Dream interpretation pink lips. Why do you dream about Lips? Your personal dream book Lips

Sleep helps us quickly assimilate information in large quantities; if a person soon has to go through an exam and the brain is exploding from the amount of new material, it is enough to go to bed. In a dream, all information will be reliably processed and assimilated, and an understanding will come of what was not assimilated in the waking state.

How to learn to remember your dreams

Dreams are one of the familiar and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to dream is given to everyone, but the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive you of the ability to remember what you see in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Miller's free dream book online - your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine scattered, intricate dream images into a colorful mosaic of reality? Take a look at the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of a great psychologist!

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Do you always want to get enough sleep and see good dreams? Meet folk wisdom relating to dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Why do you dream about Lips?

Lips in a modern dream book

The face of another person with lips that evoke negative emotions in you - this plot of your dream warns of an imminent meeting with an unpleasant person. In addition, if your lips are thick, then you may make a mistake when taking important decision. Your impulsiveness does not have the best effect on family relationships. If your lips are beautiful, then you will have a harmonious perception of life. This can also be a sign of material wealth. Especially auspicious meaning has such a dream for young couples. He promises them long-lasting love. If you see unhealthy lips (unnaturally shaped or in wounds), then the coming days will not please you. They can be marked not only by your unhealthy aspirations, but also by losses. Feeling concerned about how attractive your lips are - in reality you are overly concerned about relationships with members of the opposite sex. If a woman in her dream paints her lips with lipstick, then she is not against a romantic acquaintance. If you liked the lips of a stranger, it means that the person you loved most recently is no longer interesting to you.

Lips in Miller's dream book

A favorable sign is to see plump, pink lips in a dream. He promises a good relationship with the people around him, and also the fact that the dreamer will not have to deny himself anything. The dream in which ugly lips appeared has the opposite meaning. This is a prediction of difficulties in your personal life, dangerous fussiness in business. If the shape of the dreamed lips is too thin, it means that the dreamer will have to overcome many difficulties on the path to a stable, calm life.

Lips in Freud's dream book

The great psychoanalyst considered lips as a symbol of a woman’s genital organs, while the kiss symbolized sexual intercourse. Therefore, the dream book interprets dreams in which these elements are present precisely from this position. If the dreamer feels his lips, it means that he would like oral sex. If you see a person moving his lips, for example, while chewing, then your sexual partner is not serious enough about the relationship with you. The plot has a similar meaning if it contains a person with a cigarette in his lips. If your lips are brightly painted, it means that you are not satisfying your partner, although he does not tell you about it. Wounded, but not ugly lips indicate that you have an excellent relationship with your loved one, but you are experiencing anxiety from thoughts of separation. If you saw beautiful lips without any flaws, then you dream that your partner is a person who is ideal in every way.

Seeing the labia in a dream means difficulties will arise life path, while fighting them you will need to show strength of character. The dream is interpreted as awareness of the influence of external factors on your organs, as well as your own responsibility for your body.

Your genitals, seen in a dream, hint at the presence of experiences regarding attractiveness, strength and strength of character.

Did you paint your lips in a dream? Did you dream about healthy lips? What color were your lips in your dream? Were your lips painted in your dream? What lip product did you dream about? How thick were your lips in your dream? What action happened to the lips?

Did you paint your lips in a dream?

Paint your lips Paint your lips with red lipstick

Did you dream about healthy lips?

Dream about herpes on the lips

Seeing herpes on the lips in a dream means there is a high probability of a similar disease occurring in reality. The dream reports possible hypothermia and colds. It is recommended to think about your health before it is too late.

If you dream of a cold on your lips

A dream about a cold that appears on pale, dry and thin lips hints at the incorrect movement of energy in the body. There is a high probability of developing a serious illness. It is possible that someone close to you may catch the disease.

Dreaming of a split lip

A broken lip in a dream symbolizes deprivation and the presence of unreasonable desires. If the dreamed lips are wounded, your mind is in the grip of passion. For this reason, serious problems often arise along the path of life.

Dreamed of swollen lips

The dream book interprets a dream where you saw swollen lips as a need for caution and restraint. Otherwise, unpleasant situations will arise.

Seeing swollen lips on a loved one is a sign of trouble awaiting him. It is recommended to be attentive and save your significant other from attacks from strangers.

What color were your lips in your dream?

Red lips

Were your lips painted in your dream?

Painted lips according to the dream book

The dream book interprets a dream where you saw painted lips as dissatisfaction with you coming from your sexual partner. He has not yet communicated his disappointment to you.

In a dream, a man saw the mouth of an unfamiliar person - in reality, the girl showed interest in him. She hopes that she can build a serious relationship with you.

What lip product did you dream about?

Lip gloss

How thick were your lips in your dream?

Plump lips in a dream

Have you ever dreamed about plump, sensual lips? The dream reports an aggravation of your sensations and seething emotions. There is a need for a change of feelings.

Lips too full - yours emotional background too unstable. Pull yourself together, calm your nerves and don't get upset over little things.


Lips, Lip, Lipstick, Red lips, Painted lips

If your attention was attracted to Red Lips in a dream, the Dream clearly has sexual overtones. Dream Interpretations believe that sensual Lips that belonged to a person of the opposite sex indicate physical dissatisfaction, which you experience in reality. And a different forecast is relevant for those who dreamed of their Lips. By assessing the condition of the Lips you saw, you can understand a lot about yourself.

I dreamed about my plump and beautiful lips- well-being in everything; inner harmony and self-satisfaction.

Dreamed about your lips being too thick or swollen- excess information; Be careful when meeting new people.

Dreamed about your too thin lips or lips- show persistence and perseverance.

Your lips, seen in a dream, will tell you what state your affairs are in at this stage of your life. Lips in Eastern medicine are considered information center and an indicator of emotional balance within the body. If your Lips were beautiful and healthy in a dream, it means that in reality nothing disturbs your inner balance. Sick, swollen or too thin Lips in a dream are a manifestation of an imbalance between your desires and capabilities.

Dreamed of someone else's lips in a dream- sexual dissatisfaction.

Dreamed of red or painted lips- sexual interest, temptation.

If a woman saw in a dream Lips belonging to some man, hidden sexual interest or physical dissatisfaction is evident on her face. If a man saw Red or Painted in a dream female lips, It should be remembered who exactly was the owner of these Lips. Most likely you are experiencing a hidden physical desire for this woman.

I dreamed about it lipstick(for women)- self-care; (for men) - interest in a representative of the opposite sex.

The appearance of Lipstick in a man’s dream is primarily associated with interest in a certain person. For women, this dream should be considered “empty”, since it is provoked by concern for oneself and one’s appearance.


Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about lips?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Lips

Painting your lips in a dream means that you should not say too much, so as not to bring trouble upon yourself.

Red lips dream that you will achieve success through hard and persistent work.

Seeing a cold on your lips in a dream means that you should think about your actions and be critical of them.

In our dream book you can find out not only about why you dream about lips, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see lips in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Are you dreaming about Lips? Tell me your dream!


Dream Interpretation Kiss on the lips, why dream of Kiss on the lips in a dream

Modern dream book If you dream of a Kiss on the lips:

Solves the dream book: Kiss on the lips - basically such a dream has a negative interpretation and it doesn’t matter who exactly is the initiator. In reality, you will encounter deception on the part of friends, their hypocrisy, betrayal, and deceit. Such dreams can warn of the emergence of hostility or misunderstanding between people. For example, you kiss on the lips with your boss, colleague, business partner - soon your relationship will become complicated, it will not necessarily end in a quarrel, but hidden hostility will remain.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with a relative predicts the loss of trust, mutual respect, and squabbles. Kissing your regular partner is empty dream, which throws up images from your memories, but a kiss with a stranger indicates the emergence of a situation that will bring a lot of anxiety and negative emotions.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller Why do you dream about a kiss on the lips in a dream:

Kiss on the lips with relatives? You have good and interesting friends with whom you have fun free time. Kissing enemies indicates the need to forget old grievances and improve relationships with old acquaintances. Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips of a married couple is interpreted as maintaining harmony, fidelity and devotion. You kiss a person of the same sex - wait loud scandal, hostile situation.

Dream Interpretation A kiss with a dead person foreshadows a serious illness that is difficult to treat. Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with an acquaintance indicates troubles, problems that will arise due to the fault of your dream partner. Your lover kissed you - soon you will quarrel or break up altogether.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Why dream of a kiss on the lips: “French”, deep - in reality you will get sick, but the illness will soon recede; a protracted, long-lasting, passionate hickey indicates a separation from your loved one. If you felt pain in your mouth during a kiss, you will soon get rid of painful thoughts, life will change for the better.

Dream Interpretation A kiss on the lips with your spouse warns you against rash actions, as a result of which you could lose his respect. Kissing with unknown woman– in the near future you may commit unscrupulous and immoral acts.

Dream book of the witch Medea Kiss on the lips according to the dream book:

What does it mean to see in a dream? Why dream of a kiss on the lips with a dead person - to a serious illness or death. Kissing a celebrity in a dream means a sharp increase in trust and respect for you from colleagues and friends.


split lip

Dream Interpretation Broken lip dreamed of why you dream about a broken lip? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a split lip in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Dream Interpretation - Lips

for lovers - reciprocity;

Also see Face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Painting your lips means separation.


Big lips

Dream Interpretation Big Lips dreamed of why you dream about Big lips? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Big lips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate harmonious relationships with your partner and about your fears of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having big lips means upcoming anxiety.

Very thick lips - to a successful solution to problems.

Dirty lips in a dream mean trouble.

Dreaming of someone else’s clearly defined lips means reciprocity and favor from others.

Thin lips dream - to new problems that will appear due to a hasty solution to old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you can easily master foreign language which you will undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are applying lipstick to your lips, then this portends the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing beautiful lips in a dream means good news and good health. But if they are wearing makeup, then beware of saying too much, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Dry and cracked lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and subsequent separation await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without deformity), then an addition to your family awaits you. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the current situation. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

“his lip is not stupid” have good taste.

"lip slap", "lip slap" idle talker, onlooker.

"having sensual lips" sexual attractiveness. “Pouting lips” is resentment, conceit, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having very large lips is a concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

A woman in a dream own lips to smear something - to experience sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Parted lips mean a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - means trouble for your loved one.

Subtle - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through one’s own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, clearly defined lips - for reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad relationship in family;
Pleasant, full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the home;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
Also see Face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing your lips swollen is a possible slight malaise.

Painting your lips means separation.

Exactly. No wonder your mother forbids you to use her cosmetics.


Black lips painted

Dream Interpretation Black lips painted dreamed of why you dream about painted black lips? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Black lips painted in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Lips

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are applying lipstick to your lips, then this portends the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having big lips means upcoming anxiety.

Very thick lips - to a successful solution to problems.

Dirty lips in a dream mean trouble.

Dreaming of someone else’s clearly defined lips means reciprocity and favor from others.

Thin lips in a dream - to new problems that will appear due to a hasty solution to old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing beautiful lips in a dream means good news and good health. But if they are wearing makeup, then beware of saying too much, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Dry and cracked lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and subsequent separation await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without deformity), then an addition to your family awaits you. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the current situation. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

“his lip is not stupid” have good taste.

"lip slap", "lip slap" idle talker, onlooker.

"having sensual lips" sexual attractiveness. “Pouting lips” is resentment, conceit, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having very large lips is a concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

If a woman smears her own lips with something in a dream, she experiences sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Parted lips mean a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - means trouble for your loved one.

Subtle - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through one’s own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, clearly defined lips - for reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad relationships in the family;
Pleasant, full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the home;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
Also see Face.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing your lips swollen is a possible slight malaise.

Painting your lips means separation.

Exactly. No wonder your mother forbids you to use her cosmetics.


Herpes on lips

Dream Interpretation Herpes on the lips did you dream about why you dream about Herpes on the lips? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Herpes on the lips in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Herpes

A predisposition to herpes is a warning dream: it is necessary to avoid any hypothermia and colds.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having big lips means upcoming anxiety.

Very thick lips - to a successful solution to problems.

Dirty lips in a dream mean trouble.

Dreaming of someone else’s clearly defined lips means reciprocity and favor from others.

Thin lips in a dream - to new problems that will appear due to a hasty solution to old ones.

You see thick lips - you need to take care of your health.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing thick, ugly lips on someone’s face in a dream means hasty and rash decisions. Beautifully defined full lips - you will achieve harmony in your relationships with loved ones and abundance in your home. For those who love, such a dream promises reciprocity. Thin lips mean that you will easily master the foreign language that you undertake to study.

Inflamed, swollen lips are a sign of future unhealthy desires and an unhealthy lifestyle. If you dream that you are applying lipstick to your lips, then this portends the opportunity to achieve what you want through a sacrifice that will not cost you anything financially, but can cause moral damage.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Seeing beautiful lips in a dream means good news and good health. But if they are wearing makeup, then beware of saying too much, so as not to bring trouble on yourself. Dry and cracked lips in a dream mean that quarrels with friends and subsequent separation await you. If in a dream your lips become fuller or larger (but without deformity), then an addition to your family awaits you. Burning your lips in a dream means that you need to blame yourself for the current situation. See interpretation: mouth.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

“his lip is not stupid” have good taste.

"lip slap", "lip slap" idle talker, onlooker.

"having sensual lips" sexual attractiveness. “Pouting lips” is resentment, conceit, capriciousness.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Having very large lips is a concern.

Very thick - well-being.

Sick, swollen, sore, dirty lips are a big nuisance.

If a woman smears her own lips with something in a dream, she experiences sexual dissatisfaction.

Thinking a lot in a dream is a disease from overwork.

Lips go numb, become stone - the inability to restrain oneself, the limit of endurance, the threat of an emotional explosion.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Parted lips mean a quarrel with relatives.

Swollen - means trouble for your loved one.

Subtle - to hasty conclusions about something.

Deliberately bright, sensual lips - to separation from a loved one through one’s own fault, to divorce.

Beautiful, clearly defined lips - for reciprocity in love.

Dream Interpretation - Lips

Fat, ugly on someone's face - hasty, rash decisions, unpleasant meetings, bad relationships in the family;
Pleasant, full lips smiling at you - harmony in relationships, abundance in the home;
for lovers - reciprocity;
thin lips - overcoming difficulties;
inflamed, swollen - unhealthy desires, deprivation of something.
Also see Face.

As a rule, if you dream of a woman with brightly painted lips, it means the dreamer is not confident in his attractiveness, most likely in real life the dreamer dreams of being more liberated in relationships with the opposite sex, but he is held back by complexes and conventions.

What if you dream about lips?

Noble dream book Grishina assures that if you dreamed about lips big size, this means that the dreamer will have troubled days, but you shouldn’t worry too much, since everything will end well. Full lips dream of well-being, but if they bleed, are covered with dirt or wounds, then this means big troubles that can happen very soon.

If a woman dreams that she is putting lipstick on her lips, it means that in real life she is experiencing sexual dissatisfaction, it is possible that she should change her partner and life will sparkle with bright colors again.

If in a dream the dreamer feels that his lips have turned to stone, it means that the sleeper can no longer restrain his emotions, most likely he is on the verge of nervous exhaustion, so a breakdown is possible.

Tsvetkova’s dream book states that if you dreamed of brightly painted sensual lips, it means the dreamer is extremely different bad character, which serves as a reason for constant quarrels with a loved one, but if he cannot curb himself in the near future, this will lead to the breakdown of the relationship.

In turn, clearly defined beautiful lips speak of the reciprocity of relationships and true love; if the dreamer sees thin lips in a dream, then this should be understood as a warning against stupid actions.

The esoteric dream book interprets the vision in its own way; lips dreamed separately from their owner, according to the authors, mean that the dreamer yearns for a close relationship with the opposite sex. If the dreamer dreams of bright lips on his own face, it means he needs to pay more attention to his appearance.

A modern dream book warns that if the dreamer saw that his lips suddenly became ugly and excessively thick, it means that he will soon have unpleasant meetings, making hasty stupid decisions, quarrels with loved ones because of his intemperance.

Beautiful plump lips are a sign of prosperity and harmony; for lovers of this kind, a dream portends reciprocity and fidelity of the partner. Thin lips in a dream speak of the dreamer as a stubborn and persistent person who, thanks to his hard work, will be able to achieve a lot in life.

Swollen, wounded lips in a dream speak of the unreasonable desires of the sleeper and the deprivations that await the dreamer if he does not come to his senses in the near future.

If the sleeper sees his own lips in a dream, but they seem unattractive to him, it means he is worried about his failures in relationships with the opposite sex. Someone else's lips seen in a dream have a completely different meaning; as a rule, such a dream indicates to the sleeper that he devotes little time to his other half.

A dream in which the dreamer paints his lips portends an easy, non-binding relationship that will leave behind only pleasant memories.

What does it portend?

A dream in which lips are painted with red lipstick indicates the dreamer's frivolous behavior, but if they are also covered with wounds or sores, then this indicates that the dreamer's ambitious desires can lead to trouble.

Ugly curved, bright red lips are dreamed of when higher power they want to point out to the dreamer his incontinence, because if he does not pull himself together, then a scandal is inevitable, after which he will have to apologize to several close people.

The dream book of Catherine the Great says that plump, sensual lips indicate that everything will turn out very well in the dreamer’s heartfelt affairs, but pale thin lips promise success in business, since the dreamer distinguished himself by perseverance and was able to achieve what he wanted.

If in his dream the dreamer tries to reincarnate, but it seems to him that his lips are betraying him, then in real life there is a person whom the dreamer wants to please, but is embarrassed by his shortcomings.

A dream in which married woman putting on lipstick indicates her fatigue from everyday life and daily worries; she tries to find new impressions in flirting, because she is sure that flirting with another man is not a reason for jealousy, but it is unlikely that her husband thinks the same.

As can be seen from the above, a dream in which a person’s lips are present can be both positive and negative, it all depends on the details of the dream, which should also be remembered, because this will help to more accurately interpret the vision and protect the dreamer from rash actions.

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Interpretation of dreams from

The lips are a symbol of the female genital organs, the vagina, and the kiss is thus a symbol of sexual intercourse.

If you touch your lips with your hand, then you are striving for oral sex.

A cigarette in your lips indicates possible betrayal by your sexual partner.

Moving lips (talking, chewing, etc.) indicate that your partner is frivolous.

Painted lips indicate that your sexual partner is dissatisfied with you, but has not yet told you about it.

Clean, tender lips indicate a desire to find the ideal partner.

Lips with cracks or other damage indicate a harmonious relationship with your partner and your fears of losing him.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Lips

This is human help. And whoever sees that his lip is cut off is a slanderer. Whoever sees water between his lips in a dream, his relationships with friends are not going well. The interpretation of the upper lips is more favorable than the lower ones.

Interpretation of dreams from

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