Daineko's son. Victoria Daineko: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Victoria Daineko latest news: gave birth to a sick child

Daineko Victoria Petrovna is a graduate of the TV project “Star Factory” (season 5), a protégé of Alla Pugacheva. The media quite often talk about her with the prefix “one of many,” however, Victoria Daineko’s star shines quite brightly in the firmament of our stage. Not everyone knows, but Victoria today is a fairly successful film actress, and she also voiced one of the many children’s favorite cartoon characters. In addition, Victoria boasts an impressive collection of awards. different levels, including honorable awards in our country from MTV Russia Music Awards, Golden Gramophone, Muz TV, Song of the Year, etc.

Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko

Victoria's fans are quite often interested in the following questions: Height, weight, age. How old is Victoria Daineko? This can be judged by the statistics of these requests in search engines"Yandex" and "Google". We will be happy to answer these questions for those who have not yet gotten to the computer. Victoria Daineko's height is 161 cm and her weight is 47 kg. Last year, the singer celebrated her 30th birthday, although she doesn’t look 30, and today, just like 14 years ago when she first appeared on the big stage, she continues to conquer the hearts of men, and not only others, with her charisma and creative endeavors . No matter what anyone says, Victoria is one of the most prominent representatives"conveyor belt of the star factory."

Biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko

Victoria Daineko was born in the Kazakh SSR on May 12, 1987 in a family of programmers. Since childhood, Vika dreamed of the stage and dreamed of singing, but her parents did not take her daughter’s hobby seriously, however, creative nature They decided to educate her, but using different methods - Vika for a long time took up dancing, which later became very useful for her creative life. Nevertheless, the craving for singing prevailed, already in school years Vika is an amateur activist, performing at open city venues during holidays with covers of famous songs. The girl’s efforts were noticed and soon she was invited to the pop group “Reflection”, and then to a group called “Phaeton” - groups that are quite popular in the city. Vika never managed to obtain a musical education; dancing and the English language were young Daineko’s hobbies, which did not allow her to give up during difficult periods of her life. In 2004, she entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, which she did not graduate from, having swirled in a whirlwind of fame after the “Star Factory” project, which happened in her life in the same 2004. In the project, Victoria became Alla Pugacheva’s mentee, performed several solo compositions and a duet with Alexander Marshall. The public appreciated the young beauty and actively voted for her. The result is Victoria’s unconditional victory in season 5 of “Star Factory.”

After the factory, the famous producer Igor Matvienko took over the promotion of Victoria Daineko. Through the efforts of him and Victoria herself, the country quickly remembered the name of this aspiring artist. In addition, she again and again fueled interest in herself as soon as the public began to cool down, showing herself in different genres (recorded soundtracks for films, danced on ice in the project “ glacial period", participated in the television project "Two Stars", played in films, voiced cartoon characters and even acted for Playboy, which she later regretted for a long time). By the way, Daineko’s film works include films and projects: “Happy Together”, “All Inclusive”, Cinderella. Children are familiar with Daineko’s voice from cartoons: “Noah’s Ark”, “Tangled” complicated story" and "Trolls"
The biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko is very rich and saturated with different colors. We have already become acquainted with the biography and creative history of the singer, but what about personal matters? Here, too, everything is very bright, like a flash in the sun. IN different time she met, lived, and was simply credited with having affairs with the following famous men: Pavel Artemyev, Dmitry Pakulichev (group “Korni”), Alexey Vorobyov and others. But Daineko was married only once. In 2015, Dmitry Kleiman (drummer of DrumCast) became her legal husband. In the same year, Daineko gave birth to his daughter. Their marriage broke up after 2 years, the reason for the divorce is still unknown.

Family and children of Victoria Daineko

The family and children of Victoria Daineko is a question that is of great interest to the singer’s fans, since she lets them into her personal life with a little hunting. All information on this issue is limited to the fact that her parents were programmers. Daineko’s parents worked a lot, so she was raised to dance, and communication with her parents was kept to a minimum. Today Victoria has not created her own family, although there were many attempts. In 2015, she even married musician Dmitry Kleiman, but after 2 years she broke up with him. Today, Victoria Daineko’s heart is free, but she puts forward the most stringent requirements for a candidate for the role of a spouse.

Daughter of Victoria Daineko

Despite her popularity, Daineko does not consider herself a public figure and does not like excessive attention from the media and fans. She tries to protect her daughter from this. The press does not know the girl’s name or how Victoria’s child is being raised. The hobbies of Daineko’s daughter also remain a mystery. There is not a single photo with her daughter on the singer’s Instagram; moreover, she tries not to visit with her child public events and places where people gather, so as not to be caught off guard by annoying paparazzi. Victoria Daineko's daughter still remains an open topic for the press.

Victoria Daineko's husband - Dmitry Kleiman

Victoria Daineko’s husband, Dmitry Kleiman, is the drummer of the little-known group “DrumCast.” He proposed marriage to Victoria in 2015, a couple of months later the couple got married, it was rumored that the reason for starting a family was Victoria’s pregnancy. And indeed, a few months later, on October 3, 2015, Daineko gave birth to a daughter. The birth of the baby could not save the marriage of Victoria and Dmitry, which was already bursting at the seams; already at the end of 2016 the couple began to live separately, and in 2017 they officially divorced. Dmitry takes part in raising his daughter, but Victoria tightly controls this process, apparently not really trusting her ex-husband.

Victoria Daineko latest news: gave birth to a sick child

Immediately after the birth of Daineko’s daughter, “viral news” spread online: Victoria Daineko last news: gave birth to a sick child. Why did fans suddenly decide that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a sick child? Journalists saw at least two reasons: the first was special guardianship over the daughter, complete isolation from the press, and the second was the singer’s Instagram post that her daughter was sick. Without reading it to the end and having written three boxes, the gossips attributed the most terrible diseases to Daineko’s child, although they were talking about a common cold. This was later reported by more attentive fans of the singer, who managed to communicate with her personally on social networks.

Instagram and Wikipedia Victoria Daineko

Victoria Daineko is an active user of social networks. She also has a Wikipedia page. Victoria Daineko’s Instagram and Wikipelia provide comprehensive information about the beginning of the artist’s career and her activities today. Photos on Instagram will tell you about all of Victoria Daineko’s hobbies, and the most persistent and lucky ones will be able to communicate with her personally; the artist often goes to feedback with fans, the only topic forbidden for communication is the child, the singer does not tell anyone anything about her daughter, even cute parental photographs are limited to selfies in front of a crib or in the children's room.

Good news came today from one of the capital's clinics: the portal super.ru reported that the popular singer Victoria Daineko became a mother for the first time. The girl gave birth to the baby the night before, and now mother and baby feel great. The star, who carefully hid her pregnancy throughout her pregnancy interesting situation and disguised it with oversized outfits, will finally be able to reveal the truth to her fans.

Photo showbizdaily.ru

Victoria Daineko gave birth to her first child

So far, neither Victoria Daineko nor her husband Dmitry Kleiman have officially confirmed the news of the birth of a child. According to rumors, the 28-year-old singer gave birth to a girl, giving her 22-year-old husband the first heir. Now the young mother and baby are in the clinic, but in the coming days they plan to return home after being discharged from the hospital.

As you know, Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman in April of this year. The young people got engaged on Valentine's Day and started dating in November 2014. The celebrity romance became known literally immediately: a popular singer rarely manages to hide her personal life, so when joint photographs of the couple appeared in the press, it became clear that the star chose this time young man younger than myself.

Photo rusradio.ru

The young people got married in April

The newlyweds celebrated their wedding in one of the restaurants in Moscow, where they invited not only relatives, but also numerous colleagues, friends and partners. The celebration was attended by the singer’s producer Igor Matvienko, her friend from the “Star Factory” group “Factory”, stylist and close friend brides Vlad Lisovets, the group “City 312” and other artists.

Photo picantnews.ru

Victoria and Dmitry have been dating for less than a year

Previously, Victoria Daineko met with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev. The young people did not hide their romance and even wrote a song about mutual feelings, but the relationship between the artists did not last long. Then the girl decided to try to build an alliance with another soloist of the male group, Dmitry Pakulichev. However, the celebrities never made it to the altar, managing to maintain friendly relations. In 2011, it became known about Daineko’s affair with singer and actor Alexei Vorobyov, but a year after the start of the relationship, the couple broke up.

Photo theplace.ru

This is the first child for Vika and her husband

Congratulations to Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman on the birth of their child!

Her every appearance on stage causes a lot of positive emotions, because this girl is a very pleasant and attractive person, and anyone can envy her perseverance and determination. Her name is Daineko Victoria. At a young age she managed to conquer the stage, which once again speaks of her strong character. Numerous fans of the star were worried about rumors that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a sick child. Whether this is true or not is worth looking into.

Knowing how old Victoria Daineko is, one can only shrug, wondering how such a young lady managed to achieve such success and continue to ride the wave.

The future star was born on May 12, 1987 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan Region (former Kazakh SSR). But as soon as the girl was a month old, her parents moved to live in the city of Mirny, in Yakutia.

Vika spent her entire childhood in this small town. There she went to school, attended the ballet “Diamonds of Yakutia” until she was eleven, to which her parents sent her, and also sang in the “Atas” ensemble.

Victoria Daineko's family was small. Vika was an only child, and her parents, Evgenia and Peter Daineko, gave all their attention and love to their growing child. His mother was a programmer by profession and often took work home, and his father, as they say, was a jack of all trades: he worked as a truck driver, a DJ at a local disco, a television operator, and also as a head in the automation department at Sberbank. That is, Vika’s father is a comprehensively developed personality.

One day, at the invitation of her friend, a girl went with her to an audition in her city. Her wonderful vocal abilities, unusual appearance, flexibility and artistry could not go unnoticed. She soon became a local celebrity and performed at many city events and festivals.

However, she never managed to obtain a musical education. The fact is that in such a small town there were no institutions teaching music. Therefore, Victoria came to understand all the subtleties of pop vocals herself, listening to the songs of her favorite performers.

However, her free time was dedicated not only to music. The girl was quite active and, like her father, versatile, so she tried herself as a journalist, running one of the columns of the lyceum newspaper. Moreover, she was very interested foreign languages, in particular, English.

Love to English language and singing became two guiding stars on the singer’s path to fame. As a child, she dreamed of singing in English and conquering the world stage with her singing. There is no doubt that Vicky had a talent for languages. Therefore, when the question arose about where to enroll after school, there was no doubt - the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

A talented girl easily enters college on her first try. After admission, she moves to live in Moscow.

By the will of fate or by coincidence, Vika’s parents rented an apartment in the Ostankino area. And every day, passing the television center on the way to the institute, the girl looked at the posters and events with interest. And then, one fine day, she saw an announcement about the casting for “Star Factory - 5” and away we go... Victoria had an irresistible desire to take part in this selection, because she so wanted to fulfill her childhood dream. What if such a chance never comes again? The idea that we should definitely try ourselves in this project was firmly entrenched in Vika’s mind.

And she signs up for auditions. However, she was disappointed: the girl did not pass the selection. Nevertheless, she did not have to be upset and sad for a long time. She decided to make a knight's move, because it is known that luck favors the brave. Vika signed up for an audition with Alla Pugacheva. The prima donna drew attention to the girl and gave her a pass to the “Star Factory.” From that moment on, the heroine’s life was divided into “before” and “after”.

Despite the fact that in his hometown Victoria was famous person, she wanted to win the attention of the whole country. And she succeeded. She already understood then: the stage was her path.

In 2004, as a first-year student at the Moscow Aviation Institute, having arrived in the capital from distant Yakutia, the girl saw with her own eyes such stars as Alla Pugacheva, Igor Matvienko and Maxim Fadeev. Vika couldn’t believe her luck: was all this really happening to her? Nevertheless, the young girl was not at a loss, gathered everything into her fist and was able to show her talent to the fullest. Her natural charm and artistry also played a role.

Subsequently, Victoria became the winner of the “Factory” and acquired many fans and admirers. At the end of the project, the girl, along with the rest of the participants, went on a tour around the country. Her debut song "Leila" became a hit. Later there will be a video for it, filming of which will take place in Thailand.

After participating in the famous factory, Daineko was offered cooperation by one of the most famous producers in Russia - Igor Matvienko.

To date, Vika has more than two dozen videos and hits, including “Leila”, “I Dreamed”, as well as the famous “I’ll Just Leave You Right Now”, “Breathe”, “Stop, Where Am I Going” and others .

2007 turned out to be the most eventful year for the singer. In the fall she was nominated for an award "Best Performer" according to MTV Russia Music Awards. In the same year, she starred in an erotic photo shoot for the first time for Playboy magazine, which she later publicly regretted. This was followed by participation in the Ice Age project, where figure skater Alexey Yagudin became her partner. Their star couple successfully reached the very end of the project, but this was not the end of their creative union. Together with Yagudin, they recorded the song “Needle” and shot a video for it.

Published in 2008 first album Victoria for three years of her work. Its name is “Needle”. It contained all the songs performed by Daineko from the very beginning of her creative career. The album includes the following compositions:

  • "I will be better".
  • "I will live".
  • "I will survive."

In 2009, Victoria sang a duet with Alexander Oleshko in the TV project “Two Stars”, taking 3rd place in the project. All in the same 2009, the singer takes part V " New Year's Eve on the first", where she appeared in an image that was unusual for her. Paired with the famous comedian " Comedy Club“She played a parody of the popular film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” by Garik Kharlamov.

In 2010, Victoria voiced the main character of the cartoon "Tangled".

In 2011, Victoria released new songs and video clips for them:

  • “Erase it from memory.”
  • "Million Dollar Girl"

Released in 2012 new single "B" last time» and video clips for the songs “Closer than Tango” and “Mirror, mirror”, recorded in tandem with DJ T-killah. After this, Daineko records the song “Wings”.

In 2013, a video for the song “Breathe” was released.

2014 marked itself with two musical premieres: a video for the song “Beat Yourself” and a new album with the original name “V”.

In 2015, a video for the song “Living Together” was released.

Despite her rather young age, the biography and personal life of Victoria Daineko is replete with various events. This beautiful girl I have never been deprived of the attention of men. Many fans of the singer are interested in questions about who Victoria Daineko met and who her current husband is.

First love

While still a contestant at the Factory, Victoria began an affair with the lead singer of the Korni group, Pavel Artemyev. However, the relationship between Daineko and Artemyev did not last long: the couple soon broke up, after which the singles “I’ll Just Leave You Right Now” (performed by Daineko) and “If you want, I’ll sing for you” (performed by Artemyev) followed. There are rumors that these songs are autobiographical.

Attempt number two

This was followed by another romance, only with another soloist of the same “Roots” - Dmitry Pakulichev. The couple was often seen together and spent a lot of time in each other's company. However, this novel was not destined to “live” for long.

After breaking up with Dmitry, Victoria meets new love- Alexey Vorobyov - Eurovision 2011 participant. But Alexey’s flighty character played a role. The couple's relationship also ended in divorce in May 2012. Although shortly before this, the couple in love looked quite happy and cheerful. The reasons for such an incomprehensible decision to end their relationship were not commented on by the stars. Nevertheless, it is known that Alexei was the initiator of this breakup, and Victoria subsequently worried about what happened for a long time.

Long-awaited meeting

However, the personal life of singer Daineko Victoria began to improve in November 2014. The singer began a relationship with the drummer of the DrumCast group Dmitry Kleiman, who would later become Daineko’s legal husband. About the fact that the young man older singer as much as 7 years, Victoria finds out a little later. From the very beginning of their relationship, the age difference was not noticeable at all, as Victoria herself admitted. Dmitry behaved seriously and responsibly beyond his years, sometimes it even seemed that the singer was younger than him.

The couple met when Vika was looking for musicians to record a new album, and several young people were recommended to her, including Kleiman.

At their first meetings, Dima did not pay any attention to Victoria, while at first sight she felt sympathy for him and some kind of unusual attraction. Working together, they communicated quite often and for a long time, and soon their relationship moved to another level.

Family and child

In February 2015, Dmitry made a marriage proposal, which Victoria willingly accepted. Having known each other for only six months, they officially formalized their relationship in April. Victoria Daineko and her husband were happy, and soon it became known that the couple would have a baby.

On October 3, 2015, Daineko gave birth to a daughter. Nevertheless, Victoria is in no hurry to make her personal life and everything connected with it public. IN in social networks she never posts photos of her daughter. Moreover, for a long time the star’s fans and journalists did not even know the girl’s name (Lydia).

The singer maintains a verified account on Instagram, where she posts photos of the children’s room, the child’s clothes, etc. Lydia herself could not be seen in the photo even a year after her birth. This fact seemed too strange to the curious public. Rumors began to circulate that Victoria Daineko gave birth to a child who was sick with some rare disease. The singer herself denies such rumors.

Even when Victoria Daineko, her husband and daughter went on a trip, only photos of Vika and Dmitry against the backdrop of natural beauty were published online. Not a single photograph of the girl’s presence was published.

It became known that Victoria and Dmitry broke up in March 2017. The reason for the breakup was constant quarrels, which both spouses did not want to tolerate.

The singer's discography

For my solo career the singer managed to release three albums. They included all the hits that were performed by Victoria. These albums have the following names:

  1. "Needle".
  2. "Ellipsis."

List of songs performed by the star from 2004 to the present day:

  1. I dreamed about it.
  2. Leila.
  3. I'll just leave you right away.
  4. The film is not about love.
  5. Needle.
  6. I will live.
  7. Wait, where am I going?
  8. Eyes to eyes.
  9. My angel.
  10. Erase it from your memory.
  11. Breathe.

These songs deservedly became real hits, which remain in the memory of listeners to this day.

Being a star is not easy work, and Victoria knows this firsthand. But nevertheless, her perseverance and hard work helped her achieve high results and become a pop star, as the heroine herself wanted. It is believed that her talent and natural abilities will help her conquer other heights in the future.

Attention, TODAY only!

Victoria Dayneko. Photo: Instagram.com/victoriadaineko.

October 4 singer. She gave birth in the perinatal center of Moscow. The father of the child was the star's husband Dmitry Kleiman. Vika hid her interesting situation throughout her pregnancy. Not a single photograph of the star on Instagram showed that the girl was pregnant. Therefore, when information appeared that Daineko had finally given birth, no one was surprised that Vika did not say a word about what happened. Moreover, after the birth of the child, Daineko continued to publish abstract posts that had nothing to do with motherhood. Fans waited until the last minute for the singer to admit that she had given birth. And it finally happened. According to rumors, Dmitry Kleiman was the first to announce that he had become a father, and yesterday, closer to night, Vika herself.

“Thank you everyone for the congratulations and gifts! We are very, very pleased!!! I have so many emotions! And most importantly, I want to thank the people who helped us all this time! Thank you very much to the incredible Kurtser Mark Arkadyevich... for creating simply amazing clinics for expectant mothers and babies, in addition to the fact that you are the best specialist in your field, you gather the most wonderful people into your team! I never thought that in Russia there were such amazing conditions, and most importantly Doctors!!! Elena Nikolaevna Fomicheva is a real sorceress and I sincerely admire you as a professional! We are so grateful to you for everything!!! And we want more! You are our heroes already big family!!! Thanks to all the wonderful team of doctors and doctors of Perinatal Medical Center and the Mother and Child clinic, the nannies and everyone who was so attentive and kind to us all these days! It was as if I had been to a sanatorium and returned from it with the biggest prize of this life!!! Thanks to everyone who respects our personal space. Yes, I chose a public profession, but this does not concern my family, this is not their choice and I am grateful to everyone who understands this” (hereinafter the author’s spelling and punctuation are preserved - note..

True, it is still not clear who was born to the couple - a boy or a girl. Fans hope that Vika will reveal her cards in her next message.

"Again 48.8. Again trying to get back to 52-54. With gluten intolerance the problem is not losing weight, but gaining weight!" – Victoria Daineko wrote in her Instagram story.


Fans have repeatedly noticed the singer’s unhealthy thinness. Lately, under posts on social networks, caring followers have been constantly talking about her appearance.

“Have you lost weight?”, “You’re so skinny!”, “Oh, you’re so skinny,” “Victoria, you’ve lost a lot of weight,” “Someone feed her, please!”, “God, where are you so skinny?”, “Urgently.” fatten up!”, “We need to pump up our butt, or eat more (the authors’ spelling and punctuation have been preserved. – Editor’s note),” excited fans comment on her pictures.

Several years ago, Victoria Daineko became a mother - she had a daughter. After pregnancy, the artist quickly returned to her previous shape and can now boast slim figure. Victoria is not too happy with her appearance and dreams of gaining weight. Due to gluten intolerance (celiac disease), Daineko is losing a lot of weight, reports teleprogramma.pro.

The recent scandal involving her ex-husband certainly did not add to the health of the singing brunette. As the site wrote, Victoria wants to forget quickly bad marriage and live happily, but as a free woman.

Dmitry Kleiman gave an interview in which he admitted that he decided to divorce because he could not tolerate his wife’s humiliation. In turn, Victoria admitted that she “protected herself and her daughter from domestic and psychological violence.” She had to leave her husband because he allegedly raised his hand against her.

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