What does it mean to see gold jewelry in a dream? Why do you dream about a lot of gold? Dream Interpretation of Black Magic Why dream about Decoration according to the dream book

Jewelry and gold items are constant companions of any woman. We decorate ourselves with them every day, and we have a separate set for different clothes. Some people like to have a minimum of jewelry, while others, on the contrary, wear everything that is available at once.

In any case, jewelry gives moral pleasure and increases self-confidence as a female, and for men. After all, a lot of men wear massive rings, chains and bracelets, and most of them prefer silver to gold. But is everything so rosy in dreams? To understand this, you need to answer the question: why do you dream about jewelry?

You don't know where you will find it or where you will lose it

It is believed that a dream in which you are lucky enough to find a precious item comes to financial profit in reality. This applies to all financial areas:

  • Promotion wages, bonus.
  • Concluding a profitable deal, completing the project with a subsequent material bonus.
  • Promotion, which means an increase in salary.
  • A sharp increase in prices for the goods or services you sell.

In addition, it may mean that you will have an option to solve a long-standing problem. Finding and immediately trying on jewelry is a dream for those whose conceit is too great. Of course, you need to love yourself, but don’t turn up your nose, as they say. This is a sign that it is time to come down to earth.

Seeing someone else find jewelry means that you will have a spontaneous meeting with a person who will help you solve problems. Finding jewelry means falling in love.

For a young girl to find a piece of jewelry in a dream means to receive a lot of attention from members of the opposite sex. Perhaps soon you will receive a marriage proposal and get married. It is possible that it was by calculation.

But to see a dream in which your jewelry was stolen suggests that by mistake you can miss the chance to change your life better side. This applies to both the material side of life and the moral, family values. Also possible financial losses And conflict situations. Be attentive, careful and restrained.

It's no secret that jewelry is one of the best and most desirable gifts. Accepting gold jewelry as a gift in a dream means that fortune will smile on you in reality. Having seen such a plot, you can be sure: now is a very favorable time for you, when you can safely ask for a promotion or salary increase. Don't be afraid to try becoming the owner of your own business either.

When figuring out what gold jewelry is for in dreams, it is important to remember their quantity. Those who dream of a lot of jewelry want wealth in reality. If you touched other people's products made of or silver, you will be given enormous responsibility for important event, but you will cope with it brilliantly.

You saw the decorations, but there was no opportunity to touch them - frustration awaits you ahead due to failures in business. But in general, this dream suggests that you need to stop collecting trinkets in your dreams and start acting in reality. Yes, to implement your plans you will have to give your all and even a little more, but the effort expended will pay off with interest.

If you dream of silver jewelry, it means you have protection from evil spirits. It’s not for nothing that this particular metal was considered a talisman by ancient tribes. In addition, silver promises you long years life and excellent health. Finding both gold and silver at the same time means a promotion, and for a girl to see it in huge quantities means marriage.

Diamonds are a girl's best friend

Jewelry made from expensive metals is often inlaid precious stones. If you dreamed of jewelry of this kind, know: the time has come for achievements. You can safely begin to implement your wildest plans and make your dreams come true. Now luck is on your side - believe me, you will succeed.

And the most important thing that the dream book says is that gold jewelry that was found in a dream is a very rare - perhaps the only - chance to fulfill a dream and achieve a goal.

A dream is a fine line between fiction and reality, where information is conveyed not in words, but in images familiar from childhood. They reflect the subconscious: even minor details of dreams can tell about a person or the events taking place in his life. Jewelry is a valuable gift and a sign of wealth. Therefore, when explaining why gold jewelry is dreamed of, dream books give preference to positive aspects, but not without nuances.

Gold is logically associated with money. Rings, earrings, bracelets, chains and other products from noble metal, depending on the situation occurring in the dream, warn of wealth or good luck. But if they are lost, stolen or broken, then the corresponding meaning is given - financial problems and a series of failures.

Signets and rings

The dream in which key role reserved for a wedding ring, traditionally signifies a meeting with fate, but not always. It can also symbolize changes outside of marriage that require responsibility and courage. The loss of such jewelry warns of the onset of the dreamer’s illness or forced separation from both loved ones and the usual way of life. The disappearance of an ordinary ring also promises bad events, but if you manage to find it in a dream, the black stripe will certainly be followed by a white one.

A massive gold ring on a finger speaks of the strength of character and convictions of the dreamer. On a friend’s hand - about reliability, on a stranger - pressure from superiors or others.

But in general, the meaning of dreams with rings is positive- fulfillment of desires and implementation of plans. And if you found jewelry among unnecessary trash, then valuable gifts are expected for the holidays. But the case when the ring is someone else’s suggests that they will be undeserved.

Broken gold items warn of betrayal.

Gold earrings

The interpretation of a dream in which gold jewelry appears as earrings can be ambiguous and depends on many factors, starting with the individuality of the dreamer himself and ending with the plot. For example, if a man dreams of gold earrings, then when he is wearing them, they symbolize self-deception or a “mask” - adapting oneself to the environment to the detriment of individuality. But if the jewelry is on someone else, then you should expect commitment.

Forgotten jewelry reflects a hidden fear of change.

For women, earrings hint at upcoming news and financial independence. As a rule, this is something good, but if jewelry causes discomfort, then such a dream should be interpreted as disturbing. Heavy - promises stress or unprofitable responsibilities. You should also be wary of those dreams where gold ended up on the ears of another representative of the fairer sex or was broken - a sign of gossip and possible dishonesty of the partner.

If you dream about earrings to the expectant mother, then, regardless of the plot, there is a high probability of having a boy.

It is considered a symbol of pure luck if jewelry was found in a dream or suddenly ended up in the palm of your hand. This promises income and success in entrepreneurial activity. And the loss of one of the earrings threatens deception, losses and minor troubles, although it is also a signal from the subconscious: in reality you are missing out on something important.

Chain in a dream

A chain around your neck is not always a burden, especially if it is gold. In the dream, in addition to prosperity, she advises free time with benefit. Large links are classified as good signs, and small ones indicate trouble or a precarious position. The interpretation also depends on the situation:

Cross of gold

A cross in a dream has little to do with religion, but at the same time refers to fateful symbols. If you dream about it, expect to achieve your goals, but be prepared for the fact that you will have to sacrifice something for them. And what you want, most likely, will not come true right away, so be more attentive to what is happening in order to prevent loss in time.

The cross on a gold chain, in turn, is identified with purely labor merits. Dreaming with him symbolizes a promotion, an increase in earnings, or the favor of superiors in the future.

Jewelry with stones

If a piece of gold jewelry is decorated with a precious stone, the planned project will be completed successfully, and troubles will be avoided. Dream Interpretations note that the “level” of success is tracked by the characteristics of the jewelry. How larger stones, all the better. Varieties also leave their mark:

Gold ring with jewelry is related to family life. If it's on the hand of a free one young man, then he will meet his future companion when love already exists - a successful marriage. For married couples, it can predict the imminent appearance of a child. If such a ring is lost in a dream, then separation cannot be avoided. But don’t worry, a disappearance does not necessarily indicate a divorce or breakup - the dream may be a consequence of anxiety about an upcoming business trip.

Large amount of precious metal

In fact, it is not so difficult to determine why gold jewelry is dreamed of. Many precious items in a dream are associated with great luck and profit. Even if the dreamer is not the owner, but holds them in his hands - this is good sign. There is a chance that soon you will be asked to complete an important task for a worthy reward, which will not be difficult to cope with.

According to interpretation Family dream book, an excess of gold metal in a disturbing dream symbolizes financial difficulties and a craving for wealth.

A large inheritance, consisting of a chest or casket filled with gold, indicates the possibility of making good money in reality. Although, do not hope that with awakening, luck will find its way to you and bring wealth to your doorstep. To achieve what you want, you will have to make efforts, skills and considerable patience, which will pay off with the respect of others. But not all interpretations are related to financial well-being, Some dreams partially reflect personality traits:

Whatever the dream about gold jewelry means, you should not take the interpretation seriously or get hung up on negative meaning. There are so many people, so many opinions - the human brain is unique and often puts its own meaning into dreams, far from the descriptions in dream books.

Different images seen in a dream can tell about events of the present and future. The information received will help you avoid different problems, correct mistakes and face trials with dignity. For interpretation, it is important to take into account not only main image, but also other details. Usually gold jewelry only causes positive emotions, and what this symbol means in a dream is worth figuring out.

Why do you dream of gold jewelry?

If gold items were stolen from you in a dream, this is a warning that you should be on guard, because due to your own inattention, the dreamer may miss the chance to change his life for the better. For the fair sex, a dream in which someone gives jewelry means that an arranged marriage awaits her. Finding gold jewelry in a dream is auspicious sign, indicating concomitance in all life spheres. The dream book says that the problem that is this moment It seems like a dead end, but will eventually resolve itself. If you are lucky enough to find gold jewelry, then you can count on advancement in your career or success in business.

A night vision that featured round-shaped jewelry, for example, a chain and or a ring, indicates the existence of a strong connection between people. Massive jewelry is a symbol of the shackles that weigh down the dreamer. Seeing a lot of gold jewelry in a dream means that the dreamer at the moment often dreams of wealth. If the jewelry belongs to another person, but there is an opportunity to touch and try them on, this is an indication that the dreamer is entrusted with a responsible mission. When it is not possible to touch jewelry in a dream, it means that in the future you will have to experience serious grief due to some kind of loss.

The Mayan Indians, because of whom everyone feared the end of the world, believed that gold jewelry seen in a dream was a harbinger of major changes in life. In order for the dream to come true, it is recommended to constantly wear some kind of jewelry on yourself for a week. Gypsies believe that dreams of gold jewelry indicate that the dreamer is a greedy person. If you had to buy jewelry, it means that in reality you can lose close friends because of your own ambitions. If you had to collect gold jewelry in a dream, this is a call to stop thinking and take active action. The dream book says that if you work hard now, you can achieve good results. There is also information that such a dream can be a harbinger of material losses.

If you dreamed of gold jewelry, then you must take into account what exactly it was. For example, a broken chain means the end of a relationship with a person whom the dreamer has known for a long time. A night vision of a gold bracelet foreshadows the occurrence of unpleasant problems that will be associated with the persistent behavior of a person. Precious earrings in a dream are a good sign that promises interesting acquaintances. If a woman had to try on earrings in a dream, it means that she will soon be faced with a situation where she will need to impress someone. Seeing gold jewelry, namely a gold belt, in a dream is a good sign that promises quick wealth. If your clothes were decorated with gold buttons, then you should be on your guard, because on the way to material well-being You may encounter serious deception. The Dream Interpretation does not recommend telling someone about your own plans. For a girl, buying a gold ring is a harbinger of the birth of a son. We dream of wearing precious hair clips mainly before a long trip.

Various things will help you figure out why you dream about gold jewelry. modern dream books. Each interpreter in his work paid attention to such an important symbol from the dream. Under some conditions, gold can be a harbinger of pleasant changes, and under others, it can be a warning of serious problems.

Interpretation from dream books

Miller is sure that gold symbolizes the dreamer's success in all his endeavors. You can take up any business in the near future; it will definitely bring a person large profits and satisfaction.

If similar dream a woman sees, then she should expect the appearance of a rich groom. It is possible that this man will turn out to be greedy and evil. Therefore, before agreeing to marriage, you need to take a close look at your partner and test his ability to overcome difficulties together. If a girl ignores such advice, succumbing to the charm of golden glitter, then in the end she may end up very unhappy.

In his dream, does a person dream of working in a gold mine? This means that in reality he intends to illegally take possession of someone else’s property or fraudulently remove a colleague from a cherished position at work. You will eventually have to pay dearly for such actions.

For interpreter Loff, gold is a symbol of wealth and purity. Had to buy it in a dream? Surely in reality a man or woman loves to demonstrate to others his power, wealth, high social status. It wouldn't be surprising if this type of behavior resulted in fewer and fewer friends staying close over time.

If the dreamer is given a helmet or other headdress made entirely of gold, he will soon be endowed with power. It is very important to use it correctly and not start acting outrageously.

Tsvetkov’s work notes that gold and jewelry made from it are a symbol of falsehood. That's why most of dream plots with him have negative or neutral interpretations. Touching and stroking any gold objects means missed opportunities. Receiving gold as a gift means deception on the part of loved ones. Taking a bite from precious metal small pieces - to success in creativity.

If the sleeper swallows slices of gold, then he will probably have a selfish interest in someone close to him. You need to be able to suppress them in yourself in time in order to preserve your dignity and “human face.”

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