Valentin and Denis Manturov. Stanislav Chemezov entered the business of the Manturov family And this is all about him

Denis Manturov became a millionaire thanks to a successful marriage.

One of the main co-owners of the Financial Systems company was Stanislav Chemezov, the son of Rostec head Sergei Chemezov. He received exactly half the share of the company, the main asset of which is the Gelendzhik boarding house “Primorye”. At the same time, it is known that Primorye is an enterprise controlled by Natalya Manturova, who is reputed to be the country’s chief plastic surgeon and is also the wife of the Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov.

Family to family

It is known that less than a month ago, a significant share of Financial Systems was acquired by the Financial Investments company, which is directly controlled by the head of Rostec, Sergei Chemezov, through the hands of his son. The son of the head of the state corporation also owns almost a quarter of the shares in Gelendzhik Resort Complex - Meridian LLC. And this is not the last asset of Chemezov Jr. He also owns half of the share of the Gelendzhik investment company LLC MIK Rusinvest.

Returning to “Financial Systems”. It became public knowledge that the company was controlled by Cypriot offshore companies. Among them were such companies as Monticello Holdings Limited, Guylen Investments Limited and Questoil Limited. Also, some media reported that the assets of one of the above-mentioned companies are formally owned by a certain Valentin Manturov. If you remember the patronymic of the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade (Valentinovich), then, turning on your wild imagination, you can come to the conclusion that this is, at a minimum, close relative Denis Valentinovich.

What will happen to Primorye

As reported in open sources, it is planned to spend 2 billion rubles on the reconstruction of the Primorye boarding house, or more precisely, its expansion. One can guess what “expansion” is, knowing that the Druzhba sanatorium is located next to the boarding house. This is a specialized medical institution for deaf and mute people. So, the owners want to build a hotel complex and a medical center on this site. They say that this will be the Kuban branch of the Moscow Institute plastic surgery and cosmetology. And Natalya Manturova owns this organization. So the plans for transformations in Gelendzhik look quite logical. But it’s unclear where the deaf and dumb will go. But this, apparently, is no longer so important. As they say, business is business.

Ministerial "mantra"

I can tell a long story about Minister Manturov and his family. Moreover, not so much about his backbreaking work in the ministerial field, but about his successful, although not indisputable, business projects. Thus, it is known that the aforementioned Natalya Manturova owns wine-growing lands in the Kuban. In particular, she is the owner of the Mantra company. According to various sources, it has at its disposal from 100 to 300 hectares of agricultural land on which grapes are grown. How Natalya Manturova suddenly became the owner of a simply “golden” piece of land in the Russian granary, one can only guess. But evil tongues have already managed to speculate that administrative resources helped such a profitable acquisition.

After all, if the husband is a minister, how can one not take advantage of the situation!

But something else is interesting here. The official founders of “Mantra” (by the way, the name is painfully consonant with one famous surname) are - attention - the companies Quesoil Ltd and Guylen Investments Ltd. If anyone has read this material carefully, they will immediately draw the right conclusions. These are the same offices that are associated with the “Financial Systems” of the same Manturovs! And another interesting information - both Cypriot companies replaced the “post” of the owners of “Mantra” with another - Monticello Holdings Limited.

The last offshore company controls a stake in the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant. And at the end of the distant 1997, Natalya Manturova’s father, Evgeny Kisel, took ownership of part of the shares of this particular aircraft plant. And, moreover, the deputy head of the enterprise was appointed at the same time - not yet the Minister of Industry of the Russian Federation - but already Kisel’s son-in-law Denis Manturov. The main thing is not to study, but to marry well! Denis Valentinovich was married very successfully (good always sticks to good).

An unknown young sociologist, after marrying the daughter of a major Russian industrialist, began to take simply gigantic steps towards career ladder. Denis Manturov became the director (still commercial) of the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M.L. Mil. Then Manturov becomes one of the youngest Russian ministers. At the intermediate stage, he had the position of Deputy Minister of Transport, and exactly a year later the country received a new head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

But this would not be Russia if Manturov, having exchanged the post of plant manager for an bureaucratic suit, honestly left all his assets. Why, if there are relatives and, in particular, a beloved wife! All the income Manturov previously earned was transferred to her. And the fattest pieces of personal wealth, naturally, were transferred outside the borders of their beloved Motherland. A lot can be said about the affairs of Manturov, his wife, and his father-in-law. Because of this, one thing is not surprising: financially, the family is not only thriving, it is simply fragrant. As evidence, we can cite data from the authoritative (especially in terms of counting other people’s wallets) Forbes magazine.

So, the income of the Manturov spouses for last year, according to the minister’s declaration, amounted to almost 150 million rubles. Of course, Natalia Manturova is the queen of plastic surgery. But to earn that kind of money?! Even with known prices for surgical “plasty,” this is unlikely. Even if we add the official ministerial salary to income, the figure turns out to be very impressive. Although... having real estate and land under this real estate, even such an influential spouse in the political and economic aspect - why not?

Denis Valentinovich Manturov – Head of the Department of Social Technologies, Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Manturov is an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Denis Valentinovich Manturov was born on February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. Nothing is known about the nationality, as well as about the height of the future official. Mom worked as a housewife, father held the serious post of Komsomol secretary and deputy chairman of the city executive committee. Previously, the man was a naval cadet.

While Denis was at a young age, Valentin Ivanovich received an education in the field foreign trade and then a position abroad. The parents took their son and went to Bombay. It was here that the elder Manturov was offered a job. Denis's father worked as director of the Soviet cultural center. In Bombay, the future minister met his first and only love - Natasha.

The girl lived in the city and studied at the embassy school. Natasha’s father was Evgeny Kisel, who held a post in the representative office of Aeroflot airline. The children quickly found mutual language, and later the parents decided to become family friends.

Already in 1980, the head of the Manturov family changed jobs. The man worked as an embassy adviser and head of a cultural center in Colombo. In addition, Valentin Ivanovich represented the country at the UN.

Soon Denis Manturov returns to his homeland and enters Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Sociology. In 1994 young man awarded a diploma of higher education. He didn't plan to stop there. Fate brought Denis Valentinovich to graduate school at his alma mater. Thus, in 1997, Manturov became a candidate of economic sciences.

Denis Manturov and politics

While Denis's father continued to build diplomatic career, the son went into the service of his father-in-law Evgeniy Kisel, who organized the Aerorepkon company. The company sold air tickets and collaborated with the country's main airline, Aeroflot. Denis Manturov became Kisel's deputy.

In addition to working at Aerorepkon, the future official developed his own business. Denis became the owner of the Bell Line Center Stolichny company. It was Manturov who was appointed dealer in 1996 mobile operator Beeline. Thanks to various techniques, the entrepreneur managed to connect about 4,500 subscribers over the course of several years.

Next, Denis Valentinovich followed in the footsteps of his relative into the industrial sector. The man was appointed manager and commercial director of the enterprises. Manturov spoke at professional forums. But big number intermediaries led to a reduction in company profitability.

In 2007, Denis Manturov’s talent was noticed by the government. A 38-year-old man is invited to the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. So it began political career businessman. Denis Valentinovich was involved in the activities of the chemical-technological and defense complexes, pharmaceuticals, and customs and tariff policy.

The official was included in the government commission, which was involved in preventing the bankruptcy of major companies and enterprises. After switching to public service Denis Manturov had to give up leading own business. He transferred some of the companies to his wife, and sold the rest.

Minister Denis Manturov

For a long time, Denis Manturov’s biography included only leadership positions. But already in 2012 they decided to make the official acting. heads of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and a few months later they introduced Denis Valentinovich as the new Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

In addition, members of the Rostec state corporation made Manturov chairman of the supervisory board. The civil servant has done a lot in this position. Denis Valentinovich began to fight counterfeit products and punish entrepreneurs who produce products not in accordance with GOST.

In 2016, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was again appointed chairman of the board of directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC. This industry, according to Manturov, requires close attention. Denis Valentinovich believes that the sanctions benefited Russia, since many enterprises were organized for the production of food, medicine and other goods. The industry is beginning to increase capacity.

Personal life of Denis Manturov

Denis Valentinovich did not hesitate and invited his old friend Natasha to marry. This event happened immediately after graduating from university. The girl at that time was already working as a doctor in the field of cosmetology. A few years after marriage, Natalya opened the Lancet private clinic. Over the years, the company expanded and the number of aesthetic medicine centers increased.

After Denis received a position in government agencies, the man transferred control of most assets to his wife. Among them is a sanatorium in Gelendzhik and other enterprises. The official's wife is a versatile person. A woman attends social events, studies social activities. Natalya heads the specialized department at the Medical University named after. Nikolai Pirogov. In addition, the woman was appointed head of the ethics committee of the Russian Society of Surgeons.

Denis Manturov and Dmitry Medvedev

The Manturov couple is raising two children – daughter Lionella and son Evgeniy. A scandal occurred with the girl, born in 1998, a few years earlier. IN in social networks Information appeared that the parents gave the princess a grand celebration in an expensive Moscow restaurant. According to journalists' estimates, the celebration cost the parents 500 thousand dollars.

Denis Valentinovich later stated that Lionella was present at a friend’s party, and not at personal day birth. The girl studied at Moscow State University, like her father. Manturov’s daughter graduated from school in Italy. The girl planned to move to permanent place residence in London.

Little is known about Evgeniy's son. The young man graduated from gymnasium No. 1529 named after. A.S. Griboyedov, later entered MGIMO. In addition, Evgeniy studied in Switzerland. Owns Chinese, enjoys sports, including boxing. Photos of Denis Manturov's children are published on the pages of glossy magazines.

Denis Manturov now

Now Denis Manturov continues to work as Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. But the official’s activities are not limited to this. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade participates in television programs, where he talks about the work of the ministry and further steps to develop industry and trade within the country. Manturov has a hoarse voice.

Besides Money, Denis Manturov owns six cars, including Land Rover, Moskvich-412, VAZ 2103, Lada Vesta, GAZ-21, Moskvich-408. Along with this, Denis Valentinovich has land plot, apartment.

On March 18, 2018, the Russian presidential elections took place, in which Vladimir Putin again won. Immediately after taking office, Putin again offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. May 18 new line-up government of the Russian Federation was announced to journalists. Denis Manutrov retained his position as head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Positions of Denis Manturov

1998-2000 - Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant
2000-2001 - Commercial Director JSC "Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil"
2001-2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation"
2003-2007 - CEO OJSC United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom
2007-2008 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
2008-2012 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
2012-present - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

After the reformatting of the government, Denis Manturov became the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, who since February of this year - after the departure of Viktor Khristenko - has been acting minister

Like many members of the new cabinet of ministers, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov is a millionaire.

His income for 2011 amounted to 72.6 million rubles. He owns an apartment (497 sq. m.), a Porsche 911 Turbo Coupe, a Porsche Cayenne Turbo, four parking spaces, and three plots of land for rent. The minister's wife has an income of 2.5 million rubles, she has a plot of land, a house and a Bentley Continental CT car.

In 2010, Manturov earned 12.37 million rubles, and his wife - 56.78 million rubles. In 2011, Manturov’s income increased due to the sale of an apartment and cars.

Denis Manturov was born on February 23, 1969, in Murmansk, in the family of Valentin Manturov, a graduate of the Murmansk Nautical School, former first Secretary of the Murmansk City Komsomol Committee, who then held the post of Deputy Chairman of the Murmansk City Executive Committee. Soon after the birth of his son, Valentin graduated from the All-Union Academy of Foreign Trade and began a diplomatic career.

In 1976, the family moved to India, where the father of the future Minister of Industry and Trade received the post of director of the Soviet cultural center in Bombay. In the late 1980s, Valentin Manturov served as first secretary Permanent Mission USSR to the UN and Advisor to the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Sri Lanka - Director of the House of Science and Culture in Colombo. At the same time, the father of Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Khloponin, Gennady, worked as a translator in Sri Lanka.

While still in Bombay, the Manturovs began to be friends with the family of Aeroflot representative in India and Sri Lanka, Evgeniy Kisel. Kisel's daughter Natalya and Denis Manturov studied at the same school in India and continued to be friends when they went to Moscow to receive higher education.

Under the patronage of father-in-law

In 1994, Denis Manturov graduated from the sociological department of Moscow State University, and Natalya completed her residency in plastic and reconstructive surgery at the Russian State Medical University. Soon after graduation, Denis and Natalya got married.

Valentin Manturov continued his diplomatic career, heading the Russian National Tourist Office in New York, but Evgeny Kisel returned to Russia and decided to go into business. Using old connections, Kisel, together with Aeroflot, created a joint company Aerorepkon, which began selling air tickets.

He made his young and energetic son-in-law Denis Manturov his deputy. But soon Kisel switched to another business: he began organizing the export of MI-8 helicopters produced at the aircraft plant in Ulan-Ude to India, Sri Lanka and China, where he had many connections from his previous work. Aviation plant workers have repeatedly noted that these contracts were unprofitable for the enterprise.

Manturov worked at Aerorepcon and at the same time ran his own business. He created the Bell Line Center Stolichny company, which in 1996 became one of the first dealers of the Beeline cellular operator and in a few years connected about 4,500 subscribers.

Bell Line Center Stolichny even made an attempt to become a competitor to Beeline in the market mobile communications, having agreed to create own operator satellite communications "Inmarsat", which would use the infrastructure of the state enterprise "Morsvyazsputnik". But the project ended in failure, since satellite communications were much more expensive than cellular communications.

Industry Consolidator

In 1997, Denis Manturov became a candidate of economic sciences, defending a dissertation on the topic “Socio-economic analysis of investment activity in the regions of Russia”, and was engaged in the helicopter business. At the end of 1997, Kisel managed to collect a stake in OJSC Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant and lobby for the appointment of his 28-year-old son-in-law as deputy general director of the enterprise.

In 2000, Manturov became commercial director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L.Mil.” Employees of the enterprise at professional forums recall that during the period of Manturov’s work, the export contracts of the cost center were revised, and intermediaries appeared in new contracts between the customer and the plant, which reduced the income of the enterprise.

During the same period, Denis Manturov registered a patent for the invention of a “helicopter blade tip.”

In 2001, Manturov became deputy chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State Investment Corporation (Gosinkor), which owned a number of defense enterprises.

In 2004, he was appointed general director of OJSC United Industrial Corporation (Oboronprom), created by Rosoboronexport and Gosinkor, whose task was to create a helicopter manufacturing holding.

Since 2004 - member of the board of directors of OJSC Sukhoi Design Bureau and OJSC Kurganmashzavod, since 2005 - chairman of the board of directors of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M.L. Milya" and member of the board of directors of OJSC Kamov.

In 2007, Denis Manturov was appointed Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, in charge of the defense complex, chemical-technological complex, pharmaceuticals and customs and tariff policy. He also became a member of the government commission to ensure the implementation of measures to prevent bankruptcy of strategic enterprises and organizations.

After leaving for the civil service, Manturov got rid of part of his business assets. Bell Line CJSC, Bell Line Center Stolichny CJSC and Klimant LLC, which sold spare parts for helicopters, were liquidated.

Part of the assets associated with the former Black Sea sanatorium of Oboronprom - Primorye, located in the center of Gelendzhik - was transferred to his wife Natalya Manturova and the company Financial Systems LLC. The owner of the latter is the Cyprus offshore Monticello Holdings Limited, which controlled a stake in the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant and the Kirov-based JSC Lepse (produces electrical equipment for the aviation industry).

In May 2010, Financial Systems LLC submitted an application to the FAS to increase its share from 29.3% to 78.81% in Lepse OJSC, but was refused.

Also, according to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Denis Manturov, together with a number of top managers of the Moscow Radio Engineering Plant, owned Tenth Dimension LLC, which, through its subsidiaries, was engaged in leasing MRTZ premises for offices.

Beauty business

The business of Natalia Manturova, who received a diploma in maxillofacial and plastic surgeon, is also associated with government agencies.

In 1999, her father Evgeny Kisel helped her open her first plastic surgery clinic, Lancet. Medical Center located on the basis of Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Presidential Administration. Lancet clients are sent to the Black Sea sanatorium Primorye, which is controlled by the Manturov family, to undergo a rehabilitation period after cosmetic surgery.

In 2009, Natalya created Delight M and B LLC, which owns the Delight-Lancet clinic of minimally invasive aesthetic surgery and cosmetology. In December 2011, she registered the Lancet-31 plastic surgery clinic, which should begin operating at the capital’s city hospital No. 31.

Natalya Manturova is actively involved in social work: She chairs the ethics committee Russian society plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgeons and heads the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Aesthetic Medicine and Cell Technologies of the Faculty of Advanced Training of Physicians of the Russian State Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogova.

Denis Valentinovich Manturov – Head of the Department of Social Technologies, Faculty of Sociology, Moscow State University, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Manturov is an active state adviser of the Russian Federation, 1st class.

Denis Valentinovich Manturov was born on February 23, 1969 in Murmansk. Nothing is known about the nationality, as well as about the height of the future official. Mom worked as a housewife, father held the serious post of Komsomol secretary and deputy chairman of the city executive committee. Previously, the man was a naval cadet.

While Denis was at a young age, Valentin Ivanovich received an education in the field of foreign trade and then a position abroad. The parents took their son and went to Bombay. It was here that the elder Manturov was offered a job. Denis's father worked as the director of a Soviet cultural center. In Bombay, the future minister met his first and only love - Natasha.

The girl lived in the city and studied at the embassy school. Natasha’s father was Evgeny Kisel, who held a post in the representative office of Aeroflot airline. The children quickly found a common language, and later the parents decided to become family friends.

Already in 1980, the head of the Manturov family changed jobs. The man worked as an embassy adviser and head of a cultural center in Colombo. In addition, Valentin Ivanovich represented the country at the UN.

Soon Denis Manturov returns to his homeland and enters Moscow State University. at the Faculty of Sociology. In 1994, the young man was awarded a diploma of higher education. He didn't plan to stop there. Fate brought Denis Valentinovich to graduate school at his alma mater. Thus, in 1997, Manturov became a candidate of economic sciences.


While Denis’s father continued to build a diplomatic career, his son went to serve his father-in-law Evgeniy Kisel, who organized the Aerorepkon company. The company sold air tickets and collaborated with the country's main airline, Aeroflot. Denis Manturov became Kisel's deputy.

In addition to working at Aerorepkon, the future official developed his own business. Denis became the owner of the Bell Line Center Stolichny company. It was Manturov who was appointed dealer of the cellular operator Beeline in 1996. Thanks to various techniques, the entrepreneur managed to connect about 4,500 subscribers over the course of several years.

Next, Denis Valentinovich followed in the footsteps of his relative into the industrial sector. The man was appointed manager and commercial director of the enterprises. Manturov spoke at professional forums. But the large number of intermediaries led to a reduction in the profitability of companies.

In 2007, Denis Manturov’s talent was noticed by the government. A 38-year-old man is invited to the post of Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Thus began the political career of a businessman. Denis Valentinovich was involved in the activities of the chemical-technological and defense complexes, pharmaceuticals, and customs and tariff policy.

The official was included in the government commission, which was involved in preventing the bankruptcy of major companies and enterprises. After moving to public service, Manturov had to give up running his own business. He transferred some of the companies to his wife, and sold the rest.


For a long time, Denis Manturov’s biography included only leadership positions. But already in 2012 they decided to make the official acting. heads of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, and a few months later they introduced Denis Valentinovich as the new Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

In addition, members of the Rostec state corporation made Manturov chairman of the supervisory board. The civil servant has done a lot in this position. Denis Valentinovich began to fight counterfeit products and punish entrepreneurs who produce products not in accordance with GOST.

In 2016, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade was again appointed chairman of the board of directors of United Shipbuilding Corporation JSC. This industry, according to Manturov, requires close attention. Denis Valentinovich believes that the sanctions benefited Russia, since many enterprises were organized for the production of food, medicine and other goods. The industry is beginning to increase capacity.

Personal life

Denis Valentinovich did not hesitate and invited his old friend Natasha to marry. This event happened immediately after graduating from university. The girl at that time was already working as a doctor in the field of cosmetology. A few years after marriage, Natalya opened the Lancet private clinic. Over the years, the company expanded and the number of aesthetic medicine centers increased.

After Denis received a position in government agencies, the man transferred management of most of his assets to his wife. Among them is a sanatorium in Gelendzhik and other enterprises. The official's wife is a versatile person. A woman attends social events and is engaged in social activities. Natalya heads the specialized department at the Medical University named after. . In addition, the woman was appointed head of the ethics committee of the Russian Society of Surgeons.

The Manturov couple is raising two children – daughter Lionella and son Evgeniy. A scandal occurred with the girl, born in 1998, a few years earlier. Information appeared on social networks that the parents gave the princess a grand celebration in an expensive Moscow restaurant. According to journalists' estimates, the celebration cost the parents 500 thousand dollars.

Later, Denis Valentinovich stated that Lionella was present at a friend’s party, and not at a personal birthday. The girl studied at Moscow State University, like her father. Manturov’s daughter graduated from school in Italy. The girl planned to move to London permanently.

Little is known about Evgeniy's son. The young man graduated from gymnasium No. 1529 named after. , later entered MGIMO. In addition, Evgeniy studied in Switzerland. He speaks Chinese and enjoys sports, including boxing. Photos of Denis Manturov's children are published on the pages of glossy magazines.

Denis Manturov now

Now Denis Manturov continues to work as Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. But the official’s activities are not limited to this. The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade participates in television programs, where he talks about the work of the ministry and further steps to develop industry and trade within the country. Manturov has a hoarse voice.

In addition to cash, Manturov owns six cars, including Land Rover, Moskvich-412, VAZ 2103, Lada Vesta, GAZ-21, Moskvich-408. Along with this, Denis Valentinovich owns a plot of land and an apartment.

On March 18, 2018, they took place, in which Vladimir Putin won again. Immediately after taking office, Putin again offered the position of prime minister to Dmitry Medvedev. On May 18, he was announced to reporters. Denis Manutrov retained his position as head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

  • 1998-2000 - Deputy General Director of the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant
  • 2000-2001 - Commercial Director of OJSC Moscow Helicopter Plant named after M. L. Mil
  • 2001-2003 - Deputy Chairman of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Investment Corporation"
  • 2003-2007 - General Director of OJSC United Industrial Corporation Oboronprom
  • 2007-2008 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation
  • 2008-2012 - Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
  • 2012-present - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

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