The coward is a big birch. Review of Artyukhova’s story “The Big Birch. What proverbs fit Artyukhova’s story “The Big Birch”

1. Work on the section “Preliminary reading”

2. Conversation on the content of the text

(Students exchange impressions of the story based on the teacher’s questions:

Did you like the story? How?

How did you determine the topic: what is this story about?

3. Reading the text with detailed analysis

(The work is carried out as follows: the student, when called by the teacher, reads the text and stops at the place where, in his opinion, this or that part should end. Each option is discussed. As the story reads, the teacher gives the children questions and assignments.

How did mom feel after Gleb and Volodya’s message? Find words in the text where the author talks about this.

Did Alyosha’s friends do the right thing in this situation? Support your conclusions with examples from the text.

What did they do right and what did they do wrong? How was it necessary?

Read this part by role and convey intonation how the characters feel.

How would you title this part? Define main idea– the micro-theme of this part.

2nd part (From the words: “Mom finally understood...” to the words: “Well, then come down”).

Why did mom send the boys home?

How did mom behave when she approached the tree? Find this place in the text.

Was she really calm? What words from the text can you support your answer?

How could she behave? How does this characterize her?

Why can’t you behave the way the summer resident behaved? Find evidence in the text.

Was it easy for Alyosha to go down?

Why did he manage to land successfully? Read about it.

What did the boy do right and what wrong in this situation?

Determine the micro-topic of this part and come up with a title.

4th part (From the words: “And mom grabbed her thin, tanned…legs…” and to the end of the story.)

Why did the boy's mother cry only when he climbed down from the tree? What can you say about this mother?

What feelings did Alyosha experience?

Do you think the boy will keep his word? What do you conclude from?

Title the last part.

As a result of the work done, the story plan was written down on the board and in the students’ notebooks:

Alarm message.

Mom saw her son on a birch tree.

Mom's advice.

Mom's tears.)

Teacher. Why do you need to be able to make a plan? Children. – The outline helps to better understand the content of the text.

And also retell it consistently.

With a plan, the text is better remembered.

Teacher. You and I have made a plan in our own words. How else is it possible?

Children. – You can use the words of the text.

You need to choose words in each part that will reflect the main idea.

This can be a whole sentence or part of it. We have already drawn up such a plan.

Teacher. Yes, we have already done this kind of work. This plan can be called a “quotation” plan, you will draw it up at home: for each point of the plan that you came up with in your own words, select a quote from the text and write it down.

4. Closing conversation

(The conversation is based on the teacher’s questions:

Why did he end it like that?

What other story title would you come up with? Which one is better? Why?)

Teacher. What does this story teach?

Children. – Treat your mother with care, do not upset her, do not bring her to tears.

– And the story also teaches how to behave in dangerous and dangerous situations.

Emergency situations.

Teacher. And how?

Children. – First of all, you don’t need to create these situations yourself.

You can’t panic like Alyosha’s friends, but you need to behave calmly so as not to worry your elders, because they may have very weak nerves, hearts, and health.

Before you commit any action, think about how it all might end.

“big”, not “high”, for example, and in this word he put a meaning that can be understood in different ways. And you have already spoken about this: it could be “ great love” of the mother who helped her son in Hard time with his self-control, self-control, fortitude and his calm, wise advice. Or maybe the author with this title means “big and difficult life”, where there are dangers and difficulties that are still ahead for the boys - the heroes of the story, your peers, and the author suggests that every person should always thoughtfully approach each of his actions and deeds, so as not to regret later.

The main thing is that you all take a “big lesson” for yourself from this story.

5. Comparative work on the stories of N. M. Artyukhova “The Big Birch” and Yu. Ya. Yakovlev “Mother”

Teacher. Guys, now let's go back to the text that we read in the last lesson. Let's compare it with the story “The Big Birch” and find how they are similar.

Children. – Both stories are about mothers.

And about their great love for their children.

About how mothers help children in life.

And in each of these stories, the meaning of the quote that we emphasized in the introductory text is revealed: “... it is she who introduces us to the world and helps us get used to it... mother, like no one else, knows how to love, feel sorry, forgive and help in difficult times.”

We were convinced of this when we read both texts. Teacher. We have found similarities, and now let's see how these texts differ.

Children. – These texts are different in volume.

– And they have different content.

Teacher. What else?

(Children find it difficult to answer.)

Teacher. Let's read the questions I wrote on the board. Perhaps they will lead you to new answers.

(The teacher opens the questions written on the board for comparative characteristics stories:

Are there specific characters in these texts? Name them.

Is the line of development of events traceable in the texts: its beginning and end?

What is more attention paid to in the texts: the story about the events and actions of the characters or about their feelings and mood? Give examples.

Replying to last question, the children use excerpts from Yu. Ya. Yakovlev’s story “Mama” that they have memorized at home, and when reading them, the children are convinced that in this text the feelings of the characters are put in first place.)

Teacher. So what does this text look like?

Children. - For a poem.

- For poetry.

Teacher. Let's remember how in previous lessons we called poems in which the main place is occupied by the feelings of the author or hero.

Children. – We called such poetry “lyrics”.

– And such poems are “lyrical”.

(If the children forget this concept, they need to write it down on the board again and talk about it (see lesson No. 31).) Teacher. So, what can we call this text? Children. - Lyrical.

- Lyrical prose.

Teacher. What was a discovery for you in today’s lesson?

Children. – That prose can be similar to poetry.

And the fact that prose can be lyrical.

That in prose, as well as in poetry, the feeling of a hero or author can be conveyed.

Teacher (summarizes the work). Yes, guys, in literature you will very often encounter such phenomena when, along with a description of events, the feelings, experiences, and state of mind of the heroes will be described in detail, and in high school you will learn that poetry is not only

Rhymed, but also in prosaic form. Today you took the first step towards great literature.

Work on the content of N. M. Artyukhova’s story “The Big Birch”

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Organization: MBOU secondary school No. 41

Locality: Ulyanovsk

Extracurricular reading. 3rd grade.

Teacher Sofina E.V.

Topic: N. M. Artyukhova “Big Birch”

Goals: learn to determine the theme of a work,

Learn to identify words that carry the main content and meaning of the work; improve reading skills;

promote the development of speech and attention;

develop responsibility for your actions.

Planned results:


Be able to identify the main idea and express it in your own words;

Be able to distinguish between the sequence of events and the sequence of their presentation;

Be able to correlate the characters’ actions with their moral standards.



To plan own actions and relate them to the goal;


Find necessary information using dictionaries included in the textbook (explanatory);


Be able to argue your own position


Formation of orientation in the moral content of both one’s own actions and the actions of other people.

Equipment: mini projects of creative groups (1 gr. - a folding bed of photographs of joint activities with mom, 2 gr. - a collection of essays about cases when mom helped, discovered something important in life, taught, 3 gr. - an exhibition of books by N. M. Artyukhova and About the author); presentation for the work;

Progress of the lesson

1. Class organization (workplace check)

So, an extracurricular reading lesson. Greet the guests (children turn and smile)

They sat down quietly.

2. Introduction to the topic.

Music sounds, an excerpt from the story “Mother” by Yu. Ya. Yakovlev is read.

Close your eyes and listen. And you will hear this voice. He lives inside you, so familiar, dear. It cannot be confused with any other. Even when you become an adult, you will always remember this voice, these eyes, these hands. You are small, you couldn’t speak yet, she understood you without words. I guessed what you wanted, what hurt you. She taught you to talk, walk, and read you your first book. From her you learned the names of birds, learned that every flower has a name.

Who is the passage talking about? (talking about mom)

In November to extracurricular reading we read works about mother. Why? (November 29th Mother's Day)

And we dedicate this lesson to my mother.

3. Work in groups.

What creative assignments have you received?

1 group. We designed an exhibition of photographs in which we presented photographs of joint activities with my mother.

Tell me. (together with mom...reading a book) the children finish the sentence.

2nd group. We wrote an essay about cases when our mother helped us, discovered something important in life, taught us something)

Read your essays. (2-3 students)

Group 3 prepared a skit. (a scene about how the boys tell Alyoshka’s mother that he climbed a large birch tree)

What work is the scene from?

This book is on display. It was prepared by group 4. They will talk about the author of this book.

4.Communicate the purpose of the lesson.

So, we are working on the work of N. M. Artyukhova “The Big Birch” and using the example of the heroes we will try to evaluate their actions and actions.

5. Analysis of the work.

You have texts with this work on your desk.

What words remained unclear?

Explain the meaning of the word terrace, embarrassed, confused. (terrace - summer extension to the house; embarrassed - in a state of shyness, confusion, shame; confused - helpless from excitement, severe shock)

  • Name the main characters. (mother, Alyoshka) slide

mom Alyoshka

  • What is the story about? Decide on a theme. (Alyoshka climbs a large birch tree, his mother helps him get off the tree)

How do you imagine a big birch? (above a multi-story building)


So, Alyosha climbs onto a large birch tree, and his mother helps him get off the tree.


- helps to get down from a tree - climbs a large birch tree

  • How does mom behave in this dangerous situation? (not angry, speaks in a calm, gentle voice.....)

(we work with the text) How does it help Alyosha? Comes out on the slide

- speaks in a calm, gentle voice

- directs (put your foot on this branch, right here, to the right; sit, rest and start going down)

- advises(take your time, slowly)

- inspires confidence(good at climbing trees)

  • encourages(well done, spoke encouraging words)
  • How is Alyosha behaving? (follows mom's advice) Comes out on the slide

- listens

-follows advice


6. Physical exercise.

We got up. Let's imagine and show a large birch tree. We took a breath, raised our arms and stretched up on our tiptoes, exhaled and lowered our arms. Repeat 3 times.

7. Work on the work.


Gleb, summer resident


In response, mom rushes to help.

In a dangerous situation, you need to turn to your mother or loved ones for help.

Read the passage about the summer resident.

How did the summer resident behave? (shouted angrily and scared at Alyosha)

How did the summer resident’s words affect Alyosha? (Alyosha got scared)

How did you determine that Alyosha was scared? (shuddered and made the wrong move)

How did mom’s words work? (instilled confidence, reassured)

Read what mom said in response to the summer resident.

Why did she so calmly address the summer resident?

Mom politely asked the summer resident not to interfere in their actions. The summer resident understood my mother and did not interfere anymore.

How does this case end? (Alyosha safely gets off the birch tree)

Look at mom's actions:

I sent the boys home so they wouldn't interfere;

She politely asked the summer resident not to interfere;

As a result of joint actions, he helps Alyosha get off the birch tree safely.

What can you say about this mother, what is she like? (smart, wise, cultured)

Let's read what changed in mom's behavior at the end of the story.

Now let’s read the words of mother and Alyosha expressively by role.

Imagine if this happened to you, what words would you choose for your mother?

Alyosha got down safely, why was mom crying? (outwardly she was calm, so as not to scare her son, but inside she was scared, worried about Alyosha’s life and health)

Did Alyosha think about what could happen when he climbed the tree?

Have you ever had a case when your mother helped you in a difficult situation?

Often, with their rash actions, children upset their mother; grief affects a person’s health and shortens his life; before you commit any actions, think about their consequences.

Come up with another name. (Alyosha’s rash act. Mom's help. Emergency.)

8. Reflection.

In general, do you always behave correctly in life, for example, on walks, at home, at school?

If you find yourself in difficult situation at school who do you turn to? (to the teacher)

At school, any teacher who happens to be nearby is your assistant and protector. Much depends on you; any action has some kind of consequence for you, good or bad.

To avoid bad consequences, you keep a self-education diary.

After analyzing the actions and deeds of your characters in the work, consider writing them down in your self-education diary. Look at the screen.

Responsibility for actions;

Don't upset mom;

Listen to your mother, loved ones, acquaintances

It is very important for me that when there are no adults around you, you behaved correctly, did not cause harm to your health or pain to others.

I am glad for all your answers in class and I see that you understand that bad actions may harm your health.

d/z A person has one mother, one homeland.

For the next extracurricular reading, we read books about the Motherland.

Assessment of work in the lesson.


  1. Great encyclopedia of nature for children. Per. from fr. M.: Grif-fond, Mezhkniga, 1994. 256 pp., 300 colors. Il. Publisher A.L. Dyachenko.
  2. Tikhonov A.V. Children's encyclopedia of the forest: Popular science. Edition for children. – M.: ZAO ROSMEN-PRESS, 2005.-80 p.
  3. Lazareva V.A. Analysis technology literary text in literary reading lessons in elementary school. - 3rd ed., additional - M.: Institute of Innovations in Education named after. L.V. Zankova: Publishing house "ONICS 21st century", 2003. - 96 p.
  4. Pleshakov A.A. From earth to sky: Atlas-key to natural history and ecology for beginning students. class –M.: Education, 1998. – 224 p.
  5. (Wikipedia)
  6. (biography of N.M. Artyukhova)

Big birch

- They're coming! They're coming! - Gleb shouted and began to descend from the tree, puffing and breaking branches.

Alyosha looked down. Summer residents were coming from the train. Long-legged Volodka, of course, walked ahead of everyone.

The gate creaked. Gleb rushed towards.

Alyosha pressed his cheek to the trunk of the linden tree. He immediately became small and unnecessary. Gleb and Volodya will talk about books that Alyosha has not read, about films that Alyosha is too early to watch. Then they will go into the forest. Together. They won’t take Alyosha, although he picks mushrooms better than Gleb, runs faster than Gleb, and climbs trees so well that they even nicknamed him a monkey for his agility. Alyosha felt sad: the weekend brought him nothing but grief.

“Hello, Glebushka,” said Volodya. -Where is the monkey?

“Monkey” was an honorary nickname, but every word can be distorted in such a way that it becomes offensive.

“He’s sitting on a linden tree,” Gleb laughed. – Volodya, I also climbed this linden tree, almost to the very top.

“I willingly believe it,” Volodya answered mockingly. – Even infants can climb this linden tree without outside help!

After such words, sitting on the linden tree became uninteresting. Alyosha descended to the ground and walked towards the house.

“There’s a birch tree growing behind your fence,” Volodya continued, “it’s really a real tree.”

Volodya went out the gate.

- Hey, Alyoshka! - he shouted. - You can’t climb a big birch tree!

“Mom doesn’t let me,” Alyosha answered gloomily. “She says that you have to climb down from every tree sooner or later, and going down is often more difficult than climbing up.”

- Oh, you mama's boy!

Volodya took off his sandals, jumped onto a high stump near a tree and climbed up, wrapping his arms and legs around the trunk.

Alyosha looked at him with undisguised envy. Green lush branches grew on the birch tree only at the very top, somewhere under the clouds. The trunk was almost smooth, with rare protrusions and fragments of old branches. High above the ground it was divided into two trunks, and they rose to the sky, straight, white, slender. Volodya had already reached the fork and was sitting, dangling his legs, clearly “exposing himself.”

- Climb here, you mug! – he did not let up. – What kind of monkey are you if you’re afraid to climb trees?

“He doesn’t have a tail,” said Gleb, “it’s difficult for him.”

“Tailless monkeys also climb well,” Volodya objected. “It’s good to cling to branches with your tail, but here there are almost no branches.” Alyoshka doesn’t know how to climb without branches.

- Not true! - Alyosha couldn’t stand it. - I can climb halfway up the pole.

- Why is this only up to half?

“Mom doesn’t allow him any higher.”

Alyosha flared his nostrils and walked away to the far corner of the garden.

Volodya showed off a little more on the birch tree. But there was no one else to tease, and to climb higher smooth trunk he did not dare and began to descend.

- Let's go pick some mushrooms, Gleb, okay? Bring the baskets.

Alyosha silently looked after them. So they crossed the ravine and ran towards the forest, cheerfully waving their baskets.

Mom went out onto the terrace:

- Alyosha, do you want to come with me to the station?

It would be nice to walk around and see the steam locomotives. But Alyosha was just called a mama's boy. He couldn’t walk through the entire village almost hand in hand with his mother, when Volodya and Gleb went into the forest together, like real men!

“I don’t want to,” he said. - I'll sit at home. Mom left. Alyosha looked at the large birch tree, sighed and sat down on a bench near the fence.

Volodya and Gleb returned only at lunchtime. After lunch we laid out a blanket in the garden and lay down to read. Mom went to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

“You should lie down too, Alyosha,” she said. Alyosha sat down on the end of the blanket and looked into the book over Gleb’s shoulder.

“Don’t breathe in my ear,” he muttered. - It’s hot without you!

Then Alyosha got up, went out the gate and went to a large birch tree. I looked around. There was no one on the path. He climbed the tree, clinging to every protrusion of the bark, every twig. At the bottom, the trunk was too thick, Alyosha could not wrap his legs around it.

“It’s good for him, the long-legged one! – he thought angrily. “But I’ll still climb higher!”

And he moved higher and higher. The tree was not as smooth as it seemed from the ground. There was something to grab onto with your hands, something to put your foot on.

A little more, a little more - and he will reach the fork. You can rest there.

There you go! Alyosha sat on horseback, just as Volodya had sat in the morning. However, you can’t sit around too much. They might see him and call his mother. Alyosha stood up and looked up. The right trunk was higher than the left. Alyosha chose him, wrapped his arms and legs around him and climbed further.

“And it’s not difficult at all...” he muttered through clenched teeth. - And I don’t need a tail at all, Glebushka! But it wouldn’t hurt for you, Glebushka, to have a ponytail!

It was fun to look down at the roof of the dacha, at the trees of the garden, at my favorite linden tree, which seemed small, soft and fluffy from here. The earth moved down and opened wider. Behind the garden a ravine became visible, and a field behind the ravine, and a forest. A distant pipe emerged from behind a hillock. brick factory. And only when he reached the first green branches at the top of the birch tree, Alyosha felt that he was very hot and that he was very tired.

Gleb looked up from the book and lazily raised his head: “Again this Alyoshka has climbed somewhere!”

He looked at the linden tree and at the roof of the house.

“No, it’s somewhere much higher.” Gleb stood up, interested.

“Let’s go, Volodya, let’s look for him,” he said.

- Come on! – Volodya waved him off. Gleb approached the fence.

He looked at the birch tree and gasped.

Mom stood in the kitchen with a towel on her shoulder, drying the last cup. Suddenly Gleb’s frightened face appeared at the window.

- Aunt Zina! Aunt Zina! - he shouted. - Your Alyoshka has gone crazy!

- Zinaida Lvovna! – Volodya looked out the other window. - Your Alyoshka climbed a big birch tree!

- After all, he can break loose! – Gleb continued in a tearful voice. - And it will break...

The cup slipped out of my mother’s hands and fell to the floor with a clatter. pieces! – Gleb finished, looking with horror at the white shards.

Mom ran out onto the terrace and went to the gate:

- Where is he?

- Yes, here, on the birch tree.

Mom looked at white trunk, to the place where it was divided in two. Alyosha was not there.

- Stupid jokes, guys! - she said and walked towards the house.

- No, we’re telling the truth! - Gleb shouted. - He is there, at the very top! Where the branches are!

Mom finally understood where to look. She saw Alyosha.

She measured with her eyes the distance from its branch to the ground, and her face became almost as white as this smooth birch trunk.

- Crazy! – Gleb repeated.

- Shut up! - Mom said quietly and very sternly. - Both of you go home and sit there.

She approached the tree.

“Well, Alyosha,” she said, “are you doing well?”

Alyosha was surprised that his mother was not angry and spoke in such a calm, gentle voice.

“It’s good here,” he said. “But I’m very hot, mommy.”

“It’s nothing,” my mother said, “sit down, rest a little and start going down.” Just don't rush. Little by little... Have you rested? – she asked after a minute.

- I rested.

- Well, then come down.

Alyosha, holding onto a branch, was looking for somewhere to put his foot.

Exactly the same

Mom closed the suitcase and put on her hat.

“Here,” she said, “Nikolai and Andryusha, listen carefully.” Here, in the left drawer, are spare ribbons. Today I went to the store on purpose and bought four meters.

- Four meters? – Dad was surprised. - Milok, why so many? Is it really a meter in each braid?

– They lose very often. As I say, this is a reserve. Here, Nikolai, look here. Two meters blue and two pink. Pink is for Varya, and blue is for Valya. Please don't get confused.

“Don’t worry, honey, we’ll do everything.” Let me, how, how did you say? For Valya? That is, for Varya?

Mom repeated patiently:

– Pink is for Varya, and blue for Valya.

“But I know, Mom,” said Andryusha.

“Wait, Andryushka...” Dad knitted his eyebrows and repeated several times: “Valya is blue... Varya is pink.” Wa-l-la... go-lu... go-blue... Var-r-rya - p-pink! Wonderful! Very easy to remember!

- Well, let's check! - said Andryusha. - Dad, who is this?

“With blue pigtails, that means Valya,” dad answered firmly.

- And who is this? – Valya asked, pointing to her little sister.

- And this one with pink pigtails means Varya!

- I remember! I remember! – the guys shouted joyfully. - Mother! Finally remembered!

The fact is that Valya and Varya were twins and were so similar to each other that only their mother could tell them apart without ribbons. Besides, their dresses and fur coats were all the same.

And dad had only recently returned from a distant northern expedition and kept confusing his daughters. Of course, he knew how similar the twins were, but still, every time he saw them side by side, he shook his head and said:

- No, this is amazing! Well, absolutely, exactly the same!

Dad looked at his watch and took Mom's coat off the hanger.

– Please don’t worry, we won’t mix anything up, we’ll do everything right. Besides, you're only leaving for two weeks! If we call Valya Varya by mistake several times, nothing special...

- Nikolai! - Mom put it right hand past the sleeve and said sadly: “So you forgot everything, everything!” After all, I told you several times: the doctor told Valya to go for walks as much as possible, but Varya shouldn’t go for walks at all and take medicine three times a day...

– We’ll do everything! - Andryusha finished.

And mom left. It was on Saturday. On Sunday there was no rush to get up, so everyone overslept. The first to jump up, however, were the twins, who, even on weekdays, were in no hurry. By the time dad came out of the bathroom, smoothing his wet hair, Varya had already lost the left pink ribbon.

“It doesn’t matter,” said dad, “we have a large supply.” How much should I cut? Is half a meter enough? Come here girls, I'll comb your hair.

“Dad,” Andryusha asked, “can you braid it?”

- Hope so. I have had to successfully complete more complex tasks.

The light, soft hairs obediently parted.

“You braid it wrong, dad,” Andryusha said after a minute.

- No, that's right.

- No not like this. Mom weaves a ribbon along with her hair, and you just tie a bow in the ponytail - and that’s fine.

“It doesn’t matter,” said dad, “it’s even more beautiful.” You see how big my bows are, but mom has nothing left for bows.

- But it’s stronger.

- That's it, Andrey, enough criticism. What did mom say? Walk as much as possible. Drink milk, take Valyushka and go. And Varya and I will start cleaning.

After cleaning and walking, dad and Andryusha cooked dinner, washed the dishes and spent a long time scraping with knives and cleaning the burnt frying pan. Finally dad said “ugh” and lay down on the sofa with a book in his hands. However, very soon the book slammed shut on its own, dad’s eyes also closed on their own, and dad fell asleep. Loud voices woke him up.

- Dad! - Andryusha shouted. - The twins are lost!

Dad jumped up as if on a military alert:

- Who?.. Where?.. Yes, here they are! Well, is it possible, Andryushka, to scare a person like that!

- That is, they were not lost, but confused. We played hide and seek... And under the tables, and under the coat rack - well, all four ribbons got caught somewhere. I told you that’s not how you braid!

- Valya! Varya! Come here!

Two completely identical daughters stood in front of dad, looking at him with the same cheerful eyes, and they were even disheveled in exactly the same way.

- Doesn't matter! - Dad laughed. – We still have three and a half meters of these ribbons. I remember well now: blue – Valya, and Varya...

- Eh, dad, dad! Well, how can you tell them apart now - which one is which?

- Yes, it’s very simple! They know how to talk. Big girls... What's your name?

- And you?

The twins also burred in exactly the same way. Dad thought:

– We are doing this sloppily... What should we do, Andryushka? After all, it’s time for Varya to take her medicine, and for Valya to go for walks as much as possible!

A familiar cough was heard behind the door.

- Grandfather! – the guys shouted joyfully. Grandfather greeted everyone and began to wipe his glasses:

- Do you need to go for a walk, you say? So I came early to take a walk with Valechka. I promised mommy too.

– You came just in time, Konstantin Petrovich! - said dad. – You see, we... that is... Well, in short, the twins are confused! “And I told my grandfather what happened.”

- How are you doing this, Nikolai? – Grandfather looked at dad reproachfully. - The dear one, one might say, is the father, but one might say he confused the relatives, the daughters.

- What to do, Konstantin Petrovich, it’s my fault, of course! But when I left, they were just a little bit sensitive. Excuse me, Konstantin Petrovich! What about you yourself? Dear, one might say, grandfather? And relatives, one might say, granddaughters... Come on, where is Valya? Where is Varya? Which one is which?

The grandfather slowly put on his glasses and looked at his granddaughters:

- Ahem! Ahem!.. N-yes! That is... Ahem!.. Ahem!.. My glasses have become rather weak! Not in my eyes anymore. Now, if only I had stronger glasses...

Andryusha laughed louder than everyone else.

“And you, Andrey, are completely ashamed,” said dad, “and you didn’t go anywhere, you see them every day...

“Yes, yes,” grandfather supported dad, “without glasses, and your eyes are young, and your relatives, one might say, are sisters...”

- What am I doing? - Andryusha justified himself. - I'm nothing. Before I got sick, I could tell them apart very well: Varya was fatter. And in the hospital they lost weight differently and became exactly the same!

Dad resolutely went to the cupboard and took a bottle of medicine.

“Come on, Varya,” he said, “come here, it’s time to take the medicine.” Girls! Who did I give the medicine to this morning?

Valya and Varya looked at each other and did not answer.

- Eh, dad! - Andryusha whispered. -Will they tell? Who wants to take medicine? It's bitter.

“Well,” said dad, “let’s try it differently.” Come on, daughters, who will now go for walks with grandpa as much as possible? Valya, come here, I’ll braid your hair and put on your fur coat.

He waved blue ribbons. The girls looked at each other again, their faces became sad, but they were both silent.

- What's the matter, Andryusha? - Dad asked quietly. - Why doesn’t Valya respond now? After all, they love to walk with grandpa?

“Of course they do,” Andryusha answered. “That’s why Valya is silent.” Varya stays at home, but Valya feels sorry for her!

The lesson introduces students to N. Artyukhova’s new work “The Big Birch”
Lesson objectives:
-Develop reading technique, the ability to construct a statement in oral speech answer the questions correctly
-Learn phonetic expressiveness through intonation
-Cultivate morality through perception work of art, based on the content of the text, proverbs



Lesson on reading and speech development in 2nd special (correctional) class of 8th type

Kadachegova Elena Petrovna

Teacher of primary special (correctional) classes

Lesson topic: N. Artyukhova “Big Birch”

Goals: Acquaintance with the new work by N. Artyukhova “The Big Birch”

Lesson objectives:

Develop reading technique, the ability to construct a statement in oral speech, and correctly answer questions posed

Teach phonetic expression through intonation

To cultivate morality through the perception of a work of art, based on the content of the text, proverbs.

During the classes

1 Organizational moment

Today we will start our lesson by reading a proverb. But what is it? Apparently the wind entered our classroom and blew the words into different places. Let's collect them and make a proverb. Look up, straight, to the sides, collect your words.

When the sun is warm, and when mother is good.

Read the proverb quietly, loudly, in a whisper, in the form of a question and answer.

How do you understand this proverb?

Read slowly and think.

(The sun warms - it makes you feel warm, mom does only good, it’s always good to be around her.)

In what situations in life can this proverb be applied? (Children's answers, reasoning)

2 Communicating the topic of the lesson and setting goals

Today in our reading lesson we will read a story about how the boy Alyosha climbed high into a tree and find out what happened then. We will learn to read correctly, expressively, using voice intonation. The story is called "The Big Birch". The story was written by Nina Mikhailovna Artyukhova.

3 Studying new material. Introductory talk

Nina Mikhailovna Artyukhova is a Russian writer. She was born in 1901 in Moscow. She published her stories and poems in such children's magazines as "Murzilka", "Chizh", "Pioneer".

4 Vocabulary work

The story will contain the words:

Terrace is a summer open space in a residential building.

Summer resident - a person living in country house engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, flowers and other crops.

A ravine is a long, deep depression on the surface of the earth.

Compose sentences with these words.

5 Learning a new topic

1) Primary reading by the teacher

2) Work on content

How did the story make you feel?

What was your mood like?

When were you more worried?

Stand up, let's read the words on the wall.

Which ones fit the story better?

Choose: Joy, sadness, excitement, fun, worry.

Choice of words, explanation of choice.

6 Primary consolidation

7 Secondary consolidation

Students read the story in parts and analyze the work.

How many parts are there in a story?

What is said in part 1 of the story?

Reading part 1 of the story in a sentence-by-sentence chain.

How did the mother know that her son had climbed the birch tree?

Read it.

How did she feel? (Children's answers)

Why did you decide so? Prove with words from the text. (The cup slipped out of my hands...)

What kind of face did mom have when she realized about the danger that threatened her son? (like a birch trunk)

How do you understand these words? (pale, white, scared)

Why did she send the guys who reported what happened home?

(They shouted and were indignant, which could have scared Alyosha.)

Physical exercise.

Psycho-gymnastics. Show with your body and facial expressions the meaning of the words:

joy, sadness, excitement, fun, fear, worry.

Who are the characters in the second part?

(Mom, Alyosha, summer resident)

What did mom say to Alyosha when he came down from the tree?

How did Alyosha feel?

(He was tired, worried)

Which of the characters in this part of the story did you like best? (Mom, she inspired faith in the boy’s strength).

Who didn't like it and why? (Summer resident, he shouted at Alyosha).

How did the summer resident talk to Alyosha? (in an angry voice)

Let's read the words of the summer resident with the right intonation (angry, angry)

How did this part of the story end? (Children's answers)

What kind of trip do you think it was? Dangerous.

Prove with words from the text. (The earth was getting closer and shrinking...)

What do you think could have happened to the boy if his mother had not arrived in time? (The boy could have fallen and been killed)

What would you do in this situation, if you were your mother? (Children's answers)

Read part 3 in pairs according to the sentence.

What did Alyosha look like when he climbed down from the tree? Read it. (He stood red and hot...)

Why did mom cry? (From excitement that I could no longer hide)

8 Lesson summary. Assessment

Which of the heroes did you like best?

How did your mother feel? Choose words that reveal these feelings.

Fear, excitement, anxiety, horror, apprehension, calm, indifference, anger, irritation, anger, dissatisfaction.

Now let's draw verbal portrait moms. What is she like? (Smart, courageous, resourceful, sensitive, kind, attentive)

Now let's return to the proverb, why did I take this particular proverb to the lesson? Why is it always good when your mother is around? Because mom always helps, does only good for the children, she feels in her heart what to do.

What does this story teach? You can't climb trees. There is no need to fuss in such situations, you need to be able to help.

9 Homework

Why was Alyosha embarrassed and confused when his mother cried?

What else to read