Sergei Zhorin - biography, personal life, high-profile cases and latest news. Zhorin Sergei Viktorovich Sergei Zhorin lawyer personal life family

The singer complains that the lawyer does not take part in raising their common son

Secular lawyer Sergei Zhorin and no less secular athlete and boxing champion Natalya Ragozina became husband and wife on Thursday at the Barvikha registry office. They met less than a year. The newlyweds met on the street: they have identical cars, and Sergei somehow tried in vain to open Natalya’s car, mistaking it for his own.

39-year-old Sergei Zhorin tied the knot for the fourth time. Little is known about his first wife Natalya, although the lawyer takes an active part in raising their common son. In his second and third marriages, Zhorin was married to the same woman - journalist and radio host Katya Gordon. They got married for the first time after a month of dating, but just as quickly broke up, according to Gordon, because of beatings. The second time the marriage came to an end, again, according to Catherine, because of her husband’s infidelities - she named Anna Sedokova as her rivals. then Zhanna Epple. Now Katya likes to publicly complain that Zhorin does not take part in raising their common son Daniil and does not pay child support in full.

After Gordon in 2015, the “star” lawyer met with DJ and presenter Katya Guseva and even proposed to her after several months of dating. But then they broke up and maintained friendly relations. Sergei met 41-year-old boxing champion Natalya Ragozina about a year ago. Natasha has a 16-year-old son, Ivan, from her first marriage. At one time, the media attributed her to an affair with Vladimir Putin himself. Natalya is considered an invincible athlete and goes by the nickname Sledgehammer.

Katya Gordon congratulated her ex-husband with unique poems on her account:

My husband once beat me

The lawyer was mediocre

Life was difficult, but not boring and not at all poor

But she left, she wanted to live and asked: “God,

Help me learn justice a little

And it happened, gentlemen, the splinter was pulled out

He is married to a boxer and his name is Ragozina!

In addition, lawyer Alexander Karabanov, who knows both newlyweds, congratulated his colleague: “In Lately I watched Sergei - he somehow became more positive, there were changes in his image of a stern guy thanks to Natalya. I wish both happiness and love, every man needs a wife and family, this is our strong rear, and here it will be even stronger. Since my wife is a boxing champion.”

The famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin, whose name has repeatedly appeared in resonant star showdowns, married again. The human rights activist took the charming blonde Natalya Rogozina, a world and European boxing champion known in sports circles as “Sledgehammer,” to the registry office.

Zhorin reported the latest news on his Instagram page, posting several photos from the celebration. The celebration took place at the elite restaurant Barviha Luxury Village.

What is known about the new wife of Sergei Zhorin

It is worth saying that Natalya Rogozina is no less popular than her new husband. The woman is the most titled athlete in the world of women's boxing, and her name was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

In 2002, at the championship in Turkey, Natalya Rogozina got into scandalous story. Her husband Mikhail Kolpakov, in a fit of jealousy, beat the woman, breaking into her hotel room on the eve of the tournament. Natalya ended up in a local clinic, and her performance at the tournament was disrupted. Soon after the incident, Rogozina divorced her husband. The athlete has a 16-year-old son, Ivan.

The ex-wife of Sergei Zhorin was happy about his marriage

For several years in a row, Sergei Zhorin’s personal life was no less eventful than the life of his star clients. His relationship with Katya Gordon was reminiscent of a reality show. The couple got married in 2011, but the couple separated a few months later. The reason for the divorce was assault on the part of the lawyer. After her husband’s apology, Katya returned to Sergei and gave birth to his son Daniel a year later. However, the birth of a child did not help save the family.

Quite unexpectedly, in 2014, Gordon and Zhorin again went to the registry office. This time, two months were enough for the spouses to understand that the family would not work out.

After his second divorce from Katya Gordon, Sergei Zhorin was credited with having affairs with the psychic Julia Wang and Ekaterina Guseva.

He is one of the most successful Russian lawyers, who gained popularity due to the fact that he has repeatedly represented the interests of famous people - politicians and stars of domestic show business. The personal life of Sergei Zhorin also did not avoid events that would require the intervention of an experienced lawyer. Zhorin’s wives, as well as children born in marriages, will be discussed further.

Personal life of Sergei Zhorin

The lawyer has survived three marriages and three divorce proceedings and is now married for the fourth time. Sergei Zhorin's first wife Natalya gave birth to his son Alexander, with whom he continues to communicate to this day, but about him ex-wife there is very little information.

Some time ago, on his page on the social network, Zhorin posted a photo of his son and his first wife, accompanying the pictures with warm comments. He wrote that Natasha belongs to a rare type of woman who will never act meanly or betray her, and that he is grateful to fate for giving him a meeting with her.

After the first divorce, he met the famous radio host and journalist Ekaterina Gordon, with whom he married twice, but they never managed to create a strong, full-fledged family, and their living together was heatedly discussed in the press due to constant high-profile conflicts.

They got married for the first time in 2011, but their union lasted only two months and broke up with loud scandal- Gordon wrote a statement to the police against her husband, in which she reported that he had severely beaten her.

Sergei hastened to make amends and publicly apologized to his ex-wife, after which she withdrew the statement. The following year, Katya gave birth to a son, Daniel, and the couple made an attempt to reunite, but this did not lead to anything good.

Conflicts in the family continued, and all the details of these scandals were loudly discussed in the press.

Having married again in 2014, Sergei and Ekaterina again lasted only two months as spouses and separated again, now Zhorin filed for divorce.

In 2016, TV presenter Ekaterina Guseva appeared in Sergei Zhorin’s personal life, to whom, after a short affair, he proposed, giving a ring in honor of this event.

The couple appeared together everywhere, demonstrating excellent relationships and everyone expected that Zhorin was about to get married in Once again, but that did not happen.

The next chosen one famous lawyer became Natalya Rogozina, a famous athlete, world boxing champion. They met by chance in a parking lot, started dating, and their rapidly developing romance soon became noticeable to everyone around them.

The couple appeared together at social events, in expensive restaurants, and a year ago it became known that Natalya, also known under the pseudonym Sledgehammer, became the wife of Sergei Zhorin.

The newlyweds registered their marriage at the Barvikha Luxury Village wedding palace, exchanging luxurious rings from Cartier. For Natalya, who is two years older than Sergei, this is already her second marriage; from her first she has an adult son, Ivan.

Sergei adores his newly-made wife and never ceases to admire her:

“Two things shocked me about her: firstly, I thought that female boxers were unattractive, and secondly, all female athletes do not shine with intelligence. But Natasha destroyed both stereotypes,” says Zhorin.

The couple plans to introduce their children to each other and think they will become friends.

Natalya Rogozina's whole life is connected with sports. She started with classes athletics, and then accidentally met boxing. She practiced kickboxing for several years and even became an Honored Master of Sports in this type of martial arts, and then switched to boxing. Rogozina is now the most decorated professional female boxer in the world, with a number of victories in competitions to her name. different levels. She is known as a fashion model, starred in leading role in the film "Polar Bear", which received the Grand Prix at the Atlant Film Festival.

His face is known to all fans of talk shows and programs that feature celebrities. Perhaps the most famous and undoubtedly one of the most uninterested lawyers in the country is Sergei Zhorin. It’s always interesting to watch him, because he doesn’t talk much and is always to the point. Today you will learn some details from the biography and personal life of Sergei Zhorin. It will be interesting.

Lawyer from God

Born on June 5, 1976 in the capital. He graduated from a regular Soviet secondary school and entered the Moscow State Industrial University, Faculty of Law. One diploma seemed not enough, Sergei receives a second one from the Russian Institute of State Registrars. While still studying, he created a bar association, the chairman of which he continues to this day. “Zhorin and Partners” is a successful and prosperous company that brings significant income to its owner.

Personal life

Like anyone else public figure, lawyer Sergei Zhorin became a hero more than once gossip columns. Special attention Journalists began to show interest in the man after his wife’s loud statements. Katya Gordon became the third wife of a lawyer. Before this marriage she was already quite famous person, largely thanks to the scandal that occurred in live on radio "Mayak". On that ill-fated day ex-wife Alexandra Gordon got into a serious fight with socialite Ksenia Sobchak. The result of this conflict was Katya's dismissal. Once again, her name appeared in the press two months after her wedding with Sergei Zhorin.

The girl in paint told reporters about how her husband brutally beat her. She filed for divorce, and soon the couple began to sort things out in in social networks in front of millions of Russians. However, a year later, Katya gave birth to a son, Daniel, from Zhorin. And a year later they got married again. History repeated itself - a month later the girl again talks about the beating and another divorce occurs. Since then, Katya Gordon and Sergei Zhorin regularly visited court hearings, where the issue of alimony was resolved.

Failed brides and the fifth marriage

Only a few days passed after the divorce, and the press was already savoring the details of the affair between lawyer Sergei Zhorin and Julia Wang. The extravagant winner of the “Battle of Psychics” was delicately silent, and the lawyer himself assured everyone that there were only friendly relations between him and Lucifer’s daughter. Next in line was a colleague named Natalya. This novel was not of interest to fans of the charming Sergei, rumors about him quickly died down.

Like thunder among clear skies a marriage proposal was made to Ekaterina Guseva. The popular TV presenter received it live along with the ring in 2016. But the joy was short-lived - this marriage was not destined to take place. The reason for this was the multiple champion and pride of Russia - Natalya Rogozina. Tall, stately and incredibly beautiful girl bore the proud nickname “Miss Sledgehammer.” Fans of both sides smiled contentedly - Zhorin would not beat such a beauty. She herself will grind anyone you want into powder. A beautiful wedding took place in 2017, and since then the lawyer’s personal life has not been made public.

Loud processes

To be fair, it should be noted that Sergei Zhorin deals not only with the affairs of metropolitan media personalities. At one time, he freely helped the mother of model Yulia Loshagina to obtain a review of the case of her son-in-law’s innocence. As a result, it was canceled and the photographer received 10 years for the murder of his wife. This high-profile case was covered by the press and television. On one of the programs, Zhorin promised the victim’s mother to take control of the process and achieved a positive result.

His participation in the divorce proceedings of Marina Anisina caused a lot of noise. For several months there was a fierce information struggle between scandalous showman and a lawyer. As a result, the couple never divorced, and Zhorin stopped representing the skater’s interests in court.

Among his clients are such popular personalities as Valeria, Bari Alibasov, Vitas, Lolita Milyavskaya, Ilya Reznik, Anatoly Kashpirovsky, Philip Kirkorov, Sofia Rotaru, Alexander Porokhovshchikov.

In 2017, a huge scandal erupted after a lawyer’s statement that the daughter of a Krasnodar judge had a wedding for $2 million. The public became interested in where the woman got so much money, and soon began real war between two colleagues. Zhorin was no stranger to such battles; he was ready to prove his case in court. Inspections followed, as a result of which Zhorin was accused of spreading false rumors. Now the lawyer is waiting for the decision of the Moscow Bar Association.

Sergei Zhorin was born on June 5, 1976 in Moscow. The future secular lawyer studied at an ordinary metropolitan school, and after graduation he entered the law faculty of the Moscow Industrial University, who graduated in 2002.

Having a passion for legal science and solutions controversial issues in court, continued his studies at in this direction, having entered graduate school and defended a dissertation on the topic “Problems intellectual property on the path of Russia’s accession to the WTO,” which gave him the right to receive a PhD in Law.

After this, Zhorin decided to get a second higher education and became a student again Russian Institute State Registrars under the Ministry of Justice Russian Federation, which he successfully graduated in 2007.

While studying at RIGR, Sergei Viktorovich’s legal career was already fully realized, and thanks to his deep knowledge and experience accumulated over the years of practical activity, he was able to become one of the founders of the Moscow Bar Association “Zhorin and Partners” and took the position of Chairman of the Presidium. Zhorin's Bar Association includes highly professional lawyers, accountants and attorneys who have been providing services to individuals and legal entities qualified legal assistance in resolving controversial issues in court.

In addition, lawyer Sergei Zhorin provides full legal support for the activities of the Joint Stock Company commercial bank"Kodeks" specializes in registration issues regarding real estate and registration of economic management rights in many problematic construction projects in Moscow.

Thanks to him, many pressing issues during the registration of the International House of Music and other state enterprises and institutions were resolved. The lawyer’s specialization also includes tax planning, tax optimization, copyright law, economic crimes and fraud, criminal, administrative and economic cases, which Zhorin successfully wins both in courts of general jurisdiction and in arbitration and arbitration courts of the Russian Federation.

The famous lawyer Sergei Zhorin has a huge number of successful cases representing the interests of Russians. At the very dawn of his career, the lawyer successfully represented the interests of the popular producer Bari Alibasov, who, thanks to Sergei Viktorovich, won the case and received moral compensation in the amount of 1 million 100 thousand rubles from the creators of the Internet portal, on which Alibasov was called a “Tatar-Kazakh guest worker.” At that time, the amount of the moral claim became a record for Russia and fully satisfied the plaintiff.

In 2010, Zhorin represented the interests of 500 passengers who filed claims against Aeroflot airline, which delayed the flight of more than 25 thousand Russians from Sheremetyevo for several days due to weather conditions. However, Sergei Viktorovich managed to resolve the issue out of court, and people who turned to him for legal assistance received the desired financial compensation.

In the same year, Zhorin was sentenced to criminal liability concert director Sofia Rotaru Olga Konyukhina. The court found her guilty of fraud in the amount of 7 million rubles, which Konyukhina received in the form of an advance payment for the singer’s upcoming concerts.

Also in 2010, thanks to the professionalism of a lawyer, a peace agreement was reached between the director of the Golden Gramophone ceremony, Marina Yablokova, and the national pop star, Philip Kirkorov. Then Sergei Viktorovich, who sided with Yablokova, who suffered from Kirkorov, obtained an apology and material financial compensation for his client from the popular singer.

In 2012, Zhorin again broke the Russian record and in court obtained moral compensation for the singer Valeria and her husband Joseph Prigozhin in the amount of 1,700,000 rubles for constant negative comments and online insults to their activities.

This victory of the lawyer was followed by several more successful cases, namely, the divorce proceedings of Ilya Reznik, the case of the artist Nikas Safronov, whom the Rostov singer Mary Voskanyan falsely accused of rape, and the case of the beating of the singer Antonov.

Some of Zhorin's last high-profile cases were the never-held divorce proceedings of Nikita Dzhigurda and Marina Anisina, in which the lawyer defended the interests of the figure skater, Lolita Milyavskaya's lawsuit against the NTV channel, which showed a story in which the singer was unable to alcohol intoxication sang a song near one of the capital's metro stations.

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