Important rules for measuring temperature with mercury and electronic thermometers. How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer

People get sick most often in winter. A thermometer will always help determine body temperature. If the temperature is elevated, then treatment is necessary and you should use the services of a doctor.

Exist different types medical thermometers. Thus, a mercury thermometer is less convenient to use, but more accurate in readings than an electronic one. Electronic is more secure.

To measure the temperature correctly, you need to know how long it needs to be held. Depending on the type of thermometer you use, this time will increase or decrease. Thus, a mercury medical thermometer will require at least seven minutes to determine the temperature. Electronic device – no more than five minutes.

If you are unsure of the readings on your thermometer, take your temperature a second time.

A mercury thermometer is ordinary thermometer. It is the most popular and reliable in indications. Most likely, such a thermometer will not go out of use for a long time, despite the advent of electronic ones. Externally, it looks like a glass tube with a capillary containing 2 grams of mercury. After heating, such a mercury column does not fall to its original position. To do this, be sure to shake the thermometer.

A traditional thermometer has a number of advantages over its competitor:

  • The error in temperature measurement is minimal and amounts to 0.1 degrees. The thermometer has very high accuracy.
  • Temperature can be measured both in the armpit, orally and rectally
  • If handled carefully, a mercury thermometer is very durable. There is absolutely nothing to break in it. It does not require battery replacement.
  • It is not problematic for disinfection, but it cannot be boiled.
  • The cost of a thermometer ranges from 25 rubles and is affordable to everyone.

Among the shortcomings, it is worth noting that the design of the case is not quite durable. The thermometer is very easy to break. Enough for a long time measuring body temperature, which can take up to 10 minutes. Oral use is not recommended for young children.

Today, electronic thermometers are increasingly being purchased. To measure temperature, the digital thermometer has a built-in sensitive sensor. The readings of the device are displayed on its display. The electronic thermometer has additional functions. It remembers the results of the last few measurements. The kit often comes with replacement tips. The body of this thermometer is waterproof. For optimal contact with the measuring sensor, the thermometer should be held as tightly as possible to the body.

An undeniable advantage of electronic medical thermometers is their safety. These thermometers do not contain mercury, and their housing is shock-resistant. The results are easy to read and can be obtained within 3 minutes. If you forget to turn off the device, the battery will not run out. Electronic thermometers have an auto-shutoff feature. Most displays are backlit. Therefore, you can find out the measurement results even in the dark. Many models have a replaceable measurement scale.

The disadvantages of the models are the need to strictly follow the operating instructions and periodically change batteries. The cost of such thermometers, depending on the functions and manufacturer, ranges from 150 to 1000 rubles.

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2012-10-03 15:17:42

cool, thanks! I wish I had an article like this on how to increase the temperature)))


2013-01-14 15:13:31

The longer I hold the thermometer, the higher the temperature rises. Please explain.

The process of thermoregulation is one of the most important physiological mechanisms, which ensures consistency internal environment and the course of all biological reactions. Normal temperature human body ranges from 36.5 to 37.2 degrees. This range temperature values guarantees the normal functioning of the body's defenses and other vital systems.

Under the influence of infectious and non-infectious factors in children of different ages Body temperature may increase. This condition is usually accompanied by general malaise, headache, body aches and decreased appetite. In order to have an idea of ​​​​the true indicators of the child’s body temperature, parents often use a mercury thermometer.

Thermometer characteristics

The nature and duration of the assessment of body temperature indicators directly depend on the type of thermometer chosen. Thermometers, which operate by expanding mercury particles, are products that have been used since the invention of the thermometer to measure body temperature. The fact that this type of thermometer has not lost its popularity is due to a number of advantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Accuracy of the data obtained regarding temperature indicators;
  • Affordable price;
  • Possibility of measurement by any of the known methods;
  • Ease of operation;
  • The probability of obtaining an unreliable result is reduced to zero.

Despite these advantages, mercury thermometers have a number of disadvantages. These disadvantages include:

  • The duration of the standard procedure is at least 8 minutes;
  • Fragile frame of the thermometer;
  • If the thermometer is damaged, a person risks getting poisoned by mercury vapor.

Even taking into account the listed disadvantages, proper operation of these products will guarantee effective and safe measurement of indicators.

Measurement Rules

To get the maximum exact result Before this procedure, parents need to familiarize themselves with the key recommendations:

  1. Before starting to measure indicators in the child’s armpit, parents should make sure that it is dry there. If the baby is sweating, wipe the armpit area dry with a paper napkin. This event will allow you to avoid false results that occur when sweat evaporates and the child’s skin cools;
  2. Before using the thermometer, shake it until it reaches 35.5 degrees;
  3. The air temperature in the room where the measurement takes place should be from 18 to 25 degrees. If the room is less than 18 degrees, then before starting to measure the child’s body temperature, you need to warm the thermometer with your palms;
  4. When inserting a mercury thermometer into the armpit, make sure that the mercury tip is in contact with the baby's skin. When the thermometer is installed, it is important to ensure that the armpit is covered with the baby’s hand;
  5. When measuring temperature indicators, it is important to ensure that the child does not move, eat or talk;
  6. It is incorrect to assess a child’s body temperature immediately after returning from a walk and after swimming. If the child has recently been capricious or crying, then this procedure is postponed for 30-40 minutes.

For rate this parameter in children of different ages, the armpit, oral cavity, inguinal fold and rectum are used. If the baby is sick, then this procedure is carried out every 3 hours. If your child is taking antipyretics medicines, then the measurements are carried out before using the drug and 40 minutes after that.

Assessment of body temperature in the oral cavity is most often used in children over 3 years of age, as this procedure can be traumatic for children younger age. To ensure the safety of measuring oral temperature, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Before the mercury thermometer is in the child’s mouth, it is wiped with a solution of Chlorhexidine or Miramistin;
  • Before starting the measurement, you need to shake the thermometer to 35 degrees;
  • The optimal place to place the mercury tip of the thermometer is the child’s sublingual area. Parents of the baby need to ensure that the child’s teeth do not press the thermometer tightly (to avoid damaging it). The duration of this procedure is 56 minutes.

In children of different ages, there is often a need to measure indicators rectally (through the rectum). Before using the thermometer, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution and wiped dry. To obtain reliable results of rectal temperature, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • The depth of insertion of the mercury tip into the child’s rectum is 1.5-2 cm;
  • Before inserting the thermometer, the baby is placed on his left side, with his legs bent towards his stomach;
  • The tip of the thermometer should be inserted carefully, using a screw-like motion;
  • The duration of rectal temperature measurement is from 6 to 8 minutes. During this time, the baby should lie still;
  • After the specified time has passed, the tip of the thermometer is carefully removed from the rectum.

The groin area is not the preferred location for this procedure. The use of this zone is acceptable for infants. To carry out the procedure, the baby is placed on his back, and one leg is bent at the hip joint and pressed to the stomach.

The mercury tip of the thermometer is placed in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, pressing it with the baby’s leg. The duration of the measurement procedure in this format is from 7 to 10 minutes. During the procedure, care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not make sudden movements or cry.

Another less common area for measuring body temperature is the ear canal. For this procedure, infrared thermometers are most often used, but their absence can easily be compensated for by a mercury thermometer.

To carry out the procedure, you need to carefully move the child’s earlobe up and back. After this, the tip of the thermometer is installed in the ear canal. The insertion depth is no more than 1 cm.

It takes 5 to 8 minutes to measure the temperature in the ear canal. This method is preferable for children over 2 years of age, since the ear canal is not sufficiently developed in newborn children. Typically, these babies have an increased risk of traumatic injury.

Now we will get acquainted with thermometers and find out how long to keep the thermometer under your arm?

There are now several different methods temperature measurements. In the best ways Measurements under the arm, in the mouth, in the ear or rectally are considered. Digital electronic thermometers - the simplest and most quick way temperature measurements. But mercury and alcohol thermometers are also used.

Normal temperature is 36.6 °C, but can range from 36.2 °C to 37.7 °C. Body temperature may change throughout the day. It is usually lower in the morning and higher in the evening. The temperature may also change depending on your activity. For example, exercise or sports raises your temperature. There are recommendations about how long you should wait after doing certain activities before measuring this indicator. You need to wait at least 15 minutes after you or your child has consumed hot drinks or food to place the thermometer. After taking a hot bath you should also wait about 15 minutes.

  • Digital.
  • Electronic.
  • Mercury.
  • Alcohol.

You should carefully read the instructions for each type of thermometer.

Digital thermometers are the most common and give the fastest and most accurate results. Digital thermometers can be used in the mouth and under the arm. They are usually made of flexible plastic with a temperature sensor on one end and a display panel on the other. How long should you keep the thermometer under your arm? Until a sound signal signals the end of the measurement.

Electronic thermometers have a heat-sensitive panel on one side and a digital panel on the other. Electronic thermometers are not always accurate, but they are safe. Digital thermometers can be purchased at pharmacies or medical supply stores.

Electronic ear thermometers are fast and easy to use. Ear thermometers can give false readings if there is excess hair or wax in the ears, or if it is not inserted into the ear correctly.

A thermometer for frontal measurement is applied to the forehead and temporal area. Make sure your forehead is dry when you use this thermometer.

How long should you keep the thermometer under your arm?

Clean the mercury thermometer with warm water and soap or alcohol before and after use. Do not immerse it in water. To measure the temperature under your arm: insert the tip under the mouse. Make sure the thermometer does not touch clothing. Squeeze your hand against your body to hold the thermometer in place. How long should you keep the thermometer on? Hold the thermometer under your arm just long enough until you hear a beep.

In children, normal body temperature ranges from 36 degrees C (96.8 F) to 37 degrees C (98.6 F). Any temperature above 37.7°C (100F) is classified as a fever.

Mercury thermometers are the most accurate means of measurement, but are now used less and less. A mercury thermometer is a thin glass tube with a silver (metallic) tip and a line inside.

Mercury is toxic and dangerous chemical. Protection Agency environment(EPA) caution against the use of mercury thermometers. If the thermometer breaks, mercury can enter your respiratory tract or skin.

Temperature control (thermoregulation) is part of the homeostatic mechanism that maintains the body at its optimal operating temperature, which in turn influences the rate of chemical reactions.

Main deviations and diseases

  • Fever.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Hypothermia.

Fever – elevated temperature. There is no consensus on the upper temperature threshold and how dangerous it is. Fever is not a disease, it is one of the symptoms of an underlying disease, most often an infection. Depending on your age, physical condition, it is advisable to know the root cause of the fever, as you may need treatment. Many experts believe that fever is the body's natural defense against infection. There are also many non-infectious causes of fever.

Fever is generally not considered dangerous, but hyperthermia can cause dangerous spikes in body temperature. Hyperthermia can be caused extreme temperatures like heat stroke and also side effects some medications and narcotic substances. With hyperthermia, the body is no longer able to control body temperature.

Hyperthermia occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. It is usually caused by prolonged exposure high temperatures. The body's heat-regulating mechanisms are consequently overloaded and unable to effectively deal with the heat, causing the body's temperature to rise uncontrollably. Hyperthermia at or above about 40°C is life-threatening and a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment. General symptoms include sweating, headache, body aches and fatigue.

Treatment includes cooling the body. Antipyretic drugs are not useful for treating hyperthermia. Moving the patient to a cool place, wearing a gauze bandage soaked in a vinegar solution and drinking plenty of fluids are the main methods of combating hyperthermia.

In children, symptoms associated with fever include lethargy, poor appetite, sore throat, cough, ear pain, vomiting and diarrhea.

Hypothermia is a decrease in body temperature that occurs when the body dissipates more heat than it absorbs. Hypothermia is a potentially dangerous drop in body temperature, usually caused by prolonged exposure to cold. The main cause of hypothermia is hypothermia. But it can also be observed in people with diabetes, anorexia and the elderly. It can often be found in people affected by alcohol intoxication.

Symptoms of hypothermia in adults: drowsiness or fatigue, chills, high blood pressure, slow, weak pulse. Treatment for hypothermia includes hot drinks, warm clothing and physical activity.

Body temperature can indicate many problems in the body. The body reacts to tooth growth, bone fractures, poisoning, and dehydration.

Anhidrosis is a pathogenic condition of a person when he cannot sweat. This may be caused various factors such as genetics, some skin diseases, medications or damage nervous system. Unable to cool down through the sweating system, the temperature rises to dangerous levels.


There are certain processes in Everyday life who never stop. In order to maintain a healthy metabolic process, our body must function at a certain level. optimal temperaturefrom 36.2 °C to 37.7 °C. That is, maintain a balance between heat losses and gains.

If your body temperature drops too low, your respiratory system will work slowly, eventually leading to death. On the contrary, if your body temperature becomes too high, the enzymes in your blood will stop functioning normally, which will also lead to death.

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Correct thermometer readings are very important for determining treatment tactics for the disease. It is not for nothing that many people wonder how long to keep the thermometer under their arm, because it depends on how accurate the measurement is.

Measurement methods

Today, the most popular method remains measuring the temperature in the armpit. However, this is far from the only way. Measurements can also be taken in the following areas:

  1. in the rectum;
  2. behind the ear (using an infrared thermometer);
  3. in the oral cavity;
  4. under the knee.

How long does it take to measure? This depends on two factors: the above-mentioned measurement methods and the type of thermometer.

Mercury thermometer

Mercury thermometer - inexpensive and at the same time precision instrument. Among the disadvantages are fragility and a significant amount of time required for measurements, but in terms of accuracy of readings it is unrivaled.

How many minutes should you hold the mercury thermometer?

  • rectally or in the oral cavity – 5 minutes;
  • under the arm – 10 minutes;
  • under the knee – 10 minutes.

Such a device costs much more, and it is not as accurate as a mercury thermometer, but the temperature measurement procedure takes much less time.

You don’t even need to time the time required for the measurement, because at the end of the process the device will emit a sound signal notifying you that the measurement is completed. This usually happens within 1–3 minutes, regardless of the measurement method.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of electronic nipple thermometers for babies. With such a gadget, the procedure will not cause any concern to the baby, because he will perceive the device as an ordinary pacifier.

Infrared thermometer

It is a non-contact device that just needs to be brought to the area behind the ear or to the forehead, and it will give accurate readings. The cost of such a gadget is quite high, but its ease of use is difficult to dispute.

First of all, comfort is associated with the duration of the procedure: measuring the temperature with an infrared thermometer will take no more than 5 seconds, and it is absolutely safe.

Disposable thermometer

A travel thermometer is a strip that is held on the forehead or placed under the tongue. Body temperature is determined after a minute using the colored divisions on the strip.

You should not expect accurate results from such a device, but it is ideal for determining indicators on the road.

To obtain reliable indicators, it is not enough to know how long you need to hold the thermometer; you also need to carry out the measurement procedure correctly. So, if you measure body temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer, then adhere to the following rules:

  • When measuring temperature, make sure that the skin is not wet. It is known that a sweaty person will have elevated readings.
  • When measuring under the arm, you need to press your hand to your body and hold the inserted thermometer tightly. Then the question will not arise: “Why is the temperature on the thermometer minimal, since I have been holding it for a long time?”
  • If the measurement is taken under the knee, then you need to hold the device with your leg bent for 10 minutes. In this case, you need to lie down.
  • Measuring temperature to a small child, you need to first warm the thermometer in your hands so as not to frighten the baby by touching a cold object. It is most convenient to take measurements under the arm while the baby is sleeping.
  • Children can use the thermometer rectally. Better suited for this electronic device. Firstly, it is not so traumatic, and secondly, the procedure time with it is shorter. However, it is worth considering that the temperature in the rectum is slightly higher than, for example, under the armpit.
  • It must be remembered that older mercury thermometers respond more slowly to changes in readings, so they require more time to measure.
  • Shake the mercury thermometer with sharp short movements, holding it between your index finger and thumb. The column should drop to approximately 35.5 degrees. It is better to do this over a soft surface to avoid damaging the thermometer if it falls.
  • After the procedure, rinse the device with cool water.
  • To take repeated measurements, use the same thermometer.

Now you know how to measure temperature correctly, how long to hold the device under your arm, under your knee, etc. Every adult who cares about their own health and the health of their children needs this knowledge.

The effectiveness and correctness of therapy depends on how responsibly you approach the issue of temperature measurement. We hope that our advice will help you get the correct readings and begin the required treatment immediately.

What is a thermometer? Familiar to many medical device found in almost every apartment. There is no need to explain why it is not difficult to find in a family of any income (and often in several copies), since it is not possible to measure the temperature without a thermometer.

You can touch the forehead of a sick person with your lips or measure a person’s pulse, but these actions will only help to understand that the temperature is too high, but you can’t hope for accurate results. Any working thermometer is an important and necessary item. This fact does not cause controversy. Disputes about how long you should hold the thermometer are ongoing. Let's try to find out optimal time required to determine body temperature.

  • Types of thermometers
  • Which thermometer should you choose?

Types of thermometers

  1. Mercury is an inexpensive and most accurate device. Its disadvantage is its fragility and long measurement time, but there are no competitors in terms of accuracy of readings. How long to hold a mercury thermometer depends on the method of measuring temperature:
    • in the rectum or mouth – 5 minutes;
    • in the armpit – 10 minutes.

    Historical reference. The prototype of the liquid thermometer was the thermoscope, invented by Galileo in 1603. After 23 years, Santorio improved this device and for the first time measured the temperature of the human body. The famous Fahrenheit filled the device with mercury in 1714. At first he suggested using physical properties alcohol But I noticed that under the influence of heat, mercury expands more evenly.

  2. Electronic - more expensive and less accurate than a mercury device, but it produces results much faster. Each such gadget emits a sound signal when the temperature is measured; the whole process takes from 2 to 5 minutes.

    This is interesting. A tattoo thermometer is a type of electronic thermometer for permanent wear on the skin. The personal device was developed by a group of scientists from America, China and Singapore. Externally, it is a thin film with golden sensors, reminiscent of a barcode tattoo. It is attached to the skin with inside wrists using special glue. Measures body temperature throughout the day. True, it is not particularly accurate yet.

  3. Infrared (non-contact) - it is enough to bring it to a person’s forehead or insert it into the ear, the exact temperature data will be known within 5 seconds. The disadvantage of this type of device is its high cost. Plus - absolute safety and high speed measurements.

    New developments. Today, in pharmacies you can often find thermometers in the form of a pacifier. Unfortunately for manufacturers and parents, not all babies like these options. Some spit them out, others begin to chew them... Korean designers tried to correct the situation. They suggested measuring temperature using... lollipop. Very real and completely edible. The thermometer is a stick with a replaceable sweet at the measuring end. While the baby is eating, his temperature is measured. If the idea is implemented and enters the mass production, then replacement sweets will be sold in pharmacies.

  4. Disposable (travel) - is a strip that should be applied to the forehead or placed under the tongue. The colored divisions will help determine body temperature. You need to hold this device for a minute. Similar device It will be convenient during travel, but you can’t count on accurate results with it.

How long to keep the thermometer under your arm?

Mercury and electronic devices are most in demand due to their affordable cost and ease of use. They are usually used to determine body temperature in the armpit, since this method brings the least inconvenience, especially when you need to understand whether a child has a fever or not.

The answer to the question of how long to keep a thermometer under your arm is as follows:

  • from 2 to 5 minutes when using an electronic device;
  • from 8 to 10 minutes when using a mercury device.

Which thermometer should you choose?

You need to choose a medical gadget based on who needs to measure their temperature and under what conditions.

    An infrared thermometer is suitable for babies and young children as it can determine the exact temperature in a few seconds. It is very convenient that the child does not need to be undressed and it is enough to free the forehead.

    For adults, it is better to use a mercury device, as it shows the most accurate result. It will take some time for adequate information about body temperature to be displayed.

    Disposable strips are perfect for trips and business trips, since you don’t have to worry about them breaking or breaking.

If the development of the disease is suspected, a thermometer is used for initial diagnosis.

The device measures body temperature, and from its indicators it is easy to understand whether a person is sick or not. But many people are not sure how long to take their temperature mercury thermometer child and adult. Some people hold it for three minutes out of habit, while others hold it for ten. How will be correct? “Popular about health” will help you figure this out and tell you about three ways to measure temperature.

Methods for monitoring temperature values

There are three ways to measure temperature, let's consider them:

1. Axillary, when the thermometer is placed under the armpit.
2. Oral – under the tongue.
3. Rectal - in the rectum.

In all these cases, the use of a mercury thermometer is allowed, but it is not always justified. For example, to determine the temperature of a small child, you should not use the oral method if the parents only have a mercury thermometer at their disposal. There is a high probability that the baby will break the glass and mercury will enter the oral cavity. For the oral method, in this case, it is better to use electronic thermometers.

Oral method - rules for measuring temperature

When using this method, you need to know how to properly position the thermometer in your mouth. To begin with, the device is disinfected with alcohol, after which the tip containing mercury is inserted under the tongue and the lips are closed. Breathing is done through the nose. You need to be careful not to damage the thermometer bulb with your teeth.

Rectal method

The rectal method involves inserting a thermometer into the rectum. Before starting the procedure, the tip of the device should also be disinfected, then lubricate it with cream or Vaseline. The patient is placed on his side, legs bent at the knees. The tip is carefully inserted into the rectum 4 cm for an adult, 2 cm for a child.

Axillary method

This method involves holding the thermometer near the lymph nodes - in the armpit or under the knee. It is used most often and is considered less secure. To use it, you need to make sure that the skin under your armpit is dry, press the tip of the device firmly and hold it.

You can measure a child's temperature with a mercury thermometer only in the presence of an adult and under his supervision. small child It’s difficult to hold in place for several minutes, so you should wait until the baby falls asleep or take the baby in your arms and press your hand tightly to the body, fixing the thermometer. Before the procedure, it is advisable to warm the thermometer in your hands for a few seconds so as not to frighten the baby by touching the cold tip to the body.

How long to measure the temperature of an adult and a child with a mercury thermometer?

How much time a child or adult will need to determine the temperature depends on the chosen method of measuring it:

Oral – 4-5 minutes.
Rectal – 4-5 minutes.
Axillary – 7 minutes.

An adult and a child will need the same amount of time. The procedure does not depend on the age of the patient. It is only important to understand that the temperature values ​​in different parts bodies are different. This is exactly what will be discussed further.

What are the normal temperature readings in the mouth, rectum and armpit??

Everyone knows that t is considered normal - 36.6 degrees when measured in the armpit. But this indicator or norm is conditional, since for many people it can fluctuate down or up. If you choose other measurement methods, you will get completely different values. For example:

When measuring t in the mouth, the norm is 37.3-37.5 degrees.
The norm using the rectal method of measurement is 37.5-37.7 degrees.

The thing is that the mucous membranes are always much warmer than the skin, because the vessels are located closer there. For the same reason, the rectal and oral methods are considered more accurate than the axillary one.

The accuracy of the readings depends on many factors. For example, it is important to measure t with a thermometer only at rest. Children are very active, when they run and jump, the blood heats up, which is why the readings may be incorrect. Before carrying out the procedure, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

1. Do not take a warm bath.
2. Do not consume hot food or drinks.
3. Don't run.

If you doubt the performance of the device, wait a few minutes, then repeat the entire procedure. It is worth noting that older mercury thermometers that have been used for many years heat up more slowly, so to be sure, wait a couple of extra minutes or use another device. As you guessed, this is why many people know about the time it takes to measure the temperature under the armpit for 10 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages of a mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is considered more reliable and accurate, capable of serving for many years; its readings do not depend on the state of charge of the battery inside. These are the main advantages. There are also disadvantages:

The device is fragile and must be handled with care.
The flask contains mercury, a very toxic substance.
The duration of the procedure is longer compared to the electronic analogue.

Temperature data is very important for diagnosing diseases and determining the well-being of adults and children. To ensure that the data is as accurate as possible, follow the rules described above.

Measurement methods

Today, the most popular method remains measuring the temperature in the armpit. However, this is far from the only way. Measurements can also be taken in the following areas:

  1. in the rectum;
  2. behind the ear (using an infrared thermometer);
  3. in the oral cavity;
  4. under the knee.

How long does it take to measure? This depends on two factors: the above-mentioned measurement methods and the type of thermometer.

Mercury thermometer

A mercury thermometer is an inexpensive and at the same time accurate device. Among the disadvantages are fragility and a significant amount of time required for measurements, but in terms of accuracy of readings it is unrivaled.

How many minutes should you hold the mercury thermometer?

  • rectally or in the oral cavity – 5 minutes;
  • under the arm – 10 minutes;
  • under the knee – 10 minutes.

Such a device costs much more, and it is not as accurate as a mercury thermometer, but the temperature measurement procedure takes much less time.

You don’t even need to time the time required for the measurement, because at the end of the process the device will emit a sound signal notifying you that the measurement is completed. This usually happens within 1–3 minutes, regardless of the measurement method.

Modern manufacturers offer a wide selection of electronic nipple thermometers for babies. With such a gadget, the procedure will not cause any concern to the baby, because he will perceive the device as an ordinary pacifier.

Infrared thermometer

It is a non-contact device that just needs to be brought to the area behind the ear or to the forehead, and it will give accurate readings. The cost of such a gadget is quite high, but its ease of use is difficult to dispute.

First of all, comfort is associated with the duration of the procedure: measuring the temperature with an infrared thermometer will take no more than 5 seconds, and it is absolutely safe.

Disposable thermometer

A travel thermometer is a strip that is held on the forehead or placed under the tongue. Body temperature is determined after a minute using the colored divisions on the strip.

You should not expect accurate results from such a device, but it is ideal for determining indicators on the road.

To obtain reliable indicators, it is not enough to know how long you need to hold the thermometer; you also need to carry out the measurement procedure correctly. So, if you measure body temperature with a mercury or electronic thermometer, then adhere to the following rules:

  • When measuring temperature, make sure that the skin is not wet. It is known that a sweaty person will have elevated readings.
  • When measuring under the arm, you need to press your hand to your body and hold the inserted thermometer tightly. Then the question will not arise: “Why is the temperature on the thermometer minimal, since I have been holding it for a long time?”
  • If the measurement is taken under the knee, then you need to hold the device with your leg bent for 10 minutes. In this case, you need to lie down.
  • When measuring the temperature of a small child, you need to first warm the thermometer in your hands so as not to frighten the baby by touching a cold object. It is most convenient to take measurements under the arm while the baby is sleeping.

  • Children can use the thermometer rectally. An electronic device is better suited for this. Firstly, it is not so traumatic, and secondly, the procedure time with it is shorter. However, it is worth considering that the temperature in the rectum is slightly higher than, for example, under the armpit.
  • It must be remembered that older mercury thermometers respond more slowly to changes in readings, so they require more time to measure.
  • Shake the mercury thermometer with sharp short movements, holding it between your index finger and thumb. The column should drop to approximately 35.5 degrees. It is better to do this over a soft surface to avoid damaging the thermometer if it falls.
  • After the procedure, rinse the device with cool water.
  • To take repeated measurements, use the same thermometer.

Now you know how to measure temperature correctly, how long to hold the device under your arm, under your knee, etc. Every adult who cares about their own health and the health of their children needs this knowledge.

The effectiveness and correctness of therapy depends on how responsibly you approach the issue of temperature measurement. We hope that our advice will help you get the correct readings and begin the required treatment immediately.

Not a single home first aid kit is complete without this small, simple device. A thermometer is necessary if you suspect that you have a cold and are getting the flu. An increase in temperature may also indicate overheating, food poisoning, inflammatory processes in the bronchi, lungs, kidneys, intestines and others internal organs. It is especially important to measure your temperature promptly and correctly if we're talking about about a sick child. Using the readings of a thermometer, you can judge the stage of the disease and the effectiveness of treatment. But which device is best to use and how exactly so that its readings are as accurate as possible?

What types of thermometers are there?

Modern pharmaceutical manufacturers today offer several types of thermometers, each of which we will consider in detail below.

So, there are thermometers:

  • mercury;
  • electronic;
  • contactless;
  • disposable.

Mercury thermometers

Still the most common type due to the accuracy of the readings. Another advantage is the ability to measure temperature in the mouth, armpit or rectum. It is inexpensive and easy to disinfect. But at the same time:

  • a mercury thermometer should be kept in the armpit for at least 8 minutes;
  • in the mouth or rectum - at least 5 minutes.

It can be quite difficult to withstand such a period of time when we are talking about small children. In addition, such thermometers are very fragile and therefore unsafe, so it is recommended to use electronic devices for children.

Electronic thermometers

Also suitable for measuring body temperature different ways, but are practically not subject to disinfection. They are more expensive than mercury thermometers and often have a high error and require battery replacement. Advantages:

  • ease of operation: the thermometer itself will give a signal when the temperature stops changing;
  • measurement speed: it is enough to hold it in the mouth and straight for 1-2 minutes, in the armpit - no more than 3;
  • They are even available as a pacifier for newborns.

Non-contact thermometers

Infrared thermometers are available for forehead and ear, perfect option for a child, since the first one is enough to be inserted into the ear for 5 seconds, and the frontal one is simply brought to the child’s head for 1-2 seconds. This makes it possible to measure temperature even when the baby is sleeping. Disadvantage: very high cost.

Disposable thermometers

Visitor question:

Tell me, how long should you keep a mercury thermometer under your arm? I can hardly hold the thermometer for the baby, literally by force and sometimes with hysterics, the child is spinning, we have already broken 3-4 thermometers since his birth. My mother says that three minutes is enough, but I measure the exact temperature in no less than 10 minutes, and if I hold it longer, then even at feeling normal I will have 37.2-3, and if as my mother advises, then 36.6.
How to measure temperature correctly with a mercury thermometer? We haven’t made friends with electronic ones at all - they show different numbers with each measurement, sometimes they shock you with a very low temperature, sometimes they don’t show that there is a temperature. I don't trust them.

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The process of thermoregulation is one of the most important physiological mechanisms, which ensures the constancy of the internal environment and the course of all biological reactions. Normal human body temperature is between 36.5 and 37.2 degrees. This range of temperature values ​​guarantees the normal functioning of the body's defenses and other vital systems.

Under the influence of infectious and non-infectious factors, children of different ages may experience an increase in body temperature. This condition is usually accompanied by general malaise, headache, body aches and decreased appetite. In order to have an idea of ​​​​the true indicators of the child’s body temperature, parents often use a mercury thermometer.

Thermometer characteristics

The nature and duration of the assessment of body temperature indicators directly depend on the type of thermometer chosen. Thermometers, which operate by expanding mercury particles, are products that have been used since the invention of the thermometer to measure body temperature. The fact that this type of thermometer has not lost its popularity is due to a number of advantages of a mercury thermometer:

  • Accuracy of the data obtained regarding temperature indicators;
  • Affordable price;
  • Possibility of measurement by any of the known methods;
  • Ease of operation;
  • The probability of obtaining an unreliable result is reduced to zero.

Despite these advantages, mercury thermometers have a number of disadvantages. These disadvantages include:

  • The duration of the standard procedure is at least 8 minutes;
  • Fragile frame of the thermometer;
  • If the thermometer is damaged, a person risks getting poisoned by mercury vapor.

Even taking into account the listed disadvantages, proper operation of these products will guarantee effective and safe measurement of indicators.

Measurement Rules

To obtain the most accurate result from this procedure, parents should familiarize themselves with the key recommendations:

  1. Before starting to measure indicators in the child’s armpit, parents should make sure that it is dry there. If the baby is sweating, wipe the armpit area dry with a paper napkin. This event will allow you to avoid false results that occur when sweat evaporates and the child’s skin cools;
  2. Before using the thermometer, shake it until it reaches 35.5 degrees;
  3. The air temperature in the room where the measurement takes place should be from 18 to 25 degrees. If the room is less than 18 degrees, then before starting to measure the child’s body temperature, you need to warm the thermometer with your palms;
  4. When inserting a mercury thermometer into the armpit, make sure that the mercury tip is in contact with the baby's skin. When the thermometer is installed, it is important to ensure that the armpit is covered with the baby’s hand;
  5. When measuring temperature indicators, it is important to ensure that the child does not move, eat or talk;
  6. It is incorrect to assess a child’s body temperature immediately after returning from a walk and after swimming. If the child has recently been capricious or crying, then this procedure is postponed for 30-40 minutes.

To assess this parameter in children of different ages, the areas of the armpit, oral cavity, inguinal fold and rectum are used. If the baby is sick, then this procedure is carried out every 3 hours. If a child is taking antipyretic medications, then the indicators are measured before using the drug and 40 minutes after that.

Assessment of body temperature in the oral cavity is most often used in children over 3 years of age, as this procedure can be traumatic for younger children. To ensure the safety of measuring oral temperature, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:

  • Before the mercury thermometer is in the child’s mouth, it is wiped with a solution of Chlorhexidine or;
  • Before starting the measurement, you need to shake the thermometer to 35 degrees;
  • The optimal place to place the mercury tip of the thermometer is the child’s sublingual area. Parents of the baby need to ensure that the child’s teeth do not press the thermometer tightly (to avoid damaging it). The duration of this procedure is 56 minutes.

In children of different ages, there is often a need to measure indicators rectally (through the rectum). Before using the thermometer, it must be treated with an antiseptic solution and wiped dry. To obtain reliable results of rectal temperature, the following rules should be taken into account:

  • The depth of insertion of the mercury tip into the child’s rectum is 1.5-2 cm;
  • Before inserting the thermometer, the baby is placed on his left side, with his legs bent towards his stomach;
  • The tip of the thermometer should be inserted carefully, using a screw-like motion;
  • The duration of rectal temperature measurement is from 6 to 8 minutes. During this time, the baby should lie still;
  • After the specified time has passed, the tip of the thermometer is carefully removed from the rectum.

The groin area is not the preferred location for this procedure. The use of this zone is acceptable for infants. To carry out the procedure, the baby is placed on his back, and one leg is bent at the hip joint and pressed to the stomach.

The mercury tip of the thermometer is placed in the area of ​​the inguinal fold, pressing it with the baby’s leg. The duration of the measurement procedure in this format is from 7 to 10 minutes. During the procedure, care must be taken to ensure that the baby does not make sudden movements or cry.

Another less common area for measuring body temperature is the ear canal. For this procedure, infrared thermometers are most often used, but their absence can easily be compensated for by a mercury thermometer.

To carry out the procedure, you need to carefully move the child’s earlobe up and back. After this, the tip of the thermometer is installed in the ear canal. The insertion depth is no more than 1 cm.

It takes 5 to 8 minutes to measure the temperature in the ear canal. This method is preferable for children over 2 years of age, since the ear canal is not sufficiently developed in newborn children. Typically, these babies have an increased risk of traumatic injury.

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