A mother's powerful prayer for her daughter's happy marriage. Prayer to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker for marriage

The most powerful icon for those who want to get married is the icon Mother of God"Fadeless Color" This icon symbolizes the flowers of love that should never fade in your soul. Young girls can use the prayer for the Mother of God to help them choose the right life partner. This prayer can be read by women who were already married, but divorced or widowed, and ask God for a new husband. In addition, this prayer eliminates love addiction - a sinful relationship with a married man.

When does the “Unfading Color” prayer help?

Most quickly the Mother of God will fulfill mother's prayer about her daughter’s marriage, because there is nothing stronger than a mother’s prayer for her children.

As we already said, this strong prayer about marriage can free you from addiction to sinful relationships and find a righteous, pure life. If you are a mistress, read the prayer to the Mother of God and leave the married man. Lead a righteous life, do not lie, give alms, do not use foul language and help the weak. Our sins are a strong wall separating us from God, and the Mother of God is the mediator between the Lord God and us. By turning to the Mother of God, you automatically read a prayer to the Lord about marriage. If you stop sinning and ask the Mother of God for intercession, God will certainly be merciful to you.

And one more thing: You cannot pray to the Mother of God to attract strangers, married men into your life. Such a request will not be fulfilled, and you will only harm yourself.

Text of the prayer:

“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners!

Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer, O Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our murmuring.

Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection.

Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins.

O Mother Mary, our all-offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession.

Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften hearts evil people, rising up against us.

O Mother of our Lord Creator!

You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts.

Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth.

By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son.

To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Marriage if you are over thirty...

It happens that women search for their ideal for a very long time, are too picky about representatives of the opposite sex, and, as a result, are left alone. But if you are over 30, 40, 50, God will still help you meet your soul mate, just ask him about it. A prayer for a happy, albeit late, marriage should be read to Saint Seraphim of Sarov, the patron saint of late marriages.

The prayer is read for water (1 liter), which you will need to drink internally and sprinkle your bed and bedroom with it.

Text of the prayer:

“O wonderful Father Seraphim, great miracle worker of Sarov, quick and obedient helper to all who come running to you! During the days of your earthly life, no one left you weary and inconsolable, but everyone was blessed with the vision of your face and the benevolent voice of your words. Moreover, the gift of healing, the gift of insight, the gift of healing for weak souls has appeared abundantly in you. When God called you from earthly labors to heavenly rest, your love was never simpler from us, and it is impossible to count your miracles, multiplying like the stars of heaven: behold, throughout all the ends of our earth you appear to the people of God and grant them healing. In the same way, we cry out to you: O most quiet and meek servant of God, daring man of prayer to Him, rejecting none of those who call upon you, offer up your powerful prayer for us to the Lord of Hosts, may He grant us all that is useful in this life and all that is useful for spiritual salvation, may He protect He will teach us from the falls of sins and true repentance, so that we can enter without stumbling into the eternal Kingdom of Heaven, where you now shine in eternal glory, and there sing with all the saints Life-giving Trinity until the end of time. Amen".

About love, happy marriage, children, romantic relationships are dreams of almost every person in the world, especially girls. It's enough to experience the delights once mutual relations and the soul is transformed, becomes kinder, happier, more sincere.

Mothers who have known love definitely want their daughter to feel it. Even based on dry calculations, successfully marrying off a daughter is beneficial to all family members. Believing mothers will be helped to achieve their plans by praying for their daughter’s marriage. For your daughters to get married, ask for help from heavenly powers, for example, turn to Nicholas the Pleasant, Matrona, the Mother of God.

Prayer helps even if you previously did not consider yourself a believer, because a sincere appeal to higher powers will be noticed and appreciated if it comes from the heart.

Love is a sacrifice; by giving someone a small portion of positive energy, you commit good deed, making yourself happier, first of all. If your daughter has long dreamed of a successful marriage, first listen carefully to her opinion, do not rush to conclusions, and only after her consent do you get down to business.

Reading a prayer is not easy

Before praying to Matrona, realize the need to turn to higher powers. The daughter may be too young, inexperienced in family affairs, it is quite possible that she is not ready yet, or does not want to get married at all. The prayer should be said with full confidence that now is the time to ask for help from a higher power. Prayer should not have malicious intent, actions should not endanger the integrity of families, because there are cases when girls fall in love with married men.

When reading the prayer to the Mother of God, Matryona, try to learn the words by heart, believe me, learn several simple sentences Quite simply, the effect of reading memorized words is much better. When performing the ritual, remember the goal; you cannot be distracted or think about extraneous things. To help your mother concentrate successfully, imagine the image of your daughter, how happy she will be when she gets married. It is not necessary to carry out the ritual in a church, but for best result It’s better to go there, even if you haven’t been there for a long time. If you don’t know who to turn to so that your daughter gets married, then stop at Matrona. To make the procedure successful, donate some money to the church.

Heavenly powers will help you find your soulmate

The mother’s prayer for her daughter’s successful marriage is read in front of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. The most famous icon depicting the saint is called “The Unfading Color”, ideal for reading a prayer next to her. She will help you find the most worthy spouse; the main thing is to pray correctly, without being distracted from your goal. The Mother of God will also help you get rid of “love addiction,” when a girl is the mistress of a married man.

Prayer to Matrona of Moscow “On the marriage of her daughter”

“I beg you, Holy Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake in her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen. Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a disastrous marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a hard hand. Thy will be done. Amen."

One of best prayers about a successful marriage that mothers can achieve is an appeal to the Blessed Matrona. Light three church candles, mentally concentrate on your daughter’s successful marriage, think about how her husband will become her, first of all, a friend, an ally.

Prayer before the icon “Fadeless Color”

“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer. Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, give reason and teach us: do not depart from us, your servants, because of our murmuring. Be our Mother and Protectress, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; let us pay for our sins. Oh, Mother Mary, our most offering and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect from enemies visible and invisible, soften the hearts of evil people who retaliate against us. O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and the unfading flower of purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, so that we may see the ways of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, so that we will be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and may be justified by Your wonderful intercession at the terrible judgment of Your Son. To him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen".

If you are not in church, try to clearly imagine the images, visualize happy daughter, got married.

Matrona is not the only assistant and executor of prayers for help in marriage; try turning to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker “On the marriage of his daughter”

“I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen. Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Help my daughter with a miraculous sign in the person of a faithful husband. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse my bright mercy. Let the marriage come true, and let it be decided in Heaven. May the marriage work out, by a miracle of God. Let it be so. Amen."

What result should you expect?

Sincere, pure, good prayer Matrona will not go unheard heavenly forces. Therefore, the result will definitely be equal to the efforts made, both on the part of the mother and on the part of the child. It is worth understanding that higher powers do not give anything, even if you pray. You should expect that your daughter will find herself in a situation where correct solution will allow her to find happiness by getting married.

Video: Prayer for daughter’s marriage

Complete collection and description: prayer to marry off a daughter for the spiritual life of a believer.

1)For example, christian prayer so that my daughter gets married, turned to the great miracle worker Saint Nicholas.

“Oh, all-holy Nicholas, exceedingly saintly servant of the Lord, our warm intercessor, and everywhere in sorrow a quick helper! Help me, a sinner and sad person in this present life, beg the Lord God to grant me forgiveness of all my sins, which I have sinned greatly from my youth, in all my life, in deed, word, thought and all my feelings; and at the end of my soul, help me the accursed, beg the Lord God, the Creator of all creation, to deliver me from airy ordeals and eternal torment: may I always glorify the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and your merciful intercession, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Orthodox prayer for a successful marriage and happiness in marriage to the Great Martyr Saint Catherine

“Oh, holy Great Martyr Catherine, a chosen vessel of purity, a pillar of Orthodoxy, our reliable intercessor, who showed us the guilt of begging you, a legal ascetic, a saint resting holy on a holy mountain! We pray to you: having come down from above, listen to the voice of our prayer, look at the misfortune of your servants, enlighten the darkness of our mind, make us wise in heaven, not earthly. Hasten with your prayers to overcome carnal lusts, addictions to the world and the machinations of evil spirits who are viciously warring against us: so that through your intercession in the days of this life we ​​will be free from their hostile attacks and, after the outcome, from their aerial tortures. Oh, wise maiden! Grant us everything that is useful for asking: you can ask much from your beloved Bridegroom, Christ our God. We know that the prayer of the righteous can do much, promoted by the compassion of the merciful God; to Him be glory, honor and thanksgiving always, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

At the end of church miraculous prayer so that your daughter marries a rich and kind guy, ask for help in your own words.

Plot for daughter's marriage

Lord God, send the good fellows into my house - the bravest ones, it’s not fitting for them to run around in freedom anymore! There is no need for mediocrities or thieves, only the faithful and daring for my daughter’s protection! Those who are not to their liking will be removed, but the faithful daughter is the only one who gets it! My words will come true! Amen.

5) Try using old conspiracy. It has two very important advantages. Firstly, it is not the girl who should read the plot, but her mother. The future bride herself may know nothing at all about how a mother cares about the personal happiness of her daughter. Secondly, the conspiracy is not addressed to any specific young man, but to the one who is destined by fate to be your daughter’s groom. This means that such a conspiracy cannot do any harm. He will simply force the betrothed to hurry up a little, stir him up, stir up his heart young man from a premonition of love.

So, if you are ready, then early in the morning you need to go out to some open place (preferably in a field) and, turning your face east towards the sun, say three times:

“Beyond the sea-ocean, in a copper city, in an iron mansion, sits a good fellow. He is chained with ten chains and shut with ten doors. Only my word will free the good young man from captivity and rush to his betrothed. I, dear mother (state your name), am speaking to the amorous young man for the love of the red maiden (state your daughter’s name). He can’t walk without her, he can’t have fun without her. Without her there is no life for him parents' house next to father and mother. Let her appear to him in a dream and in reality. And in the day, and at noon, and in the dark midnight. And without her, he would not have seen joy and found no joy. My word is the end, and the love of the red maiden (daughter’s name) is the beginning.”

Unfortunately, mothers are not always ready to take care of their daughters. Often girls have to do everything themselves. If you are in exactly this position, then know: in Rus' it was customary to pray for suitors on November 10 on Neonil and Paraskeva. Apparently, the prayers were a success, since the cherished date was preserved in the people's memory. Try it, maybe it will help you.

Icons: “Holy Trinity”, “Guardian Angel”, “St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the World of Lycia”.

“A candle in a candlestick in front of each icon.

Black prayer cloth.

Sequence of the ritual

Place the icons in a semicircle on a table covered with a family tablecloth.

Place a candle in a candlestick in front of each icon.

Place the ancestral towel in the center of the table. Place your daughter's candle on it.

Place a black prayer cloth on the floor.

Stand in the center of the canvas.

Call upon the Holy Trinity for help, guardian angel, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

Light the candles. Read the Lord's Prayer 4 times.

Prayer "Our Father"

On left hand hang up the family towel, take your daughter’s candle to the right.

Stand facing east.

Make the sign of the cross with a candle in front of you and bow.

Read the plot. Do this in the direction of the sun to 4 cardinal directions.

Read the plot for each side of the world.

Spell “For a successful marriage”

From the royal palace,

From the boyar threshold

There was a road leading to my house.

They are walking along that road

The clan of the royal and boyars,

Business and craftsman.

Along the royal road to my doorstep

Grooms are coming for (name)’s daughter,

Those suitors are rich

Lucky and beautiful

And one among them is betrothed and lucky,

He is a prince among princes,

Boyar among boyars,

A merchant among merchants,

Profitable and noble.

That groom is coming to the doorstep,

He will walk my daughter down the aisle.

My daughter is swimming like a peahen,

Married life will be successful.

I will strengthen my secret word with a cross and a bow,

I will strengthen my cause with the ancestral towel.

Amen. Amen. Amen.

When the candles burn out, read a prayer of thanks.

Wrap your daughter's candle in the ancestral towel. For forty days, place the towel in the Goddess.

Your daughter will marry very successfully, her husband will love her, and she will live in abundance.


Your daughter is pretty and obedient, but there are no suitors in sight? And you so want to see her happy in marriage... If you are a sincere believer, then you should not forget about such a remedy as Orthodox prayer. People have long tried to marry off their daughters with the help of appeals to the Holy Great Martyr Catherine or to St. Nicholas the Pleasant. And sometimes ritual prayers and spells were used for this purpose.

However, before you start organizing her personal life, make sure that your girl’s heart is really free and she sincerely wants to get married. If a mother wants to marry her child to the person she has her eye on, against her will, little good will come of such an initiative. Of course, youth is inexperienced and rich in random impulses. Most likely, you know better than the young girl with whom it would be good for her to build a family nest. However she has the right to choose and decide on one's own. There is also room for error. If your beauty says that she is not yet ready for marriage, she wants to get an education or “get some exercise” first, you should not try to marry her off just because all her girlfriends are already “there”. There is a time for everything, and each person has his own deadline for meeting his betrothed. Perhaps after your daughter will truly love someone, the desire to become his wife and mother of his children will arise in her naturally.

In the meantime, instead of reading morals on this topic, you can try to speed up the moment of meeting your future groom. This might help you prayer (to marry off daughter with her help, many mothers succeeded).

Prayer for a quick marriage with a candle

You will need a thick wax candle (it is better to bring it from church, already consecrated), a small icon of the saint whose name your daughter bears, and an icon of a guardian angel. The prayer should be said in the evening, three days in a row by placing icons and a lit candle

on a table covered with a white tablecloth. Between the icons, place a photo of your marriageable maiden and say:

“Melancholy will go away, joy will come, loneliness will go away, happiness will come, grief will break, luck will remain, envy will not multiply, and troubles will not bother you. I send grief, troubles, failures away from the servant of God (name of the bride), I call to heaven, I call for happiness and love for the servant of God (name of the bride). Let it be so!"

People also believe that you should pray for a meeting with your future husband on Neonil and Paraskeva, that is tenth of November. On this day, the bride herself must come to church and in her own words ask God to send her a good groom.

Of course, all this is not a guarantee that you will soon become a mother-in-law and a happy grandmother. Therefore, we advise you to act according to the principle “trust in God, but don’t make a mistake yourself.”

After all, not only prayer helps to find a family. You can marry off your daughter even more in a simple way: By contacting a professional marriage service. In particular, our Family Creation Center is ready to help you find candidates for the hand and heart of your daughter. We work with all brides until the result is achieved. Find out more here.

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Prayer for daughter's marriage

Orthodoxy is not just religious rituals, but complete system worldview. Faith should not end with service. It affects all areas of life, including the family. Marriage should be blessed, starting from the fact of acquaintance. Therefore, there are even special prayers for a daughter’s marriage. After all, every mother dreams of her daughter being lucky with her partner.

Who to pray for marriage

In the church tradition, there is a certain conditional division into spheres for which one or another saint is “responsible”. The main points should never be forgotten:
  • always turn to God first;
  • remember that you can also pray to other heavenly patrons.

But who, after all, is capable of sending a worthy companion to a girl, to whom should a mother read prayers for her daughter’s marriage? After all, many today complain that a beautiful, successful young woman lives alone. Of course, it’s hard for parents to watch this.

Before starting any prayerful feat, you should attend a service and repent of bad thoughts, words and actions.

  • Jesus Christ - as a caring shepherd, He blessed people to get married, have children, and take care of each other.
  • Saint Nicholas is a widely known case when he helped several girls find spouses. Since then, the monk has been approached with similar petitions.
  • Saints Joachim and Anna - after many decades of infertility, the Lord vouchsafed them to accept into their family their daughter Mary, the future Mother of God. This is great happiness. Their example teaches us to be patient and not lose hope.
  • The holy martyrs Adrian and Natalya - the spouses together accepted suffering for Christ, supported each other, showed fidelity and perseverance. Such reliable relationships are rare to find today.

There are other patrons of marriage who can help - you can choose yourself. This does not affect the result, because the saints take their strength from the Lord.

Prayer to the Lord God for marriage

“Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything. Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God. Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me. Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors. Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title, sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth. Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

What not to do

Many, instead of reading prayers for their daughter’s marriage, find conspiracies on the Internet and carry them out at home. magical rituals. By their behavior they show their complete distrust of God. Didn’t He promise to take care of people, to remove any burden from their shoulders? Is the Lord really unable to cope with your problem?

Remember that instead of helping, you can get yourself into serious trouble. The spiritual world is not a toy; it does not forgive mistakes. His laws are impartial - when you open an unfamiliar door, then you don’t need to be surprised that something unsightly appears from there. Many paid for their negligence physically and mental health. Is this what a mother should want for her child?

How to help your daughter choose a match

It should be understood that with acquaintance everything is just beginning. It is necessary to help your daughter form a correct, objective opinion about a person. Will they be able to long years live together when the first love passes?

You should watch how future groom treats his loved ones: does he show attention, patience, can he make concessions or insists on his own. Prayer for a daughter’s prosperous marriage will not be beneficial if the girl does not have a correct concept of marriage. And the elders should take care of this.

The Orthodox understanding of marriage runs counter to that which is instilled in young people today from the pages of glossy magazines. This is a consumer attitude, when the spouse is seen as a way to solve their own problems. But the feeling of your worth as a person should not come from the outside, it is an internal state that needs to be worked on.

You should also definitely pay attention to the commonality of spiritual values. This is a very strong lever that determines a person’s actions. Only unity at all levels can become the basis of a strong family.

  • Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker for his daughter’s marriage
  • Prayer to Matrona for marriage and personal life - read here
  • Mother's prayer for her daughter - https://bogolub.info/materinskaya-molitva-o-docheri/

Prayer to the martyrs Adrian and Natalia for their daughter to get married

O sacred duo, holy martyrs of Christ Adrian and Natalia, blessed spouses and good sufferers! Hear us praying to you with tears, and send down upon us all that is good for our souls and bodies, and pray to Christ God to have mercy on us and to deal with us in His mercy, so that we do not perish in our sins. Hey, holy martyrs! Receive the voice of our prayer, and deliver us with your prayers from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire, hail, sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare, from sudden death and from all troubles, sorrows and illnesses, so that we may be forever strengthened by your prayers and intercession Let us glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His beginningless Father and the Most Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

daughters prayer O married.

Prayer, to daughter got married; Prayer Peter and Fevronia about family . Prayer O married daughters.

3 Prayer Ksenia O married- text. . daughters

Another rule is this: many mothers whose daughters cannot find a worthy soul mate, they can turn to Matrona with prayer O married.

Every girl dreams of falling deeply in love with a man, marrying him successfully, having children and living happily. But now the world is full of lies, betrayal and depravity.

Prayer, to daughter got married; Prayer Peter and Fevronia about family . Prayer O married daughters.

Nature has made people such that they first of all take care of their children. Girls are considered more vulnerable to external factors and they need more parental warmth and love.

3 Prayer Ksenia O married- text. . to get rid of loneliness and get married; mothers can also ask for happiness for their daughters so that they find a good husband

There is no more devoted and sincere person in this world than the Mother; she reverently and with trepidation in her soul follows the fate of her children, and especially her daughters, raising them in childhood, guiding them on the right path in their youth. A strong Orthodox prayer for a mother for her daughter: marriage, pregnancy and happiness to the Most Holy Theotokos, Nicholas the Wonderworker and Saint Matrona - will certainly help you! After all, mothers will sacrifice their lives at any moment for the well-being, health and happiness of their children. And, of course, so that the child’s path through fate is devoid of failures, sorrow, grief and troubles, at all times mothers pray to the Mother of God, especially for their daughters, because it is generally accepted that girls need special maternal protection.

A selection of powerful Orthodox prayers for a mother for her daughter: marriage, pregnancy and happiness.

Mothers begin to appeal to the Mother of God and all the Saints with a request to protect their daughter from trouble and misfortune from her very birth. Then, as the girl grows up, the prayer includes blessings for her studies, for a successful marriage, for healthy and strong offspring.

Boundless, all-consuming love for her daughter and unquestioning faith in God makes sincere maternal prayer the strongest protection that helps the girl go through life. But here it is important for every parent to be very careful and not read prayers taken from dubious sources, because there is a very big risk, without meaning to, of harming the child by uttering words that may turn out to be magical or witchcraft. It is best, if there is a desire and need to pray for your daughter, to pick up the Orthodox Prayer Book. As believers know, this is a book where all prayers are collected.

And, of course, it is there that a mother can find those necessary words of appeal to the Mother of God and All Saints that will help protect her child from earthly misfortunes. There is another way, it is suitable for those parents who have a talent for versification. Having composed her own prayer, blessing her daughter’s path in this world, the mother can be sure that there is no stronger and more sincere prayer in the whole world. The main thing is to keep these cherished words secret from a stranger who may not be kind.

Types of prayers that a Mother can read for her Daughter

Matrona of Moscow “On Marriage”

Two prayers from a mother for her daughter's marriage

Of course, one of the most important stages in the life of most worldly girls is marriage. And, of course, here the mother cannot stand aside, since the happiness and well-being of her child is important to the parent, which means she will make every effort to successfully marry the girl off. And in this case, Saints Mother Matrona of Moscow and Blessed Ksenia of St. Petersburg will come to the rescue. This is a mother’s prayer for her daughter’s marriage to Matrona of Moscow.

“O blessed mother Matrono, hear and accept us now, sinners, praying to you,

Having become accustomed throughout your life to receive and listen to all those who suffer and mourn,

With faith and hope for your intercession and the help of those who come running,

Quick help and miraculous healing are provided to everyone; may it not become scarce even now

Thy mercy to us, unworthy, restless in this busy world and nowhere

To those who find consolation and compassion in spiritual sorrows and help in physical illnesses:

Heal our illnesses, deliver us from the temptations and torment of the devil,

Passionately fighting, help me to carry my everyday Cross, to bear all the hardships of life

And not to lose the image of God in it, to preserve the Orthodox faith until the end of our days,

Have strong trust and hope in God and unfeigned love for your neighbors;

Help us, after leaving this life, to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven with everyone

Pleasing God, glorifying the mercy and goodness of the Heavenly Father,

in the Trinity glorified, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen."

Ksenia Petersburgskaya “About Marriage”

The second version of the mother’s prayer for the marriage of her daughter Ksenia of Petersburg. Try reading both prayers to Saint Matrona and Saint Xenia.

“Blessed Ksenia, I, (my name), turn to you with a prayer for help in marriage!

I ask you to unite my destiny with my beloved and loving man- noble, kind,

Reliable, handsome, successful, so that he becomes a good husband for me,

To my child - a real father. So that we live in love and harmony and prosperity,

We did not need anything, so that in our hearts there was only love, kindness, and hope.

So that we become faithful loving spouses, kind good happy

Parents, so that our loved ones are given love and care. Hear my prayer

Blessed Ksenia, have mercy, forgive me for my sins and help me with my request!

Show me where my destiny and happiness are!”

Healer Panteleimon “On the health of the child”

Mother's prayer for her pregnant daughter and birth healthy child Saint Panteleimon is the best thing to do if your daughter is about to give birth. To keep your child healthy, give him vitality and energy is worth praying for constantly.

Otherwise, the daughter or son may be attacked by illnesses, and, as you know, there is nothing worse for a mother than the realization that the child is in danger, including in the form terrible disease. And you need to make a request to preserve or restore your child’s health to Saint Panteleimon.

“Oh, great saint of Christ, passion-bearer and much-merciful physician Panteleimon!

Have mercy on me, a sinful slave, hear my groaning and cry,

Appease the heavenly, supreme Physician of our souls and bodies, Christ our God,

May He grant me healing from the illness that oppresses me. Accept an unworthy prayer

Man is the most sinful of all. Visit me with a gracious visit.

Do not disdain my sinful sores, anoint them with the oil of your mercy and heal me;

May I be healthy in soul and body for the rest of my days, by the grace of God,

I will be able to spend time in repentance and pleasing God and will be worthy to receive a good end to my life.

Hey, servant of God! Pray to Christ God, that by your intercession

Grants health to my body and salvation to my soul. Amen."

Holy Mother of God

A mother’s prayer for her daughter to the Most Holy Theotokos is a kind of universal prayer that is suitable in most cases. Only the Mother of the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos, knows about the aspirations and anxieties, experiences and problems of all mothers in this world. Who, if not she, can calm a mother’s heart, instill peace and bliss in her soul from the knowledge that everything is fine with her daughter or son. Also, the Mother of God is able to instruct children in the true path, to show the path to spiritual enlightenment, she protects a person throughout his life if his thoughts are pure and his intentions are bright.

“O Mother of God Virgin Mary, full of God’s grace, rejoice!

The Lord is with you; Blessed are You among women and blessed is the fruit,

born of you, because you gave birth to the Savior of our souls.”

Nicholas the Wonderworker “For my daughter”

A mother’s prayer for her daughter to Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is suitable if a girl needs to go on a journey, for example, to where she is studying, or just for a friendly meeting; mothers turn to Nicholas the Wonderworker.

“O our good shepherd and God-wise mentor, Saint Nicholas of Christ!

Hear us sinners (names), praying to you and calling for quick help

Your intercession: see us weak, caught everywhere,

Deprived of every good and darkened in mind by cowardice.

Strive, servant of God, do not leave us in the sinful captivity of being,

May we not be joyfully our enemies and may we not die in our evil deeds.

Pray for us, unworthy of our Creator and Master,

You stand before him with disembodied faces: be merciful to us

May our God in this life and in the future not reward us according to our deeds

And according to the impurity of our hearts, He will reward us according to His goodness.

We trust in your intercession, we boast of your intercession, your intercession

We call for help, and falling to your most holy image, we ask for help:

Deliver us, servant of Christ, from the evils that come upon us, and for the sake of your holy prayers do not

The attack will overcome us and we will not wallow in the abyss of sin and in the mud of our passions.

Pray to Saint Nicholas of Christ, Christ our God, that he will give us a peaceful life

And forgiveness of sins, salvation and great mercy for our souls, now and ever and unto ages of ages.”

Mitrofan of Voronezh “For good luck”

A mother’s prayer to Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh for her daughter’s happiness is in some way a blessing that can be read, for example, on your child’s birthday or wedding. Filled with happiness mother's heart when she sees her child growing up, becoming wiser and gaining experience. Therefore, the period of a daughter’s studies and the time of her learning about this world is especially exciting for a parent; during these years, mothers call on St. Mitrophan, the Wonderworker of Voronezh, and also ask for help in coping with the difficulties of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker of Myra.

“To Saint Father Mitrofan, by the incorruption of your venerable relics and many good deeds,

Miraculously done and done by you with faith, flowing to you, convinced,

As we have received great grace from the Lord our God, let us all humbly fall

And we pray to you: pray for us (names) of Christ our God, that he may bestow upon all,

To those who honor your holy memory and diligently resort to you, His rich mercies:

May He establish in His holiness Orthodox Church living spirit of right faith and piety,

The spirit of knowledge and love, the spirit of peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and all her members,

Pure from worldly temptations and carnal lusts and the evil actions of evil spirits,

They worship Him in spirit and in truth and are diligently concerned about keeping the commandments

Him for the salvation of their souls. Let her shepherd give holy zeal for the salvation of people,

Those entrusted to them will be enlightened, the ignorant will be instructed, the doubters will be enlightened

And they will confirm that those who have fallen away from the Orthodox Church will be converted into its holy bowels,

Believers will be kept in faith, sinners will be moved to repentance, those who repent will be comforted

And they will strengthen them in the correction of life, those who have repented and corrected themselves will be confirmed in the holiness of life:

And thus everyone will be led along the path indicated by Him into the prepared eternal Kingdom of His saints.

To her, the saint of God, may your prayers arrange all that is good for our souls and bodies:

May we also glorify in our souls and bodies our Lord and God, Jesus Christ,

To Him, together with the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory and power forever and ever. Amen."

Mother Sophia

Mother's prayer for her daughter's marriage to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Faith, Hope and Love - these names are undoubtedly known to all Orthodox believers. The young martyrs sacrificed their lives in the name of faith. But their mother Sophia is not remembered so often. But it was she who experienced terrible mental anguish when she saw the suffering and death of her three small children.

“O holy and praiseworthy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyuba,

And the wise mother Sophia of the valiant daughters, now comes to you with earnest prayer;

What else can intercede for us before the Lord,

If not faith, nohope and love, these three cornerstone virtues,

In them is the image of the named, the most prophetic thing is revealed! Pray to the Lord

May He cover us with His indescribable grace in sorrows and misfortunes,

He will save and preserve, for the Lover of Mankind is good. Glory to him, like the never-setting sun,

Now I see brightly, assist us in our humble prayers,

May the Lord God forgive our sins and iniquities, and have mercy on us,

Sinners and unworthy of His generosity. Pray for us, holy martyrs,

Our Lord Jesus Christ, to Him we send glory with His Beginning Father

And His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

The Holy Martyr Sophia is ready to come to the aid of a praying mother in cases where any problems occur with the children or when a son or daughter has troubles. And the Lord hears these prayers for children before and before others.

What to expect from mother's prayers?

Turning to God with requests to protect themselves and loved ones from adversity and illness, to help in the successful outcome of this or that matter, many believers expect the result, as they say, “here and now.” And another person, not seeing an immediate result from prayer, may despair, a treacherous seed of doubt will take root in his heart, and faith will begin to fade in his soul. This should under no circumstances be allowed, because the main thing we need to realize is that God is always with us. In this case, it is necessary to ask Our Lord for humility and love. After all, the fact is that people who believe know exactly what the Lord can give, if not what the one asking for in his appeals, but much more than that.

It is very important that love for God is instilled in children from an early age; this is the mission of parents, who only by their example can show how to honor Our Lord and All Saints, how to gain humility. Also, after the sacrament of introducing the child to the church, they take responsibility for the spiritual education of the child. godmother And Godfather who must accompany their godson or goddaughter through life, monitoring their piety. It is the responsibility of adults to teach a child prayers as early as possible. Let the son or daughter turn to the Mother of God or ask for the intercession of their Guardian Angel. In this case, higher power They will never leave someone who prays.

I present to your attention orthodox prayers about marriage, addressed to Blessed Matrona and Nicholas the Wonderworker.
Surely you have heard more than once wise phrases about the fact that getting married is not a bad thing, as long as you don’t end up married.
And then you look, just yesterday - happy newlyweds, less than a month has passed - they are already filing for divorce.
If you want your daughter to get married successfully, be sure to make this request to the Holy Saints.

Just don't forget that holy orthodoxy First of all, it focuses on a spiritually uplifted marriage, and, last of all, on material wealth.
Matrona of Moscow and the Wonderworker Nicholas always stood up for the righteous living.

Prayer to Matrona for her daughter’s marriage

Before you begin your heartfelt prayer, light 3 candles and imagine the successful marriage of your beloved daughter.
Let him not be immensely rich and flashily dressed. The most glorious thing is that your daughter’s life partner becomes a reliable and devoted friend.
And don't forget to put up the holy images.

I beg you, Saint Matrona, for the happiness of your beloved daughter. Help her not make a mistake in her choice and remove unfaithful people from her. Grant her a bright marriage and a married life according to God's Laws. Thy will be done. Amen.

Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow, protect my daughter from a destructive marriage and give her a faithful chosen one. Not rich, not married, not partying, not drinking, not being dealt a hard hand. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for the marriage of a daughter to Nicholas the Wonderworker

I trust in you, Wonderworker Nicholas, and I ask for your beloved child. Help my daughter meet her chosen one - honest, faithful, kind and measured. Protect my daughter from sinful, lustful, demonic and careless marriage. Thy will be done. Amen.

Nikolai Ugodnik, Defender and Savior. Help my daughter with a miraculous sign in the person of a faithful husband. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse my bright mercy. Let the marriage come true, and let it be decided in Heaven. May the marriage work out, by a miracle of God. Let it be so. Amen.

Read these prayers as often as possible, not forgetting to go to the Orthodox Church.
As you earn the Good, everything planned will come true.

May your daughter be happy!

What else to read