Dream of falling into a hole with water. What does a hole seen in a dream promise?

There are dreams that at first glance seem not the most favorable and even frightening. But even in them you can find positive aspects - after all, if, for example, you know that there will be a hole on your way, you can have time to figure out how to get around it.

As the Modern Combined Dream Book says, the pit is most often dreamed of in order to warn: the dreamer has taken the wrong path, which means he has the opportunity to return and choose the right path before it is too late.

A modern person hardly often has to ask the question: why do we dream of a hole dug in order to catch a large animal? But dream books give an answer to this question as well. For example, Miller’s dream book explains that falling into such a trap, especially if there are already some animals in it, is a warning and a call for caution and attentiveness, since carelessness makes it very easy to get yourself into trouble.

What other pits might the dreamer encounter in his nightly dreams? Most often, dream books are asked about what a hole could mean in a dream:

  • Just dug in the ground.
  • Dug up in a cemetery.
  • Filled with water.
  • Designed for draining sewage.

If you dream about a hole, the dream can bring good news to the sleeper and warn against some not very plausible actions or warn about some danger. If you dreamed of a hole dug in the courtyard of your house, such a dream warns that you need to pay attention to the health of your household.

If you dream of a hole dug in the ground in a place unknown to you, such a dream warns that in this moment In reality, your actions are wrong. In order not to further confuse the situation and worsen your situation, you need to carefully analyze your actions and correct mistakes, if this is still possible.

If you dreamed of a hole, and you know for sure that someone dug it, this is a warning that the dreamer himself needs to take care of his health. If you feel unwell soon after such a dream, it is better not to rely on “maybe”, but to consult a doctor. When you dream of digging a hole yourself, in reality you will face a difficult period in your career; it is unlikely that anything can be corrected here; you just need to survive the difficulties without making rash actions.

Terrible on the face, kind on the inside

Perhaps most often, interpreters are asked why the pit seen in a dream is meant. Oddly enough, such a dream, although it may seem frightening and even terrible, does not bode well for the dreamer. On the contrary, a dream about a hole in a cemetery is very auspicious sign.

A dream in which you see a grave pit is shining example a “shifter” dream, when a very good omen is hidden behind an unpleasant outer shell. If you dreamed of a hole in a cemetery, it means that your worries are unfounded. You can completely trust your friends and family, they will not let you down.

In addition, if you dreamed of a freshly dug in a cemetery and it is empty, this is a symbol of good changes that are about to begin in your life. A lonely person will soon be able to meet his soulmate, someone who is concerned about his career will be able to get a higher and better paid position, and someone who does not have enough money for something vital will be able to get it from a completely unexpected source.

If, as the Magic Dream Book interprets, the hole in the cemetery is the work of your own hands, you dreamed that you dug it yourself, it means that your situation will improve thanks to your own efforts. Do not hesitate to take initiative at work or in personal relationships - this will only benefit you.

When in a dream you see an empty grave pit in front of you, and according to the plot of the dream, you dropped something valuable into it and cannot find it, this is also a very favorable sign. In reality, excellent “compensation” awaits you for such unpleasant experiences in your night dreams. Most likely, this will strengthen your financial situation or a one-time receipt of a large amount of money.

A warning dream is one in which a dug grave in a cemetery does not turn out to be empty. If in your dreams you saw in it or even a dead man without a coffin, then in reality the most favorable period is coming. Interpreters warn that in reality you should not resist circumstances; you should try to simply “slip through” these unfavorable circumstances with the least damage to yourself, just wait them out.

If you see a hole in a cemetery, and in a dream you realize that you yourself find yourself in it, this foretells that in reality your well-being will increase. Partly because you can get to know influential people who will help you with advice or action.

Content matters

If you had a dream in which the pit was filled, then such a vision can be interpreted both as a favorable sign and as a warning. It all depends on what exactly you dreamed about - where the hole was in the ground, how deep it was, whether the water was clean or dirty.

When the water in the hole is clean, it means that soon positive changes will come in the dreamer’s life . If you dreamed that you were digging, and water began to flow from the hole pure water, - you will receive a substantial reward for your efforts. The faster the well fills with water, the sooner your efforts will be rewarded.

When the water in the pit is dirty and muddy, such a dream warns that a difficult period in life will soon begin, and circumstances will become uncontrollable. The dreamer can only wait for these circumstances to pass him by as soon as possible. However, interpreters say that during these unfavorable events you can gain valuable experience that will help you simplify your positions in the future.

If you dreamed that you stepped into a puddle and fell into a hole, a difficult situation in life is likely to happen soon. If in your dreams you managed to get to the surface on your own, it means that in reality you will be able to overcome difficulties yourself. When you dream that you cannot get out, then in reality do not hesitate to ask for help from friends and relatives - their help will be very useful for you.

As the esoteric dream book says, a pit with sewage, or, in other words, a cesspool in a dream is a sign that in your real life too many negative emotions. IN Lately few pleasant events happened to you, and the not too pleasant ones left corresponding impressions. In order not to slip into depression, you need to pull yourself together and arrange a holiday for yourself so that positive impressions became more.

However, if you dreamed of a cesspool that you jumped over and calmly moved on, to where you were heading, you will be able to overcome the accumulated negativity and bring all your plans to completion. If you just dreamed of a deep hole, interpreters warn: they may try to drag you into some dubious enterprise, so in reality, remain cautious and do not succumb to provocations.

The pit is a symbol of a woman, female genital organs. A dirty or smelly pit symbolizes diseases of the genital organs. If a man fell into a hole, then his sexual partner treats him badly and he should expect trouble from her. If a woman falls into a hole, then she should think about her health and consult a doctor. If you pull someone out of a hole, then you are eager to have sex (perhaps with the person being pulled out). A disguised pit warns that upcoming sexual contacts are undesirable, as they can bring you trouble.

Modern dream book Pit

If you have dug a very deep hole and don’t know how to get out of it, this means that in the near future you will have to realize the error of your actions. If you were walking through the forest and fell into a pit with animals, then you will find yourself in difficult situation due to his own negligence. If you dropped something into a hole and cannot find it, this portends sudden enrichment. Looking into a hole and not seeing the bottom portends sadness and loneliness for a woman; for a man, this dream promises acquaintance with the right person, receiving a profitable offer, new prospects. Seeing a pit with garbage promises receiving important news by mail or through a messenger, messenger, or stranger. Filling a hole with earth means that you have to do something that will change the opinions of others about you.

Intimate dream book Yama

Seeing a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent, and you will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind with such an explanation is betrayal, infidelity towards your marriage partner. However, this is not necessary. It may well be that once upon a time you had the experience of same-sex love, but then you were ashamed of what happened and did not tell anyone about it. So, the hole you saw in a dream symbolizes that everything will come out. If in a dream you fall into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some action that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Maybe you met someone you really liked and would like to move on to more informal forms of communication? There is only one big but stopping you - your responsibilities to your spouse. Jump over the hole - in intimate life You and your partner have some problem, but you find it difficult to discuss it. Thus, every time you reach a difficult place, you try to pretend that nothing is happening, that everything is fine. You jump over a problem as if over a hole you dreamed about. If you dream that someone is sitting in a hole, it means that you have some kind of sadistic beginning, you want to possess and dominate in bed. Well, that's great if your partner likes to be submissive.

Esoteric dream book Yama

A hole (trench) in a dream - Digging under something (tree, pillar) - you are going too deep into some problems, perhaps you are engaged in self-digging. Seeing - you are asking questions that you cannot solve. Put them aside for later, until better times. To fall into the Self - you have taken on something other than your own business; you are in danger of collapse, the more noticeable the more terrible the fall, especially if you woke up from this dream.

Your personal dream book Yama

digging a hole in a dream means work that you really wouldn’t want to do. If in a dream you yourself find yourself in a hole, it means that in reality you will show extreme caution and caution, because your enemies are plotting something insidious against you. If you fall into a hole that you dug yourself, then you will not be able to defeat cunning enemies and reveal their plans. Be careful not to get involved in any adventure if in a dream you saw yourself standing on the edge of a pit and throwing stones into it, and the pit turns out to be bottomless.

Muslim dream book Yama

Whoever sees in a dream that he is digging up the earth will acquire wealth according to the size and size of the hole. They also say that digging a hole means building deception and intrigues. And whoever sees that he has fallen into a hole from which it is impossible to get out will be deceived in some matter, according to the size, depth and width of the hole. A hole filled with water means a woman is pregnant.

Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Yama


Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkova Yama


Ukrainian dream book Pit

Climbing out of a hole in a dream means coming out of grief, out of trouble. Falling into a hole means falling into trouble. If you dream of a hole and something - you throw it there or fall inadvertently, then someone in your family will die. Pit - fear. Pit - to death. "If you dream of a hole, then it is very bad dream: expect some misfortune."

A pit seen in dreams at night is often interpreted as a bad omen. A more accurate interpretation of what a dream about a hole means will come from what was filled in it, as well as in what place you saw it. In many cases, the interpreter explains this dream as a sign of impending misfortune.

Falling into a hole in a dream means a big difficulty in reality, which will happen soon. It will be quite difficult to resolve it in a good way. Perhaps it will have an adverse effect on future life events.

What does a hole portend in a dream according to Miller’s dream book

According to Gustav Miller, such a symbol also suggests positive events in the future. So, if you happen to drop something into a hole at night, and after a long search you realize that you cannot return it, expect sudden wealth in reality. Another explanation is that you will inherit a valuable thing, or hit the jackpot.

Miller's dream book explains in detail why a dug hole is dreamed of. Have you made a deep hole yourself and then tried to get out of it? IN real life realize your mistakes. Until now, as the dream book explains, you have followed the wrong path and did not even think about it. Now the time has come to comprehend all your actions and understand for yourself what the right thing to do in reality is.

In a dream, did you fall into a deep hole in which there were animals? According to Miller's dream book, you will actually find yourself in a difficult situation. In addition, problems will happen due to your negligence in many things. You won't be able to change anything. Just try, after going through all the hardships, to be more attentive and not make the same mistakes.

Miller's dream book explains why a woman dreams of a big hole in her night dreams. Such a dream vision predicts sadness and long-term stress in reality. When a man dreams of such a picture, very soon he will receive profitable proposition regarding his work. He won't be able to refuse it, besides new position will open up high prospects for the dreamer in the future.

In your dreams, do you often see a garbage pit filled to the brim? Miller’s dream book gives its explanation here too: wait for important news. Perhaps a letter will be delivered to you, or a stranger will notify you about something important. If you had a chance to bury a hole with earth in a dream, do an act in reality that will radically change the opinion of your person among other people.

According to Freud's dream book and esoteric interpreter

Why do you dream that you are digging a hole? According to Freud's dream book, essentially you are keeping a secret from the people around you. Unfortunately, despite all efforts, the secret will become public knowledge in the near future. Moreover, you will suffer serious punishment for what you actually did. The consequences of hidden information can be truly fatal.

In a dream you found yourself in a hole, in real life you will commit an immoral act. For example, this may concern betrayal in family relationships. Probably, at the moment you already want to betray your chosen one or chosen one. Before committing such immoral acts, think carefully about the likely consequences that you will not be able to prevent.

According to Freud's dream book, the hole you wanted to jump through at night promises trouble in bed. At the same time, you do nothing to resolve them. However, these problems should not be prolonged. Most likely, this will only worsen the current state of things. You should look for a solution together with your sexual partner, or in a session with an experienced sexologist.

Freud also explains why a person dreams of a man in a hole in his night dreams. Such a dream vision represents your violent tendencies. In fact, you are interested in subjugating and controlling strangers. In addition, moral mockery of loved ones also brings pleasure. In order not to end up alone, it is worth reevaluating your inclinations, the sooner the better.

The esoteric dream book indicates that you dreamed of earth dug into the surface - you will not be able to resolve significant difficulties for a long period of time. It’s better to postpone all this for a long time. Perhaps fate itself will find the right solution to the situation. The same dream book explains why you dream of digging a hole. When you diligently dug an earthen ditch in a dream, you are essentially too busy with self-esteem. There is no need to be so self-critical. All people are susceptible to making mistakes throughout their lives.

Jumped into a hole in a dream vision? As the Esoteric Dream Book explains, your work is in danger of failure. There was no need to take on a job you were unfamiliar with. Also, the more fear you experienced when falling, the greater the suffering will be.

According to English, Chinese and French dream books

Why do you dream about a pit according to the English dream interpreter? If it was deep, you will actually live in poverty. The reason for this will be real affairs. If a girl had such a dream, in essence she will feel a cooling of her lover’s feelings. Moreover, nothing can return his former sympathy for himself. An additional interpretation of why a hole is dreamed of is sadness and grief in a love relationship.

The English dream interpreter also explains why you dream of being in a hole. Considering such a plot is a bad omen. An unfavorable stage in fate will come, during which you will experience suffering and troubles. Perhaps you will be pushed into this position by the person you trust too much.

You are a farmer - a phenomenon in the night dreams of the pit, predicting the death of livestock or crop failure. Merchants will suffer great financial ruin, and sailors will face a raging storm, but will still return to their families.

Why do you dream of falling into an earthen hole? French dream book. The dream prophesies an unprecedented love meeting. A hot, passionate romance or a long marriage is likely.

Jumping over a drainage hole, or crossing it along a built bridge - leads to a conflict with an employee government agencies. To prevent bad consequences, as recommended by the dream book, you should be more careful and polite. The severity of the quarrel depends on the depth of the hole.

An explanation of why you dream of finding yourself in a hole is presented in the Chinese dream book. This dream predicts a major trouble that has happened in your family.

In night vision, your car fell into a deep ravine, or lay to the bottom, then in essence one of your friends will die. Perhaps it will be dear person, or your friend. A garden hole promises trouble in any endeavor.

According to the Modern Dream Book

In a dream, jump into a hole to carry out ill-considered actions in reality. Such actions will lead to the emergence of major problems that will not be resolved for a long period of time. The mistake you made will be known to others in a short period of time. Many people, both relatives and acquaintances, will not communicate further with you. They won't live up to your promises.

Felt pain when falling, according to the version dream book XXI centuries, that means for a long time find yourself in the abyss of unreliable gossip and slander. Unreliable slander will greatly damage your fame and authority among outsiders. You may be depressed. There is no need to withdraw into yourself, as this can lead to suicide. It is better to go on vacation or make an appointment with a psychologist.

Why you dream of digging a hole is also indicated in the Modern Dream Book. When you were rapidly digging a hole in the ground, in reality, your actions led those around you to a dead end. If relationships with this circle of people are of significant value to you, try to smooth out the rough edges.

In a dream, to consider a deep hole, according to the 21st century dream book, is to face a difficult choice. You have to choose: to do everything honestly, or with great benefit for yourself. The result of this choice will tell you how human you really are. If you had a chance to pour clay into the recess to the very edges, you will be honest both to yourself and in the eyes of strangers. You will promise yourself to tell only the truth and will boldly accept everything that is told to you.

By Modern dream book, try to clean out a cesspool - you will work against your will. You will need to do things that you don't want to do. Stay tolerant, soon this unfavorable phase will end and you will do what you want. You dreamed of a pit with feces, you will be extremely careful. The enemy has already planned certain actions, and is ready to carry them out to your detriment. If you managed to get out of the hole, you can overcome obstacles.

Why dream of finding yourself in a hole dug for yourself. According to the dream book, your dreams will not come true. You will not be able to be as cunning as your enemy and rise in the ranks. However, there is no need to fall into despair; you should wait for a more opportune moment.

If you pulled your friend out of the hole, you will actually help him. Only thanks to your efforts, your loved one will be able to prevent major troubles.

You looked into a hole filled with stones and wondered whether to go down there or not, thinking about a dubious undertaking. Initially, think about the possible negative consequences.

According to the dream books of Vanga, Aesop, Grishina and Shereminskaya

To see that someone is digging a hole, according to Aesop’s dream interpreter, is to deteriorate one’s authority. Now is not the moment to start any business. Any action can fundamentally spoil the opinion of other people about your person. Be careful before addressing important issues.

Aesop explains why you dream of a pit with waste. Drop a valuable object into it - you will do something bad, for which you will pay with your happiness. If you spot predators in the depths, be prepared to deal with cunning people.

If you have descended to the very depths according to Aesop’s dream book, do meaningless work. If you have the opportunity, don't do it, otherwise you will undermine your moral condition. If in a dream you tried to get out of a hole, and you were unable to do so, one of your friends is trying to thoroughly ruin your life. It will take a lot of strength to live happily. It’s important to identify the enemy and stop communicating with him. If you do not take such decisive action, you will cause yourself serious harm.

According to Grishina’s dream book, digging a grave means entering into a marriage. Family life will be calm and happy. If you saw a grave hole next to your house in a dream, it means the death or serious illness of a relative or friend. According to the dream book, being in a pit with feces means a difficult, fateful stage. You will need enough strength to endure all life's troubles.

The same dream book explains why you dream of a hole on a road. She promises bad company. There are ungodly persons around you who may do bad things to gain their benefit.

According to Vanga’s dream book, the depression embodies adversity and difficulties. To dig it up means you will remain in a state of uncertainty for a long time. They will hide a lot from you, but you will find out about everything soon.

Did you see a small baby fall into the hole? According to the dream book, expect betrayal from strangers. The betrayal will be so great that there will be a great desire to take revenge on the enemies. You don't need to do this, otherwise you will bring misfortune on yourself. At best, finish communicating with the enemy and draw some conclusions for yourself.

Additional interpretations

As the dream book indicates, a hole filled with liquid predicts an unexpected development of events. No matter how hard you try, you will not be able to keep everything under control. The dream book explains why you dream of a pit with sand and flowers. Bulk material carries a certain warning about your current situation. A hole strewn with flowers, according to the dream book, promises a favorable future.

There are dream books that give an excellent interpretation of why one dreams of a hole in the yard or in burial places. If you see a hole dug on your own property, your body condition will noticeably worsen. If you see a hole in a cemetery, it means there is a threat lurking in real life. It will be difficult to warn her. It is possible to reduce only the sad results through your attentiveness and vigilance.

Seeing your son in a hole in a dream means troubles that he is expected to endure in the future. After such a dream, try to talk more with your child about his life. Perhaps your support will help prevent possible trouble. Trying to pull a child out of a hole is a favorable sign. According to the dream book, thanks to your efforts, your son’s affairs will improve noticeably.

Some of the dream books positively explain why a sewer pit is dreamed of. Sometimes, such a symbol predicts financial well-being. When you dream of a pit filled with poop, have no doubt that an event will soon happen that will have a positive impact on the flow of finances. The time will come and you will forget about financial difficulties forever.

When you dream of a snow-covered pit, according to the dream book, expect adventures in love. In addition, sleep predicts well-being, especially if snow cover was snow-white and soft.

The explanation of why one dreams of climbing out of a hole is in all cases positive. Through your own efforts, you will be able to achieve a lot in life. In addition, according to the dream book, such dream content indicates the prevention of difficulties.

At the same time, one dream book explains why one dreams of a coffin in a pit. The plot promises a successful marriage. Together with financial well-being there will be peace and tranquility in the family.

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Some dreams can be quite frightening and can even cause panic. But it's just a dream. Why do you dream about a hole? How to interpret a dream in which you fell into a hole?

Why do you dream about a hole - the main interpretation

The pit that you dreamed about is a harbinger of rather unpleasant events. It is important to remember all the details of the dream:

How the hole was formed;

Have you fallen into a hole?

Who fell into the hole;

Who else appeared in your dream;

What emotions did the dream evoke in you?

If you dream that a hole has formed in the middle of your house, a difficult period. It is important to remember that you were also afraid of falling into it. If you were afraid, you already know that trouble awaits you. Perhaps it was your careless attitude towards what was happening that led to the difficulties. The dream book advises you to survive future difficulties with dignity. Do not create similar situations in the future.

If you dream that you are not at all afraid of falling into a hole, such a dream promises you new discoveries, but whether you use the information received correctly depends entirely on you. If you dream that the hole inside is overgrown with flowers and grass, such a dream means that troubles that at first glance seem very difficult to you will actually turn out to be tests that will lead to new opportunities.

If you dream that someone close to you has fallen into a hole, such a dream means the possibility of trouble for this particular person. Then you will have to help him resolve difficult situations. If you provide all possible help, this will give you the opportunity to receive support from him in the future.

If you see a hole that has divided your house into two parts, such a dream means that difficulties in relationships will soon await you. In addition to quarrels and scandals, you will be separated by an abyss of misunderstanding with loved ones. If you dream that a hole has formed at your work, such a dream means that employees, subordinates and managers will not be able to find common language.

To fall into such a hole is to be compromised in the workplace. You may not be guilty of the charges against you, but in any case, you will suffer losses. If in a dream you are trying to pull someone out of a hole, take a closer look at who. If this person tries to pull you down with him in a dream, try to avoid contact with him in reality.

In real life, he may try to impose bad habits and a negative lifestyle on you. Even if it's yours close person– try to distance yourself from his problems for a while. If we are talking about your lover, try not to aggravate the relationship with quarrels. Do not support scandals, even if you are really right about them.

If a young girl dreams that she finds a baby in a hole, the girl has long dreamed of becoming a mother. This dream will soon come true. If the baby died in the pit, it is worth considering temporarily giving up childbearing. The dream book says that this is not a frightening dream at all, it simply warns against hasty actions.

If a man has such a dream, it means that he is not ready for serious relationship, although it is considering similar possibilities. If a man saves a child from a pit in a dream, he will have the opportunity to establish relationships with his soulmate.

If a man dreams that his beloved has fallen into a hole, and he tries in every possible way to pull her out, but he fails, such a dream means that it is time for the partners to reconsider their relationship with each other. Most likely, each of them looks only inside himself, not noticing the problems and concerns of the other. This attitude led to relationship problems. If partners do not maximize efforts to restore the relationship, they will lose each other.

In those dreams in which you yourself fall into a hole and cannot call anyone to help, it is worth remembering exactly how the dream ended. If in a dream you did find a way out, you got out of the hole on your own - in reality you will also get out of a difficult situation on your own, resolve everything yourself financial questions. You just shouldn’t retreat and change direction. Don't be afraid to achieve the goals you set for yourself.

If you managed to get out of the hole thanks to the help of other people, remember who exactly became your savior. In reality, you will also receive great support and help from this person. If another person’s attempt to save you from the pit fails, it means that in reality you will suffer defeat. But the dream book does not advise you to become discouraged; you just need to think more carefully about all your actions and calculate their consequences.

Why do you dream about a pit according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why the pit is dreamed of. This is a symbol of troubles and problems. You will be immersed in them if in a dream you fall into a hole that you did not see in front of your feet. If you fall into a hole due to the fault of another person, such a dream directly speaks of the interference of other people in the course of events in your life.

If you still don’t remember who was responsible for your fall, then in reality you will not be able to find out who exactly caused the troubles in your life. The dream book advises not to get hung up on finding the culprit, but to intensify your desires to achieve your goal. Even if this time nothing worked out for you, then next time you will definitely get the desired result.

If you see in a dream a huge pit into which people fall and disappear, such a dream indicates a possible danger to your health. You, just like these people, will suddenly lose control of the situation and simply fall into a pit of problems and worries.

In those dreams when holes start appearing everywhere, it is important to remember your behavior. If you calmly bypass them and find yourself safe, such a dream speaks of the need to show flexibility of mind in reality and not succumb to provocations.

If in a dream you constantly fall into holes, but at the same time, somehow miraculously get out of them, such a dream suggests that in reality you, despite constant competition and pitfalls from your colleagues, will always be in a winning position.

If in a dream a pit is filled with dirt and large blocks of stone, in reality you will be subject to attacks of envy, contempt, and slander. Moreover, the person who brought negativity into your life now treats you quite positively. In those dreams in which you yourself push someone else into a hole, you need to remember the motive of your behavior.

If you do this solely for reasons of defense, then in reality, defending your point of view, you will have to infringe on the rights of another. If you purposefully push another person into a hole, such a dream speaks of your evil intent in reality. But for such acts you may face retribution.

Why do you dream about a pit according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud's dream book says that newlyweds dream of a pit as an indicator of their unconscious fear of relationships. They are afraid of becoming dependent on this relationship, but the dream book also indicates that all doubts must be left behind. It was worth doubting before marriage. Now the time has come when they only need to build relationships.

If a young girl dreams that a man is pushing her into a pit, she will find herself in a relationship that will only bring her pain and tears. This relationship will make her suffer, but the girl will not be able to refuse it. This will be a kind of dependence on the partner. And the longer this relationship lasts, the greater the girl’s attachment to the man. The dream book advises you to think about the need to avoid such unions.

Why do you dream about a pit according to other dream books?

IN Summer dream book it is said that if you dream of a hole, the details of your negative experience, your negative past life. Grishina’s dream book says that a dream about a pit predicts a huge misfortune that a person will find himself in thanks to the machinations of his enemies. Digging a hole in a dream means trying to change the situation in reality.

Loff’s dream book says that the fear of falling into a hole in a dream is a reflection of a person’s conscious fear of everything new in reality. You are afraid of slipping up and making the wrong decision. But, if you do not learn to take risks, you will not get anything in this life that you have dreamed of for so long. If in a dream you see holes that disappear on their own, the approaching troubles in reality will resolve themselves. It is important to remember that dreams only give clues about what to do in a given situation. They can predict the future, but man himself creates his own destiny.

Do you want to deal with problems in different life situations, evaluate your emotional condition? We invite you to read selected interpretations of dreams about Yama in the dream books of famous authors. Perhaps in these dream interpretations there is an answer to your question.

Why do you dream about Yama?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why do you dream and what does Yama mean?

The pit represents the complex, difficult situation and is associated with falling. If you dreamed that in a dream you were digging a hole - in real life you are going through an unlucky period, since you are doing something that can harm you later. Dropping something into a hole symbolizes a missed chance. Seeing a pit and animals sitting in it means that you have to deal with people of tough character and make considerable efforts to get along with them. If you yourself go down into the pit, then this is a sign that you have started a business that will not bring you anything good; for more details, if you dream about the Pit, see below.

Dream Interpretation of the Gypsy Seraphim

Why do you dream about Yama, interpretation of the dream:

A warning about a fall or a trap, this is how this dream in which Yama dreams is interpreted.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why do you dream about Yama in a dream?

Grief, fear. Digging a hole is honest, hard and unprofitable work, but if you find sparkling valuables at the same time, it means a favorable turn in fate. Voids in the walls of the pit are unlucky. If water fills the dug hole, the course of affairs, despite all your efforts, will be uncontrollable and will not depend on you, this is how the dream in which the Pit is dreamed is deciphered.

Ditches are a serious danger, an obstacle. Child: cheerful, neat - to contentment; dirty - to troubles; if the child plays alone - independence from the opinions of others; crying baby- to disappointment, deterioration of health. Taking your sick child in your arms means suffering and sadness. Seeing yourself as a child (or young) - dangerous disease, life threatening.

Ancient dream book

Why do you dream and what does it mean to see Yama in a dream:

If you dream of a hole, then this is evidence that the secret will soon become apparent. Perhaps this will be your betrayal, which your partner found out about. But maybe, we're talking about O sexual experience same-sex love that you are afraid to remember, think about your behavior in this situation. Don't be embarrassed. Everyone has their own skeleton in their closet. If you dreamed that in a dream you fell into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some act that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. It is likely that you have finally met the prince of your dreams, but you are already bound by family ties. Decide for yourself what to do in this situation. You wouldn't have to regret it later! - Jumping over a hole in a dream means having some kind of problem in your intimate life that you are not able to discuss. Every time you come to this difficult question, you immediately try to pass it by in silence or move on to another topic, that is, “jump over the hole.” Think about it. After all, avoiding a problem is not a solution - Problems - If you dreamed that someone was sitting in a hole, then in reality you tend to enjoy sadistic methods in bed. This is only good if your partner likes to obey

Psychological dream book

Why do you dream about Yama in a dream?

If there is a hole in front of you, be careful; falling into a hole means you are in mortal danger

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about Pit according to the dream book?

If you saw a hole in a dream - despite all your efforts, the secret will soon become apparent. You will suffer for hiding the truth for so long. If you dreamed that in a dream you fell into a hole, it means that you are standing on the threshold of some act that is not entirely good from the point of view of generally accepted morality. Jumping over a hole in a dream - you and your partner have some kind of problem in your intimate life, but you will refuse to discuss it.

Summer Dream Interpreter

A dirty story comes to light, unsightly from all sides, discrediting you.

Ravine - Seeing a deep ravine means a grave.

Fall into a hole (hole). - Fall into a deep hole to the grave.

Digging a hole - Don’t interfere in other people’s lives, let them figure it out themselves. so that you don't find yourself guilty.

Autumn Dream Interpreter

There will be a danger to life, as the dream book says about this dream.

Digging a hole - you will bring upon yourself some trouble.

Why dream of digging a hole - letting it get too close dangerous person: for a sick person such a dream means death.

Ravine - Seeing a deep ravine filled with water means the end of life.

Dig a hole (hole). - To a dead person from strangers.

Spring Dream Interpreter

Towards death.

Why do you dream about the Funnel - looking into the funnel - being in danger through stupidity.

Dreamed/dreamed of Digging a hole (dig, hole). - If you dreamed that you were digging a hole or a cellar in a dream, you are going to put a pig on someone.

Ravine. To danger.

Dig a hole (hole). To illness.

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