How to write a story about yourself. Tell me about yourself for a beauty pageant. Example. The position of commercial director involves

The interview process is an exciting and challenging task.

An employer or an employee from the human resources department will ask, and you must answer quickly and confidently. Your direct task is to sell yourself at the interview, which means to prepare in advance. Therefore, it is important to understand what to say in an interview when asked to tell about yourself.

As a rule, all questions already have the necessary answers that the employer wants to hear..

However, there are those who can reveal your Creative skills and show your personality. Often, interviewers are asked to tell about themselves.

Or, for example, you will be asked the question: “You are going to work, suddenly you are called by best friend who needs help. Your actions?" How to answer such questions?

This question is very insidious, here they want to determine your responsibility and moral values.

The answer should be something like this: “Of course, this question is very sensitive. I can't quit my job, but I can't leave a friend in need either. Therefore, if I have enough time before the start of the working day, I will help a friend and go to work.

If not, then I will connect my friends and relatives who will save a friend, and I will be able to work without harming the company. With this answer, you will show your responsibility for work and demonstrate positive moral qualities.

If the employer asks you to tell about yourself, then in this situation you need to concentrate and collect your thoughts. Self-presentation is much more difficult than answering ordinary questions. Here you need to think very carefully about what to tell about yourself at a job interview.

Consider the response plan in more detail. Where to start, how to please the employer at the interview and present yourself correctly.

What should be said?

  1. introduce yourself.
  2. How to present yourself in an interview? You can just give your first and last name. If the position is status, then you should also add your middle name. For example, my name is Petrova Irina/Petrova Irina Vladimirovna.

  3. Personal data.
  4. It's worth saying your age marital status and place of residence. For example, I am 23 years old this moment I live in Magnitogorsk, I am not married.

  5. Education.
  6. In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, received a bachelor's degree in pedagogical education. In 2012, she attended advanced training courses in the same specialty.

  7. Goals.
  8. Since childhood, I dreamed of becoming a teacher, I have 3 younger sisters Therefore, I have a love for children from an early age. 5 years of study at the university proved that this is exactly my profession, here I can reveal all my positive traits. I believe that the creative abilities that I developed in music school, help me build the learning process in an interesting and exciting way.

  9. Personal characteristic.
  10. me since school years consider purposeful, responsible and active. I believe that these qualities are necessary for professional teacher. I love to take part in scientific conferences, where I can reveal my research abilities, I am also a frequent guest of creative events. It is here that you can relax and show musical and theatrical qualities.

  11. Hobby.
  12. For example, in the evenings, to calm the soul, I like to play the piano.

  13. Outcome.
  14. For example, I think that's all I would like to talk about. I will be glad to hear your questions.

The above items are given as an example, they can be interchanged and add your own items. Also, self-presentation can be creative and differ radically from this plan.

What to say about education?

First of all, it is necessary to state the main higher education or one that matches the proposed position.

Then you can talk about the additional education received or about the passage of courses or seminars.

You can also mention competitions, conferences or olympiads in which you took part during your studies.

It is especially good if there are certificates or commendations from competitions where the topic is related to the future position.

What to say about qualities?

Of course, it is worth noting only their positive sides, for example, purposeful, easy to train and everything related to work. However, you can mention your shortcomings and others that can be turned into advantages.

For example, to say that I am an insane perfectionist and I hate being late for work and do my work carefully, I don’t know how else.

What to say about skills?

Here it is worth talking about your best qualities that can be useful at work. For example, fast typing on the keyboard, a confident PC user, fluency in English.

You can name any skills, as long as they are relevant when interviewing for a position.

What to tell about achievements?

Talk about your personal achievements, what you achieved in your last job. For example, in two years I went from a courier to a sales manager. Also mention achievements in self-government.

For example, long time could not wake up early in the morning, overcame his desire and after 21 days woke up easily every morning, even on weekends.

What to say about goals?

Present the goals in a "beautiful" color.

For example, say that all your life you have seen how your parents suffer from lack of money and dreamed of prosperity in order to provide them with a peaceful old age.

Therefore, the school emphasized profile subjects, then successfully graduated from the university in the chosen specialty, attended seminars and now apply for the desired position.

And you can say with confidence that you have made every effort to achieve your goal.

It is worth talking about real goals, it is not worth "hovering in the clouds" and talking about unattainable heights.

What to tell about a hobby?

Speaking of hobbies, gotta do right choice from many hobbies. The most advantageous option is sport, which characterizes you as a purposeful and active person who is not afraid of difficulties and has a competitive spirit.

How to tell about yourself if you have no work experience?

What to tell about yourself at an interview without work experience? If you haven't worked anywhere before, don't worry! Be confident and talk about your strengths and accomplishments during educational process. I think they should impress the employer.

Many candidates ask: what to tell about yourself at the interview? A similar question can be considered on the example of how to present yourself at an interview.

Telling about yourself at the interview, example:

“My name is Marina Ivanova. I am 26. I live in Moscow. Single. In 2011 she graduated from the Faculty of Economics State University. Training and work experience in this field convinced me that I chose this specialty for a reason. I want to work as a marketer in your company, as the vacancy provides not only analytics, but also product promotion. For me it has great importance application of the English language.

I believe that I am good at preparing promotions that lead to the attraction of buyers, as I am creative and sociable. I like to set professional goals and achieve them!”

So that the employer’s request does not take you by surprise, an example of a story at an interview: “Tell me about yourself” can be downloaded just below.

We hope that now the employer’s request: “Tell us a little about yourself” will not confuse you, you understand that you can tell about yourself at the interview and how to present yourself correctly. Now let's talk about what is not included in the range of aspects of your life that the employer is interested in.

We also suggest that you watch the video on how to sell yourself in an interview.

What is better to be silent about?

Employers are generally not interested in your material values, for example, the presence of living space or jewelry. The success of parents and relatives is also not interesting.

What is the best thing not to talk about?

First of all, do not give too personal information, the employer is not interested in your problems, he is also not interested in children's successes and achievements that are not related to the chosen position. Also, don't talk negatively about yourself. past work or former colleagues. Do not forget that you may be asked not very pleasant questions.


I would like to note that even knowing how to correctly tell about yourself at an interview, you should not forget about your own. Going to the interview, choose the business style that looks the most advantageous. Makeup is modest, in pastel colors. It is advisable to collect hair or do a discreet styling.

Getting a dream job is hard, but interesting process. You just need to prepare for the interview and approach this issue seriously and responsibly, studying the activities of the company and preparing a successful and “speaking” self-presentation. Remember, everything is in your hands! Especially since now you know what to tell about yourself at the interview.

How often do we hear a request - tell us a little about yourself ... Yes, who knows better about us than ourselves! But here many with a story about themselves big problems. So, today we are figuring out what to write about ourselves in various documents, instances and situations.


As a rule, on every job search site, there is an electronic form where you just have to fill in the boxes in accordance with your documents. You get a pretty decent resume. What to write about yourself if you write a resume yourself? It is necessary to follow some rules. First, clearly write the main information about yourself: last name, first name, patronymic, year of birth or how old you are, the purpose of submitting your resume, what position you are applying for.

Then you need to write where you received your basic education, in what years, at which university. And only then should you proceed to the presentation of a working biography. Start from the place where you currently work and gradually reach your first workplace. But you must not only write where and by whom you worked, but also indicate the exact period of work and briefly state your main responsibilities.

After such a story, it remains for you to add information about additional education(courses, programs, seminars, trainings), your skills (driving a car, computer proficiency, list the programs in which you work, etc.), as well as your qualities - sociability, creativity, impulsiveness, learning ability and much more other.

What not to write about

No need to write about what is not relevant to the case, that is, to your future position. For example, that you dance well is not at all what you can write about yourself in your resume, applying for the position of assistant secretary. “I cook well and am attentive to people” - it will come in handy on a dating site, and not in a resume. Please note that a resume is not a letter to a friend, you should not end it with the words “I hope for further fruitful cooperation and look forward to hearing from you.” Just state the contact information at the end of the document, these are telephones, email addresses, fax, skype, ICQ.


When the decision on your employment has already been made, then in the personnel department at the time of registration you may be asked to write an autobiography. This is the same summary, but a little shorter. They begin it like this: “I, Sidorov Ivan Petrovich, was born in the village of Borisovka Sverdlovsk region, finished there high school... "And very briefly, without emotion, state your life story, with an emphasis on labor activity. Write about your accomplishments in your previous job. By the way, write how many children you have and what age, if spouse, so that the employer can plan some non-material incentives for you.

Meeting website


A very popular means of communication in recent times becomes Twitter. What to write about yourself here, you need to think very carefully, because the number of characters in one tweet (message) is only 140 characters. The second feature of communication on Twitter is the public availability of everything you write on your wall, regardless of who you write your tweet to. When you decide what to write cool about yourself, think carefully. Remember that more than 500 million Internet users registered in this system can learn about your affairs.

When it comes to writing about yourself or your company creative people a real crisis is coming. This crisis is nothing compared to the fear clean slate or lack of music.

Don't make faces

Most writers don't think of anything better than starting a text with an apology. Like, forgive me for writing about my beloved / beloved. Someone adds that he squeezed this text out of himself drop by drop, so it will be as difficult to read it as it was to write. Another, for some reason more common to men, begins the narrative with a pseudo-joyful greeting from a fantasy novel of the late eighties: "Greetings, a stranger surfing the Internet, on my site ...". And someone will not write anything at all about themselves, leaving the potential client to suffer in doubt: is this not just another "scam".

Don't make these mistakes. Do not write a text about yourself embarrassed and blushing or, conversely, puffed up with pride. To correctly write about yourself or your company, imagine that this is, first of all, a “regular” selling text. A text in which a potential customer will find confirmation of your experience and once again make sure that you can do business with.

Tell about yourself in the third person

At first, it will be unusual for you to write about yourself in the third person, but after five minutes you will get comfortable and start writing the right way. To make things easier for yourself, imagine that you are writing a story about a person who is very similar to you. This person, you the protagonist story. Now tell the reader about your hero's past, show his goals, explain his actions, draw his desired future.

With this approach, you will write copy that will help your potential customers like you.

As soon as you establish cooperation with other freelancers, say, a designer and a programmer, post information about them on this page. Stick to the existing style of presentation.

Post your photo or video

People want to communicate with people. They do not like to interact with the site, no matter how beautiful and modern it is. Post your photo and be sure to indicate your profession or position.

Do not post photos of children, photos that do not show the face, photos with pets (unless you are writing about pets) and with children (unless, again, you are writing about children), this is bad manners. If you are well-known in your niche, you can use a sketch or a hand-drawn portrait, but this will not add credibility in the eyes of a potential client who has not heard anything about you yet.

If you have the capacity and ability to speak in public, record a short video message. Don’t rehash the text from the page in it, and after a brief introduction, move on to the benefits that the client will receive. End the video with a call to action: ask them to fill out an application form or call you on the phone.

In photos and videos, you should look businesslike. For men the best choice there will be a shirt and a jacket, for women - a business blouse. Style your hair, put on your business jewelry, accessories and watches.

If you think the above is "brute force", then you have not yet learned to understand your customers. You can work in your favorite T-shirt football club or in a pink fluffy bathrobe, but the client does not need to know this. It is important for him to see in you a “normal” and adequate performer who adheres to a business style both in communication and in clothes.

Post customer testimonials

Your customers will best describe you and your work. Make it a rule to always ask clients for feedback on their work, even if it was, from your point of view, a trifle.

If you are a woman, you are chosen. Even when you choose. How are they chosen? Without wisdom. First - the face and figure. Then rich spiritual world. True, even an enchanting portfolio will not save a profile that “did not hook” or left an unpleasant aftertaste. Let's find out how to correctly fill out a profile on a dating site for a girl so that the search does not stretch for years, and its intermediate results do not become the reason for a visit to a psychotherapist.

What to write in the application


what to write about yourself: examples

who are we looking for

why are we looking for

bait for a guy

more optimism

no photo anywhere

What not to write in the application

don't demand

don't go too far

soul wide open

details matter

Summing up

Dating site selection

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70

Serious relationship Flirting Communication

Pick up a site

What to write in the application

Do not hurry. Beautifully and concisely writing a self-presentation about yourself is more difficult than it seems. Let's agree right away, discussing advantageous positions, we will keep in mind the prospect of serious relations. If you are interested in sex, one nude photo and two words in essence will be enough. Go!


And although Oscar Wilde said that “a woman was created to be loved, not to be understood,” make a clear and intelligible picture of yourself. First, you will be “understood” (identified). Then - "love". It does not matter which portal the profile is on - a dating site, Facebook or VK. Positioning is the foundation of any virtual self. Keep in mind, guys are still attracted to femininity, softness and mystery. And still repel "bitches", "queens" and "glamorous".

Write about yourself beautifully, concisely and thoroughly in the column "information about yourself" or any other where freedom of speech is granted. Here charisma has the opportunity to speak loudly. But watch your image. Having declared yourself “faithful and devoted”, do not pose for a photo in a negligee.

  • Don't make a man think who you really are. The conclusions will always be against you. Draw a specific and understandable image.
  • Even if you claim premium quality, you don’t need to talk about it out loud. The right strategy is not to ask for a price, but to present a “product”.

And don't forget, a name makes a person beautiful. Be honest (Anna) or draw attention to yourself (Game of Life) - decide for yourself. The main thing - without vulgarity (Cat), insinuations (Take-Me-I-Your) and abbreviations (qwerty123).

What to write about yourself: examples

A good example of what you can write about yourself on Instagram, VKontakte, on a dating site:

“At the buffet is an elegant lady. In life - a mischievous girl. I turn weekdays into holidays. You want to meet? If you love life and ready for the bright but serious relationship we will understand each other perfectly. Write!

The next girl will probably be lucky too:

"In any difficult life situation I remain optimistic. I believe in people and that I will meet a worthy person here who needs love and support. To the man I love, I will give all my care and tenderness. Let's get acquainted!".

“Do you also think that without love, even in the brightest life, something is missing? Are you looking for a devoted companion and hostess who knows how to create comfort? You can be congratulated! You found me. Tell us about yourself - it is very important for me that you are interested. I'm waiting for your message! By attaching a photo of a smiling girl to such a profile, you will get married in the near future. By the way, about marriage.

Who are we looking for

Husband? Lover? Sponsor? Order, but without "require". Everyone wants perfect. Identify the key traits that will resonate with everyone: reliable, smart, strong. "Wealthy", "financially secure" - will scare away even the "sponsor". One in 100 wealthy men will agree to be a cash cow. 99 will give a villa in Nice to those who are looking for "smart", "strong" and "independent".

Why are we looking for

Don't get carried away literary creativity. It is important not just to describe yourself in an interesting way, but to get a return on the questionnaire. A beautiful romance, marriage, sex - your right to pursue any goal. Your responsibility is to reach the right audience. Be careful when filling out the "Purposes of Acquaintance" column. Marriage and sex for 1-2 times in one questionnaire are inappropriate. Explore our rating of dating sites - and find the dating portal that best suits your needs. Is our detailed description site and reviews of real users will help you navigate the choice.

Bait for a guy

Wise girls understand that interests are the most advantageous place in the questionnaire. Do not rush to write in the section what is interesting to you. The goal is to anchor. Instead of shopping and ballet, indicate: travel, hiking, cooking, football. And only then - crochet: “I can talk about hockey, fishing and your other hobbies. I prefer to share the interests of my man than to spend time shopping. Or: “I love men who love home cooking, scrambled eggs and pancakes for breakfast and baked meat for dinner. And what do you love? I'm sure I can cook it!" Appetizing?

More optimism

We are not talking about what is usually written in the profile: “I have a great sense of humor.” The questionnaire should be permeated with humor. Can not humor, take optimism. It is difficult to fill out the questionnaire with light and light text, but work hard. You are His outlet, not the problem.

No photo anywhere

Whatever you write, men love with their eyes. I recommend ordering studio photography instead of another pair of shoes. The investment will pay off. Do you want yourself? Forget duck lips, selfies and "guess me" photos. Pictures are clear good quality at least ten. Smile, play with your eyes, present yourself from different angles. Don't dig into the archives. Only fresh photos. As for erotica, light is appropriate. Instincts must be used, but skillfully. Not "nude", but "but", "maybe". Like Marilyn Monroe at Kennedy's birthday party.

What not to write in the application

Self-presentation can scare off potential life partners different reasons. An example of a 100% positioning failure is narcissism (“Am I in the world?”). Of course, there is no doubt about it, but there are millions of profiles on the dating site. The competition is wild. Keep royal manners with you: “I am a woman, and all roads in the world lead to me, and not to some kind of Rome. I am a woman, I am chosen by God...”. There are a million roads on the dating site, and they try to bypass the “chosen ones”. Don't make other common mistakes like not writing about anything.

about nothing

Sample questionnaire “about nothing”: “I am sincere, sociable, with a sense of humor. I like to communicate with friends, go to the cinema. I love traveling and learning new things." The characteristic of this girl is “about nothing”. Only youth and outstanding external data will save her from a fiasco.

Don't demand

Some girls demonstrate an indestructible passion to demand. How interesting it is to write about yourself, they care about the last. Rule: do not submit more than two requirements. BUT real woman does not demand, but receives. Because he knows how to present himself. Unlike the girl who wrote the following: “Give me the very best, dear. Not that in pants, but also jewelry. Carry me in your arms, and I will climb on my neck.” It is unlikely that anyone will give her such an opportunity. And the next girl will be offered more opportunities: “I don’t have a long list of requirements for a man. I'm not looking for an ideal. I just want to meet a person with whom we will have common interests.

Don't go overboard

What can you write about yourself if you are a bright, successful and ambitious girl? Don't try to be even more perfect. Get down to the ground so as not to scare everyone. Before you write “I am a beautiful diamond that needs an expensive setting”, think about what you really want - a setting or a life partner. What do you think, a successful girl should “keep the bar” and “set the level”? Successful men, by the way, do not like competitors. As well as those who, in an attempt to present themselves in an original way, sort out and evoke a strong association with the heroes of Lewis Carroll. And it's good if it's Alice, not Hatter.

Soul wide open

Do not rush to lay out everything at once, including the details of the figure. It is possible to interest a guy in nude photography, but the stronger sex does not consider girls with such a portfolio as life partners. Pedigree, wealthy inner world, heavy financial situation, sexual fantasies, "I like", "I don't like"... Keep the intrigue. Be an enigma. Let him find out later. However, tell me something now.

Details matter

Do not hide your height and weight. What about the meaning? Subtly showcase your figure in your portfolio. And candidly admit weaknesses that are of fundamental importance. Casinos, cats, tobacco, tattoos - everything you can't live without and don't intend to bring out.

Summing up

  • When wondering what to write about yourself on a dating site, start from the goal. “I want to get married” and “I want sex” are different profiles.
  • Be original. The competition is high. Highlight yourself. Write about yourself briefly, succinctly and beautifully. You must be remembered.
  • Find a balance between the real and the virtual self. Keep it simple - be honest, and embellishing - comply.

Choose a dating site. But before you start a profile on the site, study its features. Our reviews will help you choose, and our advice will save you from common mistakes. The rest is in your hands. Good luck!

And finally, we will give successful and unsuccessful examples of questionnaires.

This is what most profiles look like:

  • I am affectionate, romantic, caring, loyal, sincere and very sociable. Great hostess with a great sense of humor. I love listening to music, reading, traveling and chatting with friends. I dream of meeting an honest, decent, financially secure man in order to create strong family which will be based on love and mutual understanding. (A lot of epithets and a blurry image)
  • I have a lot of interests in life. AT free time I like to meet friends, we have a great time in restaurants and cafes. Quite often I go to the theater, I like to watch ballet. On weekends I go to museums, cinema, beautiful parks. I love to travel. I have already visited many countries, but there are still so many places where I would like to go. My favorite sport is swimming. (You certainly won’t be interested in restaurants, cafes and ballet, but for the love of travel - a plus)

And such profiles are quite rare:

  • Romantic, pretty and friendly girl. A little sentimental. I don't like being lied to. I love reading books and falling asleep to the sound of rain. I want to meet a guy for whom main value life is family. (Short but capacious description)
  • I am a journalist, model and just good man. Only until I have the only one to whom I want to devote my life! I like to order Americano coffee in Arabica, the first greens in spring, summer rain, and in winter - freshly fallen snow creaks under my feet. I love it when life is in full swing around me, because I myself am very active and sociable. I don't like it when people try to manipulate me, I don't like it when I'm scared or cold... I want to find a serious young man with strong character who is self-confident, knows how to appreciate, respect and love a woman. The one that can turn the most ordinary day into a holiday. Having met my special man, I would like to create such a relationship that I can always understand each other without words. (Frankly and beautifully, but a bit long)
  • I would rather remain a mystery than write platitudes or embellished reality in order to get married as soon as possible :-) I want to meet a young man in order to create a family with him in the future, which will be a small kingdom, where relatives and friends are very welcome, but most of all they value time spent alone with each other. (Unusual and humorous)

Which section of your resume do you think is the most important?

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Your resume will interest the employer if it is written correctly. Filling in each column is accompanied by special requirements and subtleties.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

For an applicant for a vacant position, information about himself is an additional opportunity to attract the attention of the manager to his candidacy and to distinguish his resume from the rest.

The section about yourself in the resume is relatively small, in relation to the blocks about "" or "duties,". However, despite this, it is no less important than other points. This fact is especially true for those applicants who have not yet earned professional experience and have poor knowledge.

How to write about yourself on a resume

It is important to keep this block short and to achieve meaningfulness. The volume of the text should have about 5 sentences. Do a little introspection

Here, according to this plan, we will write “information about ourselves” in the resume:

  • which of the skills and personal qualities are your strengths (something in which you excel other candidates, or some special advantages),
  • in which areas of activity you have achieved the best results;
  • think about your professional achievements;
  • for what merits you were presented for the award;
  • resort to the help of diplomas, certificates and other documentation that testifies to your competence.

What is better to write about yourself in a resume

We use the presence of this column for our own purposes. We will fill it with valuable information that will allow you to stand out from other candidates and convince you that you are the best applicant for this vacancy.

Before completing the section, reread the job requirements again. Who does the recruiter prefer? Some ads indicate that you need to have your own car and a driving experience of 5 years. Or required with an open visa. If you meet the criteria that the employer has put forward, then indicate this in the information about yourself in the resume.

Expert opinion

Natalia Molchanova

HR manager

The column should reflect the requirement of the vacancy, arouse the interest of the manager in your candidacy and incline his choice to your side.

  • know how to find mutual language with people regardless of their age and profession;
  • possession of a driver's license and a personal car;
  • readiness for long business trips;
  • studying English language, completed an internship for a period of 3 months in England;
  • I work with MS Office programs, skillful handling of office equipment.
  • Knowledge of MS Office programs, work with office equipment.
  • Ability to organize paperwork, develop regulations and instructions.
  • Office work, business communication skills.
  • Ability to build relationships and resolve disputes.
  • Work control structural divisions and organization of their activities.

The position of commercial director involves:

  • Sales organization and after-sales service management.
  • Skills of personal transactions for the sale of goods.
  • Work with the client base.
  • Carrying out various negotiations.
  • Preparation of pricing policy.
  • Conclusion of expenditure and income contracts.
  • Probing the competitive environment.
  • Economy. Expansion of the market field of the product.

Information about yourself in a resume for the position of a senior electrician for setting up electrical equipment may sound like this:

  • Married, have two children.
  • I am proficient with all power tools.
  • 5 group on electrical safety, preparation of orders.
  • I do welding.
  • PC user, Exsell, Internet, Outlook, AutoCad.
  • Reading and developing diagrams.
  • Alexander Yurievich

    Director of recruitment agency

What else to read