South Korea blood group. Japanese horoscope by blood type: what does it tell about your character and compatibility? They don't mix well

There are different ways to learn about the character of a person: fortune telling by hands, by faces, by date of birth, gyroscope. If Europeans believe in a horoscope, then Koreans and Japanese believe that individuality is determined by blood type. In Korea, there is a lot of talk about the relationship between blood type and human character, not only in the fields of medicine, but also in everyday life. Let's find out about the personality of the hottest guys in Korean showbiz by their blood types.

Blood type O

Celebrities with this blood type: Yoochun, Jaejoong (JYJ), Eunhyuk, Kang In (Suju), Nichkhun (2PM), Onew (SHINee), Tae Song (Big Bang), Jinwoo, SeulOn(2AM), Yoon Jun Hyun (BEAST)…

General characters: quite self-confident, creative, frank, cheerful, sociable, generous, disinterested, sometimes stubborn, hardened, purposeful, inexhaustibly optimistic, assertive.

Looking at this list, you can easily see that what all these guys have in common is the ability to have a pleasant conversation. Prince Nichkhun is known as a diplomat in show business, while Yoochun, Eunhyuk, Kang In, Tae Sung are favorite guests on reality shows thanks to their wit. Kang In and Jaejoong are called the "talking machines" of K-pop. SuJu members have repeatedly accused Kang In of telling their secrets to almost the entire show business. And Jaejoong worries his buddies by nonchalantly talking about this and that in front of the camera.

A typical representative of blood type O: Yoochun

Yoochun is considered to be a sociable man in the full sense of the word, he always treats women gallantly, communicates well with other people, and behaves well. With a distinctive wit, he is always in the public eye. Yoochun has the ability to be a leader. Junsu rated: “He has the natural qualities of a leader, he can exert his influence on others by controlling them. It's amazing that he can perfectly do what he wants. He does more than he says."

Blood type A

Celebrities with this blood type: Yunho (DBSK), Lee Tuk (Super Junior), G-Dragon (Big Bang), Doojoon, Ki Kwang (BEAST), Jo Kwon, Changmin (2AM), Yonghwa (CN Blue), Moon Joon Jung (Ze:A) …

Character: sensitive, neat, tidy, modest, decent, disciplined, reliable, demanding. People with blood type A are self-controlled, prefer to hide their anxieties and worries, showing a bright mind, resourcefulness, passion and ardor, as well as a subtle flair when faced with complex problems.

Surprisingly, almost all the leaders of K-pop idol groups are guys with A blood type. This is because the personal qualities of people with blood type A are very suitable for the role of leader.

Typical representatives: Yunho And g-dragon

Talented Members DBSK And big bang born to be leaders. Yunho enjoys great prestige, as he can reconcile other members, while skillfully and accurately dealing with situations. However, he himself once admitted that he used to be very intolerant, but eventually learned to listen. From the outside, he seems strong and tough, but in fact, this sensitive guy tries to hide his emotions. On 'Strong Heart', recently maeknae Changmin said that during all this time their leader did not shed a single tear.

What about G-Dragon-a, we think, it is not necessary to say much, he had to change his childhood, youth, things dear to him in order to reach a real height. In 2009, he was heavily criticized by the public for his solo album "Heartbreaker" about plagiarism, he was even threatened with imprisonment because of a hot performance with a song Breathe at the first concert "Shine a light", but G-Dragon has overcome all these difficulties perfectly and is still the reliable leader of Big Bang. This unique personality renders more and more greater influence to today's music. We are sure that a new legend of the Korean wave will definitely come out of it.

Blood type B

Celebrities with blood type B: Siwon (Super Junior), Junsu (JYJ), Se7en, T.O.P (Big Bang), Wooyoung, Chan Sung (2PM), Minho, Taemin, Key (SHINee), Changmin (DBSK),Kim Hyun Joong…

In Korea, guys with blood type B are classified as a type of guy with a charming appearance and bad temper. You probably still remember the role of the narcissistic, arrogant and completely irresponsible Yoon Ming, played by Lee Dong Gun in film "My boyfriend has blood type B". However, this does not mean that the stars with blood type B cannot be loved among girls, but on the contrary, just looking at the above list, we notice that all these guys top the various ratings of the most attractive and ideal lovers that girls want to go on a date with. most.

typical representative: Kim Hyun Joong

His close friends consider Hyun Joong to be a typical B blood type real guy. Being hurried and determined, he never thinks about any problem for too long. He shows his firm determination in love. In one radio program, the singer said affirmatively that if he decided to part with a girl, he does it quickly and finally. What swings the ideal type, he also prefers a sincere and open girl: “I don’t know how to behave with a girl who is too capricious and flirtatious, I want to meet with the same frank as myself.” In addition, Kim Hyun Joong is also called a 4D person for his strange personality. He believes in the existence of aliens, wanting to meet and interact with them. In everyday life, he behaves very strangely. One day, a fan dressed up as a mechanic and entered his apartment. Instead of kicking her out, he asked her to make porridge for breakfast, calling it the most bizarre fan encounter ever.

Blood group AB

Celebrities with this blood type : Heechul, Yesung (Super Junior), Hong Ki (FT Island), Junhyun (SHINee), Taekyeon (2PM)…

Characters: changeable, not very disciplined, mysterious, unbalanced. Those with an AB blood type have excellent intuition, strive to embrace the immense, prefer to maintain their own territory. Of course, people with AB blood almost always fall into the number of the most interesting personalities with natural charisma and talent. People of the AB blood type are considered more extravagant than others. Thanks to this unique feature, artists with blood type AB always attract a lot of public attention both at work and in everyday life.

typical representative: heechhol

In Super Junior, Heechul is recognized as the strangest and most incomprehensible among the members. Speaking of him, the first thing that comes to our mind is his incredible self-confidence and narcissism. He called himself " a big star Universe" : “The most precious thing in the world is Me. Without me, there would be nothing good in this world”^^

Being sociable in show business and in life, at the same time, he remained a sensitive and mysterious guy. He doesn't like it when others touch his things. They usually react strongly to this. And the mood changes like the weather. Close friends in the group also tremble all over when Heechul gets angry. The artist himself said: “God is very fair. I am smart, talented, so my character is not very good.” His character is clearly reflected in the style of clothing. He likes to wear red clothes, he does not want to wear clothes of famous brands. If you have to wear them, he cuts out her brand.

The character of one person, of course, depends on various factors and not just blood type. But determining the personality of your favorite idols by their blood type is also an interesting thing, isn't it?

In which countries of the world does everyone know their blood type? Answer: In Japan and South Korea, where the blood type is main characteristic person. The increased interest of the Japanese and Koreans in this issue has become a kind of international joke [ko]. In the West, for example, many do not know their group - and this does not bother them at all.

In all of Asia, there is no country more committed to the theory of “personality typology by blood type”, this idea is the basis of popular books and comics, modern songs and even goods in stores. Users social network Facebook adds blood type to your profile along with other personal information.

Although in last years the wave of interest in this bizarre theory has somewhat declined, it nevertheless firmly entered into everyday life Japanese and Koreans, and its popularity can only be compared with the popularity of horoscopes among Europeans.

Theory of personality typology

Although his work is criticized for simplifying the versatile human personality, Koreans love them. (These pictures are from his blog [ko], they are not on the official Naver page [ko]). Most of his animations are acquired, published and copyrighted by Naver.)

ABO blood types summer holiday: B enjoys life, A spends all his energy on building a sandcastle, AB rests away from the group. From Cartoonist Park's blog (CC BY NC ND).

The discovery by Austrian scientists of four different groups blood was a real breakthrough in science, thanks to which it was possible to save millions of lives by preventing the transfusion of incompatible blood. However, when it became known that blood types are distributed unevenly among different races and peoples, these data began to be used by racists. Thus, imperialist scholars published a report on the theory of personality typology according to blood type. The content of the famous scientific work Japanese scientist Furukawa focuses on the racial characteristics of the Taiwanese who opposed the Japanese imperialists. The researcher concluded that since more than 40% of Taiwanese have the O blood type, which is believed to be insubordinate, they need to dilute the "rebel blood" by increasing the number of marriages with the Japanese.

Despite the fact that many Japanese scientists did not accept the theory due to the lack of a solid scientific basis, it still managed to survive through sensational publications and thanks to intense media interest. Since the late 90s, the bizarre theory has spread throughout South Korea and peaked in popularity around 2000, and is still famous today.

South Korean blogger AgeofMassProductiontypeRomance reflects [ko] over the sentimental attitude of citizens towards theory. Recognizing the absence of facts in its basis, he, relying only on personal experience, thinks it is the right way characterize people.

그런데 문제는 “실제로 겪어보면 맞는데 어떡해” 라는 거다. 물론 안 그런 예도 전무한 건 아니다. 에이형이라도 되게 직설적이고 제할말 다하는 사람 물론 있고 오형이라도 꽁생원에 좀팽이인 사람 없는 건 아니다. 하지만 […] 사람 다루는 입장에서는 사실 혈액형만큼 편한 잣대가 별로 없다. […] 과학적 근거 같은 걸로 잴 수 있는 건, 잴 수 없는 것보다 훨씬 적다 이말이다.

[Despite criticism], in practice the theory is confirmed in most cases. Of course, there are exceptions. I've seen an A person who always hits the bull's-eye, and conversely, an O person once turned out to be a dumb bigot. […] However, the theory is very convenient when dealing with people. […] There are many things in the world that science is not yet able to explain.

Blogger Unalphawas one of the adherents of the theory of personality typology, but is no longer a supporter of it. After analyzing the theory[ko] , he came to the conclusion that its apparent "believability" can be explained by turning to the method of cold reading used by manipulative fortune-tellers and psychics. This method is based on the tendency of people to look for some secret meaning in everything, manipulators know that a person rarely has a real idea About Me .

대범한 척하지만 은근히 마음이 깊고 소심한 구석이 있어서 이미 결정한 일에 대해서도 괜히 “정말 이 말이 맞나?” 하고 혼자서 되돌아보는 날들이 있을 거에요. 타인에게 상냥하고 친구들관계도 나쁜 편은 아니지만 실제로 속내를 다 보여주는데는 꽤나 오랜 시간이 걸리죠[…] 위의 글을 읽으시면서 끄덕끄덕 하시게되지 않나요? 사람에게는 누구에게나 양면성이 있습니다. 늘 대범한 사람에게도 사실은 말못할 소심함이 있고, 털털하다고 느끼는 사람에게도 나름 세심한 구석이 숨겨져있기 마련이죠.

You are one of those who act boldly and decisively, but in your soul you feel confident, even having made a decision, you continue to doubt, looking back: “Was it the right choice?”. You are polite and friendly, try to support everyone a good relationship but it takes time to find out who you really are. […] After reading this paragraph, you most likely thought: “Yes, this is about me.” human personality multifaceted. Even the most courageous guy can be indecisive, and a good-natured person who is considered absent-minded can focus and be organized in a certain situation.

These proposals are in the nature of the Barnum effect: open statements of this kind seem personal, but in fact they are addressed to many people. Blogger Wawoooo, citing the example of a student who refuses to speak in front of a class because he belongs to the modest type of group A, accuses the collectivism of Korean society for spreading belief in the theory of personality typology by blood type.

우리나라와 일본과 같이 집단주의 사상을 교육받고 있는 나라에서는 주위의 의견과 서로 어울림을 중요시하는 공동체 의식이 강하기 때문에 나이많은 어른들이나 주위의 집단의견을 무시하지 못하고 받아들여야만 하는 성향이 강해 이런 혈액형 성격론의 여파가 상대적으로 큰 문제를 불러일으키고 있다.

South Korea and Japan are the two countries where the sense of collectivism is developed very strongly, people are taught to put the interests of the group above personal interests, communication with others and the opinions of others mean a lot. [Having appeared in such a society, the theory of personality by blood type] spread easily among citizens, since individuals always accept the opinion of elders and the group.

Probably, each of us at least once met with a situation where Koreans talk about a person’s character based on knowledge of the blood group. How do they define it? Let's figure it out.

Everyone, of course, knows that in total there are 4 blood groups in nature. And each of them defines personal qualities a person, his tendency to certain diseases and abilities. For the first time, a direct connection between a person’s character and his blood type was discussed in the 20s of the twentieth century in Japan. And since then, this dependence has been studied by many scientists. To better understand this issue, let's look at each group separately:

1. Type O (I group)

Since ancient times, people with such a group have been called "hunters". Among the many positive personal qualities, one can note energy, sociability, a strong character and purposefulness. They always rely only on themselves, are able to think soberly even in the most stressful situations, do not get nervous over trifles. In addition, thanks to their ability to work, optimistic views and the courage to take the initiative, such people can succeed in any field of activity. They learn quickly, strive to learn everything new, so climb career ladder or take a leadership position for them will not be difficult. But the disadvantages include excessive rigidity, straightforwardness and some inconsistency in various disputes. As a partner, a person with any blood type is suitable, but best of all with the second or third.

2. Type A (Group II)

These people are called "masters". Their merits include accuracy, diligence, the ability to wait and remain calm. They always bring their affairs to the end and live according to the principle of "everything in the house", which concerns both the hearth itself and work. Representatives of this group have a pronounced craving for calm, harmony and peace, they prefer to immediately find a compromise instead of arguing for a long time. They also have a heightened sense of justice, so they always try to resolve the conflict between other people. Among the shortcomings, one can note stubbornness, the so-called "heaviness to rise" and the inability to rest and relax. The ideal partner will be a person with the first blood type.

3. Type B (III group)

Representatives of this group are "wanderers". They are very emotional, creative and changeable. Such people quite clearly show their emotions in public, which sometimes lead others into a stupor. Desires and moods can change instantly, it all depends on external influences. It is difficult to bind people with this type both to themselves and to a particular place. They are independent in making any kind of decisions, do not follow other people's opinions, give themselves completely to their favorite work, love everything new and do not tolerate injustice. TO negative qualities include a sharp change in mood, increased demands on others and attempts to "escape" into the fantasy world. The ideal couple is a person with a fourth group.

4. Type AB (Group IV)

And the representatives of this group were called "philosophers". They are able to win the attention and hearts of listeners, organize any project due to their leadership qualities. Such people are diplomatic, know how to get together at the right time, they have a well-developed intuition. In addition, they are sociable, easy to find mutual language with representatives of all ages, they are tactful and intelligent, unforgiving, have a multifaceted personality and a sharp mind. People with this group always care about others more than themselves. The disadvantages include some difficulty in decision-making and constant internal conflict emotions and common sense. The perfect couple will be a person who has the same blood type.

Did you recognize yourself in these descriptions of personalities? Of course, these are all theories that have no scientific justification and are on an equal level with horoscopes. In addition, each person is individual and unique, and his character traits largely depend on upbringing, social environment and many other factors. But there is some truth, you see, in these theories.

Today is 50 years of Viktor Tsoi. Even google didn't miss this event.. well, I won't be original

I am probably the most original "listener" (let's call it that) of the Kino group. I like the songs of Viktor Tsoi and some of them I even really like ... but I can only perceive them either "by the fire and with the guitar" or performed by other musicians. The original recordings, listened to the holes back in school, evoke longing and a desire to include something else. And why should I listen to them, if even in my youth I memorized every line and every musical move?

But covers… sometimes even the most primitive bands succeed in original and “catchy” versions of the most worn songs (which, by the way, says a lot about the quality of the source material). And the position of the orthodox (they are a separate and rather sad story) - “No one will sing better than Tsoi”, I will never understand. Songs are alive as long as they are sung, and the more they are sung, the better.

So on holiday I want to share with those who have not heard - perhaps one of the best cover versions of Kino I have heard - "Blood Type" performed by the South Korean band Yoon Do-Hyun. In my opinion it is sung brilliantly and the clip is very strong.

Here is the same song in Korean:

Tonight at the BKZ there will be a concert in honor of Tsoi's birthday. And Yoon Do-Hyun will be there too... I hope they don't let us down..

In Korea, the blood type is given so much great importance that she is often talked about in various television shows, mentioned in magazines, and many films have been shot on this topic. The thing is that Koreans believe that the blood type affects the character of a person. It's okay if a Korean asks you about your blood type. Don't be surprised. They believe that you can learn more about your qualities from your blood type. In their opinion, each group has pluses and minuses. The least Koreans approve of the third blood type, they believe that these people are the most difficult to build relationships with. (This can be seen in the drama “My Boyfriend Has Blood Type 3”) It is somewhat similar to our belief in horoscopes.

Blood type O (first) - Warriors

People with blood type O are sociable, energetic, optimistic, self-confident, but disorganized and like risk. They know how to be a leader. They like to speak their mind, maintain friendly relations. Their presence is always felt and it is difficult to lose sight of them. They tend to dramatize everything around them, which can make other people feel uncomfortable. They can be arrogant, insensitive and ruthless. They may be obsessed with success. However, they won't leave anyone in trouble and are said to be natural athletes.

Blood type A (second) - Farmers

People with this type are more conservative and withdrawn than others. They are very patient, attentive, creative and stubborn perfectionists. Whatever people with group A take on, they will think it over carefully, bring it to the end and do everything as well as possible. However, they can be overly serious and finicky. They, as they say, would like to forget reality and remain in their fictional world because of their romantic nature. At the same time, due to their shyness, they cannot always express their emotions and feelings. They are quite stubborn, cautious, tense, anxious and slightly intrusive.

Blood type B (third) - Nomads

This group belongs to creative, artistic nature. People with the third blood group, as they say, enjoy life. They are passionate, wild and active. They can be creative, optimistic about life. Often they are extremely independent and do not care what others think of them. They can laugh in the face of failure and lead a flamboyant, liberal lifestyle. They like everything to work out at once, and because they cannot wait a long time for the result, they give up everything halfway. They are often described as petty and lazy, selfish and irresponsible. Men with blood type B are not considered a good match, as they are often "bad boys" and "players." For women with blood type B, this rule does not apply. 🙂

Blood type AB (fourth) - Humanists

These people are said to be either geniuses or crazy. Although outwardly they can be active, inside they are very shy and sensitive. They think rationally, and always choose with their heads, not their hearts. They are interested in everything in the world and can be very smart. Their minus is that they are indecisive, vindictive, vulnerable and inattentive. Some even claim that people with this blood type prefer to be alone. They also say that these people contain, as it were, several personalities, and therefore can be unpredictable and seem two-faced. They are also good at handling money.

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