Why see a black kitten in a dream? Why do you dream of a black cat, dream book black cat

Dream Interpretation Online Black Kitten

Waking up in the morning, the question arose: why do you dream of a black kitten? The interpretation of a dream with this main character may directly depend on how the little cat looked in the plot, as well as on what she did in your dream, and also try to remember your emotions and actions towards the animal.

If the dreamer dreamed of an adult cat, then the dream is a harbinger of troubles in real life. It is worth noting that a meowing animal indicates that there will be many problems in life, and the louder the cat meows, the more more grief she foretells.

Alas, the kittens seen in the plot of dreams also foreshadow a difficult period in the dreamer’s life.

If you dreamed of a black kitten

But unlike an adult cat, her babies dream of minor troubles that will not cause significant harm to the dreamer, but will cause a lot of unpleasant trouble.

Dreaming of little kittens

Remember what color you happened to see the animal:

  • Red - the dream indicates that the dreamer should pay more attention to his children.
  • White - an insincere admirer is courting you. The white kitten seen in the night scene advises you to be more careful and not trust this person.
  • Black and white - the dream book advises to be careful with household appliances, household injuries may occur.
  • Gray - indicates the presence of evil envious people in your life.
  • Black means trouble.

Dreaming of black kittens

Please note that if you dream of several babies having white color, or any other - then this portends minor troubles and troubles, but one black kitten seen in a dream can complicate the interpretation and have more serious consequences in real life.

If you dream of a small black kitten, it means get ready for the purposeful machinations of your enemies; the situation may be complicated by the fact that it is simply impossible to understand from whom you can expect harm in reality.

Basic interpretation

What did you do in your dream

Seeing a small cat in a dream, but according to the plot you did not approach it, means a minor scandal in the family.

Was the baby in the dream thin and dirty? In real life you will learn bad news.

Contacting kittens in a night plot is a bad sign, foretelling to the dreamer that his enemies will cause him trouble.

Did a small black kitten run across your path in a dream? Beware of your friend's betrayal. There is a traitor lurking among your friends, he is trying not to show you his real attitude towards you and is planning something bad in order to harm you. The dream book advises, after seeing the story, to reconsider your social circle and exclude contacts with this person.

If you had a dream in which you fed an animal, your friend harbors a grudge against you and wants to take revenge on you at the most unexpected moment for you. Try to remember who you hurt and ask for forgiveness for the pain you caused.

Did he rub against your leg in your sleep? They want to start courting you, but the dream book advises not to delude yourself, since the thoughts of a suitor can be quite mercantile.

Scratched you? The dream foreshadows illness and financial difficulties.

Positive signs

If you held it in your hands

If you saw a dream with a small black cat or a seal, then regardless of what the animal did in the dream, remember: if you had a chance to drive the animal away or throw it out of the room - the dream foretells that the person will not be overtaken by troubles, and life will come favorable period. In the case when quarrels occur in the dreamer’s house, such visions occur and indicate peace and harmony in the family.

Held in his arms - in real life you will be given a pleasant and unexpected surprise.

Who had the dream

The interpretation of night vision may differ depending on who had the dream.

To a woman

A woman dreamed of a black kitten - which means you shouldn’t trust unfamiliar and untested people. A woman’s enemy seeks to harm her and is waiting for a rash act in order to take advantage of the situation and harm her.

To a man

For a representative strong half of humanity, a dream with a shabby black little cat - as a sign of his superiority in real life over the woman with whom he has a long war and rivalry.

Interpretation of the plot according to famous dream books

To spend correct interpretation Compare the interpretation of the night scene you saw in famous dream books.

Dream Book of G. Miller

Was the kitten aggressive?

A famous American psychologist argued that black kittens seen in a dream foretell big troubles for the dreamer. A skinny, grimy pet is a symbolic sign for a person - he will have to act as a victim in the intrigues of your enemies. The dream book advises not to trust everyone and not to be fooled by external gloss.

Did you beat an animal in a dream? A difficult period in the dreamer's life has come to an end. Was the animal killed by a snake in your dreams? You can count on the enemies, trying to harm you, but heaven will punish them and they will inflict harm on themselves.

A small black cat rushed at you - the enemy seeks to cause you financial and moral harm. Drive away the kitten - all adversity will pass, and very soon a good period in life will come.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

Why dream about black kittens? In reality the dreamer will be deceived.

Petting or feeding is yours good deeds And kind heart you will be punished.

If you dream about a lot of kids in a night story, it means betrayal of friends.

Family dream book

To interpret the night plot according to this dream book remember how you dreamed of a little cat:

  • They just saw her - the dream foreshadows many illnesses in the dreamer’s real life.
  • A man happened to see an animal in his dreams - it means that someone will try to harass his spouse.
  • The dreamer in the story fought with an animal and was left scratched - to unexpected and large expenses. It also portends diseases, the treatment of which will be lengthy and expensive.
  • Was he fighting with a dog? At the most unexpected moment for you, you will be helped.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

If the animal had red eyes

The dream book indicates that if you dream:

  • A small black animal seen in dreams is the embodiment of witchcraft forces that are trying to influence a person.
  • Seeing him with red eyes means you will lose a lot of blood in real life.

As you can see, quite a few interpretations indicate that a small black kitten is dreaming of... big problems. There is a popular belief that in order for a story you see not to come true, you need to speak it into running water when you wake up in the morning. By performing such a ritual, you can be sure that the dream will be empty and will not come true, since water tends to wash away all negativity.

Kittens look very cute and pretty, but the interpretation of such a dream is extremely unfavorable. Seeing small kittens in a dream means problems and troubles. Not just one dream book speaks about this, but almost everything. Also, the most common option for why a fluffy ball dreams is betrayal.

Much depends on what color the baby was seen in the dream. If his skin was black, then you should expect a series of minor failures and bad luck in real life. White kittens are not always a negative sign; they often predict joy. Redheads warn about problems that will arise on the love front.

One of the dream books explains why little kittens are black and white in dreams. Such a dream promises a life filled with both pleasant and distressing events. Black and white stripes will quickly replace each other. The duration of one period will be a minimum of two and a maximum of seven days.

If the fur color of a four-legged friend seen in a dream is very unusual, then get ready to receive a sudden surprise in reality. Try to remember if you stroked this baby’s fur? If yes, then the surprise will be associated with disappointed hopes. If you have not touched the animal, the lie will bypass you. The dream book strongly advises not to touch the animal!

Seeing small, newly born kittens in a dream, according to the dream book, is a good time for confrontation. In real life, you can safely resist circumstances that are unfavorable for you. Now is the time to defend your interests. But keep in mind that inaction can give rise to major, even in some cases fatal, problems.

Finding a small kitten in your dream that you are holding in your arms means that you should be more careful about your behavior in real life. Some frivolous actions, the dream book warns, will forever ruin your reputation. A similar plot, seen by representatives of the fair sex, is interpreted a little differently. According to the dream book, this dream promises dishonor and great shame for girls.

A few more options for explaining why a little kitten dreams

If in a dream you pick up a small cat or kitten shivering from the cold on the street or in a hallway and bring it into your home, then rest assured that you are the source of your own problems. You shouldn’t look for someone to blame in your surroundings. Only admitting your own mistakes will help you improve your life and stop stepping on the same rake.

One of the dream books explains why many little kittens dream. It turns out that if representatives of the cat family sleep peacefully, then your problems in real life will not be so significant. Most likely, you will learn about their presence after successful permission. If you saw a lot of kittens running and playing in your dream, take a closer look at the people around you. There is a big risk that one of them is plotting big intrigues against you.

Did a little ginger kitten scratch you in your sleep? Get ready for your partner to cheat. Also, your lover or lover may report a breakup. If it was a small black kitten who caused the pain in the dream, then, according to the dream book, very soon you will have to take part in a trial. You will be the defendant in it.

Were the little kittens playing or just sitting and you managed to drive them away? This is very good sign! In reality, you will be able to defeat your enemies and easily cope with all difficulties. You will be a winner in any situation, and also for a long time no sorrows will touch you.

One of the dream books explains why a small white kitten dreams. If in a dream you saw a cute fluffy baby, do not flatter yourself. You definitely have enemies, but so far they have not revealed themselves. Take a closer look at those around you. If you do this carefully, you can identify in advance a person who poses a certain danger.

According to almost any dream book, aggressive representatives of the cat family mean attacks from enemies. Enemies are actively trying to harm in every possible way. Try to drive away the evil little lumps in your sleep. If you succeed, then you can rest assured that your enemies will not cause you much harm.

Kittens are cute, innocent creatures. They can't seem to do any harm. However, little kitty appearing in a dream is not always a good sign. Having seen such a dream, you should figure out why the little kitten is dreaming in a particular case.

Kittens seen in a dream predict minor troubles and adversity. Admiring kittens, caressing and stroking them means that either there are two-faced people nearby who are hiding behind a mask, or the person who has such a dream is very naive.

The more kittens, the more troubles await in the near future. It can also mean one big misfortune.

Most often, a person who sees kittens in a dream does not realize and does not expect adversity to come. He himself, without realizing it, attracts unreliable people to himself and becomes a victim of deception and betrayal.

Small kittens symbolize insincere and hypocritical people. Their main weapon is flattery. They are ready to flatter and please in everything just to get what they want. And when they get it, no mercy should be expected. They skillfully set their traps, trying to harm those people to whom they sang their praises just recently.

If a person is the owner of kittens in a dream, then you should be wary of betrayal by someone close to you. Dirty kittens mean that one of your friends is plotting something against the person who saw this dream. Perhaps a major conspiracy is being prepared.

At the same time, a not very pleasant dream in which kittens die actually has positive value. Such a dream predicts the exposure of insincere people until they cause trouble. The traps they set will not work and the tide will turn against them.

Killing a little kitten in a dream, oddly enough, is also a positive dream. This means that a person realizes in time what is going wrong and which people in his life only interfere. Now the main thing in life, when meeting the enemy face to face, is not to give up, but to show determination and persistence in the decision made.

If a man dreams of a small kitten, this indicates the insincerity of his other half. Scratching kitten means bad character beloved. At the same time, playing with a kitten in a dream means not noticing it. In such a situation, it is best to look at your beloved with new eyes and reevaluate her words and actions.

The meaning of the dream may also depend on the color of the kittens. So a black kitten promises minor troubles, to overcome which you need to use your intuition. Kitty gray signifies difficulties in the financial sector. Having seen such a dream, it is worth considering whether the expenses exceed the funds received.

Red kittens symbolize problems on the love front. At the same time, for a long time strong marriage such a dream can mean minor troubles, but a new relationship can go downhill. A small kitten with stripes promises both troubles and positive moments.

Minor adversities will give way to success, but the black and white streak will not last long. The only kitten that brings good luck in a dream is a small snow-white kitten. Such a dream promises an unexpected pleasant surprise, joyful events soon.

To dream that a small kitten is in some kind of danger and to be able to save it means that there will be financial income in life. At the same time, leaving a kitten in trouble will mean unexpected financial losses. In the near future, you should be wary of pickpockets.

Although little kittens in a dream promise trouble, you should not be too afraid of them. Such a dream does not foretell major troubles; adversity will be minor and temporary. However, you should still be vigilant in order to endure this period with minimal losses.

Why do you dream about a little kitten?

Cats evoke only warm feelings in many people, especially kittens. Four-legged friends They give a charge of positivity and tenderness. On the other hand, many superstitions are associated with these animals, especially the black cat. I wonder what information is foreshadowed by a kitten seen in a dream.

Why do you dream about a little kitten?

The interpretation of dreams depends on the color of the animal, for example, a red kitten promises profit, a smoky one is a symbol of domestic happiness, and a white one portends a sudden acquaintance. A striped animal is a sign that severe disappointment awaits you in the near future. Most likely, one of your friends will compromise you. A multi-colored kitten symbolizes that in real life you behave carelessly, constantly fussing, which leads to serious problems. Also, such a dream warns that there is deception in life, and not only from others, but you yourself are entertaining yourself with illusions.

Why do you dream about many kittens?

Such a dream foreshadows spending, much of which will be unreasonable. Therefore, at this time it is recommended to think about every purchase. For representatives of the fairer sex, such a dream can promise pregnancy.

Why do you dream of newborn kittens?

Helpless animals that have just been born will tell you that in real life your close relatives and friends need help and advice. Also, a dream can symbolize a difficult situation from which you can only get out with someone’s help.

Why do you dream about fluffy kittens?

Such a dream may portend good luck or an unexpected gift. It can also be a symbol of an unfulfilled dream.

Why do you dream about a sick kitten?

A dream in which an animal is mortally ill symbolizes getting rid of something, for example, you will cope with an illness or break up with a partner who has been a burden for a long time, etc.

Why do you dream of feeding a kitten?

If in a dream you feed your pet, this may be a warning that in reality you share feelings, time, etc. with others, but, unfortunately, do not receive anything in return.

Why do you dream about black kittens?

Black kittens seen in a dream are ambiguous symbols, since one image combines the color black, as well as the innocence and sweetness of the animal. Therefore, to obtain accurate information, it is important to take into account other details of the plot.

Why do you dream about black kittens?

If you see animals from afar, it means that soon minor troubles and disagreements with close relatives will arise in life. Night vision, where a black kitten runs across the road, warns that in close surroundings there is a two-faced person who can cause numerous problems. The dream book recommends taking a closer look at the people around you. Seeing a black kitten in a dream and feeding it from your hands means that in reality some person is very offended and wants to take revenge. If the kittens were thin and dirty, this is a harbinger of bad news.

For a girl, a dream in which black kittens rub against her legs and purr is a warning about the emergence of a mercantile suitor. If you succumb to his charms, it will cause numerous losses. A dream where you chased away an animal promises success and good luck. Perhaps you will soon be able to move up the career ladder. In a dream, seeing a black kitten scratched means that you may soon get sick. This may also be a warning that material problems may arise due to the active actions of enemies. A night vision in which you stroked an animal indicates that you will receive ingratitude for the help provided. Seeing black kittens fighting in a dream means that in the near future you may become a victim of a robbery. If surrounded a large number of animals are an indication of the existence of insincere people. A dream where a kitten and a dog fought predicts receiving unexpected help in difficult times.

Why do you dream of a black kitten?


Oleg Shishkin

Usually a cat seen in a dream is considered a symbol of some troubles, especially if it meows loudly. Dreams in which kittens appear are interpreted in a similar way, but in this case one can expect minor troubles that are not capable of radically changing the work that has been started, but at the same time can significantly spoil the mood.

A particularly alarming signal are dreams about black kittens, which symbolize not just failures and problems, but the machinations of enemies, gossip, deceit and betrayal. At the same time, you do not know who your main enemy is, and it is possible that you consider him a friend.

If you dreamed that the kitten was not only black, but also very thin, then in the near future you will receive bad news regarding one of your friends.

Dreams in which you manage to defeat a black kitten - drive it away, throw it out of the room, or even kill it - are considered a good sign. Such a plot means that you can cope with all troubles.

Zvetik Semizvetik

you're in trouble

Ushakova Tatyana

Prison is a disease and an experience. The black kitten is the cunning of the girl and she is planning something, she is the enemy, and the red one is the cunning of the other girl and she is being cunning.

Little black kitten

Dream Interpretation Little black kitten dreamed of why a Little black kitten is seen in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to receive online interpretation dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a little black kitten in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream is an omen that, through clever deception, she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will keep troubles away from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitten - they will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble.

Dirty, skinny kitten - your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If in a dream you play with a kitten and it scratches and bites you, this indicates that your beloved will have a petty soul, an evil, unkind character. If you marry her, you will be unhappy and will regret your single life more than once.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitty - unknown girl or a girl who will somehow influence your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Seeing a kitten in your arms is a good dream. It brings new joys and hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A cute and fluffy kitten - to an affectionate friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If a woman dreams of a small fluffy snow-white kitten, this means that she will become a victim of a clever deception that will lead her into a trap. Prudence and common sense will help her get out of trouble. In general, kittens dream of trouble, and for lovers such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

In general, kittens in a dream symbolize minor troubles and irritation. This streak of bad luck will last until you kill a kitten in your sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream is incongruous small nose, mouth, ear, in general any organ of the body is a warning against indiscriminate choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause serious harm to you if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. A pillow or blanket that is too small foretells that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

Find yourself in a dream small house or a small room - in reality you will feel short on funds.

Receiving a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large one due means unforeseen circumstances that will dramatically change the measured course of your life.

Why do you dream of a black kitten? Dream books interpret such a vision as a negative sign. It portends pure negativity in the future: the machinations of ill-wishers, the betrayal of loved ones and the treachery of lovers.

Interpretation from dream books

Psychologist Miller interprets such dreams as follows:

  • A black kitten in a dream foreshadows minor annoying incidents.
  • The thin and dirty one tells the sleeper that he will have the misfortune of being caught in the network of other people's intrigues.
  • Killing an animal in a dream means the end of troubles.
  • If you saw that a viper killed a cat, then in reality the machinations of the enemies will fall on them.
  • An animal that has pounced indicates the appearance of ill-wishers who are trying to damage their reputation and bring financial losses. If you managed to fight back, then get ready to receive a gift from fate - all adversities will be safely resolved.

Hasse's dream book says the following:

  • a black kitten dreams of deception;
  • pet or feed - your help will not be appreciated;
  • a lot of these kittens warn of the false essence of friends.

David Loff believes that such a dream indicates the need to trust your own intuition more. Also, according to the interpreter, the kitten symbolizes the dreamer’s hidden interest in the occult sciences and witchcraft.

Miller interprets dreams about a kitten as follows:

  • a thin, dirty animal - to troubles, intrigues, intrigues;
  • killing a kitten means the end of a bad streak in life.

Freud, as always, believes that a kitten in a dream represents passions and secret desires:

  • Did you dream about a young girl? This means that she is hiding her interest in another young man. But he's not ready for serious relationship, he is only interested in passion.
  • Had to play with a small pet? A similar dream is seen by those who crave sexual adventures. If in real life the dreamer does not have a partner, then a passionate admirer will soon appear, charming and capable of changing his life.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that a cat is the personification of a family hearth, a home. Therefore, the black color communicates: evil has settled in your house.

  • Fluffy and playful babies mean good luck and prosperity, sick and unkempt babies mean irritation and minor failures.
  • If in a dream you saw how many cats surrounded you, then in reality you need to beware of envious people, slander and intrigue.
  • Kittens in a dream indicate loneliness or abandonment. Perhaps these are just far-fetched sensations, but in reality things are completely different.

Kittens fighting among themselves foreshadow an attack by robbers. Try not to walk at night.

See the big ones, the little ones

In the interpretation of the dream, both the size and age of the kittens play a role. Black cat with kittens in a dream promises unpleasant troubles and changes.

A cat with newborn babies is seen as a sign of numerous obstacles created by ill-wishers. It will not be possible to overcome them all.

What does a dead animal mean?

Seeing a dead animal in a dream is a bad sign. You are about to learn about the illness of a loved one.

Killing a cat means betrayal of a loved one or victory over your opponents.

Many dead kittens in a dream mean that material problems will be successfully resolved in the near future.

Dreams of a man, woman

For men and women, dream books offer different interpretations sleeping with black kittens.

If a man had a dream:

  • Seeing a kitten means overcoming a long-standing confrontation with a lady.
  • Men who love their significant other very much in life pet a cat in a dream.
  • Those who don't notice play with the black kitten bad character wife or girlfriend.

For representatives of the stronger sex, a dream with a kitten can portend a series of problems at work, insincerity of colleagues.

For a young man, a dream in which he played with a black kitten promises betrayal of his beloved with his best friend. In the future, the sleeper will meet another girl, and everything will work out.

When a lady dreams of a small black kitten, the dream tells her that:

  • a loved one deceives her;
  • an evil enemy chooses the time to take the dreamer’s place.

The interpretation of a dream largely depends on the day of the week on which it occurred:

  • on Monday night - to big problems;
  • on Tuesday - to small failures;
  • on Wednesday - to the sustainable well-being of loved ones;
  • on Thursday - to a great feeling of love;
  • on Friday - to purchase new clothes;
  • on Saturday night - to victory over enemies;
  • on Sunday - sleep will bring joy.

The presence of kittens in a dream does not always predict trouble. For correct interpretation, it is necessary to pay attention to the smallest details. Try to be attentive to your surroundings, be aware of current events, and then you will not be taken by surprise and harmed.

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her.

If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act.

Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop.

Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Ink

If you see someone's clothes stained with ink in a dream, get ready for envious people to deceive you in some way.

A young woman who dreams of ink will be slandered by her rival.

If you saw your fingers stained with ink in a dream, you will be tormented by fits of jealousy. And if the ink is red, then you are in serious trouble.

If in a dream you diluted ink, in reality you will be drawn into some nasty business.

A bottle of ink promises the appearance of ill-wishers and a decline in business.

An empty inkwell seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to avoid public condemnation for some not very good deed.

A filled inkwell is a reminder that you should take precautions, otherwise ill-wishers may slander you.

Writing in ink in a dream means you will have fabulous luck in the coming days. Don't miss your chance, be prepared for unexpected turn events that promise you benefits.

If in a dream you wrote in ink and accidentally blotted some important paper, it means that the date you were going to go on will fall through and you will worry about it.

Spilled ink - there is a big scandal ahead that will happen because of some trifle.

Interpretation of dreams from

You need to tune in and understand that every dream can be exceptionally bad or exceptionally good; to interpret a dream clearly means not understanding somnology at all. So, why do you dream of black kittens?

As a rule, from this dream one can conclude that the dreamer is honest and virtuous. You often try to lie in some situation or deceive yourself. So be prepared for the fact that this dream is more suitable for personality analysis, and it is not possible to glean much about the future from it.

Interpretation of dreams according to individual situations and circumstances

Try to remember the main details of your dream, how it went. Remember and arrange events like a train that runs smoothly. Put together this difficult puzzle, without under any circumstances thinking out your details, this will not help, but will only complicate the interpretation of the dream, and the consequences of karma are also possible.

So, if you succeeded, and the memories formed a coherent picture, then we can move on to direct interpretation. Our site provides all the necessary information for interpretation at home, and if you manage to use this data correctly, you will build a life according to your own ambitions:

  • Pay attention to the condition of the kittens, which means if they are thin and sad. Thus, kittens personify, in fact, state of mind dreamer You often have to use lies in your life and you are already quite tired of it, you have to endure the interference of certain people from your environment in your life;
  • The kittens were plump and well-fed. Enough positive interpretation falls on this dream, you can safely rejoice - you will be faced with a unique opportunity to confirm your qualifications, you will succeed and your reputation will rise to the skies. There is also a mirror interpretation, according to which everything will be the other way around;
  • They were very small, maybe the size of a palm or a finger. You need to prepare for radical changes in your life. Most likely, you will realize that you have been cruelly deceived or betrayed best friends or ordinary acquaintances. But do not despair, since the scale of the tragedy comes down to just a small emotional explosion, which, in fact, will not even affect your person;
  • You saw half the kittens were black and half were red. A dream cannot be called a good one, but certainly unexpected events will begin to occur in your life. You can get into the right frame of mind if you prepare yourself psychologically. It is possible that an offer to participate in an adventure may appear, participation in which cannot be called fair;
  • Cruel dreams about the death of these very black kittens. Don't be upset, this plot is one of the best. Your financial problems will be resolved, but not only that, you will be able to make profitable money in this field;
  • A black kitten was rubbing against your leg. Someone you know is trying to get closer to you, but getting closer to such a person will not lead to good things. You will not be able to control your feelings and he will take advantage of your weakness to satisfy his own needs and achieve some goal;
  • You fed cute little coal-colored kittens. Such dreams are not interpreted very positively and even quite badly, since in the near future you will face trouble;
  • Kittens crossed your path. But this dream can safely be considered one of the good dreams, you have to prove yourself, find your soulmate, or even find your own meaning in life. This opportunity should not be neglected; it is comparable to solar eclipse, during which you should make a wish;
  • Kittens and with them big cat- mother. You should beware of dangerous rivals in reality who risk taking away all your acquired property through cunning machinations or simply making your life much more difficult. You will be able to resist them only after certain actions, becoming an independent person;
  • Seeing black kittens in the arms of a person of the opposite sex. Yes, it is worth projecting this meeting into real life; it is quite possible that you are simply destined to start a relationship with a person who is not alien to knowledge of the animal world. Such a meeting can actually happen, do not neglect it, it is better to go outside;
  • We saw black kittens in the arms of a person of the same sex. You should not pay much attention to a dream with a similar plot, since it does not foreshadow anything special, but allows the dreamer to conclude that the subconscious is carrying out very extensive activities in a dream to drown out some kind of guilt, think about it.

How famous personalities, psychologists, somnologists interpret a dream and interpretation from various dream books

  1. According to Miller's dream book. Henry Miller urges the dreamer to be careful after such a dream, as it only foretells disappointment and failure in the workplace. You should beware of dangerous adventures or unprofitable projects, you risk being undermined at work and you may be replaced, there may be betrayal from an unreliable environment;
  2. Dream Interpretation of Hasse. The medium also continues the series of terrible interpretations of dreams and claims that black cats in a dream symbolize deception in real life, you should be on guard, since your closest friends and acquaintances are only a screen with which you deceive yourself and abstract from real problems, referring to your relationships ;
  3. Modern dream book. According to this dream book, nothing good awaits you in real life, only illness, deception and various ailments. While other dream books hint at a problem in the social sphere, here the emphasis is on physical ailments that can happen to the dreamer after such an interesting dream;
  4. How Nostradamus interprets the dream. According to the dream book of this great sorcerer, you may experience serious problems with the law, illness or gossip from close friends and ordinary circles cannot be ruled out; it is worth learning to fight back and say “no” to all requests that tend to hang around the neck of a busy dreamer;
  5. Loff's Dream Book. The interpreter claims that you need to think about your idea again, since any idea created after this dream is a simple craving for something new, but certainly needs to be revised, otherwise it can bring trouble;
  6. By French dream book. A woman friend can betray you, and you can also suffer failure on the personal front because of her.

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