Which cities have military police? The idea of ​​creating a military police turned out to be a failure. Military Police Day

IN Russian Federation, as in other countries, there is a special military police. Its units are designed to protect military personnel of conscript and contract service, as well as all civilians who are at military training camps. Military police is a component and subdivision of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and performs tasks and functions to protect any legal relations in the defense sector. Its tasks include protection and control over compliance with the law in military units, control over military discipline, as well as maintaining law and order at all facilities of the Armed Forces.

Military police units are completed career officers with higher legal education, as well as contract workers. It is still possible to get into the ranks of the military police, even without having completed military service or contract service in the army. However, this is quite difficult to do, since the military police are elite unit RF Armed Forces. Therefore, a competition is usually announced to select candidates for service in the military police. You can learn about it from messages on the website of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, in military commissariats at your place of residence, as well as in the regional departments of the military police of the Russian Federation itself.

Who can become a military policeman?

Recruitment of citizens into the ranks of the military police carried out exclusively for the positions of privates and sergeants. At the same time, the ranks received during military service and contract service in ordinary military units. To become a military policeman, a citizen must meet a number of requirements, both general for contract service and specific to the military police:

  • Be a citizen of the Russian Federation between the ages of 19 and 35;
  • Be at least 175 centimeters tall;
  • Do not have citizenship of foreign countries;
  • have no medical restrictions or contraindications to military service;
  • not have been convicted in the past and not currently act as an accused or suspect in criminal cases;
  • not be a close relative of current military police officers, if in the future his direct subordination to these persons is possible;
  • have completed secondary education;
  • pass all the necessary standards for physical training with a minimum grade of “good”;
  • pass professional aptitude tests with a result of category 1 or 2.

In addition, it is advisable for a candidate to join the military police to have an adult rank in any sport .

If the candidate meets all the criteria and has passed the necessary tests, he will have a final interview with the Commandant of the Military Police. After passing which the new employee will be offered a title and position. They will, first of all, depend on how well he is physically prepared, educated, and also on whether such an employee has a military rank and any achievements.

As mentioned above, lack of military service is not an obstacle to joining the military police. However, its absence will make passing the selection more difficult. Legal education will be a clear trump card for passing the competition, and other things being equal and physical characteristics, preference will be given to the candidate who has already been in the army.

Order of service in the military police

The Charter of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation was approved by Decree of the President of Russia of March 25, 2015 N 161. In accordance with this document, a military policeman of the Russian Federation must perform the functions and exercise the powers of the military police in accordance with the military position he is filling, as well as job description within the territory of the area of ​​responsibility of the military police body in which he serves. Outside this territory, a military police officer can perform functions only in the manner determined by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Each military policeman must have an identification card, a personalized badge and armband. When exercising official powers, he has the right to freely enter the territories and premises of military units, as well as to exercise his powers without a special order. No one other than a military policeman has the right to perform his official duties.

In addition to providing assistance and maintaining law and order among military personnel, a military policeman is obliged to help all persons who have suffered from crimes, administrative offenses or incidents, as well as those citizens who are in a helpless state or in a state dangerous to their life and health.

The military police are vested by the President of Russia with the broadest powers - they must counteract crime and ensure proper order in military units and formations. Military police even have the right to arrest representatives of the FSB if they are suspected of committing crimes. However, the most important function prescribed in the Military Police Charter is the fight against unauthorized military personnel and theft of army property. Military police have the right to conduct surprise inspections in garrisons in order to ensure law and order in their territories.

Military police is a new organ included in

This structure was formed on the basis of units of the commandant service and the military automobile inspection.

The legal component of the functioning of the police forces of the RF Armed Forces is made up of the Law “On Defense” and the Charter, which regulates in detail the functioning of the department.

Chief of Military Police

Since July 25, 2016, this structure has been managed by the head of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, V.S. Ivanovsky, appointed to this post by the President of Russia.

Service in the Russian military police

Russian Military Police Service its purpose is to protect military personnel, both conscript and contract, as well as civilian employees present at the site.

In general, the military department is called upon to ensure law and order and army discipline in the troops, to carry out specialized supervision, control, and permitting actions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation to ensure safe traffic army units, coordinating the activities of military units to ensure safe road movement and security measures at the most important and especially sensitive facilities, garrisons, and military camps.

Purpose and tasks of the military police

The main tasks according to the Regulations on the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation on February 24, 2012, are:

  • implementation, on the basis of separate powers of the Ministry of Defense, of actions strengthening law and order and military discipline in the army, up to and including conducting an unexpected inspection in the garrison;
  • carrying out the development of Russian legislative projects and documents of other regulatory nature, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense and other specialized documentation affecting the functioning of this structure, taking into account the main vectors and links in its development;
  • measures to ensure safe road movement in the troops, actions authorized by the Ministry of Defense for organization and implementation in accordance with Russian legislation special control, supervision, and licensing functions of this sector;
  • measures to ensure the advancement of military units on the roads and escort of military transport, implementation of coordination actions for the functioning of military units to ensure safe road advancement;
  • security measures at facilities of special importance, special-security facilities of the Ministry of Defense, located in places of any closed administrative-territorial entity and places of restricted access for persons of a foreign state, garrison facilities and military camps;
  • carrying out developments and implementing the planned development of the military-police department, optimizing its composition and structure;
  • leadership responsibilities in relation to regional and territorial divisions, control of their functioning;
  • coordination measures of the military-police department during the introduction of general martial or state of emergency regimes, or in certain areas, as well as during a threatening period and during wartime;
  • the use of a quick and coordinated response in the event of aggression against particularly important persons;
  • providing first aid and support to law enforcement and military units in special situations.

Military Police Charter

On March 25, 2015, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree approving military police regulations and with the definition of areas of activity, functions, powers, general composition and procedures in different conditions, new tasks assigned to the military-police structure.

In addition, a special independent anti-corruption examination of the charter was completed.

The most important function of this department, specified in the charter, is to counter the theft of army property.

How to join the military police

How does recruitment work for contract service in the military police?

Recruitment for the service has a certain regularity. Those interested can find out the time and place of recruitment at the military commissariats of their place of residence or at the selection point for contract army service in your region. These contact details are contained on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

You can also find out about this at any regional military police department:
1) In the Khabarovsk department - for the eastern military district.
2) In St. Petersburg - in the western district.
3) In Yekaterinburg - in the central district.
4) In Rostov-on-Don - in the southern district.

They also recruit for the military police every year at job fairs in some city.
When interviewed by the commandant of the military police, the candidate may be offered a vacancy and rank, depending on the education, training of the applicant, the presence of a certain rank and other details.

High security armored vehicle Typhoon-K in service with the military police

If the applicant has not served in the armed forces, then enlisting will be more difficult, for example, in the case of health reasons. The job applicant must have a minimum secondary legal education. Applicants who have served in conscription will still have an advantage in admission.

Military Police Day?

In 2006, the idea was first expressed to create a military police. After much work on the formation of a military police corps, in the summer of 2011, the Minister of Defense announced his intentions to create a military police department at the end of that year. The date of formation of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is considered December 1, 2011.

Military Police Directorate, structure

The Federal Military Police Service has the rights of an independent centralized body, accountable to higher structures and subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation.

This department is subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and its leadership is competent in relation to the composition, structure and number of personnel.

The structure of the military police is formed by:

  • central office;
  • regional offices;
  • territorial offices;
  • disciplinary military units;
  • guardhouses.

The location of territorial divisions is provided close to the location of large military formations. The number of military personnel depends on the number of all personnel distributed in a certain area. In certain cases, separate formations are created in a large unit.

Military police in Syria

Experts note great value Russian military police in maintaining stability in an area liberated from terrorists.

Russian “red berets” are recommended to counteract emerging organized criminal groups in the liberated territory, which does not yet have law enforcement agencies. Military police also take part in escorting humanitarian convoys.

In Syria, Russian “red berets” perform both their usual duties of protecting bases and monitoring the behavior of military personnel, and those unusual for them. The Red Berets carry out operations where other combat units cannot be deployed, including for political reasons, and essentially play the role of peacekeepers.

How many Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

In addition to peacekeeping, military police also have to perform combat functions. For example, a platoon of “red berets”, blocked by superior enemy forces, repelled attacks for several hours without a single loss of its soldiers.

Military police at the Victory Parade in Moscow

In 2018, military police units were the first in their history to take part in the Victory Parade on the main square of the country. The VP military personnel walked along the paving stones both on foot and in a mechanized column.

Formations military police participate in other events of the Ministry of Defense: various exercises, International military-technical forums, International Army Games.

With the same tasks.


IN Russian Empire the functions of the military police were performed by the Separate Corps of Gendarmes (field gendarmerie squadrons and fortress gendarme teams) and units formed during wars, maneuvers and the location of units outside the barracks in the command units themselves - one chief officer, one non-commissioned officer and at least a lower rank from each company, squadron, hundred, battery and command, after the February Revolution of 1917, on March 4, 1917, the Provisional Government decided to abolish the Separate Corps of Gendarmes and security departments, including the gendarmerie police departments of the railways.

Reden N., Through the Hell of the Russian Revolution: Memoirs of a Midshipman. 1914 - 1919 - M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 2006. - P. 64.

On January 31, 2006, the idea of ​​creating a military police in the Russian Federation was put forward by Russian President V.V. Putin - at a press conference in the Kremlin, he stated that “monitoring compliance with the law in the Russian Armed Forces can be entrusted to the military police.”

In December 2009, Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov signed an order to create military police on the basis of the structures of military commandant’s offices and military traffic police, but in the spring of 2010 this decision was canceled.

At the end of 2010, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that “work on creating a military police corps is at the final stage, during which Special attention will be devoted to the formation of a regulatory legal framework...", "Due to the fact that the work being carried out is extensive and provides for the necessary procedure for discussion and approval with interested federal executive authorities, it is planned to be completed during 2011."

In the summer of 2011, Anatoly Serdyukov announced the creation of a military police by the end of the year, which would restore order in the Russian Armed Forces. Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov announced in November 2011 that military police would begin functioning in Russia on December 1, 2012.

The Law on Military Police was adopted by the State Duma on January 24, approved by the Federation Council on January 29, and signed by the President on February 4, 2014. On March 25, 2015, Vladimir Putin approved the Charter of the Military Police of the Russian Armed Forces. One of the main functions of military police will be to ensure military discipline in garrisons.

Since the beginning of 2016, a military police detachment has been providing security for Russian military facilities in Syria and road safety. In December 2016, after the liberation of the city of Aleppo during the Russian Military Operation in Syria, a battalion of military police was transferred there to maintain order in the liberated territories and assist the city authorities of Aleppo in maintaining law and order.

Charter of the Military Police of the Russian Armed Forces

Charter of the Military Police of the Russian Armed Forces, approved by decree Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 25, 2015, determines the directions of activity of this structure, functions, powers, general composition, as well as the procedure for army police in different situations. The charter has undergone an independent anti-corruption examination.

The document says that the military police is a body designed to protect the life, health, rights and freedoms of military personnel and civilian personnel, citizens called up for military training, as well as to maintain law and order in the troops, ensure road safety and protect security personnel. objects.

The military police are vested with broad powers - from combating crime to ensuring discipline in military garrisons. In addition, army police have the right to detain, search military personnel and, if necessary, use physical force against them. The Charter contains a list of situations in which military law enforcement officers are allowed to use special means (baton, handcuffs).

One of essential functions, prescribed in the document, will be the provision of military discipline in garrisons by military personnel of military commandant's offices. According to the charter, military police, formally, with the permission of district commanders, will be able to conduct surprise inspections in garrisons in order to ensure law and order.

The head of the country's Ministry of Defense is authorized to lead the military police. He defines them organizational structure and a number currently amounting to 6.5 thousand people who serve in the specialized headquarters of the Ministry of Defense, four regional military police departments, 142 army and naval military commandant's offices, 39 guardhouses, 2 disciplinary battalions, as well as military traffic police units.

Military police will be trained at military police courses. And in the future, the Military Police Institute may be established in the army. In the meantime, its staff recruits mainly officers with higher legal education.

Military Police Institute

The Military Institute of Physical Education is designed to educate platoon commanders and guardhouse commanders.

The training of military police officers is carried out only as part of advanced training and retraining of officers who have graduated from combined arms, engineering, and command schools.

In the future, it is planned to create a Military Police Institute.

The training of officers for the military police will also be carried out by the newly created military department All-Russian State University of Justice.

Main goals

Military police are created to protect military personnel and civilians who are on military training. In fact, this is one of the divisions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, protecting legal relations in the field of state defense (law and order, protection of military facilities, military discipline and legality).

Main tasks in accordance with the Regulations on the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 24, No. 350:

  • implementation of certain powers of the Ministry of Defense to ensure the strengthening of law and order and military discipline in the Armed Forces;
  • development of draft legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, legal acts of the Ministry of Defense and others official documents on the activities of the military police, taking into account the main directions and stages of its development;
  • ensuring road safety in the Armed Forces, implementing the powers of the Ministry of Defense to organize and implement special control, supervisory and licensing functions in this area in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • ensuring the movement of troops on roads and escort Vehicle Armed Forces, as well as coordination of the activities of troops and military formations on issues of ensuring road safety;
  • ensuring the protection of particularly important facilities of the Ministry of Defense, special-security facilities of the Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, as well as those located on the territory of closed administrative-territorial entities and territories with regulated visits by foreign citizens, garrison facilities and base military camps of the Armed Forces, since 2013 the protection of particularly important facilities of the Ministry of Defense was closed to the military police due to the small staff of the military commandant's offices of the garrisons;
  • development and implementation of plans for the construction and development of the military police, improvement of its composition and structure;
  • management of regional and territorial military police units and control over their activities;
  • coordination of the actions of the military police when a martial law or state of emergency is introduced on the territory of the Russian Federation or in certain localities, as well as during the period of immediate threat of aggression and in wartime.


On June 20, 2013, the Russian Ministry of Defense placed an order for the supply of 919 PB-4SP "Osa" pistols, 3684 "Shield" shockproof kits, 1400 hand grenades RGK-60RD, 420 telescopic folding batons PUS-3T and 3684 batons PUS-2M. total amount The order is about 48 million rubles.

Weapons will be issued to military police only when performing special tasks.

The armored vehicles are a car "" and a mine-protected car "".

  • Structure

    The system of military police bodies consists of a central body (the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation), regional bodies (directorates) created according to the number of military districts, and territorial bodies (directorates) of the military police, as well as military commandant's offices and disciplinary units.

    Regional bodies

    • Regional Directorate of Military Police for the Western Military District (St. Petersburg, Obvodny Canal Embankment, 32).
    • Regional Directorate of Military Police for the Southern Military District (Rostov-on-Don, Budennovsky Ave., 66).
    • Regional Military Police Directorate for the Central Military District (Ekaterinburg, Vostochnaya St., 60).
    • Regional Directorate of Military Police for the Eastern Military District (Khabarovsk, Pavlovich St., 30).
    • Regional Military Police Directorate for Northern Fleet(Severomorsk, Vostochnaya St., 3)

    Central office

    Military Police Recruitment

    Basic qualification requirements for candidates:

    Fitness for military service;

    Age from 19 to 35 years;

    Education not lower than secondary;

    Ability to multitask;

    Stress resistance;

    Learning ability;

    Passing standards in accordance with the requirements of the Manual on Physical Training - NPF-2009;

    Restrictions on the selection of candidates for military service under a contract.

    A citizen of the Russian Federation cannot be appointed to a position in the military police if he:

    Is a suspect or accused in a criminal case;

    Convicted of a crime by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, and also has an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record;

    Submitted false documents or knowingly false information upon entering the service;

    The main condition for working in the military police is health. And if the candidate has a military ID with a mark of unfitness due to health problems, in this case the refusal is obvious. But you can insist on passing a military medical commission, which is very serious (on par with selection at a military school).

    If conditions are equal between two candidates, preference will be given to a man who has already completed military service. A person with excellent physical fitness, skills, good health and legal education who has not yet been to emergency service. That is why selection for positions in the military police is most often carried out among candidates who have already served. Currently, due to the outflow of military police personnel, recruitment for contract service in military commandant's offices has been simplified and is no different from recruitment for contract service in regular military units.

    Head of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

    The military police is headed by the Chief of the Military Police of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, who is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    # Photo Name Notes Authority
    Start Ending

    S.V. Surovikin led the working group of the Russian Ministry of Defense on the creation of military police
    2 A.V. Nechaev
    3 THEM. Sidorkevich Head of the Main Directorate of the Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    V.S. Ivanovsky from 07/25/2016

In 2012, candidates are being selected for military service under a contract in military unit 75384 and other military units of the Western Military District Armed Forces Russian Federation.

Citizens of the Russian Federation aged 19 to 35 years who have served in the army or navy and have at least a secondary (complete) general education can become a candidate for contract military service.

Military unit 75384

Military unit 75384 — a new large military police formation of the Western Military District. The unit is at the stage of recruiting personnel and is located in an equipped town on the territory of the Mosrentgen settlement in Moscow.

Any citizen of Russia who is in the reserve and registered in one of the departments of the Military Commissariat of the city of Moscow can become a candidate for entering military service under a contract in military unit 75384 to fill vacant positions to be filled with soldiers and sergeants. Those wishing to enroll in contract service in military police units and other military units of the Western Military District must apply to the department of the Military Commissariat at the place of residence. It must meet medical, professional and psychological requirements military service.

Today military service is under contract guarantees to the serviceman and his family stability, financial well-being, social benefits. Contract servicemen acquire an interesting profession, the opportunity for self-realization, promotion educational level and confidence in the future.

Citizens selected and accepted for military service, who have entered into a contract and serve in military units, are provided with:

— one-time cash benefit upon concluding a contract;

— salary depending on the military position held, military rank and duration of military service — in the amount of 30,000 rubles per month, while salaries are increased annually by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation;

monetary reward at the end of the year in the amount of 3 salaries for the military position held and military rank;

— provision of clothing and uniforms — more than 30 items;

— basic leave lasting from 30 days to 60 days, depending on the length of service and category of the serviceman;

- monetary compensation for travel to and from the place of vacation for the military man and his family members (family members - wife (husband), children under 18 years of age, other dependent persons of the military man);

— leave for personal reasons for up to 10 days;

— the opportunity to study in civilian educational institutions;

— annual medical examination, free medical care and provision of medicines;

— sanatorium-resort treatment and recreation for military personnel and members of his family in sanatoriums and rest homes of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation;

- service housing, and if it is impossible to provide it, the serviceman is paid monthly monetary compensation for renting living quarters.

After three years participation of a military personnel in the accumulative system Money he has the right to enter into a mortgage and receive a targeted housing loan for the purchase of his own home.

Duration of military service under contract is included in continuous service labor activity, determined upon dismissal from service and resolution of pension and social security issues.

Different from carrying official duties V ground forces. This unit has its own special tasks, in addition, requirements for personnel much higher than that of an “ordinary” applicant for contract service.

Procedure for serving in the military police

Provisions on the procedure for performing military service are concentrated in the Charter. This document most fully regulates the operating conditions of the department.

A military police officer is granted powers in accordance with his position and responsibilities.

The department performs numerous functions: maintaining law and order, patrolling, ensuring road safety (VAI), executing punishment in guardhouses and in disciplinary units, conducting inquiries and others. The fulfillment of certain tasks determines the characteristics of serving in the police.

How to join the military police

Replacement and release of military police positions is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 53-FZ (“On”). This law, in turn, makes reference to the Regulations regulating the procedure for serving.

According to the standards described in the Regulations, a candidate applying for a position must meet the requirements. In particular, in order to enter the service, he must have a certain level vocational training, as well as possess the necessary moral and physical qualities.

The appointment is carried out in such a way that the candidate is involved in his main or single-profile field, taking into account his existing service experience.

You can obtain information about vacancies and submit documents for consideration of candidates at the Main or territorial directorate of the military police. The addresses and telephone numbers of these departments are located in open access on the official website of the Ministry of Defense.

Applicants, especially for officer positions, should remember that special training programs training exclusively in the area in question have appeared recently. The first recruitment took place only in 2017 at the Moscow Command School.

In this regard, everyone who has graduated from similar educational establishments, including engineering orientation, have the opportunity to join the ranks of the police by transfer, however, this will require retraining courses.

Applicants who do not have an officer rank can be awarded the appropriate rank if they have a specialized higher education. For example, candidates with a higher legal education have this opportunity.

The likelihood of being awarded a title, as well as the availability of vacant positions and other more detailed information It is recommended to obtain it from the primary source, namely the territorial departments. There are only 4 of them: St. Petersburg - Western district, Rostov-on-Don - Southern, Ekaterinburg - Central and Khabarovsk - Eastern. The main department is located in Moscow.

Requirements for candidates

The requirements for this military position are higher than those established for candidates entering contract service in the army. For greater clarity, both are shown in the table. Troops are understood to mean ordinary units, with the exception of various special forces and other similar formations, which initially require the highest level of training of employees.

The "Troops" column will use average information, since different branches of the military have different requirements for candidates: a person who does not qualify for the Navy will probably be able to serve in the ground units.

Age19-35 18-40
EducationNot below average higher education, including legal, is welcomeNot lower than general average (11 classes)
HeightFrom 175 cmNo requirements
Sports categoryWelcomeWelcomed, but not required
Presence of medical restrictionsNoGroup A-B
Having a criminal recordNo, including being under investigation as an accused
Presence of relatives in the structure with probable subordinationNoNot identified as a separate requirement
Physical Fitness Exam ScoreFrom 4Compliance with the minimum standards established by the Ministry of Defense for each age group
Result of aptitude tests1-2 categoryPositive result
CitizenshipOnly Russia, no second or dual citizenshipRussia and foreign nationals
FloorMenMen and women

Army or military police

The answer to this question is entirely subjective. There are no unbiased criteria to evaluate the advantages of serving in a particular department. However, when assessing candidates, it is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Readiness to perform full statutory service. Military police are a law enforcement agency within the military. Its employees are direct law enforcers, therefore they must clearly and firmly know the provisions of the statutes, and be prepared to constantly study the laws. In other units performing other functions, for example, on warships, the service is also organized according to regulations, but thorough knowledge is not required, since the tasks of the unit are different.
  • Priority is given to physical training over specialty training. Military police must have high level physical training, this is evidenced by the requirements for candidates. It is even desirable to have a sports rank, so if you want a quieter service and development in a certain specialty, for example, a signalman, there is no need to join the police.
  • Readiness to work in the field of execution of punishment. Perhaps service assignments in the form of guard duty at a guardhouse or disciplinary unit will seem unacceptable.
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