Tibetan fortune telling can be quickly reset with statistics. Ancient fortune telling. Tibetan Mo

"Boiling of passions"

Anyone who has received the symbol “PA TSA - Mara - the demon of passions” during fortune telling should look at life and their own actions with renewed attention.

This sign heralds the onset of a period unfavorable for creative activity. Your mind is too filled with empty excitement, which creates restlessness and fuss.

Knowing this, try to control your emotions and not go beyond acceptable behavior. Making plans will take too much effort and time from you, but it’s up to you current situation It’s still better than acting impromptu, relying only on luck.

It’s hard to say which is worse for you in this situation: trying to work according to a pre-planned plan or relying entirely on intuition. No matter how you turn, fate will announce losses to you even under the most favorable circumstances.

The only exception to this sad rule may be actions that in one way or another affect the area of ​​passions and feelings.

What has not been possible for you for a long time will suddenly come true practically without your participation: seeds that were once thrown into the soil will suddenly awaken and sprout.

But try not to get too carried away, succumbing to the upcoming changes - it’s better to keep your head and think not about what you wanted before, but about what you need now.

When making plans for the future, outlining some specific tasks, do not be deluded by excessive hopes. It will be better if you limit all your projects to some specific day, not too distant in time from the present moment.

The most unpromising things will be those that you drag out for a long period of time. It is very likely that they will simply not be fulfilled, or they will be fulfilled, but differently than you planned.

Family, property, personal life, friends and ill-wishers

Don’t expect to hide from life’s troubles in your family. Now it’s difficult to say specifically what exactly will be an obstacle for you, but psychologically it’s worth preparing for some kind of unpleasant surprise. As sad as it may be, in this situation it would be best to immerse yourself in everyday worries, trying to reveal yourself less even to your loved ones.

This does not mean that you should see everyone as a potential enemy; no, such reinsurance is useless. But it is better to keep all serious plans and intentions to yourself.

Particular care should be taken in matters related to property. The likelihood of unexpected and unreasonable expenses is too high.

Remember: it’s not easy for you to earn money now, but you can spend it very quickly, and most importantly, to no avail. Be especially wary of unplanned purchases: they are unlikely to be successful and will cause criticism from your family members.

There is, however, no guarantee that pre-planned acquisitions will not ultimately turn out to be the same unsuccessful waste of money and effort. However, you can take a risk - it is possible that you will be able to get into the top ten.

A dual situation arises in everything that relates to the problems of personal life. It’s not for nothing that the fortune-telling you received is called “Mara – the demon of passions.” There is a very good chance to start new novel- most likely, with a person with whom you have been passionate for a long time (do not be deluded by the thought of a beautiful stranger or stranger).

Thus, the efforts you have previously expended will finally be rewarded (of course, only if you are still interested in the results).

It is best to keep communication with friends to a minimum now. This period is too fraught with various misunderstandings leading to quarrels and conflicts. You and your loved ones are often in a state of irritation, which cannot but affect your relationships with others.

Try to control your words and behavior as much as possible. Do not give in to the provocations of your friends. Decide right away what is more valuable to you: save a good relationship with friends or prove that you are right in a dispute that you won’t even remember about in a day?

If you do quarrel with one of your friends, don’t tear your hair out and shout that this is the end of everything. Wait until your friend “cools down” and ask him for forgiveness for being tactless and unrestrained in your conversation.

And if the relationship with you is as dear to him as it is to you, we guarantee that he will willingly meet you halfway.

To a large extent, you should be wary of a collision with one of your ill-wishers. If usually in all difficult and explosive situations you show due caution and restraint, now your internal state is such that you can easily be provoked into a quarrel with a person from your environment.

And here it no longer matters what reasons give rise to the dispute - most likely, old contradictions will suddenly burst out. In order to minimize the threat of conflict, try to cheat a little: do not communicate with people in whose hostile attitude you are firmly convinced. Who knows - maybe with such foresight you will save yourself from unnecessary hassle.

Rest, health, self-improvement, business

It is possible that already established plans - how best to relax - will have to be changed for reasons beyond your control. The probability of this is higher, the more guests you decide to gather at your home. It is difficult to say in advance who will be the reason for the change in plans - you or your friends. One thing is certain: if you decide to have a good rest and have fun, just in case, have several options for how you can fill your leisure time. And then, even under the most unfortunate combination of circumstances, you will still win.

Monitor your health with special care. The sign of Mara warns: getting sick for you now is tantamount to completely falling out of the circle of business and entertainment for some time. It will be extremely difficult to cure a disease that has already taken over your body, regardless of the severity of this disease. Wouldn't it be better to devote some of your time to preventing your health than to later curse your own improvidence and frivolity?

Only those who are able to stoically endure the troubles that threaten to befall them in the near future will be able to achieve success in the practice of self-improvement. If you consider yourself one of such people, well, your calm perception of a not very successful period of life is worthy of admiration and will bring you undoubted benefit and strengthening.

For those who are more sensitive to this kind of problem, one thing remains: try to remain cheerful, if not in the soul, then at least in behavior. If you cannot be courageous, appear so. The benefits will still be significant!

Unfortunately, you are now in a state where the implementation of any specific business is fraught with obvious difficulties. You yourself are the obstacle to your endeavors. The chaos that reigns in your soul and thoughts cannot but affect the results of your actions and deeds.

Perhaps you feel like you are working too hard right now?

This is so - you have a lot of worries and practically no time left. But what is the end result? Try to fuss less, the implementation of your business will go much more successfully.

The Tibetan Plateau stretches from India to China. Lives here great people, whose faith is Buddhism. The majestic atmosphere, mystical culture, magnificent architecture, numerous monasteries, and religious schools attract pilgrims from all over the world. The Tibetans dreamed of creating a “spiritual academy” on the planet. And they succeeded. Millions of those yearning for awakening flock every year to this mysterious country in search of harmony and knowledge.

Tibet is a storehouse of ancient practices and knowledge. The secret organization Ahnenerbe, whose leader was Adolf Hitler himself, was testing huge interest to the culture and knowledge of the Tibetans.

Having merged with Buddhist philosophy, the “Mo” method of divination allows the fortuneteller to get an answer to any question. Future or past - it does not matter, the answer comes from the depths and is beyond time and space.

The “lovely voice” (मञ्जुघोष, Mañjughoṣa), which answers the questioner in fortune-telling “Mo,” belongs to the Deity Manjushri. It is his mantra that consists of the syllables “OM AH RA PA TSA NA DHI”, which are applied on the edges of the cubes in order to tell fortunes with their help. This sacred text is recited three times before the process begins.

Preparing for fortune telling

Fortune telling "Mo" is simple to perform, but requires concentration and clarity in the formulation of the question. First, use the meditation technique. Try not to think about anything, clearing your mind, observing your breathing, without being distracted by extraneous stimuli. We recommend turning off your cell phone, dimming the lights, lighting candles and incense sticks, the smell of which is calming and relaxing. Forget about the world around you, be alone with yourself both physically and mentally. Only you and your questions are important. Allow thoughts to pass through you, do not impede their movement, but draw them into your game. They cannot be stopped by willpower, but by indifference it is quite possible. As soon as you calm down, think through and formulate your question.

You cannot ask questions about yourself that begin with the words “When?” and why?". The answer will be correct if the question begins with the word “What.” If the fortune telling is about another person, adjust the question according to the situation.

Important! Take responsibility for your life and future. Not everything is outlined and prescribed for you. There is always a choice. Take advantage of this right. Conquer the “karma” of the inevitability of the future and providence will meet you halfway.

“To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life” (2:7 Apocalypse of St. Apostle John the Theologian).

Various Tibetan fortune telling "Mo"

Tibetan fortune telling"Mo" is based on the seven syllable mantra - "OM" "AH" "RA" "PA" "CA" "NA" "DHI" of the Deity Manjushri. The syllable "Om" is used at the beginning of fortune telling as a sound that pacifies the mind. There is no “Om” symbol on the faces of the cubes (dice).

To get the answer, formulate a question, voice it and roll the first die. Write down the value, ask the question again and roll the second die, write down the result. You can roll one die with inscribed symbols. Roll twice to get two syllables. For example: "RA-NA"; "DHI-CA"; "CA-PA." It doesn't matter whether you throw the dice with your right or left hand. Having received the results, proceed to deciphering the prediction.

To invoke Divine wisdom and more fully understand the answers, before fortune telling, say the mantra-spell:


Its power will tune the mind to pure vibrations and help you get a clear and unambiguous answer.

If it is not possible to purchase “Mo” cubes, make your own cards with the syllables of the Manjushri mantra. Write a divine spell on 12 pieces of paper, shuffle them, arrange them in any order, ask a question and pull out a card. Voice your thought again and take out the second one.

Basic meanings of syllables (symbols on dice):

  • "AHAH" - " Clear sky" The mind is freed from destructive thoughts. There is no need to “act” - now is the time to plan.
  • "AH-RA" - " Sun rays" Down with doubt, it's time to believe in yourself and the World is coming to meet you halfway.
  • "AH-PA" - "Moon Nectar". Pleasant acquaintance, romantic relationship and great love promises this symbol for women. But in general - a pleasant relationship and a short-term business that promises material gain.
  • "AH-CA" - "Clear Star". Keep your mind clear and don't let anything cloud it. It is clear thoughts that will lead to success. Expect travel and pleasant acquaintances.
  • "AX-NA" - "Golden Land". Stability and calm should now come first. Avoid hard work - it will not bring satisfaction. Don't believe everything people say; much of what you hear or read will be a distorted truth.
  • "AH-DHI" - "Sound of the Vajra." You are on the crest of success. Any enterprise started will be successful. Great time to start a new business.
  • "RA-AH" - "Bright Lamp". All the bad things are behind us. Feel free to make plans and make plans for the future without repeating past mistakes.
  • “RA-RA” - “Add Oil to the Fire.” Passivity is disastrous for you now. Don't be afraid to move forward, even if the direction seems wrong. Active life positionright choice.
  • "RA-PA" - "Test". You shouldn't be too active. Hide like a cobra before it strikes. Any steps will not bring results. Be patient, gather strength and observe.
  • "RA-CA" - "King of Power". Down with doubts and fears. Be decisive. Every difficult step will give you more strength. Pressure and pressure is your motto.
  • "RA-NA" - "Withered Tree". Put everything aside and reflect. Contemplation, concentration - this is necessary now.
  • "RA-DHI" - "Door of Auspicious Visions." Take a closer look at the signs that the World sends, listen to yourself. Advice from friends and acquaintances will become a prophecy.
  • “PA-AH” - “Vessel of Nectar”. Tolerance towards others and correctness in communication will help strengthen relationships and friendships. Sea cruise possible.
  • "PA-RA" - "Drying Pond". It's time to rely only on yourself. Be careful and cautious. There is no need to be afraid of enemies, but you should not annoy them either.
  • “PA-PA” - “Ocean of Nectar”. Cash flow directed towards you. The Universe sends abundance. Any undertaking will bring profit.
  • “PA-CA” - “Flame of Passion”. Walking in nature will calm the fire raging in the soul. Avoid communicating with people, because you are a storm and a hurricane, every harsh word will turn against you.
  • "PA-NA" - "Golden Lotus". A little patience and your plans will come true. Don't rush things and don't do anything rash. A reward awaits you.
  • "PA-DHI" - "Healing Nectar." Luck is on your side. Life goes on as usual, as expected and even better. Share your happiness with your family, otherwise it will be incomplete.
  • "CA-AH" - "White Umbrella of Good Luck." Don't be sad about unfulfilled hopes. Luck will not leave you and everything will turn out well.
  • "CA-RA" - "Flaming Sword". It's time to show your teeth to your ill-wishers and strengthen your position. But in love affairs, show gentleness - firm pressure will lead to nothing.
  • "CA-PA" - "Emptiness of the mind." You are irritated and suspicious. You take any remark with offense. Relax and immediately discover that all the problems are within you. Don't take any serious steps. Allow yourself rest and peace.
  • “CA-CA” - “Banner of Glory.” Fame and success await you. Don't fuss or rush - the path has been chosen correctly.
  • “CA-NA” - “Locked Breathing.” The time is suitable for relaxation and meditation. Don't dig a hole and don't rush into work headlong. Take a breath.
  • "CA-DHI" - "House of Good News". Time to search for new knowledge and meet new people. In the future they will bear their precious fruits.
  • "NA-RA" - "Fire Obstacle". The unfavorable period in life will soon end and you, like a Phoenix bird, will be reborn from the ashes to a new life.
  • "NA-PA" - "Precious Vessel Filled to the Brim." You are full of happiness and joy. Share them with your loved ones.
  • "NA-CA" - "Crumbling Mountain of Sand." Unnecessary problems in life should be ignored. The Universe helps with this. Set your sights on new things.
  • "NA-NA" - "Golden Abode". Be grateful to life for the joy and happiness that you have. Apperciate things which you have. Everything about you is wonderful.
  • "NA-DHI" - "Treasury with Jewels." Don't expect changes anytime soon. Everything is fine with you. Communicate with loved ones and friends, giving away your warmth.
  • "DHI-AH" - "Appearance of Manjushri." All dreams and desires will come true. Pay more attention successful people, listen to their advice.
  • "DHI-RA" - "Endless Knot of Luck." Trust yourself - this is the key to your success. Do as you see fit.
  • "DHI-PA" - " Gold fish" Luck is on your side. Even a little effort will bring success.
  • "DHI-CA" - "White Shell". Time to look inside yourself. Fill yourself with new knowledge. Good timing for studying foreign languages and philosophy.
  • "DHI-NA" - "Golden Wheel". You are confident in yourself, you have chosen the right path. Maintain harmony in everything.
  • "DHI-DHI" - Victory Banner. Victory is just around the corner. All endeavors will bring success. Trust yourself and your friends.

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Other Buddhist fortune telling

One of the attributes of Buddhist monks is a rosary consisting of 108 beads. They are used to count pronounced mantras or practices. You can use these beads to tell fortunes. It is an object that allows you to get an answer: “Yes” or “No”. The Buddhist ritual begins with the recitation of the mantra:


  • “OM” - eliminates jealousy;
  • “Ma” - relieves anger;
  • “NI” - destroys pride;
  • “PAD” - leads away from greed;
  • "ME" - destroys the chains of attachment;
  • "HUM" - dissolves ignorance.

After reciting the mantra, ask a question and right hand take the rosary. Go through them in random order for a while. When the hand stops and the counting is over, count out four beads. The first is “Yes,” the second is “No,” the third is the unknown, and the fourth is the probability of “Yes.” Continue sorting the beads until the end of the rosary. The last bead will be the answer to the question.

When telling fortunes with the help of rosaries, say the mantra over them 108 times:


Then put them in a glass of water and drink the healing water before bed. In a dream, answers and tips for solving problems come.

Reference! One of the most powerful and ancient mantras is “OM-MA-NI-PAD-ME-HUM”. With its energy it influences the dimensions of human existence and cleanses of negative phenomena. Drawing a parallel with the magical practices of the representatives of the Order of the Golden Dawn, this mantra is similar to the “Spell of the Seven Planetary Spirits,” which was used to expel negative energy from a person or room.

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Concentration and focus on the question is the key to successful fortune telling. Be as collected and relaxed as possible. Don't let your thoughts distract you from the process. Fortune telling "Mo" requires a special attitude. Don't cast a spell on bad mood, during illness, when there are doubts and too often, asking the same question. Correct behavior- especially important. Every action must be meaningful, every question must be considered.

Pronouncing mantras will calm you down and tune your mind to perceive high, positive vibrations.

The truth always lies on the surface; there is no need for it to hide. And every lie is shrouded in mystery and attributes of importance. Have you met the most in simple ways Buddhist fortune-telling, which will allow you to look into the future, turn around and analyze your past without worry, and draw conclusions about your present. I wish you success!

Tibetan Mo fortune telling is a very common ancient method of divination. Did you know that this particular way of foreseeing the future is considered an integral part of not only the culture, but also the religion of Tibet? Learn the principles of Moe's dice divination to foretell the future.

What is Tibetan Mo fortune telling based on?

Since ancient times, people have been confident that using this particular method of divination, one can receive truthful answers. Over the years, the method of fortune telling itself has been transformed. Today, the most common way to perform a ritual is to throw one or two dice, on the sides of which there are special symbols.


Manjushri is an ancient deity who was associated with wisdom. Since ancient times, he was considered a seer, capable of seeing everything that is hidden from human gaze. Practitioners are confident that, using Mo Tibetan fortune telling, mandatory you need to understand what kind of magical conductor this is.

The description says that this is a young man who has reached the age of 16. His skin changes color. It can be green, white, orange, blue or yellow. He can appear in any of his images. In one palm he usually holds the sword of wisdom, which is on fire.

In his other palm he holds a blue lotus flower, which begins to bloom against the left side of his face. In the lotus itself is greatest book true wisdom. The deity's legs are bent in the lotus position. It is believed that in order for such fortune telling to be truly truthful, before each manipulation of the bones it is necessary to imagine the image of this magical assistant.

There is a lot of controversy around this method. Some believe that what the cubes can tell about is just an accident, and not a sign from above. However, practitioners are convinced that this is not just fortune telling, but that the moment of unity with higher powers and manipulation of the cubes have a very deep meaning.

There are exactly 36 combinations of syllables in total. However, in reality there are many interpretations of them. It is impossible to count all the books that were created by lamas, in which various decodings of the results of divination are indicated.

At first glance, the ritual looks very simple. The dice must be rolled exactly two times, one after the other. As a result, you will get 1 of thirty-six possible interpretations. As is already clear, before rolling the dice, it is necessary to visualize the ancient deity.

Although at first glance it seems that such a ritual is much simpler than spelling on coins, in which there are whole coins, but in reality such an impression is false. Since 36 variations can have both positive and negative character. Because of this, there are potentially more than 70 possible interpretations.

During interpretation, pay attention to the fact that the first cube focuses attention on what is happening in this moment, and the second reveals the future itself. Using dice, you can also tell fortunes for two people at once. In this case, different cubes will tell about different people.

First of all, create a simple, correct question that can be answered unambiguously. It is advisable to write it down. Determine which area of ​​life your question relates to. Visualize the image of God, then read the words:

OM! O glorious Manjushri, who has the sight of transcendental wisdom, you see the past, present and future, please listen to me! By the power of the real Truth, the Three Jewels and the Three Roots, tell me what to accept and what to reject.

Then say the prayer exactly three times:

OM A Ra Pa Tsa Na Di

Ask your question again and roll one die. Write down the result. Ask the question again, after which another die is rolled. The answer is also recorded. You can interpret the first and second syllables separately, and then check the entire combination. Now we need to summarize.

If the answer was very vague, then most likely the question should be reformulated to make it more clear. You should repeat such manipulations until you receive an unambiguous, clear answer. If you don’t want to do fortune telling yourself, you can use Tibetan fortune telling by Mo online for free.

- indicates universal wisdom, important thoughts, improvement, sometimes speaks of an increase, an increase in something, the emergence of harmony and balance of life, the continuity of the flow of life.

It may indicate divine mercy and the possible implementation of some important matter in the near future; in rare cases, it indicates the presence of a spiritual connection and the emergence of any obligations.

R.A.- flame, thirst for knowledge, conversations, limitless power, form.

PA- the element of water, world harmony, happiness from owning something.

N.A.- addition, air or earth.

TSA- violent methods, receiving important news, vital moments.

A.H.- absence of obstacles, harmony, success.

AH, DHI, RA, TSA- are a symbol of reason, the waning moon, negative side Yin.

N.A., P.A.- meekness, concentration, growing Moon, positive side of Yang.

Any dropped combination can be associated with various objects. They can be associated with any natural, astrological phenomena, objects that were created by man, sometimes with supernatural beings.

Some meanings may be associated with ritual attributes, or with abstract qualities. There are a total of 9 areas of life in which Mo is applied. Often, one question may concern not one, but several areas.

If, during fortune-telling on MO cards, you get a combination of signs NA NA - rejoice! The long-awaited happiness has finally come into your life! The combination NA NA means “golden abode”, and literally with Tibetan language it translates as "mountain from precious stones on the golden land." Agree that these words speak for themselves. In the recent past, you have had to go through quite a few difficult moments. Moreover, these were not just moments, but a whole “life era” when everything fell out of hand, and you simply did not know what to do.

Now everything has changed! you pulled out winning ticket. Moreover, they guessed not just three numbers, but won a real Jackpot! And now it’s up to you to decide how you will live further. All possibilities are open to you. You can earn a lot of money, advance well in your career, create a wonderful happy family. In what direction you start to act depends only on you.

You have not yet fully recovered from your recent troubles. And until you get rid of these memories, you will not be able to fully realize the happiness that has visited you now. Look at everything that happened to you from a slightly different perspective. You have received an invaluable gift - experience, thanks to which you will be able to avoid making some mistakes in the future.

There is only one piece of advice for you from Higher Powers. Don't slow down! Consider all past mistakes and act. Now you have every chance to lay a solid foundation for a future prosperous life. Just don't miss the moment. You will have to wait a very long time for such a chance.

Most of the tasks that you have set for yourself will be implemented in the very near future. Your perseverance and hard work have planted the necessary quality seeds. Therefore, the results will not take long to come. You may ask, what about the other tasks? This is also not a question. All of them will definitely come true, but not now, a little later. Apparently you didn’t spend much time and effort on their implementation. And this will have to be compensated.

In the current situation, we can only say one thing - work! And the more you do, the faster you will be able to see the fruits of your labor. But nothing is given to anyone just like that. Also, don’t take on several things at once. You won't succeed anyway. You won't be able to profit from everything at once. Solve your problems gradually, step by step, only then will you be able to see what and where you have achieved. And one more small nuance. The more you think, the less you rush, the more results you can achieve.

If you want to know how your family relationships will develop, then there will be no negative predictions here either. Only the most pleasant surprises await you. Be sure that you are loved and feel that you are very loved. But there is no need to relax. Give your family as much attention as possible.

A very pleasant surprise awaits you at home in the very near future. Your family will want to please you and will prepare a surprise for you that you can remember for years to come. for a long time. But you should also fuss. Think about what you can do to please your loved ones. Despite the fact that you love them very much, people sometimes really need signs of attention that do not allow them to forget about why you live together. You can love in silence, but people really need to be told about this love, or at least reminded.

All issues related to property will be resolved quickly and easily. Now you are on a horse, and this will continue as long as the dropped symbols NA NA help you. However, in addition to the fact that you need to resolve property issues, you also need to be a bit of a caretaker. When to buy, how, for how much, how profitable it is. Only when you are able to cover all aspects of a given issue will you be able to fully realize yourself in this field.

You have every chance of success, but most likely you have no experience. If you cannot solve the issue yourself, contact one of your friends. Well, if you don’t want to, then learn yourself. Otherwise, you won't succeed.

If you are interested in how your personal life will develop, then the forecasts here are the most optimistic. I especially want to be happy for those who already have a loved one whom they want to please, pamper and give pleasure. Whatever you come up with, whatever romantic dates you plan, you will succeed. Your loved one will be simply delighted. A romantic trip can make a special impression, no matter where, the main thing is together. This will greatly strengthen your relationship.

If your personal life is just starting to take shape, then you will have to make much more effort. But they will by no means go to waste. Whatever you do, everything will only benefit you. Be patient and keep surprising the person you like. Even if no one has paid any attention to you until now, it’s all for show. I already like you, I just don’t have the courage to show it.
Your relationships with friends promise you the brightest prospects. Perhaps in Lately you felt a little uneasy that you weren’t communicating as closely as before. But don’t worry, in the future you will still have a lot of time for communication and free rest.

Now is the time to invite your friends over and have a party. If the weather permits, then it is best to spend time somewhere in nature, on fresh air. This brings people together and creates a fun, friendly atmosphere. And most importantly, outdoor recreation is very good for health.

The combination of signs NA NA suggests that even with your ill-wishers, your relationships will develop only for your benefit. There will be no nagging or gossip. You may ask how this can be. After all, just recently it was difficult to fight off all sorts of attacks and nagging, and these sidelong glances after you are already quite boring.

Don't be surprised, that's life. Everything flows and changes. Now there has been such a period of complete luck in your life that your ill-wishers have almost completely lost all interest in you. It is also worth noting the fact that some of your “former” ill-wishers in the future may become your most true friend. Don't smile skeptically. The eternal rule of nature that opposites attract has not yet been canceled.

You've worked hard, now it's time to plan your vacation just as well. And for this you have every opportunity. All your work projects have been implemented and are working safely. And without requiring your presence at all. The only thing you should be advised to do is check again before you go on vacation that your affairs are in complete order, especially in the little things. It will be completely unpleasant if, because of some trifle, they start constantly tugging at you.

If you are just planning to relax on the weekend, then it is best to do this in the good company of your true friends. Communication with each other will be the best vacation for you.
As for your health, here, as in all other areas of your life, the combination of symbols ON ON foretells only the best for you. However, you shouldn’t smile cheerfully and suddenly stop taking care of yourself. You are working very hard now and you are very tired. And, as you know, such a busy schedule is the first thing that unsettles you nervous system. And all diseases come from nerves.

You just need to learn how to alternate work and rest correctly. If something isn't working out for you at work right now, don't take it to heart the way you do. It didn’t work out now, it will work out later, but you can’t restore your nerves. If you continue to be so nervous, you may become seriously ill. Although here too the combination of symbols NA NA gave you a royal gift. You will get better very soon, and without making any effort.
You now have every chance to achieve great results in self-improvement. You are confident in yourself, you know how to make plans for the future, which will certainly come true. Now you are able to plan and program your own destiny. And that's just wonderful. But there is some danger in this for you too. Try not to start feeling like God. You can do a lot of stupid things.

Don’t take on global issues; choose several small tasks and try to figure them out. Follow gradually from bottom to top, so you will reach the top faster.
You are just lucky! Any specific thing you have in mind will definitely come true. Most likely, you have already been preparing for a long time and carefully to fulfill your result. Therefore, the first results will not take long to appear. Although it is still not so close to the full implementation of the specific business you have planned. Will have to wait. However, this is not the main thing! And the main thing is that sooner or later, you will get everything you want in full!

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