise the train would not have been able to travel for weeks along the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Vladivostok.

But, you see how 4 parallel rails converge to a point on the horizon, right? Same with the ship. Curvature has nothing to do with it. Curvature is the most primitive way to explain all these effects.

Keep in mind that hot air or water vapor may prevent you from seeing a ship in the distance and above the horizon.

Here, for example, is the phenomenon of a mirage. When in the summer the effect hangs over a hot road like a wet puddle. I think everyone has seen it in their lives. The middle dividing strip disappears in " puddle«.

The object, the ship-machine will be blur and shrink with distance. The wheels will be the first to disappear because they are closest to the ground, although the road is absolutely flat in front of you. It's the same at sea.

Water and wind create waves. Waves breaking on the surface of the water create many small splashes and this entire mass hangs above the surface of the sea. It is clear that the sail will be the first to rise above the thick mass, a fog of drops. After all, you are looking almost parallel to the surface of the water. And the sail is the tallest object on the ship. The closer the ship is to you, the higher the sail will be above the surface of the water. Although, initially, you see the entire ship on the horizon. It's just that because of the shallow spray (kilometers away from the ship), you won't see its hull until it's close enough. You might as well try to look through the fog. Will it work out big?

You : According to Evidence 1: Features of vision, “vanishing point” + mirage + water vapor.

Evidence 2: Moon and Lunar Eclipses. We see how a semicircular shadow from the Earth creeps onto the Moon during eclipses. A semicircular shadow is cast by the ball or disk of the Earth on the Moon, and according to your theory, the Sun and Moon are above us. What then causes an eclipse in your model?

PZ : A solar eclipse is easy to explain. The Sun and Moon orbit above our heads. And the Moon is slightly lower than the Sun, therefore, when their path intersects, we see a semicircular shadow (of the Moon) creeping onto the Sun, and we have the Black Sun before our eyes.

Regarding the Lunar Eclipse.

Let's begin with Moon by her own anomalous object on the whole head . Have you ever been surprised by what we see Always only 1 side of the moon? Why is that? Perfect orbital synchronization? —-> or this artificial object? Why is everything in nature tied to the Moon? Are planting, animal migration, even those women's cycles perfectly synchronized with the 28-day cycles of the Moon? Isn’t this why women experience a shift “ Women's Day» for 4-5 days by the beginning of the month?

In short, the Moon is a very strange object and does not behave as an ordinary piece of Rock above its head should. By the way, scientifically, the Moon is a satellite of the Earth. And the satellite can be either artificial(turned its dish-antenna towards us), or natural.

Let's become children for a minute. What about the fact that the Moon was built by previous civilizations? We don’t know this, but modern scientists don’t know how the Moon ended up in the sky. The version of a meteorite hitting the Earth is stupid. Because there is on the moon WATER . During an explosion, from a meteorite hitting the Earth, and then flying in a VACUUM, WATER not formed! So what's the joke then? Just imagine what it could be artificial sphere with its own light source.

We don't see the far side of the Moon, do we? And what's in there?

You : Imagined (fantasy), let the Moon be an artificial object, as in your version. Go ahead.

Evidence 3. During Moon Phases we see semicircle in heaven and during Lunar Eclipse we see semicircle a shadow, that is, it is given by a semicircular object, a “sphere/ball/disk”, whatever you want. How do you explain this?

PZ : This is 2 different phenomena: Lunar Phases and Lunar Eclipse.

Concerning Moon phases when you have a crescent moon in the sky, and not full moon, this is explained by the illumination of the Moon. The land has nothing to do with it. The moon is a ball-sphere, and a spherical body will be illuminated that way. For example, a “lamp” that is located BEHIND THE MOON. Will now beexperiment with iPhone 5.

Imagine that there is a lamp inside the Moon. And she turns around. Are these not the phases you will see?

As for the Lunar Eclipse, I already answered in the previous example. There is a third body or phenomenon that we do not yet know. For example, that the Moon has its own light source INSIDE, and a semicircular disk passes between the light and the surface, blocking the light. Moreover, its size can be thousands of times smaller than the Moon itself. You don't need the Sun for this.

By the way, the Moon does NOT reflect Sunlight, as official scientists say, but is the source of its OWN light, easy to install using this example. If you have a Sphere (ball), then we know perfectly well how light will be reflected from it. Like this.

I haven't seen a spot on the moon. And you?

You : Proof 4. Traveling around the world? If you sail or fly all the time to the East or to the West, you will arrive at the same point from where you started sailing. Doesn't this talk about the Round Earth?

PZ : A simple experiment. Take a plate of water, place a powerful magnet in the middle of the plate, lower a small boat with a compass there and move to the West. You move only to the West, and you will circumnavigate the world on a plate!

Here's tea with lemon. If a lemon wedge swirls around the center, leaving the peel towards the edge of the cup, it will " trip around the world"by your cup.

Schematically: You all the time moving to the WEST. Magnetic Compass shows all the time on North .

This is what a trip around the world looks like over a flat Earth.

This is what Ferdinand Magellan's journey around the Earth looked like in 1519-1522.

You: Evidence 5. If all body over our heads Round, then why should we think that ours Earth is Flat?

PZ : Here is a billiard table with Round Balls on it. The table, by your logic = Round?

You : The table is naturally flat,

Proof 6. Availability of time zones when in some parts of the planet it is Night, and in other parts of the Planet it is Day. How to explain? Isn't it the turning of the Round Earth?

PZ : No. What does this have to do with the twist? The sun moves over the surface of the Flat Earth, where it is bright. Where it is not there is Night.

Why doesn't the Sun illuminate the entire disk if it is at altitude? Very simple. Here's a light bulb that does NOT light up the entire wall. The wall is too big, just like the surface of the Earth.


why don't we see sunlight 24 hours a day?


For the same reason that a small lamp cannot illuminate an entire wall.


You : How do seasons work? Why is it cold in winter and hot in summer?

PZ : The sun moves from North to South throughout the year. When it’s hot here, the Sun moves along the Yellow trajectory close to the North Pole (Tropic of Cancer). When it’s cold here, it rotates along the Red trajectory (Tropic of Capricorn), far from the North Pole, but it’s hot in the Southern Hemisphere. And, yes, the Sun moves much faster in the Southern Hemisphere to make its 360 degrees in 24 hours.

The fact that we have Winter in December, and in Australia it is Summer, is shown by this picture. Christmas - December 21 in Australia is celebrated in Santa Claus costumes right on the beach.

You : Then let's not leave the Sun and the evidence for a Flat Earth. I'm interested in 2 more things: Polar day And Polar night . When it is light 24 hours a day and dark 24 hours a day. You know this phenomenon, right? In official science, this is explained by the tilt of the Earth by 24.5 degrees and the location of the Earth relative to the Sun.

PZ : Polar day- this is when the Sun does not set below the horizon for 24 hours. That is, it spins above the Horizon Line, approaching the horizon, but not disappearing below it.

Interestingly, photographs of the Polar Day and Night most often show from the North Pole, but very rarely are they shown from the South Pole. Do you know why? Because according to the Flat Earth theory, the Sun does not illuminate the South Pole 24 hours a day. But there are no problems with the North Pole.

Here's an example.

How to check the South Polar Day?

No way.

South Pole CLOSED to visitors, CLOSED for inspection. There are only government"scientific stations" and " military". Both the first and second ( government + military) are known as liars with a long, long history... It’s not for me to tell you. So there are only 2 options left:

1. On South Pole there are no days when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

2. At the South Pole there is a Polar Day, when the Sun is 24 hours above the horizon.

But even if it is indeed shown that there is a Polar Day in Antarctica, then we have a theory. It uses the concept of reflected light from a DOME. Schematically and mathematically it looks like this.

By the way, since they have already started talking about Antarctica, then our entire community is showing some kind of unhealthy interest in it. Earth Elite .

Chronicle for 2016:

1. February 12, 2016 Patriarch Kirill meets with the Pope. February 18, 2016 - urgently flies to Antarctica.
2. Beginning of March 2016 - US President Obama flies to Argentina, from where he travels for several days in Patagonia. The territory borders Antarctica, what he did for a couple of days is unknown. A NASA representative was with him on the delegation.
3. November 11-12, 2016 — US Secretary of State John Kerry 3 days after the elections in the USA - flies to Antarctica and is there, signing the next agreement , which prohibits the entry of fishing vessels into waters near Antarctica.

There is some strange stirring around the icy wastelands among politicians and religious leaders. Don't you find it?

But let's leave this aside. Let's return to the Sun and the evidence for a Flat Earth.

You: Interesting, but that comes later. Now m I am interested in the fact that the Sun should decrease in size if it is simply moving away from us, and not set beyond the horizon as a huge disk with the same dimensions. After all, you say that the Sun is simply moving overhead in a circular path.

PZ : Let's talk seriously about the Sun.

This video will be enough to prove that the Sun decreases in size, moving away from us in a straight line when it goes to the horizon. Taken from the observatory ABOVE cloud level. Link .

Now look here. You must understand that very often we see the Sun setting above the level of the Earth. Mountains, hills, obstacles, and buildings often block our view. And since they are much closer than the real horizon, you see how the large and round Sun hides behind the “visible” horizon, although in fact, it is just REMOVED in a straight line and DECREASES.

Decreases BEFORE the “convergence point”.

In this case, the “vanishing point” blocked by a mountain. Therefore, the Sun disappears from our view with a large disk, but still decreases along the way.

Here simple experiment As proof of the Flat Earth, you can make it at home. Stretch the string across the room so that it is the same height from wall to wall. Place obstacles in his way, such as a book or a board (in this video, these are 4 bottles of beer holding a cardboard), and so that the obstacle is below the thread. And then look at what it looks like from Earth level.

Get this is the “effect”.

The sun will move away from you, and BIG will go “beyond the visible horizon”, and not as a point. That's all. No turning of the Round Earth is necessary for this.

This experiment weren't you impressed?

Okay, then what about an obstacle on the horizon like iPhone 6? Camera on the ground distance of 110 meters from the camera to the person? Consider that in our case IPHONE IS A MOUNTAIN.


You : And the last question about the Sun and Moon - how do they fly in a sideways orbit? What keeps them in the sky?

PZ : Magnetic levitation. Here are working magnetic levitation devices.

Lamp ,
computer mouse,
armchair sofa ,
Maglev train on magnetic levitation.

This, by the way, explains ebb and flow on the ground. Water is repelled by magnets ! And the Moon and the Sun = sources of magnetic background, so they are simply “ part the water» under you, and she runs ashore. Gravity here, as always, is superfluous. There are ebbs and flows only in Oceans and Seas with salt water, which are in the path of the Sun and Moon.

At home, check how ordinary tap water reacts to a comb. Just before doing this, run it through your hair to transmit the electric shock.

In the tap - normal fresh water! And sea water reacts even better to electricity. There's SOOOOOOOOOOL!

Ebbs and flows have nothing to do with the gravity of the MOON. Because most Gravity doesn't exist at all. This is Newton's fantasy and fictitious force to describe the world and facts at the beginning of the 19th century. This is what the electromagnetic repulsion of the Moon and Water looks like. Schematically.

You:Evidence 7. Satellite photos? Photos from above? Will you still say that the Earth is Flat?

PZ: Have you heard about special effects in photography? And fisheye lenses, right? These lenses bend the image greatly to cover a larger area. Here are some examples:

1. Real Round walls? Below = no distortion.

4. Round subway cars.

5. The church spire bows to the building on the right

6. The square bends...

Horizon = Curvature.

Is this what proof of a spherical Earth looks like?

Now returning to Space and the ISS. Here is a photo from 2008. Where is NASA admits , that the pictures are taken through a fisheye lens. These lenses are located at the MIR station. Come in and check it out.

Here is the same photo in Wikipedia , where it is said that the curvature of the Earth is due to the “Fish Eye”.

Why use if the earth is Round?

That's right, to bend a flat image, like proof of curvature.

Although all the photos, without corrections, tell us the opposite. Earth - Flat! From any height!

You : Proof 8. Sharovers claim that with height we see further, because we see BEYOND the horizon.

PZ : An absolutely stupid argument from the Sharovers (like all the others, by the way). Why?


Here is an example - a flat lawn near a house. If you place the camera at ground level and move away from it, you " disappear over the horizon". Is this proof that a flat field suddenly has a curvature? No. Link to video .

You : I like this explanation. Accurate and with evidence.

Evidence 9. Still, what about satellites? Communications / satellite TV / GPS? How are they explained on Flat Earth?

PZ : Communication between continents without wires existed long before satellites. The first transatlantic radio communication was successfully made in 1906, from Brant Rock, USA to Machree, Scotland. No one had heard about satellites for the next 50 years, but the continents ALREADY communicated with each other.

Today, 99% of all Internet traffic travels through undersea ocean cables between continents, rather than via satellites.

Satellite dishes on houses are only called "satellite" because they all face the Horizon, NOT the sky, at a 90% angle. You see such antennas every day on houses and roofs, right? Do they look vertically UP, INTO THE SKY at the satellite?

Or —————————> TO the horizon?

"These antennas" receive ordinary radio signals from ordinary transmitting towers standing on the ground, but not from Space. Is the antenna tilt clearly visible?

What you see with your own eyes on houses is called “ tropospheric» radio communication.

The distance of “tropospheric radio communication” is 300-800 km. The signal bounces off the ionosphere. What modern scientists call the “Ionosphere,” I call the “Dome.” This is a dome over the Flat Earth that bounces radio waves down to Earth.

And everything that is less than 300-800 km can be covered with additional 300 meter towers, as in the pictures below. The signal “to the dish” comes from radio towers.

Do you recognize these 200-300 m high engineering creations?

Why do you need satellites for TV? Everything works without them.

You: And what's about GPS and Flat Earth?

PZ: GPS - Global Positioning System. Its only purpose is to convince you that it " GLOBAL “, that is = GLOBE, that is, BALL! How does it work?

In cities it works at the expense of towers mobile communications. And 3 towers are enough to determine your location exactly down to the meter. It is called - Triangulation .

Outside cities, there is a regular radio network with powerful towers that cover most of the Earth. First used during World War II for navigation of ships and planes, when no one had heard of satellites the next 20 years... The accuracy of identifying a ship at sea is 150 meters at a range of 1,500 KM! Name - LORAN And DECCA. Come in and check it out.

Here's the tower LORAN 190 meters high in Canada.

In 2000 they were renamed GPS and stuck it in your mobile phone with beautiful maps. The system is controlled by the American military, but you will never know how it actually works. Just like you won’t find out why the nuclear-powered icebreaker “KURSK” sank, and how many full-time Russian military personnel died in Donbass and Syria. The military will always lie.

As you understand, positioning systems worked successfully BEFORE the advent of even the idea... SATELLITES...

You: Does anyone else know about this theory?

PZ : Everybody knows. This is not a secret. For example, NASA in its calculations and models of aircraft flight in the air uses the model of a FLAT and NON-ROTATING Earth.

That is, future pilots are taught on models that have never heard of the need to take into account curvature, or that the surface of the Earth rotates underneath them. Why? Because it doesn't really exist.

You can download the document itself . E it is written on the first page in the first paragraph.

Here is another document for FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, USA) where it says that software for the simulation of air flights it must be as close as possible to reality, for high-quality training of pilots in the air, training of controllers on the ground. Therefore, everything should be exactly in calculations.

Here they are being played various situations and the behavior of the aircraft in the sky. "The Engineering Analysis and Design of the Aircraft Dynamics Model For the FAA Target Generation Facility." You can download it.

On page 32 it is written in plain text: “ We we do not take into account the rotation of the Earth, and the flight passes above the FLAT Earth«.

Simulation as close to reality as possible, right?

So what is our Reality then, dear pilots?

Official maps?

Here is the official one flat earth map for a wide range of users. Created in 1892 year, a paper copy is stored in the library of Boston, USA. What's interesting about it?

3 moment!

Moment 1 : Immediately at the top of the card it is written in large letters


what does " In fact »

Moment 2: Right and Left says: " scientifically correct« (scientifically and ) And " almost correct« (practically correct). Seriously

Moment 3. At the bottom of the map it is indicated how the Sun moves in June and December. Where do they come from? June 21 and December 21.

Solstice of June.

« The white oval shows the location of the Sun in the Tropic of Cancer, in June, at noon. This calls 24 hours sunlight in the Polar Regions (Polar Day). After June 21, the Sun begins to spiral south until it reaches its final point on December 21«

December Solstice.

« December 21, the Sun moves along the Tropic of Capricorn, and as it moves it illuminates Southern part Antarctic ice. There is no light below 80º South latitude, there are only unexplored regions of ice. On December 23, the Sun completes its movement to the South and begins to move back to the North Pole, ending its season.”

In addition, all the most serious organizations in the world such as the UN - the United Nations, ICAO - International organization Civil Aviation, IMO - International Maritime Organization, WMO - World Meteorological Organization use the Flat Earth map. Irony, true?

Organizations controlling globe,
use Flat Earth map..

The million dollar question: “Can you find Antarctica here”?




Have you found Antarctica?

And it is considered the 6th continent of the Earth, actually...

Google showed original drawing on Winter solstice . So, by the way. Nothing special here.

2. Question 2. What experiment was carried out to reveal Gravity? - Answer . There is nothing to test here, Gravity does not exist, it is a fictitious force that exists only on paper.

3. Question 3. How does water in the oceans bend in an arc? - Answer . No way. The water in the oceans is horizontal, from the North Pole to Antarctica.

4. Question 4. Is the curvature of the Earth taken into account when constructing long bridges, rails, shipping canals and pipelines? - Answer . No, it is not taken into account, because there is no curvature. There is only height.

5. Question 5 . Physics of the XXI century. Standard model elementary particles of our Universe (in short, how everything works in the world) includes only 3 forces: electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction, DOES NOT include gravity in its calculations. - Answer . He does the right thing by not turning it on, because gravity doesn’t exist.

6 . Question 6. How did the Vacuum of Space not suck out the Atmosphere? - Answer . Atmosphere protected by the Dome.

7. Question 7. Why doesn't gravity attract clouds? - Answer . There are different densities of air near the Earth and air at altitude.

9. Question 9. How rivers (water) can flow UP? - Answer . They can’t and you know it. Water always flows down.

10. Question 10. Why do planes fly so strangely?- Answer .

Regarding the first example, Bali flight - Los Angeles, landed in Alaska. Here Flat Earth map and a straight line between the two cities.

Regarding routes through Antarctica. Where should we fly?

Flying in a circle? From Africa to Australia - there won't be enough fuel. From South America to Australia - there won't be enough fuel. From Africa to South America - there won't be enough fuel. Keep in mind that Antarctica circles a distance much greater than the equator. And our equator itself is 40,000 km in circumference!

But, flying in a straight line like this is the way to go!

Therefore, no one will run optical Internet cables from Africa to Australia and South America. It's SOOO far away. Red zones are empty.

You : OK then. Governments know that the Earth is Flat. They have evidence of a flat Earth, a map of a Flat Earth, then what is the benefit of hiding the truth?

PZ : Because there will be a disaster in science.

No Gravity = No Globe = No Rotation = No Big Bang = No millions of galaxies, planets and stars = No aliens = No Evolution = No connecting link between living organisms and humans = Is this enough to remain silent about the shape of the Earth?

Gravity is a Religion for Scientists. Everything that cannot be explained clearly is explained with a mysterious word Gravity. From RELIGIONS DO NOT REFUSE!

Why is the Earth round? — Gravity .
Why don't people fly away from the spinning Earth? - Gravity .
Why doesn't water fly away from the surface of the Earth and collect at the Equator, where maximum speed? - Gravity .
Why is the Moon in the Sky? - Gravity .

Replace the word " Gravity"word" God «, and get the same result. Level 0 explanations.

Why is the Earth round? — God .
Why don't people fly away from the spinning Earth?God .
Why doesn't water fly away from the surface of the Earth and collect at the Equator, where the maximum speed is?God .
Why is the Moon in the Sky?God .

I'll tell you by secret:

« Gravity is the force that attracts the absurd«.

Do you know why?

Because after Newton came up with Gravity, Science has developed this way for the last 300 years.

Scientists realized thattheory of gravity will lead to a singularity (the entire Universe will eventually shrink to a point) then they came up with"Dark Energy". This is, in principle, Anti-Gravity. But, as a result of further calculations of the formulas, they realized that the expansion"Dark Energy" will lead to a rupture of Einstein’s “space-time” itself, and then they came up with"Dark Matter" which should balance"Gravitons" of gravity and "Dark Energy".

Before us is an imaginary force, which should explain another imaginary force, and so time after time, when the formulas don't stick.

But in fact: “Gravitons” do not exist, hence Dark Energy does not exist, hence Dark Matter does not exist. And when you are forced to believe in things that exist only on paper and in dreams, then this is not science, this is -"MAGIC".

Therefore, physics for 2017 has hit its forehead against the wall and is waiting for a new Prophet who will explain what and how. Without “gravities” and other “magical entities”.

What do we need?

And we need other answers to questions as old as the world: “Who are we?” and “What have they forgotten here?” Without “magic”, “gravity” and “ape-man theories”.


1. Divine version of the world. You've heard about it, the world in 6 days. According to the Bible.

2. Version - Big Bang with Evolution proposed priest Georges Lemaitre)) and Darwin.

“There was NOTHING, then suddenly nothing happened to this NOTHING and NOTHING exploded! Then everything that exploded and scattered NOTHING magically transformed itself into matter and living particles, which also magically learned to copy themselves, multiply... And then there were dinosaurs...

How do you like this theory from the Catholics from the Vatican? It is considered official “in science” for 2017. Seriously!

More options?

3. The most obvious is theory., O which we wrote quite recently. We live in the Matrix (Digital Universe), and it seems that this is a game for our distant descendants, for example children 2100. People of the Future play games of the Past. How do we play computer games about Greece, Feudalism and the Middle Ages. And our descendants play us - with 100% immersion in virtual reality Of the past. No matter how fantastic it sounds.

All in all.

PS: You won't be able to drag your Flat Earth theory V official science. She's absurd.
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We live in amazing times. Most of the celestial bodies of the Solar System have been explored by NASA probes, GPS satellites are circling above the Earth, ISS crews are steadily flying into orbit, and returning rockets are landing on barges in the Atlantic Ocean.

Nevertheless, there is still a whole community of people who are sure that the Earth is flat. Reading their statements and comments, you sincerely hope that they are all just trolls.

Here are some simple proofs that our planet is round.

Ships and horizon

If you visit any port, look at the horizon and watch the ships. As the ship moves away, it doesn't just get smaller and smaller. It gradually disappears over the horizon: first the hull disappears, then the mast. Conversely, approaching ships do not appear on the horizon (as they would if the world were flat), but rather emerge from the sea.

But the ships do not emerge from the waves (with the exception of the “Flying Dutchman” from “”). The reason approaching ships look like they are slowly rising over the horizon is because the Earth is not flat, but round.

Varying Constellations

Paranal Observatory in Chile

Different constellations are visible from different latitudes. This was noticed by the Greek philosopher Aristotle back in 350 BC. e. Returning from a trip to Egypt, Aristotle wrote that “in Egypt and<…>there are stars in Cyprus that are not visible in the northern regions.”

The most striking examples are the constellations Ursa Major and the Southern Cross. Ursa Major, a bucket-shaped constellation of seven stars, is always visible at latitudes above 41° northern latitude. Below 25° south latitude you will not see it.

Meanwhile, you will discover the Southern Cross, a small constellation of five stars, only when you reach 20° north latitude. And the further south you move, the higher above the horizon the Southern Cross will be.

If the world were flat, we could see the same constellations from anywhere on the planet. But that's not true.

You can repeat Aristotle's experiment when you go on a trip. These for Android and iOS will help you discover constellations in the sky.

Lunar eclipses

Stages lunar eclipse/

Another proof of the sphericity of the Earth, found by Aristotle, is the shape of the Earth's shadow on the Moon during an eclipse. During an eclipse, the Earth comes between the Moon and the Sun, blocking the Moon from sunlight.

The shape of the Earth's shadow that falls on the Moon during eclipses is completely round. This is why the Moon becomes a crescent.

Shadow length

The first person to calculate the circumference of the earth was a Greek mathematician named Eratosthenes, who was born in 276 BC. e. He compared the length of shadows per day summer solstice in Siena (this Egyptian city today is called Aswan) and Alexandria located north.

At noon, when the sun was directly above Siena, there were no shadows. In Alexandria, a stick placed on the ground cast a shadow. Eratosthenes realized that if he knew the angle of the shadow and the distance between cities, he could calculate the circumference of the globe.

On a flat Earth there would be no difference between the lengths of shadows. The position of the Sun would be the same everywhere. Only the sphericity of the planet explains why the position of the Sun is different in two cities at a distance of several hundred kilometers from each other.

Observations from above

Another obvious proof of the spherical shape of the Earth: the higher you go, the further you can see. If the Earth were flat, you would have the same view no matter your elevation. The curvature of the Earth limits our viewing range to about five kilometers.

Traveling around the world

View from the Concorde cockpit /

The first trip around the world was made by the Spaniard Ferdinand Magellan. The voyage lasted three years, from 1519 to 1522. To go around Earth, Magellan required five ships (of which two returned) and 260 crew (of which 18 returned). Fortunately, nowadays, in order to make sure that the Earth is round, you just need to buy a plane ticket.

If you've ever traveled by plane, you may have noticed the curvature of the Earth's horizon. It is best seen when flying over the oceans.

According to the article Visually discerning the curvature of the Earth, published in the journal Applied Optics, the curve of the Earth becomes visible at an altitude of about 10 kilometers, provided that the observer has a field of view of at least 60°. From the window of a passenger airliner the view is still less.

The curvature of the horizon is more clearly visible if you fly above 15 kilometers. It is best seen in photographs from Concorde, but, unfortunately, this supersonic aircraft has not made flights for a long time. However, high-altitude aviation is being revived in the passenger rocket plane from Virgin Galactic - Space Ship Two. So in the near future we will see new photographs of the Earth taken in suborbital flight.

An airplane can easily fly around the globe without stopping. Around the world trips by plane have been carried out more than once. At the same time, the planes did not detect any “edges” of the Earth.

Weather balloon observations

Image from weather balloon /

Regular passenger airliners do not fly that high: at an altitude of 8–10 kilometers. Weather balloons rise much higher.

In January 2017, students at the University of Leicester strapped several cameras to a hot air balloon and launched it into the sky. It rose to an altitude of 23.6 kilometers above the surface, significantly higher than passenger airliners fly. In the photographs taken by the cameras, the curve of the horizon is clearly visible.

Shape of other planets

Photo of Mars /

Our planet is pretty ordinary. Of course, there is life on it, but otherwise it is no different from many other planets.

All our observations show that the planets are spherical. Since we have no compelling reason to believe otherwise, our planet is also spherical.

A flat planet (ours or any other) would be an incredible discovery that would contradict everything we know about planet formation and orbital mechanics.

Time Zones

When it is seven in the evening in Moscow, it is noon in New York, and midnight in Beijing. In Australia at the same time it is 1:30 am. You can tell what time it is anywhere in the world, and make sure that the time of day is different everywhere.

There is only one explanation for this: the Earth is round and rotates around its axis. On the side of the planet where the Sun shines, in this moment day. The opposite side of the Earth is dark and night there. This forces us to use time zones.

Even if we imagine that the Sun is a directional searchlight that runs over a flat Earth, we would not have a clear day and night. We would still observe the Sun, even if we were in the shadow, just as we can see spotlights shining on the stage in a theater, while being in a dark hall. The only explanation for the change in time of day is the sphericity of the Earth.

Center of gravity

It is known that gravity always pulls everything towards the center of mass.

Our Earth is spherical in shape. The center of mass of the sphere is, logically, at its center. Gravity pulls all objects on the surface towards the Earth's core (that is, straight down) regardless of their location, which is what we always see.

If we imagine that the Earth is flat, then gravity should attract everything on the surface to the center of the plane. That is, if you find yourself at the edge of a flat Earth, gravity will not pull you down, but towards the center of the disk. It is hardly possible to find a place on the planet where things fall not down, but sideways.

Images from space

Photo from ISS /

The first photograph of the Earth from space was taken in 1946. Since then, we have launched many satellites, probes and astronauts (or astronauts, or taikonauts - depending on the country) there. Some satellites and probes have returned, some remain in Earth's orbit or fly through the solar system. And in all photographs and videos transmitted by spacecraft, the Earth is round.

The curvature of the Earth is clearly visible in photographs from the ISS. In addition, you can see photographs of the Earth taken every 10 minutes by the Japan Meteorological Agency's Himawari-8 satellite. It is constantly in geostationary orbit. Or here are real-time photos from the DSCOVR satellite, NASA.

Now, if you suddenly find yourself in the company of flat earthers, you will have several arguments to argue with them.

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