Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve. Ussuri Nature Reserve: animals and plants Presentation on the topic Ussuri Nature Reserve

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USSURIYSK STATE NATURAL RESERVE Completed by students of MKOU Secondary School No. 5, city. Nalchik Oganesyan Maryam, Kenetov Nadir Kerefov Damir, Etueva Ilona, ​​Etueva Elina Head: Kandrokova Faina Soslanovna geography teacher

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USSURIYSKY STATE NATURE RESERVE is a specially protected natural area in Russia. The reserve is named after Academician Vladimir Leontyevich Komarov, the largest Russian botanist and flora researcher East Asia. It is created for animals that form part of wildlife. The actual date of foundation of the reserve is considered to be 1934, since then its area has increased significantly, which now amounts to 40.4 thousand hectares.

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The Ussuri Nature Reserve is located on the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the Primorsky Territory. It stretches 40 km in width and 19.5 km in length. The relief of the protected area is flat, only in the east does the low-mountain system of the southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin rise gently, secludedly protecting protected places from climatic adversity.

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The territory of the reserve is part of the Amur-Ussuri climatic region temperate zone s good pronounced features monsoon climate East Asia. Summers are warm and humid, winters are light and moderately harsh.

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The main wealth of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is a fairly large array of virgin coniferous-deciduous forests, of which almost none have survived. Far East, nor in neighboring countries.

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The reserve is playing important role in security rare species animals and plants. The flora of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is very diverse, despite the fact that about 98% of the territory is occupied by mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests. But coniferous-deciduous forests are most common here (42% of the total area). The reserve's workers conducted a study and counted the number of plant species among them: mushrooms - more than 1000, about 820 species of vascular plants, 250 mosses, approximately 200 species of algae, hundreds of lichens. Plants listed in the Red Book remain one of the main values ​​of the reserve. These include yew acumen, true ginseng, prinsepia chinensis, durum juniper, calopanax seven-lobed and dense-flowered pine.

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Since the area is completely covered by forest, it has created excellent conditions for many living creatures. In these places, animals typical of forest areas. Thus, the Ussuri Nature Reserve protects in its palaces 62 species of mammals, more than 160 species of birds, 7 reptiles, 6 amphibians, 12 fish and cyclostomes. There are many invertebrates here, among which 32 species are in the Red Book. In the reserve you can meet the largest beetle in the country – the relict longhorned beetle. Large butterflies also fly here - Maak's tail-bearer, Tankre's brahmea, Saturnia Artemis. The reserve is home to many badgers, wild boars, squirrels, red-gray voles, weasels, and red deer. Birds include woodpeckers (gray and white-backed), buntings (gray-headed and yellow-headed), hazel grouse, black-headed chickadees and white-bellied tits. But it is worth noting that river birds predominate here

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The purpose of creating the reserve is to preserve rare species from extinction, which is why many individuals listed in the Red Book live here. Among the birds, these include the buzzard, mandarin duck, spiny owl, crested honey buzzard, black stork and others. In addition to birds, there are such animals as the Far Eastern forest cat, giant shrew, himalayan bear, East Siberian leopard, sika deer and many others, which are protected by the Ussuri Nature Reserve.

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Ussurian tiger- is one of the most important and unique inhabitants of the reserve. The Ussuri (Amur, Far Eastern) tiger is a subspecies that just recently could have completely disappeared. It is the northernmost tiger. Listed in the Red Book of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and in the Red Book Russian Federation. According to the 2015 tiger census, there are about 540 Amur tigers in the Russian Far East. The Amur tiger is traditionally considered the largest living member of the cat family.

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The Amur tiger is one of the largest subspecies; its fur is thicker than that of tigers living in warm areas, and its color is lighter. Basic coat color in winter time- orange, and the belly is white. This is the only subspecies of tiger, the representatives of which have a five-centimeter layer of fat on their belly, which protects them from the freezing wind in extreme conditions. low temperatures. The body is elongated, flexible, the head is round, the legs are short, and the tail is long. The ears are very short as it lives in cold areas. The Amur tiger distinguishes colors. At night he sees five times better than a human. In the wild, a tiger lives up to 15 years, in captivity just over 20 years. For example, the maximum lifespan of the Amur tiger in captivity was noted by R. Jones and estimated at 26 years.

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The body length of male Amur tigers to the tip of the tail reaches 2.7-3.8 m, females are smaller. Height at withers up to 115 cm, weight 170‒270 kg, in some cases up to 300 kg. An ordinary adult male in nature weighs between 180–270 kg, on average about 200 kg, with a height at the withers of 90–106 cm. A very fast animal, capable of running at a speed of about 80 km/h.

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The Amur tiger is the ruler of vast territories, the area of ​​which for the female is 300-500 km², and for the male - 600-800 km². If there is enough food within its territory, the tiger does not leave its territory. With a shortage of game, the number of cases of tigers attacking large livestock and dogs increases. The Amur tiger is active at night. They mostly hunt alone.

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The Amur tiger is listed in the Red Book of Russia. Measures for its conservation are enshrined in Decree of the Russian Government of August 7, 1995 No. 795 “On the conservation of the Amur tiger and other rare and endangered species of wild animals and plants in the territories of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories.” In April 2007, experts from the World Wide Fund wildlife(WWF) announced that the Siberian tiger population has reached a century high and that the tiger is no longer on the brink of extinction. In July 2010, Russia approved the national Strategy for the Conservation of the Amur Tiger.

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In November 2010, the International Forum on problems related to the conservation of tigers on Earth was held in St. Petersburg, which was attended by representatives of 13 countries in the tiger's habitat (Russia, Thailand, Vietnam, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar and Nepal). During the forum, a global program to restore the tiger population was approved and a declaration on tiger conservation was adopted. In the summer of 2013 Russian geographical society On the initiative of Russian President V.V. Putin, a special Fund was created - the Amur Tiger Center. The Fund will be engaged in preserving and increasing the population of the Amur tiger. It will be financed from extra-budgetary sources. Participated in financing the program charitable foundation"Konstantinovsky". In China, killing an Amur tiger carries the death penalty.

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"Economy of the Far East" - Horse-drawn transport. The main occupation is agriculture. Ship repair workshops (Dalzavod). In 1888, the Suchanskoye deposit was discovered. Sea transport. 22% of the population is engaged in trades: fishing and hunting. Amur Shipping Company and Amur-Ussuri Cossack Flotilla. Transport. Tens of land suitable for economic development.

“Lesson Far East” - Fill out the table. The area is very remote from Central Russia. Far East: features of EGP and natural resources. Lesson objectives: to develop knowledge about the features of the EGP of the region, natural resources. Lesson type: lesson on learning new material. Name the features of the EGP of the Far East. Name the ore minerals of the region. Name the sedimentary minerals. Name the peoples living in the territory of the Far East.

"Alakol Nature Reserve" - ​​Durban Congress. Phenological and hydrological observations are carried out. Animal world. initially amounted to 12,520 hectares, then it was increased to 20,743 hectares. Kazakhstan, carrying out reforms, is confidently among the developed countries peace. Types of protected natural areas. Alakol Gas Processing Plant: river delta Tentek (17423 hectares) and islands of the lake.

“Prioksko - Terrace Reserve” - Here are some of the Russian reserves: Altaisky, Vitimsky, Darvinsky, Kivach, Rdeysky. The forests of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve are mixed, i.e. consisting of coniferous and deciduous species. The most remarkable animal of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve is the bison. Geographical features territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve.

“Natural complexes of the Far East” - Relief. Tundra zone - occupies the northern mainland part of the Far East. Forest zone – occupies most given natural complex. Far East. The Far East has a fairly dense river network. The rivers are fed mainly by rain. Soils. Natural areas; Flora and fauna. In the south, the annual precipitation is 500–1000 mm, and in the north 1000–1600 mm.

“Russian Far East” - Nature Reserves. Population more than 235.6 thousand people. (2005). Sovetskaya Gavan - city Khabarovsk Territory, port special economic zone. Population 580.7 thousand people. (2010). Blagoveshchensk - center Amur region, large shopping mall on the border with China. Up to 100 species of (often rare) birds nest here.

The Ussuriysk Nature Reserve is located in the Primorsky Territory, just 50 km from the city of Ussuriysk and has been known to tourists and scientists since the 10s. XX century. However, for the first 20 years the territory did not have official status, and only in the 30s. The situation changed thanks to the initiative of famous botanists.

Initially natural Park named Suputinsky, in honor of the river of the same name flowing within the boundaries of this region. Then the reservoir and the reserve received other names.

Today the Ussuri Nature Reserve is the most important nature protection zone, where major Scientific research ecosystems


About 60% of the park’s territory is located in the Shkotovsky district, and another 40% in the urban district of Ussuriysk. Overall size reserve - 40 thousand hectares. At the same time, the main zone lies in the southern part of the Przhevalsky Mountains, and also covers the upper reaches of the Komarovka River and the right tributaries of the Artemovka River. At the same time, the topography of the protected land can be called rather low-mountain, although in the northern regions of the park you can find beautiful limestone mountains (for example, the town of Zmeinaya) and caves. In the Ussuri Nature Reserve itself, a non-residential locality- village of Komarovo-Zapovednoye. The nearest active villages are Kamenushki and Kaymanovka.

Kingdom of protected plants

The Ussuri region is famous a large number endemics of the Manchurian complex. Specialists protected area The lower and higher representatives of the flora are regularly studied, and even economically important specimens are studied - fruit, melliferous and medicinal plants.

Almost 99% of the territory of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is occupied by forest plantations. There are a lot of black fir, cedar, spruce, larches, and there are pine trees on the mountains. Among the trees of other groups are poplars and ash, birch and linden, hornbeam and walnut. A special rarity and pride of the reserve are liana forests, which have disappeared in the rest of the Far East.

The most popular plants in this region can be considered eleutherococcus, hazel, honeysuckle, lemongrass, grapes, sedge, and sorrel. There are more than 1000 species of mosses, fungi, algae and lichens.

Animal representatives

The fauna of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is represented by such typical birds and animals as wild boar, wapiti, badger, hazel grouse, bunting, and woodpecker. There are almost twice as many birds, since they prefer broad-leaved and coniferous forests.

There are also many Red Book animals in this natural area: black stork, mandarin duck, relict cockroach, East Siberian leopard, Himalayan bear. The true symbol of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is considered to be the Amur tiger, which, thanks to the efforts of specialists, was able to expand its population. The territory is also home to more than 10 species of fish, several species of reptiles and amphibians. The reserve is distinguished by endangered insects, as well as very large butterflies and beetles. In addition, employees natural area organized special center for little bear cubs who have lost their parents.

“Baikal Nature Reserve” - Listvyanka - Limnological Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Baikal. In the village Baikal environment. There is a lot of precipitation (up to 900 mm per year); winter is snowy. Pribaikalsky national park. Baikal folding. Area 165,724 hectares. The fauna is typically mountain taiga. The flora of the reserve includes 800 species of plants: birch, aspen, cedar, spruce.

“Voronezh Reserve” - The forest area is unique: 133 species of shrubs and trees, more than 900 species of herbs. From tiny shrews to moose, from wren to gravedigger eagle. The Voronezh Nature Reserve was responsible for supplying the animals. Scientific research is carried out on the territory of the reserve from year to year. The activity of the reserve is limited to the protection of beaver, elk and forest.

“Caucasian Nature Reserve” - For every 100 m rise above sea level, the temperature drops by 0.5 degrees. Nature Caucasian Nature Reserve. Of course, the most vulnerable link in natural ecosystems is large mammals. Among the birds, representatives of the orders Passeriformes and Falconiformes predominate. The reserve is located on the border of temperate and subtropical climate zones.

“Specially protected territories” - Article 83. Individuals are obliged to 1) comply with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of specially protected natural territories. Rules for visiting protected areas individuals. Regulatory acts on specially protected natural areas. Section 19. - Rules for visiting specially protected natural areas dated February 2, 2007 No. 44.

“Reserves of the Urals” - What parts of the Urals are known? Bashkir Nature Reserve. Conclusion. Data from 1994. Brown bear. Fill out the table. Hawk. Lynx. It consisted of three sections: Uraltau, South Krak, Pribelsky. Conclusion: Owl. Changes in the nature of the Urals economic activity person. Years of life 1883-1945 Causes of environmental problems.

Ussuri Nature Reserve

About the reserve Ussuriysk State Nature Reserve is a specially protected natural area in Russia. Located to the south. spurs of the Sikhote-Alin, in the Primorsky Territory. The reserve is under the management of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. The main wealth of the Ussuri Nature Reserve is a fairly large array of virgin liana coniferous and broad-leaved forests. The reserve is named after Academician Vladimir Leontievich Komarov, the largest Russian botanist and researcher of the flora of East Asia. He was the first to describe this territory, visiting it in 1913. The reserve was created back in 1932, since then its area has increased significantly, which now amounts to 40.4 thousand hectares.

Climate The territory of the reserve is part of the Amur-Ussuri climatic region of the temperate zone with well-defined features of the monsoon climate of East Asia. The average annual air temperature is 2.5° C. The temperature of the coldest month (January) is on average −17.9° C, the warmest (August) is 19.7° C; the absolute minimum on the soil is 32° C, maximum 60° C. The amount of precipitation varies from year to year from 500 to 1200 mm and averages 700-800 mm. Average annual air humidity is 70-80% (lowest in April-May, highest in July-August).

Flora The reserve is dominated by forest vegetation; the forested area accounts for 40,291 hectares. The most characteristic tree species are Korean pine (Korean cedar), whole-leaved and white fir, Ayan spruce, yellow birch, Amur, Manchurian and Take lindens, Manchurian walnut, etc. In total, 868 species of vascular plants, 252 of bryophytes, and bryophytes were recorded in the reserve. 118 - lichens, 1364 - fungi and 210 species of algae. Rare species listed in the “Red Book of Russia” include hard juniper, true ginseng, calopanax seven-lobed, prinsepia chinensis, dense-flowered pine, pointed yew and tall yew..

Fauna The background animals of the reserve are wild boar, red deer, badger, weasel, squirrel, red-gray vole, hazel grouse, yellow-throated and gray-headed buntings, tits - white-bellied and black-headed chickadees, hoary, white-backed and great spotted woodpeckers. The following are listed in the Red Book of Russia: Amur tiger, East Siberian leopard, mandarin duck, black stork, Ussuri clawed newt. Vertebrates are represented by 62 species of mammals (including those from the Red Book - the giant shrew, Amur tiger, Far Eastern forest cat, sika deer, Himalayan bear, etc.); more than 160 species of birds (among them red-listed species - mandarin duck, black stork, spine-footed owl, hawk buzzard, crested honey buzzard, etc.), 7 species of reptiles, 6 species of amphibians (including the Ussuri clawed newt listed in the IUCN Red List), 12 Species of fish and cyclostomes The world of invertebrate animals is no less rich; 32 species are rare and endangered (Uvarov's grasshopper, narrow-breasted ground beetle, etc.). The largest beetle of Russian fauna - the relict longhorned beetle - lives on the territory of the reserve, large butterflies - Saturnia Artemis, Brahmea Tancra, Maak's tail-bearer, are found here freshwater mollusk- Primorskaya pearl mussel.

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